Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 13, 1907, Image 10

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I have received a nice
assortment of Watches and
Clocks, any one of which
would make a very ac
ceptable Xnias gift.
A larg. assortment
of children's sets
in Silver
Reliable watch repairing
gold and silver manufac
turing Robert
At Model Drug Store
J. S. Brown, an organizer for the
"Modern Pyramid Buildera," will
oon vlait Granti Paw, in lo-
tereett of that new and growing aecret
Eteotlon of offloeri Oen. LtfRan No.
a. W. B. O. will be beld Saturday
afternoon. December 14. The part
year bai been one of progreia and ad
vancement aiong all lines, nnaer me
Kuldanoe of President Josephine
In a recent writo-np of the auniver
ary celebration of General Logan W.
B. O., an error wai inadvertently
made in giving the name of the presi
dent of that organization, and Mn.
JoHtihine Mowtrs holdi that im
portant position, ioitead of the person
ttios named.
While people are somewhat inter
ested in the benevolent and Protect
ive Order of Elks, the Fraternal Or
der of Owls and similar orders of
birds and beasts, the Corpulent and
Tender Order of Turkey Gobblers
will hold first place in the minds of
most of the people this month, says
the Walla Walla Bulletin.
Baoked by the Merchants and Man
nfaotorers' Associatiou and the local
Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles
Lodge of Elks, No. 99,' is already in
the field for the 1909 Or and Lodge and
will go to DalLts, Tex., next year
with a pledge to expend $400,000 in
entertainment to the delegates and
visitors. Delegations from other cities
of California .and adjoining states
bava promised their support in the
effort to bring to the Pacific Coast the
first convention held west of Salt
Lake City.
Courtly Official Taylor Find He
Can Divide Cash With Hold
ra of Warrants.
There are funds in the Treasury to
pay all warrants registered prior to
July 15th, 1904. Interest will oeaae
from this date. Nov. 20, 1907.
County Treasornr.
Bridge Proposal.
The County Coort of Josephine,
County, Oregon, will consider; sealed
bids for oontraol to ooustruot a steel
bridge across Rogue River al QranU
Pass, Oregon, January a, 1908, at 8
O'clock P. M. Each parly will be en
titled to two bids : One on plan and
specification now on file with the
County Clurk, and one on plan and
specifications te be furnished by bid
der to be filed with County Clerk on
or before December 10, 1907. Bridge
to be 400 feet long and 30 feet wide.
11-2J 4t
Jnst about this time or year a little
extra spnuding money for the holi
days oomes in bandy. What easier,
nicer way to get it than hy taking
subscriptions for the l'aolflo Monthly.
It should be on the reading table iu
every house in the Went, for isn't it
the home magazine of your own
oountyf You can convince an roue of
that, and cattily, and so divert some
loose change to your own use.
Write ds about the commissions
you can earn, giving names of two or
three btisinntw men as references.
11-8 Bty Portland, Ore.
"The Holy City," which will tie at
the New Opera House next Monday
evening, is by far one of the bent at
tractions of the theatrical seaiou.
The play, which deals with life, dur
ing the biblical times, is most in
teresting aad the subject is handled
meet reverenlty. Complete scenery is
carried. The troupe has been playing
to crowded houses wherever it has
rne. 13.18 u
flourishing all over the ooontry and
the local camp gained 47 dnriog the ,
year just ending.
Takilma Tribe. No. 29, Improved
Order of Redmen has jnst elected
ot fleers as follows; D. E. Dotsoo, sa
chem ;W. JL Kenney. 8en. Sags more;
Frank A. Ellis, ' Jr. Sagamore ; Geo.
Finch, Prophet: M. tW. Bobbins,
Chief of Records; W. G. Thrasher,
Keeper of Wampum and G. D. Will
iams, Irustee.
Bogus River Camp, No. 65, W. O.
W., has selected the following officers
for the coming year : Geo. Slover,
C. C; Ed Allen, A; M. W. Robbin",
C; Henry Hiller, B; Bert Fahs, E ;
John Larson, S: aud D. S. Cook, W.
Brass Canlde Sticks at Clemens.
Yoo'll have to hurry, if yon want to
set some of those nice pieces of furni
ture that O'Neill has. suitable for pres
Sugar Pino Store Voting Contest.
December 12, 1907.
City Teachers.
Mrs. MollieHelding 7184
Mrs. J. W. DeniBon.. 8H75
Miss Nona Bridge 879
Miss O. Olson 694
M iss Lucy George 5582
Miss Hartman 7
Miss Horten 845
Miss Violet McGrath 156
Si if g Blaoohe Crane 120
Min M. Tuffs I0
Mist J. Paramore 189
Miss M. Dement 416
Miss Kobley 147
Miss R. Lowry 878
County Teachers.
Miss Augusta Parker 4677
Miss Bessie McColm 4820
Miss Myr'ln Moore 1294
Miss Alice Smith 991
Miss A. O. Molkey..... 80
Mits Addie Robinson 889
Miss Wilna Gilkev 445
Miss O. Steihenson 66
Mis Edna Disbrow 2006
Miss Daisy Cole 388
Mils Florence Barrett 45
Miss M Sooville 200
tVtVVTT v v vwt-v-wt- -
The sick are improving at present.
Eugene Sams is home again alter ao
.absence, of aboot two months.
W. S. Robinson is on the sick list
this week. '
My, how it is raining! I gness we
are going to have a flood yet before it
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lindsay were
in town Thursday of last week to at
tend his father's funeral.
Miss Orpha Stevenson was at homj
Sunday, December 8, to visit home
If anyone baa any bog killing they
want done just call on Henry Hocking
and Elba Woodard.
Rev. Pepper has been on the sick
list the past few days, and so could
not fill his appointment at AHhouse.
The presiding elder, Rev. R. A.
DunlaD is holding quarterly meetings
at the Wilderville church. He is
doing some splendid preaching.
Miss Emma Hocking missed several
days of school last week on account of
sickness bat isable to take np the
work again this week.
Bell Hocking,. Nellie Holland and
Leota Edwards had quite an accident
Friday morning while coming home
from Mr. Armstrong's where they had
been to set Emma Hocking. As the
driver went to guide the horse around
a mad hole, the horse jumped side
ways and cangbt Ihe wheel of the
boggy on an oak tree, doing muob
damage to the buggy, but did not hnrt
Ihe girls at all. Mrs. Close was so yery
kind as to help the girls witb their
broken buggy to the Wilderville black
smith shop where it was soon mended
by J. C. K. McCann and Mr. Russsll.
Schad'a Big National
This popular oomnan i.
ing forth at the Grt. ; Ml
Hoose, and will show innui..' V
nrday night, witb mtIf.
afternoon.. It has a fin.
present, a good attractioTV
For Friday an R"k;
insa anil Ratnn4. UMe
T " 77.. . "-"nestht.
Holiday ft&tea.
Reduced Roond-Trip Rates Account
Christmas and New Years, 1907-1908.
Rates One first class fare and one-
third for tne round trip between all
points on the Oregon lines including
Children Tickets for children five
(5) years and over but nnder 12 years
of age will be sold at half the ex
cursion ratescharged adults.
Exceptions Minimum rate for
whole fare tickets, 36 cents for half
fare tickets, 22 cent.
Sale Dates Christmas Tickets
December 31, 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1907.
New Years Tickets December 30,
31, 1907 and January 1, 1908. Re
turn Limit: January 2, 1908.
W. J. MA HONEY, Agent. J.
' 12-13 8t
If you want to see a fine display of
Holiday Silverware look at Cramer
Bros, corner window.
WheD you take a trip to roarket,stop
at O'Neil's. and see the nice things on
display in furnitore and China.
ion will be from the followin,
nlays: Tenncssaa'a P..JlpoIlo'
Lvnn. The Tex ... '' V
Planter's Wife. True IriH
The Lighthouse Robbers.
Miss Audrey Harkness, a Gnat, J
young lady, is with this
Miss Harkness made her first,
snce on the stage at Rosebni'il
September, with the NationJ"
Company.aod is making a big
O'Neill's for Xmas presents.
Toys Express Wagons at Crania Bm.
High grade Japanese brass andrv
of Hall'. A Oi...
mi. . XT T" 1 . ...
one door west of Palace Hotel,
kauium coal oil, the
grade Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co. T
mere 'i nothing nicer form
present than a comfortable vAi
uuaji. y xviia una tile ill.
If undecided, what to retfc.
Xmas present, drop in and see 0'Seffl,
ice iurununj wan. ne a tell joj.
Kiser photos and calendars from ft
to 10 at Hall's Art Store.
Josephine Chapter, No. 27, Order of
Eastern Star has jnst elected its
officers for tlie eosuiog year, as fol
lows: Addie Tuffs, Worthy Matron ;
L. B. Hall Worthy Patron; Margue.
rite Riddle, Associate Matron; Lain
Demaray, Conductress ; Adah Smith,
Associate Condaotress; Catharine
Gray, Secretary and Ann M. Holman,
Treasurer. The installation will oo
our at the first meeting in the new
year, when the appointive officers will
be announced.
Saturday evening the members of
Grants Pass Lodge, No. 84, A. F. &
A. M., bad one of fhe finest of meet
ings to be imagined. There was a
goodly attendance aud several visiting
brethren were there to enjoy the social
session. When it came to the ''For
the Good of the Order," several
interesting and appropriate talks were
delivered and substantial refresh
ments were forthcoming.
Monday evening the members of
Reames Chapter, No. 28, Royal Arch
Mxsnns had a big time, the occasion
being the "raising" ot three promi
nent residents of Gleudale to the
Royal Arch degree. The gaotUmieu
who thus rode Sir William Goat into
the mysteries of the order were
Meanrs. W. H. Redfield, J. Osteeu and
J cio. Hardiug. Postmaster L. L.
Hurd, Oliver Lne and Wm. D. Smith
came np from Glendale to see bow
their fellow townsman would; pass
through the trying ordeal. After the
very impressive ceremonies the mem
bers and thuir guests, to tiis number
of 35, repaired to the spacious Rich
ardson Ioe Cremu parlors, where they
enjoyed a delightful repast.
Grants Pans Camp No. 8007. M. W.
A , haa chosen the follow lug new of
fleers for the next year's service: W.
K. Hodkinson. C; Fred" Dingier. A;
C. E. Hildreth, O; J. M. Rader. B;
and these will be installed at a joint
InstalUtfon to be held with the R.
N. A. people, January 6. The order
reoeutly gave a very successful and
enjoyable social, at which fully 300
people were present. It was flae aud
inoludsd a literary aud musical pro
gram of much merit. The order la
. . . ' 195
Don' fail to set votes with every
purchase and then oast them for the
one yon favor.
MissOro Wilson
Miss Iva MoArthur..
Miss Stella Paddock..
Mils Deardoff
Miss Josie Hathway.
Abbie Stltes
Miss Hocking.
Hand Bags at Clemens.
Pictures framed at O'Neill's.
Post Card Albums at Clemens.
Safety Razors at Cramer Bros.
Dolls and Teddy Bears at Clemens.
Sterling Silver Goods at Cramer Bros.
See display of Riser's photos at
Halls Art store.
A large assorment of Bamboo Goods
are to be found at O'Neill's.
Nice assortment of Hennecke
stationery at Hall's Art Store.
Saturday, December 14th, will be
Caleudar Day at Cramer Bros.
Watch for ths opening of the New
Racket store on front St., near Palace
Hotel. 12 6 2t
Its not too late to have O'Neill
order that something special you've
been thinking about he'll get for you.
Cramer Bros, want to aonoance to
their friends and patrons ttia they
have secured the services of Mr. Jod
Taylor. He will take charge of the
Bicycle Repairing department and
will also do Geueral Repairing of all
kinds. So if yoo have Koive or Scis
sors that need grinding, Saws that
! need fixing, Umbrellas that need new
! ribs. Looks that are out ot order, in
fact anything that needs filing, take
it to Cramer Bros Repair shop, where
it will receive prompt and careful attention.
We're anxious to get you started buying here, and
if IVpendaMo (loods at Uoek-Uottom Trices count
for anything, success is assured. Why not try us
for your next order for the table ? i : : : : :
J. Pardee, 5g Grocer
Front Street
Grant Pmm
KINNEY At Central Point, Monday,
December 9, 1907, to Mr. aud Mrs.
W. C. Kinney, a sun.
MANSFIELD In Grants Pass. Mon
day, December 9, 190". to Mr. and
Mrs. U. M. Manrfleld.a sou.
ALBRO Iu Grants Pasa, Saturday.
December 7, 1901, to Mr .and Mrs.
Arthur Albro, a daugter. ;
BARTLETT In Grants Pass, Thurs
day, December 13, 1907. to Mr. aud
Mrs. K. L. Bartlett, a nine-pound
The proud father was kept busy
passing around the cigars, yesterday,
owing to the happy event. It goes
without saying that he steps pretty
high these days.
' ELKINS At Prioeville, Ore., Satur
day, December 7, 1907, to Mr. and
J Mrs. C, W. Elkius, a son.
Mrs. Elkius will be remembered as
Miss Estella Goodin, formerly precep
tress at the the Grants Pass High
INGRAM At Wilderville, Saturday,
November 30. 1907. -Joepehine In
gram, the infant daughter of Mr.
aud Mrs. Lee Iagraui. i
HODKIXSON-In GrantTpa-s. Thurs"
day. December 5, 1907, Opal Hodkiu
son. aged 10 years aud 5 liuonths of
diphtheria. I
uiirviii yerv laiiniui meui-
lrof3the "Newman M.' "Ks'un.iav
honool. where liel..will ly greatly
miiMHxl by her mayoviug aeholuTaW
Memorial service will heM; pome
Siiuday afcrirooii.ili.late to'ean
Sensible Presents
ViTH Your ClfTy and
4' !
ARE good tilings for sensible people to give sensible people. Men love to get
good things to wear and can you not get the best presents for aien at a
Men's Store? We especially invite the ladies of this city to come and see
what Beautiful Present Neckties, Present Suspenders, Present Hosiery, Present
Smoking Jackets, and present everything tliey can buy for their men friend!
at our Store. And then in what way you can make your Little Buster
Brown happier than by giving him a Nice New Suit of Clothes, Good Overcoat,
Sweater, Hat or Cap? You wish to see these things before you buy them, so come
and look at them and get our prices. Come to the "Quality Store."
is our Birthday. We will bo three years old iu the Clothing Business in Grants
Pass. This is the way we are going to celebrate:
on this date only, we will sell for cash, Clearing House Certificates, or your Check,
any 2 oc. article in our store. This means your choice from an immense line of
Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders., Hosiery, Caps, Gloves Garters, Silk Arm
Bands, Tie Pins, Shirt Sets, Underwear, etc. Remember the day, Tuesday,
cember 17th, and the Price 17c. Retail stores will not be allowed to make pur
chases at this figure.
Our Before Christmas Specials
On our Complete Line of Hoy's and Men's Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters,
Jerseys Underwear, Umbrellas. House Coats. Fancy Vests, Suspenders, DresJ
Shirts, Dress Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Silk Mufflers, and many other articles, will
surely l interesting to you. J
Commencing Monday. Dec. 16th,our store willfbe open evenings until after Xmas