Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 22, 1907, Image 7

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----- .
We can make the
exchange at
Sells Drugs and
a g
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
Art noli Wawnar taa But u ansa
That is the secret of their exquisite Flavor. Preferred Stock Pineapple,
for instance, i grown, ripened and canned all under the sunny skies
of Hawaii. Pineapples brought to this country and then canned must be
picked before fully ripe or they won't keep and the flavor is
flat. Hawaiian Pineapple is the best grown. Every morning, the
ones ripened to their spicy best" are gathered, taken into the can
nery, close at hand, peeled and cored by special cutters operated by
bright, tidy Hawaiian girls. All the tough, fibrous center if re
moved, and the sun-gold slices from the best part of the pineapple
are then packed into Preferred Stock cans.
Try PREFERRED STOCK PintaffltM nyal JmtrlriaJy f irrvt
ALLS It A LEWIS, WaoUtals Grocers, PORTLAHS, OklGOB. V. i. A.
Hormi ! sal4cr It aiea m cut c lilting I retemS stock Plactttlc
Are You Interested In Fencing?
If so let us figure with you. We sell
age Woven Wire Fence
Cattle. Sheep,
Goat, Poultry, or
Hog Fence,
Lawn, Garden,
Cemetery, or Wrou
ght Irou Fence or
Buy the PAGE and Start in Right
te buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles
rage Fence sold in Jackson County since January ivu.
VAt Ptvge Fence Men
Of Jaclcson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4.
lain Office - Medford, Ore.
oodburn Trees
Are money makers every time, absolut
ely true to mame, unirrigated, they al
ways grow, not the cheapest b-t the
best Fully guaranteed.
Woodburn Nurseries
School Books
GILMOEE & BOREN, Proprietors.
ftreet'between Fifth and Sixth - Promi S81 Grants Put, Oregon
The Thanksgiving Dane which the
memberi of Takllmn Tribe, No. 29,
Improved Order of Bedmeo propose
giving next week promises to be a big
and snooestfol affair. The proceed
will go toward liquidating the in
debtedness which was incurred by this
order, when it provided that great
Fourth of Joly celebration last sum
mer, when their finances did not pan
out as they had hoped.
The members of the various Masonic
orders in Grants Pass enjoyed a visit
rroni Grand Lecturer, 8. M. Yomo,
Saturday. At 2 o'clock in the after
uwu scnooi or instruction waa
held, which was attended by the of
ficers and members, and then at night
brants Pass Lodge, No. 81, A. F. &
A. M., had an important meeting, at
which one candidate was raised to the
third degree and daring the evening,
Grand Lecturer Yoran delivered an
interesting address. Other talks were
made by visiting brothers and at a
late hour the members and gaests re
paired to the banqaet hall, where an
other good time was had.
At the various colleges and nniver
sines, throughout ins oonntrv are to
be found secret orders, sometimes
called "Greek Letter Societies." and
Grants Pass has as its guest this win
ter tbs president of one of the lead
ing ladies' societies, Mrs. W. W.
Oanby, of the well known, "KaDpa
Kappa Gamma Fraternity." She
held the important position of Grand
Secretary of the order for a period of
fonr years, prior to the last national
contention, when she was chosen
president This is the oldest and
largest of the ladies fraternities,
having no less than 83 chapters lo
cated at the leading educational in
stitutions of the country. The
nearest one is at the University of
Washington. Stanford and the Uni
versity of California eaoh have one.
Mrs. Caoby has jost returned from
meeting of.the Grand Council, whieh
was held in Chicago apd now she is
busily engaged in getting oot the
niinoles and having the constitution
teprinted at the Courier job rooms.
The uext general convention will be
held at Mead vi lie, Pa., where Alleghany
College is located. "The Key" is
the official publication of the frater
nity, whioh is published at Oakland,
Cal., Mrs. Canby is spending the wiu
ter here aud would be pleased to meet
any ladies interested in such matters,
whether they happen to belong to
that particular order, or not.
Id Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of gettid just what you
order. We grow our trees for quality not
cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
m prepared to lurnmh anything; in the line of Cemetery work in any klur
I'ble or liranite. ,
earlv thirty veara of experience in the Marble business warrants my savin,
Pan fill - in s.taa-u rwul iiibinntT.
n Mirnmh work in Scotch. Sed- " ..mertcan Granite or anv kind o
font street, next to liwn'i (jnnehou.
;ourier and (tapian $2
Monday was the 17th auniversary of
the organization of the General Logan
Woman's Relief Corps of Grauls Pass,
and the event was duly o beer red by
the members and their invited guests,
several coming from nearby places to
participate in the enjoyable fes
tivities of the occasion. Tlie interest
ing exercises took place in the (. A.
R. Hail, Monday evening aud were
presided over by Mn. Alice Mailory,
president of the Corps. An excelleut,
informal program of much merit was
provided and was as follows: piano
solo was well rendered by Miss Lela
Caldwell; recitations of au iutere-tiug
natnre were reudxred by Mrs.
Christiana Goodnow, Mrs. Hose
Weidfau, and Mrs. Sadie Anderson,
while Mrs. Alice Mailory gave a
choice reading. Mrs. Mary Hildreth
presented an interesting historical
sketch of the order, and among
other matters of ituportanco, she raid
that 11 would be hard to tell just when
the order was first started, but tint it
evideutly bad Its beginuiug with the
commencement of the Civil wr,
when the call for help came aud the
loyal woman of the land quickly re
sponded. Nor did the necessity for
women's help end with the war, lor
fiere was great need of sseiataiire In
caring for the inwn whose uvea
beeu shattered in the hardship aid
privations of the battle. Societies
of dieffreof names were formed in
mny stairs by women, until in ISK),
delegates from 16 ststes sent delegates
and the W. R. C. wai formally r
gaoiezd and has been doing a grand
work eer sluce. In the course of her
vry excellent paper, the speaker re
marked, among other things: "We
rraiize and maintain that what we do
is not charity, but the partial pay
n.eDt of an unpayable debt of justice
and lore." She told how on Novem
ber IS, 1890, General Logan Woman's
Relief Corps was organized by Mary
H Ellis, tbs department of Oregon.
The charter members were Mrs. Alice
Kremer, Miss Alice Carson, M'si
Louisa Crockett, Mrs. Phoebe Axteil,
Mrs. Harriet Patrick, Mrs. Amelia
Pool, Mrs. Anna Colby. Mr Nellie
Mott, Mrs. Elizabeth OrifMb, Mix
Tilla Powell, Mrs. Mary Chautm.
Miss Alice Smith, Miss Carrie FarrT
Mrs. Roxanna G'een, Mrs
McLean 15 in all. Since that time,
corps. At the present it baa a mem
bership of 60, only two of the charter
member being still with the Corps,
vii: Harriet Patrick and Roxanna
Greea. The first president waa Mrs.
Alice Kremer, with Miss Tilla Powell
as secretary. Ihs address was lis
tened to with great interest by one and
all. CoL H. V. AWergop, Commander
of the Southern-Or7gon Veterans' As
sooiation and also Commmander of the
John A. Logan G. A. R. Post was
called upon and spoke feelingly of
the grand work that bas been ac
complished by ths W R. C, through
out the nation, as well as locally.
He gave a humorous recitation which
was grealy enjoyed and which created
much merrinieut. Gen. B. F Pike.
beiug present, was also called no
on and he too, made an eloquent talk
recitiug ths splendid record which
the W. R. C. has made in its labors
of love. He gave them great credit
for having accomplished mucn and
told how their uotiting efforts re
Baited in the establishment of the
Oregon Soldiers' Home, at Roseborg.
After the fine program bad been ren
dered the members and guests retired
to the banquet hall, where a feast of
good things had been prepared, to
which all did ample justice.
A Significant Prayer
'May the Lord help you make
Buckleu's Arnica Salve kuown to
all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chspel
Hill, N. C. It quickly took the rain
out of a felon for me and oared it in a
a wonderfully short time." Beaton
earth for sores, burns and wounds.
25c at all drag stores.
The Mystery Solved.
Like the flowers that bloom in ths
spring the young girl just budding into
womanhood is an inspiring sight and
she is usually beautiful if she is per
fectly healthy. She stays beautiful
just so long as her health and constitu
tion remain good. Let her be nervous,
have backache, sleepless nights, and
how soon does it take for wrinkles,
crow's feet and dark circles to appear
in the face? Her cheeks were rosy
nntil she began to suffer from woman's
weaknesses and the constantly recur
ring pains and drains brought her
quickly from the beautiful age to the
premature middle age. It waa not
meant for women to suffer so it is
due to our unnatural, but civilized
methods of living, and to the fact that
so many neglect those small ills which
soon lead up to larger ones. Nothing
so drags a woman down as those con
stantly recurring periods when she
suffers more and more from a chronic
condition that can be easily cured. No
woman should take an alcoholic com
pound for that will disturb digestion,
and the food is quickly compacted and
becomes hard and tough in contact
with alcohol, rendering the food in
digestible. She tnuet go to Nature for
a cure. The native Indians of early
times were far from wrong when they
called a marvelously effective medi
cinal plant "Squaw root" what the
physicians of our day called Caulophyl
In tn or Blue Cohosh. This and Black
Cohosh, Golden Seal, Lady's Slipper,
and L nicorn root, are important
ingredients of a wonderfully success
ful remedy in modern times, namely,
Dr. fierce s ravonte frescription.
Having made a specialty of the diseases
of women in the earlv sixties Dr. Pierce
soon found that a glyceric extract oi
these roots with Hydrastis or Golden
Seal anil Lady's Slipper root, combined
in jiittl the right proportions, made the
very best tunic anil cure lor the rlistres-
i ri if coinliluiiits of women. Where
women suffered from backache, weak
ness, nervousness ana inric ol sleep, it
was usually due to functional trouble.
therefore this prescription directed at
the cause cured 98 per cent, of sue!,
cases. That is why Ir. Pierce soor.
put it up in a form easily to be pro
cured all over the United States.
Aching from head to foot that it
the condition that afllicts some women
at stated periods backache, dizziness,
and pains almost unbearable. An hon
est and a safe remedy which no woman
can afford to lose the opportunity of
trying for the cure of these distressing
complaints which weaken a woman's
vitality is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. Dr. Pierce not only assure
you that his "Favorite Prescription" is
honestly made, but he lets you know
just what it contains.
The best of medical authorities recom
mend and eitol the virtues of the above
Ingredients In "Favorite Prescription."
Thus F. Kllingwood. M. I)., Professor of
Materia Medica, Bennett Medical Col
lege. Chicago, says of liolden Seal : "It
Is an important remedy In disorders of
the womb. In all catarrhal conditions.'
Of Lady's Slipper root he says: "Kier
ri.. i-i-inl liitliienre upon nervous con
dm. .a- deendiliir upon disorders of the
female oriratm; relieves pnln. etc." Prof.
John King In the Amkhhtam l)ispfis
tokV. says of lllack Cohosh nit: "Tnl
Is a very active powerful and useful
rcmedr." Plays a very
Important part in diseases of 'oiien: in
the painful condition Incident to woinan
h'HKl. In dysmenorrhea It Is surpassed
l.v no oilier drug, being f greatest
utility In Irritative and congestive con
ditions." "Us action l
slow, hut Its effects are permanent."
"For headache, whether congeelive or
from neuralgia or dysmenorrhea it Is
promptly curative.
1 ir. John Fyf. of Saug.Utick, Conn.,
Editor of the iH-partmenl of Therapeu
tics In Tiik Kr.iM'Tic Kkvikw saysof l.'ni
corn root ilhUniUi lnovm, one of the
chief Ingredients of Or. Pierce's Favor
lie I'rescri prion: "A remmy whh-h In
variably acts as a uterine iwomhi Invlg-
oralor and always favors a roiMiiliun
Verdict for Dr. Pierce
Ladies' Home Journal.
Saadlnc troth after a He. It Is an old
tnaxlm that "a lie will travel aevan
leagues while truth Is getting Its boots
m,' and no doubt hundreds of thousands
of good people read the unwarranted and
malicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce
on nis -1 avori te Prescription " published
In the May (1904) number of the Ladies'
Home Journal, with It great black dis
play headings, who never saw the hum
ble, groveling retraction, with Its Incon
spicuous heading, published two months
later. It was boldly charged In the sland
erous and libelous article that Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, for tho cure of
woman's weaknesses and ailments, con
tained alcohol and other harmful ingredi
ents. Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit
against the publishers of tho Ladles'
Home Journal, for tWJO.ODO.OO damages.
Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr. llok, the
editor, maliciously published the article
containing such false and defamator
matter wljx the Intent of Injuring hit
buslnesxurthermore. that no alcohol, m
other VJurious. or hablt-formlmr. dmn
ivere. contained In his "Fa
iptlon"; that said medicine
native medicinal roots and
harmful Ingredients what.
that Mr. llok s mallrlmi t.t.
ere wholly and absolutely false.
re, ur yvcr .
vorite fjoyl
Is mad !m
moiuf w
Antnerr tracimn pruned hvsai. -i.y-rnjj
tU- .V " Vr TslJi-'Jtlliii.jlcdxe iha lAliTy
tUULiiili i iieiTWiiTvyi's u( Ia7rlhijr,e
LLfitft'o". frnuijjent chemists, al) ..
h Jin crttrfieT Hint" t ir,?
CjOmLliLiiiiiuLMie alleged harnijuPlrmg
Thaie fact wto kiwi mi, von in il... I .
Ine action In the Huprvme Court. Hut the
business of Dr. Pierce w, rre.tlj inlured hr
the publication ot the libelous article with
Its treat display headhKH. while hundred ot
thousands who read the wlckedlr defamatory
article never saw the humble groveling re
traction, sel In small type and made as Incon
splcuoua as possible. The matter was. how
ever brought before a lurr In Ihs Hupretna
Court ot New York 8tata which promptly
nndered a verdict In the Doctor's favor.
Thus his traducera came to grief aud Uialf
am siandan war refuted.
Courier Blknp stairs
Prnipii e.' Of feat material
aud ... mj latest style.
m- j i i i t
Helps the Wagon up
the Dill
The load seems lighter Wagon
and team wear longer Yon make
more money, and have more time
to make money, when wheels are
greased with
IMica Axle Grease
The longest wearing and most
satisfactory lubricant in the world.
Department of the Iuterlor.
Lund Office at Roseburg, Oregon. ,
November Sud, 1907.
Notloe is hereby given that
of Oranta Pass. Oraonn. haa fllwl
notloe of his intention to mslts final
proof in support of his olaltu, vis:
Pre-emption Declaratory Statement
no. 7mi made November 13th, 1HW
for tha N WW NW1; nation I IH
Township 87 South. Range 6 W. W.
At., anu mat sain proor win be
made before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Com-
miMifltiiip as (4runfa Pu f imn
. . - .....V K .".! Vl WUH,
on Mouday, Deoemtier Slid, 1007.
I ns names ine following witnesses
to prove bis settlement, inhabitancy,
uou-aiieuaiiun, era., oi aaia lauu,
vis: W. H. Flanagan, of (JrautsPasa,
Oregon; II. C. ltobclen, of Grants
Pass, Ore., Clark Hathaway, of Ap-
Til.Lulu Vallav (lea ll.,.r. Wl !.!.
I n ...-j, - - -1 WWAH ... dW.M,
of Grants Pass, Ore.
B Charitable
to ynor borses as well as to your
self. You need not sulTer from pains
of any sort your horses need not
suffer. Try a bottle of Ballard's
Snow Liniment. It cores all pains.
J. M Roberta, Rakersflsld, Mo.,
writes: 1 have need your liniment for
10 years nd And it to lie the best I
h.ive ever n-ed for miu or beast. For
ale by Nntioual Drug Co , aod by
D maray.
Is due in a large measure to abuse
of the bowels, by employing drast o
purgatives. To avoid daiiwer, use
only Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
safe, gentle cleansers and lnvlgorstors.
At all drug stores
Delay Has Been Detngeroua-
tbs right thing at the right
Act quickly in times of dan-
gxr. rJsc.kaoiie is Sidney Danger.
Dian's Kidney Pills set quickly.
Oure all distressing, dangerous kid
ney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove
A. D. Houston, Hardware mer
chant, living on the north side, Jack
sonville, Ore., says: "Aboat year
ago I suffered severely with backache
and kiduey diaease. Ths action of
the kidneys was very irregrilar. I
procured Down's Kiduey Pills and
since using this remedy I have not
had the slightest symptom of kiduey
trooble and bae felt Utter in every
way. 1 am glad to eodorite a remedy
of socb great merit as Doan's Kid
ney Pille"
Always Wu Si
says he always was
When a man
sick troubled with a oongh that
lame I all winter what would you
think if he should say he never was
sick since using Ballard's Unrein. und
Kyrup. Such a man exists. Mr. J C.
which makes fur normal activity of tbe i Clark, Denver, Colo., writes: for
entire reproductive Hvsu-m, cannot fall i years I was troubled with a severe
cough that would last all winter.
I This cough left me in a miserable
condition. I tried Ballard's Hore
! hound Hyrnp aud have not bad a sink
day aince. tor sale ny national J.T ug
to I- of great usefulness and ol the
utmost importance u the geueral prac
titioner of medicine."
"In Helonias we have a medicament
which more fully arners tbe sliove
purposes Ituin iint nlhrr drij tth u hirh
tun wqii'ittiUtt. In the treatment of
dlva-t-s peculiar to women it Is seldom
Robert! lhat a case la mii which does not
present bodi luu.catiuu iw wa lauw
dial ageuv."
Co and by Demaray.
s. dodgera. M ea
t.n..rft "il : Com
In tbe Circoit Court ol the State of 0r
egCiU for Josephine County.
Ella S. Bu.ll, i
Wellington a Bnell,
To Wellington H. Bnell, defendant ;
In the name ot the state of Oregonyon
are herabv
' t mu
uewvjre m complaint nied against
you in tbe above entitled court and
oaose on or before six weeks from ths
date of first publication of this Sum
mons, which first date of publication
Is Friday. October 4. A. D., 1907, and
the last daV of nnhlinarlnn .rf
summons aud the last day for yonr
appearance as aforesaid is F'riday,
November 15, A. D., 1907, and yon
are herebv notified that in case von
tail to amiear and inr
Plain', within the "time afor said, the
plaintiff will apply to tha oourt for
lie lehef prayed for in the oouiolain.
ii : for a decree diasolvinir
of matrinionv note unci huui.j..,.
existing between the plaititifr and
defendant; that the plaintiff be
awarded the title in feo Minnie to au
undivided one-third in ami to rh
eeterlv one-half nf fjts nf llliwitr si nf
Bourne's First Additinn to n T.,,
oi urauts fass. atid in and to the S.
K i. of Sec. '2H. Two an a u i v e
i'. t . ,f VI
Willauiet e Meridian, all in Josephine
County, Oregon; that plaiutiff be
awarded the care and custody of the
minor children, vii: Clara, a
daughter, aged 17; Ray.a son aged 13;
Leslie, a son aged II; and Kthel a
daogh er aged 7; aud that plaintiff be
allowed a suitable provlsiou by way of
alimony ss the court may determine
for the maintenance of hereelf and
minor children, to lie decreed and ea
'abllahed as a ohnrirn urainii thm na.
fondant's interest in the real protwrty
aforeaaid, aud for such other and fur
ther relief as is equitable.
This stiinninna fa nnhlUhail t,
of the Hon. H. K. Hanna. Jud re of
the above entitled court rfnlv
and rendered in open court at Grants
Pass in Jos-rihine (Jountv Onwnn nn
Satorday. September 88, A. D 1907,
ordering tbe publication of this sum
mons for a, period of six s-oo saiva
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tlnibxr I-and, Aot June S, 1878.
Koseburg, Ore, Nov. 6, 1007.
Notloe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of Congress of June 8. 1878, entitled
"An Aot for the sale of Timber Lands
in the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pnbllo Land
States by act of August 4. 1893
of Camas Valley, county of Douglas
State of Oregou, has this day filed in
this office Ins sworn statement No.
Ho 7 J. for the purchase of the K1 of
the N W4 aud the NiC' of the SW
of section No. H0, Township 84 Sooth,
of lUuKe 4 W. W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber aud stone
than lor agricultural purposes and to
establish his claim to said laud be
fore the Register and Receiver of
this of doe at Roseburg, Or won, on
Tuesday, the 21th day of January,
He names as witnesses : B. Kraken
berger, of Roaidiurg, Oregon ; Warren
B-iatty, Roseburg, Ore., Oraot Taylor,
of Winchester," Ore., John (j. Gilbert
of Roseburg, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above deenrlbed lauds are
requested to Die their olaima in this
office on or before said '18tb day of
January, 190H.
Thsre's No Us
talking, yna can't beat llerbine for
the liver. The greatest regulator ever
offered to suffering numtnlty. If yon
sulTer from liver oouiplaiut, if yoti
are bilious and fretful. Its your liver
and Herbiue will jmt It in its proper
condition. A positive cure for Con
stipation, Biliousuess, Dyspepsia and
all ills due to a torpid liver, f or sale
by Nation l Drug Co., and by
Still doing business at the old stand.
Cor. Sixth and D atrueU.
Uaaars Pass, Oaswos.
Automobile Tsxss In New Jersey.
It Is an Id that New Jersey haa al
lotted aWit f .Vi,4 HI.R' of automobile
taxes to different counties to help
them to tmtlntiilti their wuun roads.
The distribution Is In sums ranging
trotn t;j'jil to I8.ViO.70, the larger
tuiouut going to Burlington cotittf, tlia
smaller to Cumberland.
175 persons have been members of this