Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 22, 1907, Image 6

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V T I III' l V f 1 . I . V. !
w uuovf;
Crowded out last week.
Creesie Ramsey' of tbn Birdeye
mine ia vii-itiux this we-k anions
friends in and around Wilderville.
Mr. Hmuriton and family hae
moved into the now building ou lie
Romtll property nar Wildenrille.
Rev. Pepper liai moved into the
Everybody baa moved from the taw
mill on Clianey Creek, giving the
place a deserted appearance.
Pearl Sam has typhoid fever. The
doctor waa nailed oat to see her a few
evening ago.
W. Holland made a business trip to
Grauta Pars Monday of thia week.
Hocking and J. W. McColInaa made
a business trip to Oranta Pass Tues
day of this week.
Thanksgiving will soon be here,
then Ine poor, or fat torkey will have
to suffer.
A good many people are having
colds this foggy weather.
Soott Robinson made a business trip
to Grants Pass Tuesday of this week.
g H U J Jf V 1 Jj L rJ t
Crowded oat last week.
Will Pyburn camo home from Med
ford last week.
Mrs. Ziders and her granddaughter.
Stella Holeo, have returned from
J. L. Soott Is still very seriously ill,
we are sorry to say. Dr. Flanagan
is in attendance
Mart Burkhart is building a roomy,
two-story addition to his house here
In town.
Married-In Jacksonville, Not. ,
1907, by Rev. Robt. Ennls, Edward
Boyd and Mrs. Florence Hnien, both
of Woodville. Tbey have numerous
friends here who extend congratula
tion and beat wishes. While at Med
ford, en ronte to Jacksonville, the
groom learned the sad news of the
-death of his father, Michael Boyd, an
Oregon pioneer, ooaseanantlv th
usual charivari and merry making
were respectfully dispensed with.
Died In Jacksonville, October 81,
1907, Harry Taylor, beloved son of
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, aged
! years. Death came as a relief,
after months of illness, againat which
loving care and medical aid availed
nothing. He Itaves a wife and two
children, besides his parents and
ether relatives, who have the sym
pathy of a host of friends. The body
was sent to Woodville for burial,
Rev. Day conducting; the funeral ser
vice. The floral offerl
ftnd beautiful.
That llyomal Will Cure nil
Forme of CeU&rrhal Diseases
Testimonials could be printed by
the tlionnuids, many of them from
Grants Pbss aud nearby towns that
Hyoinei is au absolute cure for all
catairlial troubles, but the best proof
of its unusual curative powers is the
guarantee that IVnuimv given with
every outfit that he Hells, "Money
back if Hymnel doe not do all that
ia claimed for it "
llyomei is not a secret Its
formula is givmi freelv to physicians
who want to know what they nne
when thev prescribe llvoiuel. It is
guaranteed under the Pure Food and
I)run Ijiw by aerial No. HIS.
Hv breathing Hyoinei, the healiu
medication Kos directly to every
niH.k and corner of the air paHKagei
where the catarrhal germs mav lurk,
and disinfects and heals. To 1 con
vinced nr this you have only to give
it a Ilia, renieuibering that if it doe
not cure Demaray will refund your
The complete Hyoinei outfit coats
but f I ami in moet caws is sufficient
to cure the disease, making It not
onlr h fcIcn Oo treatuieut but oue
tliat is hiifhl, .M-ommiicHl. (let Mil
out tit t, v from Dt uiaiav if yuo
any cntairh.
Koarind. Tr Culture.
The .ticsiMin uf tree planting beside
the highway U ImvoiiiIiii; more and
more popular both from Its econoiul.'
and :i'ili,'io siaudpolnt. says the
:.hhI lio.i.U M i;m 7.1 no. It has been
sucm-si,.,! ,,, ,,,v York that the state
establish ,i jnirxTv on some part of the '
state domain to raise stock for tlds ,
piirpov,.. The expense would be a slight I
addition to that now required to supply i
trees r,ir public grounds and forest pre- !
Prrgr,,, n Ontario, Canada.
Ats.iit ;:.ii miles of highways have
been lmir.iod since the establishment
of the iM.h roads net In the prmln.v
of Oul;ii lo '( be department was or
rant'ed ten years ago and during that
time the townships have raised f..r
eiend!turcs on roads fiii.rnM.iiio, u,
addition to county grants and exclusive
of cities, towns ami villages I'ourteer
comities have adopted Uie county
The new firm of W. J. Gardner & Co. which recently
bought out the Dry Goods stock of E. C. Dixon, is offering
some big bargains by selling the goods at cost.
lust lave More Room
And in order to move the goods, we are offering
them at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, as we have a new
line of goods coming in later.
See These Big' Bargains
$20 Ladies Jackets selling at 6 00
fi2 " - - :z:::z:z::z$i:oo
$7 and $8 " $3 qq
Girls' $6 Jackets Selling at $205
vo 2 10
Boys $5 Suits Selling at $3 00
44 $.50 Suits Selling at Z..ZZZZ....Z" $2.65
You can't afford to miss
tlieso rare bargains and
now is tlie time to make
your purchases. Come
curly and secure your
This sale will he push
ed until these poods are
sold, as we must make
room for the larpe new
s'ock which will soon
commence to arrive.
Shoes inStock
will go at
A 8 an indication of the
sweeping reduction
we are making in our
shoe department, we
quote a few prices as
The genuine Crossett
Shoe for gentlemen,
regular price c
now $3.50
The genuine Crossett
Shoe for gentlemen,
regular pr'ce
hw. $2.90
Ladies Queen Quality
Shoe, regular
$3-50 now $2.35
Remember the Pluce
And don't forget to come at once if you want to secure
and here is your chance to save much good cash.
Grants Pass9 BiJ Bargain Store
Mm. Lida Swindeu
t.n n n f V ana .
j uu DUfniess
Oar reporter i Ln
strawberry plants this fine Jjl
e'eu at th.i
Mr Hberman la at Friday f
all report a jolly good tim.
Otcar Williams and ,istetI((
the danna at .- "UtteJ
O. P. Gentner, onr road Kw.
crew of menVint
creek last Satarday Tn
fClll CAB rlotnasA ' (
uauUiKn III fhn , .
winter, therefore then.edof.J
tu reM
from "Hack Finn," of P,0,T
they had the only Edm
but if yoa please, we ali k.?
nice valley around Latir.1 n.
We have in our midst the u, 'j J
land yioeyard and nice orchVJ
fine fields of clorer and aJ
fat hogs and cattle. Befor
lands. Mr. Newcomer, justly J
our valley too, please. a
Geo'Re Vlnlng paid QranUPi,
uumucno Tion, mm, g rjday, iJqJ
There is going to be .
ment at the Murphv school boon J
invited to attend far and TIM A.J
one, come all and enjoy tbe tia,
juur 1110.
"Uocle Ebe" of Deerina . .,
think that if any one elasutw J
killing a bear, it is ooly a beaisJ
That la because "Uncle Eb"did 2
Kill ic.
Mr. Meserve of . Grants Pstssi tttlaif
one of the correapondenti It pcW
" " " OTwuu IUO H00Q flj
editor, bat jast the mat mm
much better off now, than t t
when Mr. Meserve started In.
Will Swinden of Jeroma
passed through our borg hut week.
Laurel Grove ia not alirgtbo
but its banks are not eloasd ui
seem to have curreacy too I
in land outside of oity limit
Jiff Lindsay and son took In
lnmber last Saturday that wti 1st
along the road. Lumber haolii
over aa the aummsr's tai li
Our reporter saw a carrot, not
alnce that measured 24 Inohei
and raised on sandy land. 'too.
are the products of Mr. Gentoer, i
road boss. No land beat) the if
Mining Is at par in oornlurM
at present aa the miners sntakluf
Walter Farra is bus? bnraioi brat
and cleaning np his place thlinUL
k load of Grants Pass pwpletsf
out to the home of J. L WiUiul
last Saturday evening.
Roy Red of Murphy na at Lui
urove last Saturday.
Some yonng fouls seem to thiol
Smart to tear rinwn th miil boil
here of late, but if I catch one of 'a!
it won't be so nice. We bin M
patent lock box. aad if caoet;
will be punished to the fullest snitf
of tbe law.
How about that turkey, la he St
fini fn"R1 Pl.,nfl" (ht U 1
Meserve is hustling for thia ooontry.H
should regulate the telephone 1?
somewhat. Some tipod e CM
j i
Grants Pass Central and otbertMt
You think one tea as
trood as another ?
Whv don't vou buy at
the lowest price you set
in the window ?
Your grorer reiSrna your money U T" I
uk.bchiUioa's Btii: w pay him.
tic Fought at Gettiburj
uavia i'arker of Favptte, k- ' I
who lost a foot at Gettysbcrf, rlty
wh iiu ouiera nave uimo -
SOOd thlin nnv mcaHininA I flTtf t0
onn fa kr
! Dot take 500 for what they
' ""o. xHt oi an lor lumo -i
weak kidneys. Guaranteed tjjji
urug stores, ooa
several rears I had tmr
le and paid out much ""on"
sine to little purrose, until I
kioK Electrio Biters. I'
iIa t;.nn fn. .. V,,t l,ur htf
A Hard Debt to Pay
! ? "I pwe a debt of gratitode th'
never be Ipaidjs' off, " write ,
Clark, of Vest8eld, Iowa, "f"
' nuui uemu Dy ur. tu5.
inw.rij. corn nina j
Sfriously affected that d. ath e0
imminpiit, when I comnifnced "J
Kew Disovery. The ominool W
haking cmgh qui before tbe
tie was used, and two mora
made a complete cnre. O041
by all druggist. 50c and 1- L
Dome free.