Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 22, 1907, Image 2

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jyj; C- FINDLEY, M. D.
Practice limited to
Classes fitted and furnished.
Offloe hour to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap-
peuitmeut. Telephones 261 and 77.
Giants Pahs, Oaaoo
Ues. Phone 714
Oitf or oounU-y c&ln attended night
Or day KfceMi and U, Tuff's building.
Ollioe Phone 261.
Granih Pass - . Obeoon.
Interest to the Taxpayer of Josephine County
i Varlou County Officla-la i
1 Many Mining Matters !
Practice In all State and Federal Courts.
0111 c la Opera Houko Building.
Gbamth I'ahs, - Obeoon
Fractions In all HUtoand Federal Courts
Ollioe over Halr-KMdlo HardwareCo.
Chants Pahs, Obkoon
Office over Dixous Store
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
Practice in all State and Federal
courts. Banking and Trust
Company's Building.
1baxts Pakh, Obkoon.
CItII and criminal matters attended to
la all the court.
Real estate and Insurance.
Office, 0th street, opposite Poitoffloe.
Otli St., Berth ol Josephine Hotel.
Obasts Pass, - ' Obkoon.
Commissioners Pass Upon Bills.
Although nnable to transact much
business, at their last meeting, jet
the county commissioners did ron the
rirk of allowing some bills for labor,
even though it was a legal holiday, by
rirtoe of a proclamation, tanned by
Goeernor Chamberlain. The follow
ing accounts were passed upon and
were ordered paid by ooonty war
rants :
J. G. Hiatt, work on roads, $26:
earns for saine,t7: Harold Wiuier.satne
I8.H0: D. H. Hncomb. B'Uii". 428.75:
I BTt Hiigue, game, fSi. 10; Ralph
Hiatt, nmn lft.2.r; Eb Hogoe, same,
' :8.75 ; D. H. Hanscom, 9500 shakes fur
county roads, 117.50; T. E. McKeld,
livery. J2; National Dray Co., $3;
R. H. O'Neill, nidse, $1.15; O. V.
Dixon, indue, $38.00; E. C Dixon,
safe for Treasurer's office, $200; Ban
croft Whitney Ci . 14V volumes of
Oregon Report, $152.75; Amy Booth-
Holm b, premium on courthouse in
surance. $10; Pac. States Tel. & Tel.
Co., courtliouse phones, for October,
$11.85; Oregon Observer, printing,
$5.40; K. C. Ruble, tax rebte, $13.34
J. 8. Anthony, work on poor farm,
$14; W. R. Swacker, wors on poor
farm, $13.50; John T. Breeding, same,
$20; J. W. Breeding, same, $13;
Coron Hardware Co., indse for poor
farm. $S4.10; M. A. Wertz, Commis
siooer's per diem and mileage, $8.80:
South Paoifio Hospital, care fur
pauper, $30; Eolos Pollock, segre
gating assessment for school districts,
1907 rolls; $40; Noble Parker, mi
leage, pursuit of prisoner, $-'19 ; G. M.
Caldwell, mdse for roads, $4.65.
The next meeting of the Commis
sioners is ached led for Wednesday,
December 4, by which time it is
hoped that the holidays will be all
over, as there is a lot of business
piling op on the board's hands aud it
Is important that this be attended to
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
anrning. Bcroll Work, buir Work, Hand
AwinR.t:ahliit Work, Wood Pulleys, haw
fUtngand gaiuiniiix, Kspainng all kinds.
Prices right.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsoriat work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Room in connection
water rights, ditches, riparian rights.
privileges aud easements, together
wiil all water rights of the Cuuilor
WiLfui .V'. IWuf l it, -Tiiautili i tick
TRUCK ANDjDELIVERYjjgl.kMOU ouul)tiea; ,iH0 Bu eleatrio
sruiutfjurv iuu I wuu
Condor People Sell Out.
A volamlnoos document has been
filed with Oonnty Clerk Cheshire.,
confirming the romor, to the effect
that the Condor Water & Power Co.,
bad sold out to an eastern syndicate.
Ibis instrument sets forth at some
length the magnitude of the deal, the
grants the Rogue River Electrio
Co. The consideration is given as
$1000 and other valuable consider
atinns. The realty thus transferred
inoludod lota 1 and 3, block 60, of
Grants Pass; lots 11, 13 and 13. hlook
8, Ceniral add to Central Point; let 3.'
block 29, Gold Hill; lot 3 aud 10 feet
of north aide of 4, In Barn urn's add
to Jacksonville ; part of lota 3 and ii,
b'ock 10, in Jacksonville; as well a
ths lauds, dam, power plant, houses
aud buildings atUoldRay; also all
Dry (Joods, Underwear,
Notions, Etc.
front Street
west of Palace hotel
3 Commercial Glob
transmission lines from Gold Ry to
Central Point, Grauts Pass. MHfcml,
Ashlaud, Jacksonville aud all fran
chises iu said places, as well a all
electrio .light plauts in said places
owued hr tirst party. The new uoui
pauy is to have the .benefit of all con
tracts made with consumers from
July 1, 1907,, as wtll as the goodwill
of the old company, aud it is to as
sums all now existing indebtedness
aud liabilities incurred by the Condor
Water A Power Co., ou or bef Jie Feb
ruary, 38, 1907.
Will furnish information of
Josephine county free of
charge. Correspondence so
licited. L. B. IUu. President
H. L. Andbkws Secretary
The Secret of a
Beautiful Face
lirs in kcruing ths skin pre
tectrduwclluclruisrd. Just
washing ii not enough that
onl) leaves the delicate surface
more cHued to the irritatioa
ol diut and germs to rocrci
Irss attacks of sua sad
west her. After washing, ap
ply Koleninc and rxieneoc
its delightful refrethmeat.
You will admire the line-lea
softness it imparts to face,
neck snd arms. It not only
stimulates a radiuit glow, but
prut ecu ths akin from becom
ing coarse. Prevents bura
iug, tan and freckles.
One lluabe.nd Mvist be Good.
Judge II. K Hitnna has made au
ordir, in the divorce proceedings of
Ella S. Buell vs. Wellingtau U. Buell,
which provides that during the peu
deucy of this action aud th termiua-
tiou of the same, said defeudaut is
enjoin d and testrained from iuterfer
j iuu with plaiutifT's care and custody
of the suiuor children: CUra, aged
17, Guy, aged 15, Ray, aged 13,
Leslie, aged It, and Edith, aged 7.
; He Is also forbidden to assume the
, right or attempt to exercise any acta
of coutrol over said children, or any of
! them. He is also restrained from
oontrolUiig or attempting to control
the freedom of bis s.Ud wife. The
eonrt (Tits also ordered that he pay her
the sum of $75, as money with which
ti carry ou her cas iu the courts and
' he la also to pay bis wife the sum of
$l5per mohth, for the mainlenauce
of herself aud sid minor children,
until the further order of the court
If he""faiTs to produce .this money
i promptly, then the amounts se'iRed
are to become a lien aud cloud upou
his"property, Wing the west half of
1 lot 1. block 8, of Bourne's First add
tit Wraut IVs aud the southeast
quarter of section as, township 3S,
sooth of rauge S east.
I Husband Arrested for Non eupport
Auother buslaiHlJtho is in the lime
light and who has gotten himself into
the toils of the law, is Leslie Oliver,
who was arrested at Leland, last Sat
urday, where he bas been employed
in the big lot of work being done by :
the railroad, the arrest was made '
upon request of tiie sheriff of Cowlitz !
county, Washington, and this week
a deputy sheriff arrived from that lo-1
cality, and tuok Oliver back to face
the charges made against him. He is
accused of having deserted- his family
and lefl them without means of sup
port. This is a criminal offense in
Washington and it is beiug rigidly
enforced op that way, with very
good effect.
Oliver declares that he was com
pelled to marry the woman against
bis will and that It is her father who
is at the bottom of his arrest. But he
throws some suspicion upon this
declaration by declaring that he was
intending to send seme mousy back to
his wife, aud that he was arrested on
his first pay day aud that he never had
yet a chance to send her any oath.
Be this as it may, he will now have
a chance to convince the court of
Cowlitz county, that be really in
tended to care for his family and not
leave them a charge upon the . public.
Very Little Dirt le Moving.
It is evident that the realty market
is not so very lively these days, if one
may judge by the number of deeds
which are being placed on file with
the connty clerk. The filings have
fallen off very materially, during the
past two weeks and now they do not
amount to one-nair the number lor
merly placed on record. Those just
reoorded are :
M E Moore et ox to Robert Rober
son, lots 10 11 aud 13, block 63, of
Grants Pass, $1(100.
Louisa Riggs to A F Wall, of Hepp-
ner, Ure., part of sec is, tp. 83 a, r
6, $100.
Ellen Lam os to Delia 8. Lewis, part
of lot 8, block N, Bourne's First odd
to Grants Pass, $165.
Joseph Harper et uz to T J Cook,
part of seo 6, tp. 86 s, r 6, $2000.
Elizabeth A. Edgar et mar to Jacob
Strauss, Jr., lot S, block 68, Grants
Pass, $325.
Ann Evans to C B Meloer, lots 5
and 6, block 64, R R add to Grants
Pass, $525.
C B Miloer et ox to Synthia R
Rimer, same as above, $000.
Charles N Mathews et ux to Evallne
Mash, escrow agreement for lots I and
3, block 9, H B Miller Co's add to
Grants Pass, $1150.
G A Cobb et al, to W R Dickisou,
easement for road through land in sec
tions 13 aud 24, tp 86 s, I 0, $1.
W C Long to Three Pines Timber
Co., strip of laud 60 feet wide, for
road purposes, in sso 4, tp 35 s, r 5,
Emily Carter estate, by 8 A Car
ter, administrator, to Dorothy E
Whipp, part of seo, 13, tp 40 s, r 9,
Some Minor Matters.
That the holidtys are still on.
Is quite evident iu all parts of the
court house. True, some of the offices
are kept open and a certain amount
of business is carried on, but on the
whole there is nothing doing or much
iuiportauoe. Business is in the
meantime piling up iu many depart
ment and it means that the county of
ficials will have to get In and make
op for lost time, wheu once Governor
Chamberlain stops havlug his holi
days. Word comes from T. P. Judson,
who was for over 30 years one of the
familiar figures in and around the
court honse. He was deputy clerk
under Chas. Hughes, aud for five
years, was holding a similar position
uuder Roy BarttaU . aud .for two
years was filling a like place uudor
County Clerk Cheshire. He is now
iu one of the hospitals, at Sr, Louis,
Mo., and is suffering from a bad
Another one of Cnpid's orders was
nnea oy uooniy uiers. cnesnlre this !
week and he issued a marriage license !
to Harry E. Cook, aged 33 and Flor- j
euce Violet Gilbert, aged 18, both
residents ofGrants Pass. j
Clerk Cheshire is filing deeds' inert
gagea. luTITiug Uk-hUpus aud the like '
iiud issuing marriage Hen;, buVlie
is not issuing'any attachments, execu
tions, or the like, while the holidays I
are on.
R. E. Farwell has deeded to Jsbn
Yeager for $350 one-third interest in
"Winder" "Swapit" and "Karl
Kari" claims.
J. H. Thompson bas deeded to E.
G. Lowry lor $1 three-founhs interest
in "Oro Fino" and "Boston" quartz
claims located in the Galice distriot
on Rum Creek.
The Illinois Mining Co. has leased
to J. R. and P. J. Rush its placer
mines on Josephine Creek together
with all tools water and water rights
buildings etc. to July 1,1908 for 20 per
cent, the gross receipts of the mine
during that periood. -B.
E. Beaupre and Watt. Weideeuner
have deeded to P. B. Wickham,""lor $1
and other valuable consideration
a claim on the east slope of Pea vine
Mt. west of the Royal Groupof
Piacer mine about two miles west of
Galice known as "First Thought
Mineral Claim" and iu the district
the "Second Thought Mineral
Location claims have this week
been filed with the Coonty Clerk as
follows: by G. W. Miller lode claim
"Lilly of the West' situate ou East'
Fork of Howard Creek one mile west
of Pea Vine Mt. iu the Galicedis
trict; lode claim by E. L. Weeks in
Silvet Creek district on Silver Creek
15 miles from Galice in southwest
erly direction crossing Cables &
Hansens placer claims ; placer claim
"lone" by H. E. Thomas 10 acres in
Rogue River mining district; H. E.
Heudricks iode olaims "Marble Fawn
and "Manganese" in the Grave Creek
P. B. Wickham superintendent of
the Alameda Copper Mines of the
Gtlice distriot was at the county Beat
for a few days this week on important
business. He informed the Courier
representative that everything was
looking fine in that camp and bat for
the little fiuanoial flurry they wonld
have a big force cf men on their
properties. As it is, his company
had 15 men at work aud they are
keeping three levels in operation.
He remarked that the outlook for that
camp was much brighter than he had
ever known it to be before. Com
menting upon tbe mining industry in
this section, Superintendent Wickham
touk occasion to remark that in his
opinion the mining Industry was but
in its infancy aud further, that it the
residents of Oregon wonld only take
the interesst in this' matter that is
taken. in other states and localities,
that it would soon deuiostrate that the
mines of Oregon were far aud away
ahead of any other backing .of the
country. As it is, it ' takes the out
siders to oome in aud make things
good and they are reaping the benefits
which should come to the natives of
this state.
Mr. Rader, who has been working
on the Blue Ledge Mine, during the
summer mouths, is home to spend the
wiuter, accouipauied by his wife, the
mine hating cut iluwn its working
force very mtterially. Ouly two :
shifts of 10 men each are now being
worked and ths development is about
completed. Hd says thut they had a I
laige amount of material, big stock of 1
orovisious aud the like, at Seattle ready to begin operations ou the
building of a smelter there when,
all unexpectedly, came orders from
the New York office to stop open- !
tious ou this project. The fact that ;
they stored all this stuff at the mine i
he thinks iudicatrs that the work
will likely be resumed early next
There is No Wesson
why your baby should be thin, and
fretful during the night. Worms are
thd rmiHrt nf thin ai.lrltf Kul.iu f. ...
uaiural that a health v baby s'lould be !
1 1 .... I t II .
iai. aim sieep wru. it your Daily iloes
not retaiu its food, don't experiment
with colic forei aud other nioaiuiue,
but try a bottle of White's Cream
Vermifuge, aud you will soon see
your baby have color and laugh as it
should For sale by National Drug
Co. and Demrav.
XIRAGOOD Clothes Command Favor
-srLead in Quality
Clt's harm
less for boys to clav
soldier: but pretense in clntVi
making brings trouble.
C Pretense is shamming the real.
claiming quality and value that doei
not exist
C All pretense is carefully avoided at this
store by selling XISA22D clothes; the
most durable, reliable brand made; the
honest, guaranteed kind.
G, It's inside worth as well as outer at-.
tractiveness that makes XIEaooojj best
You get more than it's cost in long, hard
wear; and the satisfaction that comes ;
trom lasting, good appearance.
Sailor and Russian Suits for boys 2 to '
10 years, large collar trimmed with ailk
I 'A LI ,L I J m. I
oraia, emoiem on snieia. maae in serges, )
colors and patterns.
$5 to $12
P. H. Harth is Son, Inc.
Write to us for Catalogue and Prices
-Riddle Hon. go.
I can still furnish first-class one
year old rooted Tokay Vines
at reasonable prices Plenty of
all other varities-
Office With
W. L. IRELAr, j
Drug's and Medicines
Poor coticc has to be
sold in bulk, it isn't worth
Yoi ttocrr rHnrn, irur mcer? K yoi Sell
MM shilling , Itrtt r ftv tin
for men who toil
Levi Strauss
& Co's
Copper Riveted Overalls
the kind that "WEARS"
cut luQ
msdc ol
? This is thp unit, oli 1 : !. - XT .... )
v ovuwi iu me morinwest wnich
prepares youug men and young women for
Private Secretary
our 5uent?ordAry,ing0allpsitions which are brought to
must have th.lS 3' the f selected and for the test we
muM nave the best young people.
Writeus today and aslc us about this Private Secretary Course
Holmes Business Collerfo
Household Goods and my stock is quite complete...If you"
have anything to sell or exchange come and see me, or if
you need anything ia my line see my goods and get prices.
. E, MOCRE, Voocdsn?