r ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, QRKGON. NOVEMBER 8. 1907. N for workingmen Levi Strauss 8Co's Overalls (elected denim the two bone bnod M Si ?. TIME TABLE. Trains Carrying passenger leave OranU Fans depot a lullowi: HOITH BOt'KD. No. 12 filianta Express for Port land and Intermedial stations 6:28 a. m. No. 10 Oregon Express, Fort land and way stations.. fl:20p. m. No. 14 Portland Express, flyer .11:85 a. in. SOUTH SOUND. No. 11 Shasta Express, Sacra mento & Han Francisco. 10 :15 p.m. No. IS California Express. Hac tgJUbVt ramento and Ban Fran- cisco 9 05 a. m. No. 1J Kan Francisco Express, flyer 11:00 a. in CARBOLEUM The Beet Known Dip lor Sheep, CexHleSwIne &ndll Live Stock. Non-Inurlovi and Non-Polonoie Best known remedy for Mange or Itch, Scab, Lice, Ticks on Sheep, Fleas, Hen Lice. Hog Cholera, Galls, Sores and Wounds, Thrush, Grease Heel and Scratches, Tape Worms, Ring Worms, Screw Worms. Flies or Maggots, Castra tions. Also disinfecting stables, outhouses, pens, tc. 1NTERLSTING DISCOURSE Continued from first page. ADDRESS ,T jV. MEJROE, MERLIN. OREGON. F. G. ROPER JTaajtilonable T AJL LOI1I TSCS Courier BlkteaUlre SUITS HIDE TO ORDE1 Proasplly and of tbe brat inatorlal ud tn M.e lateat sty I. CLEANING AND REPAIRING come every day butter, nobler and tronger. She can make a man of dim, or fill him with an ambition and a desire that later mould bim ioto a man. Slie can do tbil while the ii you ok, and ber companion is youDg. Bat she cannot do H later on, if she lias been careleu and neglectul of hif babits and manner! daring the first day of their comradeship. If yon al low yoor young man companion to amnke cigarettes in yoor company now, he will certainly do it later on. If you let him speak disrespectful things in your presence now, he will certainly be an eril-tonged man in later days. If you know that he drink liquor and play oard or gam bles, and you hold yoor sileDoe con cerning it, he will certainly be a drnnkard and gambler In days to oome. The woman who marries a man to reform him, not only sacri fices her bonor, bat make herself a lave to misery, wretcbednea and wo, and sow broadcast tbe seed or rice and crime. Now ie the time, young woman, to exert yonr human ising influence, roar inspiration or rjoritr and moral courage on that young man friend of yours. Yon will not only be doing him an everlasting service, but will add one stone to tbe areat monument of purity that woman has builded and is building npon the earth. Ton need not be afraid of his get ting angry when yon gently correct bim in thing that yon know and tbat he knows are wrong. If he is a geutlenian, or has a (park of manhood in him, he will respeet you for it, and feel under everlasting obligations to yon for tbe good yon have done him. Tbe sensible young man always respects the sensible girl. Qn the other hand be pities and ignores the girl who is careless and indifferent. In the hearts of real men there Is no place for the flirt or the 'girl sport.' By her own behavior and her own neglect she makes herself a moral oat cast, the lonely inhabitant on an isle of misery. All round her beat and huh the wave of degradation, and her life in later years becomes a never-ending season of agony and regret Young; man, the mother of that 'besta-irl' will lore Too almost as devotedly as does tbe girl herself, if she knows you are a gentleman, if you prove by yonr behavior that you are knlirht of honor. Tbat mother will be troly croud of rou. because she will hare the splendid satisfaction of knowing tbat her daughter is safe in your company, that . you are a yoang man who will protect rather than lead that airl astray. If yoo are such boy, inch a young man, yon will go gladly into the home of your girl A Prize Puzzle Do Vou Know Our National Songs ? Find the Hidden Lady and You'll be Well Rewarded Alice and Susie nre drinking tea; the young man is waiting for Mary to play the piano; where is she? H n iriT'isSJ isi iln hi in ii SMaaiissaaslll Find the Third Lady In this Picture and Secure a Pzize DIRECTIONS Truce out lines with heavy lead pencil. To every person sending coneet solution ot this piule, we will give, abso lutely free ot charge, a Music Hook, nicelv IhmiikI, containing fifty of the old favorite National Songs only one copy to each persou with the words and music; also many other valuable prizes FREE. Winners will be notified by mail. Cut this out, place iu an envelope, enclose stamp for reply, and mail to main Store, EILERS' PIANO HOUSE 353 Washington St., Cor. Park, Portland, Or. Write Plainly O. O. Name . Addr friend. Yon will go there in the afternoon as well as the evening, and if you are Indostriously attentive, you will happen around sometimes at a most unfashionable hour in tlie mora ls;;. Yon will not hang on the gate post either, whether it be morning, noon or night. If it is morning, or early afternoon the girl wjll put yoa to wiping dishes and yoa will gladly and obligingly comply. And you will be jost as much a gentlemau in the kitchen as you are in the parlor Let me assure yon that if yon do not learn to wipe dishes at that period in your life, yoo nevei will. Ano her thing, yoong man, if yoa desire the ermpany of Jur girl either to or from an entertainment yoa will go to tbe bouse, rap at the door and wait in tbe parlor for her. No gentleman hangs around outside and waits for ber to come out. It may take a little courage to walk up to the door and face her mother for the first time and explain why yo'i are there and what you hare come for; and you may get nervous and fidgety while yon wait for her to get ready or suffer a battery of cross- questions from her while yon wait, hut it is the facing and the braving of these things that inkes a real man of you. No sensible, right-thinking girl will accept the company of a yoong man home from church or an entertain ment unless he accompanied her there. The worst riper 8 that infest oof modern cirilization are the oowardly young felloes who line np with the crowd of 'catchers' at a church door to approach and beg the company of girls. (The yoang women who thus accept the company of after church 'catchers,' as they are styled, cast themselves from their high estate of purity and innocence and into the base depths of degradation. They lower themselre in the sight of all good men. ' "My 'best girl' turned me down cold, gave me the 'mitten' as the yonng fellows express it, one night by refusing my oompany home from a church entertainment. I had been going with her too, for a couple of years and was become of the notion that she belonged to me, hairpins and all. Bat she taught me a valuable lesson tbat night lesssoo I never forgot, and for which I shall always feel deeply indebted. She found her way to the entertainment without my assistance and she knew she could find her way home without It. And she made that fact known to me in just so'many words. My ears barn yet erery time I think of it. . If erery girl would do as tbat girl did, the after-church 'catchers', who are, In troth, the most destructive pest to yoang and Innocent girlhood, would soon become extinct or be obliterated. ''Tbe 'head and sweetheart prob lem,' then is a matter of encourage ment rather than discouragement If the girl has a 'fellow' get that fallow into the home as soon as possible. Let him nnderstand that if he desires the girl's company he must seek it first in her borne. This is one of the things of the world that begins in the home, and that should forever remain there. If the young niau lives at a distance, give liiui an invitation to visit, and keep turn a week or two. Take plenty of tuna to got acquainted. If be is the right sort of young uiau he will gladly comply, and will ap treeiate the favor. The association thus formed around the home lamp will lie a Messing both to liiui and to 'his girl,' who is possibly destined, to be 'his girl' for all time. It is as sociations of this sort, made around the lieartbxtone, that insures the hap piness and harmony of that other home that is to he. To all of os who have a heart, home is the dearest, sweetest spot on farth. 'Home is the shelter from the ttorius of life. Its voices are the vchoes of love. Its smiles are the shadows ef heaven. ' Though one tuny have the choice and the good fortune to roam 'mid pleas rres aud palares, ' the memory of the old home, with its friend, hips and associates which gladden his yonth, will appear iu his dreams by night, and linger n his thoughts hy day. Yoo cannot drown the reme ml rauce of that home, ami though the (Id place may crumble to deeav and pass from off the earth, the memory of it will always bo an inspiration to you. Yrars after yon have lelt it there will come tn your mind's eye the old house, the protecting oaks and maples, the orchard all the old sceues. Ly ing in the cool shade of the big rorch is Shop, the dog. He is so big aud tat and lan- with nothing to do but drive the cows home at night ami keep the chickeus out of the garden. You will see a Wan fa 1 old ladv 1 sitting iu the doorway, rocking gently I to and fro. her sewing in her lap. You w ill see her lift her head now ! .! .1 1 . 1 . I cm, iik-ii, uu Hujuni ner glasses to gazs off np the read with a fara way expression m her eyes as if locking for someone. You will see a tear trii kle down the cheek of the dear old l.i ly while (he sits and sews and waits in the doorway. Yoa wtu fnter the hallway again and (land in the threshold of the par'or, wiih it lowered nrtaios, where neither yon nor your chnms nor the cat nor the dog were allowed to trespas. But yon will tike a peep in jost a- von did in former days. Yon will s e tbe fame familiar pictures on the w 11, aud the same big stand with the family Bible in the center of the room. O back into the kitchen and the dining room yoo will wander. Sistijr and the hired girl are cooking dinner; hurrying to and fro, spread ing the delicious riands on the tibte. Yes. and there's someone else help'ng someone with her sleeves rolled to her dainty elbows and with sister's beet apron on dartieg here and there as familiarly and cheerfully as if (he had alway Hred there. It's Mary, of course it's Mary. It' jast as natural for her to be there with her deeres rolled np and sister's apron on, as it is for you to be over at her house with yonr sleeves rolled up and one of her aprons on. "And then you remember that din ner, th afternoon ride to church with the family, and the long, de lightful, silent trip home. And yoor memory will follow the vista of happy, eventful years, of other rides and walks and jaunts under the gut tering, summer stars, down wooded hillaides, where the peaceful breezes, sighing through the rustling haves, whispered their tender secret to the katydids; strolling along the winding paths where erery nook and turn is full of Nature's darlings; where Nature's peace flows into yon like sunshine into trees; loitering where the chattering brook sparkles and leap over the pebbles; on' np through life's pathway of years, a pathway strewn not altogether with roses, but bor dered here and there with the thorn of trial and bardhips, checkered with long years of struggle, and the long day of sorrow. There will come days when the home that has been a para dise of happiness and joy will be lonely and still. The music of child laughter and child prattle will be hushed. In a closed, quiet room a mournful spirit will brood over an empty crib, and roa will kneel with bleeding hearts beside a little white casket. There will be prints of baby fingers on the pane, a box of toy uo der the window seat, a basket of un used clothes in tbe corner. Hand In band, heart to heart, yon will lire tbe hour of sorrow as yon bare lired tbe hours of joy. Through the blind ing tears yon will get a glimpse of tbat eternal paradise, and as that in fant spirit is wafted upward to tbe bosom of the Heavenly Father, yoa will catch a sweet breath from the fields of ererj blooming flowers. De spite the burning pang of sorrow, yon will emerge from the shadow of that dark cloud with a renewed de termination and purpose. Life to yon will hae a deeper, sweeter uieanii g. Though tbe song ot the lark may nerer be as sweet, aud the quiet old woods may never whispsr their delightful secrets as in other days, you star of hope will be brighter and the great mouutain tops of the future, with their sun-glimmer ing peaks rising hiuh to the blue of eternity, which were only vagua and hazy stretches of landscape, will ap pear iu clear outilne before you, gor geous and beautifol. "In conclusion I can do no better than repeat the words of a philoso pher far older and wiser than I: 'Nothing touches the soul bnt leaves its impress, aud thus, little hy little, we are fashioned into the image of all we have seen and heard, known and meditated; and if we learn to live w ith all that is fairest and purest and best, the love of it all will in the end become our very life.'" This is Said To Help Many Get from anv nrescrintion nlmi-nm.-lct tliH following Hoid Extract Dandelion, oue-half Uliec: Comnoniid KarLron unH mmu- Compound yrop Sarsaparilla, three ounces. i'hake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful rtcse after each meal and ... i i. tii I'euiune. The above is considered by an emi nent authority, who writes in a New lotk rimlv 'imn,r. id rli tinaat- .- wrijitiou ever written to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Hlaitrtir and all forms of Urinary UHticultie. Ihis mixture acts promptly on the elimiuative tissues of the kidneys, enabling them to tilter ami strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Kheouiatisin. J Some persons who sutler with the afflictions mny not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixtute yet those who have tried it say the remits are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or othworgau(. Mix some and give it trial. It cer tainly couies highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it im ni, wa- esiaonsnea tiy it. A druggist here at " home 'when asked st ited tbat he could either sup ply the ingredients or mix the pre scription for our readers, also recom mends it as harmless. Safe and ecure Is the Man with a good Bank Account By systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has Something for a rainy day and is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open an account with us. Be it small or great, jrou will always receive courteous treatment interest on time deposits If you have some surplus cash why not have it earning you some interest? We pay interest on time deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent in which you can store your valuables, papers and treasures. You may have need for just such an accom modation. Let us serve you, Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. BUY YOUR Drug's and Medicines -AT THE- MODEL DRUG STORE FRONT STREET, Opposite Depot GRANTS PASS TREES! TREES! BUY YOUR TREES FROM TREES "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries) and you are sure of gettidg just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent , 0FFICI WITH W. L. IRELAND Quick deltvery-Tbe Weekly Oroironta 1 I This is the only school in the Northwest which prepares young men and young women for Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought to our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we must have the best young people. Write us today and a.sk usalwut this Private Secretary Course Holmes Business College runiLanu, UK.L,, fi MARBLE AND GRANITE WOHItf J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor. I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in snj kta of Marble or liranite. Nearly thirty years of experience in tbe Marble business warrants my ssykJ tuat l can till your orders in the very best manner. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Hranite or any kiad Marble. Front street, next to Green's Gunahop. EAT WHAT YOU WANT Science H&s Now t"ourvd the Tru Way to Cure Indigestion A few years ago, when a sufferer from indigestion went to a stomach specialist, the result was a rigid diet list that almost meat starvation. But the brst thing tn do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness is to strengthen the muscular wall of tbe stomach and intestines, so that they will care for the food that is eaten. In no other way can this be done as well as by taking a Mi-o-na tablet before each meal. This re stores (trength to the stomach muscles and etimnlates the pouring out of gastric juices, so that the rood is di gested readily and its nourishment retained in the system to build up ensrgy and vitality. Do ;not think tbe sick headache, heartburn, bad taste in the month, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms tbat are the direct result of indigestion, will go away of them selves. The stomach most be built np and strengthened by Mi-o-na before you oan be well and strong, free from suffering and distress. The guarantee that Demaray gives with every 60 ceut box of Mi-o-os1 refund the money , unless ti e rfof cures, shows his confidence is treatment A Hard Debt to Pay "I owe a debt of gratitode 'ht J never b paid off," writes 0-' Clark, of West field, Iowa, ' rw rescue from death by Dr. King'" Discovery. Both lungs r;er seriously affected that death e imminent, when I commenced tM New Disorery. The ominous P baking cough quit before the DIi, tie was used, and two more bow made a complete cure. OosraO" YiJ? all Hrnocriut Kfln unil 11. ' -J " - " ft ft ' " bottle free. He Fought at Gettiburj David Parker of Fayette, " who lost a foot at Gettysborg, w"1 "Elecrio Bitters have done good than any medicine I ever w r- . i i v,..i ton t-..l A ' l . .....l. mnUfTl1" J medicine to little purpose, until 1 gnn taking Electric Bitters. I for me. Best of all for lame bact T weak kidneys. Guaranteed HT " drug stores. 50c. Advertisers Courier. get result