Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 08, 1907, Image 1

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An Interesting Program Prepared
lor Thla Important Meeting
of School Instructors.
The Josephine oouoty Teachers' In
stitute it now io gesiioD. The first
meeting wai beld Wednesday and
the enrollment was 60, showing a good
ncrease over the corresponding session
of the last institute.
After a soug and some opening re
marks, the regular work of the in-
Uitute was taken op. Mrs. Kidder,
of the Oregon Library Commission
was the first speaker, giving ao in
stractiTe, practical talk on the care
and classification of bosks, explain
ing the work of the Libraiy Com
mission, in building np school li
braries. Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, of
the University of Oregon next address
ed the institute, taking up the highly
interesting topio of teachers' salaries.
His plea was for better salaries, as
based on better qualifications of the
teachers aud in this connection be ex
plained the new work tbat the Uni
versity of Oregon is taking up, in es
tablishing a oorrespondeoeo school.
This instructive correspondence is
then free to all teachers in Oregon and
is under the regular professors of the
University and credit i given by the
University to those who pass success
folly the examination given their cor
respondents. At the afternoon session, Dr. Shel
don gave a very practical talk on
school hygiene, touohing especially
opon the subjects of ventilation, heat
ing and lighting of school rooms. Mrs.
Kidder talked on circulating libraries
loaned by the Commission to sohools,
on application, explaining the plan of
loan, contents of these libraries, eto.
The use of books was interestingly
discussed by Mrs. Kidder, who made
a plea fot a "reading population in
Oregon," which reso It mnst be brought
ahoQt by training the pupils to read
books. Comment on individual books
of the Commissioners' list was of mocb
interest and good, practical value to
tbe teachers.
Thursday morning Miss Knox, of
Portland addressed the Institute on
"Art Ednoat ion," going into details
of the first training and culture in this
line, showing the development the
work, step by step. The oourse in
strnctoin, In the interest of which she
spcke, Is gotten np by the Praug Edu
cational Pub, Co ( whose system of
drawing and drawing books was re
cently adopted by the State Text Book
Commission. Dr. Love next addressed
the Institute on "Tuberculosis." His
address was full of much good advioe,
and it was of praotical value, showing
bow this dread disease may be con
trolled and successfully kept from
spreading. The Institute was then di
vided into Primary and Advanced
Sections. Mrs. Sloan, of ' Portland,
author of the Sloan aeries of readers
addressed the Primary section ou
"Method in Beading." giving a high
ly interesting and instructive talk to
the Primary teachers. Dr. Sheld;n
addressed the Advauced suction on
"Geography Teaching, " ana made a
plea for better teacbiag in geography,
to get away from the old style horn
drum method to one that brings ont
those tilings which are of special in
terest to the boys and girls.
Dr. Sheldon opened the afternoon ses
sion by talking to the Advanced sec
tion on the subjeot of history. He
gave many valuable soRgestioni on
history teaching, sptaking of tbe oe
and misuse of the nntebook Jsytem.
Uuarta blanks at tbe Courier office.
New 3 -Room
Well locate... hot 72
one third cash, one third of
balance in two years at 8
w. Hi. i :r E Xj .a. in" d
Ground Floor, Opera House Block
Sloan concluded hr .it .
Unary teacherson reading aod method
of teaching me, givlDg prtloatar at
tention to the "Phonic". This talk
was highly instructive. In the gen
ewl setsion, Miss Knox took np water
color painting, taking up the brosh
nd making a practical demonstration
of her method in carrying on this
work in the primary grades, showing
the development of same, from lesson I
to lesson. Mr. Miller, from W.lii.n,.
reex district addressed the Institute
in a few, well taken sentences bring-
u8 u uuanges in methods of life in
the sohool and without
Last evening Dr. Sheldon delivered
an able address on "The Making of a
State," which was largely attended
and greatly appreciated by the atten
tive andienoe.
The sessions of the Institute will
contiiue throughout today and close
with the afternoon's program, whioh
is of nnnsnal interest.
One Ticket Already in the Field
and the Varioua Ce.ndide.tes
are Being Considered
Although the city . election is bnt
one month off, yet ths interest in the
Important event seems to be rather
slight, for the voters are not register
ing very fast and it now develops tbat
there will be no primaries whatever
held. This information was im
parted to the Coorier reporter by City
Recorder Clements, who stated that
it was now too late to hold said pri
maries, as the law provided that the
proper notice should be given at least
13 days prior to the date provided for
tke holding of said primaries.
The fact that there will be no pri
maries has started some gossip. One
theory is to the effect that if no
primaries are beld, then the old set of
officers will retain their office through
another term, or until their successors
are legally elected. But, a decision of
Attorby-General' Crawford is said
to have been rendered covering jnst
such cases, wherein the eleotion of
officers for cities which did not bold
primaries was declared to be valid
and binding.
In view of the fact that there will
be no primaries held, it will now be
necessary for the various candidates
or their friends to ciroulate petitions,
which, when enough of the legal
voters have signed, will entitle them
to be placed on the ticket. It is un
derstood that this plan will now be
carried out by the tickets which will
be put into the Bold.
Already the Law aud Order people
are out with a ticket, which has been
chosen at a meeting of representative
citizens and which is as follows : For
Mayor, L. B. Hall; For Cooucilmati
io First Ward. T. P. CMim-r; 2d
ward, W. V. Walker: 8d ward, Liu
coin Saage aod 4th ward. W. J.
Rumor has it that the friends of
these mn are already working for
thsir election and that they will keep
working until the election is ovi-r.
Other tickets are said to be likely to
be soon forthcoming and so the in
terest continues to wax warmer and
whm ths battle of the ballots floes oo
cor. it will ilkely be at white heat.
It is safe to predict that there will
be much more iut'reet in the air than
now appears on the surface, and ere
long the voters will be registering so
fast that Recorder Clements will be
heartily glad when the eleotion shall
have all passed over.
(iuwfc delivery Tbe Weekly
Cottage $8S0.
x 150 ft. Will accept
balance in one year and
roving People of Grants rasa
Highly Entertained by Telling
Asldreas on This Topic.
The Young People's Christian Te
peraooe Union which was held in the
M. E. church in regular session,
program having been arranged for the
occasion. The most enjoyable portion
of which was the instructive speech
of Dennis Stovall, whioh was sub
stantially as follows :
"I am bsre with no new nor won
.3 1 . ...i , . .....
""mi eiory. cat i snail leu you
win be old, very old, but tbe truth
tbat it is old, aod has been told so
many times. Is sufficient proof of its
worth. I am told that my subject is
Social Purity,' For my own conven
ience, however, and to make it sim
ple for myself aud for you, I shall
call it "The Beau and The Sweet
heart Problem.
"It is just as natoral for the young
girl to have a bean and just as natural
for the yoong man to have a sweet
heart, as it is Ifor two daisies to nod
and smile at each other as they bud
aod bloom side by side in the
meadow. I bad a sweetheart once, in
troth, several of tbem, but only one at
a time. I was juit 7 years and 0
months old when I had my first sweet
heart Ber name was Sally, and she
didn't live in our alley either. Sail
and I attended the same school away
oot'on the Texas prairies. She sat
jnst across the aisle, and she bad a
very coy habit of smiling at me from
behind Ber bloe backed spelling nook.
I remember how beautifully Sally's
red hair and the bloe cover of her
spelling book harmonized. Down
thereon the Texas prairies cyclones
were very numerous. Because of this
the sohool had 'cyclone drill' either
for practice or otherwise, every few
days, but It was usually otherwise.
Tbe teaoher would sound the alarm.
we pnpils would jump Into line and
see liow quickly aod orderly we oould
march ont and hide ourselves in tbe
cyclone cellar. One day we bad a
new pupil at school little Jimmy
Jones fioni Maryland. That day a
cyclone was sighted off to the sooth-
west. It was b Bring down with
mighty roar, uprooting trees and lift
ing houses io tho powerful sweep of
its twisting tail. The teacher gave
tbe alarm, we Jumped into line and
marched io.quick ti'De to the cyclone
cellar. But little Jimmy Jones bad
never seen a cyclone before, and ao
was not wise in th way of tornadoes
and 'cjclne drill', so he remained in
bis seat. When we emerged from the
dark cellar, nothing remained of the
school bouse but the floor and little
Jimmy Jones. There he sat at his
seat, calmly studying his speller s if
a cyclnue was not worth tbe trouble
of noticing. Bat when we came up,
he looked at the teacher with se'ious
meaning printed on his face and re
marked : 'It was a uiitihtv good thing
I stayod with 'er or we'd o' lust tbe
floor too.' Jimmy Jones was the
school hero after that, and Sally's
smiles all weut his way.
"Ye, this thing of beans and
sweethearts Is as old as the world
It had its beginning awiy back in the
Garden of Eden when this old eaith
was young, and before it was niarrtd
and scared by the sin of man. Tbe
Garden of Eden was a garden of love.
Adam's first vision was a visiou of
love, a vision of Eve, the sinless
woman, Uod s nrst inougni ror me
happiutst of man. And lin Adam
wooed Eve the grazing herds left
sloping hill aod peaceful vale t'i listen
to the wooing, and tlience tlemev-s
departed in pairs. The dove beard
it and mated in the fields; the qoail
wooed his love in the wheal; the
robiu whistled to bis love iu the glen ;
'The lark was so brimful of gladness
and love,
The green fields below him tbe bloe
sky above,
That be sang, and he sang, and for
ever sang he:
I love my Love, and my Love loves
' 'AH the world was alive with love
aod song of Its being. The moic
of it floated from eoroit tbe broad
prairies aod was wafted from tbe
jungle. It bubbled from tbe mellow
throats of the mockingbirds and bobo
links. Even io the deep forests the
glad refrain was beard, and no doabt
the maiden "monkey, fair Juliet of
the bouse of the Orang-Outang
waited on ber cocoanut balcony for
the coming of her 'Komso, ' and while
she waited shs plaintively sang :
"My sweetheart's the lovely baboon, J
I'm going to marry him toon;
'T would fill me with joy
Just to kiss the dear boy,
For his charms and hi beauty
No poer can destroy.
"I'll sit in the light of the moon,
And sing to my darling baboon,
When I'm safe by bis side
And he calls me his bride, '
Ob, my lovely, my precious baboon
"That first paradise was colored
snd charmed aud beautified with the
spirit of love. 'Every rich blesse s;
witnm the gift of tbe Almighty
Father was poured out from tbe cor
nuoopia or heaven, cut it was soon
stained and polluted with the sin of
man's disobedience. In the exercise
of their own God-given free agency,
they tasted the forbidden trait and
fell from their glorious estate. It
was tbe fall of Innocence and purity.
Because of that first sin the bar
mony of love was broken and the
world has suffered its endless ohaio of
sorrow of disagreement and of woe.
And because of the disagreements,
because of sin, this problem of the
bean and the sweetheart is not always
sach an easy one to solve. I know,
because I've solved it. Diffloult as it
Is, however, the whole problem is
simple. It merely is a matter of
a boy being always a gentleman, and
a girl being a woman. It is merely a
mattsr of the yoong man being a
knight of honor, who feels always
tbat it is his duty to protect woman
kind protect her from insult, pro
tect her from the sins of men, and
keep her the spotless, beautiful,
obarmlog creature that Ood Intends
ber to be.
"Until the girl becomes a woman,
or at least of mature age, her young
men friends should be ber companions
only at such times as young men are
needed ;and they should be companions
of whom she feels proud who she is
not afraid or ashamed to bring into
the family circle. The mother cf tbe
girl will, if she acta right in ths mat
ter, invite the yoong man companion
of ber daughter to dl ner, and all
will spend tbe evening together
around the same fire. This is a very
simple test, and can always be relied
upon both by the mother aod tbe
daughter. It will prote just what
sort of a fellow the 'best fellow' of
the girl really is. It lie is evil, he
will reruse tbe second or third invi
tation to take dinner or to spend the
evening with the family, aud it then
becomes an easy matter to drop him.
"Onr young women cannot liarn too
early the responsibility that rests up
on them in the great work of uiakiug
the world better aud pnrer. The
sweetest humanizing influence upon
this old earth is woman. It has been
truly said that there is no aspiration
eutertaiuvd by man, uo achievement
be seeks to accompl'sh, no great and
honorable ambition be seeks to grati
fy, whicb is not directly related to a
mother, a eweetheart or a wife.
Youug women, jou cannot ovsresti-
raate the inspiration of purity, of
heroism aud of uotellUli devotion you
mould into tbe lives of your young
miin couitiauion. 'it was for love
that Autony lost a world. It wa for
bis beloved Kacbel that Jacob worked
seven loug years, and seven more.
Poetry and fiction are based upon
woman's love, aod the meveuaeuts of
history are mainly due to the senti
ments or ambitious she has inspiied.'
From the hearthstone around which
liuKi-r tbe recol lections of our mother
aid sister, from the family ciicle
win re we first met tbe girl com tan
Ions of our youth, comes all the
nuritvv. all the hope aud all the
courage with which we fight the bat
tie of life.
So the yoong woman who does not
hmima an Inspiration for better
things to the young men companions.
can never hone to accomplish tbat
which the Great Creator intended
she should accorrplUh; and by this
neglect she repudiates the ooblast
purpose of ber life. Tbe young
woman has a remarkable ioflueoce
for Kood over ber young man com
Inn. She can correct his faults
and guide bis erring feet, she can lift
blm from the depths of despondency
aod despair up into the bright light
of courage and hope. She can make
kin work and labor and strive to be
Continued on page 6
Tbe Grants Pans Box Factory was
closed lor a couple of dsys, the first of
the week, fur some repairs to the
8. 1907.
Annue.1 Meeting of the County
Bosxrd of Equalization Did Not
Have Many Protests
After waiting for a couple of days,
the County Board of Equalization
finally bad a few callers. But all day
both Monday aod Tuesday there was
"nothing doing." And what few
protests did show np were for tie
most part turned down. Contrary to
expectations, the Southern Paoiflo
people failed to pnt in auy appearance
whatever. Perhaps they realized that
it would be nselesa, especially as
others ooontles have put the assess
ment so innch higher than lt has
been placed at in Josephine.
The first ooinplaint was made bv the
Paoiflo States Telephone & Telegraph
Co., local manager A. T. Marshall ap
pearing oo behalf of that corpora
tion and asking that the assessment
be redooed from $400 per mile to t'-rH
but this request was not granted.
Tbe only change made affecting tbe
telephonelinterests was the making of
correction, whereby the line run
ning into Merlin was teduoed from
five miles to two miles on the rolls.
The Martha Mining Co., appeared
and by showing that the property was
dead" a rednotion on account of the
non-use of the tramways and of the
buildings, the assessment was lowered
from $U.03O to $10,000.
complaint was made by the Condor
Water & Power Co., over its power
line assessment. It wanted tbe board
to reduoe the same from $00 per mile
to $3fi0 per mile. The demand was
refused. The only red notion made
was to reduoe the assessment of the
line from this city to Granite Hill
to $360 aod from Granite Hill on to
the Greenback mines to $100, all on
aooountof tbe abandonment of the min
ing property and that part of the
power line.
As ths property io queatioo had
beeo abandoned for the past 18
month, the board granted a reduction
of tbe Greenback Mining Co., from
$38,000 to $14,000, on tbe machinery,
muoh of which has already keen re
moved. But the assessment on the
lauds remained unchanged.
The Maxoy Investment Co., a Wis
consin oouoern which makes a
specialty of handling timber lands,
wanted its holdings, of tbat kind re
dooed, but, inasmuch as the assessor
had taken the assessment made by tbe
official cruise, the rednotion was not
O. S. Brown asked that his 80 aores
of railroad timber and, located at
Hugo be reduced from $5 per acre to
$:i, but he, too, failed to carry his
Fsiling to get his own propertv re
dnoed, O. S. Browo handed in a re-
on either of the Grants
Pass Banks will buy House
furniture at
And what's more, O'Neill is giv
ing 10 per cent off on all purchases
made before November 15.
Watch our Windows tor
Holiday Goods
Furniture and Car
pets, Linoleums,
Lace Curtains, Por
tiere, Mattreanes,
Pillows, Cola, Wall
Paper, Clocks,
Mirrors, Window
Hhadea, Pictures,
Picture Moulding.
front St., bet. 6 and 7
No. 32.
quest that the acreage owned by
Messrs. O. D. Sexton, C W. Triplet
and Daniel Peterson be raised from
t3 to 93 per acre. But here he again
failed, the board refusing to grant bis
Although but comparatively little
change in the rolls was made, yet the
board believes that it is tbe proper
thing to give the people a chance to
enter protest, if they happen te have
any. Assesser Falliu has every reason
to feel pleased ov-r the results of the
board's work, for it bas very clearly
shown the splendid work which he
has been doing.
Large Audience Assembles to
Enoy the Excellent Program
Thsxt Had Been Prepared,
That was indeed a splendid enter
tainment which was afforded the large
audience at the formal opening of the
new Opera House, Wednesday even
ing. Tbe big playhouse was literally
filled to overflnwinir. with m PAnrniAnf..
',tlte ,adlenoe l0 enJo- ,lc.Uenl
literary and musical program, whioh
was as follows :
Popular Minstrel"
Grants Pass Orchestra
Quartette "Thank You VervMuoh
Indeed" Mrs. W. L.
Ireland, Mrs. Elbert Veatch,
O. W. Cramer. T. P. Cramer
Clarinet Duet "Alloa Where Art
Thou" Dr.
V. W. VanDvke. J. A. Whaitoo
Soprano Solo "81ng On"
Mrs. W. W. Walker
Violin Solo "Cavatlna"
Stanton Row alt
Reading "Inja"..k..
.larw Thomas Uunnell
Piano Solo "Sohnrao" B flat minor
Miss Ethel Caroline Palmar
Tenor aod Bariums Duet "Ths
Fishermen "... and T.P. Cramer
Vloln solo "The Reverie".... .
... Miss Marian Walters
Soprano Solo "A Song of Thanks
giving" .Mrs. W. L Ireland
Waltz "Dream Thoughts"
. . .-. Grants Pass Orchestra
Dnring tbe brief iuterinisslon, At
torney H. D. Norton stepped to the
stage and all onbeknown to Mr.. Kin
oey, he then voiced the hearty thanks
of the people of this oity for the su
perb opera bouse whioh be bad pro
vlded-for tbem at much oust of labor
and money. At the oonolusion of his
remarks, Mr. Kinney was called for
and he finally mounted ths stage, vis
ibly affected by the rounds of applause
which greeted his appearance and in
a feeling manner the thanked hi
friends and oejghbors for their klad
expressions and behoped that they one
and all woald enjoy the new playhouse
as muoh as he was sore he was going
to do.
get results in the
Htovee and Ranges,
Agteware, 'ewiware,
Wooden ware,
WUIoware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lamps,
Glassware, Fancy
China, (Jo-Certs,
Baby Carriage.