Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 01, 1907, Image 7

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    fount, veigh and miamre trtrythi you
buy A menean Grocer.
Even in Selecting
We aim to supply the
best for the money and
if not satisfactory is our
Our Qt Blend and
Umax Goffee
Just touch the snot to those
who like a nice, mild flavored
Coffee, they are the equal
of most of tho 35c kiud, our
price is 25cper lb.
In Tea we carry such well
known brands as Liptons
Ceylon, Chase and San
boms in hrglish Break
fast, Basket Fried Japan
and Oolong Tea, also
Schillings Best Japan Tea
Royal Gem Japan Tea,
in bulk only, 50c per lb.
Flour indications are that all
kinds of flour will be higher than
last season. We carry most of the
leading brands, Olympie, Fure
White, Bluestem; our Hard Wheat,
Davis Best and Gold Hill in west
ern brands. White, and Yellow
Corn Meal, Graham, Whole Wheat
White House
Common Sense
ttti . . . . . .....
xue noung Peonies' Social
at the
nome of Mrs. Cheshire
able aSUir. The house was fall of
yoong people. A recitation by Mildred
Churchill and hv V nu
resdinir h n. i , ' '
reading Genevieve Pstillo and Mr ;
a soio DT the mutar nil
.u.u oy me pastor and a
.,u paniciparea in by all,
wsg tne program,
Aftfr rsfrenTlTTlonfa
JL. J" Pl" -aDd milk' the haPPy I
company departed.
Both Ladies Societies meet at the
Church this week. One of them to
tie comforts and the other to I
uui?cge ana enthns-.
iasm. The Mission circle- of the state ;
are planning a surprise for their !
worger Mug Millspangh. Thi
Circle expects to have ' a part iu this
well merited surprise and gift.
Probably no other woman in Oregon
has wrought so efficiently among the
The Sundsy School has reorganized
their Home Department with Mrs.
Reynolds as Superintendent and four
assistants. Mr. Hackett has likewise
again started the S. 8. Choir to lead
the musln.
The Mission Stndy Class and S.
S. has purchased a reference librarv
or io volumes on China. It will j
greatlv help the class this Fall and 1
eveninauv neenme tne property of the 1
Sunday School The hooks are the
uem, io o ontameri and Just off th e
press for the use of the YoDUor
People's Missioaarv Movement.
This evening the members of the
Grants pass Y. W. O. T. U. will as
semble in the Newman Methodist
church and one of the interesting
featnres will he an address on
"Purity," hy Dennis H. Stovall.
Alreadv MinisterialUnion in looking
ahead and making preparations frr
the proper observance of the Thanks
giving season and the big union ser
vice will be held in the Bethany Preg.
bvterlsn church, with the sermon by
Rev. Anetin J. Holllngsworth, pmt0r
of the Firt Christian church. Fnll
particulars of the mnsiral features and
the lik" will be announced later on
at Bethany Preshyrerisn chnrch In " "- w.m vemoer a. ma ooumern racino win
the morning the anthem: "He Shall ! wntbemnms and laurel, with discontinue trains Nos. 11 and 13 be
GiveHis Aneels Charge." ... nic-lv i """" jack-o-lan- tweeu Roseborg and. Red Bloff and
rendered, while at night "The Lord is
King" was given by the cboir. and '
Mrs. W. L. Ireland and Mr Geo. P. I
Cramer sang the beantiful duet :,
o i. rr - n ,, '
ti n m i : u
H. C. Kinney is planning to hae '
.m ..:.t n. . i
some nne mnncal strractlnn?: ripnt
alrng throngh the fall and winter
. , . . Jt
...... . . '
canteen in the interest of temperance i
... , . .... , !
is abnnt to be mndo. The fsot that
arrests fnr drunkenness in the army
hsve decreased each vear since the
canteen wss excluded has nn we'eht
.' a L. il. 1 1 i Ti .. .
,..,, '1 Luni. :m ..-...
to recmn an action irai enows rwm
action that
beneficial resnlts. J
This a'ternnon. at the borne cf Mrs. 1
Geo. pTCramer will be held the an
nual praise meeting nfthe Ladi"a'
Missionary Society of Bethanv church.
An Interesting time is Bnticipated."
The Grants Pass Ministerial Assn.
pistinn hoMs regular meetings in the
stndv of the Bethany PrebvtriBn
church. Ne 'officers have jnst been
selected for the ensuing yesr as fol
lows: Evan P. Hnghes. piesii'ent:
Austin J Hnllngswnrt''. vlce-rresient ;
F. C. Lovetr, secretary snd treas
urer. The attendance of the Erworth
League of the Newman Methodist
rhn'ch continues to increase, owing
to the membership contest whlcti is
now on. Sunday evening the Lesgue
Hall was almost filled to overflowing,
there lieing between 75 and P0 present.
"What's io a name?" When the
General Conference of the Free
Methodist Chnrch met at Greenville,
III., some time ago, it decided to
chance the action of the convention
at its orgs niziti mi, is Is'-"- Starting
as a non-episcopal Methodism its ex
ecorive officers were called superintendent-,
and elective ever'
rear. N'nw fhev wiU be called
- .... . . ,, i
Tl.a PVaa Mel hnniPl. WIMIFM
elected by the Iat
j, resent eiiror 4 e-i
General Conference, fbv ,nm i nm u
-ni "rm.v the anmnnlius position
of a ch-irch with a non-epiacopat xorm
of government
ficers hearing
but with general
titles osed alone
Fpisrorancies. , .
.n"ai:lMetli(lisf minister in
i :T.r,,strtr City, rs
was agreesmy
sn77.rlsed on August 30 by the receipt
cTTre than 'JTsi jx-tal cards-which
i snnri!
.vto iit-ariv an umn,-u. .. -
r7T.f v, ; 'rh 1 1 rc h in b"ii,r of
,irth,lv. Mauy
IieinD r "i iur t,u-
. . a V. n
grcirarinn nisn vision u "
i-rvunt of
Christ. Socb
ttioughtfi'l rem. in-
brances (if
a.n)iv ee'ii, e rfen r.nng
to eelisiliv
.etrt ana
' modest Christian workers
Items of Personal ft
crsuiiai h
Interest. h
Mr. and Mm. Herman Ycung and
oaby ard Jin Alice Carlon. arrived
here Sun lay from Stnnington, 111.
Young I' as fold his business in
,,u '
Illinoi8 an1 w11 reside In Oregon io ,
the future ,
Fred Berchert, an Oakland. Cal . i
traveling man stonced off in this
o'ttv 1tr- a stir,- ..I. .; 1
,na fri,,n,l8 d also to look after some '
business intents. j
Leslie Uarher, the baker who was ! -,ne uuiia ana all who are in
so severely borned at the Model ' terested in ch icken raising, wheiher
Bakery the other night, has gone to ! mnberi or not are cordial'y m-
slein, where he will remain with
the home fo'ks until he recovers from
the bad barns.
Dr. M. O. Findley and A. E. Voor
hies weut to Glendale Monday even
ing and spent the next day deer- hunt
ing with W. S Booth and his son
Glenn, who live 11 miles np Cow
creek, and who know where the good
hnutiug is to be foung for two flnejtook a hunting expedition out into
deer were captured within five hoora. I the Gal ice region and he evidently
The gentlemen returned to Grants
to Grants Pass the same night with a
fine big 160 pound back as proof
of their success.
W. L. Babcook, a leading Sucker
creek resident was in the city, yes-
terday. and he told the Courier of the
thriving Grange that had just been
organized ont his
way. It has 89 ,
niemvers, which is the largest number
of charter members had by any
Grange etartins nn in the st(. TT !
got the books and records from the
express office and has called a special
meeting of the Grange for Saturday,
November 9, at 1 :30 p. m. , sharp,
at which time several new members
will be initiated and muoh business of
importance will be transacted.
Pleasant Witch Parly,
The witches received Wedneday
evening in the parlor of the Bethany
Presbyterian chnrch. At the door
were two voiceless spooks, one witty
savage mien refused to allow any one
to pass until tfce proper fee had been
deposited, then very graciously pre-
sented each guest with a menu card
' x" K l ',.
Th" PhfDtm eh,'P' Dutch-
B,'n' ma?e of 1"r?" "lh
CabbaKe .leaTe8 for a.od "yf
a crew or liny goora jacs-o-ianierns
attracted much attention. The pro-'
... . . ,
Pram fDrtber carried out the ghostly .
, . .. I
., . . I
neien jove rei neu Liiiiie urpnan '
Annie," with witching manner, while
i, i
the folk -song, "Alonzo, Hie Brave, !
or the Fair Imogeue," by Geo. Par-j
ker was vary imeresting, but what
was more to the point, was so full
of ghestg, as to make the shivers ruu
P Hni down onM r"nal column.
The second part of the
part of the program
wss as well sustained as the first. G.
ViinDyke announced that ghostly
visitors had arrived and would re
appear for a short time and each per
son was to gnesi their identity. The
first of these was Kip-Van-Winkle in
the person of T. P. Cramer, Samuu-
tha and Josiab Allen next appeared
well impersonated by Messrs O. P.
Cramer and E. S. Veatcb. Wet ley
Jones as Hamlet's Ghost made qnite
a hit, while Mrs. Ireland as Jenny
Lind, pleased all with her rendition
of Annie Laurie. " Prof. Turner
wore the toga as Cicero and three well
disguised yoong ladies represented
the witch scene from Macbeth. Four
guessed correctly the characters repre
sented and the one snccescfol io draw-
ing received the prize which proved
to be a clever ske'eh in pen and ink
of Msi-beth's witches.
Fairy air ships were then gel adtift
by T. P. Crsmer, each bearing an
answer to the question "V ill
marry? This caosed much mem
nient among the young people.
The witch scheme wag also carried
out in the dainty refreshments served,
the menu lieing "sand witches, witch
salad and water bewitched." This
was served by witches in the halves of
1. : - kn . ...
IIUUllllJe uunwTir, u o
" . . . . .
paicr plate contained a symbol or
wiuuii. " --
concealed a ring, thimble, button
and dime, each of which foretold the
future for the recipient
The committee having the affair in
charge was compctwd 'of Mesdames
I'ren.otT," Veatoh and Newell and these
ladies shmld rertainly be pnmmended
forthe sucs of their undertaking. .
C. S. Hoiie wis alKiut the hap
piest man in thene arts, Saturday,
f,,r his family arrived from Omaha,
N'-braska, after been on the
r'l in"t of the week. Mr. Hnie
I tire based the Kinney place, adjoining
the city limits and is much pieueed
with thiswuntryand its climate.
H A Brief Record of
v onei ivecorci of '
6 Local Events.
Tne Ladies of the Relhf Corps
thank all who helped and douated for
H' rnninnne ule.
! Ouite a nice luiDrovcmmit i 'iii
y""" " nun luiinuvtuiwu is oeiug
made in the opera house stairway, hy
having the rebuilt, will, a good
landing half ay up. This will be
appreciated by tho many natrons of
tliift nnnnUii i.luvhnnaa I
The Grant- Pass Poultry Association
meets next Tmsday evening, at St. !
"The women of the Upper Williams
bailey propose tobreak the mouotouy
of the bunid um farm life by organiz
ing an op-to-date woman's dob,"
remared a resident from that part of
the count j, to the Courier scribe. "
Last week L.L. Jewell cahi r of the
Grapts Pass Banking & Trust Co.,
bad too good a timt, for he has been
laid np for the past week, trying to
recover from an abscess of the ear. It
has given him much pain and pre
vented his attending to the business
of the bank.
Saturday the Grauta Pass school
teachers, accompanied bv a few in-
vited friends, took
auother pleasure
jaunt, this tints going to Tahla Rock
np in Jackson coonty. They were
-joined bv a nnmher of Mnlfnnl nnrl
Jacksonville teachers and the day was
ue which was very enjoyable,
Richard DeArmond, of Med
ford was
ia the city, today and he
me that they had bad no
less than 800 cases
town, just recently.
of tnsawles in that
and also told of a
number of rases of diphtheria they
bad had, too. So, if one case of
spinal meningitis makes an epidomlo,
in case it is at Grants Pass, what
would you call three 800 oases of
contagions disease like this?" in
quired oue interested GranU Pass
citizen, as he aooosted the Courier
man, who said he'd have to "give it
It is rumored that beginning No-
'" "lonaiii unuKea in
the time of train. 15 and 1 and
fains 18 and a new card now be-
i"R io preparation. The proposed re-
auction in servioe will be greatly lelt
throughout Southern Oregon and
..... . .
Northern California, particularly
1 '
, . , , , A1 .. . ..
radical change in the time of the re-
maining iwo irams.
Las evening a number of friends
and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs Henry
J. Burner tendered that couple a sur
prise, at their home, on Fourth
street. The affair was entirely in
formal and the surprise wa' an entire
success, and a very enjoyable evening
' was spent," Five Hundred" beiug the
pattiuie. The iutinderg came loaded
with a bountiful supply of good things
and the refreshments were srved
' during the evening's pleasure. Owing
toils being Hallowe'en, the 'affair
I partook very much of the nature of
I .1 t I A.J
wie eveui iiimi whi iwuig ueiuormeu su
generally. At a late hour the visitors
departed, one and all having had a
fine time.
In securing the famsus "Kiltie's
Bund, for an afternoon matinee and
evening performance, for November
Mb, the management of the Grants
Pass Optra House has scored a big
hit, for this is one of the finest
troupes on the road. This will be
the only stop in Oregon, ontside of
Itirtland and the
will be afforded
treat. It has a
voice which is
people of this city
a grand musical
male choir of lfi
simply Immentte,
l.;l.. th. I,,1 r,f Aft n.n.iluna oil in
Highlacd cost uuie, with the pipers and ,
dinn er, make it big drawing card. '
They were three days in Portbind and ',
drew an imuw nse crowd at each and
every performance. The big parade
atjuoou is a free show well, worth
enjoying. j
Ytsterday afternoon the Needle
Club held a very interesing and
profitable seenion in the (i. A. K.
hall. These Iwlics meet every Thurs
day afternoeiti fur the purpose of ex
changing ideas vtith regard to fancy
work and incidentally have a pleasant
social time. They are just now look
ing ahead and are getting the latest
and best plans for Christmas needle
work and each one is aleo at work
ujKin an extra flue article that
will be placed on exhibition at the
Kngue River Industrial fair next year.
I,Mt yur this
orgni.utioii did some
r v elf nel i ve .
were muclTiu
,tk 'and the member
evirtelieeat the recent
fiiir.twhen they
did lunch to insure
it"ucet . 'This 'year, they ro
,, , , Ven tetter and the uiemtwrs are
finite"'. Mtli'isiuHii(:over the ncell.-ut
record they are making. I
News Notes From the Business
Men to Raiders.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Corun (or Plumbing.
M. Clement,, Prescription Druitgiat.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Uak
Ranges atCornn'c
Mrs. Frances Amos Piano teacher,
403 N 5th St 8 9-tf
Moved A. Letcher has moved his
jewelry store to Dixon's store. 11-1 It
Suappy, gold-filled
brooches at Letchera.
V-30 4t
R. L. Parsell, piano tuuiug, Phoue
698 or Musio Store,' Grants Paas,
Ore. 8-80 tf
Z Baoon & . Eubauks can make yon
the harness you want. 10-25 tf
First-class diamonds. AU bright,
new and snappy goods, at prices to at
are right, at Letcher's. D-20 4t
Still doing business at the old
stand Piel's Elite Laundry. . 10-4 tf
Eyes tested free at Letcher's, the
only registered optometrist in Jose
phine county, from the Optical Board
of Oregon. 9-80 4t
Merlin-Gallce stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Galioe 12, return
1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. 25 pounds
baggage free.
C. E. Palmer's Buff Orpingtons
took first urize and scored highest
Pitttt l,T,,r all fowls entered at the
iau. a irw uuvKreiB lor saie. in
quire at S. O. Supply Co. store.
9-30 4t
" Voice culture and sight Treading,
class or private, Mrs. H. N. Starr,
Phone 698. 10-4 4t
The Mounaineer Restaurant, Front
street, between Sixth aud Seventh,
will be open every night until 1
o'clock. 8-80 tf
special prloe for short time of fJ
! Pr lo"d lor niil1 blocks delivered
40 any Prt
of the olty. First-class
kindling wood, 75 oent per wagon
load. Other wood at reasonable
prices. Telephone 1141 or call on II.
L. Edwards. 10-25 tf
What means this eager, auxious
At Wonder store the whole day longT
These wondrous gatherings day by
What wonderful oommotion jay
Iu tones of Joy the throngs reply :
Everyone has come to buy,
To sell and bay, to sell aud buy,
No wonder why ! No wouder whyl
10-18 4t
O. G. Hanks of Glendale, visited
over Sunday with Grants Pass friends.
This week tlie Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Association shipped car
of fine Spitzenberg apples the to New
York City market, for which good
prices are expected. Recently these
people sent a car of. elegant pearl to
the same market, realizing IJ370 net,
for the car, the boxes each bringing
fl 05, nn board the cart here at
Grants Paas.
While baking a big batch of bread
at the Model Bakery, the other night,
Leslie Garber thought to expedite
matters and so, with the idea of help-
ing the Ore along, he picked up a can
( containing what he thought was
j kerosine, but which happened to be
gasoline, he attempted to throw the
coutests into the red hot oven, with
i wltl. tl... ......1. 1.. .
i " " 'im uniuiw rnauit mm no was
' badly hurtled ahout the neck and arms,
. with gome injury to his face. The
j water hydrant hapjiened to be near
atjhend and with the presence of mind
1,8 let tl,e moisture flood the place,
tUoB PntiiiK the wooden part of
' the bakery frou catching fire. He Is
! now !y'K np for repairs, but the
b"k,r' having sees red another baker,
i " "''"'" yore,
Moved A. Letcher
jewelry store to Dizoa
has moved his
s store. 11-1 U
1 INo Panic at A
Furniture liouse
Store full of new goods, bought at lowot price for
cash, freight lower lecauBO in car load lota. Come
and eee tho goods and prices and you will be sure "
to buy. Individual checks on local banks accept
ed eamo as gold, or will sell on installment plan.
"Largest assortment, Lowest price'' tho motto we
sell by. Special sale of Wall Paper beginning
Monday, November 4.
I Big Store North
New Heater
It will be well to look at our
large stock of both Air Tight
and Box Heaters. We have
a full stock of all sizes to suit
any condition. We have Air
Tight Heaters as low as $1.75,
just the thing for a bedroom.
Purchasers living in the city
will have stoves delivered and
set up free of charge.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Stove Board Terra Cotta Tipe
First National Bank
Of Southern Oregon
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way of
keeping your money is by deposit
ing it in a Reliable Bauk. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way to
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all parts
of the country.
One of the most important func
tions of the Batik. We endeavor
to supply all reasonable needf of
our customers.
Capital and Surp us .... $73,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
13. Hall. President
i. C. Campbell, Vice-President
11. L. GlLKEY, Cimhlei
K. liacajs- . Aset. Cashier
Nov. 13, Kridav Dunce it Havage
Creek Hall. Tickets, Instituting sup
per, l. lu-itf St
Nov. II, Monday Kellogg-Haines
Hinging party at the Opera House.
First Annual Morse Show,
For the above occasion round trip
tickets will be sold Io Portland,
under the following conditions:
Itatea: One aud one-third fare for
round trip.
Kale dates: November fitb, UHff.
Li-nit: Ketorn limit November
lO-arst. Agent
U Bannards'
6th and D Sts