Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 25, 1907, Image 7

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A f. ARMSTRONG. LL. &. Principal
- Educates for success in a short time and at small expense", and studs each stu
" Jit to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for
" oroogh work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in.
jwction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the
ottcher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ;
-7- lepble. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free
rite today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland.
School looks
We can make the '
exchange at
i GLEMEtIS' Sel,s EE ahd
Are You Interested In Fencing?
If so let us figure with you. We sell
Page Woven Wire Fence
Cattle. Sheep,
Goat, Poultry, or
Hog Fence,
Buy.the PAGE and Start in Right
We buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles
of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1907.
t?A Page Fence Men
Of Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countte4.
Main Office - Medford, Ore.
Preferred Stock Tomatoes
come out whole can be served it less roil than fresh nun
though equally si good. Thty mint be just a red, firm
ripeness for Preferred Stock use the kind you would pick
from the vine if you had your choice. Quality it the abso-
iui requirement or every vegetable and
Preferred Stock Canned
hM tknnl UM at an
For eur tomatoes we eo to the famous Santa
in California. These tomatoes are firmer, with more
meat and less water. We pay more for our tomatoes and we insist on having first pick.
AIXEIT & LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, TJ. S. A.
I l. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
lam prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in anv U In.i
I, Marble or Granite.
Nearly thirty year of experience in thn Marble business warrants jut unvln,
hat l can fill your orders in the very bent manner.
'. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American 'iranite or anv kind n
S Front street, next to Green's Uunehop.
OILMORE & BOREN. Proprietors.
H fttreet'betweeo Fifth anJ Huth
'iicceesfil Experiment Irt Abat
ing anil Curing This Disease
Vatarrk is an emiie y nnnecespary
fress an1 shoild n t ro'e'ste" for
fcing! dy no tli t Hyoinei is so
tnerallv known and bus made so
ny cares in Ura its Pans aud other
SJotil compantirely recent times
Urrli wag thought to be a blood
feease aad stomach dosing th only
atm"nt. Modern science finally
Isproved this idea of the cause of
Urrh, and found that it was a germ
sseaaa and, after many experiments,
e remedy was decided to be Hvomei.
Hyomei indicates the air you
Lawn, Garden,
Cemetery, or Wrou
ght Iron Fence or
fruit that goet into
Clara Valley
... FEED
Pboss vi '.irnte Pass, Orecoe
! breathe; it kills the catarrhal germs;
it bet's the smarting aud raw nieui
' bra lies of the passages in the nos aud
' Hiroti ; it cjres ail citarrbal trochlea.
; A th -re is life and hea'th in the
air in thn mountain top where th
I pine foret itive off their fragrant
Isndhfaling ha tam, so there in life
lend health in breathing Hynniei.
i Tlu re is no need of suffering from
j catarrh if the simple aud natural
j treatment of Hvomei is oited.
' So Sure is this prescription to onre
I even the worst cases of catarrh, that
Demsray sells it under an absolute
guarantee to refund the money if it
d'H's not do all that is claimed for it.
j urns WaU 4 list ti J
C, Bast Ouiurh ernip. Ti Mm 3
V In tfm. .14 bv aniirw 1 1
igTHi:n'i:iiM:Li j
As "Red Clond" hat been busy and
we haven't seen any items from
Laurel Grove, I thought I would send
in some.
Still fine warm weather yet and doe
not look like we are going to have
winter for quit a while yet.
H T. Day paid Grants. Pass a visit
last Saturday, also Oscar A. Williams
and Mr. Haberraan.
Mrs. Lida Swioden was in Grants
Pass trnntaotmg busiuees. ' a
Sch ol is progressing nicely at
Laurel Grove.
Ob yes, what has become of the
Hood River editor, who need to be in
Grants Pass, principally at the
Courier office?
Mr. Loois Carson was at the home
of onr reporter last Sunday.
'gMr, Spencer took a load of hay to
your city last Satnrday.1.
Oh yes, the telephone now
alter so lung a time.
Lumber hauling is still in sesnon
and will be nntil the roads get bad
as there is about 310,000 feet to be
hauled yet.
A. H. Carson is kept very bnsy this
summer and fall gathering his fine
grapes and people visit the vineyard
every day. There has been over 200
people who have visited this vineyard
this summer and fall. Mr. Carson
certainly has reason to believe that
grapes are adapted to this climate as
all his grapes do fine. Mr. Carson
has worked and planned for some
years part bnt he has made a success.
O, yes, the .K. F. D. No. 1 Is all
right. We missed it by not having it
five years ago.
Mr. Walter Farra and family
started to Eastern Oregon last week.
They intend being gone about a
Miss Cora Lettken is staying at
the borne of Mr. Provolt at present.
Well, well, what will we do as
"Monty" of Davidson has gone to
California to work, also what ;will
his girl do?
J. S. Buingardner has been doing
some work on his claim known as the
Jane Bag, of late.
(Crowded oat last week.)
While going to or from the grange
meeting at" Wildervill rue night last
week Reuben lacker fell from his
horse, bat was not hart seriously.
Mr. Gilpatrick of Grants Pats made
a'nhort call in this neighborhood the
first of this week.
Mr. Lipp has commenced work on
Mr. Sherman Jess' bonne down
Rogue River.
Claud Armstrong was seen in our
midst again after aa absence of a few
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop of Grants
Ps visited a few days with Mr. aud
Mrs. Hocking last week.
Mr. Casner, who has been working
for Elba Woodard the past few
mouths has gone to some other field
of labor.
J. B. Robinson is potting op a new
house. Our uountry is still improv
ing. Apple picking is the order of the
A very profitable W. C. T. U.
meeting was held at the borne of Mrs.
H. D. Jones Thursday of last week.
We are having beautiful weather,
although the nights s-eio cool.
Crowded out lat week ).
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Perdue are over
from McClood and will remain for
toiue time.
Mrs. Lillie Cole, of Horubrook, re
turned home Saturday after a pleas
ant visit with friends and relatives.
Harry Taylor, who has foeeo very
ill, is greatly improved. He aud his
w if i were in town Monday.
We are sorry to aunouoce the ser
ious illness of Grandpa Scott Dr.
Flanagan wat oiled Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Morse of Jacksonville
and Mrs. Wilbnr Williams, of Grants
Pass, have been beie visiting their
lather, E. Stevens.
Mrs. Ziders left for Aialea. Thnrs
day morning to remain for sometime
with her too and hit wife. Sh was
accompanied by ber granddaughter.
Miss Stella Hulen.
Mia Addie Jones has been appoint
d postmistress for Woodville, vice,
if. T. Hart, who has served o faith-
folly in that capacity for about seven
yirs7btit who recently resigned.
Miss JooeaT'is'an ettimablt yijong
ady and will, no doubt, give entire
satisfaction to the public.
Died Near Woodville, October 11,
1907, Beoj. Owings, aged about 63
years. The deceased waa a aativt of
Missouri, but has lived here man
years. He leaves a wife and several
grown children, also aged mother and
two brothers who reside in Medford.
The circumstance is donbly sad, con
sidering the fact that the unfortunate
man committed suicide, presumably
daring an attack of temporary in
sanity. He wag, at one time, an
inmate of the asylum for the insane,
but was released about one year ago,
apparently ' recovered. The sympathy I
of many friends is extended to the
family and other relatives.
The Acorn Camp - of the M. W. A.
gave a supper last Saturday evening
to a number of invited friends and
neighbors" Over 100 plates were laid
and the menu consisted of-boilel
venizon, baked salmon, chicken,
quail, pickles, bread and butter,
coffee, pie and cake. With O. E.
Sams and Matt Scott as captains,
the members went on a hunting con
test Friday, in which" Mr. Sains1
party came out victorious, leaving
Mr. Scott""ana' his mento stand the
expense of the supper. After the
tables were removed, a free "dan oe
was given, and all
enjoy themselves.
present seemed to
Quarts blanks at the Coerier office.
Legal blanks at the lower oSc
Mrs. Wynant and daughter and Miss
Nellie Crooks visited with the latter's
parents of Dryden Saturday and Sun
Messrs. Will MoCallister and Floyd
Wynant visited with the latter's
parents Monday.
W. H. Wynaut of the United
States Reclamation service and who
is stationed at Klamath Falls visited
with friends and relatives the first of
this week.
Several of our 'folks are building
new buildings', among them being Mr.
Weston, Mr. Walter, and Clarence
Mrs. Edward Swinden of Laurel
Grove passed through our burgJMon
day. Mrs. Wo, Mestiuger is visiting
with Mrs. Dick Lindsay of Wilder
ville. Mrs. Dow returned home after few
days 'visit with ber mother, Mrs.
Where, oh where is "Rd Cloud"
and "Monty?" Sleeping? Why I
guess not, bat just forgot to write.
' We thought we heart! Charles Me
serve tay" telephone for New Hope."
Fine weeding stationery at the
Courier office
Napoleon Bontparte
showed at the battle of AoUrlitz,
he was the greatest leader in the
world. Ballard' s Snow Liniment has
shown the public it is the best lini
ment in the world. A quick cure
for rheuinatiBm piirains, burns, cots,
eta, A. C' Pitts, KOrrenee, La., says:
"I use Ballard's Huow Liniment in
my family and :ud it unexcelled for
wire chest, headache, corns, in fact
for anything that can be reached by a
liniment." For sale 'by National
Drug Co. and by Demaray.
Bad Symptoms.
The woman who has periodical heaoV
abns, backarhn, aces imaginary dark
fcpott or specks Hunting or dam-lug before
her eyes, baytrnawing distress or heavy
full feeling u.inai h, faint tpelli, drag-g1ng-do
nAellng in lower abdominal or
pelvic rrgfun, easily startled or excited,
IrreguWrfor painful periods, with or with-
'rn, is tulTHring from
rangements that should
lion. Not all of above
ly to be preaenl in any
badly treated and such
run Into maladies which de
urgeon's knife it tbty do not
ine utanl
1 gurh a
tiui.jiu'ii;.fi lrri .(!il,nl iyi HJtum
, y Tlr-prye i rrrr!
V fal .l.jrf-TI,..i,l-,.rlK nJT1
IsJIIIiUTJalitJiUat, HI IIJTltfyn
'-"'Jt i he v ry brsl my
"'skji f "Y
i.f ii.ti... 1 1
'oaLl- i he vi ry brti ingrvd leuU
knun Ui medical science for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its
composition. . N alrohol. harmful, or
hahil-formlng drug la to he found In the
Hat of lit Ingreuienu prlitUal on earn
bottle-wraprx r and n"'-ti und. r oath.
In any condition of mo female system.
Dr. Pierre's Favorite Presrriptmn can do
only good never harm. Its hole effect
la to strengthen. Invigorate and regulate
the whole female syi-rn and eapwiially
the pi'lvic organs. When these are de
ranged In fun -lion or afTeeled by disease,
the Ktomarh and other organ1! of digestion
become s n:tlii lii ally deranged, the
nerve are weakeni'd, and a long Hat of
bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too
much must iml be ei vted of this 'Fa
vorite Prescription." ll will not perform
miracles- vtill not cure tumors no med
icine will. It wniU otten pmfnt them, If
taken In time, and thus the operating
table and the aurgHou'a knife niay be
Women aufferlng from disease of long
Standing, are InviU-d t'i ronsult Iloctor
Pierre by letu-r. f rrc All correspondence
Is held as strictly private and atx-redly
contKinntial. Address lr. IL V. Pierce.
Buffalo. N. V.
r. Pierce's Med leal AdrlserOOW) page)
ts sent rue on receipt of 31 one-cent
stamiM for paper-rovered. or 31 stamp
for cloth-bound copy. Addreat as above.
out uvmc catys
have eXpj aywi
avmutorla at lis
case at oielme.
man ufe s
pu menl'
Timber Land. Act June 8, 1878
Roeeborg. Ore., Jaly au, i07.
' Notio is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the
actor Congress of Jane 8, 187S en
tilted "An act for the tale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory aa extended to all the Pnbllo
Land States by act of August 4. 1893,
of Cbico, county of Butte, State of
California filed in this office on May
87, mi, her sworn statement No, 8449
for the purchase of the 8. E. U nf
Secti-Hi No. 18. in Township No. 83
S , Range No. 4 W. W. M., and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stoae than for agricultural
purpose! and to establish her claim to
said land before Joseph Moss. U. S.
Commissioner, at his office in Grants
Pass, Oregon, on f ridav, the 8tb day
oi novenoer, iwi.
She 'names at witnesses: Rosa L.
Waters of Clnoo, Butte Co., Cal
William J. Johnson of Oakland,
Alameda tjo., Ual , Kdwin V, Dry
burgh, of Medford, Ja ksou Co . Ore.,
Walter J. O'Connell, of Eugene, Laue
LO., ure.
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely the aoove-deiicribed lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 8th day of
November, 1907.
Timber Land, Act Juue 3. 1R78.
Roseburg, Ore., July 29. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, eu titled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
nevaaa ana Washington .territory" as
extended to all the Publio Laud State
by act of A a gust 4, IHtf'J,
of Harrison, County of Kootnai. State
of Idaho, filed in this office on March
16, 1U07. hit sworn statement No. 8447
for the purchase of the SE of Sea.
No. 38, In Tp. No. 87 South of Range
No. 7 Wet of WM.Ore. aud will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
mora valoabl for its timber or stone
than for airicsltiral purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at
his office at Grants Pasa, Oregon, on
Friday, the 8th day of November, 1907.
He names as witnesses Martin A.
Conger, of Grant Pass, Oregon,
William Ball, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
Emmett K. Conger, of Wilderville.
Oregoa, Lillian M. Koaggs, of Harri
son, Idaho.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely th above-described lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
offlot, on or before said 8th day of
November, 1907.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
in tne matter or th
Assignment of the
Southern Oregon
General Hospital
a Corporation.
Notice is hereby given, that J. E.
Peterson, the .assignee of the above
named insolvent, lias filed in the
above entitled court and cause bis
final account, and that the same will
be beard and p ssed upon Monday,
January 18, A. D., 1908, at th hour
of 9 o'clock P. M , at the Court
House at Grants Past in Josephine
Couuty, Oregoa, that being the first
day of the regular Jaunary, 1908, term
of said court, and all person having
oojectlou to said llnal account are
hereby required to file and present
the same oo or before the last men
tioned date.
Date this 23d dav of September, A.
D., 1907.
In the Circoit Court ot the State of Or
egr n for Josephine County.
Ella S. Basil,
vs. !- SUMMONS
Wellington II Quell,
To Wellington H. Buell. defendant:
In the name of tne state of Oregouyou
are hereby lammoued to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In th abov entitled court aud
oaoa o or btfor six weeks from the
date of first publication of this Sum
mnna, which first date of publication
is Friday, October 4, A. D., 1907, and
the last day of publication of said
summons aud the last day (or ynur
sppetranne as aforesaid is Friduy,
November 1'), A. D., 1907, and you
are hereby notified that in case yon
tail to appear and answer tbe com
plaint within tbe .time aforesaid, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in the complain,
vii: for a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now aud heretofore
existing between the plaiutiff and
defendaut; that the plaintiff be
awarded the title in fee simple to an
undivided one-third in and to the
westerly one-half of Lota of Block S of
Bonnie First Addition to the Town
of Uraots Pats, and in and to tbe 8.
E i of Sec. 28. Twp. 88 H, H 7 W of
Willamette Meridian, all in Josephine
County, Oregon; that plaintiff be
awarded the care aud custody of the
minor children, viz: Clara, a
danghter, agsd 17; Ray. a son aged 18;
Leslie, a son aged II; and Ethel a
daogb'er aged 7; aod that plaintiff be
allowed a suitable provision by way of
alimony ss th court may determine
for the maintenance of herself and
minor children, to be decreed aud es
'abliahed at a charge against the De
fendant's interest in the real property
aforesaid, and for such other and far
ther relief as is equitable.
. This summons is published by order
of the Hon. H. K. Hanna, Jodge of
ibe above entitled court, duly made
and rendered in open court at Grants
Pass in Josephine County, Oregon, on
Saturday, September 28, A. D 1907,
ordering the publication of this sum
mons for a) period of six ooesaive
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timbtr Land, Aot Jnne 8 ,1878.
Roteburg, Ore., July 29 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com-
plianoe with the provisions of th aot
of oongreteof Jane 8, 1881, entitled
"An act for the tale of timber land
in th State of California. Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory' aa
extended to all Ibe Poblio Land State
by act of August 4, 1892,
rf No. 8361 Post fli, San Francisco.
oounty of San Franoisoo, State of
UaJifornia. filed in this offloe on May
21, 1907. ber sworn statement No.
8455, for the purchase or the NEl?
of N and W of NEand SEof "
NE"-4'of Sec No. 9fl, in Township No.
85 Sooth. Range No. 4 W. W. M.. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
pose ana to establish her claim to
said land before Joseph Moss U. S.
Commissioner at his oftloe in Grant
Pass Oregon ou Saturday tbe 9th day
ol November 1907.
She name as witnesses:
William Spalding of Grants Pass,
Josephine Co. Ore, Albion ,V SHsby ,
of Grauts Phss, Josephine Co., Ore,
Francis J. Spalding of Grants Pass,
Josephine County. Ore, Nellie Spald- -ing
of Grants Pass, Josephiue Co., .
Ore. - . .
Any and all persons olaiming ad
versely ths above-described lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
olliu on or before laid 9th day of
November, 1907.
. Register.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1818.
Roseburg, Ore., Jnly 89, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that in ootn
pliauce with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act lor the ssle of timber land
in the Slates of California. Oreiron.
Nevada and Washington Territory '' a
extsuded to all the Publio Land Statea
by aot or August 4, 1893,
of Grants Pass, County of Josephine,
State of Oregon, filed in this oflloe on
March 2S, 1907, bis sworn statement
No. 8448, lor th purchase of th S.
E. W of Section No. 6 in Township
No. 85 S, Range No. 4 W. M. M.. and
ill offer proof to show that the land
south is more valuable for it timber
or ctoue than for agrioaltuial pur
poses land to establish lilt olaios to
laid and before Joseph Moss. U. 8.
Commissioner at hi offloe in Grant
Pans, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day
of November, 1907.
lie name as witnesses: Curtis
Manning, of Wimer. Ore.. Ernest
Vrouian of Wimer, Ore., Alpheu
N. Oroaoh of Wimer. Or.t Otorg
H. Kesterson of Granjt Pa, Ore.
Any and all persons olaiming adver
sely ths abov described lands at re
quested to file their claim in this
oflloe oo or before said 8th day of No
vember, 1907.
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., July 29, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that In oom.
pllano with th provisions of th act
of Cougress of Jane 8, IM,8, "entitled
"An ant for the sal of timber land
in th State of California. Oreoron.
Nevada and Washington Territory'
extended to all the Publio Land
States by aot of August 4, 1892,
of Woodville, county of Jitoksnn, Stat
of Oregon, filed in 'his ofilne on
May 21, 1907, her sworn atatsment
No. 84.'4, for the Ipnroliase of the
NW4 of the NW of Heo. No. 2(1, in
Township No. 8J Booth, RaiiR No.
4 Wett W. M., and will offer proof to
thow that th land (ought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agtloultural por poses and to estab
lish her claim ta said Innd before
Jnsuph Moss, U. 8. Commissioner at
bis office in Grants Pass, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 9th day of Novem
ber. 1907.
She namo a witnesses: George
Megorlo, of Woodville, Jackson
enmity, Ore., Daniel Megerle, of
Woodville, Jackson county, Ore.,
Charles V. Heukle, of Grants Pass,
Josephine oounty, Ore., Oe irge Bier
of Winter Jaokioa county Ore.
Any aud ail persons olaiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to fit their claim in this
office on or before said 9th day of
November J007.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
A. L. Handle,
Sidney W. Handle
To Sidney W. Handle, defendant :
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby stiiuiuoend and re
quired to appear in the above enttled
court and answer tbe complaint filed
against you in the entiled suit on or
Wore six weeks from the date of first
publication of this summons, which
date of first publication is September
20th, 1907, and th last data of pub
lication aud tbe last day in which
you are required to apjiear is Novetu
W 1, 1907, aud you are hereby noti
fied that in case you fail to apiear
and answer the plaintiT complaint
within the time hereinbefore speci
fied, or otherwise plead thereto, that
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint, vis: for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now aud
heretofore existing between tbe plain
tiff aud defendaut, aad that plaintiff
be divorced from the defendant.
This summon is published by or
der of the Hon. 1L K. II anna, Judge,
made at Chamber at Jacksonville,
Or., aud dated September 19th, 107,
and requiring publication thereof for
six successive weeks in the Hogtie
Kiver Courier, a newspaper of general
circulation, published at Grauta Paas
in Josephiue County, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
No sensational or questionable mat
ter allowed ia the Conner.