Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 25, 1907, Image 5

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    I, veigh and meamrt ererythin you
huy A merita Oncer.
Even in Selecting
Ve aim to supply the
est for the money and
'not satisfactory is our
)ur "Q" Blend and
Umax Goffee
net touch the 6pot to those
ho like a nice, mild flavored
offee, they are the equal
most of the 35c kind, our
rice is 2ocper lb.
i Tea we carry such well
jiown brands as Liptons
eylon, Chase and San
orns in hrglish Ureak
ist, Basket Fried Japan
nd Oolong Tea, also
chill ings Best Japan Tea
Royal Gem Japan Tea,
i bulk only, 50c per lb.
Flour indications are that all
ods of flour will be higher than
st season. We carry most of the
ading brands, Olympie, Pure
rhite, Bluestem; our Hard Wheat,
avis Best and Gold Hill in west
b brands. White, and Yellow
Dm Meal, Graham, Whole Wheat
! Jhite House
Common Sense
ut. Lieorge Eacher, formerly a
resident of Grants Pass but now a
prominent dentist of Roseburg, and
Miss fJolia Francfr Wilson, a Port
land belle, were married at'the at-
tropolig one ;day this week!2They
lixve the congratulations ad best
wishes of many friends. ' ,j Zrr 1
Friday evening occurred the "Sheet
and Pillow Case Party," given at St?
Luke's Goild Hall, by Mies Jessie
Bale. Tbe many invited guests ar
rived, one and all attired in ghestly
white apparel and greatly enjoyed tbe
mailt affair. Later in the evening
dancing was indulged in and a very
enjoyable evening was spent.
HalUw'ten l allies will be quire
numerous this next week and it is re
ported that some of the affairs will be
decidedly charming. Some will be
given by church and others by lodge
sooieties, while still others will be
by private individuals. All of them
promise to be delightful social events.
Monday '"evening quite a jolly
gathering of yonng peonle assembled
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Fetsch,; on H street, the occasion
being a surprise party which was
tendered their daughter Louise, on
her 14th birthday. Tbe pleasant
affair was planned by Mrs. Fetsch
and was a big success in every sense
of the word. From 5 until 9 o'clock
the merrymakers had a happy time
of it, Ice cream and cake being ser
ved and many games being played
and songs sung. Miss Louise was
the recipient of some handsome (ifte
from her many friends.
Wednesday evening, few of the
friends of Harry Newell, gathered at
his home on G street, to help him
celebrate bis 15th birthday. The
early part of the evening was spent
in outdoor games around a large bon
fire and later on the young people
assembled In tbe parlors, where games
and music were indulged in. Later
in the evening refreshments were ser
ved and after continuing the mer
rymaking for some time longer, all
departed for their homes having spent
a most enjoyble evening which will
long be remembered by those present.
Special sale stationery next week
at Grants Pass Music store. 10-35 It
The new hospital is now ia full
operation and Dr. F. W. Findley per
formed the first operation, which con
sisted in straightening the eyes of an
Ashland party whose optics were
badly crossed. A numbe' of opera
tions were waiting for the new es
tablishment to be In readiness. 10-35 It
For the retura of the Columbia
Chainless wheel taken from the Gal-
vert-Tabor house October 30, a liberal
reward will be given. 10-25 It
Fine wedding
Courier office.
stationery at th
See ( ffl '
This Jp
For IS years we've tested
of the Gloria Shoe for ladies,
perfectly, is very stylish and
Wears, Wears, Wears!
We carry in stock all the natty stylish shapes
in patent leather, gun metal, and vici ; lace or but
ton, light and heavy soles, all sizes arid widths.
Step in and I'll show you the "Gloria shot-"
the nobbiest boot out.
I am keeying quality up and holding down the
price to $3.50 let me prove it.
X5hQ Shoe Man at
The R.L. Coe Co.
X Items of Personal i
C Interest.
Kalph Davis visited over Sonday
in Ashland, returning home Monday
J. F. Hale, the piano man was in
the city, Wednesday, making arrange -
mentetoopen np a piano house here
in the near future.
Herbert K. Hanna. son of Judae H
K. Hanna, has just opened np an of
fice in Jacksonville and bis many
friends expect great things from this
new limb of tbe law.
Mrs. Wm. Mathews and Mrs.
Atkinson, both of Ash 'and, are the
guests of their old time friend. Mrs.
R. H. Gilfillan. They are here to
consult with Dr. Findley. the local
prominent druggist
R. E. Alvey, a
of Mechanicsbarg, 111., and family
stopped off this week for a brief visit
with their old-time friends, L. B.
Hall and family. They are delighted
with Oregon and may oonie to this
state to reside.
"The Toka," is tbe name of the
Grants Pass High School paper which
will appear for the first time this
week. Harold O'Neill is editor-in-chief
and Randall Hood is business
manager. The new enterprise starts
out nnder very promising anspioes
and for the rest of the school year it
will be a welcome and interesting
Mrs. Frances A. L. Church, mother
of Mrs. Arthur Conklin, who has
made her home with her daughter for
the past ;two Jyears. left Wednesday
for California, where she -will spend
some time visiting and she will also
go to other points of Interest, during
the next six months, expecting to
reach here home at Oberlin, O.,
about next June.
J. A. Haak. a wealthy timber man
and founder of tbe town of Haak
wood, Mich., when be resides, is in
Grants Pass, for tbe express purpose
of seeing the city and surrounding
country and be is simply delighted
with conditions as be finds them here.
He bad Eismann Bros, express some
boxes of superb pears and apples back
to bis eastern home and he thinks
they will do this section some mighty
good advertising. Mr. Haak'a trip
has spoiled him for ever living back
east, again and so he is going to make
his abode 'n Oregon, ever hereafter.
He thinks that tbe people out bare do
not know just how well off they
really are.
Last week C. O. Bigelow made one
of his tig round-ops of cattle in the
Williams creek country, of which he
as several hundred in Dumber. He
covered tbe Grayhack mountain dis
trict as well as Deer Creek, Thocpson
creek and other plac- s were the cattle
graze. Clias. Mecerve, who ia said to
be an expert in all such matters.
ent along to see that nothing wss
lacking to make the job a big suocfsa.
Quick dsllvsry Th- wJy Orea-oalaa.
the stiiving
It holds s
liape, fits
A Brief Record of!
Local Events.
Th" terni f Postmaster Harmon of
Qr"ts P- expires in November and
mere are already six open aspirants
for ,,le offlce and nobody kws how
; mHnJ more who "Id0' he averse to
the iob,-Medford Mni1'
j The Grants Past Poultry Assocla-
: tlon hM on,8'0'rn " oli quarters aud
arrangements have been made for
holding the sessions, hereafter in the
Guild Hall, of St. Luke's church.
The meetings are held the first Tues
day in each month.
Things loosed rather livelv on
Front street Monday, when M. E.
Moore, the furniture dealer was un-
loading a car of new goods. He ex
I peots a big rush of business and is
planning to bring on another car
Theodore Payne, one of the substan
tial Pro volt farmers who put $100
along with 23 cf his neighbors in
the Applegate Creamery, was in the
city Monday and he reported that the
venture was proving to be very satis
factory. It is expected that tally 30
per cent dividend will be realized on
the s ock, at the end of the fiist year.
Telephone operators from Grants
Pass, Medford and Ashland gathered
in Ashland Sunday for a social
meeting and conference relating to
their work. The meeting was called
by Manager E. A. Sherwin of Ash
laud and besides Manager Chas.
Srang of Medford and Manager A. T.
Marshall of Grants Pass the follow
ing operators were in attendance:
Misses Eva Wimer, Emma Shaika and
Jennie Huggarth of Grants Pass ;
Clara Grimes and Edna Eifert of
Medford; Edna Tostevin, Blanche
Wright, Ella Conrad, Ashland.
Little "Jack" Soott, the young son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Soott, jumped
on the big transfer wagon of Baber
Bros., Wednesday evening and fell off,
hnrting himself in some manner. It
was thongbt, at first that be had been
run over by one of the big wheels,
bat evidently be was not, for he was
able to be around the next day.
Draymen tell that the boys around
town will run the risks by climbing
on, in spite of all they can do and it
is a wonder that more of them are not
dangerously hnrt, than there are.
Tbe Hardware World, of Portland,
the wholesale publication has awarded
W. W. Cotton, of the Grants Pass
Hardware Co., the first pilae for the
best window display, the design being
tbe one where a big bridge was con
structed out of nails. This week they
sent him a check and the above in
To whom it may concern :
The sources from 'which questions
will be taken for state and county
papers are as follows :
Bookkeeping Orflce Methods and
Practical Bookkeeping Pt. 1.
Physiology Hutchinson.
Z U. S. History-Doub.
Civil Government Strong iSNhaefer.
Theory and Practice White's Art
' of Teaching.
Arithmetic One-flfth from Course
of Study, four-fifths from Smith.
Grammar One-fifth 'from Coarse of
Study, four-fifths from Knottier.
j Geography Oue fifth from Course of
i Study, four-fifths from Natural.
J Psychology Buell.
English Literature,
i February 1U0S.
' A. One-half from Newcomer's Eii-
' gliwh Literature. !
B. One-half from the following 1
.classics: j
' 1. Tennyson lilylla of, 'the King
(Gateway series i, Amer. Book Co., 1
H5c, 2i)u; Gareth and Lyuette Lance
lot and Elaine The pasting of
3. Dickens A tale of two cities
IlKiverside lit. Her. ) Houghton 5(V,
i 41c.
I 3. Lamb -Ewwys 'of Elia. (Pocket 1
cluHiir)Mciiiillan 2"ic, 22c. I
Irenui children Diw-ertatiou upon j
, riat pigOld China-Poor relations
The Buperannnated man-Christ's 1
Hospital five and thirty veurs ago. i
;Angut HH.
A. Oi,o-half from Newcomer's En-
glisli Literature.
B. One half from the followngi
claiwirs: L. Shakenpeare, Merchant
of Venice; ed by W. J. Knife, Am.
Bk. Co., .Wc. 47c. '
3. Scott Ivanhne iKivrrHiile lit.
iter. ) Houghton, tibo, 4iC
j 3. Irving Sketch-book. (Pocket f
claici Macuiillan, 2.x.-, iic KipVan-
Winkle Legend of Sleepy nollow
.West Minister Abbey .Stratford-on '
A von CliriHtman The spectre bride-1
The firt" figure is 'the'publinhf r's
price.'the second thfj'prire to school
contracted for between the Oregon
Library' OounnissiotiHiid Ttm J. K.
ill rv'
f Ii- UMiiHbK.kulijruU .StaiTeit
News Note from the Business
Men to R.eider.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Goto Corun forPlnmbing.
M. Clement,. Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
Mr. Frances Amos Piano teacher,
403 N 5th St. 8-9-tf
Suappy, gold-filled and diamond
brooches at Letchera. 9-20 4t
R. L. Parsell, piano tuning, Phoue
698 or Musio Store, Grants Pass.
Ore. 8-30 tf
Baoon & Eubanks can make too
the harness yon want. 10-35 tf
First-class diamonds. All bright.
new and snappy goods, at Drioee ttiat
are right, at Letcher's. 9-30 4t
Still doing business at the old
stand Piel's Elite Laundry. 10 4 tf
Eyes tested free at Letcher's, the
only registered optometrist in Jose
phine county, from the Optical Board
of Oregon. 9-20 4t
Merlin-Gallce stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Galioe 13, return
1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. 35 pounds
baggage free.
C. E. Palmer'a Buff Orpingtons
took first prize and scored highest
points over all fowls entered at the
fair. A few oockrels for sale. In
quire at S. O. Supply Co. store.
9-20 4t
Voice culture and sight reading,
class or private, Mrs. H. N. Starr,
Phone 6U8. 10-4 4t
WELL driving and digging promptly
attended to by A. G. and Frank
Honck, address. Grants Pass, Geu'l
Del. 10-4 4t
The Mounaineer Restaurant, Front,
street, between Sixth and Seventh,
will be open every night nntil 1
o'olook. ; 8-80 tf
Le-dlee Attentlonl
Ladies attention! Dresses, wrap
pers shirt waists, skirts, chemise,
drawers, nndershirts,stookings, night
gowns, aprons, corset oovers 'and
pieces, child, called for, washed,
starched, dried and returned at 86o
per dozen. Piel'a Elite Laundry,
phone 878. Stovall & Oowdrey, Mgrs.
The witches, under the ausploes
of the Ladies Benefit Society will en
tertain in the Bethany church parlors,
Wednesday evening, October 80. with
a witoh reception, a witch urogram.
witch refreshment, witch game and
bewitching smiles. Everybody in
vited. Admiasioa IS oents.
H. T. Wimer is building a nloe,
new blacksmith shop at Walo. which
is to be the biggest shop on that aide
of Hayes' hill and he will be prepared
to do all kinds of blaoksmlthlng about
Novmbsr 1. io as
Special price for short time of 13
per load for mill blocks delivered
to any part .of the olty. First-class
kindling wood, 75 cent per wagon
load. Other wood at reasonable
prices. Telephone 1141 or call on II.
L. Edwards. jo-28 tf
What means this eager, anxious
At Wonder store the whole day lougt
Tbee woudruua gatherings day by
What wonderfol commotion say
Iu tones of joy the throngs reply :
Everyone lias come to buy,
To sell and buy, to sell and bny,
No wonder why I No wonder why I
;"Iu your courthouse items recently,
the bill of J. R. Yetter for tbe month
was given as S4.1.32, wlioreas It
should have been H4.fi3. Hut I pre
sume that it was merely a slip of the
types," was the pleaiant way it,
which Judge Jewell culled attention
toa disorpmoy iu t 'e bills reporMd
asTbeing allowad by the county oom
miasionnrs. r
is now ready tor all business, everything in house fiimishinf
Among other new arivals are 2r pieces of 2 yards, 2lj yards and
4 yards wide Cook Linoleums the best quality bought before
the advance, and will give my customers thebenefit of price; will
fit ami lay. You will lose money if you buy before seeing these
goods All goods sold for cash or on installment plan
WHITE'S SEWINO MACHINES and Supplies for All
Machines. A few etuis I II DIMM AD ft North SU.h
of Linoleum cheap. A. Ui DAlumill. St.
INciv Heater
It will be well to look at our
large stock of both Air Tight
mu dox neaiers. We nave
a full stock of all sizes to suit
any condition. We have Air
Tight Heaters as low as $1.75,
just the thing for a bedroom.
Purchasers living in the city
will have stoves delivered and
set up free of charge.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Pellowm Block
Stove Board Terra Cotta Pipe
First National Bank
Of Southern Oregon
CRnxTslpnss. orb gov
Some of the Services that i
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest wav nf
keeping your money is by deposit
ing, u iu a Keiiable Bank. This
Bank receives Deposits SubTect ha
Check, or on Demand Certificates)
of Deposit or on Time Certificate
of Deposits. On Time Deposits w
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest wav t
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all part
of the country.
One of the roast important func
tions of the Bank. Wc endeavor
to supply all reasonable need? etf
our customers.
Capital avnd Surp us) $73,00
Stockholders' Additional 3
Responsibility $50.Co7
L. U. Uall. President
J. C. Campbell, Vloe-Presldeat
II. L. ClLKEY, Caahlei
a K. JUrwr-T. Asst. Cashiet
Nov. 16, Kridar-Dmice at Savas
Creek Hall. Tiafceta, llksfading'sup
Pr. 1. lo.a M
Nov. 11, Monday- Kellogg Halm
Hinging prtj at the Opera House.
First Annual Morse Show.
For the above occasion round triy
tickets will hn sold lo Portland,
under the following conditions:
Kates: One and one-third fare fc
round trip.
Sale dates: November (ith, 11(07.
Li'nit: Return limit November
10th, l'.07
W. J. MA HONEY, Agent
at the Hig Kunitnre
House. North fith St