Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 25, 1907, Image 3

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That's why it fits so nicely,
looks so stunning and will give
, such good wearing service.
These are the . garments that
are designed and tailored for
Young Men only. Very popu
j lar with the college boys and
! all young fellows who want
' to appear stylishly dressed.
$10.00 to $25.00
Time to Cry a Halt Before
Ptvnlc Comes.
The business spirit is crashing out
tbe sweeter element of home life. We
re in danger of m great commeroiSl
decli e, became men, ai a whole,
think only of netting wealth.
There,are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take tin e to eat
properly. They rosh through life,
and as a result we have an age of in
digestion, nerroosness, irritability,
sleepless nights, and morose dispo
sition. With the disoorery of Mi-o-na tab
lets, there is do longer ny excuse for
one to- hare ill health from stomach
' Mi-o-na strengthens the walls of the
tomaoh, stimulates seoretioo of the
digestive juices, regulates the IWer
and restores muscular contraction to
the intestines and bowels, so no
laxative is needed.
Sick headaches, palpitation, bad
taste in the mouth, yellow skin, ir
ritability, coated tongue and melan
choly are a few of the many distress
ing results of indigestion. Miooa
never fails to dispel all these troubles.
Drmaray sells Miona in 50 cent
boxes, and guarantees to refund the
money if the remedy does not give
Lut W
forget Baby is restless, can't sleep
at night, woo't eat, cries spasmodi
cally. A bottle o( White's Cream
Vermifuge never fails to - core.
Every mother should-Rive her baby
Wniie's Cream Vermifoge. So many
time when the baby is p e and fret
ful, the mother does not know what
to do. A bottle of this medicine
would bring color to his oheeks and
laughter to bis eyes. Give it a trial.
For sale by National Drug Co., and
by Demaray.
Out of Sight
"Oat of sight, out of tuind, "is an
old saying which applies with special
force to a sore, burn or woond that's
been treated with Bocklin's Arnica
Salve. It's oat of sight, oat of mind
and ont of existence. Piles too and
chilblains disappear under its hsaliog
influence. Guaranteed by all drug
gists, 25o.
. Placer blanks at the Courier office.
Many Mining Hatters
U. S. Senator Daniel Gaggeuheim,
of Colorado is making a tour of the
west, inspecting the various proper
ties held by the "trust," and he ex
pectes to soon be looking over the
field of Southern Oregon.
Alva H. Gunnell, the well known
local mining man spent most of last
week, piloting a party of New York
mining and railroad N men over some
oesirable properties which they con
template purchasing. They had with
them their consulting engineer and
are men of much means. The com
ing of such people to this district
means muoh for tbjs entire region,
for they will do a great deal to bring
this mining reigon before the notice
of the outside mining world.
Many filings of mining documents
are being made with County Clerk
Cheshire these days. . The following
location notices hare been recorded:
Maurice Rosenthal files on a lode
claim, which is an extension of the
Bunker Hill claim and alco another,
known as "Claim No. 1," being an
extension of the Golden Pheasant
Group, better known as the .Banker
Uill Claim, and located in the Galice
district. Chailes Page files on a
placer claim known as the "Boston,"
which is in the Galice distriot.
James H. Sanford files on "Gold
Belt No. 1," in the Galice district
which Is located nst north of Gold
Belt No 3 and about three miles from
Galioe on the southerly slope of Pea
Vine Mt., north of Blanchard Gulch
about one mile from Sugar Pine
mine and just west of Old Yank Con
tact. Cbas. A. Buck has a lode
claim, the "Gold Belt No. which
lies between Gold Belts No. 1 and 3,
in the Galioe district, on west side of
Golden Pheasant claim and across
from Blanchard Gulch, about one-balf
mile above its mouth. R. A. Jones
locates the quarts claim, Heafield."
on Coyote Creek, in sec 20, tp 83 s,
r 5, bring tbe first north extension of
the Anaconda mine. Clinton C
Stanford locates the "Gold Belt," in
Galice district, one half mile from
month of Blanchard Gulch, on sooth
slope of Pea Vine Mt., about
miles from Galice. on west side of Old
Yank Contact. R. H. Johnson, of
Marion. Iod.. R. M. Howard, of Red
d. Cal., and E. L. Granea. of Gold
Hill. Ore., have located two placer
Save Your
M O'ftEY
Como and get my pricos on Fiiruiture and anything in the household furnishing
line. I have just received -a big stock of new goods and
Prices Will Be Slaughtered
As i want to move the goods and make room ft more
nice. These things have been bought at rock bottom
my ccstomers the benefit of the big reduction.
Everything is new and
prices and I mean to give
Seeing is Believing
And I am sure that if you come and inspect my stock and get the prices, that you
are sure to buy of me. Come and see for yourself.
Gome Earlv and Get Your Choice
HE.HENBER that I mcan-just what I say and uill sell
just as I advertise.
Yours For Bargains,
I will pay the railroad fare of all Metlin
customers who buy as much as $10 cash.
claims. "Gold
"Gold Hill No.
mining district
cates "Pear ins
Hill No. 3," and
3," in the Gold Hill
James Deteny lo
Ko. 1," in the Ga
lioe district, on Pea Vine Mt, be
tween Howard creek and Quarts
creek. Thomas M. Cairns locates
"PeatineNo. 23," In Galice district,
on Pea Viae Mt, between Howard
creek and Quartz creek.
County Commissioner J. I. Logan
is installing an hydrsulio elevation
built by the Hendry Iron Works, of
San Francisco on the old Simmons-
Cameron property, ont at Waldo. The
equipment w-ill be similar to that of
the Deep Gravel Mining Co., at
Waldo. He has the pipe line laid
from the ditch and will be ready to
take advautage of the first high water
that comes. The equipment is lo
cated on tbe flat dredging ground on
the cant side of the ridge, one-half
mile northeast of Waldo. -
"Ihe mining ootlook here is ex
tremely bright" remarked Alva H.
Gunnell. Ihe Grants Pass mining man,
who is jwell posted on all soch mat
ters. He then continued: "Yes, I
have not bad as muoh good business
pending and in sight at any one time
during all the five years I have been
located here. There will be some
very extensive operations In these
districts in the near future, withont
any doobl." These are certainly
encouraging words and oomlng from
a man who is known to be conserva
tive, they will have much weight
with the mining men of this region
and else where.
This week C. L. Mangom, the
mining man re nrned to Grants Pans
from Vernon, Nevada, where be and
other local mining men have some
extensive interests. As his family
reside here, he oomes back to enjoy
home life for a bit and may oonolude
to remain here for the winter season.
S. V. Edwards, a mining engineer,
of Portland, formerly state Inspector
of mines for Colorado and who was
mining commissioner from that state
to tbe Lewis and Clarke fair, was in
Grants Pass, Sunday, on some im
portant business.
John Scribner and George Hender
son, who have been developing the
fine "Silent Friend" group of mines
at the head of Wolf Creek distriot,
where they bad free ere and tsllu
rides, which ran np into the thous
ands of dollars, one spool men assaying
80,000 to the ton, have just consum
mated a deal for that fine property
and they left the first of the week for
a trip through Nevada and Arisona,
as they said, to "thaw out," before
returning to Rampart, Alaska, where
-u i i j : L-IJl.
biirj iiavv largv luiuiug uuiuiUK
John Bailey, who has moved into
Grants Pass, in order te give his
children the benefit of the public
schools, and who has been with the
Monntain Lion mine, returned Sun
day from a loos of 'inspection of the
promising mines in the Pickett dis
trict Hi was looking over some
claims with a view to developing the
E.G. Hnluian and Ed Thompson took
a trip into the Jump off-Joe district
Sunday and they were greatly pleased
with the developments being made
in that camp. They found lots of
people in that district and were
pleased to ascertain that they are a'l
coming to Grants Pas to trade, ow
ing to the flue road which the Three
Pines Timber Co. built. They came
ont by way of W liner and report
j having had a pleasant and profitable
j trip, as they went to injinect some
j mining property in which they are
I interested.
I E. G. Lowry was hsra from Che
jhalis, Wah., this week, to look after
some fine prospects which he has in
, the Galice district. He rtad to retorn
north on othi r business, hot expects
i to come back here to spend the winter
; in looking after tlU property.
S L. O. Webb, who, along with two
cousins and one of his brotlicis, owns
iine good mining property in the j
vicinity of Deertng. has bn here on
a tour of inspection, returning to his
'esstera home, Sunday, much pleased
! with what he found while here.
! Carl W. Ohnian, the successful
I Dooglas county niiniug man who has
' some goed claims la Cow Creek Can- j
' yon wr in the city on mining bust-'
j new. the first of tbe week. 1
Mis Dolla Voting, of St. Joe, Mo., ,
who has located a promising claim ia 1
the .Ininp-offjoe district, was in !
Grant this wek."
j C. P. Reibold is In the city from
, Springfield, O., for the eipri-BS pur
poe of investing ,in some good mines
of this region.
Sain Cromwell, the Horubrook, Cal., i
mining roan was here Saturday, on
a niiniug deal of importance.
"pRodneyA.Calvert of New York
Cityha)u .Grants Pain the
pimt'week to'i'kirigIinquiry into the
mining ponobilitit s of till country.
J.ty Bush, al'boenix Arizons'rnin
ing man has come to look over the
jj possibilities ol this cam. .
G. A. Baker of the Jump-off Joe
mining district was transacting busi
ness at the county seat Saturday.
J. H. Hamilton, the prominent
Portlaud mining man was in this
city, Sunday, on miuing business.
J. H. Adams, a I Medford stcck
broker was in Grants Pass the first of
the week, looking after some promis
ing matters.
Geo. H Burton, a mining man
from Gazelle, northern California, is
here to investigate the mining in
teresta of this region.
B. G. Strock has filed bis notice of
having pot iu 2'1 day doing assessment
work in 'developing the "Nellie"
qnsrts claim, in Canyon oreek min
ing distriot '
Hon. R. A. Booth, the prominent
Eugene politician, and lumber man,
was In Grants Pass thisweek. Sena
tor Booth has 'some, extensive miuing
Interests in this part of the state,
which he thinks will prove to be quite
valuable. J
Is there a better way to
keep the family longer at
table, to keep it together?
Your grocer rrtitrnt rour money tl you don't
Uk Schilling! Ftrit: wr ir him
Real Estate Transfers).
Albert T. Martin to Linn D. Allen,
140 acres in sec. fl, Twp. SO s, r 8
Geo. E. Payne to T. L. Rathbon, 40
acres in suo. 7, twp. Sfl , r 8 west
K. E. Red field to Margrut Gerrett
lots 4 and 6 in block 4, O. T. S.
I. A. and Marie Robie to Bertha B.
Batman, lota 9 and 10 in block 8, O.
T. 8.
Harry A. Cougle to Elisabeth
Gabriel Romero, lots 1 and S in block
e8. O. T. 8.,
The above sales were made through
the Real Esate Agency of Joseph Moss,
see him for bargains, be has the lar
gest list in Southern Oregon. Office
84 Sixth St., Opp. Poetoffloe, 10-25 It
will never vary if you grind
it at home. The grocer
rinds all kinds of Coffee
in his mill you grind but
one in yours. See the Point?
Aroma-tight tinsNever in
J. A. Foltfer (fX Co.,
San Francisco
To Sustain
Our Name
We place in our windows today
these leaders, 1
Ugulla Estate Ceylon Te
Fresh pack just received
Deferrable Vacuum packeC
Coffee Nothing better
Clevelands Baking Powder
It's claim is perfection
And this is
not all, there is mow
to come.
' 412 Front Street.
lo But the Best
and at Right Prices
The Dcst Hard Wheatfl
od the Market
1 ... '.. i
Fresh Fruit and Veqetablme
West Q St Opposite depdt
Dtsfnnti Csnnot Be Cured
local application as they cannot
portion of the ear,
reach the diseased
There is only oue way to onre deaf-
newt, aud that is by ooriHtitutlonal
ruined ies. Drafuens h cauHed by an
inflamed condition of the uinoons
liniug of the KuKtiichiati Tube. When
this tube is Inflamed yon have a
rumbling sound or iuiiierfoct hearing,
and win n it is entirely closed, deaf
ness is the result, and unless the ln-
fliuiiiuat Ion can be tulct n out and this
tohe restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine canes ont of 10 sru caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an iu
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Ifc-ufuctis (canned by
catarrh ) that cannot ho cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Betid for circu
lar" free
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol.-do, O.
Sold by driiKvists. 7.o.
Take Hall's Kauiily Hills for consti
Get the Bst When You Buy.
Some people will to tbe trouble
of loadlux a cannon to shoot a fly, but
that is a tioor basinets policy to fol
low." If jou should drop liito our
store and ank to scs the best Kauge
made, we would proceed at once to
show you the "Mouuich Malleable
Range, " Why? Ercaose it Is tuado of
the best material that enters into tbe
construction of a range. It hs a
full polished top; requires on Mark
ing; it is a range thoroughly rivitsd
together to unlleable iron frames
without store paiite or putty being
usxd in the joints. It's a range that
will Irntt you a lifetime aud will pay
for itself many times over iu the
amount of fuel it will sare. It al
way pays to Ml the truth iu inch
If you are IntereHted in a lUnge,
come in and see this one or drop us a
card and wa will be ph-ased to send
you full description of tins Unrig".
We iiuve the names of many satiidied
cnntotKTS who are now nuing this
Kange that we would be glad to tell
you ol.
You May Think a Lo.
but send on your Laundry ,'anyha.
an we will make short work of pu
thlng it in One shape for you. Tha
more the merrier for us. Shirts, OsV
lars, CulTs, Underwear, White Veas,
Hosiery anything and eerythi
We alao handle quickly houseboK
wash -such ss Bed and Table Line.
Lace Curtains, etc. Our metho
are the best and the qnltkost. "Ws
send for and deliver Roods, and charg
ouly reasonable prices.
PeiTs Elite LaoDdrj
.. i
Cor. H & 3d sts. Phone 434
1 Load Blocks $.100
Htove Voot
1 Tier Manzanita $3.00
1 Tier Oak $3 00
1 Tier Fir $2.5t
1 Tier Pine $2.2h i
;iiuiil Wood
1 Tier Oak $2 75
1 Tier Fir $2.25
1 Tier Pine $2.00
1 Load Sawdust .-4
1 Load Kindling
Courier trial subscription. ir
weeks, 10 cents in stamps.
Fruitgrowsrs of Rogue River Vi.Vf
find the Courier of specisl interest