Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 18, 1907, Image 7

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. nnnj I nwMij, L.U. O., PRINCIPAL
Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu
dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for
thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in.
tfcuction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the
Toucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ;
easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free
Write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland.
: School
We can make the
exchange at
Are You Interested In Fencing?
If so le' us figure with you. We sell
Page Woven Wire Fence
Cattle Sheep,
Goat, Poultry, or
Hog Fence,
Buy the PAGE and Start in Kiftht
We buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles
of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January l'07.
T5he P&ge Fence Men
01 Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countic4.
Main Office - ' Medford, Ore.
( 7 B
The water is all squeezed out by hy
draulic pressure from
Squash and Pumpkin.
Preferred Stock
luM Wlunm Uii
Eastern grown Squash and Pumpkin are best, therefore
we have all Preferred Stock Squash and Pumpkin
canned in the East. When they have had a good frost feSiJijSrSS
necessary to give finest flavor then the best of the crop FmsT M V
are gathered at once into the cannery, carefully set aside fwJ.'iiJ
and put up for Preferred Stock. It comes out rich, and iyii i'5iCv,I
just moist enough for best pies. Flavor is unsurpassed. l--ii:3
Bt sun it is PREFERRED
ALUM A LEWIS, WaoWitl Orcein,
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
lam prepared to furnish anythinn in Him line of Cemetery .u k in ai.v kii..
of Marble or liranite.
Nearlv thirty year of experience in the M Artil. hindnes rrain u:v savin
that I can till vour orders in the verv best manner.
' Can turni-,.') work in Scotch. Sed- or . . ineriosn irni. nr anv kind
r ront street, next rn 'ewn ii'innnm.
and SALE
GILMORE & P.0HCN. i'l o'vtoi
it StrW.'between Fir.ti in 1 S:'fi I'.i Mv n: 'in-it.- O.e-.
Successful Kxperiments
i i anJ Curirva This Dist-as
fa' irrh :s a i."-: - ' '
.-i-i- !i:ii - t l- ' ' '" ' V 1.
:-i i. t i.
, 1 '. t '
!x nl .:,.y C t i' - : ' ' " '
Il Til'- . ii---.v ii'-1 ' ,'
. mr cir-- i . k-i-.t t- ' r
w s
I '., ,1 r...-.- o i ;
it it irrh wis' f ,i;i t t-i b- i I-
t i a-e an 1 s'limacii d ! ' ' ' 1 ''
1 a'ill- III. .'l --.'-ru ! o ii-
1 i-provc-d t!a- i '-a of ti) oi-i- .
t itarrh, and found t':a: it was a P rm
t a'm- tit. M-!e
ti'.il. v
is-asi and. after nianv experim 1117.
lie remely Wis d Tided to be iivo
Hvomei medicates the air ;ou
' Sells Drusrs and
Lawu, Garden,
Cemetery, or Wrou
;'lit Iron Fence or
Preferred Stock
No more scorching,
Canned Goods
Dtn u Qrova
STOCK at your Grocer's rft-J
... FEED
' " ' ' ( : 'r ' "'
l. i ' - o n 1 ' ' . -...
:i ; -A'li--!-- ! n
;i;.r in r
t- .: i r n.r.i:.!
.., ;., :; i r -' Hy--' n-i.
t ... r.- .- i.-i i .- d of - ii.ermg tr '-n
cit; if r - up und nut I'al
tr-a:-:ie-it H.-n e. is i: I.
;r - tb:.- ; :-..-n; :i m to cure
I-1 ,oi th- w. r-t c ' o .Mrr o at
I i:. M-iy i' in ! r an aw-;o-
iintii'ee t i rl'.ivl the lie me T if it
,j . , ; (,., ,1 i r -i T i- -1 for ii.
The stated (all meeting:) of the
Grand Ronde aud Southern Oregon
Presbyteries of the Oregon synod were
held Tuesday . cf last week at Port
land. Rev. John E. Diy of Wood
ville was elected to the office of mod
e rator for the Southern Oregon Pres
bytery. The sennon was delivered by Rev.
Robert Eunio of Jacksonville, having
for his text II Peter iii:i3 "Never
these we, according to his promiss
look for new heavens and a new
No new members were received or
disinis-ed. Ttie minutes of the pre
ceding meeting wert read and ap
proved. These who were pres ui:
Rev. Robert Eunis, ret ring moder
ator, Jacksonville; Rev. Jobu E.
Dav, Woodville; John A. Townsend,
Roseburg; William G. Smith, Klam
ath Falls; George T. Prut, Glcndale;
Elder W. E. Llewlyn, Myrtle Point ;
Eder A. TJ. Bauuard, Grants Pars;
Elder U. E. Badger, Ashland.
The Oregon Presbyterian Synod,
which met at Portlaud, lust week,
voted to hold its next meeting at
Ashland. Rev. W. S. Holt resigued
as Syuodical missionary bat no suo
ctssor v,as agreed npou at the Port
laud meeting.
The raising cf money for the needed
repairs aud iuiprovvuients on the
Frte Methodist edifice and parsonage
is prceeding nicely. Work on t'ie pat
souage is alrriiiy in jiroresa aud'ihe
liouse. of wort-hip will soon b.i attended
Sunday was "foreign Missionary
Day" at the Bethany Preabyteriau
church, Pastor Evan P. llig!:es de
livering an' able discourse on "The
Signs t-f tin Times," and (lieu came
the annual collection for thu worthy
cause. About flS was theu given and
others who weie not re-tut will
contribute emrjgh to mak-i u reach
all of f 1.10. Tnis is by far the finest
showing made by any Pieahyt- rian
church iu the Halo of Oregon, cut
side of Portland.
The Mission Stndy C'hus, of the
Fiist Baptist church, held its first
meeting at the home of Miss Ciaut-,
Monday. The aiteudan e aud en
thusiasm at the start, bid fair to make
this cour.-e by fir the best yet held.
An excellent likeness of K- v G. O.
Bickuian, the populir pastor of the
Newuiau M.' E. church appeared in
i the Jjii'uuI, of l or-liiid. together
with au lutiresting account of the
g-xid work being done by tliat local
organization. But the figuret as to
the uiemlairship of botli tha cburoh
and Sjuday school w re "rhy" by
about 100 iu each ca-e, tint of the
church enro!lm-'iit should have been
1i5. while the Sunday school's high
mark his been Mil. Th re w, r 2 .7
in ai tendance lust Sunday, although
no speciul effort to gun uumhers is
being made.
Sunday is to ha "Rilly Day." at
the Bethany Presbyterian chinch, the
morning aud evening service to be
devoted to up- cial Strvices of a very
interesting nature. Au excellent pr-J-rm
is being prepared and 'the build
ing is to be, beautifully du. orated lor
the ucca-ion.
11 -v. E. D. Blackmail, pttrof the
Free Methodist church r-pMts the
work as ptogrei-sing nioly. He also
has the charges at Murphy aud Wood
vill". Pr-aihiug fe'vues are h-Id
each Siincla in GranU I'.iHa at II a.
in and 7 :'.I0 p. in., with Sunday
s -liool at 10 a. in.
At the " Poverty Sotial, " g-v u b
them-mb-rs of ihu Beth ny .Presby
leiiau Endeavor society, Frid-y t-veiling,
the attt -ndanc was vci.v lurtf
aid everyone had a jolly, g ol time.
Tin- ieci ipts touted up t- w-'ic
Aill ( Dill ile tliis orgiinizit .on to re
mit n a', the top of the li-t ot a'.l Pres-t-te;i
ill ' K. sot iei i In Oicg n itit-
de I I I'-il 1 1.1 1 1-1
Ti ut the Boy-' Fr.i-'ii ! i t' e Ba -I
i-1 eini r li is to I o mi iuii'' t nt a I
ji. int of th-: Sii .ihiv di.i 1 ill y.-.u.
. a re.nlv a, .: r nt. 1 in- ln'i o. r i i
- ii-r.i air- !y th .n f,.r iitiy n. nt :
i - t i nr. A- -o n a - ill - i" i ",v i -1 i . j i ,
ii.ive i r iv -n tie-ir w--r. I-, t..i i -
w,:i i o . t i;.
i;. v. 1 ..
f t:,.- I'..
Sle.l'.irl i
Van, who ''."" i-i. i g
it par - -i- in mi a i ;,
,1 i. v. ?, ai v, le, a h i - ,
!u; , i 1 - iv in
ha' !.. r Ma, .. r. Il- i
ly i c'-v u ,1., lo ' , 1 1
g r-1- nil. i n i a
t il.-) .
!,; ,ir.i; .v
. , I, IVI!
Th - eVe-.ill t-.e lll-U.I if- ( f t i
N'-iii.iu M. E. E; wo. :h L-- 1- u- 11
i-iij y oii-i cf their i-ao e.-.i. .il ioioi -.-iiinl
'-iui 'j in, wh.i H w i'A Ii.- In-. -I
in t.'.e ci.iir b p ,r. t.
Tnis Hf'.-rii iOIi the ( .rants Pa
I.. .1 ui T iii cruucu I.i-uai, t oit 111 .-!
vu tthy ciigauiziiuu of lit 1 f-It.s will ;
hold an ;iii;.o(t.iLit ui'--ti..g at. t
F.r-t Lii'tiht tLurcL.
Yes'triUy afternoon th ladnsof
t!ie various churches of Grants 1'ais
held a very interesting union meeting
at the M. E. Church, South, at which
time the subjxct: "Immigrants:
What are we doiug for them?" was
thoroughly disoos-ed and a very pro
fitable and tnjoyahe time was bad.
During tliH wee'k. Rev. Lovett. pas
tor cf the Fiist Baptist chorch i's at
tending tha Btptist State Couvention, j
hi Id t Salem.
Tuesday afleruoou the W. II. M. S. i
of Newman Methodist chnrcb, nf
which Mm. T. B. Cornell is presi
dent, held its first m-n'tiug in th
church parlors and planned some ag
gressive work for the couitug e-ain-laign.
Last Sunday the Baptist Bible
school pres-uteJ. their retiring super
intendent, J. B. Paddock, with a
tine rocker. For a nnuiher of years he
has served f.uthfiilly. This gift is a
uaturil expres-ion of universal high
esteem. While Mr. Paddock did uot
wii-h to continue this year, his t-uo-e-hsor,
Roy Hickett is proving him
self qualified to serve in that position.
Begiuuing with next Suuday, Kev.
CO. Bekuiun, of the Newman M.
E. church will deliver a series cf
ihree sermons ou "Revela;icus. "
which promise to attract consider
able attention. These will be fol
lowed by another series ou au ap
propriate line of thought.
The Grouts Pass Salvation Army
Corps is planning for a social, to be
tiiven In the near future. Oapt. and
Mrs. J. M. Osborne, w ho have juxt
b- en a-signed to this pott find the
work iu a very encouraging condi
tion. Rev. Geo. M. Gardner," the retir
ing pastor of the M E. church, South
leaves today for bis new charge at
Albany and Talent. IUh successor
b re lias not yet been announced.
Napoleon Bonaparte
showed at the battle of Austerlilz,
ho was the greatest leader in the
world, liallaid' s Snow Liniment has
shown 1 1 in public it is the best lini
ment in the world. A quick cure
for rheuuiaiisui, Siinins, burns, cuts,
eto., A. C. Pitts, Roile'ssa, La., says:
"I use liallard's Snow Liuiineiil ln
my faini ly and .n I il um-xcelled for
eore chest, heditrhe, corns, in fact
for anything that can be reached by a
liiiiuient." For silo by .National
Drug Co. and by llemaray.
Minrrt' blanki i: ho Conner jflic
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Caret Coldi, Croup and Wlioopiug Cough.
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully illustrated
monthly rnar;j.ine of the wide
awake West with fascinating
short storie picturesque personal
point-of-vie.v description of the
inteicstii- development of the
West, and the romance and his
tory o' the wonderland of the
Ask your local newsdealer
for current issue or send $1.50
forvear's subscription. 'I hebookj
"Road of a Thousand Wonders.'
1 20 beautiful Western views in
four coluis will be included
uh:et uagazine
hani iico ., CALirnanu
A Most Valuable Agent.
The iflycerine eiiipliiyed in Dr. Pierre's
mi-ilioini N in .itly i-nliiinei s the unilicliiit!
iroM-nii-:. lin li II eMr-ii-ts from naiive
rin- i i i 1 1 1 r t- uud ImliN In miIiMIoii
i ; -l i 1 1 in i'.. r :....o ,ii. I'liul Mni',il. It al.-u
p. i-. cnvi in, i i j I pro ii -rt ios of Its own,
ieinu a v;i 1 ii .i in'- ii- m 1 1 li-i nt, nutritive,
lnil;-i-itic mill nut. f-Tini lit. It ailils
cri j : ,y In t In-- l.ii :i i-v i .I tin- i.i.i. l. ( In rry
tr .r'.. Bhsi-irii. i. (...Men Si iil root. Stoiie
root .-iii.I i ' h. i 's root, r- -r 1 1 ,i i in ij in
"(ml, l.-n AI,
ihrouic. or
thrmit ..ii ! 1
tln-- a -il
ln-il In-.
1 n it" roi't
-i -ry " in loiMiiltig
i-mii;'!.n, broiii-liiul,
.mis, (, r nil of which
:mii li-Ji-.l by i-tiinil-
, i.
lirTi- Is a wastlri-.'
! ,t-
Itll i
- , of C
-I I-
I., of la I:-
fc'airi'-. u-o
0.-11 .'1. nl
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1 ui.-l ola - h.
or ji-'
.0 ., It p V I' - r. I iluffilo. V Y .
f.,r fr.-- l,,.kl 1 t. l!a. ttil &l-,ut il,.- iihi i
n.o. - it. ul c, -ii in' ili.i ouili.llal
OMUitiiH. liie-rv ' no Aii uliol Ui IL
1 Timber Land, Act J,me 8. lfTS
Rig-burg. Ore., July '.'(, 1 'HIT.
Notion is her. bv given that iu com
pliance wiih tha provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 1ST en
tilted "An act for the eil of timber
land-t in the States of Cilifornia,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory as extended to all the Public
Laud States by act of August 4, I sua,
of Chicw, county cf Bstt", Slate of
California filed "in this otliceouMay
27, l'.lOT, her sworu statement No. S4ttt
for the purchase of the S. K. i4 ot
iSecti u No IS in T-iwusliip No. S3
S , Range No. 4 W. V. M., and will
I offer proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for us tim
ber or stone thau for agrlcultuial
! puriiOMi and to establish her clami to
' said land lefore Joi-eiii- Muss. U. S.
Commissioner, at bis office iu Grams
Pa-s, Oregon, on, the Si!: day
of November, 1!K)7.
She names as witnesses: Rosa L.
Waters of Chioo, Butte Co., Cab,
William J. Johnson of tiaklaml,
Alaiut-iU Co., i.'al , Edwin C Dry
burtih, of Medford, Ja ksou Co , Oro.,
Walter J. O'Counell, of Engene, Lane
Co., Ore.
Auv and all persons claiming ad-vers-ly
the anove de-crilieil lanrls are
requested to file their claims in ibis
office on or before) said Sth day of
November, lUOT.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1H;8.
Roseburg, Ore., July Sll, '.H)7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance) with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Juue S, I87H, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber la-ids
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory" as
ext-nded to all the Public Lind States
by act of Angus! 4,
of Harrison, Oiniuty of Kootnai, State
of Idaho, filed ill this office on March
HI, 11107, hi sworn statement No. M4 17
for the purchase of the SE'4 of S-c.
No. 2H, in Tp. No. ,17 South of Ramie
No. 7 West of WM.Ore. anil will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpos s, and to
establish Ins claim to said land before.
Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at
his olllce at Orsnta I'n-s Oregon, no
Friday, the Sth d iy of November, PJ07.
He iiauies as witnesses Marl in A.
I Conner, of Grunts Pas, Oregon,
I William Bull, of Grauts Pass, Oiegon,
EiuiunU K. Conger, of Wibhrville,
: tlregon, Lillian M. Kuaggs, of Harri-
son, Idaho.
! Any and nil peraoui claiming ad
j verseiy tha alKive-ilescribed litiids urn
requeued to nie tneir Claims in tnis
nllich on or before s:tid Mil ly of
November, 1U07.
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephiue County.
iu the matter or the
Ai-sigiiiunut of the
Southern Oregon
Hem Hospital
a Corporation.
Nodes is heieby given, that J. E.
Peterson, the assignee of the above
named insolvent, lias filed in the
aUive entitled court and cause Ins
final account, and that the sune, will
he lieird and p sseil uhiii Monday,
January 1.1, A. I)., HNlH, at thu hour
of 2 o'clock P. M., at the Court
House at Grants Pass iu Josephine
Count v, Oregon, that being the first
day of the regular Jaunary, 1U0H, term
of siid court, an I all persons having
(injection to sum unal account are
hereby r''qu)ri-d to tile and present
the same on or before the last inuit-tlon-il
Date this vltd dar of Siipteinber, A.
D., I1HI7.
In the Circuit Court ol the Slate of Or
eg( 11 for Josephine County.
Ella S. Duel I,
Wellington II line!,
To WelliiiKtou H. lluell, defendant:
In the name 01 tne staie of Oregouyou
are hereby suuiiiioiipd to sppeur ami
nnswere the complaint tiled agaiust
yon III the a lio vii nil it led court an-1
cause oil or before six weeks from thn
(late of first publication of this Sum
nions, which !ir-a il'ite of publication
la l-'riday, ictolx r 4, A. D., U)o7, and
the last 1 In V of piihljr.itinii of said
summons and the Inst day for your
xppeirance .is afnri"-aid is Priilav,
Noveinler la, A. D., I'.io?, ami you
are hi-reliv not i lied Hint in ens1) you
tail to H pi-ar and au-wer the inui
ti In 1 11 within Mm time nfor said, the
plaiinit) wiil hi ply to the court for
he iclii f 1 rityi-il tor iu the votnpUin',
viz: lor a ih 1 r dis-i lving tin- homls
of ii 111 1 r iiiooi v n-ivv and In-retofuie
exiting li twie-u (lie plaiutnf and
ih-f.'iiilaiit ; that tin' pliiiiiMfT lm
awanl' il the title iu fee Miuple to au
11110 1 vided on,'. tnird 111 and to llm
i-'. ilv on. -lulf if I .of.' of liloi k S or
Jim. inn's Pirn Adili 1011 to the Town
of 1 i r ii ' ts I ';t ninl iu ami 10 the S.
h of h-e. Tp. s. it 7 V of
Wii.auat i r i ' 1 um . sll 111 Jo. ion iue
Coiiniv. 'irei'ii; tint pl-iintifT le
UA.irl'-l the 1 all a ,1 of tin
in 11. 1 r ' h ' Mi eii, vi,. ( i ,ra, a
ihriifhler, ,iii 'I I 1 : Kay.a s 111 aii-d
Li-, le, a -11 at-i i I I ; ami lit hi 1 n
il ui,'h er ai; -I 7 ; ami i lint plainti :f lm
n!l-.-'"l a n"il b' pinvision hv ay of
' lnno'iv , t ii' ( unit m y il I' ruiin-i
l'-r the lo ii nt'-oiiiii- " l ei-" 'f an I
minor il 1 r- n. to in' ii r .--. 1 and i-i
iil.lil.e I a" a eliitrg" a'.uii-.i t'.- m--f-iiilaiit.sirit
r.--i' in ih-r -al prop, rtv
af' r' --aid. aod for i ii h o' ln-r m. i ( ui
ther r ' -1 1 f as is -'( 1 1 1 -i Ii
'1 ins s n.iiii ns is pohli-li,. 1 l,v ,.r b-r
i.f the II-.ll. II. K. lianmi. .In, I,-,- of
i be hhove entitled court, duly made
pud rendered in 0111 court nt 'iranm
I'ii-s in ,l'-hi"e Con ty, Or'.'on. in
hatur iav. S'- teuiln-r A 1) 1. 1 '7.
ordering the publication i f this 911111
uioiiS lor a f -.-nod of si x s c;'.n-iv"
1 . If. D. NoitT'iN,
I Attorney for Plaiutitf
Tiuib-r Laud, Act Juuu S , l!73.
Kosehurg, Ore., July 2'J 1S)J7.
Notice is htreby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of congress of June S, 1SMI. entitled
"An act for the tale of timber lands
in the State of Califoruia, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory" as
extended to all the Putdio Laud States
hy act of Anntist 4, IS113,
f No. 231)1 I'o-t St , S..n Eraiici-oo.
comity of Sail Francisco, State of
California, filed in this otlice ou May
31, 1107, her sworn statement No.
4.iS, for the pnivhaip of the XK1;
of NVi4 and Wi, of NK4an-l SIC. of
NE'4'of Sec No. Sit, iu Township No.
a." South, Kiinge Nj. 4 W. W. M.. aud
will otler proof to show that the land
s uight is more v.iluahlo for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
pos's and to etablish her claim to
aid land before Joseph 'Mois U. S.
l ommissioiier at his ottice n Uiants
Pas Oregon on Saturday the tili day
ol November P.I07.
She names as witnesses:
William Sialdimr of Grant Pass.
Josephine Co. Ore, Albion .W Silsby
of Grams Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.
Francis J. Siialdinir tif Grants Pass.
Josephine Couuty. Ore, Nellie Spald
ing of Grauts Pass, Joieiihiue Co..
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely th- above-described lauds are
requested to tile their claims iu this
othce ou or before raid Uih dar of
November, 11)07.
Timber Laud, Act June!), IS. 8.
Kosehurg, Ore., July 20, 1U07.
Notice is hereby given that in com.
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of Cougress of J-une 8, 1878, entitled
"Au act for the si In of timber lands
in the States of California. On iron.
Nevada and Washington Tetritorv" as
extended to all the Puhlio Land States
hy act of August 4, lSU'j,
of Grants Pass, Cuinly of Josephine,
State of Oregon, filed Iu this olllce ou
March 2A, l'.07, his sworn statement
No, W18. lor the nurchase of the S.
4 of S.'ctiou No. rt in Towushii)
No. i)a S, Ktnge No. 4 W. M. M., and
w ill offer proof to show that the laud
south is mora valuable for its timber
or stone than for atrricultiiial nur-
poses bind to ustabhsli bis claim to
said and belore Joseph Moss, U. S.
Coiiinii-sioner at his olllce iu Grants
Pas, Oregon, ou Fridav. the 8th div
ot Noveuiher, 1007.
lie names as witnesses: Curtis
Manning, of Wliuor, Ore., Ernest
Vromaii of Winter, Ore.. Alnheus
N. Crouch of Winter, Ore.. Geortra
11. Kestersou of Gran's Plts, Ore.
Aiiy ami an porioiia optimum ailvor-
sely the alaive deicribed lauds ate re
quested to file their claims in this
olllce on or heforo said Htlt day of No
vember, 1007.
Timber Land, Act June :i, 1H7H.
Roseburg, Ore., July ail, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pliance w itll the proviso. us of the act
of Congress of June !l, 18i8, entitltd
An act lor ttie sale o timln-r lands
in tha Sttitm of t'al foriiln, Oregnu,
Nevada and Washington Territory'
as extended to sll the Public Land
States by act of August 4, lrUiiJ,
of Woodville, county ol Jackson, State
of Oregon, filed in 'bis ollloe ou
May 21, 11107, her sworn statement
No. Hfi4, for the purchase of the
NWi4 of the NW'4 of 8o. No. 20, iu
Township No. Da Snoth, Range No.
4 West W. M., and will offer jttoof to
.how that the laud sought is more
valuable for its tuahcr or stone than
for agiioultural purposes and to estab
lish her claim to said land before
Joseph Moss, V. il. Ciiminipsiouer at
Ins olllce in Grants Pass, Oregon,
on Saturday, the Via day of Novem
ber, 1007.
She uautes as f itnesses: George
Megerlo, of Woodville, Jackson
county, Ore., Dauiel Megnrle, of
Woodville, Ja'tksou oonuty, Ore.,
Charles V. Hiiukle, of Grauts Pass,
Josephlnii county, Ore., GnirgeBieri
of Wiuier Jack ton county Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims iu (his
olllce on or before said Otlt day of
Noveuiher 1UU7.
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon for Josephine County,
A. L. Randle, i
Sidney W. Randle
Defendant. I
To Sidney W. Randle, defendant . :
In fin name of the state of ( Iregon,
you are hereby siiinuioemi and re-
i quired to appear In the above entiled
I court and answer the complaint tiled
' aiai list you iu tin- entiled suit on or
j In fore nix weeks from the date of lirst
; puhlieiitiiiii of this s.iiiiiuoiiH, whlcli
date of lirit piililioatioii i Si-pteinls-r
'-Mil, I'.H'i, am! the dale of pub
! Ii'-atioit and the la.-,t day in whi'th
i von are n-q lii'-l to appear is Noveiu-l-r
1, ;io7, a at you an- hereby noli
j lied that iu case you fail toiippelir
an I the plainlill s coinj.laliit
i within the time lier--inliefiire spei-i-I
ln-d. or i.ihei w i.- pi, -ad thereto, that
toe plaiutnf will apply to ton court
lor the relief prayed J.,i- in the com
j plaint, viz: f,.r a decree ilisolving
, fie Imiids of iiiatriiuoiiy now aud
I In r' t'-fi exiiiiig b.-t a, en ti, p ,j.
: u:r ami def.-iel nit. and th tt pi tint ill
bv 'liv-ri-eil tr-'iu the defendant,
i I hi-, h i iii mi uih im iiublislii'd by or
der of the llmi. II. Iv. Ilaillllt. .Jll"l-e,
in ui-' at i hituiiier at J u-ks iimlli-,
' r . . ninl oale I tf -pt. nib- r Path, l.ll,
an I ri-l iiriu publii-atioii t-r-'f for
iv i-'i' ci-i-M vii weeks in th" Rocim
River Conner, t ueirspatier d' g-m-ral
cli-' ul ii ion, pilbllsiii-d at tir uiH I'as-t
i in Jo-e pliiue Count v, tiregoii.
Attorney for PUmlilf.
No sensational or questionable mat
ter allowed in the Courier.