Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 18, 1907, Image 6

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Trains currying jm-eni;ini leave Grant
I-asn depot as follows:
J1iTM rocii.
J'o. llJ-Hhasta F.xitk lor fort
lun'l ami intermediate
nation 0:23 a. m.
j,.,,, fi Op-gun Kxpresx, Port
land and wav nation . B:W p. m.
'o. H-i'ortlwid l-ijprcsH, tlyer 11 a. in.
No. ll-Hiasta Kxirm, Hurra-
uienlo t run r ranciMiii. 10: w
No, l.V- alifornia Kxpri-n. r-ac-mmi-nto
and (-an Fran-cim-u
K. 13-ran Kraiif iwx) Eire-c,
Over ll:O0a. ".
I Man? Mining Matters I
1 ho First National Hank of Grants
Fans has, by its attorney, H. P. Nor
mi, br iiht an acti'ii nialnct The
Old Channel MiniiiK - eoriicra
tinn orKiirii."l o trier the lawi of I
iioIh, and C. li. Hcardsley, claiming
that there Ih a balance of t.VK), to-
.. a.-,, ,,-r ,.. iliiu ,,,,
gut her wiui " "i inn -iwi j--
seme notes jriven Juno I, 1W. for
tlO.OW, to J. O. I'.nnth et ill, iiml se
cured liy mortil"' on certain mining
claims and wa'er rights, ami biter
nNHincd to th said financial invita
tion. 1). L. -Smith and others huvn lih-il a
notice of tin' lorliti'Hl of till! "Latimer
IkIii'" quart-, iii niiiK claim, situated
quarter of a luiln i:aat of An?" mini',
mi tlm Hokhi! Kivcr, in the (bilice
A power of attorney hiia been ifivcn
l,y tlm (inl'l Miniim Co of Arizona,
to William 1'. Wright, t" h-Kally
repnsi.nt it in ac'iuirin till" to
ininiiiK and timber 1 ihIh anil in
trillion tint? a M lal line of biirincss
fi r it in .loToliini' county,
The Uolib-n Lrift Mining Co., is
about half through with n hi job of
t-1 u ii!i iiti olT t-even or i-ik'bt feet of thi'
tni diit from tln Miiith I link out t.
its n ilnm, in onh-r to broaden the
river at thiit I o i tt r . no tlm I chvt
frenhcts Wollhl Hot CilllHo Nil llKK'll j
I P--IMV on tlm 'hiiii thiii wint. r and j
Ill'Xt h 1 i 1 1 k
Th" McNair Flat mines, ni Crave
( Trek, which havr hi en closed down !
for lhrii-t few yi itri urn now to hr
opeiiile'l and a force i f W I I lire
eii; oi d already ill doiiiK omn vi I V j
tiood work mi this tiroinisiiiK 1 roji-i
The I leer Lick (.'roupo, in the l'tc
kclt Creek district, lire sllHWitlK Up
iii , 1 , tins" days and mining' mi ii
1 red rt ni-'iit IhiiiHH from thill ex
cellent l rn erty.
Kvrrvl hliiK in t rini: prc urcd for
tlm i; en li up of Koine extensive
rurli on tin. Columbia iUc r luiiien,
lorlilrd ill the Til illlt.Y of lu llllld.
''Tin' I'irkrlt Crrrk ('Miaoliilntril
MiniiiK i'o, " im HiiiliTstnoil to hr tlm
lin e H.uiiilniK inline of n nolnl mining
l'ailll!lllaV Whil'll id HIHTI'Uxfully ll' VI 1-
opiiin Hi'iim Niemlid riurt ira in the
PlcMt Creek iliHtrict ami which
will neon m iliar in tlm loioi 1 mill
inj; rirclr. to claim much ilcm rv
i'd Ntti'iilioti.
Mihth AIiIkiII V WitUiict' huvn
leiiHulthi' well knnwil Miller hicer
niiiiin nn (Jiuvr Cri i k, and now they
nri' neltiiij; tliimsa in riiidimMH to
hihIi work on Unit timi j ri'l i-rty thin
V. II. t'Mjioi d.u St ul I In in Hi i li K man
llll brell here till Week, linking into
H"inr kooiI iropertv hr hill an intrrrsl i
in, which la localcil in tlm Waldo
dlHlrht. Knit. Halt, of l'lckrlt
Clerk, who is extensively illti n Mted j
III mi o th r reeilU'S in that local- j
i I v . wlnrr he las rnrntlv minh' a
l hlihlnkr. '1 lie Biimples lie liioiu;hl
lllnnir Wei" VrlV K.H'il to look lli'on. 1
T. S Malhis, of Hi lkelr, fill , j
Mini 1'. Hourly, rf the 1 .:il 1 1 uni;e nun
inn ci 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 ami 1). M. K nrdan,
of Ni w i i k City, w ei r in tins ni v,
on a In n in i in; ili al this list ei k.
v 111
I A Gentleman Cabman, f
Original )
Frederick Wlrkett and Vm non, Bob,
were Ixsju comiiuiiioiiH. They Is-Ion Keel
to thi; aume clnlm, pluyed bllllarda and
K'lf together, and on one oocuaion the
futlier waa a widower made love to
the name woman. Hut there was do
rivalry In tin; matter, for neither knew
of tin; other's attention and neither'
Intentions wen? seriona. When they
became aware of the fact, they had a
good lant'li over it.
Hut the day e.ime when a Irl rnnie
between Hie Wicket ta. Klie did not
move In tlieir exclusive circle, for !ie
made her own living. Iter family had
been wi-iilth, Init that was before her
time. Wi'keit senior forbade the
bans. The couple were married, and
the father and son became as strani;ers.
There was nothing to do but for
yomiK Mrs. WicLetl to retain her posi
tion. Hob no knowledge of mid
was not titled for business. He tried
Several Hiiliordiuatr positions and failed
at them nil. At last he Krew desjsT
ntn and resolved on some congenial
work, no matter how humble, lie was
very foml of horses, and a livery stable
keriuT offered I, Im the post of assist
ant manager. lie accepted it. "I
can't ko with the swells any more."
he said, "so It doesn't make much dif
ference what I do."
Iiesp it,. Lin, difference between the
position of a liveryman mid u society
man llob found ' his work endurable.
Had it not been for tlila difference he
would have found II to his taste. Ah
It was. he In constant terror of
belli;; reio-nized by Home of bis for
mer nsniciaies.
Meanwhile Frederick Whkett was
havim; a dull lime of It without hid
chum son. Arrived at an use when
m-w Inlimiu les are hard to Iniikr, he
plni'd for companionship. lie would
have married, but con:,-enliil marriages
are ns dilliciilt to make to order us
friendships. All he could do win to
speii, t in- ino-t of his time drivui,
(liltomol.ilh.:; or at his cluli. but lit
neither did he I i ml those with whom
he colli I obtain enjoyment.
line day Hob Wlckelt had a run of
bad luck. While nil the drivers were
out there was a telephone call from n
lady, one of the Lost customers of the
HlaLle, for a caniaire to drive her to
cat e a train. Hob was d'.l led to do
the Jolt. When reiuniiiii; from the
Mt.'illou he saw on t hr sidewalk one of
liluiM fil-'iids appioaehlnu'. II,' drew
his coat collar up about chin and
pulled his hat down over his eyes. Ill
this way, lli'iiii;1! the former friend
looked Irii.lii at In in. Hob pis -;ed nil-
fee,, l;m':o,.
Scarcely had he es, -a pis I one morti
fication than he fell Into another.
Hearintr a s'nirp "lley!" on the side
walk, lie drew mil and turned his
head. There - I. Mid Ills falhcr.
"Free for inihilrV" asked Mr. Whk
ett. Iteli was aim, il to say "No" when It
Occurred to him that his father would
reconl .'. his mice. He said tiothlii!;,
but, ipilekly Inrninir his face to his
horses, pulled up to t he curb.
"Athenaeum club." said Mr. Wlckett
Keillor, i-leppine. Into the cnrriau'i'.
Hob experienced a singular sensa
tion al havim; his father Inside to
drive whither he liked. Various plans
passed llii'iiu.''l his hi-ad, but none Rot
a foothold, lie thought of drivlm; to
his hiimldr iinartinetits to show Ills
father bow mlseralily he lived, hoplni'
to i,nii b his heart, but he feared It
would rather offend his pride. lie the club without havlni; hit
upon anything feasible. Ills father
alighted, took out bis pocketbook Mild
handed up the fan. His eyes met
Hob's, and he rrcouuizeil hini.
The two men stood look i tig at inch
other without speaking. There was a
strange expression In Ui" father's eyes.
Many a time they had bism driven to
pHlier Many a time nne or tie1 other
had handed the fare to a coachman.
The failier theiicht of this and more.
He saw 1,1s ley
lie saw bin I I le;
lire, IIMI'I le his h.
soup tureen ami was reprimanded for
his carelessness.
Young Sirs. Wlckett became tie
mainstay of the father as xrell an tbc
Juliua Ccuer
wan a man of n rve, hut sicknef"
1-ft it mark and he bcanie a;ed
before his time.' Kickm-sa is often
caiiHod by a torpid liver. Herbine
will regulate your liver and riv
you halth. jlr Carrie Aostin, '
Hollon, Kunw, writen: "Iconsuer1
Herhiue the beat medicine I ever
heard of I am nev r without it. "i
For sale by National Drag Co. and by ;
Experimental Work of the Agri
cultural Department.
Government Anxious to Help Ar.y
Community That Wishes to Improve
Its Highways How to Obtain As
sistance of the Department.
The ollice of public roads of the de
partment of agriculture la making Ita
Inlliience felt throughout the 1.' ulted
States, mid In no place Is It more coa
fplciions than In the vicinity of Wash
ington. The Iiistrlctof Colnmbla, Ma
ryland mid V'ii'Kiuia ia b have some
thing to show for the work that has
la-en done In the way of road Improve
ment, and. while comparatively little
Iiiih ls-eu accomplished In comparison
to the vast length of bi'liw nys that
need Improvement, there Is snllielelit
to form an Interestim; object lesson to
iilile local authorities In the extension
of tle uood work which has been be
Kun iiml In which Instruction has been
Klven by the ni.'etits of the piverninent.
The work of road Improvement was
hinun by the envc rutimnt In compll
iinee wilh a law direetitie the secretary
of iwlciilruro to furnish cpert advice
In mad hiiililim;. In tlieir effort to
comply with the law in nil i-llicient
manner the oilier of public roads h is
offered to local communities through
out the I'liiled Slates the services of
Its corps of hiliv'M.v etirjuei-rs find ex
perls, who are prepared to advise with
persons In such communities ns to the
best methods of construction to be em
ployed in any locality.
Any community ilesirotM of con
Btriictini; an ol-eet lesson road will
find tlm oili f public rn'uli ready to
net as instructor In the u"l work, but
the ollice Iris had to make plain to peo
ple in various section that, while It
will assist pi soeh woi ,. the communi
ty Itself hum ink,. t up in :l substan
tial maimer. The oilier undertakes! to
provide both hluhway rmriurrrs and
experts, who g , over the ir-oiiml nti.l
consider t!ir ,iistions of available ma
terials for load ronstriictioii as well as
a plan for li e road t" be buet. They
prepare plan-: v illi pi-ep r i-vailes find
nil drlails in.!:, a:.. I and also la muU7
s r-il IMrs UCW i'or rlntVlPS that ATP mrAt
cilly for you with snap and grace and life to them,
i, Don't wear clothes intended for old men.
mlf you want to know wtiat our meas are on the
,mmt proper garment for Young Men, see our extensive
II m
OiiBtnrhl 1W7-S
DtTld M F'ltw Co.
The Real Clothes of Fashion
For Young Men
All the latest fabrics and patterns checks, stripei
and Scotch mixtures; all the newest coloring effects
grays, browns, blues, etc., and all the very smartest
and most exclusive styles are here foryour selection.
Every detail in the workmanship of Fashion gar
ments is guaranteed.
You will get the best wearing service from this
dressy clothing.
$10.00 to 825.00
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
ure advocates of national aid for road
building, mid It is not unlikely that a
Strom; effort will be made In the net
cotik'resH to huve an appropriation for ,
this purpose. In many localities lu
which Instruction In the buildilif! of
jjood roads and education as to their j
desirability are most needed the peo-
, pie are unable to secure enough money i
to do their part toward the construe-
tion of the object lessan road. It Is i
believed that If such communities were
given one piece of road us an object t
lesson it would not be lomr before they '
would provide means for continuing j
the work on other roads. This is one I
of the arguments that will he used In J
favor of national aid, and there tire .
n frond mnny people who believe that
i centres s will tid e up' this work and
i put it through to a i .e. -Puiou. so that M
j (.Teat Impetus toward road emsiruotlon
, will be all over the fnlted States.
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries
and you are sure of gettid just what you
order. We grow our trees for quality not
cheap pri ces.
I ime
lo Cry - Halt Before
Psvnic Comes.
Tne busiti"s spirit is cn-hin
t sw-. tcr i li in, nt of 1,1'in-- liif.
are in dmiM-r of a i;n at t
dr. li e, leiMii-e m
mini', rcial
a w In le,
!: M .Mir.
n'.lo iinim
i" I . i nt I ns
r - a ' I . - w " i U
Ih'. ' i, MP , t)
the V, llllllelit
w -I s 1 1 m--. n't i Ok
al t':., coiintv
iiml i ;,-M'
cut P e
the b.ll.e
"I i -
S'l'd !' '
no Mill 1 1 :i his pony.
, In I'jsluonal'U- at-ir-e
In the park, lid
il'.i.r for l;' tun, Nome face
- and Per--cmatistiip. Then he
k ! ' I he liei.vuniiii,' and miw
in h . i 1 ..'liei's ernis.
u . -id : i ' .omrtlnu w arm."
I ' ! ...'' ' I 1 lie telle he W OUld
.1 li
w a- mil
ilv 'I I
en 1 1 ' la
:i.' Ill the
r into llu
I'lie father
nan til his
I a cacti-
TIIU t'l'I'M'll'IIIS Col I1SK UK A NKW 110AU
i I KU CtN I.
luslatices furuNh macbinery for the
Work. The pie of the community
to be bcnetltcd are expected to furnish
common labor and teams and to have
competent men on hand who are to be
tauirht methods of road construction
under the conditions that prevail li;
that community. After the piece of
experimental road Is built it is expect
ed that the coml work shall jjo on.
Hue of the recent works .ei;iin by
th lice of pul. lie roads N the cou- ,.f a road from the station at
Oco.pian. a. to the old town of Oc-
cijiian. a ilNian f t , and a half
r iles lie i I w a- a s..mpie of up
lull Mel il'.M ;i i ',.. w : I ', ill al , ,,-t
him .tept'i. i i'1 ' t'e- cpe'-'s In read
bin:, 'cc' :. ; ,.f ,-i 1 i t,. :
lu el-.'e- , , , ,,
f e ,' I ' e ' .,, ,
I' .e'.e ' ' .. ... ; ; , t
think onlv of LcltiiiL' wraith
Tie re are thousands, hot'i nun and
women, wlioilo mi t t k -- tt: etoiat
iropeilv. They rusii tiroiih life, ;
and its a rtsult we have an at'e of ii:
dijistioti. liertrousncss, irrit ihilirv,
-o-ciilcss niehts. itirl ineiexe dispo
sition. With the discovery of Mi o nii tab-
ts, tliere is mi Ioiij. r inv excuse for
one to have ill lien th f r. in etomach
W IlkllPhS.
Ml ii im streiifthet's the nil Is of the
i-toiwieh, htimnhite.s seiretioii of the
'dill' stive juices, reifn lutes the liver
and restore mus' iilar contraction to
the mt-i-titiHs ninl bowds, so no
laxat ive is m eded. ,
.sick lieadsches. palpitation, bad 1
taste in the Mouth, yellow skin, ir
ritability, routed tongue mid im Inn-i
cholv are few of the many distress-:
inn remits of iiuliu. stion. Mion!
m ver tails to ilirpel ad these troubles.
Dniinrav sells Minna in oO cent
lu,r., a.,.1 .. 1 .1 . I
. ",m, miiuniiuTn 10 iciiiiiu ine
moiifv if the remedy does not nive
satisf ii tion.
hard Timet in Kansas
'The old days of jjras-dioppers ami
ilrotinht are almost forimtteu in the
prosperous Karsas of today; although
a citizen of t'oitell, Karl' M amburif,
has not vet forgot tin a hind time he
iiicountereil. lb. says: '-1 was worn
out ami discouraged by coui;hin)j
tiit'lit ai d d,i, iin.l coulu' tind no re
lief till 1 trie,'. 1).-. Kind's N, w Dm
envirv. It took les th u one lmtlle
to con pletclv cute me " The sate-t
aul nnt rclmlle couch snd. cold
rencdv and liui and throat liraler
ever v.-reil. tiuaralioed bvdl
..ruvst-. .'' .-iiml t!. Trial b.'tle
tr. e.
fi'T, nr. ,'rrrij 'vrrr.Avrr
This is the only cho:)l in the N irth'.vest which
prepares young men and young women for
Private Secretary
We have ceased tryini? to fill all positions which are lirou'ht tc
our attention. (July the best are selected and for the best we
must have the liest young people.
Wiite us today and ask usali.nit this Private Secretary Course
Holmes Business College
AToodburn Trees
Arc money makers every time, absolut
ely true to manie, unirrirjatotl, they al
ways .'row, not the cheapest b-t the
best. Fully guaranteed.
Woodburn Nurseries
Notice to stockholders of the Siski
you Snnsi-t Mining iV lJevelo ment
Co: Yon are hen by requested to at-
b nd the st ickhohl, rs mtetinn on tlm
l:ith of October, 1U0T. to he held at !
the Southern Orcein Supply Compa
ny's st re at Grants Pass, On-gcn.
I'ated this llltli ihiv of September,
IH07. y. FET.CH.
U 13 fit Secretary.
' "
Lest Wt
forji'-t Paby is retless, can't fleep
nt ninht, won't tat. cries KpsKmodl-j
ciilly. A bottle ol White's Cream'
Vermifuge never fails to core.
Every mother hhoul.1 Hive her baby
W hite's Cream YeriiiffiiKe. So uuinv
times when tbe-tiabv is pn e ami fret- i
fnl, the ninth' r docs not know what I
to do. A bottle of this medicine1
would htiri: color to lis cheelsand
taurht, r to liis , v,-s. t;--e it a trial.
For sa'e ly'.onai l'iu C'"., ntnl
i-v ' :i arnv.
Sallownes8 Transforme.
to Dusky Beauty
A dark ikin becomei faicimt
when delicately loft, undenpr
with the radiant plow which ii
cateiahealthy, active skin. Rob.
ine keeps the skin refined in quiii
keeps poresfreefromclofriT.e!
and stimulates the tiny cinilLirie
contribute the color which chirm
blonde and brunette alike. Rub.
ine ii certain protection ipinstt
unburn and freckles if applied
fore exposure to sun or wi
Spreads like an imperceptible sh
of gauze over ikin surface, forinii
shield stimulatine and prcitnin
delicate, uistroui ii-
heal t'- v t .". acr.'T
:: b:-
1 .: .;
v i'.e I-! 1 ':i
! -(, :s.
i ' : . v ! i i , 1 1 j i 1 1 , .
T . t 3 I : I -
Vom i r i-'.A . u- i.
TAT ." T :
' A i
: : : I w ;;
The Best Known H.p for Sheep,'
C. tile. J wine ! it n Live Stock. ' lniurivis R.-id Nun I'oisi nous
st kr.."v.i n "i. ;".-t M ir-v
- T:,'V' on Sh- v,
( ; . :
Ti'ru-ii. :
'.s Soicw
t-. C.s'.:;t-
All rr. -MFF.1.1N.
If you sutler from Si
Kidney or Liver 1 -c.-'.u
matisin or other "i
or.!cr, corrrct '. pl "
joo TAlll.KTS 10- '""
Curnlfrd f -.l . - Ac
Jur.t iU, I"
Certificate !T- -
nirs. j. Gzzd
I Centrnl Ace:.;
j Gnnts r.iss-, Ore. r" x
J-;o ;vork at Tor.. . ' :i
Tou.-ivr o'ffe.
''.xil- ' , .. i-.f" l"
i . i . K i i.
'.i.iitf l.i.uAi it i. e C,