Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 18, 1907, Image 5

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fCfcmif, and menmre ererytkin yon
huy American Grocer.
Common Sense
Even in Selecting
We aim to supply the
best for the money and
rif not satisfactory is our
j Our "Q" Blend and
Umax Coffee
Just touch the spot to those
?ho like a nice, mild flavored
Coffee, they are the equal
of. most of the 35c kind, our
rice is 25cper lb.
In Tea we carry such well
known brands as Liptons
Ceylon, Chase and San
borns in hrftlish Break
fast, Basket Fried Japan
and Oolong Tea, also
Schillings Best Japan Tea
Royal Gem Japan Tea,
in bulk only, 50c per lb.
" Flout indications are 'that all
kinds of flour will be higher than
last season. We carry most of the
leading brands, Olympic Pure
White, Bluestem; our Hard Wheat,
1 Davis Best and Gold Hill in west
. 0 brands. White, and Yellow
Corn Meal, Graham, Whole Wheat
White House
) Grocery
jj Items of Personal ft
Interest Jj
Miss Emms McCann was in from
Wilderville. the first of the week, on
shopping eipedition.
MissJe'sie Hathaway was in from
Drydeo, Saturday, doing some shop
ping. Otto Tresham, of Sam's Valley has
been in, having dentistry work done
by local deo'ists.
T. J. Mackin, one of the Grave
Creek fruit grower was at the county
seat, Wednesday, on a business errand.
J. D. Dixon was in from Williams
Creek, Tuesday, on business and
greeting his many acquaintances.
D. H. Wiener, one of Selma's ener
getio residents was transacting some
business in the city Monday.
Wm. C. Debley, the piano tuner
was in the city,' again this week and
be reports basinets in his line as quite
lively these days.
A. A, Adams is here from Stafford,
Kansas, looking over the country
with a view to locatiog hereabouts.
K. EL Johnson was np from Gold
Hill this week, looking after some
business matters.
G. W. Kincaid wss here from Pay
too, Oregon, attending to soma timber
claim matters.
Wm. Kelsey and W. P. Lewis, two
Roseburgers passed Sunday in this
city, being on a combined business
and pleasure trip.
Mrs. Oliver 8. Brown returned Fri
day, from Minneapolis, where she has
been on an extended visit with her
parents and sister.
J. W. Moore returned from his big
hunting expedition in the northern
p'art of the connty, Monday and he
tells of having had all kinls of good
Tom Harvey and bride arrived in
Marsh fletd this week, after a honey
moon trip of two week's dnration,
which was spent visiting various
points of iutereet in the northwest.
Misses Anna and Ellen Anderson are
here from Hoqniam, Wash., for the
express purpose of filing upon some
fine timber claims.
Word comes that Claude Cheshire,
who has a position with the Marshall
Wells Hardware Co., of Portland, is at
one of the hospitals and is quite ilL
Word comes to the effect that James
Gibson is quite ill at Ray, Arizona,
with typhoid fever. His mother baa
gone to help nnrse him.
A. O. Marat era, one of the moving
spirits in the Oregon University, has
been spending a few days in this city,
returning to Eugene, the first of the
C. S. Hoxie, the Omaha, Neb., man
who purchased the Kinney place is
daily expecting the arrival of his
family. He doesn't think much of
the bachelor idea and misses his
family very much.
1 Miss Minnie Ireland has returned
from her visit of several weeks to
Portland, Seattle, Victoria and other
places in the Pacific northwest. She
repoits having had a delightful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Daigle, after
going out for a short visit with Cres
cent City friends, have returned to
their Seattle home, having bad a de
lightful onting.
There is good money in "stock
hogs at Ave cents per pound, so
thinks Henry Oden, of Wimer, who
brought in a good load, Tuesday and
he found a ready sale for the same.
Mesfrs. C. H. and W. H. Cogeshall,
one of whom is a job printer o Seat
tle, Wash, returned to their home last
week, after spending some time here
visiting with their cousin, Mrs.
T. C. Norris, the well known tim
ber cruiser was down from Jackson
ville, for a few days this week, rilot-
ing prospective tinilsr buyers aronnd
over the desirable untaken lands to
be found near this city.
R. S. Shepheard, who comes from
Pasadena, Southern California's
famous touriet resort and home of
the millionaires, is here to lock this
country over, with a view to invest
heavily in property of various kinds.
S. S. Davis, a Hixuaim, Wash.,
timber man has been in this city to
see about getting hold of some desir
able claims, as he thinks that this is
going to be one of the coming tim
ber land sections of the ooat.
ICG Hanks, who played baseball
with the local Uam Jiere 'a vear ago,
passed through this 'city Saturday, en
route to Hi mod, Cal., on a busiuees
trip, anil Morped off Tbetween trains
to shake hands w ltu.oiil Irieudnjiiere. g
Mr.; and Mrs. IC.G. "Sleeper r
rived from 'A'htahnla. Q. , thiweek
! and'are the g"-wts' of Mrs , Sleer's
rr-ni-s Mr. and Mrs. Ci. W. Goytou.
I fhe7Twill7probably make thi Bcity
tiieirfnture'houie. ,
A charming "Chafing Dish Party" i
was the attraction at tne Gnild Hall
of St. L tike's Episcopal chnrch, Satur-:
day evening, when number of the
young people had a delightful even
The social season in Grants Pass
has hardly opened as yet but number
of swell social functions are said to
be scheduled for the near future and
Dame Rumor has it that there will be
some important weddings, the con
tracting parties being prominent so
ciety people. Soon the gaiety of the
sooial season may be expected to be
npon this fair city.
Wednesday afternoon the members
of the Ladies' Aid Society, of the
First Baptist church had a very en
joyable meeting, in the chnrch parlors,
Mesdames F. W. Cheshire and W. H.
Pattillo being the hostesses for the oc
casion. After spending some time
tacking comforts, delicious refresh
ments were served and a social time
was indulged in the rest of the after
noon. .
One of the prominent social events
of the week will be the "Sheet and
Pillow Case Party," which is to be
given by Miss 'Jessie Hale, this even
ing, at St. Luke's Guild Hall. Quite
a number of invitations have been
issued and the affair promises to be a
delightful one. During the evening's
pleasures, a social dance will be m
dugled in by the merry gathering and
dainty refreshments will be served.
About 40 ladies were invited gnests
at the home of Mrs. Herbert Sampson
corner of Sth aod E streets from 8 :30
to 5:80 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
when a reception was tendered in
honor of her sister Mrs. Oakea of
Idaho who has been visiting relatives
and friends in this city for several
days p'st. The home was tastefully
decorated fcr the occasion and the
hostess was assisted in leoeiviog by
Mrs. John Lncns. An elegant lun
cheon was served and the afternoon
passed very pleasantly with delightful
social conversation.
The pnpila of Ethel Carolyn Pal
mer will soon give high class
musical recital in te opera bona. It
will partake of the natnre of two
aod three piano concert. One 'of the
striking features of the classical pro
gram which will be rendered will be
the Hungarian Rhapsodie No. 9,
which is pronounced the most difficult
of all the Listz Rhapsodies. This
ill be played by Miss Palmer on the
solo instrument, accompanied by
Alma Wolke, Leila Caldwell, Flavia
Hackett and La Costa Maoguru, ;
The exact date for this coming at
traction will soon be announced. I
J. F. Berry, of Provolt had business
of importance to transact at the
county seat, the first of the week. j
Clias. Oglesby was up from Glen-
dale. Donglas county's thriving
timber region, this week, on a flying
business trip.
Chas Gilbert, the millwright!
leaves for North Bend this week, to J
take a permanent position with the
Cuos Bay Manufacturing Co j
Chas. Milligan came down from
Medford this week, in quest of a good
tirrber claim and be is out with one
of the local cruisers, looking over the j
tracts which have not yet been taken.
Ralph Dean is home from Ashland,
where he has spent the past two
weeks, visiting w'th friends and ac
quaintances. A. S. Sargent, who halls from the
new town of Wonder, Oregon, has '
been spending a short time in this
city onVn"iness of importance.
C. J. Ptiiytbe, who was formerly of
this city, but who has transferred
his abode to North Bend, the thriving
city on Coos Fay, is here for a couple
of weeks, to look after some important
legal business. He reports every
thing flourishing over that wsy and
that there is steady employment
waiting fur from .VKJ to 10,000 men.
Common laborer, he says, get !
for nine henrs work. He reports that
Messrs. Hcckett, Colvin and Cheshire
are flonrii-hing and that they sent
their best regards tothelr'nianv
Grants Pass friends. "I '"T-"""!
Messrs. L.JM. Williamson nd;w.
C. 'Mason, the Berkeley, Cal., eapital
istajwho have"ext'nsiveproperty
holdings in this city have been op to
lookafter some ofthe'r affairs.They
citv, lr rated east of the "city, where
tne streets fare being nicely graded
andthe" rropertyTp'it in fine'shape
Mr. Masou willrtua)u here for sev
eral days, In order behave ooe of his
bii rl-him; excursions, which he al
wayt ind'ilges in t when heialipthia
w avTwh n-h' i-cCi n ite 'f tetT" , ,
i A Brief Record of 9
Local Events.
Sj'linnt frMniil nn In til Panlannniul !
district, Monday of last week, with !
Miss Ida Swackrr. as teacher. I
Local dealers say that there is not
much likelihood of this city exper
iencing a fuel famine, this season,
as they say that the supply is good !
aud the rriees very reasonable.
Fred Roper, the tailor moved his'
family into his new home 'place
purchased near the Dixon property'
on Alh street.
Bent npon having a good time. Dr.
W. H. Schwart, one of Houston,
Texas" leading physicians, who is
touring the coast has come td this
city and taken a trip "out into the
banting and fishing regions.
The High scnool will miss Fritz
Dean, the cartoouiat, who has gone" to
Eugene, where he will enter the Ore
goo State University.
Yesterday afternoon the public
schools of Grants Pass were dismissed
in order that the children might have
a chance to take their parents to the
dog and pony show.
O. P. Jester, the popular railroad
man is again back at his post, as
local S. P ticket agent, after having
been stationed at Butte Falls, for
four months.
Rolla G. Cole, son of R. D.Cole,
has a lucrative position at Hoqniam,
Wash., where he is manager of the
grocery department of the large de
partment store of Tannahill & Co.
He was formerly salesman in this
city, where he has many friends.
This week Eitmaon Bros, shipped
car of "mixed" apples to tht San
Fraocicoo market, where they find a
very good demand for Josephine county
fruit. They will send (heir fancy
product to the New York City mar
ket, where as in years past, the ap
ples bring fine prices.
A. H. Carson, commissioner of the
third district has been in Portland,
this week, in attendnoe npon the
semi-annual meeting of, the state
board of horticulture. Mrs. Carson
accompaoie him and tbey were guests
at the big hannnet which was ten-
deredlHou. E. L. Smith, of
River, expresident of the board. I
The Rogue River Water Co, is
making some needed extensions and
at the corner of F and 9th a new Ore
hydraat baa been installed. The main '
on F street has been enlarged from
one inch to four inches in size. The
service is rapidly changing off from
the old pipe system to the new, about
all the transfers having been affected.
C. E. Wolfolk is burning another
kilu of brick, at his yards, southeast
of the city. This one has 100,000
brick, making fonr this year, the
others having had 200,000. He finds a
good demand for the output, shipping
nisny carloads to Wolf Creek, Glen
dale, Medfcrd and other points in
Southern Oregon. There are three
good-sized brick yards in Grants Pass
and they all find a good demand for
their prod acts.
II. D. Eisiuann is ont with a peti
tion, seeking the appointment of
Fruit Iusiector for Josephine county,
the position vacated by Charles Me
serve. He informed the Courier mau
that if he was appointed to the pptce,
he would use his very leat endeavors
to see to it that the law governing
the fruit industry was enforced to the
letter, showing neither fear nor
favor to anyone.
J. M. Hurley, who is runninir the
1 . '
tr resiling machine outfit belonging;
to Lincoln and J. O. Savage, is now 1
operating in Jackson county, caring
for the alfalfa crap The output j
this season is rejMirted to be fine, in
all directions. For Instance, he has
' jost hulled 20 acres to the Neido'iiler !
place that niBde lO.JSOO which is con-1
' siilered good field and a very pront-!
able crop. The season's run will
probably close about the last of this:
! week. !
The Hoxie school district, although
located some 25 miles inland and in a
' mountainous district, can hoat of
having a neat, up-to date building for
its school, and in it is to 1 found a
neat library, charts, maps and such
modern apparatus, and a Isautiful
flag flouts over it. II. S. Miller, of
1'ortlaud has just been engaged to
tench an eitilit month's school in that
progressive neighborhood. if - '"
In the lrcal 3 fP de; ot is t) )e seen
Itie'nionihlv ieirt for . September. fof
tljtTvarioUB employes whu ha ve been
j deemed worthy of commeiidntionKS
wellas f those censored. Onecon
durUr, two ' braketiin)and one Are
niiinjwere praised for assist ingto put
out tires along 'sldo theJJ track.kful
fence corners. JFive'rnen- were sus
pended for numerous
Tand different
kem., I., i )s
c'ies, while, one. bra
lob ! hiiki he
to go on nt
when 1-aIleTffot.Jainlan cperatoTTlio
.aldTP,riuli'liit.or while on dorr .'
his walking pajiers " '."r".l
1 News Notes From the Business
Men to Readers.
Dr. Fbwagan,
Physician and Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druugist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
Mrs Frances Amos Piano teacher,
403 N Sth St 8 9-tf
Snappy, gold-filled
brooches at Letchers.
9-30 4t
R. L. Parsell, piano tuning, Phoue
698 or Musio Store, Grants Pass,
Ore. 8 30 tf
First-class diamonds. All bright,
new and snappy goods, at prices tuat
are right, at Letcher's. 9-20 4t
Still doing business at the old
stand-Fiel's Elite Lauudry. 10-4 tf
Eyes tested free at Letcher's, the
only registered optometrist in Jose
phine connty, from the Optical Board
of Oregon. 9 30 4t
Merlin-Galtre stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m.. arrives Galioe 19, return
1 ; arrive Merlin A p. m. 25 pounds
baggage free.
j. E. Palmer's Buff Orpingtons
took first prize and scored highest
points over all fowls entered at the
fair. A few oockrels for sale. In
quire at S. O. Supply Co. store.
9-20 4t
Voioe culture and sight reading,
class or private, Mrs. II. N. Starr,
Phone 698. 10-4 4t
WELL driving and digging promptly
attended to by A. G. and Frank
Honck, address, Grauts Pass, Gen'l
Del. 10-4 4t
The Mounaineer Restaurant, Front,
street, between Sixth and Seventh,
will be open every night until 1
o'clock. 8-!IO tf
Lfxdles Attention!
Ladies attention I Dresses, wrap
pers shirt waists, skirts, chemise,
drawers, aodershirts,stockings, night
gowns, aprons, corset covers and
pieces, child, called . for, washed,
starched, dried and returned at Sfic
per dozen. Piel's Elite Laundry,
phone 873. Stovall & Oowdrey, Mgrs.
The "Honk Honk I" of sit big
aotomobiles, as they scurried through
the streets all day and even far into
the night, gave Grants Pass very
citiyfled appearance, Tuesday. The
occasion was a "Free Trip Around
the World," gotten npby the enter
prising W. B. Sherman Realty Co.,
and at fonr different places receptions
were extended the guests, Judtrs
Stephen Jewell and Attorney C, U.
Clements having in oharge the plan
representing Blngsn-on-the Rhine,
Germany; Attorney Marcus Robins
and Manager O. H. Sampson, of the
Granta Pass Cannery, Genoa, Italy;
Attorney Ewdard VaoDyke and Fore
man M. L. Opdyke, of the Observer,
at Bordeaux, Franco, while Hon. L,
L. Nelson and Secretary Harry An
drews, of the Comineroial Club were
stationed at Grand Rapids, Mich.
These -gentlemen entertained the
many people who took advantage of
the treat thus afforded, delivering
very interesting and entertaining
addresses regarding the respective
countries they were representing. On
the whole it was a decidedly unique
and pleasing manner of doing some
most judicious advertising and the
firm received many well deserved com
pliments for thus affording the pub
lic this plesarahle and profitable out
ing. What
this eager, anxious
At Wonder store
the whole day long?
aatl.eriiiKS day bv
; These woudrous
day, i
What wonderful commotion -say .
Iu tones of Joy the throngs reply :
Kveryone has come to buy.
To sell and buy, to sell buy,
No wonder why! No wonder why!
10-18 4t
is now ready for all business, everything in house furnishing
Among other new arivals are 25 pieces of 2 yards, 2'i yard and
4 yards wide Cook Linoleums the best quality bought before
the advance, and will give my customers thehenefit of price; will
fit and lay. You will lov? money if you buy before seeing these
crfkrwls All rrMult inM for rnt;fi nr rwi ttt.t.'i!1iti.f t.1'.
i goods
0 o r - ...
i WIIITIv'S SIvWINO MACHINES and Supplies for At!
S Machines. A few ends I TI
i of Linoleum cheap. H U.
wvvvvvvvvvvvvvwjwv w
t. i r s
New Heater
It will bewell to look at our
large stock of both Air Tight
and Box Heaters. We have
a full stock of all sizes to suit
any condition. We have Air
Tight Heaters as low as $1.75,
just the thing for a bedroom.
Purchasers living; in the city
will have stoves delivered and
set up free of charge.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Felloa Block
Stove Board Terra Cotta Pipe
Of Southern
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way of
keeping your money is by deposit
ing; it in a Reliable Bank. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time-Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best aud Cheapest way to
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all parts
of the country.
One of the most important func
tions of the Bank. We endeavor
to supply all reasonable nerdf o f
our customers. -
Capital and Surp ua .... $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $30,000
u. Hall, fresldout
J. C. Campbell, Vloe-fresident
II. L. Gilkey, Caahlei
, R. K. Hackktt. Asst. Cashier
Frank L Vaunloe, who hna been
with the Golden Rule Store for the
past two years, hits gone to 1'alouse,
Wash., where lie will be associ Hted
with his brother in conducting the
store of the same name. He lulls the
Cooriur that there are uo less than 411
stores doing business all over the
country, under this style name, each
independent of the other, as far as
finances go, and yet they co-operate
with one another in a great many
advantageous ways. Mr. Vanuioe
likes Grants 1'ass and the Hogue
Iiiver Valley and he would not be
aarprised if he found himself back
here one of these days to remain.
Order your Tokay Grapes from
Geo. H. l'arker. 10-18 fit
at the Big Funiture
House, North St.
DXMMADn North Sixth
DAaUlHftL!. and U Sis