Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 18, 1907, Image 4

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&he Shoe of SKoes
If you want tlie best .there
is for Mining, Hunting,
Cruising, Mountain climb
ing, buy this Shoe. No
other shoe has as many
water-proof qualities.
10 inch top-
14 inch top-
Published Every Friday.
Subaorlptlon Rat:
One Year, in advance,
HJi Months,
Three Months, . . .
Bingie Copies,
Advertising Rate
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mall.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thank Wo.
W. E. Willi Editor
Entered at the post office at Grants Pass
Oregon, as second-class mall matter.
Thanksgiving season it oomlng on
apaoe and everybody in Jospehine
oonnty must bare abundant reason for
observing the occasion in fitting
Do we want that evaporator factory t
If to, now is the time to aay so. Act
ions speak loader than words every
time and if yon are interested, show
it by taking few shares of stock in
this most worthy enterprise.
The preeent rate of postage on let
ters between the United States and
foreign countries ia five cents for aach
ounce or fractional part thereof.
Coiauienoiag October 1, the rate will
be Ave ceatit for the first on nee and
three cents for eaoh additional ounce
or fractional part thereof.
Were it not for the fact that a com
peting water compaoy ts alKMit to en
ter the lix-ai field, there can bt no
ipiestiou but what many citizens
would strongly favor the municipality
taking bold of each a matter. As'it
ia, there is strong disposition on the
part of the average taiayer to wait a
bit and Fee whitt results will come
from having a competitor in the field.
'Hah for the coining Omuls Pass
lauds! We are not only going to
have one good musical organization,
lint from present imlinitloiiH we are
to have three such aggregations. And
it uiUHt be very encouraging to the
men and youths who are ho faithfully
pract icing to see how much interest
is toing tukcu in tin ir efforts by tlio
average citiien. That of itself is
enough to presage success for the un
dertaking. Although the presidential election
is some bit off, yet there is already
much interest being tskeu in the
probable candliliites. There can le
no denying the fuel that the nation,
its a whole would like very much to
have President Kocsevelt reconsider
his determination not to allow hi
name to be used again for the hlghett
honor witbin the gift of the Ameri
can people. At times come rumors
to the effect that be is almost per
suaded to do so and here's hoping that
be may soon be altogether willing to
heed the united wish of the masses.
We are pleased to note that the
Grants Pass saloon men have taken a
sensible view of the Sunday closing
movement and that they are law
abiding citizens and will comply with
the city ordinance governing such
matters. This is as it should be and
these men are only doing what every
right minded citizen should do, that
is obey the laws of the land.
Let every person in this part of the
valley look forward to the approach
ing poultry show and make plans ac
cordingly. Such an affair, if it is
entered into by our people enthu
siastically can be made a grand sue
cms and much good will result there
from. Remembering the splendid sno
cess which came from the united
efforts ia arranging for the recent big
industrial Fair, we should enter into
this matter with the same determina
tion to secure the beet possible results
from the coming gathering. Let's
begin to plan now and not wait until
it it nearly time to have the exhi
bition, for then we will not be able
to pat forth our best product.
New the political pot is beginning
to simmer at lively rate and the of
fice seeker is abroad in the land. He
it striving to greet the dear people
with the glad hand and of course he
Is willing to offer himself for the good
of the public But have you noticed
how little is said about party linet in
Oregon? That new primary law hat
had much to do with regulating the
political wire puller to the rear and
when the time comes that every man
will have to win purely upon his
merits ami ones bank account or
''puirwilfcutnoflgure we jvil
have""reaohed "an era for which all
loyal citizens have long been hoping.
One of Medford's attempt to build
up that conininnily by tearing down
Grunts rasa ban acted very much an a
Imoiuerang, for the dirty work it
being condemned on all sides. It lias
served to opu the eyes of people in
general and one thing has come to
light, and that is, that Medford has
beeu too much iuel aed to resort to
the "hot air" process to boost her
locality", whereas Grauls Past citizens
have beeu content to rely merely up
on merit. The result it that many
people are finding that after all we
really have superior backing to that
so much boasted about by our more
pretentious neighbor to the south.
When the Southern Pacific repre
sentative appeared on the floor cf the
convention and declared in no uncer
tain words that his b'g corporation
stood readv, and even nnxtons to co-
If lu is woll kept, ho is furnished by nat
ure with a sleek flossy rout; a little ev
ereiie on tt warm day ivis lii.n pants:
eerbody fjives liiin cull's, and you surely
ou'lit to bo willing to furnish his eollar.
A !food collar adds more to the appearance
of u ilog than w yard of pedigree,, it marks
him as a respected member of society
one with friends. You will titul a swell
line of Manhattan loir Collars at
Paddotkj Old
Bitwle Din
operate with the people of this valley
in developing the resources of this
wonderful region, it was a fine thing
and one which means much for the
future growth of this sectou, for we
believe that Mr. Malboeuf, the dis
trict freight agent who thus talked to
the oonvention, meant just what be
said and Indeed hit actions along this
line are speaking louder than his
words. We ae more than pleased to
chronicle such items of important
news. When the Southern Pacific once
decide that Southern Oregon must
have all the. benefits it can give our
part of the state, it will mean that
we can expect things to move along
with rapid strides.
That was indeed a nice showing
made by Secretary Marshall, of the
fair association, when he explained
that there was a nice balance of a boot
five hundred dollars on hand. Wos
der how the boastful Medfordi'es
would take ' it if we referred to the
fact that tbey only had two hundred
on hand, after a weeks' effort, with
no premiums paid out but merely a
money' making proposition. But it it
not necessary to comment upon such
comparisons. The facts are good
enough and tbey most certainly tpeak
plainer than any words we might
A telling argument, in favor of our
having a permanent exhibit building
at the depot, occurred durinif fair
week. While Manager Robey, of the
Williams Bros. Door & Lumber Co.,
was watching the passengers get on
and off the train, he wag accosted by
gentleman, wearing a Princeton
university badge and they became en
gaged in conversation.
The tourist asked iflthis country
oouldj raise anything, remarking
that from what lie ' could see from
the railroad he did not believe
there was much to be found here.
Mr. Robie handed him his pass Into
the fair pavilion and urged him to
step over while the train was waiting
and see for himself. The man did so
and came back highly enthusiastic
over what he there beheld and de
clared that he was coming back here
to make tome investments, at he was
now on the lookout for jost such
opportunity as he believed.: were
here to be found. That was' bat one
of many such things which are coming
to light all the time and- we con Id be
doing some most effeotive advertising
for this part of the valley in thlt
manner, if we only bad a creditable
exhibit building.
Speaking of tbe jealousy which
seems to prevail between some lo
calities in the valley, we notice thai
this feeling is becoming quite acute
between Athland and Medford. It
looks as though these two thriving
cities can tee but little good in each
other and they are throwing out in
sinuations regarding each other whiob
are far from being complimentary.
For iostance, the other day one of
tbe Medford papers gave Ashland a
bard hit and the Ashland paper re
ferred to it as coming from "Hotair
dotn." Gentlemen, these things
ought not to be. Why not do at
Qrauts Past is doing, stop your
bickering and get in Hnd rull to
gether. Yon are both ou the map of
Oregon in the best and most promis
ing valley in the world and there is
plenty of room for your respective
cities to grow and prosper. Why uot
do as Grants Pass is doing and win
out on vour merits. Our city is going
right ahead and we are getting new
industriet and lots of new blood in
here to make things ham, but we are
not euvious of our neighboring cities.
They have their places to fill as well
as has this place. So we say, bury
the editorial hatchet and get together.
Pnll for the Rogue Kiver Valley and
you will be well paid for your having
none .so
It's Time to Think
something new, from $5 to $25, and a COMPLETE LINE of SHOES
If it's bargains you are after, then come to our
big establishment you'll find everything just as advertised
Grants Pass
Big Bargain
BULL For sale, 2 years old, grade
Swiss, half Herford and Durham,
inquire L. B. Akers, Wilderville,
Ore., or box 40, Grants Pass, Ore.
it. ia it
I FOR RENT The store building for
merly occupied by Hyde Brot., on
Front St. flat living rooms upstairs,
with store below. Apply to the
owner, E. A. Wade, at his store.
on G S. 10-18 2t
WANTED Girl or old ladv to do
house work. Apply to Mrs. J. N.
Johnston, O St, between 1st and 2d
Stt., Grants Pass, Ore.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Poland
Chinas, both sexes, also Brown Leg
horn chicken and Bronze turkeys.
J. H. Robinson, Route 2, Grants
THRFR r.rTSFia rmni onttaoa
bath, pantry and store room, electrio
lights, city water, bne well on back
porch for sale one block from busi
ness part of town. See M. E. Moore
at store, Front St. 10-11 tf
A. P. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock headed by one of tbe famous
bucks of the "King Arthur" also
other bucks of different strains of
bleeding. Does of the noted
straiua; bucks foriale, Merlin., Ore.
7-5 tf
FARM for Sale 160 acres, 50 in cul
tivation, good house and barn, etc.,
family orchard and brrries. 30 acres
morn easy to clear, all ideal fruit
and farm laud, 40 subirrigated bot
tom. Oak, pine and fir timber to
make 2000 Cordsof wood three miles
all down haul to railroad and town ;
miles outrange fine for hogs, caitle
and ponitry ; three horses and har
ness, buggy, spring wagon and lum
ber wagon, $100 Jersey cow and
heifer, 20 hogs, full blood poultry,
farm implements, household and
kitchen furniture complete, all toes;
splendid water at malaria in
mile, daily mail, iu Rogne River
valley, Jackson County, Oregon, fluest
climate ou earth finest fruit land in
state A'l i-nes for $3500, add rets Box
17, Wcortville, Ore. 9-8-tf
Freeh Celery
at Pardee's Front
10-18 It
Owiug to continued ill health, A.
E. Yoorhira felt constrained to dis
pose of his photo and music estihli-h-nient
a d he did so this week to Pro',
Stanton Koweil, ihe new handiua-e.',
who is now in charge and who will
retain the old location for the present.
H. C. Kinney, owmr of the opt ra
nouse iiiioims rue vournr tliar lie
was moititiid at the row drism dis
played by some irtit-s at rjie last
how, when tliry crowded and jammed
the hallwav, greatlv confusing and
disturbing the management and the
patrons Ladies were hustld
around and the crush was simply
awful, lu or.'er to obviate any such
performance iu the future, al' tickets
will have to be purclms. d down
stairs, at the Horning Coufectioneiy
store ami no one will l erm itti d to
ascend the Mairs who is uot provided
with a ticket. He a!so i roios. s put
ting a stop, to the making pf tobac
co pools ou the floor of the playhouse.
He could lardly believe anybody
would te guilty 'of such filtbv acts
and as ther is a law against all such
actions, he proposes to sent that it is
rigidly enforced.
TIMBER RANCH 100 Acres small
house, six acres under feooe aud
alfalfa 2,0 iO.OOO feet good pine saw
timber and wood timber for 2000
cords wood; large creek through
place fine dam and perpetual water
a shingle mill and planing mill iu
full operation driveo by a turbine
win el. ; au ideal place for saw mill
fine water power 10,000,000 feet of
pine saw timber adjoining this place
three miles down haul to railroad
and town, Jackson county, Oregon.
All goes for frWO. I t's a'snap;' the
water right is worth it, don't lines
this. 1. M. H. Ta lor, - Co.
Woodville, Ore. . (Ml tf
TREKS 14 varities of peach trees,
Mack walnuts, Japantse walnuts
for sale John H. Robinson.
Grants Pas, Keute2. U-13 4t
FRANK BCRNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
Safe and
Is the Man with good Bank Account. By
systematically depositing his earnings each week, he has
lor a rainy day
and is prepared for any emergency that may arise.
Are you one of the fortunates? We invite you to open
an account with us. Be it small or great, you will
always reeeive courteous treatment
on time deposits
If you have some surplus cash why not have it
earning you some interest? We pay interest on time
Safety Deposit Boxes tor Rent
in which you can store your valuables, papers and
treasures. You may have need for just such an accom
modation. ' Let us serve you,
Grants Pass
Banking & Trust Co. N
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Equalization of the County
of Josephine, State of Oregon will,
on the third Monday in October, to
wn, oc toner 21, 1107, attend, at
the Courhouse in said Counttv., and
publicly examine the assessment rolls,
and correct all errors in valuation.
description or qualities of lands,
lots or other property assessed by tbe
assi'ssor and it shall be the duty of
persons interested to appear at the
time aud place appointed.
STRAYED 2-year-old gray mare,
branded L under half circle on left
shoulder, wears bell ; blown Indian
pony with white face, spotted white
on both sides, wears bell; both came
to my place at Willams, September
3. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying charges. J. A.
Uotcher, Williams, Ore. M3 ot
New Harness Shop.
We are puttiog in a stock of harness
gisjdstwo doors sooth of city hall.
e shall nse the best leather that can
le procured aud iuvite you to examine
Get the Btst When You Buy.
' Some: people will go to the trouble
of loadingfa cannon to fhoot a fly, bot
thatis a roor business policy to fol
low. If you should drop into our
store and ask to see the best Rang
made, we would proceed at once to
show you the "Monarch Malleable
Range," Why? Brcaose it is made of
the best material that enters into the
construction of a range. It hat a
full polished top; requires no black
ing; it is a range thoroughly rivited
together to mslleable Iron frames
without ttove paste or putty being
osed in the joints. It 's range that
will last yon a lifetime and will pjr
for itself mi.ny times over in tbs
amount of foel it will save. It al
ways payt to tell the truth in inch
If you are interested in a Range,
come in aud see this one or drip us
card and we will be pleased to send
you full description of this Range.
We have the names of many satisfied
cuouiers who are now using this
FIRST CLASS dressmaking done by
Mrs Alice Weiser. Also has tlectric
eor-cts. electric hair brushes and
other snides for sale on K ktreot op
posite Preshytt rian clmrch. y-13 if
KoiuemtHr the Cocnty
School Convention at the
i relyienan clmrcli next
Tuesday and Wednesday
speakers will le there.
HOARD I wo ptsons ran
Pcarel in ftvaie family.
obtain ,
WANTED Sasu'en. Many Make
100 to $150 per month ; some even
mere. Stock clean; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washintgon Nursery
Company, Tcppeuish, Washington "
location. Call at 104 B St., 10-lMf.
BARGAIN in wood. Will give half
for cutting ;ioo cords or more, oak
principally. One unle from Wood
ville, down hill haul. Could fur
nish Ixiard. Key. J. F,. Dav
WocMvillo. " ' '
our st.H k. Will be r. ady for business Range that we wnnlrf u U. to tell
on or about Mondar,21st. I von of
1 Foreman Opdjke, of the Obsrver,
aceouipauied by his wife, is enjoying
a two weeks' outing as the guest of
Thos. Fack, ontbe Miller rauch. Be
has been somewhat nndt-r the weather,
of late, and takes this tbort vacation
as a result of the illness.
While riding hit bicycle out near
the city, a few days ago. County
Trvasurer J. T. Taylor had the mis-
hi. bike, as he was ar-inni ,w J (le,7 P . T'.
hill at a pretty rapid rata and he was I "T7 TTZZ. '
thrown belong and sustained some I SU- !
s-vere, although not tori.,n. t,.;. I grants PasyCannerv-jsthis !wek
He it again able to 1 out, although ! 1""lil''K '. bosiness ' trip ; through
nmM'l8 in! l16 f h n.nP'tl I DTu7glas and counties 'to the northern
rttrec"l.a1UM tl,8t ',e material:
which is coming rapidly to the front. .
The banner sale of pears in the
history of the New York market was
made September 80, when a car of
Doy dn Cornice variety, grown by C.
HLewis, who packs under the brand
of "Bear Creek," brought tbe gross
figures of fl,622.80.; This fact will ad
vertise the Rogue River Valley, as
fruit growing section as'notbing else
could do --