ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, OCTOBER 18, 1907. t'KOrKSSlOXAL CAHDS C. FINDLEY, M. D. I'ractleo limited to KYK KAK, NO-K und THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. OllUv) hours 'J to 12; 2 to tr, aud on ap puiut niuiit. Telojihones lllil and 77. (jHANTS I'AHH, OkKOON i to a misunderstanding and that there i no need for auy sticn action in 1 bOINQS AT THE COURT HOUSE Items of Interest to the Taxpayers of Josephine County From the Various County Officials t on the proposed new "County Home LOUGHKIDGK, M. D. , I'HYKICIAN AND Hl'KGKON Ken. 1'lione "14 Quiet Around the Offices. Things around the comity court house have been unusually quiet, for a few days and following in the wuke of tlie recut term of court the dullness in all the wore apparent. For ini-tauce: County Clerk Chcsh- ordaf k3mWi and II, Tuff 'a building. Olhoo I'hiie 2tU. GUAN'ltH 1'AS.H . OllKGON. J J, D. NORTON, ATTORNKYAT-LAW, Practice in all State, und Federal Courts. Ollloo i'i Opera House liulldiiig. I (ja AN'IS I'ASH, - - Oi:koon C. HOUGH, f'4ff or country calls attended night ire did not flil a single order for mar riage license all last week, which he thinks is . an alarming condition of affairs, lor he ha a great amount of syinjiathy for old bachelors. Then, Klit-rill Hus-ell feels a bit lonesouis, with not a single priHOuer in the comity jail. Ho thinks that some body ouhut to be apprehendi d and put in that nice bastile, else it will get rusty ami he unnatural. Then be it said to the credit of Josephine county, there was not a single insane case in ' the coiuitv passed upon by the au thorities during the entire month of , Hfptember. The average lias kbeen about one each month, which was not ; bail for a county of this size, tin in 1 Hrptember even the average was not 1 kept up. but thero is at least one busy ' man at the courthouse and that is j deputy SheiifT Smith, who is still 1 taking in money paid by tardy tax payers. He finds that the county has collected about fSO.OOO thus far and that this year will probably come I up a bit bettor than is usually the lease. However, it looks now as though several taxpayers, all over j the count? would have ti py extra entits as they are going to per n it their taxes to go delinquent. ATTORN KY-AT-I.AVV, Practices in all Ktutennd Federal Courts Oflloo over Hair Klddlo Hardware Co. Ckants 1'ass, - Okkuon QUVKR S. BROWN, LAWYER. Ofline, oyer K. C. Dixons, Grants I'akh, fitll St. Okkoon. (Jt S. HLANCIIARU, ATToUNlCY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Hanking and Trust Company's JiuiMing. (is NTS I'ash, - - Okkuon. ux to Hurry A 4, Grants Pass W B Sherman, is, r a, aoo. II. 13. II KM) RICKS COUNSKI.I.OIIS-AT-LAW Civil and criminal mat ters attended to in all the courts Heal estatouiid Insurance. OOieo, tlth street, opposite Postofflce! WILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. H. DF.I'IITY Kl'RVK YOU MINIMI F.N'iilNF.F.It A.NI) UltAUUIITSMAN Uli St., north of Josephine Hotel, t u a NTs I'ahs, - - Okkuon. Charles Costain Wood Work inj; Shop. Wst of flour mill, near R. R. track Making Them Toe the Mivrk. This is a busy season in the Probate Department, as it is the time tor the filing of the se liiiaiiuiiiil reports by administrators and executors. Judge Jewell inlortiicd the Courier man that he wiib requiring nil such pi rsons to comply with the law, which says that all executor uml administrators shall file reports in April and October of each var until final settlement. Judge Jewell is seeing to it that the said people holding such positions of trust attend to their duties, promptly and further than , that, he in doing his boit to get all the old estateB set tled up olT the court docket. County Teachers' Institute. County Snperiu'eU'leiit Sivaiio is busily engaged in making elaborate InrniiiK, Hiroll Work. Kiair Work, Hand ! I'1'""' preparations fot the next MawiiiK-.t Ahmet Work, Wood l'ullevs, .Saw liluigand gumming, Repairing all kinds. I'rioen right. T(ta Popular Barber Shop Got your tonsorial work clone IK A TOMPKINS' at annual Joi-epluue County Teachers Institute winch will convene in this city, November tl, 7 and H. It is a higuiidertaking and requires much time ami attention to insure that the affair will be a success in every par ticular Among the many able in- Ou Sixth Stteet Three chairs 1,1 r,"'t,,n' wu'( uru 'Mooted to attend Rath Room In connection participate in the program are the - . . . following: Presideut Mulky, State IV. IL. Mc'(jR IiV, Snperintndent Ackerman, Dr. Sheri- (lau, niernn, pscreiary miiu iierary Association, President Kerr, of the Oregon State Agricultural Collego, ' and many others of mamed literary ability. There will he popular ad I dresses at two evening tensions, to j which all the people are invited and for that matter, they are heartily welcome at all the sessions. Ech eacher in the county is not only ex pected to attend this iNsiitutw. but is bylaw r quired to In there. He or she as Pin esse may lie draws her pay just as I hough t-h was teaching aud lu many districts the entire week is taken as a vacation, the teacher mak ing up the ctlier two days at nimther time. PIONKKR TRUCK and.DKLIVKRV! Furniture and Piano Moving 4 GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. A. WADE Dry (Joods, Underwear, Notions, lite. Front Stteet west of Palace hotel GKANTS PASS, ORF.OON, AAAAAAAA AAA - j GRANTS PASS 4 Will fuuiwli infut in.itioii ol k S I.. It. 11 M l Pu si, lent f i(J M I. .M'i:kws....Su:i!.uv J Commercial Club Will fni 1 1 1 -s 1 1 infoi m.itioii ol Jn-.i-pHme emmty fiee of oll.liec. CiMR'spiillllcllOe so- 'icitctl. Viiitiig County Schools. Pur the past few weeks Superin tendent Savage has been endeavoring to comply with Hie law and pay hchculs lliiMiiiileuit thi cuiiuty a per sonal visit if inspect on. Dui inxthe pasl we. k he ilropp d ill t.i see bow things were I'lunnng in the following ilisirat: Wiliatus Cieek. Wilder- ill.-. Lower A;i lc.i'e, and Meilin I le tei'.s th, ( hii , i ;hat f.i: the in. "t part l:e l-:ts to.m.l the sell oil pro g'e-'ln.; ii'.. ''y ail .t.'iuk' g.n .1 d ixcrtisiT Kt the him ;i !: i i" "iv i in : ' i k which 5v 5 I H M 1 1 'i . lii.h t.iv. e g 1 w Ucr an I le w r 1 i-'1",!! ; ( v . n .1 . I !' e in, .t la I'.'i'l la I. mi. h Hi e fcr a lull', i h ' v.u i,m re: or! Harvey Moore, et ux to Ellen Lomas part lot 3, block N of J .Bourne's First add to Grants Pass, 2(i0. Joo 11 Williams et al to A Dartlett, part block 61, add to Railroad add to Grants Pass. 17.150. J J Perry to C E WV.folk, lots 11 and 12, block 1)4, Rivertlde add to Grants Pass, 2(J0, Sarah E Richards et mar to Johan Von A linen, part lot 7, block 3, Cen tral add to M rlin aud half intemt in the Kichards Variety Store, $1000. Christiana Trefeluen to C A Tre fethen, her husband, I art sec. 8.'), Ip 80 s, r 7, to actes, 1 1 .G0 , Leiiinel Ttask et ux to Arthur B Ellison et al., lot 7. block 8, of H B Miller & Co'g addition brants Pass, 1 100. Alexander Brcwn to William Olson, part sec 2(1, tp ill), a, r C, if-WOO J O Booth et nx to S F Mocine, lot , block 7, Grants Pass, fi!00. Mollie Nanson et al to Florence L Li"d. two acres in sec 9, tp 80 i, r 5, $200 C Ezra Smith to Florence Liud, part sec 0 tp 3 8, 15, flOO. Mathlas Heinen to Mary Thomp son, et al, 15 acigs in sec 10, tp 3ti s, r 5, $1000. Jerome Duncan et Cougle, lot U, block l 100. Mary Thompson to 18 acres in sec Pi, tp 3' P E Gerould et ux to Nellie O Mil ler, part s c 10, tp III! s, r 5, :i?00. H B Miller et al to Willis A Has kins, lot 7, block 8, H B Mil'er & Co's arid to Grants Pass, deed of cor rection. F G Burns, as administrator of the estate of Emma Sophia lies, deceased, to nmiel Watson, lot (i, block G, Judsun's add to Grunts Pass, iJl'.IO. Edward S Van Dyke to Oro S Blanchard, lots 15, 111, and 17, block 8 Lincoln Pack add to Gin-its Pass, f.'OO. Oregon St te Land Board to f. E Gerould, 80 acres in sec 21, tp 3d s, r B, $ 150. Marie E Pent) to John V Hurt v.) ) acr.s in sec 21, tp :)7 s, r 5 (deed in escrow )8ii0, II B Miller etui to Joseph Leniar, lots S, T V in H B Miller's High land Park and to Grants Pa-s, $250. H H Conner to Frederick Clements, leaiseiu ut ( vr c rt iin roadway $1. Plea-ant Valley Cemetery Assa ciation to F O Bums, part lot 2, row 5, block 1, in Valley Ceme tery, $:i W B Sherman to Helen Ruth Lover idge, 3.57 acres in sec 10, tp 3d , r 5, $3ti0. Geo E Payne to Tryphena L Riithbiin, 40 acres in sec 7, tp 311 g, r 5, $100. Miscellaneous Matters County Treasurer J. T. Taylor's accounting with the County ijerk shows that he hid on hand, the first of the m mill $17,s,ll.i'i0, cash in hand and that during previous month he paid over to tho state treasurer the stun of $t,tl."il..r)0. An execution hag ben issued to the sheiiff for $20 judgment and $3.55, costs, in the case of E. II. White vs O. S. Brortu. L. L. Nelson, of Berkeley,, has, by his attorney, A. C. Hough, brought an aitiou against Thos." V I I'ack. Jocilct the sumof .(Tm, I alleee I fiTli . a.,.. i.;...f?T- .. nT.. ".e. ( p.. . .. . ll(i nruui inrex jtiva a 're tracts out f "th tivenTo which the part of thnH. S. "JeTveit Donation Claim owued by defendant was tn b.i subdivided.'; He claiiusTT,, one 11. (.'. Myi-rs "(iput up ( the first pymnt"(if".f5iii),i rortln"s7id I t li r claims, lint npo.i e"sau"nin2 jth- abs'rtet that thevfai!e lloJi"iid tnat mid Pack wasthe owner of i-aTd , l.ind in ipietinn, hence the action j fur coiiiiuis.icii, as the td- .il fell ' tl.raugli.' List y. ar the fees 'receiv .! ,y t mini v I l.Ti i lieshir-, far h liceiis . i i d ,.i v fnoi,. fur ail ; lie y tr, hei'e 't 7 the am mat i ; ; I . aa 1 : a 1 . e t u ar.y en . 1. aa, . .j j I the firot place. Judge St'phen Jewell and County X . Commissioner J. T. Ligan met at tha J ' court house, Moudty and ttarttd work ou me iioiu.-5tj tn ..... - - - huilJiug. It was decidfd to have thewcrk done by day labor, the county to pu. chase all its own mutdrial and Contractor Arthur Fitzgerald, who is regarded as a splendid workman, will have charge of the frame work, while H. J. Clark will look aftt-r the brick foundation work. The fuadation will bn 28 by 32 feet, there will be 16 rooms in the entire structure with four small ones additional in the at tic. It will cost in the neighborhood. of $:;000 and will be ready for occu pancy on or tefcre December 1. Work was begun Tuesday, as the ma terial was already on the ground. Next week the Jcnepbiue county board of equalization will he in ses sion to hear auy comiluints to lw msada by taxpayers about their aseos meuts. But, as in former years. As sessor Fallm's work has beeu go well done that few protests are to be ex pected. ...U'j-liil Good grocers like Schil ling's licst, for it makes good-will and not trouble ; in case of complaint, the money is ready. Your ifrorer rt'iurns your money if you don't like it; we pay Inm There's Exceptional Style in (this" Yale Suit for Young Men IT'S another of the Ederheimer-Stein garments we've selected to demonstrate in every sale we make that this is, in fact, a superior clothing store. ( G.The Yale is the smartest Young Man's style striking in the weave and rich colors of the fabrics combines good taste, service, satisfaction lends the air of true refinement is fashionable without being fancy. Q, The young fellow who exercises com. mon sense and good judgment in th monplace. It's a suit for college men or any others who are par. ticular. Let us show it to you. t44!' W-$4---H'-H'?-S'm 1. A ki nm Tiur nunnui ? EPISODE. i" irismal. When I was a little chap living hi Cineiiiiiiili I was delicate. We hud relatives lu New (irleans, mid at one time I was sent down there foi- my healili. . I he only routi; was bv the (iliin ami Mississiiii rivers, und I made the trip in one of the big steam (; of that day. The main feature that 1 reiiienilier was seeing men sit lui',' In the caliiii playing cards, with beautifully colored chips. Why Hi u-e.I (he chips I was too young to un derstand. In this connection 1 also re call their leaving the tables occasional ly to pi to a little box ah n:t the size of a "Punch and Judy" shaw, placed firuard lir the cabin, where they drank drinlis of (to mel beautiful cul oi s. The Mississippi was one vast gam bling resort from Cairo to New Or leans. There were llatbuals lilted lip far the purpose that Heated slowly .:.iun the river, tyiui; up at any p .ia! where there were people to be llee. e 1. and wherever there were planters there were victims. One afternoon one of these llatboats deseendiiif; with the cur rent was seen from the shore not far below Memphis to be luruini; In to slmre. The only power aboard was In the arms of men and a couple of loin; sweeps or ears on either si.le. Those on the starboard side flashed In the KiiulU'ht, while the tiller oar left a rip ple astern. The boat In this way was ashore, and a hawser was pit out and tied to a stump upon the river bank. That niyht Julian Manin, a younjr planter, stepped aboard the boat and, with one or two of his friends who were al-eady thera. opei'd the iraine. Marau had sold his plantation and ne Kroes n n I was Kiin;; to Itatou Kontfe to marry his sweetheart und take up his residence there. The money he had re ceived was in" bank except a Hundred dollars, with which he proposed to nmiise himself on the llatboat. lie lidded considerably to his hundred dol lars ilurini; the evenim; and. belli'' a chivalrous fellow, considered himself bound to . ba.-k the next day and give the bank a chance for "revem;!'." In n few days the fortune he had In bank was every cent transferred to the safe in the fatborit. That was a u i ei aire. If there are elavahoiis p. ,.f,s .';,c,a 1 gamblers now. we hear nothing of Mieui. There were chiva!:-. us giml Vrs then, and they made i heir inilu, felt. Perhaps it was because g:'mM.t;g had tint then been 'i ft s i far I .. 1 1 1 1 , other n cans of inak'iig a living as it is now. The i I ; n I V. 1 V-4 I X'vA . 4:-v,.',-.--'.r ; v f - t t v. .- I .. ? - 1 i i t " :5 I i X - . I THE Ktfh i ; Superior tailoring reaches its climax in the Yale. Each garment is made separately by skillful hand needlework throughout. Trimmings and fabrics all match. Every operation of the tailor con tributes to make it distinc tive, individual. THE "YALE". Coat it long and full chested ; cuff on I'cfcve ; open teami down back of coat and sides of trousers. Trousers full at waist. Sizes 30 to 38. Prices $13 to $35. P. Ii liafth & Son, Inc. t i a .i That evening M.i'-an. Sterling and two others whom Sterling had asked to be present opened the game on the flat boat. The owner of the o'iittit and two assistants were of the party, making seven in all. They had played fin hour or more when a jackpot was opened, and the pile on the table prew enor mously. Suddenly Ste,"ling chipped one hand down on the money ami whipped out n gun with the other. At the same moment Marau and his two friends drew their weapons and cov ered the three professionals. The coup was effected so quickly that not one of the latter was able to draw. 'Tut jo' arms on the table," ordered Sterling, raking olT the money into his lint. Then, setting the hat on n chair, lie went to the owner of the bont nnd began to search him. "Il-m!" he remarked, drawing sev eral aces held by n clasp attached to n rubber cord In his sleeve. "A cheap device, but good enough to fool usses with." Then, going to the next man. he took a lack of cards from his pock et, held them up to the light and continued: "Marks big enough to seei In the dark. All the court cards nre plain on the hack as on the face." After going through the three men and Ilnding evidence of fraud on nil. he politely asked the owner for the key of the safe. The man, having n pistol muzzle within a few Inches of his ear, complied. Sterling opened the safe and counted out nil amount eipinl to Jin ran s losses and handed It to him. Then ln paid what losses the others h id made from the inonev in the hat. He was himself n winner. and this amount he took from his pock et and tossed It on the table. When the party left the boat thev cut the cable, and It floated down wiili the current. Its profits and losses at Its last landing place had been nil. jfaran left the next day for Baton Iiouge and was married soon after his arrival. Hud It not been for Sterling's lutcrfereine he might have become n professional gambler himself. CEiiKUK MSNEY !II,I.S. r:l r ' s imbbiig into more It may. as reu.uat.t . 1! pro le ; t M ii a p: i t1 St tun w ac r.itiss v.u N LI . Ili U .l (I t- two hi duj - . . t i e'll,' f n: mate .'. 'w a touch i r . seal . P. leu In,' some ler "uTi t i tins f.-i the i wul be in f illy s. t, r u 't t he t . ii. mi the.r w us ia a S ; pi . s-.t l s t S 1: . ', not been ! t . . e ; i hoi.l lever, a ; -e h f tvi n vci 1. w ile'i w T.I la in; f I '". l! .list : iet er for this term Property ChiMittin Hnnilii Tr.msfers of real o'v hare V en tile. I for record with founty t'lerk Cheshire, us fc'. .. Ws: f i i a b, tan w oe t i I i ro 1. who happens t c.emuoaw oalih, 11. for the is ire i r of gi Mill.: iato t i'.c law- ill: Tae i tri us I'a-s 1',. city 1: is 'il l a't'.'i ! fie capital s'o-k bi i'o iiivi.1 1 into ea "i. T ic in , t, .c ar . OiH- to, I. ti an I ManagT K.bic. ,.f l'r-s 1) , r A I. inther f , . .: I'.'iirier f a: t'o' Hi nt ia : sue, re-:tr im i he in t i.'e . : r by his coU;,:lllv aga:n- fie fust l!o ,v l.'iiiiber i'o.. I, a settled and cleared from il,,. j Mttnag'-r Hobie further .. entire pr.Kee.Uugs wits 1 il efs'ty has dove ' ate forms. 1',,. t; hi w ,i s parf ic- w .: f Ttime. i ; -tavus '1 ciiiUcr. who pe"a'.;.. piaaicr. b .1 lef: "i!a' lie t-1 t h war m : -I :.n t! i in.' 1! i; i ia M. I : h I. Willi h.m. ! "r.'rm.t Marau. " i'.l ray 1 '" R"st. l. the a '. on f.'.s I. twill, ii.TS j M..!'.!U. tort : :..:: r-d: cf ! oped :s as i the Ster had lar.b pro- , had Ma- r t atik Out of Sii?ht "f lit rf si tht, out of mind, "is an old siynu hieh applies with si ei'ial f"r. e to a sore, luirti or woutnl that's I ecu treated with HiicUit 's Arnica a,v. It's t of sinh-. out of uiiinl .oe out ot exist,. nee. l'iles too ' lams ips.apjiear una, r llllolelii'e. ttUiil'alltei d bv It- gists -It'. Hi and he tling 1 lirug- rrsisii i mMTi inm as ni ir i iniTlM The IJurlington's Diverse lloutes In planning your trip, you don't want to be confined to one gateway- 'If your ticket reads "Burl ington," your route may be Uia St. Paul, the Mississippi River Scenic way, three trains daily, or Uia Billings, the direct way to the Southeast with complete trains all the way through, or Uia Denver, and either the Billings direct way, orei.-e through Scenic'Colorado. Get hold of a Burlington folder; the map shows what a desirable portion of the through route the Burlington trunk lines form. An intelligent inquiry by you as'to the Burlington routes and service will add to the comfort of your journey aast or southeast. Let ine help you. A. C. SHELDON, Gen 1. Agl. C. B.&Q 100 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon. I 1 I I Fr-saf5Tj PIONf-ER ASSYINu AND REFINING COMPANY Capital -MD.OO.), established 27 yaps Hold. Hn-e Hull ion, Cfnni ies, Hicb ' )r -. etc, bouidit, Sirt cisIii uiimuT value. Ail wnik by cxett. HI Fifih "street N,-( U S. Mini SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. m W Hski I T. li"l erlsiiii, who on the Viirnhv aid to 1 ( ii h 1'' ' 1 :g fai' I'. en Ii i i"l. m U.ud i.i i s- ,11 tiled i i : .tn t s .1 Ik-u record. d the lue entirely t:tr: thU win. N t R gi M but c!. "V a:: 1 -: I'iai I'.l'. a:- ia in y t-ri tr Sierl... 1 t I'"' "I t tur seek a fev of i- in th i I. i:. ! m et. s.'.l, " .Oe-S his , ' 1 a a ay an.l he former's to r !', 1 a c: an 1 e :: :.ig':t wi:a ui't p':;-.y to ga:.e. I'll seif. ll:ne il a: ..f , f the has the Allen road, south of V, lias had s. in,- expriienee an" strange griss, the i-ee ! , f n. t have nine in the tutnip uia iv.- very rani;, l,ut is i f .V Us,- or I: lle'.t. si, f ,r s I,.. i- i r ain. led, cd he in ,y have ! rt-tty lcid in i rdi-r to rid 1 f tl y i 1 To.i, a.s we, ,.!. oe- in tliis in itter is siinihir to l ;n t ut r, who, learniiu "II gr tss, '' n-lit to the d gi t Seine feed. trying to L L E OEfc I AnMlialo, Onllii, Norms! Cl?"1"?" oourww. Jvlnostion ln<bfnrhs. IscJt-CM "TTJ ira. .anc. mtthamBtlca. ato.. Sil bwl f.QD.Ullnn that hu nn .iMIiMt WfOW I',r trrmt men nd woinD. Ws hlp w"1 invi frliil .1.,rrnl,.-rii Tnrlrl, un '.-r MM",'1 . if id- :r..n HHITK TOIHY fur .ro.-u ' '"!-. j, fltBBNY COtUGE, aiRANV. CRtGOj ratitnde, went tj friends. His Dear Old Mo'. ' My d ar nl I on .tin r. j ears old, thrivi s mi is " writes W. b. 1 d i n. tin. "She Ivo f c about t.vo years and -el , lit n;iietite, fc Is s'- eiis well. " That's the Hitters .v.lVct the ;ed i baiiiiy results follow in feiinle wvakinss and Ken eak, jinny children too, strengthened bv tlnm. seems to , aiso fwr stouiaeh. liver n nor host and I trouhlis, bv all druggis.s " t-nws iite the mischief. 1 lee, Jim i'. r .1 'hi i a-o.rn s- d I ohm ler sin e he has g t rnl , f tne stntl'. v Inch h, g' o.t f. r neither m b, s ai.w ;,' Bit ell. "I tilW .: u ('I' g a ml Metric .. aui' if 'a'.itr. nut!; . . .A t.tar.e ar and kiduvT Of. Ml i. P' Such ; ri, nee should be h warning to the' Tl" ' l growers not to dangerous matt. i exj-eruuent with such r Tlacer blanks at the Courier office.