Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 11, 1907, Image 7

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Educate for success in a short time and
dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for
thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in
struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the
voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand;
easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free
wruc roaay. Keterences: any merchant,
School Books
-We can make the
exchange at
CLELIEhS' 8 SX a"d
Are You Interested In Fencing?
If so let us figure with you. We sell
Page Woven Wire Fence
Cattle, Sheep,
Goat, Poultry, or
Hog Fence,
Buy the PAGE and Start in Right
We buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles
of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1907.
t7 Fence Man
Of Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4.
Main Office - Medford, Ore.
Drug's and
Every bit of Preferred Stock Salmon is
ipring-packed Royal Chinook from the
Columbia River the best salmon in the
world and the pick of them, the choice
run of the season, caught before they leave
the tall water
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
haia Wtennr Ua SM n ami
are guaranteed to be of high quality. A
pound of Preferred Stock Salmon ii a
pound of concentrated nutrition, extra rich
in proteids ; a most wholesome food for the
worker delicate ieaniorpanii.-uiait.usi-.
In irr-tfinintrantPrtftrrfJStoikjhm gnciri
AilwUwH.WlMl.Tw.Ftm.'I- ' '
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
I am prepared to furoiih anything in the tins of Cemetery work in any klnr
of Marble or Granite.
Nearly thirty year of experience in the Marble business warrant my savin,
that I can fill your ordert in the very best manner.
Can furoiih work in Scotch. Sd or American itranile or any kind o
front afreet, next to Green's (innehoo.
GILMORE & B0EEN, PrepritUrs.
H BtreeCbetween Fifth and Siith Poa 881 Grants Pass, Or ego
at small expense, and tends each stu
any bank, any newspaper in Portland.
Lawn, Garden,
Cemetery, or Wrou
ght Iron Fence or
Bar. F. C. Williams will hold ser
vices at St. Lnke'i Church, Monday
evening, Otober 14, at 8 o'lok. The
terries and hymns will be thrown on
the screen by the itereoption and the
address will be illustrated with about
90 beautifa! slides. Tbe subject of
tbe address will be: "India in Tran
sition." A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to attend.
Tuesday evening the Mens Depart
ment of the First Baptist Sunday
school hold a "Larliss' Night social.
A few short talks, music, games and
refreshments will fill the evening.
The Grants Pans Sunday school has
entered the Campaign, with the other
Baptst churches on the coabt, for ad
ding new members. Red and bine
buttons labeled " Get One, have been
distributed and when the new pupil
is encored, will be exchnged for an
other, entitled ' 'Got One, 1 'Got Two,
and so on up to 10, as the case may
One of the members of tbe Baptist
Sunday school, Harold Caldwell, at
the request of his father, constructed
small wagon, which was displayed at
the oounty fair. A state prize of
about $5 was awarded tbe ingenious
The Ladies Aid meets at tbe church,
Wednesday, October 16, Mrs. S. F.
Chesshire and Mrs. W. H. Patillo
will entertain and serve refreshments.
Friday afternoon tbe Ladies Mis
sionary society held a very pleasant
meeting at tbe home of Mrs. H. C.
Kinney, wbiob was greatly enjoyed
by the members and visitors.
Sunday was a memorable day for
Bethany church, a large congregation
assembling to bear an excellent dis
course by tbe pastor, foil lowed by the
impressive reception of new mem
bers and observance of the Lords Sup
per. Next Sunday will occur the special
oollection for tbe cause of foreign
missions and various committees have
been appointed to thoroughly canvass
the membership. A large amount is
expected for this most worthy cans.
Tbe Poverty JSocial to be given this
evening. In the church parlors, by the
Christian Endeavorers, promises. to be
a iellghtful affair.
Sunday, October 20 will be the
granrl Sunday school rally, when a
special program will be rendered and
an interesting time will be had. An
effort is beiug made to get all old
scholars back into the school.
Sunday afternoon tbe Junior En
deavor society was reorganized. Mes
dames R. H. Gililllao aud J. T. Love
conducting the same. There was a
goodiy nuuibrr of the little people
out and mauy more are exteuted.
Pastor Hughes is gieaily rejoiced
over the large attendance of the mem
bers at the midweek prayer meeting,
for he well knows that it is a sure
indication of the spiritual condition
ef the churoh when the members
take much interest in this particular
An interesting contest is on in the
Seuior Epworth League, the mem
bers being divided off into two bands,
one led by Miss Emma Loughririge
and the other by Geo. Harper. Ibe
object is to secure attendance of the
Members opon tbe regular league
meetings and the side which makes
lbs poorest showing between now
and the holidays, is to give a big
New Years dinner to all the members
of tbe league.
The Jonlor Epworth League started
off, last Sunday, after tbe summer
vacation nnder very promising aus
pices, with Mrs. C. O. EWkoiau, as
sistei by Mfsdauies M. C. Findley
and Thos. Clenio in charge. There
was an attendance ol 64, with more
to follow. They are taking op the
regular Jonlor course, which wt 1
eventually graduate them into t e
Seuior society and they will be we 1
prepared for some splendid work.
The official board of the chorc'i met
in the church, Monday evening to
plan for the years' work and a good
beginning was made by raising the
pastor's salary by an addition of 50
per annum, in appreciation of the
most excellent service be is rendering
tbe church.
Toeeday afternoon the members of
the Ladies' Aid assembled in the
church parlors to make elaborate
plans for the coming season's work,
in whiob they are manifesting much
Full house greeted the paator both
morning and evening and tbe Sunday
school was so large that the urgent
need of more room was very apparent
A new church edifice may be one of
the possibilities of the future.
Rally day occurred last Sunday and
ft was grand success ia every par
lioolar, large audience assembling
to enjoy the all day program. One of
the noteworthy events ot tbe day was
the raising of $510 which wipes out
all the indebtedness of the churoh,
although only S4S0 was needed for
this purpose. Of course the members
feel highly elated over having met
and vanquished that old debt which
was hanging" over them.
There will be about a dozen dels-
gates attend the big convention which
assembles at Medford yesterday and
today. Among the uoniber are Mrs.
W. J. Stovall, Mrs. La Mar. Miss
Florence LaMar, Mies Mabel Trim
ble. Mrs. W. J. Rannie and Rev.
and Mrs. A. J. Holliugsworh.
The'C. E. society is flourishing
nicely, the attendance Sunday even
ing being remarkably gojd .aud the
interest interne. This organization is
proving to be Pastor Hollingsworth's
able assistant.
'The Chsrch at Work" is the name
of a little churoh paper which the
church publishes weekly. It is eight
pages and contains much information
about the work of the local church.
Re. G. M. Gardner is back from
attending conference and his many
friends will regret to learn that he
has been transferred to the charges of
Albany and Tangent. His soooessor
will probably be sorre one to be trans
ferred from another district Mr.
Gardner will occapy the pnlpit next
Sunday, as usual.
Mrs, O. Presley, who attended the
W. M. Society which oonvened at
the same time as 'conference, was
elected the first vice president for
the society in Oregon.
Sunday evening the Epworth
League and the regular preaohing
services were combined, Judge Ste
phen Jewell delivering a very excell
ent discourse to a good sized aud
Rev. Gardner has as his guest this
week, Rev. P. D. Gardner, who is no
relation of h's. although having the
same name. The visitor has been in
charge of the Junction City field,
but now goes to take up tbe work at
Ponoma, In Kosthern California.
,01 Interest To Women.
To such women at are not seriously out
Of heallhibut who have enacting outlet
to) perfornV either In th way ot house
hold caresYor in social duties and lunc
tlinvwhichXserlously tax their strength,
as weTfinwVursIng mothers. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite pVVrlptlon has proved a most
valuable supYVtlng tonic and Invigorat
ing nervine. Hy lt
timely use, much
erlnn lefcppss Mild
fliirtYriim muv ho1
voided. The operating table " lna
urgeoin,' knife, would. It Ii believe
Seldom hHve tube errplovfd If this most
Valuable wo-pi)'-' rrmrdv were ri-urtial
to In Bod time. 1 he "Favorite Prescrip
tion-has proven a great boon to expectant
mothers by preparing the system for the
coming of baby, thereby rendering child
birth safe, easy, and almost painless.
Hear In mind, pleat that Ur. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription Is not a secret or
patent medicine, against which the most
Intelligent people are quite naturally
averse, because of the uncertainty as to
their composition and harmless character,
but is a mkiiicisk or knows composi
tion, a full of all Its Ingredients being
prlntod, In pluln English, on overy bottle
wrapper. An examination of this list of
Ingredients will disclose the fact that It Is
non-alcoholic In Its composition, chemic
ally pure, tni'li-rclinrd glycerine taking
the place of the commonly urns! alcohol,
In lis make-up. In this connection It
may not lx out of place to state that the
favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce is
the only nrnliciiie. put tin for the cure of
woman s peculiar weaknesses snd ail
ment, and sold through druggists, all
the Ingredients of which have the un
animous endorsement of ftll the leading
medical writers and teachers of all the
several schools of practice, and that too
as remedies for tlio ailments for which
favorite Prescription" Is recommended.
A little book of these endorsements will
be sent to any address, post-paid, and
absolutely r If you request same by
postal card, or letter, of Dr. H. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y. ,
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. Constipation Is the cause of
many disease. Cure th. cause and you
cure the diMi&ae. Easy to take as candy.
Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878.
Rosobttrg, Ore., July 29. 1907,
Notice I hereby given that io com
pliance with th provisions of the act
of C ngress ef Juue 8, 1878, eutitled
An act for the sale of timber lauds
in the Stites of California. Oregon,
Nevada aod Washingtoo Territory" as
extended to all the Publio Land State
by act of As gust 4. 189').
.1 . tl L' V.' If A DinVTD
of Harrison, County of Kootoai, State
nf Idaho, filed in this offloe nn March
16. 1907, bis statement No. H417
for tbe purchase of the Ht'-4 of Heo.
No. 2H, io Tp. NnJI7 South of Kange
No. 7 West of WM.Ore. and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more vslnable for its limber or stooe
than for agricsltorsl purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Joseph Moss, U. S.
his office at Grants
Friday, the 8th day of November, 1907.
He names as witnesses Martin A.
Congsr, of Grsnts Pas, Oregon,
William Ball, nf Grants Pass, Oregon,
Emmetl K. Conger, of Wtldtrville,
Oregoo, Lillian M. Kcaggs. of Harri
son, Idaho.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the
above-described lands are
requested to file their claims io this
office on or before said 8th day of
November, 1907.
Timber Land. Aot June 8. 1878
Roseburg, Ore., July 1407
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliano with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878. en
tilted "An act for tbe tale of timber
lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada aud Waahlugtoo Ter
ritory as extended to all tbe Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1893,
of Chico, oounty of Butte, State of
California filed in this office on May
37, 1907, her sworn statement No. 8449
for the purchase of the S. E. W or
Section No. 18. in Towuahin No. S3
S , Range No. 4 W. W. M., aud will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis tim
ber or stoae than for agricultural
i . . I, i . . i
uuriiuwi auu w eeiaoiisu
her claim to
said land before Joseph
Moss, U. S.
Commissioner, at his office iu Grants
Pass, Oregon, on iridav. the 8tb day
of November, 1907.
She: names as witnesses: Rosa L.
Waters of Chico. Butte Co.. Cal..
William J. Johnson of Oakland.
Alameda Co., Cal , Edwin O. Dry-
burgh, of Medford, Ja ksou Co , Ore. ,
Walter J. O Counell, of Kugeiie. Lane
Co., Ore.
Any and alt Persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 8th day of
November, 1907.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.,
August 15th, 1907.
Notice is hereby iriven that Jesse
Summer of Williams, Josephine Co..
Oregon, has filed notice ot his tnten
tiou to make final Five year proof in
support of his claim, vis: Homestead
Entry No. 11799 made July 9th,
1903, for the K of SEW. SV4' of
SEtf. SEtf ofS W4-, Seo. 88, Town
ship 83 Sooth, Rauge 6 W, aud that
said proof will be made before Joseph
Moss, U. S. Commissioner at his
office at Grants Pass, Ore., on Mon
day. Oct Uth, 1907.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
opon, and cultivation of, the land,
via: Arthur L. Biodgget, of Will
iams, Josephine Co., Ore., Jesse,
October, of Williams. Josephine Co..
Ore., Berry Ohastaine, of Williams,
Josephine Co, Ore., George Tethrow,
of Williams, Josephine Co., Ore.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon tor Josephine County.
in tne matter or the
Assignment of the
Southern Oregon
General Hospital
Notice is hereby given, that J. E.
Peterson, Ibe assignee of the above
named insolvent, baa filed in the
above entitled court and cause bis
fiual account, and that the same will
be heard and p ssed upon Monday.
January 13, A. D., 1908, at the hour
of ii o'clock P. M., at the Court
House at Grants Pass In Josephine
Couuty, Oregoo, that being the first
day of the regular Jauuary, 1908, term
of said court, and all persons having
objection to said final account are
hereby retioired to file aud preseut
the same on or before tbe last men
tioned date.
Date this 33d day of September, A.
D., 1907.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Or-
egen for Josephine County.
Ella 8. Busll. -I
Wellington 11 Bnell,
To Wellington IL Buell, defendant:
In tbe name ol tie state of Oregouyou
are hereby summnued to appear and
answere the complaint filed agaiust
yon In the above entitled court and
oaose oa or before six weeks from the
date ot first publication ot this Sum
mons, which first date of publication
Is Friday, October 4, A. D., 1907, and
the last day of publicstlou of said
summons aud tbe last day for your
sppearanoe as aforesaid Is Friday,
November 15. A. D., 1907, and you
are hereby notified that io oass you
tail to appear and answer the com
plaint wltliin the .time sfornaid. the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the lelief prayed for in the complain,
viz: for a decree dissolving the Ixinds
of matrimony now aud heretofore
exlatmg between the plaintiff and
defendant; that the plaintiff be
awarded the title in fee simple to an
undivided one-third in and to the
westerly one-half of Lot of Block H of
Bourne's First Addition to the Town
of Grants Pass, and In and to the H.
E 4 of Sec. 3H, Twp. 88 8, IU W ol
Willamette Meridian, all In Josephine
County, Oregon; thai plaintiff be
awarded the care aud custody of the
minor children, yix: uiara, a
daughter, aged 17; Kay, a son aged 13:
Leslie, a son aged II; and Ethel a
daogh er aged 7; and that plaintiff be
allowed a suitable provision by wsy of
alimony is ttis court may determine
for the maintenance of herself and
minor children, to be decreed aud ea
'ablished as a charge against the De
fendant's interest in Ibe real property
aforeaid, aud for such other and fur
ther relief as is equitable.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. ii. K. Manna, Jodge of
ibe above entitled court, duly made
and rendered io opto court at Grants
Pass io Josephine Oouety, Oregon, on
Saturdsv. September 2H. A. D. 1907.
(oiumiiwionr, at ordering the publication of this sum
Pan. Oregon, on mons lor a period of six suoorsiive
Attorney for Plaintiff.
CERN. Notice is hereby given that I will
not be responsiile for any debts con-
' traded by my wife, Lydia J. Roberta,
in my tame or otherwise, aa she has
abandoned my borne and rernsed to
live with me. C. E. ROBE UTS.
-ntueswio tSa iU-Nisi ri eaj,
Timber Land, Aot June 8 , 1878.
Koseburg, Ore., July 29, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance witb tbe provisions of the aot
of congress of June 8. 1881. entitled
An SO for the sale of timber lanrla
in the State of California. Oreaon
Nevada and Washington Territory' aa
extended to all the Poblio Land States
by act of August 4, 1893,
rt No. 83il Post St. San Frauciioo,
county of San Franoisoo, State of
California, filed in this offloe on May
31, 1907, her sworn statement No.
8453, for the purchase of the NEt
of NW4' and Wi of NEand SEi.of
NE'of Sea No. 8, in Township No.
85 Sooth. Range No. 4 W. W. M.. and
will Offer proof to show that the land
SJnitht Is more valuable for ita tim.
ber or stone than for ag'ionltural our-
posxs ana to establish her claim ta
said land before Joseph Mos U. S.
Commissioner at his office in Grant
Pas Oregon on Saturday the tli day
ol November 1907.
She uames as witursses:
William Slialilinir of Omnia Paul.
Josephlue Co. Ore. Albion W. Silsby
or Ursula Pass. Josephine Co., Ore,
Frauds J. t'.naldinir of Uranta Pan
Josephine County. Ore, Nellie Spald
ing or urants fans. Josonnine Co..
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely th above-described lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before laid 9th dav of
Notember, 1907.
Timber Land, Aot June 3, 18.8.
Koseburg, Ore., July 29, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in oom
plisuoe with the provisions of the aot
of Congress of June 8, 1878,. entitled
"Au act for the sals of timber lands
lu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory" aa
extended to all the Poblio Land States
by act of August 4, 1893,
ot Grauts Pass, County ot Josephine,
State of Oregon, tiled in this office on
March So, 1907, bis sworn statement
No. 8448, lor the purchase ot tbe 8.
E. W of Section No. 8 In Township
No. 35 S, Range No. 4 W. M. M., and
will offer proof to show that tbe land
south is more valuabls for Its timber
or stone than for agricnltuial pur
poses land to establish Ills claim to
said aud before Joseph Moss, U. 8.
Commissioner at his offloe in Graota
Pass, Oregon, on Friday, th 8th day
of November, 1907. '
lie name as witnesses : Curti
Uanniug, of Wiuier, Ore., Ernest
Vromsn of Wimer, Ore., Alpheos
N. Crouch of Wlmsr, Or., Gsorg
U. Kesterson of Urau Pa, Or.
' Any and all persons olalmino: adver
sely the above described lands ai re
quested to file their claims in Mil
offloe ou or before said 8tn day of No
vember, IIW7.
Timber Land, Act Juue 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Jnly 39, 1907.
Notice I hereby given that in com
pliance witli tbe provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, 'entitled
"An aot for the sale o' timber land
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nsvada and Washington Territory'
as extended to all th Pnblio Land
States by aot of Augasl 4, IN93,
of Woodville, couuty of Jackson, Stat
of Oregon, filed In 'his office on
May 31, 1907, her sworn statement
No. 8464, tor the purchase of the
NW'j of the NW of Seo. No. 38, la
Township No. 3i South, Range No.
4 West W. M.. and wiU offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agi (cultural purposes and to estab
lish her claim to said land before
Jnsvph Moss, U. 8. Cemmlmioner at
Ins office in Grants Pass, Oregon,
on Ssturday, the (th day of Novem
ber, 1907.
She name as witnesses: George
Megerle, of Woodville, Jackson
couuty, Ore., Daniel Megerle, of
Woodville, Jaoksou oouuty, Ore.,
Charles V. Ileukla, of Grauts Pass.
Josephine county, Ore., Oeirge Biers
of Wimsr Jackso oounty Ore.
Any and all persons olaiming ad
versely the above described lands are
rrqueeted to file their claims in this
office on or before said 9th day of
November 1007.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
A. L. Handle, i
Sidney W. Handle
JJerendant. )
To Sidney W. Handle, defendant i
in the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby summotmd aud re
quired to appear In the above euttled
court and answer tbe complaint filed
against you in the entiled suit on or
liefure six weeks from tbe date of first
publication of this summons, which
date of first publication is Sentemlwr
30th, 1907, aud the last date of pub
lication and the last day iu which
you are required to appear is Novem
ber 1, 1907, aud you are hereby noti
fied that in case you fall to appear
and answer the plaintiff's oomnlaint
ithin the time hereinbefore armcl.
awl, or otherwise uleal thereto, that
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for In the com-
plaint, viz: for a decree diwiolvinir
the bond of matrimony now aud
heretofore existing betweea tbe plain
tiff aud defendant, aod that plaintiff
be divorced from the defendant.
Ibis summons Is tmblished bv or.
der of the Mob. H. K. Manna, Judge,
made at Chambers at Jacksonville,
Ore., and dated SjDtember 19th. 1ko7.
and requiring publication thereof for
six sncceesive weeks in the Rogue
Uiver Courier, a oewspaper of general
circulation, published at Grant Pas
in Josephine Oounty, Oregon.
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
No sensational or questionable mat
tcr allowed la th Coarier.