ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, OCTOBER 11. 1907. To Sustain Our Name OF QUALITY SHOP We place in our windows today these leaders Ugulla Estate Ceylon Tea Fresh pack just received Defendable Vacuum packed Coffee Nothing better. Clevelands Baking Powder It's claim is perfection And this is not all, there is more to come. SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP 412 Front Street. QUALITY IS MY RULE IN GROCERIES None But the Best and at Right Prices SOLE AGENT FOR WHITE SATIN FLOUR The Best Hard Wheat on the Market Fkesii Frdit and Vegetables T. Y. DEAN West Q St. Opposite depot I tigs fill 2- ' I Many Mining Matters! Some talk baa been occasioned among local toininK people by tbe fact that the Golden Drift Mining Co., lias posted notices od its property, near this citr, to the effect that it intend! to condemn property for a right of way for irrigation porposes, proceeding oader the law of 1905, which gives such an undertaking the right of eminent demain. Mrs. Geo. A. Hamilton, of Grants Pass is in receipt of a communication from her husband, who iefi here last spring for Dawson, in tbe Yukon ter ritory, to look after some large plaosr interests, has jnst closed op a flae season's ran and that be will leave Alaska the latter part of tbis month for home. Grants Pass merchants are aware of the fact that there are many min ing men In this district, for a great many of them are coming here to lay In their supply of material for the long winter's run and their trade is a no small item. In fact this city may be regarded aa the aopply point for a large mining territory. J. S. Bamgardner, who has just returned from his summer's trip to various eastern states, bas gone oot into the mining district this week, and is making arrangements to pro ceed with work on his promising plaoer property, the "Jane Bug," which is located on Grave Greek, in bioh Dr. P. L. McKeozie, the noted Portland physician is also interested with him. They already have a 100 foot tunnel and now they will begin some extensive development work on the mine. ' Mining men of this valley cannot overestimate the good to be accom plished by having creditable exhibits of their ore disyjayed at the Grants Pass Commercial Clob rooms, where many newcomers call every day and not a few of them are greatly in terested in mining. Notices of claims of water lighta for mining purposes have been filed for record in.the county clerk'a offloe aa follows J. -G. Cochrane, fur the Cochrane ditch, tapping the school House Branch, in the Jump-off Joe mining district; A. O. Torrey, for the Torrey ditch tapping the waters of the Pine creek, , in tbe Williams min ing district. The following location notices have been filed B. G. Strock et ah quarts claim on Swapit lode, In Canyon creek mining district; qnarts claim by same partiea In Hari-Karl lode, in Canyon creek mining district; qoarU claim by same on Winder lode, in Canyon creek mining district ; quartz lode, by B. F. Carroll, on Yellow Stone lode, in Canyon creek mining district Wm. W. Dry has made a quit claim deed to Stephen Ryoski for $350, to his interests In and to the Olive Dry mining rlaiui and the water right in tbe Althouse district. Ed CaKHidy deed to the Argo Mining Co., his water rights for all mining nrpn in Snake creek, list creek, otme creek, all flowlnir into the Hon no Hirer, in consideration of fie until of f 1. lie also deeds to the mime company his Interest in min ing clim in the Galice district. ft OPERA HOUSE f flfaf TIIFSflflY - w i. i . Vw&o 21 H. H. FRAZEE Presents THE BIG FUN SHOW I AMONG THE LODGES I The aannal "Harvest Hume festi val Banquet," which the nie'uber of Meiita Commandery No. 8, Knights Templar gave Friday evening, at the Ma-onio Temple, was . a grand affair. An informal reception was tendered the ladies and many invited guests in the parlors of the lodge, beginning at 8 o'clock and then the assembled mul titude repaired to the banquet ball, where there was spread before them tables heaped with all that con Id be desired, in the way of toothsome articles nd the repast extended far into the night. Sweet music waa discoursed by the Grants Pass or chestra in a very acceptable manner and the following menu enagged the attention of one and all : oysters, a I la vialetta, olivea, celery, nnfer mented grape juice, baked onamitima salmon, lemon jnice, dill pickles, salted almonds, sweet pickles, sherbet, fried spring chicken, with dressing, sweet potatoes a la casserole, shrimp salad, a la mnrpby mayonnaise, ap ple pie, pumpkin pie, cheese, cake, ooffee, home harvested apples and grapes. Daring the banquet were interspersed some excellent toast, toastmaster George M. Durham call ing for the following: "Welcome to our Vioesti, responded to by the Toast-master in a very happy manner; Goodfellowahip," to which L. B. Hall gave a hearty response; "The Season," responded to in a very fitting manner by Mrs. Thomas W. Pack; "Knights and their Nights," which was handled in a very witty manner to the delight of all by Mrs. Georg) H. Durham; "Our Harvest," was the toast to which Hon. L. L. Jewell waa assigned and he spoke in very entertaining way; "A Mason's Duties, " was given to a visiting brother, L. L. Nelson, of Berkeley, CaL, who delivered a very telling ahort talk ; Worshipful Master, R. W. Clarke, of Blae Lodge No. 84 enthu siastically dwelt upon the , toast; Oar Hopes;" and Mrs. Alva H. Gnnnell gave tbe closing toast in a very pleasing and interesting manner on"Tohe Sir Knights." It waa at a late hour when the festivities of the occasion came to a close and the gathering departed, after having en joyed themselves aa only Maaoos know how to enjoy suob an occasion. Much interest is being taken by the members of Takilma Tribe , No. 39, improved Order .of Redman, in the grand pow-wow which the tribes of Southern Oregon will indulge in at Medford, tomorrow. From all reports it promises to be one of the biggest and most suoceasf ul gatherings of lodge men held in this neck of the woods for many a day Quite a good-sized delegation will go from this city to anticipate in the "high jinks" aud it is just possible that the degree team of Wenonah Cooncil No. 10 will go up and participate in the great parade aud perhaps to exemplify the work 'of that order. Undoubtedly it will be a big affair and oue long to be remem bered by those participating in it Monday eveuiug the members of Azali Circle, Women of Woodcraft had an in urestiug meeting, when oaudidatoa in waiting were given the degrees and then followed a social session, during which delicious re freshments were served. The affair was delightful throughout. T t.;C carmen put; Hit :r,l and the Josh TTT Singers Dancers and Comedians An KuTlastiiiir SlKTos a remans See Uucle Josh at the County Fair I Watch for the big Parade of the Hayseed Band loveliest woman pour it. Your grocer returns tour nvne, if you don't like Sthlllmg i Dctl. e turn. A Criminal Attact on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparently nw less lit" tle tube calltnl the "appendix." It's, generally the result of protracted i MiiNiipation, rollout ing lmr torpor Or. Kings .New Life lJil's regulate the livr. pnvent appendicifs. and I etaHili rigulxr habits of .he bowels. ; 3.c at all drug stoles. M ONARCH ALLEABLE flange IS TIIE HOUSEWIFE'S BEST FRIEND....IT HAS FEW EQUALS AND NO SUPER10RS....AMONG ITS MANY GOOD QUALITIES ARE THAT, IT IS MADE WITHOUT STOVE PASTE OR STOVE putty and every joint is thoroughly rivited....Ilas a draft that gives you complete control of the heat all the time and a thermometer shows you the amount of heat in the oven....This stove id finished in the natural color of steel, without any polish, making it look as nice and bright after a year's use as when first installed. Jack Frost Is Coming' and you will need a good HEATING STOVE and we have just the kind that will give you both COMFORT and entire SATISFACTION BRANTS PASS HARDWARE COMPANY OUR NATIONAL DANGER Time to Cry a Halt Before Pavnlc Cornea. The business spirit is crushing out the sweeter element of home life. We are in danger of a great commercial decli e, became men, as a whole, think only of getting wealth. There are thousands, both men and women, who do not take tine to eat properly. They rush through life, and as a result we have an age of in digestion, nervousness, irritability, sleepless nights, and morose dispo sition. With tbe discovery of Mi-o-na tab lets, there is no longer any excuse for one to have ill health from stomach weakness. Mi-o-na strengthens tbe walls of the stomach, stimulates seoretion of the dtgf stive juices, regulates the liver and restores muscular contraction to the intestines and bowels, so no laiative ia needed. Hick headaches, palpitation, bad taste in the mouth, yellow skin, ir ritability, coated tongue and melan choly are a few of the many distress ing results of indigestion. Miooa never fails to diipel'aii these troubles. Demaray sells Miona in 60 cent boxes, and guarantees to refund the money if the remedy does not give satisfaction. Hard Timet ia Ksmai Tbe old days of grasshoppers and drought are almost forgotten in the prosperous Kausa of today; although a citizeu of Cotiell,' Earl Jribamburg, has not vet forgotten n hard time he encountered. He says: "I was" worn ont and discouraged by coughing night aud day, ud could find no r lief till I tried Dr. King's New Dis covery, lt took less th n one bottle to completely cure nie. " The safest and mod reliable couch and; cold remedy and lung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by all druggists. oik; aud f I. Trial bottle free. ft (3 Sallownesa Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark kin becomes fascinating when delicately soft, undertpread with the radiant glow which indi catesahealthr. active skin. Robert ine keepi the skin refined in quality, keeps porei free from clofpr.p waste and itimulatei the tiny capillaries to contribute the colorwhichcharmsin blonde and brunette alike. Robert sne it certain protection iffsinst tan, sunburn and freckles if applied be fore eipoture to nn or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible sheen of jrauae overskin nirfaee, funning a hield stimulating and preserving a ucuaie, uitt roun heaut y. Arm Am mmfu r" R0BERTINE I TREES! Julius t ruer was a man of ni rve, tut sieknem left its mark and lie Hvame aged U-fore his tine. Sickntss Is often caused by a torpid liver, .lit rhnif 1 will regulate votir liver and give yon health. Mrs. t'airie Austin Hollon, Kansas, writes: "looimin..r llerbiiie the lst medicine 1 ever heanl of 1 am never without it. " For sle bv National lirutr IV. ami hv Kotirnmnd. NOTICE TO STOCKHOI.PEKS. ' Notice to stockholders of the Siski- Vou Mmst Mining IVvelol inent Co: You are hereby reipusttMl to at tend the st.vkliolders meeting on the th of October. 1'.'7. to he held at the Southern Oregon Supply Compa ny's store at Grants 1'ass. On-iron. Oated tbis i:ith dav of Sew ember. liKi". K. KKT.M'II .MS M s. er. tarv. Job work at fortUnd prices at the Grants Pa-; Courier orhce DON'T EXPERIMENT 6UARANTEE YOUR HEALTH If you inrTrr from Stomach, Kidney or Liver Trouble, Rheu matum or other blood dis orders, correct them now. PERKINS' NATIONAL HERBS aoo TABLETS IOK Si.oo Juot 30. 116. Certificate No. r,$ F S: ijr MRS. J. GREEN General Aijent Box 20: Ore TREES! TRi: :s BUY YOUR TREES FROM "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of gettidg just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, Agent This is the only school in the Northwest which prepares young men ana? young women for Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brouehi to our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we must have the best young people. Write us today and ask us about this Private Secretary Course Holmes Business College 4. PORTLAND. OR.E Woodburn Trees Arc money makers every time, absolut ely true to manic, unirripated, thoy nl wavH prow, not the cheapest b .t the best. Fully guaranteed. Woodburn Nurseries W. SKTTLF.MIER. Proprietor A. I. KITCIIP s !ak"aaaaaaaaaHBa(aaai( -Or Craad Pf U, P.r. . 900 Graad Prin. St. loai. IW4 Craad Prie, Milan, 1906 (law b all Artaopa CIO OmJtn fmtm!imi COLUMBIA CYLINDER and DISO RECORDS They Sound Best Thn r.!.m. m. ....... I .... e4 OoliniiWs luclirds del'lchti tbe ear. A 'vonciiril of wt sounds. " Th' mi iuc riiarnrirrisiic iiuiun and sympathetic qualltlea of the oil man olee with absolute fid'lltt. "I All harsh, metallic. llsa(tri''swe sounds nre entlrfly ellmlnAled. mi Columbia Kecords the smoothest knows, They Wear Best T Columbia Record! outlant all otbcM, are dliw.lini, r,T..'r!,'' ': Thousands of usenall B i.urus ior tne coluubla. r cJSff1'11 Makes f Talking Machines yout tiachlne. v-u,umul K-cords win grvatlj Improve the Tone Quality at over tbe world lll greatly Improve Uie Tone Quality e- Prove It For Yourself wac Records 60c GoW Mo.ldl CrRader Reosrds. 2V. Cotmbn IWIoot CrliiKtef tecords, 50c Columbia Phonograph Co. w 37 1 Washington Avenuo, PORTLAND, ORE, GiSlnTfigonian