Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 11, 1907, Image 5

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' News Note From the Business
Men to R.e.ders.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
m M. Clemens. Prescription Drmririet.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Bonces at Coron't
Mrs. Frances Amos Piano teacher,
. 408 N 5th St 8-9-tf
Snappy, gold-filled
brooches at Le tellers.
and diamond
9-20 4t
E. L. Parsell, piano tuning, Phoue
698 or Masio Store, Grants Pass.
Ore. 8-30 tf
First-class diamonds. All bright,
new and snappy goods, at prices tti at
are right, at Letcher's. 9-20 4t
Eyes tested free at Letcher's, the
only registered optometrist in Jose
phine county, from the Optical Board
of Oregon. 9-20 4t
Merlin-Galice stage line leaves Mer-
' 1m 7 a. m. , arrives Galice 12, return
1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. 25 ponnds
baggage free.
C. E. Palmer Buff Orpingtons
look first vriztr and scored highest
nolnts over all fowls entered at the
fair. A few oockrels for sale. In
-inire at S. O. Supply Co. store.
, 9 20 4t
Voice culture and eight reading,
olass or private, Mrs. H. N. Starr,
Phone 698. 10-4 4t
WELL driving and digging promptly
attended" to by A. G. and Frank
. Bouck. address. Grants Pass, Gen'l
Del. 10-4 4t
The Mounaineer Restaurant, Front
street, between Siith and fceventh
will be ooen every night ontil 1
8-30 tf
Ladies Attention!
Ladies attention I Dresses, wrap
pen shirt waists, skirts, chemise,
drawers, nndersbirts.stockings, night
gowns, aprons, corset covers and
pieces, child, called for, washed,
starched, dried and returned at 35c
W dozen. Piel'a Elite Laundry,
phone 873. Stovall & Cowdrey, Mgrs,
In order to get in as much work as
possible opon the roads leading to
the Oregon Caves, which they have
" leased, Mesart. Yeatch and Oi um have
gone out to that coming popu'ar re
tort, where they will remain for some
' time to oome.
This week W. L. Montgomery was
gammoned to Klamath Falls, by the
serious illness of his daughter, Mrs.
' Biohard Gutbridge, upon whom an
operation was performed, but who is
reported now (to be improved. His
daughter, Miss Leon a left for that
place Wednesday evening.
Omul, weigh and meamre eterythin ytm ftuy American Oroetr.
Most People Enjoy
A Good Gup of Coffee
Especially For Breakfast
We know of nothing better in Coffee than
1 jS '"V
Our "Q" Blend
Coffee, they are the equal of most of the
' price is "2- per lb.
T Tr.,i ur p.nrrv mieh well known lran
1 1 , V - J
, . fVvlrm r.liae and Sanborns in I'1in1i
? Basket Fried Japan and OoIoiir Tea, alM) chillins
Best Japan Tea.
i?ov:il r.em lanan Tea, in bulk only, ,)0e per lb.
Flout indications are that all
last season. We carry mor i
White, Wr. ostein; our
ir Hard WlK-at.
brat:d. White, and e
Nir.iL- new
in mir r, Itl-Ii Cream l.ncn,
common remark. McLorens
sou in-; "f.ed Scotch Herrii
Willow Wood F.akeK
Jbasket, to close lilc each, tw
Leave your orders now ft
and Rose of Peru next week,
ke-r.e-rner the place.
i white mmt GUO
X Items of Personal x
a Interest. o
Frank E T''ompsnn was in from
Kerby this week, on a business trip.
Attorney A. O. Bongh attended to
some legal business at Medford, the
first cf the week.
J. E. Porter was op from Roseburg
this week, on bnsiness aud pleasure
Jack Wilson came np from Eugene,
Wednesday, to combine business and
W. M. Dwyer, of Medford was in
the city, on important business Tues
Ora Hall was down from Ashland
to visit witn Grants Pass fr ends for a
few days. t
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Patrick are home
from a few weeks' soujorn with re
latives at Drain.
R. T. Cain has been down from
Gold Hill, this week, doinar some
trading and meeting his friends
Harry Messier, the well known
Gold Hill resident, was transacting
business in this city, Mondiy-
Mrs. A. Qarrecht came down from
Redding, Cal., to visit with relatives
and frieuds in this city for a few days.
Geo. A. Armstrong, an Oakland,
Cal, merchant is in the city, just to
have a bit of an outing and he is en
joying it immensely
E. J. Morencv of Chicago, who is
touring the coaBt points of interest,
has been sizing ud this city and
likes the place very mnch.
H. F. Mathews was au eastern
tourist, hailing from Philadelphia,
who stopped over and enjoyed seeing
th manv beauties and attractions of
this locality
E. L. Giles, a Roseburg timber
cruiser was spending a few days in
the citv, this week, while he located
a number of good timber land,clairr8
for outside parties
Saodtord Daigle, from the mining
district of Wallace, Idaho, aocom
earned bv his .wife, haa been here
to take a look over some of the prom
ising properties of this section.
O. T. Enerich arrivsd from Cleve
land, Ohio, this week, for . the pur-
nose of looking this country over. He
mav make some investments and
eventually may come here to livt.
Mrs. Allie Peck, of Spokane, Wash
came to Grants Pass, as many others
from the Inland Empire have done,
to make filing upon a choice timber
land claim.
at a uumix coee
!io like a nice, mild flavored
its Liptonsjt
kinds of flour wi
.v i ..:.. 1.. ...
Oe limner man
Olvmpie, Pu;e
Davis Hct ati.i ..
!il in western
Meal, Or.iham
w: this week
"nni - v kind
Pea Nut Butter in k-1s
Floaters I:i::r,"ii 1 laddie
Ju-t the thin f'-r wood
r Carsons W
'.e -ra
3. M. Williams was up from Eileen,
Cal., this week, to look up some
mining interests.
Mrs. Fannie Borcbert lias been as
sisting at .the Photo & Mu-io House,
this week.
Mrs. Chas. Feikert of Diys Creek is
the guest of relatives and friends in
this city.
F. H. Rone was in from the Grave
mining district, Monday, transacting
business affairs.
Mm. K. R. '.Yeatch, of Gold Hill is
the guest of her son, E. S. Yeatch
for a few d4ys' visit. "'
i .
Mies Lulu Snow has gone to Port
land, where, she will visit with her
sister for several weeks.
Postmaster H. L. Bailey, of Provolt
was in the oounty seat, Saturday,
looking after some business interests.
Claus Solimidt and daughter, Miss
Anna have gone to Portland for a
couple of weeks' visit with friends.
jrG.Parker.Jof Olympia, Wash.,
as been looking "up a good timber
claim in this locality the past few
C. B. Foesati, a timber man from
Weed, Cal., has been here to see what
kind of a country we have and be
thinks it is 'even better than repre
sented. A. W. Duck'of Oakland, CaL, vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Voorhies last
Saturday. Thev were old school
friends in Michigan. I
Clarence McDowell, Geo. S. Cor
neas, J. r. Work and J. tf. ratrick
were among the Leland residents
who were at the oounty ' seat, Tues
day, on business and pleasure bent.
C. D. Hendrickson and Geo. E.
Campbell, two residents of Long
Beach, Cal, are op from that tourist
resort with a view to locating in this
part of the country
Warren Beatty, one of the Douglas
county timber cruisers had some
parties here, this week, in search of
some good claims, which they foond
ithout much trouble.
Miss Ethel Rlggs, who has been
assisting at the Photo A Mosio Honse,
has accepted a .'permanent position
with the Southern Oregon Supply Co.,
as bookkeeper.
3. F. Hale, the Medford piano man
was io the oity this week, making ar-
rangements to open a mosio store here
in the near future. He was accom
panied by Wm. O. Debley, an ei
perleoeed piano tuner.
Wm. T. Miller, from that Southern
California pleasure resort, San Diego,
is here to see this section and he
thinks that this is going to become a
very fins country ere long and he finds
many people looking this way from
all over the coast
Misses Anna Oolvig and Edna Neil,
two popular Ashland young ladies,
have returned home, after a pleasant
stay of a few days with friends in
this oity.
Mrs. W. E. Cowdrev left Mouday
for a prolonged eastern visit, spend
ing much of her time with Topeka,
Kanbas relatives. En route she
visited with Portland friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Cramer re
turned Saturday from their pleasant
sojourn of a few weeks 'at Newport
and northern points of interest. Mr.
Cramer reports having had a delight
ful time and he looks every bit as
though it had tan a flue outing for
M K. Church South.
Geo. M. Oarduer will preach both
morning nun evening next auuuay,
October ID. Snndav school 10 a
Morning worship 11 a. m. ' Epworth
L"HKue 11:110 p. in. F.veulng worship
7 :'M p. in. A cordial welcome to all.
Newman M. K. Church.
The pastor will occupy the pulpit
both morniiiK and evening Suhj-ct
of sermon at 11 "The Home Training
cf a Child." KveuiuK at7: "The
Sign of the ("pes." Sumbiy sehool
a 10 a. m. Junior Leayne at :i p.
m. Kiiworth League at 0 -:N). Stran-
g.-rs ..iifl friend" will tind u
Presbyterian Church.
"Hie Logic of Kveins: or Wlmt fio
lie 'S:gnn of tlie Tune' IVrteiid?"
will !) tic nioMiii g tlieiii ' of J.van
V. Ilntilien at the lietlmnv cl.ur h tlie
coining Suijiliiy, Vt. Ht. "The At
tainment of the igh--t ( r-o.l" ttii
Hltir i alive niiU ofji.ih ij-Ji .ti'in wlio-e
,l.e fi-rniB a- tii-aou ihm
Sui.'Iiv i veiling o
n. x- Sulil aili. I" a.
l.d hy II. ('. Kinii' V.
votd..l H-'iir !f ili"
attina.ive hi,U of j , t ' J rr, . r jTT 9ii LfV ..'- JSjA -? i
tMV..t.xe f.-4fte tiei.i.,1 iai-1 i m me . , , . , - .NVisV," ft . iT W.m'.'i i '- I
To tle-e rvic ! a I are ve:y to'- cliairiinn. J'lol. n. i.. i urn. r. -re- ; - - - , , . r w tf f', .) y.'ij'r( 'V'VF )H
'.Uaby invited. t.iry and tr-i.Mir.-r: ol:t-it:i.g .-m- 5 . ' ..A, fttt J tlX '''V .'lW vV'.J I
1 1 . i i i ; i . n-ir.ntaniirrv i ..', m v a jf,7.'",th. ! u f v. x tr a m
niv ly. il' i-' ''J-'- X I'': ai.Hir. K. li. VV,,,;., lb '' '. 1 J
la.iht. rill" (' a; n :!. iu i.i . ii-vo j Muir Wil- ,..,r..... -f ;. K. II k.rt. s,, rial ,, j, w.,. d lUt tb- .--ur-e " -r-r -r A "rVTTvT A TD :t the li-g Fuuituro t
s V-nV.-rvl t-tc. : 'e'i - I'eii.r-.i ei.t it r.;u -r,--1.;. r- w , f.,r Si.,it,i- ,,d f..:.o f..r jKL. U . JJXlii XI iiXVA,,.-, No
or Sdi.-l lutith V'li.l. iM"tir :.'i.;" At tvec!'.!1! i-f-'l-- Th.- .r ... - is w u,,,y 0,r all l.u-inc. cverylhii: in If ."v.- ftirtiiMiiiitc I
... - . .! i - ... , 11 , , 1 r.. ... i, ,,! u- , 'in., f l: I ti:i--. i' 11 .I.... . ii . 1 i . ' -i i'.ii'f'i- il . vnn.'l 1 ' ,
f 1 T 1 1T -'rl'e ill , . v I : e i i, l i , " ' , L J , 1 1 ; II 1 1 i.l I I n .Y ti I I , . . . " i v - ' ' - - i
' i reach on "A I' in (;-Fs Ait ;l ii ar--'!' "rvii.i' 'of I'uf-hj ai j 4 Jitris uidc Cook Liimleunm the best ii:itity-
C-s -r ic:i. .!:... , j, r ail' fluiK tl. ie.-p.e 01 um 1 iij ibf tulvaiK i anil Will five III Otlsloill'-r tli;i.c:n-I
.'ei' l,,"1B4 "'W'rt ' -h a biitl. fafr.,.-tio.M a ; fll .,mlJ.,y. Y,U will U
. , tl.-v I... v.- fired .for il.e wii.ter -. .. 5 , All '.-li v.ltl f
I T !:. K. W. V:,i. 1KU- v ..s :,. . ! -, .- " . VIirn.S SKWIV
w :-. i.t.lMi.iH' eat :.,. - re ,v - J
a . in.. -v :i r-,! )
A Brief Record of!
Local Events.
Will Riggs has accepted a position
with the firm of 0. F. Dixon.
Trainmaster C W. Cline spent Sat
urday with the local railroad men. ;
' Oliver Clarno Vauie in from Ban-don,-to
look op some property in
terests, this week.
C. S. Milness and E. W, Myers, two
Eureka. Cal, timber men have been
looking after the possibilities in that
line hereaboutai
The public auction conducted by W .
C. Dodge at the corner ot 6tb and
Front streets, Saturday, drew many
people and created much interest.
Rogue River fishing is very good,
these days and many are the disciples
of Isaac Walton who may be found
whipping the waters within the oity
limits for the festive finny tribe.
Grants Pass liverymen say that the
people of this city are enjoying this
superbly fine weather aud that as a
result the demand for rigs of all kind
has aotoally been beyond the supply.
Book agents and agents of all kinds
are reported to be quite thick in this
locality, scarcely a day passing but
what some of them can be found ply
ing their avocation.
A "Hello Convention" for Jose-
phiua and Jaokson counties has been
called to assemble at Ashland, Sun
day, October 30, with the objeot of
talking over operating affairs and of
devising ways for bettering the tele
phone service of this district.
J. D. Winter has sold his 160 aura
place in the Applegate valley for $5000
and has purchased the plaoe of Will.
A. Leonard, of 176 acres, which is all
under the ditch and 90 acres culti
vated. He proposes to clean up the
rest of the place and then to launch
quits extensively into the dairying
The enterprising firm "of Geo. 8.
Calhoun Co. is putting in a lot of
nice improvements, including fine
show windows, neat counters and the
like. These improvements add very
materially to the appearance of this
up-to-date establishment. .
" Saturday, G H. Hoxie and son.
Will were in from their plaoe on the
upper Williams Creek, bringing in a
load of produce and takiog home a big
lot of supplies. They '.report that this
season the tattle in that region which
is noted as being a very desirable
stock section, are looking uncommonly
fine aud that there are just lota of
fine, fat deer on Greyback mountain
this season.
J. W. York, of Missouri Flat,
while at the oounty esat,' recently,
favored the Courier with a call and
stated that a sew creamery would
sooa be started by himself and a Port
land party, out on his place and that
a plant had been purchased for till
purpose, io the Willamette valley.
He said that they would be prepared
Io pay cash for butter fat upon its
d'livery at the creamery. He further
stated that they had made a contract
for the entire output of the plant for
the next three years to a Seattle
party, who would ship It all to the
Alaska market
Postmaster Harmon and his able
apslxtants, along with the thousands
of other postmasters in the conntry
have received instructions from the
postal department to do some special
I service which will require his fieri-
' cal force to "get busy" during the
week oi uctoner l.i to m. every
! ni.. of mail originating in the local
office is .to be counted during the
days of the week aUive mntioned,
aud blanks have leeu forwarded which
tabulated returns will be made. Tins
nrdi r applies to all classes of mail
Letters and pint ciirili will do connieii,
unri the revenue in postage stamps
which they bear footed up ; the num
ber of copies of newspaper, sample
copies, circulars snd all kinds of
limited matt r will also be cnuite'l
and the post-ige reeelvtd for their
trHiisiiiiHion through the mail will be
P mr!eil. In addition to this work
tn.tftoinVfS urn now hii(:iuk1 in a
r;;!:z ;l sir1'" w,,,c" ' mmw,A
:iie evening oi 1,..H In en p. rf.-ct.-d and at a v. .UVII'; Vi'.Viy-yWi -Vj' Jtii J
'--' me ting l.ei.1 U-t we-k the following - -U 1 V fT t W 1 t
Wertuesday afternoon about 50 mem
bers of the Ladies' Guild of St.
Luke's Episcopal chnro'l were enter
tained at the guild hall, Mesdames
Fred Gumpert and Everett Hiluian
(the latter substituting for Mrs. M.
Clemens, who was ill), acting as hos
tesses. After some important busi
ness had been transacted, refresh
menta, consisting of loe cream and
cake were served and the remainder
of the afternoon passed all too quickly
in social conversation.
Monday evening a delightful fare
well reception was tendered Miss
Bertha Ryan, who has been the guest
of her friend, Miss Noua Bridge,
teacher in the High school, for tome
time past and who left this week for
Pasadena, Cal., were she will viBit
for a short time and then proceed to
her home at Fremont Iowa. The
affair was gotten np by the meinhe s
of the third aud fourth year clashes,
but all the members of the High
school attended and enjoyed the
One event Musical selections were
rendered and various games were
played, and a good social time was
had. ice orearn and oake being served
dnriug the evening's pleasures.
The reception tendered Rev. and
Mrs. C. O. Beckman. by the Official
Board of the Newman M. E. church
in the church parlors, Wednesday
evening was a charming ocoasion. the
spacious parlors beiug filled witn a
host of war n friends of the popular
pastor and his good wife, to express
their .irood wishes, as they are en
tering upon their third year's work
in this churoh A fine musical pro
imm. consisting of a male quartette,
piano duet, vocal duet and vocal solo
was rendered. Attornertl. u
snoke on behalf of the Board in nis
nnual hennv manner, to wnion rvev.
. . , n
Tw.t,mn faHnirlv responded. All
the ministers of the ohurohea had
been invited to participate in the exer
cises, but owing to various hindering
causes they were nnable to be present,
with the exception of Rev. Lovett,
who brought the greetings of the Bap
tist brethren in a oordial way. A
nice letter of congratulation was sent
by.Presldlng Elder M. a Wire, which
was read. Then followed a social ses
sloo. when refreshments were served.
The parlors were beautifully deoorated
for tbs occasion, red and green pre
dominating In the oolora used. It
was indeed a very pleasant occasion
far bath naator and people and all
greatly enjoyed it.
A pretty wedding was solemnised
it the borne of the parents in this
oity, Saturday evening, whea Frank
Buoheler, of Olendale and Miss Ks
tells, M. Powers of Williams Creek
were married, Rev. Austin J. Hoi
liuKsworth prononncing the impress
ive cereumnv. Ouly the immediate
relatives and friends witnessed the
happy event, after which bonteons
wedding dinner was served. The
oonple left Saturday night, on the
overland, for Glendale, where they
will hereafter reside.
The "Witoh Party," which the
memiiers of the IJethany Presbyterian
lteiieflt society are planning to give
in the near fnture, promises to lie
quite a Bocial function of no small im
portance. i This evening the Kulevorers of the
B-thny Presbyterian church are to
I entertain their many friends with a
I novel "Poverty Social'.' These
von mi iiHonln Hro entnrUiners
Hmj njdfj doings will uinloulitodly
: jje Up to the muni high standard.
Still eh
stand - Pi
lug husiiieHi at
l's Klite Laundry.
1 tf
ssum'" y s
New Heater
It will be well to look at our
large stock of both Air Tight
and Box Heaters. We have
a full stock of all sizes to suit
any condition, Wc have Air
Tight Heaters as low as $1.75,
just the thing for a bedroom.
Purchasers living in the city
will have stoves delivered and
set up free of charge.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Slock ZZ
Stove Board Terra Cotta Pipe
First National Bank
Of Southern Oregon
grunts.pass, orbcox
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way of
keeping your money is by deposit
ing it in a Reliable Bank. Ibis
Bank receives Deposits Subject t-
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits wt
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way t
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all parts
of the country.
One of the most important (unc
tions of the Bank. W endeavor
I to sunrilv all reasonable need? . n fc
our customers,
Capital .nd Swrp us .... $73,000
Stockholders' Additional T3
Reepon slblllty $30,000
L. ii. UALL. President
J. C. Oamprkll, Vice-President
11. L. GlLKEV, Cashiei
R. K. HaCkktt, Asst. Cashier
Oct. 13, Haturdav, Coupon Day at the
Golden Utile Store.
Oct 11, Friday "Big Dolus" at
Presbvteriau Church. ,
Oct IB, Tuesday "Uncle Josh Per
kins," at Opera Houes.
October 1H, Friday dance at Savage
('reek hall. Tickets, lnclud ing sup
per, l. tf-27'.it
Oct. 17, Thursday Gi'iitry Bros. Fa
mous Shows.
A Kuiniiiagti Sain will be given by
the Woman's Belief Corps, Octolair
22, 211, 21. Any one who has anything
to give fi r the sale may notify the
Ladies of the corps or have word at
Curtis' Jewelry Store. The place vt
th rale will be given later. 10-11 1
; l'uuituio
ill ith St,
I yiinl-4 mi l
ItjtSj.; ht luf.DV
il (,( l.ricc; Wl! 1
.- iu nicy if you 1'iiy l fnti,- seeing thoe
- or 011 installment j 1 r 1 1 1 .
, MACHI.N'l'S nn 1 Sii;i;.!les I'm .Ml
N ,: l !. :il
1 i) Sw
vvvvvvv.vvvvAvnvi'.V"j - v. U