Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 27, 1907, Image 2

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Al. c
Practice limited to
Classes fitted and furnished.
Office hours to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap
pelntmeut. Telephones 261 and 77.
Giants Pass. Oaaaoa
Res. Phone 714
CM If or oounery cafls attended eight
or day and U, Tuff's building.
Otlice Phoiie 261.
Gkaktb Pass - - . Obegon.
Practice Id all State and Federal Courts.
Otlice la Opora Building.
UBANT8 Pass, - Oregon
Item of Interest to the Taxpayer of Josephine County
From the Various County Officle.1. t fc t
To Care For County Poor,
At the last meeting of the board of
County Commissioners, steps were
taken, looking to the building of
"Connty Home" for the indigent.
The matter bas been left in the bands
of Judge Jewell, who is taking much
pride in tbe matter, inaimuch as this
was one of the issues which he made
use of last campaign. In Tiew of
the fact that Josephine county tax
payers had been paying at tbe rate of
about fl'iOO per year, in caring for
the worthy poor of the county, be
believed that tbe amount won Id be
quite materially reduced and lie there
fore agreed, in case he was elected,
to do all in his power to have a per-
and lO.blook 5, Grants Pass, $1200.
Geo H Fenn to Maria E Fenn, his
wife, for lore and affection and $1
be deeds lots 1, 2, and 8, Seo. 22, tp
87 S, R 5, 49.26 seres.
United States to Geo H Feun
(patent), lots 1, 2 and 3, seo 22. tp.
87. R 5, 49. 26 acres.
Geo O Goild to E B Ingles, STJ
and S, of NW and W of E aud
SW of NE'. Seo 6, tp 35 S, R 6,
360 acres, $1.
Martin Angel to Flora A Dudley,
NW of NW4', Sec 5, tp 30 S, R 5,
39.93 acres, 1.
G O Goild to E B Ingles, SWL,', S4
of NWi and SEW aud ,SWhZ of
NE4-,Seo 36, tp 35 S,R 6, 860autea,l.
a f! unnnii
' ' ' land which tbe county owns on North
ATTOKNFY AT LAW Sixth street aud on which there is a
rYactl5o.lnallKuieandKeIerllCoUrtslfifB .'" I,e ha" dr" '' """e
Office over Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. i plana, wnicii proline eigut cuuiiun
Gbamtm Pass, Oanoow able liviOK rooms for the iumates, and
Offloe, ".upstairs, City HalL
Grants Pahs,
Or soon.
Practice in all State and Federal
courts. Banking and Trust
Company's Building.
O sants Pahs, OstooN.
OItII and erimlnal matters attended to
in all the oonrta.
Real wstatejaudjnsuranoe.
Offio, 8th street, opposite Postofflce.
6th St., north ol Josephine Hotel.
Gbamts Pahs, - OasaoN.
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
vVest of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turning, Unroll Work, Stair Work, Hand
Hawlng.Cabinet Work, Wood PDlleyi, Haw
Flan and KUiiiniing, Repairing all kinds.
Prices right.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorlal work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Room in connection
Furniture and Piano
. . ... .. 0 , juo n rigney to Armor uonauu,
manenthome bnilt on the 28 acres of . . . A nf, . . t,
v -i ' 'ot 7t 8 and 9, block 83, Grants Pass,
A L Randle to Win O Benjamin, lot
3, block 6, town of Placer, f iO.
Sarah Nexeer to J E Verdin, part
of lot 4, block N, Bourne's add to
Grants Pass. $300.
Nicholas Thoss et ux to Sarah Net
stir, part of lot 4, block jn, of
Bourne's add to Grants Pass, $250.
Arthnr Conklin et ox to L A Hen
niger, agreement to sell one-half
interest in lots 1, 2, and 9, also E4'
of SE4' Sec 20 and lot 4, seo 21 tp
356 S, R 5, $4363.60.
G A Savage et al to Jos Hill, 10
acre in ec 24, tp 8 S,R 6, $1.
I P Teeter et ux to Eagene V
Smith, lot 8, 9 and 10, Bourne's
First add to Grants Pass, $100.
Frank A. Davis, deceased, by
Lydia Johnston, his administratrix,
to Thos. P. Criteser, SW of SWi;
seo 9, tp 84 S, R 6 W, $277.60.
Grant Pass Banking & Trust Co,
to Henry Carl Ackerman, lot at cor
L, Sixth street, Grants Pass, $335.
A Morris to Mary Thompson, agree
ment to sell NW of NW, S, of
NW, N of SWJi, seo 32, tp 3,S,
R 5, $4000.
Melinda C Bigelow to Albert Bigo
low and other heirs of the late Rus
sell Bigelow, all interest in the Rus
sell Bigelow estate, $3500.
Josephine Co, (Sheriff's deed), tcr
Geo Maurer, E lot 4, blook 2,
Ksrby, $16.
S Harvey et nx to Willard N Had
lock, SWJ SE34,' sen 25, tp 85. S, R
6, $100.
C C English et ax to Elmer Hayes,
escrow deed, lot 8. block H.of H B
Miller and Go's add to Grants Pas,
Dry Goods, Underwear,
Actions, Etc
Front Street
west of Palace hotel
Htlll doing business at the old stand.
Cor. Sixth aud I) street.
Gbantb Pasm, Or mo a.
Uoartar Blkap stair
Proaiptly and el the beet material
and in iu istfwl style.
also amile accommodations for the
keeper and bis family, as well as a
nice, big sitting room, bath, toilet
and everything necessary for the com
fort and convenience of the inn atea.
Judge Jewell tld the people that at
the end of tbe first four years the
county woo Id have the building all
paid for and that tbe expenses of
keeping the connty poor wonld in the
meautime have been reduced folly
one-half. As it is now, the poor are
kept all over the oouoty and tbe
connty physician often has to travel
quite ways and all places over two
miles requires that mileage shall be
allowed. Often there are case like
the man who was hurt by tbe train
and afterwards died. He was taken
to tbe hospital and It cost the county
folly $50. There have been five or
six snch cases sinoe Jndge Jewell took
office and he feels certain that tbe
new regime of having a place where
all the oounty charges can be looked
after together will prove to be both
economical and eminently satis
factory The Time to Make Kicks.
Connty Assessor W. II. Fallin Is
one of the busiest of oounty officials,
these days, for he is jnst winding np
the extension of the taxrolls, pre
paratory to submitting his work for
the Inspection of the oounty board of
equalization. That body will convene
Monday, October 21, as will be seen
from the official notice given to tbe
taxpayers ia another column of the
Courier. Mr. Fallin informs the
newsgatherer that the increase in
valuations would reach fully 1300,000
to $300,000 more than the total
amounted to last year. This will be
largely due to the increase in the
valuation of the railroad property aud
the timber lands. When the equaliza
tion hoard meets, then the dissatisfied
taxpayer has a chauce to register a
kick. Hat, judging by former years,
there is uot likely to be inauy pro
tests, for Mr. Fallin haa been doing
his work faithfully and well and few
complaiuts are therefore to be found.
Brlnilng Officer Together.
One of the lmt ludicatious that
Josephine connty is growing is the
fact that the courthouse which has
been doing service these tuauy years
has bt'cu fouud to be altogether in
adequate for tbe transacting of the
county's busiueHS. Slowly but sorely
is the need 'or a larger building
becoming apparent and it is only a
quest inn of time when the new
structure will be forthcoming. At
preseut three of the most Important
offices, namely, that of school super
intendent, treasurer aud surveyor
have had to be givMi quarters in
other parts of the city. Treasurer
Taylor was located with ' the Model
Drug Store, while Superintendent
Savage and Surveyor Perkins have
each had rooms in the Masonic build
ing. But now the county .commis
sioners have made arrangements,
wherebv the said offiicals will here
after 1m located in the brick building
ituated across the street from tbe
court house grounds. This is as it
should be aud the uisve will be ap
preciated by taxpayers from all over
the coauty, who may have any occa
sion to visit these said officials.
"Better Wear WEARBETTER"
Mothers : there are two important things to be
considered when you buy children's clothes.
First, the quality of the earments are
they serviceable and practical are they
dressy and pretty and will they be be
coming to your children.
Second, the price are you getting the full
value for the money you pay.
To economical mothers who want the very
best clothes for their children at moderate
priceswe recommend Wearbetter garments.
These are the clothes that wear better look
i.V better fit better than any others.
Ooprrlrht 1907-i
'Buster Brown suits Sailor suits Eton Norfolk suits and other pretty
'styles, in a wide range of fabrics, patterns and colorings.
And don't forget that we carry the largest and choicest line of Boyi"
achool suits.
Geo. S. Calhoun Go.
i I) E E It I X 0
Mortgage of Record.
The following mottgages have been
placed on record :
Jos MoCoshn et ax to O G Ward,
N,S,'of NE, SEi and E'i of NW.
sec 10,tp 85 S, R 6, 100 acres, $;100.
Jos T Peters et ux to Jos L Pierce,
lota 3 and 4, seo 24, tp 36 and other
property , $-.M00.
Jos Hill ot ux to O A Savage, 10
acres in sec 84, tp 88 8, R , $M5.
DoAiinond Bros to First National
mat or Urauts Pass, mortgage for
$J600 secured on 60,000 ponnds of hops
cured aud in cooling rooms . Martin
Angel to Flora A Dudley, $UK) secured
on horse, wsgon, etu.
U tJurriutt to E C Dixon, 4."0.
on lot G Bourue's First add to Grauts
L Iugrani et nx to Charles Fetz-
uer, lots 13, 14 and 15, block 8, of Ire
laud and Meade's First add to Grauts
Pas, l-'OO.
Commercial Club
Will furnish information of
Jo-iephiue county free of
charge. Corrcsindence solicited.
Much Proper v Chentea Hands
The following transfer of real ee-
tale hav been filed for record iu the
! county clerk's office :
! Ji k- Pierce to Jos T Peters, lots
k S and 4. Seo 4, tp 36 and other
k' property, avres in all, rag.
L. B.
i II. L,. A
. . President
. .Secretary
I sideratiou $1300.
Henry Carl Ackermaa et nx to Joe.
. Hill, et al. lot at oorner of L aud
Sixth streets, Grant Pass, and half
iuterest in brick party wall $400.
Alios R. Rat lev et mar., to Mrs
L OJTnmer. NW.i4 NW4 Seo. 81.
tp 88, S, R 7, 40 ares. $100.
L B Jamisou to I F Teeter, lots
Some New Litigation.
J W Raker, by his attoruev, H D
Norton, socks to force the present
management of the Grants Pans Steaai
Laundry to vacate the premises and
h bas brought an action agaiuxt W J
Stovall, for jeotment.
The Sugar Pine Door and Lumber
vo, oy ia u Norton, enters suit
agaiukt Williams Rros Door and Lum
ber Co.. to collect $4000, alleged to tie
due as part of a divideud, recently
declared by the local corporation. It
it understood that the action is likely
to be settled out of oonrt.
Another cace of connubial lnfelioity
comes to light when A L Raudale.
by attorney H D Norton, ties her
husband, Sidney W Randle for di
vorce. The unhappy couple were
wedded at San Francisco, Cal.,
November 1, 'It), but since ItHU, they
have resided at Placer, and there
she states he deserted her without
cause or provocation. She asks that
the matrimonial bonds be dissolved
and that other relief be granted her
as the court sees fit and proper.
Th Tosch Tkst Metis
lathe touch of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. Its the hannieet vimhin,ir.n
of Arnica flowers and healing balsams
ever compounded. No mutter how
old I the sore or ulcer is, this salve
will cure it. For burns, scalds, outs,
wounds or pilrs, .t bss no eqoaL
Oaaranteed by all druggists. 3ftc.
Dance records for disc tailing ma
chines at the Musio store,
( Too late for last issue. )
Was it nice weather? Was there a
good attendance? Did it pay? These
are fair questions.
Our valley was not so well repre
sented at the fair as it wonld have
beeu had th fair been pulled off a
little earlier, as the most of our fruit
was gone.
Mrs. E. W. Knykendall of Wolf
Creek, haa been the kguest of her
brother : and family for three weeks
here. She departed for home Thurs
Mr. and. Mrs. Frodelius have gone
to Crescent City for the winter but
expect to be back in time to put in
spring crops.
A bouncing baby boy arrived at
the home of L. R. Webb on Septem
ber 7. L. ;R. believes in carrying
out the Roosevelt policies.
Hector Egger of Waldo was in our
burg last Monday on business.
Frank Stiwalt made a business trip
to Crescent City on September 10th.
W have just learned that our
neighbor E. M. Albright is visiting
some of his old haunts in New
Chas. Mock has his new house
about finished and will move into it
soon. Our valley is fast assuming a
new complexion.
Fred Ahlberg, D. Ii. Webb and
Alfred Peterson are in charge of a
line of work that is an ornament as
well as a necessity to our vallev.
uanitly a new bridge across Elk
River and a change of the road
which hs long b"en needed.
Earl Webb of Grants Pass is taking
a couple of we-ks outing in our val
ley and sweirs he will blow the horns
off the first buck that tries to chase
him ont of the w,oods.
Flon, slush, flop! Can you hear
them? Hear What? Why those big
salmon trying to make their way over
the riffles. Ves, 50 pounders, wonder
how some of our Eastern friends
ould like to hear a noise like fryiug
fish and fat 'reuisou cutl ts "lanimed
all over with fat bar gravy. Gil
away nigger, dats too good to talk
about. "
A load of eight timber and lumber
meu were In our valley this week
looking op a mill site. They hail'
from Michigan aud took in the In
dustrial fair at Grants Pass of which
they spoke in glowing terms. They
were also at tbe Webb tuioe tak
ing a squint at th ore on the var
ions dumps of which they spoke
highly, Clark Webb Jr. acting as
their guide while here.
Hugh Shelly, who is in charge of
some work on tbe Hard Luck mine
near Monumentla, was caller on
friends here Tuesday.
We will not try to write all the
news from here this week, as we
know the Courier's space will be
well taken np owing to belated ac
counts of the big fair and we shall not
feel slighted if a part or all of these
items are forced out.
Health la the Canal Zone.
The highwages paid make it a temp.
tation to onr yonog artisans to join
tbe force of skilled workmen
oonstrnot the Panama Uanal. many
are restrained however by the fear of
levers and malaria, it is tbe know
ing ones those who have need Eleo
trio Bitters, who got here without
this fear, well knowing they are safe
rrom malarious innuenoe with ieo
trio Bitters on hand. Cores blood
poison too, biliousness, weakness and
all stomaoh, liver and kidney
trouDies. uuaranteea by all drug
gists. 60o.
Hyomel ia Guaranteed by Dem'
a,ry to Cure Catarrh.
Thousands who have been cured by
riyoniei can the inhaler that comes
with every outfit the "Little Pocket
Physician," as it is so small that it
can be carried in the pocket or purse.
There is really no excuse whatever
for anyone having catarrh now that
Hyotuei is so readily obtainable. If
you have any doubt about its value,
Detuaray will let you have a complete
outfit, with the understanding" that un
less it cures catarrh, it will not cost
you a rent.
The complete Hy-o-mei outfit con
sists of the "Little Pocket Physi
cian" and a bottle of Hy-o-mei and
costs only $1.00, making it the most
economical as well as the only guar
anteed treatment for the cure of
catarrh. Remember that Hy-o mei i
f.l,ra. natarvh .... 1 . L ..... ....
Kiuiii wiiimm s'omacn nosing,
applying the medication and healing
where the dineane germs are present.
Let Us
Plan Your I
Eastern Trip;
Write or call on us or you'
nearest ticket agent and fin
out how much the Burling
ton can do for you in th?
way of low rates, desirabli
train service, diverse route
stopover privilidges and other
features of vour innmAv k
Chicago, St. Louis, W
sas City, Omaha, eaW:
and southeast cities. t
Remember our three gate
ways and our diverse routes,
St. Paul, Billii gs and Den ;
very wj,th Burlington h$;
grade service east thereof
The map shows youtheereil
advantage of holding ticket! !'
reading over the Burlington,
ju jl Gen-I. Agt.C. B. &J
I'lOlfTiTilfiTr 100 Tbird Street
I nlliU ort'an(' " 0re8
I AmUsIs. OolltclM, Bormil wS Oomaaralall
UxlumlA OolltclM, 8orml Hi Oomaarala!
"Mm aUoalBlfbnhnHlslu i
im. Mwoa, Mlhulu all hmmi om th
rawuuaa luim worn (KM miw for our
(tmm.1 raud mmn. W. h.lp bon wtioMnnot
W domltorlw fnrtlrli, antarorao( m-
Complete and thorough traininu
Commercial. Shorthand and Eoj'
hsh courses.
Individual instruction at aboe
one-half the usual expence. ,
Note Our Special Offer.
Stndents who enter at the beginniw
of the school year. Sent. , 190", w
secure a ! months' scholarship for
will be eutitled to initrnctiou in it'
and all the departments to Jaly ), '
Thl is yonroppottnnity to complf'
the combined course. A;k for i.
formation. i
Gel Rid of That Indlleatlnn
Once by Velng Mi o-na,
jupiu 10 urants rass are
poisoning themselves by
IUUIX731IUD. l iinir nAir a...
to cure slnKKihness of the important
or(fi s of indigestion Hi. Is the system
th fennentinir and iWjivinir
that results in sick heiilm-ha ha.t
bnrn, bad taate in the mouth and
many other smyptom.
mi-o-na stomach tablets am tnr fV,a
special relief of such sufferers. Ther
t""'.' iu me worst cases of in
digeatioo and when need a few davs
the jiain and distress often felt after
meals will disappear.
Mi-o ua stomacn tablets cost but SO
cents a box and do more good than a
doten boxes of tbe ordinary digestive
tablets. Demaray gives an absolute,
unqualified guarantee to refund tbe
money if Mi-o-oa fails to cure.
There are all Kinds of Tea
Good tea bad tea artificially colored
tea and pure tea.
all look alike but
there is a vast difference.
Folger's Golden Gate Teas
are pure flavory health
ful. Six flavors
BIacK & Green
Packed flavor-tight in dust
proof cartons to protect the
delicate leaf from exposure.
J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco
Importer of Pur Tom
The choice of fliror
b a matter of taiu.