ROGUB RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGOH, SEPTEMBER 20. 1907, GET THE BEST .southern pacific WILL LtM) AttlMAflU Recently Enlarged WITH 25.000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with mora than 85,000 title, baaed on the latest aeaaua returns New Biographical Dictionary oontalnin m the nam of over 10,000 noted persons, date of hlrth, death, etc Edited by W. T. It A II HIS, Ph. T) .,1,1,. D, CiUtedotateaCouiiiuaslouerof Eduoatloo. 2360 Quarto Page m nMM. son in- km, ui Needed In Every Home Also Webster's CoitefiaUlMctloMry Ult Vmm. urn lllnmln, UfuluBditlootiUitHbabw. IMIan. Da Lam Edition IKtHiH la, Priauafraa MM plalM, Whta wpr. I bMaMful Ua4h,gft. 1 O. 6 C. MERKIAM CO., PablisherBaprlntn District Freight Agent Malboeuf Give Some Interesting Facts at Convention. in 2 0 131 Sallownew Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark ikin becomct (ucinating when delicately soft, under-spread with the radiant glow which indi cate! a healthy, active skin. Robert iiie keeps the ikin refined in quality, keeps pores free from clogging waste and stimulates the tiny capillaries to contribute the color wh idi charms in blonds and brunette alike. Kobert ins it certain protection against tan, (unburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to sun or wind. Spreads like an Imperceptible sheen of gauss over skin surface, forming a ibxstd sSamulating and preserring delicate, lustrous beaut y. tmrDntilm T0B4T R0BERTINE r, m t 77nssar Opal EXCHANGE FEED STABLES J. R. WELLS, Prop. E. street between Sth and 6th On of the Interesting addresses of the Oregon Irrigation Convention, hi'ld in this city, last weak, was de livered by C. A. Malboeuf, who holds the responsible 'position of district freight agent of the Southern Paoiflo coropauy in Oregon. Mr. Malboeuf, by reason of bis line of work is brought uionT "closely in tonob with every part of 'his great common wealth than perhaps any other railroad official, and it is gratifying to see that be is taking a personal pride iu seeing the various parts .of this great and growing state coming right to the f rou t He goes T.orge and safe Wagon Yard con venient for bitching- Horccs Bought and Sol Second hand rigs for sale CARBOLEUM The best Known Dip for Sheep, Cattle, Swine fxnd all Livestock Men Injurious and Non I'olsonou Best known remedy for Mange or Itch, Scab, Lice, licks on Sheep, Fleas, lien Lice. Hog Cholera, Gulls, Sores and Wounds, Thrush, Gioase Heel and Scratches, Tape Worms, Rintf Worms, Screw Worms. Flics or Maggots. Castra tions. Also disinfecting stables, outhouses, pens, tc. ADDRESS 1 V. IMHItCia MERLIN, OREGON. FIONtnt ASSAYING AND KLMNINO COMPANY Capital iK,lhk), eMaldished '.'7 years, tiold. Hae H nil ii'ii. Cyanides, Hioh Ore, etc. bought, Hpot cash on assav valuti. AH work by expett. 151 Fifth Street Near V S. Mint SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Indian Were on n HIrIi OIl Time. Klvcrsldc, Oal., Sept. 18. 1'nltod States Indian Agent I,. A. Wright anil his force of special police were overpowered by a mob of Intoxicated Indians on the Suhnbn reservation Sunday night. The trouble was caused by Wright's refusal to allow liquor on the reservation during the Indian llesta which opened that night. One of the officer, Jack Meek, was placed In the reservation Jail by the Infuriated Indians. The officers were raiding a ' blind pip" when the Indians ru-h d In and sur rounded IHld overpowered them, j Wright, by tin! n is di ''.eti.acy, secured ' Weeks' release. uick dellvery-Th Wwkly Orofonla Infl person and looks into the donations as they are and if be sses that his company can aid in'developing any industry by giving lower rates or in any way whatever, bs proceeds to'aot accordingly. nsjasu ... Mr. Malboeuf gave the convention something to think about in the mat ter of statistics and be got down among tbe delegates, where he coo Id talk co them in a heart-to-bearl manner. He was brim fall of bis sub ject, which was to tell what the southern Pacifio bas been doing and what it proposss doing in order to promote the growth and development of this entire stats. Us noted the sorpriiiog fact that whereas the whole state has been going ahead In all other lines, yet, iu the matter of fruit growing it seems to have retrograded and;to bear oat his contention, he cites the fact that the dairy industry has grown from nothing in 18D7 to 17, 000, 000 in 11)07, but in tbs meantime tbe fruit growing has only advauosd from 11,600,000, in 1897 to leas than $3,000,. 000 In 11)07. He draws the logical oonolasionn that while the dairying- baa grown 1700 per cent In 10 years time, yet fruit growing has only advanced a very little in comparison, and when it Is ksown that much ad vancement has been made in Hood River and iu the Rogne River sec tions, tbe natural inferenoe most be that other localities have failed to ad vance anjr. Mr. Malboeuf stated that his com pany had endeavored to foster the fruit and vegetable industries in Ore gon by giving the growers the vsry lowest rates giveu by any road in the United State, bat the returns shewed conclusively" that the poprdid uot appreciate the importance of ""thi Industry. By way of comparison he gave the figures from Oalifornia and Oregou. Lent year there were 0, 000 cars of frait shipped from C.llforui ana bat 1000 from Oregou, while California sent out 6000. cars of canned goods and this state on'y 60. But be sees brighter coudltlots ahead, for. as remits of ouly two months' ram paigu upwards of '.MO.OOO has been invested iu canneries in the interior of Oregoa by capitalists and whereas. at the beginning of the season there were but three raunerls in operation, two being .small, at the present time tin re are three new small ours. while two of the larger ones have doubled their capacity, resulting in the output coming up .to 100 cars for this teaoou, or doable what it wss last season, lis says that 16 uw canneries will be built urxt season and that it will make the output climb up to UiKJ cars, or 0,000,000 of the a.'s,' pound cans. Illustrating the rentou why fruit growing has not kept pace with the growth of other industries, he said it was because the people did uot begin to realize the prs'ibilities of the pro- duet and only raised the fruit for the purpose or sending it to market in a green state. In fact, the thing which attracted bis attention to the aiatier was the way iu which fruit was going to waste, either because it was un picked or not sold foi lack of caunery faeilities. Tbe markets whloh are tributary to this sretion are Tortlsnd aud those larger places nearby and the euormout crop raised soata of that part of the" state are too great for the coiitutuptiou of those places, and they an nut take care of the fruit grown here, with auy degree of profit to the grower. Hut tlie natural market for the fruit is in tin. because it la tire- served aud has the entire North I American continent as a market. The demand for canned goods is far in ex- cos of the present supply aud uow the tendencies of families Is to have tlia unto Ties can . their froits, instead of want thsm to ever become dis couraged at low prices, if there was possibly enough in tbe returns to give them a living profit, but be asked them to scientifically study fruit raising, packing and to make these things foremost objects- He informed his beaten that the Southern Pacific proposed to place the growers of the Rugae River Valley on a par with tbe growers of California and every other part of the coast and to that end such rates were given as would enable the growers here to lay their products down in tbe markets of San Francisco and Portland so thsy oould realize as good returns as any other seotion was obtaining. This will suable tbe local growers to com pete with those of the now famous San Jose, Sacramento and other fruit raising regions. Mr. Malboeof stated to tbe Courier representative that be and hii com pany were decidedly anxious to lend every possible assistance to the fruit growers of this valley and be is giv ing this important matter his personal attention and is ready to meet the growers at ,any time and if there are any inequalitits or wrongs that oogbt to be righted, tbe company will gladiy attend to any and all complaints. HOW'S THIS We offer 100 reward for any case of Catarrh that caunot be cured by Hall's Catartb Cure. F. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 16 years and I believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aud finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by bis firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's (Jatarrn uure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76o per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. DItOWX IS SHALLOW STREAM. Mother Kndeavors to Have Child and lloth Low; Their Lives. Redding, Cel., Sept. 18. Mrs. George Rlggins of Mlllvllle and two ckildren, aged ' respectively 6 years and 6 months, were drowned yester day afternoon about 2 o'clock In the shallow waters-of South Crow Creek. The mother and her three chlldre were crossing a footbridge, the 6-year-old son preceding her, when he tell Into the water, which Is about two feet deep, but has a swift cur rent. Mrs. RlggtnB, carrying her in fant In her arms. Jumped Into the stream to rescue the lad, but owing to the tore of the water all three were carried away. Her 5-year-old daughter walked across the bridge In safety and reached Mlllvllle, a half mile from the scene of the dis aster, about 4 o'clock with the story of the occurrence. Searching par ties were Immediately organized, ana the three bodies were found, the boy having drifted a halt mllu down tho stream. The father and husband Is away B Hlg Valley, Lassen county, and .he news has not yt reached him. OREGON COMPARES YERY FAVORABLY WITH EAST Grants Pasa Citizen Finds no Place Like Home, Either in Europe or in the V. S. It often does one good to get away from home, in order to compare notes and see how well off tbe people are who are fortunate enough to have their lots cast iu this favored Rogue River Valley and that was tbe ex perience of one of Grants Pass' lead ing business men, T. P. Cramer, of tbe firm of Cramer Bros., who has spent the past four months, visiting his old borne in Hol'aad and also with friends in tbe eastern part of the Unitsd States. "Yes, it did me good to see how much better off we are right here in Rogue River Valley than are those people either In the old country or back in tbe (astern states," said he to the Courier newagatherer. He than told bow much he was impressed with tbe better conditions of tbe common people in America, wuere tbe workingman not only gets a living but occupies a prominent place in the conditions as they here exist. Over there the strictest of economy has to be practiced and even then it is hard to" keep soul and body together. And the business man has to look clote to his affairs if h would make any thing. One thing which pleased him greatly was the care and atteution which those people give to the grow ing of flowers. Indeed, he says that they have a great Industry developed biob is to grow flowers for the United States, where there Is a fine market for them. The bine fir is ex tensively grown, as are also many other ornameotal shrubs and the Americans buy these in large quan tities. Mr. Cramer found many people looking to America and a great many of them planning to come here to live and they have a most favorable opinionof the Paoido const. Of Cramer The Milwaukee Reports by Wlrclew San Dieito, Cnl., Sept. is. The wireless station at Tolnt I.oma wrs In communication Inst ninht with the erntsor Milwaukee, which passed the harbor 200 miles out at sea on her way from Patiamn to San Francisco. At the former place the cruiser Al oany relieved the Milwaii! eo Jus: before the latter left for the north WHEN HER BACK A Woman Finds all Her F.nergy and Ambition Slipping Away. course Mr. Urarner did some good work in talking up Oiegoa and par ticularly the Rcgue River Valley, why, so enthusiastically was be ex patiating on the great possibilities ol ibis region, that one American, on board the big ocean steamer infor med him tbat if be talked so convin cingly whea be arrived in Holland as he was then doing, he would most certainly succeed in getting the majority of tbe Holland' rs to come over and locate In the Rcgue River region. One ithing which interested Mr. Cramsr greatly, was to lee how much the American negro had iuiproted ii. the 18 years intervening between hi. last trip and this visit. He said this wsHvery noticeable in New York, Columbus, O., Omaha and oiher cen ters, where the colored ixan is much nTevidence. t He.wss highly pleased to find that me rje oi rasieneis are now nxsd on Oregou and the Pacific northwest aud they are talking much about this great aud growing section. Bat they do not say very much aliont Cali foruis, as ;thy were wont to do lu former days. All of which was most pleating information to Mr. Cramer, who found lhat Uregou was by far the bet place of them all ami tl,u rortland was far ahead of any large I eastern city, while Urnnts Pass is, to j his way of thinking, ;the choice place for residence aud butiutss in the en. tire Beaver ttate. Of course be bad ACHES tt tiuj o' it. bat he ami hi, family; are delighted to git back into the valley of the Rogae toj eDjoy the ""u uinguiuiviii scenery. P.lfian Firm HiiPSriinr JIVMIIj mmmmu J U lJ y-t i 1 l T - i-'- ITT- - urows wunoui irngauuu. v e save you 30 K- A ing with us direct, "V Leading varieties of apple. 4 to 6 ft., 10c each c I Bosc and Bartlett pear $15 per hundred. StandnJii inn Oi.- J,4 t. 1 "Utlrl tl nes per iuu. ewiuuaru eicu, x year 516 r. r Seedling peaches, 4 to 6 ft.. $25 per 1000. Twelva u T u a : 1 1 i r on. , ' 'of! year oiu uowenug uiiruus liuooo uu eacn our select' SOUTHERN OREGON NURSERl TREES! TREES! BUY YOUR TREES FROM t 1 't I i "Old Reliable Albany Nurseriel and you are sure of gettidg just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. rnlr. Agent an GEO. H. PARKER. A. ............ .. i.. This is the only school iu the Northwest which prepares young men and young women (or Private Secretary ; Positions 1 oe. Ft We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought toi- vu, au.uiiiii. viujr lut ucsL aic acicwicu uuu lur lue Dest W? must nave me Dest young people. Write us today and ask us about this Private Secretary Course Holmes Business College PORTLAND. OR.E I Destwtn irse 1 1r Woodburn Trees Are money makers every time, absolut ely true to mame, unirrigated, they al ways grow, not the cheapest b-t the best. Fully guaranteed. Woodburn Nurseries F. W. SETTLEMIER. Proprietor A. L. KITCHIN, Salesmit Is Mangled lieneath a Train. Salinas, Cal., Sept. IS. S. A. Zel- l' rants Pass women kuow how the i no. a contractor and real estate deal aches and pains that come when the ! er of Palo Alto, while enroute to kidneys fail make life a burden, j Ls Angeles, Saturday night attempt Packaohe, hip pains, headaches, dizzy I'd to get off the train as It was pass spells. distressing nrinary troubles, Ing San Lucas. He slipped and fell all tell of sick Sidneys aud warn vou ' beneath the wheels. es passed over him, crushlne til. of the stealthy ap icaoli of diabetes, dropsy and Bright' dis.a?s. Dean's Kidney Pills permanently cure all these disorders .V'rs. S. I'ollins of r.Tn High St., Salem, Ore., says: "Troubles with ngnt ie- oelow the knee. lsurtsg the left foot and hurting his back. The station was closed and Zelno was lying for several hours In the eold nUht air. Ia a seral-cnnsein,,. my kldueys aud backache have oaus-d condition. When found In the mnm. tng he was nearly dead from ex posure and loss of blood. He was removed to a hospital here and sur geons amputated the right leg be low the knee and some toes of the left foot. He Is In a critical condition. me much annoyance for several yers. Although 1 used a good many remedies 1 obtained no positive re lief until my attetitiou was called to Doan's Kidney Pills and I oroenreil them at . a drug store. They so. n brought uie effective benefit, ceased the bearing down feeling throuh the back and loins and banished the Etprena Train in a Smash-up. Easton, Pa., Sept. 1S.A Lehigh Valley express train from Buffalo to New York was wrecked early yester day near Pattonburg tunnel In New nng.from Jers,r. thirteen miles from this city. numner or trainmen and passen- 50 wrre m."irej hut none of the uts. Pisti-r -Milium Co.. UutTalo. 'alter;. The train was ma. New York..le agent for the United n!B" at hUh ;..,:! when the loco- .-vaie. ix-mt inl-er the tiame t Jllt-i - j . ,..,v ( ihu'iigh that cl aiihel aud he did uot , aud take uo other. ; Planged Into the mountain side. aching and other svmptoms that h.t uttieg it up h. mselves. and 'under 1 annoyed me for so lomr. I lmr ui the uormal condition of national pro.- ' learned cf others 'who think the world perity. the canning iudustry. uotwitli of your Reliable remedy 'and 1 gladly sinuoiug us (l oiinons volume still bo considered as Agetit MalWof urged the people to hii I 'pert the caninriis and to continue to grow fruit. i:h the arsurame that tin I,- will ..'.... Is? a market fi r it mav recommend it i, . 1 niT.. iu Its infam y, - backache or kidnov ir-ml,!- - -. x rorsHie tn- an dealers. Price. frW v "7AC 6raPrl.Parl.i9O0 DoableraPrU,,IN4 (raad Priia, MUaa. 1 90S I If St Ok rHmmlmal HttUm - - . . I, COLLMBIa OYUNDER and DISO I RECORDS Thoy Sound Best The clear, sweet, natural tons ef olunibla lieoords dellebta tbe ear. "4 concord of sweet sounds." i Tbej reproduce all the characteristic Umtat and sympathetic qualities ut ths sa- iuu voice wiin ansoiure puviiit II All harsh, metallic, dlnafrws! sonnds are entirely eliminated, dsiIiii Columbia Records the smoothest kaowa. They Wear Best f Columbia Records on tlast all often over tin snrM ... j, . . pT actual test. Thousands of users Si over tne worm are dlscaidlng other Records for the Columbia. They Fit All Makes of Talking Machines f- annt v; r ,uaf? on rommhia GraphoDlionei: bat v TOur machine. w e.ri-aii Improve tbe Tone Quail , ProveH For Yourself Columbia I Wrf DUe Record., 60c Col.nbl. Gold-Moulded CrfMer Recerss, Be nanen lyiiaw Records, 90c Columbia Phonograph Co. 371 Washington Avenue, PORTLAND, ORE, MAR15LK AND GRANITE WORKSk i I NT in v.: 1 1 i r w te, at B. PADDOCK. Proprietor: p .( J.?ri-Prre- 10 ,uruUh I,ythin 'a tbe line of Cemttery work in any kUl? ot Marble or tiramte. f Nearly thirty vears of experience ia th Marhl. I.;.u. ....i. m sarkll that 1 can nil vonr orders in the very beet manner. I ii .. c i wor ,n 'cb. Swede or American Granite or anv kii .uarnm. Front ilrwt. next to Green's Gunehop. and THE FASHION LITEIIY . . . FEED and SALE STABLES GILM0RE & EOEEN, Proprietors. H Street between Fifth and Slath Puo. 88! Grants Fm, Oregoi A"'