Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 20, 1907, Image 5

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Items of Personal jj
J. Nelson was in from Lelaud to
attend the convention and fair.
S. M. Cherry, of tie "'Looky
Queen" niiue tame in tn help with
the fair doings.
Mrs. E. S. Pease arrived frrin
Seattle, this week, to make a timber
J. T. Hasan came down from Tolo
to take in the sights of the fair and do
some trading.
J. T. Smith has been in this
vicinity, from iiosebunt, looking after
some big timber deals for a few days.
Q. H. Pease, the timber and mining
man from Placer, was iu, with Mrs.
Pease to enjoy the convention andNir.
Win. M. Wiley, one of Douglas
county's leading farmers was op from
Myrtle Creek to attend the conven
tion aud see the big fair.
Mrs. Geo. B. Archer and daughter,
Miss Gladys Archer have retordue
from California, where they have
been spending the Summer season.
Geo. Mabeu is in the city from
Baker City, with a view to looking
the country over acd he may conclude
to come here to live.
A. M. Bunch, one of the substantial
farmers of the Murphy section came
in to participiate in the fair aud con
vention festivities.
B. L. Cooper aud wife of Crescent
City passed through the city, Tues
day, en route for a visit with Jack
sonville relatives.
F. L. Dftvies. who hails from
Hoqniam, Wash., where there are so
many big lumber mills, has been here
to spy but some flue timber lands.
A. W. Walker, one of Hertford's
leading livery men was enjoying the
fair attractions. He was accompanied
by his wife.
Mrs. W. H. Newton and daughter,
Miss Bessie Newton came in from
Gold Hill, Monday, to do.some shop
ping here.
Mr. and Mrs. M. flanks of Klamath
Falls have been looking over Grants
Pass realty, with a view to making
some investments.
J. Baker, the hustling Ashland
laundry man came down to help in
the big fair celebration aud he greatly
enjoyed the occasion.
G. W. Shaw, a leading lumber
merchant of Hoquaim, Wash, is down
this way, for the purpose of getting
bold of some choice timber lands.
Wm. Thompson, the well known
mining man of the Baby mine came
in from the Jomp-off-Joe district to
participate in the fair and convention.
Louis C. Sivers, an old timer was
in from Wimer, acd was an interested
spectator at the fair and convention.
Nils B. Eckbo, of the government
forestry department lias been in the
city, from Washington, D. C, on a
tonr of personal inspection of the
work in that line.
S. M. Hart, accompanied by. his
wife is in the city and he has about
concluded to purchase the Bybee
springs and make that'a favorite sum
mer aud health resort.
At the last meeting rf Grants Pass
Lodge No. 84, A. F. & A M.. the de
gree of Ma-ter Mason was conferred
upon a cnmlidate in waiting. The
lecture was delivered by a visiting
brother iu a very impressive inauuer.
F. C. Elliott mid L. A. Cook, two
rnstliiiK miniug men from Seattle
Suiidiiyed in Grants Pass, looking
over the country as they toured the
coast region.
One of the (i rants Pass firms the
past week si'd a big t j i 1 1 rf furniture
and h6usefuriiishiii(,'s to a prominent
resident of Mi-dfnrd, who found that
he could not only save his car fare
but there would be a handsome
snvimr boi'l s
7nd now Is the time for tbe housewife to lay iu her
supplies. Our line ol FKESH FRUITS is plentiful,
fine and 4-'.i!c large. Let us provide uu wi'.h these
h, things to cat.
Jut as Represented
If you haven't been trading with me GIVE MK A
J. Pardee,
Front Street
Trains carrying pas-enters leave (Hants
Paw depot a follows:
No. 12 Hui-ia Express for Port
land and intermediate
stations 6:23 a. tu.
Ko. 16 Oretron Express, Port
land and way stations, 6:20 p. m.
No. 14 Portland Express, flyer 11:35 a. m.
No. 11 Sha.sta Express, Sacra
mento v San r 'rancisco. 10:15 p.m.
No, 15 California Express. Sac
ramento and San Fran
cisco 9 05 a. ni.
No. 13- San Francisco Express,
flyer 11:00 a. m
Attorney G. W. Durham Sundayed
in Medford.
Misfes Delia snd Beluia Jackson, of
Sunii ter, Ore., are the guests of Miss
Marie Edwards tor a few days.
H. V. Thouia, one of 'Frisco's
sporting men is hire to have a time
hunting and fishing.
Mrs. Evan P. Hughes left Monday
for Palo Alto., Cal, where she was
called by the serious illness of her
Will Riggs, who had expected to go
to Lelaud this week, to accent a
position, is laid tip with an attack of
L. G. Porily. a Portland tonsorial
artist came down to have snouting
and make au onslaught npon the
members of the finny tribe.
Mrs. A. U. Bannard and daughter,
Mifs Susie are home from their very
pleasant ooting spent in tho nearby
mountains as the guests of friends.
Mrs. Chas. Neil, of Kosebnr,
who is en roate home from a visit in
California, hns been the gnest of
Grants Pass friends for a few days.
Miss Elsie Ball is back from her five
weeks visit with the family of Prof.
C. Price, formerly superintendent of
the Grants Pass schools, aud who now
holds a similar position at Soquel,
Mrs. C. E. Coffojsn and daughter,
Miss Minnie Ireland are enjoying
tluiu-elv s. visiiina Portaud, Victoria
and the Sound cities They expect to
he absent s-veral weeks and Mrs.
Ooffuiau uiny visit her old home at
Colfax, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Diokison and
Mr. aud Mrs. S. W. McCounel, all
residents of Sumuter, Ore., are in the
citv, with a view to making Grants
Pass their fntnre homes, as they much
prefer this climate to the oold weather
of eastern Oregon.
Wet. Riggt aud son, Mart Biggs
are home from a big hnnt in the
West Fork country where Jim Fuller
joined them. Mart who is only 16
proved to be the best marksman get
ting two fine deer hile the older men
only secured one each.
Miss Margaret Baunard, who has
been taking a course in German, in
the noted University of Germany,
located at Berlin, is jnst now enjoy
ing life iu gay Paris Stie will sail
from Havre this week and comes on
this side of the waters to accept there
sponsible position of conducting the
German department work in the
Baker City High school. In writing
the home folks she speaks of having
had a very successful and enjoyable
year's work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Williamson, of
Seattle have been the guests of W.
E. Willis and family for the pact few
days. They are on ther way home
from Goldfleld, Nevada, where they
have been spending the Summer.
With plumbers receivng $9 per day
and other laborers accordingly, it Is
Utile wonder that wood should be f?8
per cord and living expenses corres
pondingly hitfb.
Miss Chloe McKenzie returned this
week from a vacation of several
weeks, spent at Eugene. Newport, and
other northern points.
Otrl McCroskcy arrived here Mon
day from Portland to visit for a few
days with h s sister. Miss Lucile.
Stanton Rowell. an experienced
niusiciau is in Grants Pass, with the I
view of locating here and starting a,
band and orchestra lie is meeting
with Hindi eiiconragement and liks
thecity and its bright prospects
Misses Prstt and Draper, two popu
lar Oregnn City young ladies are the
gnests of Mrs Arthur Huwlaud, an
old time frin', rut at Mr. Huwlimd's
home, iu the Jump-oil Joe mimim
Geo. Cramer and wife left for New
port Monday, to eujoy an outing at
thst poular seaside resort for awh.le
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Voorhies and
sou, Earl, left .Monday for Newport,
where they will spend the next few
weeks. Mr. Voorhies' physician ad- ,
vising the change of climate for the ,
Sfte Grocer
Grants Patm
(pscccccxcocoro3cccccocoo SOME
H A Brief Record of Pi"
Local Events.
Tomorrow evening the Grants Pass
Y. W. C. T. U. will enjoy a lawn
social at the home of H. L. Gilkev,
on Iowa street, the weather permit
ting The teachers in the Grants Pass
public st hools will b teudered an
enjoyable reception at the home of L.
B. Hall, on Fourth st'eeet, Friday
evening, by the ladies of the Metho
dist Church
In WFlltioninir thn vartnni anhirn,!,.
ing firms which ihoed tne fair and
convention colors, the names of he
nair-nio.iie Hardware Uo, and ttie
Fashion Stables were unintentionally
Sandav W. R Rhrmn Wni liia
antomohile busy taking people out to
see A. H Carson's "Kedland Viue-;
yard" takiug 88 doriug the day and
they were all more than pleased
with the interesting sight. ,
F. J Rogers has placed some beau
tiful Erlv Crawford peaches in the
Commercial Clnbrooms exhibit. They
were grown on his home place on
North Seventh street and are veritable
Rumor has it that a prominent
young Marshfield bosiness man who
was at one time located here, will one
of these davs lead one of Grants Pass'
charming young ladies to hymen's
Grants Pass is getting to be quite
plaoe for trains, but Sunday the side
tracks were crowded to overflowing
with both passenger and freiuht
trains, owing to tbe ditching of five
freight cars near Merlin.
Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Wanner were
in from Evans creek Tuesday, doing
some trading and attending to busi
ness nmt'rs They feel greatly
pleased over the showing made by
their part of the country at the fair.
Mr. Wagner is operating a sawmill on
Evans creek and is having good suc
cess in doing so.
One night last week burvlars entered
the saloon of Thos. Smith, at Glen
dale, and wrapping the safe in
blaukets, proceeded to blow it open.
The building was set on fire aa result
aud a bis tire was for a time threat
ened. The marauders secured tTU, all
in nickels, aud then made good their
S. W. MeConnell and his son-in-law
M. B. Diokison who arrived from
Sompter in eastern Oregon last week,
have pnriha"ed the Chausse residence
on Sixtu street, near the bridue, pay
ing fltiOO for the same. The deal was
made by W. L. Ireland, the success
ful, hustling realty man.
From a recent Issue of the Vernon,
Nevada Review, it appears that Judge
J. O. Booth and O. L. Mangum, two
Gra' is Pass mining men are mem
bers of a new corporation which is to
operate "Gold Ron No. Two, Lode
Claim." which is pronounced very
valuable property located in the vi
cinity of Vernon. It Is said that its
surface showings are greater than
Gnldfield ever had on the surface of
any of its greatest claims.
Loots Gentner, who is sojourning
in Sao Franoifoo, writes, having the
date of his Courier extended to Jnlv,
1908 and remarks: "Things with
me are quite lovely. Am still with
the United States Railroads. Was
quite luckv for I did not get my head
cracked during the strike. -the strike
was declared off yesterday and old Pat
Calhoun comes ont victorious."
R. W. Veatch and O. O. Oium, the
telephone lineman, have 'leased the
famous Oregon Caves property, in
t bis region and will proceed to make
that one of the popular resorts of th
Pacirlo coast. They will have the
place for 10 years and will erect a big
tourist hotel arid install an elecsrio
light plant in the near future. One of
the first things they will do will bo
to make the public roads leading to
the place much better.
Drip of the prominent features of the
Southern in urn fair waa the general
rti'plav of farm products collected
and exhibited by M. M. Kohler, one 1
of Illinois Valley's hustling citizens.
The collection consisted chiefly ot '
grain, fruit, vegetables and dairy
products. Among the articles ex
hibited win wheat and oats in sheaf,
samples of wheat, oats, barlev snd
vitch threshid, field corn and sweet
ci rn ou sta'k, alfalfa, timothy and
clover in saint le. Potatoes, mangoes,
turnips, lie'-ts, carrots, cahliage,
onions, ( ens and beans. Watermelons,
S'imi.-li, pumpkin and cucumbers, ap
ples, J ears, peaches, prunes, plums
ami grapes. Tomatoes and ground
cherries, strawberries and blakber
ries, hops and sunflowers, walnuts,
bntterntit" and chestnuts. Butter and
i se, i oed fruits, wines and
i onev. V wiifloent pampas plumes
i i . the decorations. Mr.
Kohler mmi-l away first premium for
Ii st general display of farm products,
hii h lie juit ly merited, slso show
ing that tl e Illinois Valley holds a
prnniintnt position in the great State
of Oregon.
Night wa'chman Jim Swearingur
and Depntv Maisball Joe Hammond,
in att'iuptitp to "arrest a couple of
sutticoLS linking hohes, on the depot
proi'iida early Monday morning,
nl"iitlv t"t on the track of some
criminals, I' r two of the lellows fled
ai.d wli-u i ulered to step, one of them
hot 'Timer in the leg. and then
fiirt Id i ver, they appri heudi-d
oi.e fi llm , who is now in the county
jH:l, e wailing further developments.
I!e (.ive tus mime as It. A. Martin
i! ni t i." nflli ia's are satisfied that he
i-f the gang who rohlied the
IhI" safe last week. lie had on
Ins ereon Mime paper money that
was turned and showed evidence ot
laving I'mii in a fire. The officers
are ndeavoririg to capture the other
lundit, who is the one that did the
shooting. Marshal Swearinger's con
d.tion. while painful, is not serious.
i;tt it imuhl have been much worse.
N. ii. Pates, the barber, ha been
out in the Grass Lake country, en
joying a big banting and fishing expedition.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Reder.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Comn lor Plumbint
M. Clemens freeuriptioi
i unmet,
.-ter Oak
A splendid line of Royal '
Ratine at Coron'i
Mrs. Frances Amos Piano
!40S N 5th St.
avoid the
I your tax. a now
' additional peualty.
Snappy, gold -filled
brooches at Letchers,
9-20 4t
First-class diamonds. All brisrht.
nPW a,,1 snappy goods,
Bre "v't. t Letcher's
at prioes tnat
9-20 4t
Dr. Van Dyke has returned aud ran
be found at his office, Optra House
block. 9-13
Eyes tested free at Letcher's, the
only registered optometrist in Jose
phine oouuty, from the Optical Board
of Oregon. 9-20 4t
B. F. Banks, having purchased the
Hanna building co Front street will
reopen the Grants Pass restaurant,
serving the first mesl next Monday
eveuing, with everything reflnisbed
Merlin-Galire stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m. arrives Galioe 13, return
1 i arrive Merlin 6 p. to. 25 pounds
baggage free.
If yon wonld avoid additional penal
y Py yjtir taxes now.
R. L. Psrsell, piano tuning, Phoue
C',18 or Mnslo Store, Grants Pass,
Ore. 8-80 tf
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Poland
Chinas, both sexes, also Brown Leg
horn chicken and Bronze turkeys.
J. H. Robinson, Route 2, Grants
Notice to stockholders of the Siski
you Sttnstt Miuing & Development
Co : You are hereby requestxd to at
tend tho at H-kholil'TS meeting on the
13th of October. IIKI7, to be held at
the Southern Oregon Supply Compa
ny's store at Grants Pass, Oregon.
Uated this lilth day of H p ember,
tT. r'ElSCH,
v lS 6t Secretary.
Taxes will becoue delinquent October
7th at which time a penalty of 1 per
cent per month will be added.
The Mounaiueer Restaurant, Front
street, between Sixth and Seventh,
will be open every night ontil t
o'clock. 8-30 tf
C. E. Palmer's Buff Orpingtons
took first prize and scored highest
points over all fowls entered at (he
fair A fewjoockrelt for rale. In
quire at S. O. Supply Co. store.
9-20 4t
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
A. L. Handle.
Siduey W. Handle
Defendant. '
To Sidney W. Handle, defendant :
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby summoend and re
quired to appear in the alxive enttled
court and answer tbe complaint filed
against you in the entiled suit on or
before six weeks from the date of first
Suhlioation of this summons, which
ate of first publication is Keptemlwr
20th, 11107, and the last date of pub
lication aud tbe last day in which
yon are required to appear 1m Novem
ber I, 1907, and you are hereby noti
fied that in case you fail to appear
and answer the plaintiff's complaint
within the time hereinbefore speci
fied, or otherwise plead thereto, that
the plaint i IT will apply to t'e court
for ttie relief prayed for in the com
plaint, viz: for a decree dissolving
the IkiihIh of matrimony now and
heretofore eisting loteen the plain
tiff and defend int. and tint pliiiutilT
lie divorced from the ilefendiiiit.
This summons is ptihlishcil hy or
der of tie llou. H K. Ilaniia, Judge,
miuln at ('handlers et J u ksonville,
tire., anil ate.l H.qitetub r I '.Mil, li'OT,
ami requiring puhlicat ion thereof for
ix siteooHeive Weeks ill tin' Hoguit
River Courier, a newspaper of geoi ral ioie, published at (Jrmits Pass
iu Jos"phine County, Oregon.
Jl. I). W'lltlON,
Attori ey for Plaintiff.
r i i . i i 1 1 1 ii , in ii . , i . ii i ... j i".1.
I m tT A TfT rVJ WD-' 7 jv ' '.Vr' .- 1 t
ill jSmMi
is now ready for all bu-iucss, everything: in iioir-c furnishing
AtnotiK other new arrivalsare 25 pieces oi 2 yards, 2't yards and
4 yards wide Cook Linoleums, the quality hoiTht before
the advance, and will K've my customers the benefit of price; will
fit and lay. You will lose money if you buy before seeing these
goods All goods sold for cash or on in-tall metit plan.
WHITE'S SEWING MACHINES and Supplies for All
Machines. A few ends I TT DKUMHDTA North Suth
01 tiinoieum cneap. u, Ui
A, u.
1 m&Mg
I Your
New Heater
It will be well to look at our
latge stock of both Air Tight
and Box Heaters. We have
a full stock of all sizes to suit
any condition. We have Air
Tight Heaters as low as $1.75,
just the thing for a bedroom.
Purchasers living in the city
will have stoves delivered and
set up free of charge.
Cramer Bros.
Odd FellowM Block
Stove Board Terra Cotta Pine
First Rational Bank
Of Southern Oregon
grxxts pass, onncox
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way o
keeping your money is by deposit
ing it iu a Reliable Bank. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificate
of Deposit or on Time Certificate
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way t
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft
We sell Drafts payable in all part
of the country.
One of the most important func
tions of the Bank. We endeavor
to supply all reasonable needs o f
our customers.
Capital and Surplus $73,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,009
L tf. LULL. Presidout
J. C. Campbell, Vice-President
II. L. CilLKEY, CaMBlst '
R. K. HaCksTT. A set. Cashia
Notloe is hereby given that all nu
paid Uies will Income ileliniueut OB
Oototier 7, 1U07, and if not paid by
that time tbe property will lie adver
tised and sold for taies. This also ap
plies to prop) rty on which the first
half of tn has been raid, the re
maining hxlf due and payable before,
tl at time. After this date an addi
tional I p r cent penalty will be ad
ded on the fl ret day of each month, tu
the co-ts. W. J. Ill'HSKLb,
7-18 4t Sheriff.
Rooming llou.o Snap.
A pood si.'d roi minx house and lot
for sale. Walt r aud hith. Main street
close, to mill. For price and tortus
apply to Mis (iafjue, Creseeut I'lty,
Cal. 8-l-7t
;it tin- liii; l'miittirc
llwise, North St,
and D Ste.