f ROQUB RIVBR COURIKB. GRANTS PASS, ORKGON, SEPTEMBER 20. 1907. Monarch Malleable Range IS THE HOUSEWIFE'S BEST FRIEND....IT HAS FEW.EQUALS AND NO SUPERIORS....AMONG ITS MANY GOOD QUALITIES ARE THAT IT IS MADE WITHOUT STOVE PASTE OR SOFT putty and every joint is thoroughly rivited....Ha9 a draft that gives you complete control of the heat all the time and a thermometer shows you the amount of heat in the ovenThis stove is finished in the natural color of steel, without any polish, making it look as nice and bright after a year's use as when first installed. Jack Frost Is Coming' and you will need a good HEATING STOVE and we have just the kind that will give you both COMFORT and entire SATISFACTION Grants Pass Hardware Go. BUY YOUR Drug's and Medicines -AT THE- MODEL DRUG STORE FRONT STREET, Opposite Depot GRANTS PASS Are You Interested In Fencing? If so let us figure with you. We sell Page Woven Wire Fence IF YOU ARE IN NEED uF ANY Cattle. Sheep, Goat, Poultry, or Hog Fence, Lawn, Garden, Cemetery, or Wrou ght Iron Fence or Gates Buy the PAGE and Start in Right We buy direct from factory and.our prices are right. 80 miles of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1V07. GADDIS DIXON CAe Pago Fence Men Ot Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4. Main Office - Medford, Ore. School Books We can make the exchange at HC'IO' Se,,s Drugs and tlLItU Books CLE They're Worth Climbing For Preferred Stock Jc'.liei, Jams and Preserves, in gb come to the home Uble as wholesome, delicious ind sparklm a. those done by mother herself-and without the labor and overheat 3 1.: :.u -rrviTiff of r oven that don t tit and i,r. ,h,Vnn,t sell: without the loss of cans and fruit SJ through breakage and spoiling. It is economy to use Preferred Stock tanned uooas rum mi"" They really are just as fine in quality as any preserve jellies or jams can be. There limply cannot be : anyth better, for only the best of materuls are ud and they '. i.m"nrrrrvinir kitchens bv einert coi - put upin gTrai, lliuu"" J-.--- r, . J ...... ooott 1TT). ORFGOIT. TJ. 8. A. ALLE! Lewis. waoifMie ur-j "ILL Courier and Orepian $2 of oourt he will become ft full fledged subject of Uncle Sam's. County Clerk Cheshire had Tery high compliment pawed upon hii man ner of keeping the comity reoords. the other day, when come railroad men, who are going all orer the state Informed him that the reoords of hii office were kept in a neater and better manner than Hiey were in any county in the state, outside of Multnomah connty. Judge H. K. Hanna, has also found the oonrt reoords kept up in tip top shape and has exprsied his pleas ore with the same. Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain of Oregon has issued the papers which mskes C. L. Barlow, the merchant of the Galioe mining district a notary public Angora Goats Routed. F. A. Pierce, the well known Mai-. lio Angora aud milk rout raiser baa brought an action in the circuit ooort, seesing to t'Dtain damages in the sum of $483.65, for damages which he alleges were done his flock of Bun, thorongubred Angora goats and South African milk goats by the Southern Haciflo Co, when one or iti rau into the drove January 80. 1907. In his complaint, bv hii nttornv n S. Blaochnrd, he telli how the fine animals were grazing and muagd to get inside tlie railroad s feuce, be caoga it was poorly built and then they climbed over the cattle guards, which were also in poor condition and then they were encountered by the engine and iouih were killed and others were badly injured. Heoce the init for damages which will now be tried out iu the courts. LITTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN Hyomel Is Guaranteed by Dem ray to Cure Ce.ta.rrh. Thousands v. ho have been cured by Hyoiuei rail the inhaler that comes with every outfit the "Little Pocket Physician," ai it is so small that it can be carried iu the pocket or purne. There is really no eicufe whatever for anyone having catarrh now tha' Hyouiei is so .readily obtainable. If you have any doubt about Its value, Deiuaray will let you have a complete outfit with the understanding that un less it cures catarrh, it will not cost you a cent. The complete Hy-o-mei outfit con silts of the "Little Pocket Phyii- elan" and a bottle of Hv o-mei and costs only fl.CO, making It the uiot economical as well as the only sruar ante treitmett for the cure of caUrrb. Remember that Hy-o iuei cnre. catarrh without stomach doiiuir. applying the medication and bealing where the disease germs are present. Dance records for diio talking ma chines at the Mu-ic store. Health Is the Canal Zone. The hlghwiges paid make it a temp tation' to onr ynnngartisatu to Join the forcf of killed workmen iwededJtTj constrict the Psuaiua Canal-Many are restrained however by the fear of fevers and malaria. It is the know ing mes those who have used Klec trio hitters, who got kere without this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious influence with Elec tric Bitters on band. Cures blood f'dson too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach. liver aud kidnt-r troubles. Guaranteed by all drug gilt. .Wc. Many Mining Matters 1 Edwin J. Porteous, supetintendent of the Rogue River Mining & De velopinenl Co, an organ74itiou which has some ot the 'big capitalists of Los Angeles to back it op and which has some eioellent placer mining property on the Rogue River, -at 'Blossom Bar Creek and Paradise Bar Creek and on the Little Tommie East Creek, was in Grants Pass Saturday, making ar rangements for big Winter's rnn. His company is preparing to put in about 6,V miles of flume. Ibey al ready have sawmill in operation and the mud sills are op aud now they will proceed to out the neces sary timber. Owing o needless litigaton, whloh happily is now all ettled, this work has been some what delayed and Mr. Porteous thinks that there is a fine lesson's ran ahead. The other day oas of the miners tried his band, getting $4.86 from four pans of the sand, one being worth 1.06, all being fine rde of gold. . He reports that there is con siderable mining activity in that camp and many prospeotora are looking op new properties. Manager A. O. Howland was an Interested visitor at the fair and ir rigation convention, last week and be was in the city again this week, making some arrangements for tho extensive work which the Swsstika Mining Co,. for carrying on some very aggressive work on its excellent properties out in tha Jomp-ofT-Joe district. This is one oi the richest of placer properties and things look good for this winter's rnn. DAVIDSON A rather voluminous deed has been plaoed on reoord, whereby the Sheriff conveys to Grsnt Phegley, of Portlaud the big holdings of the Gallc Con solidated Mining Co., the considera tion being $15,433.68. It was a fore closure of a mortgage held by Mr. Phegley and also of soma judgments obtained by T. K. Anderson, H. A. Williamson and A. Phillip against the property and afterwards bought in by him. The new owners propose to prooeed to develop the rich proper ties just as soon as they have per fected their title to the same. (Crowded out last week. ) . Hot days and oold nights is the latest we have to report in tha line of weather this week. J. L. Wooldridge of Eubll, made Grants Pass a business visit Suudsy, returning Monday. John Bohl, Logan Wooldridge, Dan Berlin. Win. Meek and K. J. Kubli, aii toon in a load of wheat to your city Thursday. Things are rather quiet here at present, as everyone that has got the time is away picking hops. A few of the young people from here attended the danoe at Rose hall Saturday night and report havln had a very nice time. Swinden and Jennings are baling hay for W. B. York this week. We understand that they are not going to stay ont with the press as long they did last season. There is not as much hay la the oountry this year and then there is also more fed to dairy oows as that Industry is grow ing rapidly iu these parts. Victor Bailey and Willie Wool dridge, who have been working in the hay fields near Gazelle, Shasta county, Cal.. returned home last week and report having had a very nice time and saw lota of new country. Clyde Jeter, who has been in Scott Valley, California, returned to his old home this week and is soon going to put some men to work on a mine in the Missouri Flat mining district and will alio do some work on a mine near Woodvllle. Mr. McKeel, formerly of Williams has purchased the Nickersou plaoe on Missouri Flat and will soou move his family over here, who are stil on the creek. Mr. Mo Keel is also our teacher here, school having started Septem ber 6. The attendance is nut very large yet owing to so many families being at the hop yards. I guess a few of the correspondents wonder what has become of "Monty," but he, like lots of others, has been quite busy of late aud it has been Im possible for him to write, but will try and send in a few items whenever be can. MONTY. A batch of locations in the China Gulch of Jump-off -Joe district have been fiUd as follows: "Brown Lode."hyJ. M. Sabin etal;"Co!d Spring No 1," by F. W.' Gibbi et al; Iowa No. 1," by F. W. Gibbi et al. "Irou Cap No. 1," by J. L. Mathewi, eial;"Iron Cap No. 3," by J. M. Sabin et al; "Iowa No 3, by J. M. Sabin, et al; and in the Deep Guluh of the same district: "lone No. 1, " by J. L. Mathews, et al; "lone No. 3," by J. M. Sabin, et al. The Ideal Hydranlio Gold Mining Co, haa given a mortgage in the sum off 110,000 to Win. S. Rus-ell, of Lancaster. Pa., and secured upon its properties io the Grove Creek Mining district. Something like 420 acres of placer mining ground is included io the deal. Jas. Boyd Nesbit, of the Galiee district has deeded one-third of hii ono-lialf interest In the "Gold Coin Vuiirtz Lode Mining Claim, " of that district to Clement H. Smith. Two luortgaiiee, one for 11000 and tho other for t-WO, seoured on the Booth-Dysert mines in the Juuip-ofT-Joe district have been assigned by Jas. Kichey to H. C. Pratt. R. R. Parktr, et al have filed notice of making location of a placer claim of 120 acres In the Sucker CreekMIs trict. " " " " Sherm. Swank has located "Royal Lode," on the divide between "No. 8 Gulch," and the "Ron" iu ;the Alt house district. O. W. Knarp has located the "Theressa No. 1," lode on the East th Creek, IU Sucker NEW HOPK i Crowded out last week. ) Several of our folks attended the fair. We are sorry to report that Mr. and Mm. Geo. Walter's baby hai been very sick. Orvall Wipple of Granti Taas is working for H. S. Wynant at present. Messrs. Geo. Walter and O. C Wynant were at the Pass Monday. Several of our folks are bu-ty cutting hay at present aud all report good crops. There was a ichool meeting held Tuesday evening for the purpose of electing a school director aud hiring a teacher. Jeff Lindsay of Laurel Grove paused through our burg Saturday. SHORTY. An Ounce ol Prevention. Is worth a tiound of cure. There are many poor sufferers. Consumptives who are hopeless of getting well who, If tliey had taken care of them selves, would now lie well. A cough is the foundation of Consumption. Ballard's Horehound Syrnp will cure that cough. Mrs H , (ireat Falls, Mont, writes: "I hare used Ballard's Ilorehnund Syrup iu my family for years my ohildren never suffer with colds. For sale by National Drug Co. aud by Demaray. Show Is M Everything1- But it is Something. . . . Our Motto . . . Qualify Is Ik Best Policy Is sustained in our selection of fix tures in caring for our large assort ment of High Grade Teas and Fine Coffees If you are open to conviction, come in and let us "show you" that our plan is bound to win your approval. Parity, Strength and Flavor Are carefully considered and form results guaranteed. nni- SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP 412 Front Street. DON'T EXPERIMENT GUARANTEE YOUR Uklti j If you suffer from Stomtdni Kidney or Liver Trouble, Rheu matiim or other blood dis order!, correct them now. PERKINS1 NATIONAL HERBS soe TABLETS POR Ii.m FJ wd Dnm AS Jm 30. 1906. CotUicsts Nc?r;8 F SiW r MBS. J. GREEN General Agent Grants Tass. Ore. Box 202 QUALITY IS MY RULE IN . GROCERIES None But the Ucst and at Right Prices SOLE AGENT FOR WHITE SATIN FLOUR Tho L'cst Hard Whoat ou ho Market Fkksh Fkuit and Vegetables T. Y. DEAN West G St. Opposito denot M Fork of Bolan Crwk dlstrint, U. V. Knsjip flies location of "TbfrMis No. 8," in the saws dis trict. Z M. C. Wripht has lorstal a claim in Rnmrafr Galch, Jomp-ofT-Joe dis trict A claim has been located by Thos. M. Carina on the Niiurod Oritur lode, in the Galioe district. Jhs. Dovenj has a claim on the; Veltet Gr?en Coppor lod, In the: Oalice district Mikel Houseth lorats th "Hiibb," j Uxle In Caiiyoa crk district. j Gencrsl Robert E. Let. was the urcatost General the world' has ever known. Ballard's Know i Liniment is the greatest Liniuieut. ! Quickly cores all j.ains. It Is within 1 the r-aoh of all T. H. Pointer, H'-mpHtead, Tex , writes: "This isto oertify that Kallard's Hnow Liniment it has bsen nsed In my boost-bold for years and has boen fooud tit be an : excellent Liniment for Kheomaitc pin. 1'nni never without it. " For sale by NiViunal Drug" C and by 1 iuariy. i Pure Teas are healthful-nerve soothing-delicious. FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE golden Gala TEA CEYLON English Breahfaat Cun powder BUcK& Green arc pure. Packed flavor tight in dust-proof car tons to protect their purity and flavor. J. A. Folder OX Co. Franetaco Importers of Par Tas Let Us Plan Your Eastern Trip IT i II nio or can on us or your ncaroBt ticket agont and find out how much tho Burling ton can do for you in tho way of low rates, dcirabl train Hervico, diverHO routes, stopover pri vilidges aud oth o r features of your journey to Chicago, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Omaha, casern and southeast cities. Remember our three gate ways and our diverse routes. St. Paul, Hil!i;!gs and Den ver, with Burlington high grndo service oant thereof. Tho map shows you the groa t advantage of holding tickets reading over the Burlington, A. C. SHELDON, Gcn'l. Agt. C.B.&Q 100 Thinl Street, Portland, - Oregon. IfflB