ROGUB RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 20, 1907. PROFESSIONAL CABDS C. FINDLEY, M. D. '' Prsctloo limited to EYE EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Oflloa hours v to 12; 3 io S; and on ap pointment. Telephones 261 and 77. USAKTS I'AHN, ObTCO g LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URCJEON Res. Phone 714 Clt? or oourrtry oafis attended night or a of i-Jmsii ann u, tun s Duuuing. Oilioe Phone 261. Gbanw Pass - . Oregon. JJ, D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Praotloe In all State and Federal Courts, Oflloe In Opera IIouho Building. Gbants Pahs, Obeook Jt C. HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Praotloes In all State and Federal Courts Oflloe over Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Gbakth Pahh, Orboon Q LIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Orfloe.'.upstalrs.'Clty HalL Obamts Pahs, - Oriqon. Q S. BLANCnARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Banking and Trust Company's Building. Q basts Pahs, - OasooM. II. B. HENDRICKS C0DN8KLL0E8-AT-LAW Civil and criminal matters attended to in all lbs courts. Real tatojandninranoe. Offloe, etli street, opposite Postoffloe. WILLIAM P WRIGHT, D. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MININU KNiilNK.KU AND DRAUGHTSMAN 6th St., north o( Josephine Hotel. flBAirrs Pass, - Obxqon. Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track Turning, Horoll Work. Hlair Work, Hand ffewing.l'ablnet Work, Wood Pullsys, ban Viang and gumming, Hspainng all kinds. Hoes right. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS Ou Sixth Sheet Three chairs Hath Room In oonnootlon N. E. AlcGUEW, PIONEER TRUCK andDELIVERY Furniture and Piano sieving GRANT3 PASS, OREGON. E. A. WADE Dry (Hoods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west of Palavts hotel GRANTS PASS. OREGON, J.E. PETERSON (FIUNIKR) riRE, life: and accident insurance REAL E ST ATEl AGENT HUH doing business at the old stand. Cor. Sixth and D streets. Oum Pass, Oaaeoa. F. G. ROPER litti lo u h t 1 n Tl I0 It I IV O Courier 111k, op stairs SUITS MADF. TO ORDKJ ProrupUy sect rl (lie tvt aisixrlal and u k.o iateet style. GLEAMING) AND REPAIRING 1 GRANTS PASS Commercial Club Will furnish iufortuutiou of M Josephine county free of S j charge. Correspondence so- h licited. I LB. Hau. President W IL L. Andbsws Secretary I DOINQS AT THE Items of Interest to the Taxpayers of Josephine County From the Various County Officials. Reward for McCumber. "Jim" McCumber, the erstwhile jail bird who made his escape from the Josephine county jail one quiet Sunday afternoon, recently, by sawing off one of the heavy iron bars by means of a case knifo, which he bad made into a file, is still conspicuous for his absence and Sheriff Russell wants to know of his whereabouts The fellow is one of those profeaaionl criminals and has been in the toils of the law before and if he can help it, he does not propose to be sent up to the state penitentiary this time for "rolling" a drunk at Leland and "touching" him for the sum of $10. Sheriff RuhsiH offers a reward of 25 to any person who will furnish in formation, leading to the srrest of the fellow. McCumber may have left this part of the country for good. although be was ieen prowling around the neighborhood of Leland, where his last known crime was conimittsd. If caught he will be summarily dealt with and will doubtless Bud himself behind the state prison bars, where he seems to rightfully belong. School Clerks Negligent County School Superintendent Savage Is making arrangements for his tour of annual Inspection ot the schools of Josephine county, as be is required by law to mske. But in planning for the trip he finds that he is not sure about some of the schools holding school, as the clerks of certain districts have entirely failed to comply with the law in the matter of filing with the county superintendent copies of their con tracts with the teachers they may have employed. This is a matter of mnob importance and some school clerks may find that they have made a big mistake in not thus complying with the law governing saoh matters. Superintendent Savsge hopes those officials who have not attended to this matter will proceed to do so at their earliest pottsible opportunity. Offlcere Nsvmed. Io the rush of fair and oonveution matter in last issue the Courier made a few errois in reporting the names of truant officers appointed to do duty iu Josephine county. One was in district No. 37. (Wolf Creek) sohool, the name given as F. E. Logan and it should have been T. E. Loban In district No. 23. Winifred Savage is the person intended and not Winifred Sage. These official have an import ant duty to perform and jost in pro portion as they are diligent, will the attendance io their respective districts make a good showing fur the coming school year. Tn.ipB.yers Should Notice. Elsewhere iu tins issue of the Courier is to be found au official notice which Sheriff Russell, as tax collector of Josephine county gives the taxpayers who have failed to at tend to the matter of paying their taxes for the pant year. If they wish to escape paying penalty and interest or having their property sold for such taxes, they should look after this matier at ouoe. The time is quite short and a delay may cost them dearly. Coming Court Calender. Next Monday JuiIks H. K. Hnna ill hold circuit court iu Josephiue ootiuty and the caws to be beard on trial, or otherwise, are as follows: Criminal. State'vs Goo Kay aud E Spanlding, assault with daugenme weapon, E Keauiet, prosecuting attorney, by his deputy, Kd 8 Vau Dyke, for the state in these cases. State vs Wui Light, adultery Mutiou to dismiss. Slate vs Love Parker aud Cecil Hayes, iudecent aud humor I acts. C II Cleiueuts fo r4do feu il ants. State vs J as McCumber, larceny (defendant has "skipped. ") State vs Frank Reusoo aud Js Reed, larceny. Law Caws. Simmons, Cameron & Logan vs Deep Gravel Mluiug Co, Hammond A Hale attorneys for plaintiff, ;'and Hoatnee A Reames for defendant Objection to coet bill Geo Kiddle v Order of Peodo, actiou for mouey, 11 D Nortou, 'at torney for plaiutiff aud A C Hough for defendant. T H Cornell vs J F Cochran, action for money, J 11 Austin, attorney for! plaintiff. T F Hopkins vs Calumet & Oregon Mining Co, action for money, "R G Smith, attorney for plaiutiff. Hough & Plauchard for defendant. A 1 I. aud vs Calumet Oregon Miuiag Co, action for mouey, UD Norton for plaintiff. COURT HOUSE f Grace F Lyon vs 8 J Lyon, action for dsmages, Hough & Blanchard for plaintiff. O R Ray vs Golden Drift Mining Oo, action for money, R G Smith for plaintiff and Colvig & Dorham and Hough & Blanchard for defendant. W B Sherman vs H B Miller, action for money, O S Brown for plaintiff and H D Norton for defendant. A Winter vs Lews & Clarke Gold Mining Co. action fur money, J H Austin for laintiff. Frank Heck vs Elmer Hayes, appeal from justice court, C H Clements for plaintiff and Hough & Blanchard for defendant. Westinghouse Electric & Manu facturing Co, vs American Gold Fields Co, action for moner, Colvig & Durham for plaintiff and H D Norton and W C Hale for defendant. Max Weiss vs Geo Strong, action for money. J T Long for plaintiff. F Cramp vs Mike Maloney, C H Clements for plaintiff, H D Nor ton, defendant, appeal from justice court. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co vs L F Scott, acton for money, O S Blan chard for plaintiff. W E Withycombe vs Chas Sanders and Jas Phelps, appeal from justice court, R G Smith and N J Johnston for defendants. J H Wittrock vs Gold Pick Mining Co, action for money, J H Austin for plaintiff. Jno B Thnrnker vs 8 F Schoenfeld, action for mosey, H D Norton, plan tiff and O S B lunch ard, defendant. F F Johnson vs Wm A Fehely, action for money, O H Clements for plaintiff. Williams Bros, Door '& Lumber Co, vs O O Lund, action for money, A C Hough for plaintiff. E E Moran, et al vs Firman S Crump, aotion to reoover money, O S Brown for plaintiff. Nina B Lathrop vs Modern Wood men of America, H D Morton, plaiu tiff. ED Briggs, defendant. R G Smith vs W L Montgomery, appeal from justice court, O S Brown for plaintiff. F A Pierce vs Southern Paclflo Co., suit for damages, O S Blanchard for plaintiff. Equity Cases H 0 Bobzien et al vs Alice Culver et al, report of referee F M Calkins. Jas T Logan vs Deep Gravel Mining Co, Hale & Blanchard, plaintiffs, Reames & eames defendant, objection to cost bill. Mary Cobel vs Albert J Cobel, di vorce, C H Dalrymple, for plaiutiff. Jos Sams vs A M Jess et al, suit for injunction, Hough & Blanchard for plaintiff, Reames & Reames for defendants. Mary D Layton vs J J Layton, di vorce, H D Norton for plaintiff. Walter H Eastman vs Mary O Hig- gins, foreclosure of lien, O S Brown for plaintiff, R G Smith fur de fendant, i , Insolvency cans of Southern Oregon General Hospital, J E Petersou, assignee. Walter Tallmadge vs Maud Tall madge, divorce, O S Brown, for plaintiff. W J Curtis vs Chas Richtou, et al suit for injuuetiun Reames & Reaines for plaintiff and B S Pague for de fendants. W T S Patton vs Mary E Pattou divorce W C Hale for plaiutiff. L H Teter vs Ira Train et al fore closure of mortgage Ed S Vau Dyke for plaintiff. John Robertson and F N Mitchell vs J O Mattesoa suit for injunction Reames & Reames for plaintiffs, H D Norton aud O S Blanchard for de fuuuaut. James M Yocum vs Lee Yocum di vorce O S Brown for plaintiff. Harvey N Wright vs Nellie M Wright divoros Colvig & Durham for plaiutiff. Ella Osbnru vs Ollie Onburn, di vorce, O H Cleiueuts for plaiutiff, Jos C Dysert vs Swastika, suit for injauoton, B S Pague for plaiutiff. Reames & Reames for defendant. W V Ryan vs Rosie Ryan, divorce, R G Smltb and J N Johuston for plaintiff. Jos Lemar vs Cordelia Lamar, di vorce, O S Brown for plaintiff. Condor Water A Power Co, vs R A Booth, trustee and American Gold Fields Co, R G Smith for plaiutiff aud Colvig A Durham for defendant American Gold Fields Co foreclosure of lieu. Esther M ;Cook vs Amos H Cook di vorce, II D Nortou tor plaiutiff M M Murray et at ,vs Xathau MerTitt, R G Smith plaintiff aud C H Clements defendant report of re feree F M Calkins. Grants Pass Banking A Trust Co vs F Wiseoarver et al forcloeore ofiuort gage.A C.Hough for plaintiff. Ella A Mortba vs James Murtba, divorce, C H Clements for plaintiff. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co vs B W Baldwin et al A 0 Hough for plaintiff foreclosure of mortgage. E M Albright et al .vs Jas Lyttle et al H D Nortonfor plaintiff A C Hough ;for defendants, appeal from justicecouct. Three Pines Timber Co vs Frank Muntayue, suit for injunction, Reames & Reames for plaiutiff. Lawrence Wieland vs Police Court of Grants Pass, writ of review, A C Hough for plaintiff, Geo W Colvig for defendant. August Belfrage vs F Downing et al, foreclosure of mortgage,. H D Nor ton for plaintiff. Geo Porter et al vs SB Pettingill et al, suit for injunction, Geo W Colvig for plaintiff. Edna Elnora Khinebart vs Ambrose Rhinehart, partition suit, U'Ron & Schnebel for plaiutiff. Wm By Lee vs W H Flauagan, suit in eqoity, R G Smith for plaintiff, Geo W Colvig for defendant. Geo W Wimer vs Cora T Wimer, divorce, R G Smith for plaintiff. Henry Gross vs Hattie Gross. divorce, Geo W Colvig for plaiutiff and Marcus W Robbins for defendant. Addie L Blalock vs Norman H Blalock, divoroe, H D Norton for plaiutiff and R G Smith for defend ant. Isaao Findley vs Rachel Findley, divorce, Geo W Colvig for plaintiff. State Land board vs Wm J Soverns et ui foreclosure of mortgage, W 0 Hale foi plaintiff. Some DeeJe In Dirt. Transfers have been placed on record with Connty Clerk Cheshire, as fol lows: Jennie H Chaustee et mar to 8 W McConnell et al, lot 7 block T ol Bourne's add to Grants Pass,. consider ation fltiOO. Ore & Cal R R Co. et al to J H Mills, SViyi of E4'. Seo 17, tp 84, S, R 6 W,;40 acres, ilOO. United States to Alexander Brown, patent for E) NW4', E of W Seo 28, tp 89, R 8 8W, 180 acres. FraDk Thompson to John Kirk patriok, N Seo 4 and SV Seo 82, tp 85 S, R 6, 160 acres, t50. John B Nelsun et uz to Ina M Bunch, 8.73 acres in Seo 19, tp 88 S, R 6, $1400. Andrew Gigler et ox to R H Gil Allan, lot 7, block A of H B Miller aud Co's add to Grants Pass, fllOO. Clarence Merengeret et nx to Edwin fierce, part of Sec. 19, tp 86 R 6, W $450. Cupld'e McKchlnatlone. Despite the fair aud m nvmifinn . citement, Cupid was still doing busi ness at the old stand and Clerk Cheshire was issuinir mrrii7 11. omses as though there was nothing unusual happening. He granted the coveted permits to the following ootipies. liiy MoAffee and Klnrnnra rinr. neille, both residents of Grauts Pass. urover Dorueille. of Grant P aud Basha LlndBay. of Wilderville. Mortgag as Recorded. Mortgage records were made as fol- lviws: H G Mitchell et nx. of Pnr1n,l gave a mortgage to O Orlo Jefferson, ot the same place ou SEV.' Seo 4 rn s 5 S, R 8 W, to secure a loau of f-.'OOO. f MM Burrow et ox to Grants Pa Banking & Trust Co, on S.Si of SV4', W l4 of SKI., sW'i El,. Sec 8 tu 87 S. R 5, 160 acras aud on one-half iuteret on the hop crop on Seo 2, tp 34, -K o to securs $2000. Lucinda A Hnstimrs. widow, to H Shepherd, of Aiihlaud, ou lots 11 aud 13, block 8, of Grauts Pass, for $S1.70. S McConnell et al to Jennie H Chausse, on lot 7, block T of J Bourue's add to Grauts Pass for $1200. T Dean et nx to Judida A Lind say, lot 2, of Jud.on & Chan lor HnK of block E in Bourne's add to Grauts Pass. $1000. The mortgage given Jaly vl lynj. for $1000 by Jos.L Pierce"to71A Savage and secured ou lots 3 aud 4. Seo 24, tp 36 and other prosperty has been satined of record and discharged. Missel tneout. E. 9, Veatch, who was for ahont three years with the Grauts Pass Banking & Trust Co. as bookke.n-r has accepted a position with County Clerk Cheshire, takinir the nlane vacated by "Joe" Wharton, who left to engage in the sportiug goods busi. ns. Judge Stephen Jewell returned from Salem. Monday, where be has beeu in attendance upon the meeting of the regents of the state normal. n which body be is a ueinber.He re. ports a .very .suoceesful meeting and says that they employed a faculty for ine uoruial schools at both Monmouth aud Drain, the oitizens of the insti tution. D. G. Duncan, is a native of Scotland ;has signified bis intention of renoacing his allegiance to JKing Edward aud at the next week's term TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., Principal Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in. struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free-! write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland. We iiaye Buyrs. . . . FOR'. Small Residences in Town On easy payments. What have you ? GILLETTE REALTY CO. Ground Floor, Oonkliii Bldg-. Here's a He loob better and feels better because his clothes wear better. These are the guaranteed clothes for school and dress that are the most becomrnj and the most serviceable, Made from fabrics that won't show the dirt or dustj carefully sewed, tailored and strengthened throughout. When a Wcarbetter boy romps and plays, he knows his clothes won't rip or tear or shrink or stretch. We show a choice assortment of these fine clothes in serviceable fabrics pretty patterns and pleas ing styles all sizes. $4.00 to $10.00 Geo. 3 Calhoun DON'T PUT IT OFF LONGER Get Rid of That Indiestlon t Once by Using Mi o na. Many people in Grants Pass are slowly poisoning themselves by chronic indigestion. Their neglect to cure slugginhness of the important crga..s of induction Hi Is the system with fermenting and decaying food that results in sick headache, heart burn, bad taite in the mouth and many othr smyptoms. Mi o-na stomach tablets are for the special relief of such sufferers. They quickly cure the worst cases of in digestion and when used a few davs the pain and distress often felt after meals will disappear. Mi-o-ua stomacn tablets cost but 50 ceuta a box and do more good thau a doz-n boxes of the ordinary digestive tablets. Demaray gives ao absolute unqualified guarantee to refund the money if Mi-o-oa fails to cure. Sht Found Relief. v ""uuicu wuu nver com plaint and have not; received help read this. Mm M. v rr V oody. Texss. "I was in poor heath -with liver tronble-for over a year. uu guou ana i tried Herbine. and tnree bottles cnred me 1 Pan t aa t.m . 1- . . . v- . , J , tuui-n ior net clue, as it Is a wonderful liver medicine. I -.-., .,, ,v io me nouse. Publish where you wish For sale by Dema ray and National Drug Co. I Boy J.M. r For Thorough Education and Character Building ST. MARY'S ACADEMY is the ideal school for YOUNG LADIES A thorough education in all standard branches assured, in cluding literature, languages, mathematics, science, history, music, needlework, etc., also careful attention to matters of de portment and those accomplish ments which mark the cultured, refined woman. All courses are thoroughly modern in subject and system. Devoted attention is paid to domes tic comfort of students. No distinction or interference in matters of religion. Give your daughters the privileges of schooling in this healthy, cultured town Write for Circular TODAY St. Mary's Acadamy Jacksonville, Oregon S. V. Moody's WOOD YARD (Formerly Lunds) Dry Oak, Fir and i ine always on hand FACTOKY ISLOCKS f-T immcdiat delivery TELEPHONE 434 Office and yard. West II et. Grants Pass, Ore. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Complete and thorough training. Commercial. Shorthand and Eng lish courses. Individual instruction at about one-half the usual expence. Note Oxir Special Offer. Students who enter at the beginning of the sfheol ear. S't. 9, 1907, and secure a montl s' s- hiarship for $.5 will he entitled to initrnotlou in any and all the departments to Joly 1, '08. This is yooroppoitunity to complete the Comhifliwl nrtnM.. A.I. 1 -----wuioc-, IUI" formation. R. H. G1LFILLAN Will do your cement work in good shape Give him a chance Phon - 744. Cor. B and 5th. Ool Ihim, Bfltmal uj Otnuanlal JI 4 ? fea4ttca ha n mfmtm mrmmm tat ou AIMNV COUfQEILBANy. ORtflON ib mil