Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 20, 1907, Image 1

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    If III I B .11
Detailed Information Regarding the Very
Successful Events Which May
Be of Interest
-I Now that tho First Auiioil In
f dustrial Fair Is a thiDg of the' past,
, lunch interest is being taken in the
outcome of the affair. Tho various
committees havlug the matter in hand
, have been busily engaged iu com
piling the statuuieuta an to awards,
expenses, receipts and the lik, which
are to be given publicity, just as toon
a completed.
Ia order to tee just what was going
on, the Courier repr geutativd eu-
deavored to take in all the various
', -exhibit! and displays, with the idea
of giving mention to those which
were oat of the ordinary, bat he found
in many instances that the name ot
the exhibitor vt&i not niveu and 10
anoh articles are not tuentioued, al
though those that carried off prem
. iams will be named in the awards
that are to be printed.
The large pavilliou wag found to be
altogether inadequate for th display
ing of the numerous exhibits and eo
the carpenters were called in and
quite an addition wag made to the
building, even after the fair bad
star ed. Among the things which
impreS'd him most wtre the follow
ing: The display of s rapes from the
"Redland Vineyard." of which A.
H. Carton 4 Son are proprietors wss
the center of mnch attraction. One
lorcious buuch weighed J4 pounds,
even though It was hnt as yet two
thirds growu. Mr. Carson i tl e
pioneer in ibis line of products aud
bis success represented 83 years of
harJ, pinstakmg effort. He tock his
gripes to the Portland market year
afierye tr only t" be i ,rn d dowu,
the deale'S t el I i g him that h- fr-i t
was all right, but that the only t- ing
they would haiidl was the Californi
fruit of ibe vine. But now thinirs are
d t and for the i a.-t four or rive
yeirs he li ntin"i h " to npp y
the demand fir hs gripes in Hat
and ether msrittn. He is the mn of
mn who has su-te-led in making ttu
Orerfnu grap- prefer-ed t tl oe ,,f
Califor M r fr . ''.v ' 'her r u"-v.
TUi s-M-i ii ) ' ' i
crste for his grapes, rn the vii e-. but
this tempting offer i.e. declined
There are said to be 5: .", vines to the
acre and be has about 30,UuO vines in
bsaring. Already ba has orders ahead
for over three cars of b's product.
although th seienn is but heRiuning.
Tim fine rustic fountain, situaUd
in tlie ci iitnr of the pavillion aiJded
prcatly to the pleasing aspect of tlm
interior of that struct ore.' This was
the arti-tic work of Chas. Kingwell,
the unrsoryuiau and florist who was
formerly located in Boston, Mass.,
aud later at Taconin, Wash., but now
he lias a fine plant "ont on Iowa ave
nue. It wag a worK of art and along
with the ivy, ferns, pond lili8,
portolacas, roe uws and Egyptian
kayle which adorued if, received
much deserved prai-e.
C. E. Sams of Wood villa carred off
thrse ruiz-s on corns hue apples, get
ting the 1st, 3d and 3d. His fruit
tuado a nice showing.
The display of apple and pencl.e.
niad' by the "Curry Hill Orchard,"
of which C. W. Triplett & Son, of
Hugo are pioprietors, was exception
ally good
"A.hland Fruit" wa the sign
which greit") Hie gin of tl'e
rpectatO's. to tlie lift of the eutrauce
anrt lha' ii'llecli ti wss remarkably
10 (I It contMiii d, among other
th ngs woithy of notice, a collection
if 13 t.pp:es the combinid weight
1 1 w h'c wu in pmu ils.
h. VV. Col. man, of Kerby, was iu
n.-ei.o with his "Peifection
Ev orstors, " wh eh he was showing
to nuny iniere-ted partie'. He o r
taiul ha a very good proposition.
Much int. re-t was ttkeu in the
. reuMii'l cur d n btcco. grown aud
exiiii it'd oy J. A. arid Tho.
L wmtn, of Prnvolt. This was a
i radical demonstratiou that the weed
co be kuco-srfully grown iu Ibis
v ey.
Juo. B. Hair, of Wood vi lie baa
"nme I'umpkius", on of which
n ihe prize, tipping ti-e scale at bo
The I. X I.. l!er-v F.rm, North
10th ttreet. Grants Pa-s, H. V. D xs e
oilier, bat ai imujeuse Hubbard
equash ou display aud it was a
G.P. Owini,of WHtdville certainly
i b. w t" irmw r nn rkin", fur he
.;. . .;. -i - u.-.- I . :.; .'uspl" of lii
ruiiim. that of "Maul's Hundred
Weight'' b-ing exceptionally fine.
Great okes of ice with big fish
frozen in them, as well as flowers
and other articles, was the interesting
exhibit of the Fifbermsn's Union. It
was quite an original idea and was
well r ceivtd.
C. C R if sell wag the winner if
first prize for tho finest showing of
vegetables and he deserved the
hom rs, for lie had a spleudid collec
tion. The display of fruits from "City
View Kanch," of which J. C. Cal
houn is the owner, was very nice and
C. L. Swindeu brought in from his
Applrgate ranuu some extraordinary
"King of Thompson" apples which
easily won high honors.
Mr. McCedar exhibited a squash
picked four years ago which he says
is " ju-t as fresh now as the day it
wita picked. Kept in ordiuary bouse.
No oold storage. "
Martin Angel, one of Hood River's
growers cam1) down here a year ago
and took an orchard that was all run
down and in bad shape. He weut
according to the directions of Profs.
Davis and Cordley, of the Oregon
State Agricultural College and In this
brief time lie has been enabled to
make a showing of apples that was
truly remarkable. On his card lie
stated that the trees wete sprayed
once for anthncinoa, twice for San
Jofe scale and four times for codling
moth, all during the paat year. When
he took the place there was not a
sound apple to be found, but his
labors now make a wonderful show
ing. His place is located near Grants
Quite a curiosity was shown in the,
ahspe of a "Rattlesnake" cactus,
winch reached to the frp" of the
pavillirn, some 111 feet.
Assistant Posi master W. A. Newell
nave a practical demonsuatlon of
what can be done with water. He.
had on exhibition "Mammoth Rubhimu j
Sunflowers. " grown on his place i n ,
North 9 h stret, measuring lit im h-s
in diameter aud he alio bail roiue-
where the irrigati n had no been put
in nse aud were at hif .be
ize These were grown on red, u i
land soil and without auy cultivttu n. i
Sweet c rn. tie'd coin end Lans
were nicely displayed oy M. V. Hale,
fr .iu hi' place on Wirdo cr k, neur,
Woodville. J
Manager Ssmpnon of the Grants
Paa Canuiog Co., bad every reasno to
feel g'od over having first prcuiium:
awarded his plant for the djuplay of
"Smpcon's Pure Cider ViuKar,"j
and another first prize for h.s excel, j
lent "Samrson'a Spisy. " These;
awards were very well desei ed aj)d j
elicited much favorable comment. I
Broom corn of a superior quality I
and raised by John Williams, on his
plsce in the Applegate Valley at-!
tr acted no little attention. ;
Giln ore Pr's, mad.' a goKl die-'
play of Shite Lent ((rn, grown on
iheir place, near Murphy, wit!. out
any irrigation. j
it. W. Yea'ch desetves more than a
passing rw ntioo for the fine display j
of Golden and Chinese Phesaots which
he made.
..jlL,,.. : ' . . . . "1
j Lovers of water melons were deeply
interested iu the huge 44 pound
j specimen of "Kleckley's Sweet,"
j which E iuiiotifl Bros, put on the dif
I play tables.
Fine fruits and vegetables were th'.'
hi'lily creditable showing made by
the Lowell Riuch, located Jtiear
. Woodville.
I In the poultry department the
neKSKatberer net with the same
obstacle, uiaay of the exhibit not
having the uaiue of the owner and so
individual inentiou of such displays
cannot be made.
J. H Robinson, of R. F. D.,
showed some handsome bronze tur
keys, which were good to look npon.
His hrown leghorns were also much iu
M. E. Moore, the second -hand dealer
ia a chicken fancier and his ueat pen
of Khode Islands attracted not.a ilttle
atteution and called for favorable
C E. Palmer, obi of the salesmen
of the Southern Oregon Supply Co.,
finds time to raite One chickens and
he showed some beautiful Buff Or
phingtoug. A. Miir, who has big yards on
Iowa street, in .this city, had in the
show some suierb Black Laugthangg.
The White Wyandotteg presented
for inspection by Mrs. Cahill, of West
Fifth street were wotthy of special
Joo. Summers, the obliging S. P.
telegraph operator also Buds a little
time to breed some elegant birds and
his Barred Plymouth Hocks looked
in) n elite.
J. L. Fryer had ou exhibition some
fine While Phinuuth Rocks and also
on e nice Brown Lehjrna.
Herman Smith mtnaged In slip in
to the chicken department bis beauti
ful wh t rabbit, which was attract
inx c i si crabie ni t ce
Near the poaltry department was to
he found a ilber it lereitlug eihiblt
nad- by tl e Giau's Peas Iron Steel
Works It s'low-d that this li cl eu
toi prise s well ipiipiel for turning
out auy line of wok such ss gonial
foundry supplies, machinery and
boiler work.
The rest im'us prove 1 to be a de
cided hit and they were wllatro-
niz'd. That of tbs Unies was Incited J
iu the Conkliu building and the uem- ;
bers of the fair s-x were thera in!
larg" nomljer, cnjnymv tin many)
comforts which the ladies had j
thouiihtfully prepired. In the
siacious Commercial (lub roohis the
gentlemen found everything that j
heart might desire to make thcin feel ,
at ease and truly enjoy life. Heie too
w re in i ii y perilous, occupying the
r.M-ker., reading or bsiug the ,
Iu the C( UiUiticial Club rocma wets
to be found the mineial displays and
the sight was something superb to'
beh( Id, for there were to be seen
M, AU': v- af - I
J 1
Selling Real Estate
' 71 Good Investment .
' Equals '
The Labor of a Lifetime "
A Kindness by Calling Their Attention to the Following
$jVJU near East School. Size 50x142 ft. each. Only $250 for
the two if taken soon. Terms one-half cash, bnlance ou monthly
payments to suit purchaser.
COOfs FIVE k00M COTTAGE and bam on Fifth st. close
vVUll in. Fine shade iu yard. Connected with sewer and city
water, Will accept $100 down and $25 per month for balance.
d THIRTY-FIVE ACRES on AppltRate, seven miles
plOUU from Grants Pass, daily mail. About 15 acres in
cultivation. Two acres iu alfalfa and one hundred well assorted
fruit trees. Water to irrigate 15 acres, balance of place good for
fruit or grain. Box house of five rooms and small barn. Spring
water for house. This is a fine buy at $1500. Will sell for one
half cash and give time on balance.
TWO Hundred Forty AcTCS on Rogue River two miles
from town on railroad. 120 acres of fine black loam most suitable
for fruit, grain, corn or alfalfa. 40 acres in three year old orchard
of Newtown, Pippin, Spitzeuburg and Jonathan apples. 80 acres
of number one grape land, not cleared, now used for pasture land.
All of this place could be irrigated from Rogua river by the
installation of pumping plant. Electric power line by the place.
Fine big dwelling, two large barns, two stone cellars, granary,
chicken house, vehicle shed and many other cut bnildings.
Good school on the place. Trice only $40 per acre. Will give
time on one-half of price if desired.
W. ILi. I IR, IE L .A. IT ID
Ground Floor, Opera House Block
Mew! lew! iewl
vScat! vScat! Scat!
I HAVE NFF1) for Miinetliinn out of the ordi
nary and therefore I use this means of 'tialliiig
attention to the fact that 1 ' 1
Cats are wanted
Saturday, Sept. 28
by me at my Ilouscfurnishinn ltablisumcnt,
where I will receive any number of the Feline
Tribe, for which I will pay the sum of TFN
CENT- each, upon delivery in good condition of
;''"' .v. ..'!.
Sir Thomas Cats
Madame Cats
Little Pussy Cats
Bring them in sacks, boxes, bags or anyway just bo
you get them safely into my possession. But I must '
insirtt that they one and all have at least , .
One Tail and
at Least One Life 1
, In ether words, no dead cats will bo accejitod or paid
for. It matters not whether they aro good singers,
bring them in and get your pay. Come early and
avoid the rush. No question asked as to pedigree
All I want to bo sure of is that. tho Felines aro alivo
and that each has a caudal appendage, ijlj) . ! 1 ;
Kiirniture and Car-
peU, Linoleums,
J..' ('urtain, 1'or
jiHrc, Msllres-t
rtllows. Cots, Wall
l'Ier, Clocks,
Mirrors, Window
Hhxles, Pictures,
Picture Moulding.
J. B.
1 ront St.,
Ktuies and IUnges,
0 HI
Afteware, Tinware,
Willoware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Ijwiiiis, .
Oiasaware, . r'umji
China, (Jo'arU, I
11. i.. r...M.. V
bat. 6 and 7
i I
.' n u e
no3 I
f a .a
.1 ii
a J