Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 13, 1907, Image 7

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Richmond, Va., Sept 11. Amidst
lUrtled throng which had gathered
from Richmond and surrounding
towns to witness the fiesta here this
.week Monsieur LaBoucher,' the
aeronaut. In making an ascension
jreeterday afternoon was whipped
against the side of Monberichard's
kail and quite seriously injured.
.As the huge balloon shot skyward
a cry of horror went up from the as
sembled throng when it was seen the
aeronaut would probably hit the
structure. Some watching with
open-eyed amazement, others closing
their eyes, fearing a terrible spec
stacle, he struck the building with ter
rible force and, rebounding, was
whisked against it a second time be
fore the building was cleared. But
With grit and daring intrepidity the
aeronaut clung to his trapeze bar and
fnlshed an otherwise successful as
cension. The aeronaut lit several
hundred feet away, unable to stand
and suffering terrible agony as a
result of his experience. Physicians
found upon examination that no
bones were broken, but that he was
Imply bru.aed. The ascensions will
be made the balance of the week by
another aeronaut who Is with the
company furnishing the concessions.
' To Prevent Raise In Rates.
' Portland, Ore., Sept 11. The Ore
gon State Railroad Commission, at
the Instance of the Oregon and Wash
ington Lumber Men's Association, is
to present a petition to the Inter
state Commerce Commission at
Washington, D. C, requesting that
the Interstate Commerce Commission
restrain the transcontinental rail
roads from Inaugurating the pros
pective raise In rates on east-bound
lumber until after the Interstate
Commerce Commission have investi
gated the methods ot the Increase.
The railroad commission has also ad
dressed communications to the Rail
road Commissions ot Washington,
Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming,
North Dakota, South Dakota and
Minnesota calling attention to the
fact that the Increase la freight rates
will cause a radical increase In the
prices of lumber In the East and ask
ing those commissions to make simi
lar appeals to the Interstate Com
merce Commission.
Jury of Awards Begin Work.
Norfolk, Va., Sept. 11. The Jury
of awards for the Jamestown exposi
tion, of which Dr. Albert Shaw, edi
tor of the American Review of Re
views, is president, began its work
today. Nearly all the preliminary
details governing the method of mak
ing awards of premiums have been
completed and the work will be
rushed. Ambrose Swazey of Colum
bus, O., Is vice-president of the com
mittee. Woman Killed by an Automobile.
Pittsburg. Pa., Sept. 11. One wo
man was killed and four other per
sons seriously injured in Allegheny
yesterday when a large automobile
bearing the party to the city skidded
long the street In making a turn and
Striking the street curbstone threw
uie occupams ugaium Bevemi icia
(raph poles. One of the victims was
Miss Helen Williams ot Allegheny.
Who died early today.
Deserts Hiking Cavalry When She
ft Breaks Into Tent to Pet Him.
i Chicago, Sept. 11. Kermit Rooso
Telt, son of the President, who was
Snaking the long hike from I-eaven-Worth,
Kas., to Fort Sheridan, 111.,
With the first squadron of the Thir
teenth United States Cavalry, desert
ed the soldiers at Joslyn, 111., It de
veloped today, after a woman hud
fcroken Into his tent to pet him. The
officers of the four troops which
compose the squadron do not know
the whereabouts of the young man,
according to messages recelvd today.
He told Lieutenant Phil Sheridan Jr.
and Flthugh Lee Jr. that he could
bat stand the trip any longer and was
going to take a train for Chicago.
The squadron arrived at Elgin. 111.,
and camoed at South Elgin, after
i which it started on the march to Fort
J IhertriAn
J "We have not heard of young
ffl Roosevelt since he left up at Joslyn,
llll., two weeks ago," said Lleuten
jant Sheridan to a reporter.
1 Lett and Found.
Lost. b-leen 9:30 p in., yesterday
and noon .today, a bilious atnett.
with nausea and sick headncbe. Tnis
loss was occasioned hy finding at a
drog store a box of Dr. Kiug s New
Life Pills. Guaranteed for bilious
nest, malaria and jaondice. 2jc.
Policemen In Making Arrests Defend
Themselves by Use of Revolvers.
San Francisco, Sept. 11 Five non
union carmen were shot in a pitched
battle that took place shortly before
midnight last night at Twenty-fourth
and Utah streets between members
of a United Railroads wrecklcv crew
and three policemen.
The battle started a short distance
from the United Railroads carbarn
between the wrecking crew and some
union pickets. It was continued di
rectly In front of the carbarn, and
there the police took a hand and the
casualties resulted.
The battle lasted for several min
utes. Volley after volley was fired
by the men on both sides. The
wounded were taken to St. Luke's
Hospital. One of them will die.
Ninety-six patrolmen surrounded
the barn at an early hour this morn
ing to prevent the escape of several
non-union carmen who are supposed
to have had a hand in the shooting.
The names of the victims are Mor
ris Rlsenberg, who will die; Roy Per-,
kins, J. J. Cotter. Harry Cohr-,
and Frank Smith, all of whom re
ceived bullet wounds.
The battle started when a wreck
ing car approached the barn ot tbe
United Railroads at Twenty-fourth
and Utah streets. There were fifteen
men on the car.
As the car passed a tent which was
occupied by union pickets it was
stoned, according to the story of the
car crew. Windows were broken and
they replied by opening fire on the
tent with their revolvers. Several
shots were exchanged, but no casu
alties resulted. The car proceeded
on its way to the barn.
There fi e men alighted and re
mained in front of the barn. In the
meantime the shots had attracted Po
licemen R. L. Wade, J. W. MiUer and
Arthur BIgelow to the Bcene.
As they approached the policemen
say the five non-union carmen leveled
their revolvers.
The patrolmen shouted to them
not to shoot.
Despite the warning one ot the
non-union men opened fire. Then the
trio of policemen used their revol
vers. The five carmen fell one aftr
another. Immediately following a
riot call was turned in.
Tbe men who are the occupants of
the tent state that they were In
formed that a wrecking crew was
going to make an attack on them at
11:30. When the car passed they
say the non-union men broke the
windows and opened fire on them.
South Bend, Ind., Sept. 11. After
waiting thirty-six years, R. T. Wheel
er of Sacramento, Cal., came to South
Bend yesterday and claimed the
sweethsiirt of his youth, Mrs. Re
becca Baer Noblock Hummel, as his
bride. It was the San Francisco
earthquake and fire that proved th-ir
love guide. In 1871 Mr. Wheeler
bade good-bye to Rebecca Baer and
set his face toward California and
hfs HrPBra of fortune. The eold
mines were his aim, but the golden
dreams u.u nol ft-ainp. lils itttusrs
to the girl became shorter and far
ther apart and finally ceased.
Time went by and Miss Baer be
came Mrs. Rebecca Baer isodiock.
Mr. Noblock was thrifty and at his
death a few years later left his widow
a snug little fortune of JsS.000.
Wheeler hud Riven up mining and.
opening up a photograph supply
house In Pun Francisco, was making
strides towrd his fortune. Then tbe
earthquake came and the flre which
swept over his shattered plant left
him penniless and wounded.
He wrote to a cousin, not to ask
for money, hut to ask about his old
friends. It was natural that he should
Inquire for Rebecca Bar, who had
married again and become Mrs. Re
becca Baer Noblock Hummel. When
Mr. Hummel died Mr. Whe-eler sent
his old sweetheart a simple note of
sympathy, and before many letter
had passed the old love was re
awakened. If It's s Reputation
nn after. WMte's Cream V'rml
fnff has a world wld repntation as
behest of all worm destroyers and
f..r ft t,inir influence on weak and
nnthrifty children. It improves their
digestion and asslmmilsiioo of their I
food, strergtbens their ner'ons svs-;
tem and restores them lo health and
vigor ra'ural to a child. If yon want i
a healthy, happy rhild. get a bottle of;
White s Cream erminige. rur in
bv National Drug Co. aod by,
j Demaray
Advertiscri get resaha la the
1 Courier.
In the Count Court for Josephine
Coanty. Oregon.
In the matter of tbe
Estate of Marion Seave
Notice is hereby give. that Martha
R. Mitohsll has been appointed aomio
istratris of the estate of Marion Sea
vey, deceased, by order of tbe Ooonty
Coert for Josephine County, Oregon,
made on Angus! 10, 1107, and all per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby n. titled to present the same
duly verified to the said administra
trix within six months from the date
of the first pnrlication of this notice,
at tbe law office of A. U. Hough in the
City of Grants Pass, Josepbioe Couu
(7, Oregon.
Date of first publication, August 16,
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
Aog 4th, 1807.
Notioe is hereby given that Henry
A Pyle. of Selma, Oregon, bas filed
notioe of his intention to make final
Five year proof in support ot his
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No
10,430 made February 11, 1901 for the
E, NE4, SW,W, NEW, Seo 13, Town
ship S3, Range 8 W, and that said
proof will be made before Joseph
Moss, U. S. Commissioner at his
office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Thursday, October 10th, 1907
tie naoiss tne following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land,
via: L. W. Ferry, of Grants Pass,
Ore., J. F. Harless, of Selma, Ore.,
All. Kagon, of Selma, Ore., cert
Hogoe, of Selma, Oregon.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore.. Jnly 29, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
of Cougress of Jnne 3, 1878, 'entitled
"An act lor the sale o' timber lands
in tbe States lot California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory'
as extended to all the Publio Land
States by aot of Augost 4, 1892, .
of Woodville, oounty of Jackson, State
of Oregon, filed in 'bis offloe on
May ill, 1907, tier sworn statement
No. 84j4, tor the poroliate of the
NWW of the NWW of Seo. No. 3, la
Township No. 85 Sonth, Range No.
4 West W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agiiooltural purposes aud to estab
lish her claim to said land before
Josspli Mots, U. S. Uommirsiouer at
bis omoe in Ursnss rasa, uregon,
on Saturday, the 9th day of Novem
ber. 1907.
She names as witnesses: George
Megerle, of Woodville, Jackson
couuty, Ore., Daniel Megerle, ot
Woodville, Jaokson county, Ore.,
Charles V. Heukie, ot Grants Pass.
Josephine couuty, Ore., Gejrge Biers
of Wimar Jacksoa ooonty Ore.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims in Ibis
office on or before said Uth day of
November 1907.
A tinman Appeal.
A hamane citizen of Richmond,
lud., Mr. U D. Williams. 107 Weil
Main at., says: "I appeal to all
persons with weak lungs to take
Dr. King's Naw Disooveiy, tbe only
remedy that has helped uii and fully
comes up to the proprietor's recoui
uienuatiun. " It saves more livrs than
all otner throat and lung remedies
put togtther. Used as a Gonad and
oold cure the world ever. Cures as
thma, bronchitis, croup, whoopiug
oougu, quiusy, hoarseness aud
phthisic, stops heuiorrhags of the
lungs aud Dullds them up. Uoaran
teed at all druggists. 60 ceuts aud
11.00. T.ial bottle free.
Blown to Pieces by f.lnnt Powder.
Chlco, Cal.. Sept. 11 James Flath
am, a young man engaged In blowing
snags out of the Sacramento river
near here, was literally blown to
atoms. With Clarence Shannon he
started in a boat to a place where he
desired to blow out a snag. lint ham
was seated In the rear of the boat di
rectly over a stick of powder and
giant caps. In some unknown man
ner an explosion occurred. Probably
a few pieces of his body will be
found along the river bank later.
Shannon lost both eyes and It Is be
lieved he cannot live.
Stockman Fined for llli-gnl Grazing.
Deadwood. S. D., Sept. 11. Thos.
A. Bale of Formosa, a stockman, con
victed of illegal grazing of cattle In
the national forest reserve of the
Black Hills, was fined f 100 by Judge
Garland in the Federal Court hero
and upon payment Bale was released.
Bale's defense was that there was
no Intentional wrong; that he was
unable to prevent his stork from
getting on the reserve, and that Con
gress had no right to delegate au
thority to the Secretary of the In
terior to make regulations requiring
a permit to take out for grazing.
Will on the Rack of a Cheek.
Washington, Pa., Sept. 11. The
shortest will ever filed for record In
Washington county was of Hugh Hal
lam, who died recently. Tbe Instru
ment contained juBt twenty-two
words and was written on the back
of a black check. It was dated 1899
and had been neatly folded and
placed In Mr. Hallam's vest pocket.
It contained a single sentence, which
conweyed all bis property to his
The U rstiakle Tae Weakly Ontwdsa
Are said often to be buried six feet andar
ground. But many times women call on
their family physicians, suffering, as they
Imagine, one from dyspepsia, another froai
heart disease, another from liver or kid
ney disease, another from nervous pros
tration, another with pain here and there,
and In this way they present alike to
themselves and their easy-going or over
busy doctor, separate diseases, lor which
he, assuming them to be such, prescribes
his pills and potions. In reality, they are
all only symptoms caused by some aterLne
disease. The'phician, xnorant of the
euute of suffering. Rwpt upmttreatment
until large bills are mide. Jluffertug
patient gets no bettrjJrva3JHyihe
wrong treatment, but probably worker
proper medicine like E
Prescription, oiniKii
have fnyreLV rui-.OAT
til tht must, wmllfl
t ma t .1 the ilKrase. Lhr
bv disDeiirnii all lhoe uisrrsi'iiE svmn-
toms, and instituting comfort Instead of
prolonged misery. It has been Well said,
that's disease known Is hall tred."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medicine, carefully devised by
an experienced and skillful physician,
and adapted to woman's delicate system.
It is made of native American medicinal
roots and I perfectly harmless In It
effect; in 7ni; C.1IIHIH..I1 i," u-.e. I.-ZZTJ
a powerful Invigorating tonic
b 1 rescrlmlon" imparts strength to
the whole rsU'm and to the. organs dis
tinctly feminine In particular. For over
worked, "worn-out," run-down," debili
tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers,
seamstresses, " shop-girls." house-keepers,
nursing mothers, and feeble women gen
erally, l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is tho greatest earthly boon, being un
equaled as an appetizing cordial and re
storative tonic
As a soothing and strengthening nerv
ine "Favorite Prescription Is unenualed
and Is Invaluable In allaying and sub
duing nervous excitability, irritability,
nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St. Vitus'
dance, and other distressing, nervous
symptoms commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease of the
uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and
rolleves mental anxiety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate
the stomach, liver and bowels. One to
three a duea. Easy to take as candy.
Timber Land, Aot Jnoe 3, 18,8.
Roseburg. Ore., July 39, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"Ao act for the sale of timber lands
in the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory" as
extended to all the Publio Land States
by aot of An gust 4, 1893,
ot Grants Pass, Ceunty of Josephine,
State of Oregon, filed in this office on
Marob 36, 1907, his sworn statement
No. 8418, lor the purchase of the S.
E. i of Section No. 6 in Township
No. 6 S, Range No. 4 W. M. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
south is more valoabls for its timber
or atone than for agrlcaltmal pur
poses land to establish his claias to
aid and before Joseph Moss, U. S.
Commissioner at his offloe In Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day
of November, 1907.
He names as witnessee: Curtis
Manning, of W liner, Ore., Ernest
Vrotnau of Wimer, Ore., Alplieus
N. Crouch of Wimer, Ore., Onorge
H. Kesterson of Uranus Pass, Ore.
Auy aud all persons olaiming adver
sely the above described lauds aie re
quested to file their claims tu this
office on or before said 8th day of No
vember, 1907.
Timber Laud, Act Juue 8, 1878.
R'ineborg. Or., Joly 39, 1907.
Notice is herrhy given that io com
pi i mine with the provisions of tbe
act of Congress of Juue 8, 187h en
tilted "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of Callforuia,
Oregon, Nevada and WaMliiugtou Ter
ritory as extended to all the Publio
Laud States by act of Augost 4, 18U3,
of Chico, couuty of Butte, State of
California filed in this office on May
37, 1907, her sworn statement No. 8449
for the purohaae of the S. E. l4 of
Section No. 18. in Towuahip No. S
S , Range No. 4 W. W. M., aud will
oiler proof to show that tbe laud
ought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stoHe than for agricultural
purtKitea aud to estitbliali her claim to
aid land before Joseph Moss, U. S.
Commits oner, at his office lu Grants
t'a-s, Or-gon. on rridav, tbe 8th day
ot Nufember, 1907. ..
ribe uauies aa witnesses: Rosa L.
Waters of Cliion, Butte Co., Cel.,
William J. Ji ill n sou of Oakland,
AUmed Co., Jh1 , Edwin C. Ury
burgh, of Medford, Ja kaou Co , Ore.,
A alter J. O Cmuiell, of Eugeue, Lane
Co., Ore.
Auv and all persons claiming ad-vrs-ly
the atxn e de-enbed lauds are
requested to file ibeir claims in this
office on or hefors said 8tll day of
November, 1107.
Reg later.
Ilr-I artmeut (if the Iuteiior.
Lind Office at Roe-burg, Ore.,
August 15th, 1U07.
N"t'ce is hereby given that Jese
Summer of W illiams, Josephine Co..
Uregou, has filed no'ice of his 'men
tion to make final f ive year proof in
u pit of his claim, vis: Homestead
Emry No. 11799 made July 9th,
1VKI2, for ths IK of HEW. 8WW of
SKW. SEW ofS WW. Sec. 38.
1 iVD
shin 88 South. Kau lie 6 W. aud thst
aid proof will im made before Joseph
Moss. U. a. l:nimlssioner at n Is
office at Grants Pass, Ore.
ou Mon-
day, Oct. 4th, 1907.
He names tbe following
to prove his continuous
opoo, and cultivation of,
viz: Arthur L. Rlodgg't,
tbe laud,
of Will-
iams, Josephine Co., Ore., Jesne,
Gutcher. of Williams. Jo phine Co.,
Ore., Berry jChaataine, of Williams,
Josejihiue Co, Ore., George Tethrow,
of Williams, Josephine Co., Ore.
Hundreds of New Edison Records
svt the Music Store.
Vlctore and Columblas aviso.
Several Bargains In Machines.
summons, jag
In the Ciroait Court ot the State of Or
egon for Josephiae Ooonty.
Aagast Belfseio, )
. rialatitr
F. Downing ana J. A.
MoOarty, Defendants.
To F. Downing and J. A. MoOrthy,
In the name of the state of Oregonyou
are hereby sammened to appear and
answers tbe complaint filed against
yea la the above entitled oourt and
oanse oa or before six weeks from the
date of first publication ot this Sum
mons, which first date of publication
is Friday, Angust 3, A. D.. 1907. aud
tbe last day of said publication aod
the time within which yon ate herein
requited to answer Is Friday, Sep
tember o, A. u. Ivor; and in case
yon fall to answere the complaint or
otherwise plead within the time here
io specified, plaintiff will apply to the
oourt for the relief prayed for in the
complaiut, vii ; for judgment against
the defendant, F. Dowaiug, on the
principal promissory note therein set
torth io the sum of (1500.00, payable
io gold coin of the Uuited States,
together with interest in like gold coin
at the rate of one per cent per mouth
from April 10, 1900, aud the further
snui of (ISO 00 attorney's fees; and
for Judgment against the defendant,
J. A. McCarty, on the two promis
sory notes set forth io the complaint
in the sum or trtOO 00, together with
interest on $300.00 thereof from Jnne
1, 1900, at the rate of 8 per ceut an
num and together with Interest on
fatO.OO thereof at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from Jnne 15, 1900;
aod for decree foreclosing that certain
mortgage set forth in the complaint
on the real premises therein described
Tbe W. K of the S. E. t4-. nd the
E. K of tfie S. W. H ot Sea 3. Twp.
88 8. R 5 W. of Willamette Meridaio
in Josephine County, Oregon, contain
ing 100 acres ; and that the same be
sold in tbs manner by law provided
on mortgage foreolosures, and that
after satisfying casts, disbursements
and attorney's ' fees, that sufficient
thereof be applied a poo the payment
of the two pemiesory notes executed
onto the plaintiff by J. A. McCarty
aad described in the oomplaint, to sat
isfy the same principal and interest,
and that the plaintiff be decreed to
hold any surplus thereafter remainiag
in treat for J. A, MoCarty, or his
sueceasors in lalerest; that plaintiff
have aad recover all his costs and
disbursements herein, aud that he have
full ouBltable relief.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. U. K. Hanna, judge of the
above entitled ooert, made at cham
bers the 17lb slay of Jnly. A. D., 1907,
directing publletaloo of this sommoni
in the Regno River Courier, a news
paper bapliahed at Grants Pass, Jose
phine ooosty, Oregon, for a period of
six successive weeks, aod directing the
mailing of a oepy of the summons, to
gether with a copy of the oomlaint to
eaob ot the defendants at the oitv and
county of Baa Francisco, Slate of Cal
ifornia. H. D. NORTON,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., Joly 29, 1907.
Notice is hereby givsn that in com
pliance with the proviaioos of tbe act
of Congress of Jane 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory" as
extended to all lbs Publio Land States
by act of Angust 4, 1891,
of Harrison, Ooonty of Kootnai, State
ot Idaho, filed io this office on March
10, 1U07, hit swern statement No. 8447
for the purchase of the SEW of Seo.
No. 38, io Tp. No. 87 South of Range
No. 7 West of WM.Ore. aud will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
mure valuable for Its timber or stone
then for agrlcslleral purposes, and to
sstablisii his claim to salt! land before
Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commissioner, at
his office at Grants Pass Oregon, on
Friday, the 8th day of November, 11)07.
He names as witnesses Martin A.
Conger, of Grants Pns, Oregon,
William Ball, of Grants Past, Oiegou,
Kminell H. Conger, of Wllderville,
Oregon, Lillian M. Knitggs, of Harri
son, Idaho.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above-described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
offlok on or before said Htti day of
November, 1907.
Timber Laud, Aot June 8 , 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., July 39, 1907.
Notice is hwreby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Cougress of Jooe 8, 1881, entitled
"Ao act for the tale of timber lands
in the State of California, Oregou,
Nevada and Washington territory' as
extended to all the Pohllo Land States
by act of August 4, 1 hwj.
rt No. ial Post St., San Francisco,
ooonty of Han Francisco, State of
California, filed In this office on May
31, 1907, her sworn statement No.
84M, for the purchase or the NEW
or NWW. and W),' ot NEand SEWot
NEW. of ben. No. 30, io Township No.
i South. Range No. 4 W. W. M.. aud
will offer proof to show that the land
sought la more valoable for Its tlm-
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
i posus and to establish her claim to
sain iami uniur iiowra mu u.
Commissioner at his office in Grants
Pass Oregon on Saturday tbe 9ih day
et November 1907.
Hbe names as witnesses:
William Spalding of Grants Pass,
Josephine Co. Ore. Albion VV Sllshy
of Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore,
, Franeis J. Spalding of Grants Pass,
Josephine Countv, Ore, Nellie Spald
ing of Grants Pass, Josephine Co.,
i Any and all persons claiming ad
l vsrsely ths above-described lamia are
i requested to file their claims io this
office on or before said 9tb day of
November, 1907.
Miners' blanks at the Courier office
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, far the Ooonty of Jose
phine. In tbe matter of the")
Estate of Emily )
Carter, deceased. J
To rua E. Whinn. Mianie Brown.
Kerby. Ore., and Clara E Eoff.
Salem, Oie.. Ida Lister. Uliddou.
Iowa, Mae Parks, Viola, State of
Illinois and nil other heirs known Knit
aokoown of said decedent. Grafting:
lu the name of the Stale of Oregon.
you are hereby cited aod required to
appear in the Countv Conrt of the
State of Oregon, for the uoouty of
Josepbioe, at the Coort room thereof
at Grants Pass in the Ooonty of Jose
phine. State of Oregon, on Saturday,
the 87th day of Joly, 1907, at
o clock, iu the afternoon of that day,
then aod there to show caaaa if auv
you have why 8. A. Carter, adminis
trator of ;the estate of Euiilj Carter
deceased, should not be lioenfed aod
empowered to sell at private sale all
of the real property belonging to said
estate described as follows, to-wit :
The SW of the NEW. the NVV'l; of the
NEW aud Lot numbered ?one (I) of
Sectiou 13, in Township Fortv (401
South, of Range Niue (9) West of the
Willamette Meridian iu Josenhina
County. State of Oregon, coutaiuinir
133 18-100 acres, for the reasons set
forth io his petition filed in this oourt
mis inn day of Jane, 1907.
Wltueas the Hou. Stephen Jewell.
Judge of the Couuty Coort of the
Stale of Oresrcn. for the Countv of
Josephine, with the seal of said Court
affixed, this 17th day of Juue, A.
D., 190V.
Attest: S. P. CHESHIRE,
By J. A. Wharton, Deputy Clerk.
In the Circuit Coort of the State of
Oregon, far Josephine County.
Joseph Lomas, "1
piaintin l
va Snlt for Dlvorso
Cordelia Lomas, I
defendoat J
To Cordelia Louies, the defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby summoned to amiear In
the above entitled Coort ana answer
the oomplaint filed against vou In the
foregoing entitled salt on or before
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this jsommons, which
said first date of publication it Fri
day, Joly 19. 1907, aod the la it date
of said publication, aod the last date
for yoor appearance herein, is Friday,
Aogust 80, 1907, and yoo are herbey
ooti fled that in oase yoo Nil to ap
pear and anawer or otherwise plead
within the time aforesaid, that the
plaintiff will apply to the Oourt for
the relief prayed for in his oomplaint,
to-wit t For a decree forever dissolv
ing and annulling the marriage rela
tions now existing beweeu the plsln
tiff aod oefeudant, aud for such other
and faither relief as to the oourt may
seem equitable. This snmmoos It
publlshee by order of the Hon.
Stephen Jewell, County Judge for
Josephine Ooonty, State of Oregon,
directing the publication thereof in
the Rogue River Courier, published
at Grants Pass, Josephine Ooonty,
Oregou, not less than once a week for
a period of six soocemlve weeks, the
said order belag dated July 19. 1907
Attorney for the plaintiff.
Notioe Is hereby given, to, whom It
may concern : That I, S. A. Carter,
the administrator of the estate of Em
ily Carter, deceased, by virtue of a
license and order of sale issued out of
the County Court of tbe State of Ore
gon for Josephine Countv, dated July
37, 1907, will offer for sale and sell for
chhIi Iu hand to the highest bidder the
following real property belonging to
the estate of Emily Carter, deceased,
All of the right, title, Interest and
estate which aald Emily Carter had In
and to the following lauds and teue
men is at the time of her death, and
all the estate, right, title and Interest
Iu such property which her esate has
acquired thereto subsequent to fie date
of her death, of which the following
is a true description :
The South half of the Northeast
quarter, aud the Northwest quarter ot
the Nnrtheiuit quarter, and lot num
bered oue (1) of Section 13, lu Towu
ahip Forty, South of Range Nine Wee
ol the Wi Unmet te Meridian, contain
Ing 163.18 acres iu Josephine, County,
Oregon, opou the following terms and
oondltinim :
All bids to be submitted to me la
writing at Kerby, Josephine Ooonty
Oregon, on aod after the 81st day of
Angust, 1907, and to he aooomtwnled
by the amount of the bid In United
States gold coin, or satifactory evi
dence that the same will be paid over
un the day the administrators deed to
said propel ty is delivered.
All bids subject to the approval of
the County Court, of Josephine Coun
ty aforsaiil.
Dated this 3d day of Aogost 1907.
O.W. Colvlg, Kerby, Oregon.
Attorney for administrator,
Grauts Pass, Oregon.
Depaprtrneiil of the Interior,
Laud Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
Joly 6, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that James
F. Harless. of Selma, Oregon, has filed
notice of his Inteotloo to make final
five-year proof in support of bis claim,
vli : Homestead Entry No. I04.'1S, made
Feb II. 1901, for the K,' NWW.NWW
NEW. Sea. 13, Tp. 88 Sooth, Range 8
W., and that said proof will be made
before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commis
sioner at bis office at Grauts Pass,
Oregon, on Tuesday, September 17,
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon,
ao a cultivation or, the laud, vii:
ii. A. Pyle. of Selma. Oregou, L. W.
Fetry of Grauts Pass, Orengn, J. O.
Eades, of Selma, Oregon, LW.Uulmea,
of Grants Pass, Oregon.