Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 13, 1907, Image 6

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Recently Enlarged
25,000 New Words
New Gazetteer of the) World
with more than M.mO titles, baaed on the
latest oeiifui returns.
New Biographical Dictionary
containing the namn of over 10,000 noted
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Edited hyW. T.IIAltllIfl,Ph T)..M.I),
TJuitedHtateaCoaiinJaalouerof Education.
2360 Quarto Pages
rlUMi WOO UlmrMk , Hick BbJfcaa
Needed In Every Home
Also Wetwur'a CollcKiatellMctionarjr
1111 Pttm. 1W IUumiwIom,
RefularEdltlnatiMiililadiM. lblJbn.
D Lux Edition HUV1S !. MM Ira
Mm pIMM, nil trihl ptpar. hntattfnl blndl.n.
FREE, "UMUavjWrtntta." lilutruW puipbbju.
v C. 6 C. MERRIAM CO.,
Publishers, Sprlnffleld, Hsss.
Sallownesi Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dark ikin become! fascinating
when delicately toft, umlrnprcad
with the radiant plow which indi
cate! a hcilthy, active tkin. Roliert
ine keepi the tkin refined in quality,
keeps poreifreefro m clowning waite
and itiinulatel the tiny capillarieMo
enn tribute the color which charmi in
blonde and brunette alike. Kohrrt
Ine ii certain protection against tan,
unburn and freckles if applied be
fore eipoiure to mn or wind.
Sprradi like an imperceptible nhecn
of gaute overskin tutiace, formiii a
shield suinnlating and prrerrving a
delicate, hmrous beauty.
Jiirmr OrvrrW T"DAt
W at. I I
VS.. rr
J. R. WELLS, Prop.
E. street between 5th and 6th
J.arge and safe Wagon Yard con
venient for hitching-
Horses Iloiittht and Sol I
Second hand rigs for sale
The Deal Known Dip for Sheep,
Ctitfle, Swine and nil Live Slock.
Non Injurious itnd Non-Poisonous
!t-sl known reined v for Mange or
Itch, Scab, Lice, 1 icks on Sheep,
Fleas, Hen Lice, Hog Cholera,
Galls, Sores and Wounds, Thrush,
Grouse Heel and Sciutche, Tape
Worms, Ring Worms. Screw
Worms. Flics or Maggots, Castra
tions. Also disinfecting stahlcs,
outhouses, pens, tc.
i v. iMEitoia
Capital fiHj.tktO, established 27 years,
tiold. Kae Hulllon, CjraiiiilwK, Hich
Ore, etc. taught, Spot cash oa aay
value. Alt work by oxpetts.
IM Fifth Street Near V. S. Mini
Fleetitclnn Killed ty I.lvo Wltv.
Klvorsldi, Oil . Sept. 11. William
Mann, an m plo e of the city olec
trlo light department, was tnotanttv
killed ,st day by a shock from an
electric lii.i t wire. While pruning a
free his sh-ars touched iho wire. The
hock threw him to the ground,
crushing his skull.
Shops and Houses Are Looted and
KeinHes Massacred While Iro
tec ting Their Homes.
Vtenna.Sept. 11. Another massa
:re of Jews has taken place In Kith
Ineff. Armed gangs yesterday at
tacked the ghetto there as they did In
1906. Eight Jews were killed and
many more wounded. As usual, the
police made no attempt to stop the
slaughter or to save the property of
the Semites. The shops and houses
of the Jews were looted by the
bloodthirsty rioters, and many of the
victims were killed or wounded while
defending their homes against In
vasion. The outbreak of anti-Semitism has
been brewing for several days.
Aroused to fury by ringleaders, the
rioters gathered into armed gangs
yesterday and started their attack on
the Jewish quarter. The stores of
the Jews were first pillaged and their
owners struck down whenever they
restated. When they learned that
there would be no Interference by the
authorities, the rioters abandoned
themselves to indiscriminate assaults.
The Jews barricaded themselves
and their families in their homes and
fought back the rioters as long as
they wore able, but In many In
stance they were overpowered and
paid be penalty for their reslsUnc"
with their lives.
Women and children were attacked
unmercifully and many outrages
against young girls were committed.
Appeals for protection from the Jews
were unheeded by tho authorities un
til nightfall, when patrols were tard
ily stationed In the streets of the
Jewish quurter.
Many Jews find from the city and
sought to cross the border into Itou
matila, but they were stopped there
by the Roumanian guards, who
would not permit them to enter the
country. The Jews are In a Btate of
panic and more bloodshed Is feared.
Fire Injured by a Circle Swing.
Sacramento, Sept. 11. Five par
sons were Injured, two of them seri
ously, by the collapse of the circle
swing at Oak l'ark last night. Sud
denly, when the swing hud attained
Its greatest centrifugal velocity, a
belt snapped In the engine room and
tho cars crashed against the operat
ing house in the renter.
Luckily only two or three of the
cars wore occupied. Mrs. M. Splech
and C. Kehl of Seattle were badly
bruised. William H. Olenn of N
city was severely cut about tho m 3
and may lose his sight. Miss Jnr-;,
Feeny of th!s city received serious1 In
ternal Injuries. Mrs. H. Schoenberg
er, also o. Sacramento, wits badly
shaken up and bruised.
Earlier In the day n car ran off
tho tracks at the scenic railway and
one of the occupants was slightly
Inju red.
A W Oman Finds all Her fZnerfly
and Ambition Slipping Away.
Anti-Jewish Kiois Continue In Odessa
llrala, llounmnlu, Sept. It. Trav
elers who arrived here from Odessa
declare that the autl-.Tewish excesses
there continue and It Is estimated t'.ie
deaths In the Husslnn city during the
past week exceeded 150. The police
are preventing Jews from lvaving
(irants Pass women know how the
aches and pains that come when the
kidneys fail make life a burden.
Hackinho, tun palus, headache, dizzv
spells, distressing urinary troubles,
all tell of sick kidneys and warn vou
of the stealthy approach of diabetes.
dropny and Hright's disease. Doau's
Kidney Fills permanently cure all
these, disorders
Mrs. "S. Collins of (ITU High St.,
Salem, Ore., sys: "Troubles with
my kidneys ami backache have caused
tue much annoyance for several
years. Although l osecl a good many
remedies I obtained no positive re
lief until my attention was called to
lVan's Kidney Fills and I procured
them at a drug store. They soon
brought m effective benefit, ceased
the bearing dowu feeling ttirouh the
back and loins and bauinhed the
aching ami other symptoms that had
annoyed me for so long. 1 have since
leatped of others -ho think the world
of yoor reliable remedy and I gladly
recommend it to all suffering from
backache cr kidney trouble."
For sile by all dealers. Frice .")
cents. Fcsti r Mili um Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the 1'nitrd
Star,- Kim i-.let the uaine Ihviu's
and take no pother.
Murderer Escapes After Committing
the Crime liloodhounds Are
Placed on His Trail.
Norfolk, W. Va., Sept. 11. Mra.
Mary Lawless Rorschach, wife of
Lieutenant Frank Rorschach, U. 8.
N., and sister of JoBeph T. Lawless,
former Se'.etary of the Common
wealth of Virginia, was murdered In
her home, No. 832 Parle avenue,
Portsmouth, by an unknown burglar
early toda . She was shot through
the heart h her own pistol, taken
from her 1. ud by the burglar after
she had fired twice upon him
through an open door leading Into
the kltcher, where he was cornered.
Whether he murderer was a negro
or white man is unknown. lie es
caped, dropping the pistol as he fled
from the house.
Bloodhounds brought from Ports
mouth secured a scent, but goon lost
Mrs. Rorschach's husband Is on the
cruiser Tennessee with Admiral
Evans' fleet off Provlnoetown, Mass.
The shots awakened the oldest boy,
Frank Jr., and the mother cried to
the boy upstairs: "Frank, somebody
has taken my pistol and shot me. Go
quickly for help."
The boy rushed for help, but when
he returned with neighbors his
mother was dead.
The Rorschach home is immedi
ately In the rear of the Naval Hos
pital woods In Portsmouth and near
a lumber mill to which negroes fre
quently pass. A newsboy who lives
near the home saw a negro shortly
after the tragedy running rapidly by
his home toward tho small foot
bridge, where the bloodhounds went
when they caught thn scent.
While Mrs. Rorschach had a lamp
In her hand the burglar was in tha
kitchen In the dark. She evidently
heard the man and fired in his
direction, lloth bullets fired by the
woman were found In the wall of
the kitchen.
Mrs. Rorschach, with her money
tied In a roll and hanging urouud her
neck, had run down the back steps.
She was found lying with her head
on the second step. The pistol had
been fired close to her left breast.
Three chambers were empty. Of these
two were 11 red by Mrs. Rorschach
and one by the burglar. Her money
and Jewelry were untouched.
Mrs, Rorschach was u handsome
woman about years old and one of
the i nst ii'-pll ,h"d musicians In
V'r-.: ;. . m mint Rorschach wen
ft i : .r.x.-is. was appoint
ed ' iron; Virginia.
Cor;::,.,. 1 for I. ...! of Strike
New Vi . , .i in. 11. At the meet
ing of lb;' i i. cutive committee of the
Western 1'nion Telegraph Company
held yesterday, the payment of the
usual quarterly dividend was pro
vided for and the following resolu
tion was unanimously adopted:
"Resolved, That the executive
committee of the Western Union
Telegraph Company on behnlf of the
company hereby places on record Its
hearty appreciation and unqualified
approval of the course which the
president and the officers of this com
pany have pursiunl in connection
with the late strike of operators and
congratulate them upon their suc
cess in maintaining tho Integrity of
the service under the control and
direction of those rightfully charged
with the responsibility.
Continoed from page 6
nrnnrrvp linrr
urriuLn u iiirLi
i W W M , and on the hop crop estl
mated at 29,000 pounds.
W H Fallin et u have placed a
mortfiage for $860 on a part of lot 1,
of Boorne's First addition to Grauts
Pa, in favor of Chas Fetzner.
L A Robertson et nx have mort
gaged to Otto J Knipps, lots 11 and
12, block 69. of Grants Pass, to seonre
the sum of $300.
The Grants Pass Banking & Trout
Co., has entered into an agreement
with J. D. Wimer, permitting him to
construct a ditch to bis lands from
the ditch formerly owned by the
Applegate Boom & Lumber Co., and
to have the use of 400 miners inches
of water for irrigation purposes and
in case the first party at any time Is
to use the said extension, then it is to
forthwith pay the builder half the
cost of boilding sum also hereafter
at half of the expenses (for operating
the same.
County Treasurer Taylor informs the
Courier reporter that the coonty war
rants have been called up to within
0'ily about three years in arrears.
This is qoite a oontrast to what was
the condition of things when Mr.
Taylor went tnto office, 10 years ago,
when the warrants were aboat nine
yean behind. This is a splendid
thowing and will compare mott
favorably with the conditions that
exist in any other county in Oregon.
Sheriff Russell is getting ready for
the sale of all property upon which
there Is any delinqnent taxes and
all owners who fail to make payment
of the annnal stipend into the county
on or before Monday, October 7th,
will And that they are "on the list.
a (hat is the last day in which the
taxes can be paid, without extra
costs added.
One of the acta of the last legisla
ture which does that body no credit
is an amendment to the tax laws
which abolishes the provisions re
quiring advertisement in the pnblic
prints of any delinquency before same
becomes a lien upon the property.
The law will not become effective
npon this year's aisersment as it is
interpreted, and there will be time
for the next legislature to amend it
and restore the advertising provision,
which ii a safeguard lu the interest
of the prrpertv owner and against the
Ihx title shark, who wauts as little
publicity as possible in his trans
actions. She Found Relief.
If you are troubled with liver com
plaint and have not received help,
read this. Mrs. Mary K. Hammond,
Moody. Texas. "I was in poor heath
with liver trouble for over a year.
Doctors did me no good, and I iried
nermne, anu inree uomes cored me.
1 can't say too mnch for Heibine.
as it is a wouderful liver medicine. 1
ulways have it m the house. Publish
where you wish. For sale by Deina
tay aud National Drug Co.
Wei I man Abandons His Trip to Pole.
Tronsoe, Narway, Sept. 11. Ac
cording to reports received here it Is
stated that Walter Welltnan and his
party of the Chlcago-Horald expedi
tion will probably return here at the
end of the present month, abandon
ing their plans to reach the pole in
an alr-shlp for the present year. No
start had been attempted up to Au
gust 26, and the weather subsequent
to that du'.e precluded an ascent of
the airship, northerly winds, fogs and
snow prevailing.
Antl-Toxln fr Diphtheria (ierms.
Columbus, O., Sept. 11. An
nouncement of the discovery of an
ami-toxin that will kill diphtheria
germs In th. living human organism
within thro minutes has been made
at 'he Ohio State University by Pro
fessor Rlydie, chemist, as the result
of an exhaustive technical and intri
cate series of tests. The discovery Is
accredited to Theodore Wolfram, a
German chemist. It is applied by
Infusion and can be admlulstered in
any quantity to the youngest patient.
Fallel to Appear In Court.
Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 11. The
presidents of tue four Ice companies
arrested for violation of the Cart
wright anti-trust law did not appear
la police court yes'erday, the time
sot for trial.
Attorneys representing the de
fendants tiled demurrers, attacking
the constitutionality of the law. U
Is probable that a decision on the
matter now at Issue will not be
rendered for two months.
Thv specific charge against the
heads of the so-called lee trust Is
that of simultaneously advancing the
retail price of the commodity 5i pet
Soldier Held In Readiness.
Gibraltar. Sept. It.--Orders have
been reeeiv 'd here by the Spanish
military airhori-ics at Algeciras,
near here. -,. hold n brU.ide of ,00o'
men In roa uess to embark at ono
for Tangier
Hoy FaIN to His From a Pole.
Los Angeles, Sept. 1 1. Benjamin
Small, a plumber's apprentice 17
years old, fell from the top of a pole
40 feet high and was instantly killed.
The accident happened at Pico and
Mope streets. The boy, n his eager
ness to see n fireworks display,
climbed the pie and sat on a cross
arm within a few inches of a high
voltage wire. Whether his fall was
the result of an electric shock O' cf
losing hi balance Is not known.
An Ounce ol Prevention,
is worth a jH.nnd of cure. There are
many poor sufferers. Consumptives
who are hopeless of getting well
who. if thev had taken care of them
selves, would now be well. A cough
? , ''V '''' ''" eu of Consumption.
I hI rd s Hor hoond Syrup wtll cure
that rough. Mrs S-, c.reat Fulls
Mont writes: "i have used Ballard's
Horeh.mmi Syv,p , finiuU for
V7r'i-y ''' " '"'ver suffer with
colds. ;r -.'e by; National Drug
l o. aud by D. tu.uav.
Glean, Firm Nursery
Grows without Irrigation. We save you 30 by fa
ng with us direct, j
Leading varieties of apple, 4 to 6 ft., 10c each. Corni !
ries Sw?5 Der 100. Standard peach, 1 year $16 Tin lAfi f
Seedling peaches, 4 to 6 ft., $25 per 1000. Twelve large f
year old flowering snruros $i. noses zuc eacn our selection.
Ofiltlaiicl, Oregon I
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries'
and you are sure of gettidg just what you
order. We grow our trees for quality not I
cheap prices.
This is the only school in the Northwest which
prepares young men and young women for
i Private Secretary
We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are brought' to
our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we
must have the best young people.
Write us today and ask us atxntt this Private Secretary Course
Holmes Business College
Woodburn Trees
Aro money makers every time, absolut
ely true to mame, unirrigated, they al
ways grow, not the cheapest b..t the
bfst. Fully guaranteed.
Woodburn Nurseries
l.l- H'f I
Grass Prk,Parie,i900 Doable Grand Prize, St. LmI(,I04
6raad Prbe, Miles, 1 906
WMboltrrlKln'miN MMfwpM
Thoy Sound Bast
The clear. swaeL natural too cf
coiumuia tutconja drllgnta lu ear.
concord of eweet sounds." I Thej
reproduce all the (haracterUtlc tialiri
and aympatbetlc qualities of the k
man voire wim aDsniuie novuir.
D All harsh, metallic, dlKaarwablt
aonmln are entirely eliminated, tnairiiif
Columbia itecorda the smoutneet loowa
They Wear Best
J Colnmbla Records ontlatt sll often.
ah, ,1,. , . ..... . "7 a'-mai icsi. -rnouaauua ui ut
over tie world are discarding other llecords foe the Columbia.
They Fit All Make a of Talking Machine
I. nS'L J1"?" f?und heat on Columbia : but tf Y
jronr macnuTe? Columbla "rde will greatly Improve the Tone Quelit of
Prove It For Yourself
(Mvmbit I Wra Dim, Secorrfm, 60c Cehaabla SoU-MoaMed CyRadar Records, t
CoJu-bla fWrf-feot CyRMter IlKorda, 90c.
Columbia Phonograph Co
371 Washington Avenue,
J. It. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
i u 'k! preprHH t0 ,llrui,,n anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any U"1
ol Marble or tiramte.
th.tY'l in rty of in Marble business warrant my
that 1 can fill vour orders in the verv best manner
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kief'
Front itrwt. nxt to (.ma'i UiiMhoD.
GILM0RE E0EEN, Proprietors.
H Street between Fifth ,d Sixth Tho,, 881 Grants Tass, Or