Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 13, 1907, Image 5

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    Its Good Old Summer
Swimmiug Time
50 Is Here
3 Small Boy Knows It
Nt are also trying to keep in the
iwim m our business by making
it easy for the cook to quickly
either up the tag ends for a
hurried dinner or lunch.
retty much everything in the eat
ing line, Oregon Boiled Ham,
Boiled Tongue, Fried Spring
Chicken, Sliced Beef.
Fresh Bread Daily
Home Cooking) in Nut Cake,
Orange and Lemon Layer Wal
nut Cake, Cocoanut Sponge Cake
uesdays and Saturdays
'rtsh Saratoga Chips
leiozs Pickles, Sour or sweet
i (Nuff Said) nothing better to be
Olives,. Green Olives,
Vetch's Grape Juice makes a good
' hot weather drink, we have it in
; pints and quarts,
leinz Baked Beans plain or with
. Tomatoe Sauce. 12, 20 or 25c
, for the large family size
based Mackeral and Underwoods
i Mackeral in Mustard 25c
hnoked Sardines (Norway), the
I best 12j4c, good American Sar-
dines 6 for '5c, French Sardines
tlS to 25c,
Jood piuk Alaska Salmon 10c
cans Magnolia Salmon 2sc
jest fall Cream Cheese per lb. 20c
Cl kinds of Sauces and Relishes,
Lea & Perres Holbrooks,
anz Mandalay the very latest
CT.d one of the best on the
market, its very good. Try It!
i mot MOUTH
,aia TIGHT
"Spberries and Logan
berries about gone,
jfckberries and early
: Peaches npw in
member we have those well
(lues and Bananas, at
White House
L f L- J
rhtmmL veiah and mftimri mmtvAV . ' - . ' i . ..... ,
: -aot. " 87: 7 S. P. TIME TABLE,
items oi personal X
6 Interest. h
R. B. Baber and son, Graf Babec
and wife, went to Roseburs Snodav
to attend tbe fair and races held
there tliia week.
"Foxy" Houck returned first of the
week from a yery enjoyable onting
and hunting trip, ezteodincr over a
period of two weeks, which was spent
in toe nest Jfork district, bat owing
to tbe fact that his firearms would
not shoot straight, he has not much
of a deer story to tell.
One of Itbe bis attractions dnrinn
fair week was the successful balloon
ascension made by Prof. R. L. Berry,
the "Grants Pass Boy," as he is spok
en of by bia home people. He made
the asoent aod came down wiihont
any accident, much to tbe pleasure of
tne gazing multitude.
Fred Knox met with a Terr nain-
fol, though not necessarily serious
accident ont near Morph, Toesday,
wood a derrick broke, uittina him
on tbe back and Ibipt. He sustained
several bruises and medical assistance
was called from this olty.
A distressing accident occurred at
:13 o'clock, last evenioir at Dillard.
Donglas oonnty.wben an extra freight,
No. 2543 rao into some Japanese out
fitting cars whiob had been pushed
ont of the siding by southbound
freight No. 23. Three of the ontfittin?
cars were destroyed and one freight
oar, and three Japanese were killed,
and the engine No. 2543 cannht fire
and was badly damaged. " The accident
was causea Dy the extra freight trying
to reach the siding before passenger
train No. 11, southbound arrived nd
it was running behind time, when the
switch was struck, the latter beina too
short for the accommodation of both
the freight and the outfitting cars.
Traffic was delayed for several hours,
bnt everything is moving alone all
right today.
M. E. Church South.
The usual services will be held at
this church next Bnoday, Sunday Sep
tember 15th. Morning Worship at 11
a. m. Evening Worship at 7:30. Sun
day school at 10 a.m. Epworth League
at 6.80 p.m. A cordial .welcome to alL
Newman M. E. Church.
The pastor, C. O. Beck man, will
speak bo'h morning and evening. Sub
ject at 11 a. m. ' will be "Man, Why
Ood is C bariUble. " Evening at 7 :S0
" A Pictore of Godly Mao. " Sun
dav achool'at iO'a'. m. Junior League
at 3 p. m. Epworth Leagne at 6 :30 ;
Alice Spanlding, leader. A cordial
welcome swats any or all to any or
11 of these services.
Baptist Church.
The following isths program:
Morning worship at 10:30. Subject of
sermon, "Ta Inauguration of Jesus "
Bible school at 11 :45. The yonng Peo
ples Meeting is at 6:30. Topic
"God's Omniscience. " Leader Miss
Blanche Crane. Evening song service
aod sermon at 7:30. Subject "Is Reli
gion an Intruder?" A cordal invita
tion is extended to all.
Christian Church.
Mrs. Batman will fuperintend Son-
day school at 10 a. ni. A full attend
ances is desired. The Ashland and
Grants Pass Christian Sunday schools
are talking of a contest. Preaching at
11a.m. "Christians Pay Tribute. "
Juniors 3 p. m. Mrs. Cowdrey, super
intendent Evening services : En
deavor, 6:30 Sermon at 8. "Hear
Ye Him " All gladly welcomed at
these service.
Presbyterian Church.
"The Formation of the Habit of
Thankfulness" will be the theme of
Evan P. Hnghes at the 11 a. m. ser
vices in Bethany church, the coming
sabbath. St'tvtnber 15. At the 7:80 p.
m. worship the subject will be "The
Victim of a Loathsome Malady aod
how he was cared." 10 a. m. Bible
School under the superintendence of
H. C. Kinney. 6:30 p. ni. the Deo-
tional Hour of the Y. P. S. C. E. To
all the services of this church tbe
public is moat cordially invited.
Ailvfirtiand Letter.
"Following is tbe list of letters re
maining in the Grants Pa, ure.,
office for the week ending fcep
teniber 7, 1U07. Persons calling for
the same will please give the date ad
vertised. A charge of one cent win
fmade npon delivery:
Argoiley, Ei i,. crura, .
liarnum, E X, Coonto, James.
Dagt'ett, tame. Uavis, .Mrs u n.
Harrington. N F. Phivrm, PH.
Sma'lev, Chester. WilliaiT" F S.
Manager of the Golden Road MminirCo
V. E. HAKMU, r. 31.
. I
Tafs will becoiie delinquent October j
r)7Vhich time a penalty of 1 rr
tci-iit prrm"ntl7will be added.
Trains carrying passengers leave Grants
Pass depot as follows:
No. 12 Shasta Express for Port
land and intermediate
stations 6:23 a. ni.
No. 16 Oregon Express, Port
land and wav stations.. 6:20 p.m.
No. 14 -Portland Express, flyer. 11 :3S a. m.
socth Borno.
No. 11 Shasta Eiprwn, Sacra
mento fc Nin Kranciscn. 10:15 p.m.
No. 15 California Express, Sac
ramento and San Fran
cisco 9 05 a. m.
No. 13' San Francisco Express,
flyer HKX) a. m.
Grants Pass People Find They ere
Amply Repaid For Stren
uous Journey.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ireland and Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. R. Riddfo formed
party of pleasure seekers who went
over to see the sights around Crater
Lake and they returned borne, more
than pleased with their onting. Al-
though it was a rather tedious trip
and one requiring several days to
make, yet they felt amply repaid
for the undertaking and declare that
words fail them in attempting to de
scribe the magnificent scenery. The
fishing was superb and had they not
ran oat of ' hone feed jnst as they
entered the hooting grounds, they
would doubtless have brought home
with them many trophies of the chase.
As it was, they had all the enjoyment
it Is possible for mortals to have and
barring the breaking of a coupling of
their camp wagon as they were wend
ing their way homeward, there
was no accident to mar the pleasure
of the occasion.
Among the interesting sights
which they beheld was tbe "Big
Hole," located at the inmmit of
Flounce Rock Hill, some 900 feet in
depth, with perpendicular walls and
the excavation is made by a very
small stream, on top of the mountain.
Then cams the famous Rogue River
rapids, with a fall of 200 feet ia a
di'tance of 1000 feet, where the waters
come down with a mighty crash.
About 100 yards below comes the
Fall Creek, with a perpendicular fall
of 200 feet. One of the arreateat at
tractions was the natural bridge
formed by the disappearaoe of the
Rogue River Into the earth aod then
It comes ont again, something like 160
feet below, at almost right angles
with the course of the main stream.
Another fall in the Sooth Fork of
Rogue Rivnr, abont 60 feet, the water
enters into a very deep ravine and
the water in all these falls and
streams is as clegr as crystal and one
coold easily see the bottom of each
one with little effort.
Of coorse Crater Lake was tbe
attraction of all that was presented for
their consideration and they say it was
simply grand. Where the proposed
hotel is located the ground is 7200 feet
above sea level and the water is some
6300 feet at the same point. The water j
is as bine as any 1 digo ever seen ;
and so, when one sees pictures of the j
lake, in which the water is given an!
nnusual blue, it will be remembered
that it is very true to the oatural
conditions. The walla of the lake
rise almost perpendicular nearly all
the way around tbe large body of
water. The lake is stocked with
troat and each fifbernian is limited '
to a catch of five members of the
tinny tribe. A nice launch and set-.
eral row boats are doing service on '
the lake for the accommodation of the
many sightseers who are freqneutlog i
the place. The lake ia situated right
at the summit of the Caacadu mount-!
alns and one can there behold Mount
Shasta, ;Monnt Pitt, Mt. Scott, and ,
Mt. Theilaon, sometimes called "Cow
Horn Peak." Of coorse the scenery to
be had from this vantage gronnd ,
simply beggars description and is a
sight seldom equaled Bnd rarely ever j
surpassed fT its grandnre. i
The party had fine weather at firnt,
bnt lattr on they encountered a ver
itable blizzard with hail and snow ,
and a mighty wind. They found '
pretty "fine roads, ontil. they en
countered some of that "sticky" !
thoroughfare north of Medford, when
they had to get out and walk and
it is a standing joke as to how large
the ladies' feet appeared with'a lot
of the realty clinging thereto. As
they were leaving the wild country,
a s arch party was out bunting for a
N'ehrai"kau who had become lost in
the wilds. He had been gone some
three days with little prospect of his
ever being found. On the whole the
Grunts Panaites were highly pleased
with their Hplendid outing.
If you would avoid additional penal
ty pay your taxes now. "
Monday, September !, Mim Eruuia
Telford's Kindergarten opens.
Courier trial subscription, five
week, 10 cents in stamps.
This) New Industry Employing
Large Number of Men and
Proving to Be Flue Thing.
"It's payrolls that oonnt," might
well ne taken for a slogan by the
people of Grants Pass who are build
ing for the lotore growth and develop
ment of this entire region and already
the fruits of Una. agitatiou are becom
ing manifest and some good establish
ments, employing many , men are be
ing started in this oily.
One of the newest and best to be
launched is the Grants Pass Box Co.,
which is located just east of ths olty,
where SO acres of satiable grounds
have been secored in close proximity
to the railroad and easy of accesv to
the city. Here the Couriersoribe found
a scene of great activity and as he
passed through Jths large establish
ment and beheld how oomplete it was
in every detail and saw that neithei
money or fpaint had besn spared in
seeoriaa the very best and most op-to-date
eqaiptnent, be oonld not help
bot be impressed with the idea that
tbis is going to be one of the largest
and best institutions of Its kind that
is to be found in all this northwest.
Only three short months bave
elapsed 'since the first ground was
broken for the (factory and although
much of the expensive machinery has
not yet arrived from the eastern
factory, yet enough is here to enable
the -management to rush orders for
fruit boxes and folly two oars per day
of the shocks aod on of dressed lum
ber are hurried to the California
markets, where thers Is a Urge de
mand for it.
Tbe main office of this enterprising
conceru ia located at No. 1041 Moua
dack building, San Francisco, where
President V. W Warren and Secretary
M. L. Laudeo have offices. G. D.
Horner Is manager of the Grants Pass
factory and the newigatherer found
him head overbeels in work, bot jnst
the same, be found time to greet the
reporter in a cordial maoner and took
pains to explain abont tbe workings
of the big oonoern.
. Manager Horner stated that there
are at present 100 men employed in
the work and that folly that number
will be required right tlong, in order
to carry on ths work which has besn
outlined and for which preparations
have been made. Tbis is a no small
item in itself and it means much to
Grants Pass, for '.tke company operat
ing the big factory have no strings on
ons oent of ths big payroll, which
goes out in ths ordinary channels
of trade here in Grants Pass and this
fact is itoobtless greatly appreciated
by the local merchants and dealers.
When it is completed it will be one
of tbe finest box factories and planing
mills that is to be fonnd anywhere.
At present only the box department
Is in operation, bnt soon the machinery
for the planing mill will be here, as
it is now enroote from the eastern
factories. One of the indications
that the management proposes to ran
no risks whatever, is that electric
power is used to propel the ma
chinery, one 100 H. P. motor and one
75 H. P. motor being required to per
form the work. This means protection
from fire, as well as clean and sure
power. To make doubly anre of fire
protection a huge tank.holdingg 80,000
gallons of water will be placed on
top of the large fiO foot high storage
building and the plant throughout
will be equipped with automatio
sprinklers, which will give the very
best possible protection from tbe
dreaded flames. Then, too, the
foundatios of the bnildings and of tbe
shaftings are of concrete, which means
much for such a big bniiness.
The building proper is 90x225 feet
snd in it Is to be found lots of very
expensive, right up-to-date ma
chinery, some of which is not equaled
on the coast and the hum and buzz
of this machinery la so great that
one can hardly "hear himself think,"
as the small army of skilled workmen
are turning oot a large amount of
stuff ready for shipment. The big
storage room, 40x40 feet and ftO feet
high is now In course of construct
ion. Out through the yards are to lie
seen Immense piles of lomher, resdy
for use and placed in a convenient
manner for the workmen to get at it
Manager Horner informed the
Courier man that the orders for ma
terial bad been coming in very rapidly
and that they were aboot swamped
with soch orders. However, they
are running foil shifts and working
day and night in order to not disap
point anyone.
Mr. Hnrner assured the paper man
that the management was glad to
have any visitors who might be In
terested in that line of work and that
all sui h callers would find a hear'y
weclome to come , and Inspect the
factory throughout.
Placer blanks at the Courier office.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Reidere.
Dr. Flanagan,
' Physician and Dentist
Goto Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemen. Prescnption Druggist.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Cor o n't
A fall stock of Edison and Colnmbia
records at the Musio Store 1500 Edi-
sons and 1000 Columblas.
Mrs. Frances Amos Piano teacher,
403 N 5th St . 8-9-tf
Kodaks and Films at Musio Store.
Pav yonr taxes now and avoid the
additional penalty.
Fisher, the Junk man bays any old
thing. 6-21 tf
Dr. Van Dyke has returned and can
be fonnd at bis office. Onar Hmiaa
block. 9-13 2t
Merlin-Galice stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Qalioe 13. return
1 ; arrive Merlin dp. m. 25 pounds
baggage free.
Mrs. Wanghtal has returned from
the city with a nioe line of new fall
styes in millinery, which she offers
for inspection. 8-30 8t
School books and supplies Demarays
Drag Store. 9-18 it
Mies Emma Telford's Eiudergatren
and primary will open September 16.
Kates, 75o per week. 9-6 2t
R. L. Parsell. niano tuning. Phoue
698 or Mnsiq Store, Grauts Pass,
Ore. 8-30 tf
Rooming House Snap,
A-good sized rooming hoose and lot
for sale. Water and bath. Main street
close, to mill. For price and terms
apply to Mrs Gagne, Crescent City,
Cal. 8--7t
Additional Sleeper from Ashland.
Tbe Southern PaoiHo in apprcsiation
of the steadily increasing passenger
traffic between Portland and Southern
Oregon points, announces that an
additional standard sleeping oar will
be pot on aboot Angost 1st between
Ashland and Portland. It will leave
Portland on No. 13, arrive Ashland at
1 :30 a. m. and retura northward from
Ashland on No. 16 scheduled to leave
Ashland 4:40. This will, be qolts
an accommodation to the Boutbern
Oregon traveling public. The oar
will be reserved as follows: Ashland,
sections 1, 2, 8, 4 and the drawing
room; Medferd, sections 5, 6, 7, 8,
9; Grants - Pass, seotions, 10, . 11;
Rosebnrg, 12. 8-28 tf
Notice Is hereby given that all on
paid taxes will become delinquent on
October 7, 1907, snd if not paid by
that time the property will be adver
tised and sold for taxes. This also ap
plies to property on which the first
half of tax has been paid, the re
maining half doe and payable before
that time. After this date an addi
tional 1 per oent penalty will be ad
ded on the first day of each month, to
the costs. W. J. RUSSELL,
713 4t Sheriff.
Hlx Killed In a Wreck.
Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 4. Six
persons were killed and six seriously
Injured In a wreck on the Chesa
peake A Ohio railroad between llln
ton and Huntington, due to the
spreading of the rails. Four coaches
left the roadbed and rolled down a
twenty-flvc-foot embankment.
Notice to stockholders of the Siski
you Hunwt Mining & Development
Co: You are hereby requested to at
tend the t:'kholders meeting on the
lath of October, 1107, to he held at
the Houthern Oregon Supply Compa
ny's st re at Grants Pasa, Oregon.
Dated this lKth day of K'ptemher,
1U07. F. FEfSCH.
913 6t Secretary.
A. U. BANNARD, nl. &fi
is now ready for all business, every thing in Itiue Hiinif-hing
Among other new arrivaLsare 25 pieces of 2 yards, 2'i yards and
4 yards wide Cook Linoleums, the best quality bought before
the advance, and will give my customers the benefit of price; will
fit and lay. You will lose money if you buy before seeing these
goods All goods sold for cash or on installment plan.
WHITE'S SEWING MACHINES and Supplies for All
Machines. A few ends I IT DIMMADn N"h Sixth
of Linoleum cheap. fi Ui DfUulnlL. and D Sis.
and you will order again
These paints possess the last
ing qualities which every
body wants, and you can be
suited in the large assort
ment of shades that we have
in stock. We carry brushes
and oils.
Cramer Bros.
Try a can of "Stain Floor.'.
Public Sale.
Commencng 1 :80 p. m. Saturday,
September SI, 1907, there will be pnblio
auction at tbe oorner of Front and
Sixth Streets at Grants Pass. Sale
will oonslst of Mission Furniture,
Household Goods, Racket Store Nov
elties, 1 Imperial Bloyole.l single shot
12 Winchester Rifle, and other Goods
too numerous to mention. Anyone
having livestock or goods of any char
acter that they wish sold on the above
or fntnre dates address W. 0. Dodge,
auctioneer, Grants Pass. Ore. 9-18 It
Danoe records for diso talking ma
chines at the Mnsio store.
One dozen oyllader records can now
be'booght'athe Mnsio Store for $8.
Full stock.
First Rational Bank
Of Southern Oregon
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way o
keeping your money is by deposit
ing it in a Reliable Bank. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.'
The Best and Cheapest way ,to
Transfer Money is by Batik Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all parts
of the country.
One of the most important (unc
tions of the Bank. We endeavor
to supply all reasonable needs o f
our customers.
Capital and Surplus $73,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility .... $50,000
L. tf. Hall. President
J C. Campbkll, Vice-President
11. L. G ILK IV, Caah!ei
I'.. K. llACkKi 1. AsHt. Cashie