Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 13, 1907, Image 4

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&e Shoe
7K W
1 1
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Ratesi
One Year, in advance,
JUi Months,
Three Months,
tilngle Copies,
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
y nnu.
Obituaries snd resolutions of con
dolence will be charged (or si 6c per line;
cara 01 mania ouc.
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
The fair was a great big success.
Who said Oranta Fans people were
not good entertainers? Why, they did
themselves prood this time, sire.
Next time it will not be nearly so
bard to work np pubHb sentiment in
favor of sach an enterprise and the
next one will be even more successful
than was this effort.
One of these days Grants Pass
will be eo titled to have free delivery.
We already have the required popu.
lation and the receipts are also near
the amount needfol, while some
minor conditions are bring-met and
before we know it we will be the first
city in Southern Oregon to have this
great modern convenience. It is a
consummation devoutly to be desired.
That "Irrigation is king, " is still
more impressed upon our minds as an
undeniable fact. The convention this
week has greatly emphasized the
trnthftil assertion and impressed it
upon our minds as nothing else could
possibly have done. Yes. water.
right fully applied will produoe won-
ders in this rich, fruit-growing belt
and who can foretell what startling
developments along this line the
future has In store for us?
we eanot over estiuiiite the vast
amount of good such judicious adver
tising as the Rogue River Valley re-
oeivea by the convention and fair
will do oor region. Now, we should
not fold our hands and await re
sults, bnt let ns follow this ap with
a perslsteut effort to enlighten the
outside world an to what wonderful
resources we really have in this favor
ed section. We should all heroine
optimists and booet for (5ranU Pans,
Josephine county and the whole of
the Rogue River Valley.
Speaking atioul (limits Pass mer
chants haviug a line lino of trade,
have you noted how niauy people are
coining this ;way from cities uud
towns in fur awny districts? Kvory
day thine people come lu here audi
i"v nniirinuij nun mat they can
save good money by coming hem to
trade, for our merchants are willing
to charge only living prices and bv so
doing they are succeeding admirably
In giving Urauts Pass the reputation
nuroa.l as an excellent trading point
They vonr find wear and wear
' 1 -ss,
. if " T .tf
Levi St ran;
tUL i-ioi'iili,L JUUS
v sis
of vShoes
If you want the best there
is for Mining, Hunting,
Cruising, Mountain climb
ing, buy this Shoe. No
other shoe has as many
water-proof qualities.
10 inch top
14 inch top
Such a reputation is invaluable to any
oomm unity and it will result in great
good to onr entire city and so r round
Ing country.
Grants Pass business men, es
pecially those who advertise, report
a very fine fall trade already setliug
in and this is one of the very best
indications that our people are en
joying a good degree of prosperity.
It is a splendid comment upon the
way the common people are having
things come their way and inch facts
very favorably impress the newcomers
in our midst. Quite naturally they
size np the community by the general
condition of the people, as worldly
possesions. So we say, we are more
than pleased to (know that our mer
chants are having a .'good business, for
they are as general thing, public
spirited and can always be relied
opon to do their part when It comes to
doing anything for the advancement
of the community.
When our county officials deserve
words of oommeodatioo, tbs Courier
will not be backward in soundiag
their praises, no matter what their
politloal faith mar happen to be, and
this leads ns to mention the fact that
our board of ooonty commissioners
suooeedsd In transacting a vast
amonnt of important basioees in
two short days, at its recent session
and then it adjourned. This is what
pleases the taxpayers all over the
oonnty and with the practice of soon
economy and determlaatlon to
transact the county's affairs on purely
business principles, there is every
raasonto believe that Josephine oooaty
can be kept at the bead of the pro
cession of counties where the official's
are actuated by an earnest desire to
serve the people faithfully and well.
It is truly gratifying to have min
ing nieu of wide experience come in
here from other mere widely known
uisiricis ami ten ns that our mines
are beginning to attract widespread
attention all over the mining world.
Who can gness just what that kind of
talk may bring forth? It will even
tnally result in briuging opon this
locality such a condition of affairs as
every citizen of the valley desires.
Refine we know it we will have a
veritable mining Ixioni. Theu,
coupled with that comes Ihe other
most welcome fart that our fruit is
becoming recognized as being aeooud
to noiie in the whole land aud it is
no wonder that successful growers
are flocking in here from other older
frnit growing districts, where prices
are soaring high, in order to get in
on the grouud Moor and secure some
of our choice laud at such reasonable
figures. Yes. we do certaiuly live iu
the laud of promise aud , it Irioes not
take a prophet to 'imagine what rapid
progress iu the growth snd develop
ment of this great aud growing valley
is nouim to take place iu the no verT
distant ftituie.
the t miner is proud of its fine
corps of ellicient correspondents.
Theo weekly budgets of news, com
ing as they do from all parts of the
county, nre doing luuoh to make us
all aoimintfd with each and every
1'a.rt (if Huh fnvored spot. 'Ihe
writers are not only helping the
Courier by thus chronicling the
nelglihrrhot'd happenings, but they
are also doing much to tell the out
side world that the irrespective lo
calities are. 011 the map. Ii is a tine
opportunity to $ yrur vicinity
some very liue far reading advertis
ing, for we have reijuests for sample
copies if rem VaNterners 'who are look-
"ft ".' ior a suuanie place in
tvjncli to make their future houiens
ud they peruse thesie papers and
obtain all the information possible
tf:uihnK- ,-ai'h pattTof the county,
lndied. wo have known .offtlielr se
Iti'tn tin M i l.oioe of th7""Vounty"
.Mi-t f!-..i r.-,!im; the iten's which the
11.-, .11 i.i.t Iiviu ;ttiat U-ahtv ha:
lent in to the paper. So, it w. uld
seem that every part of the county
should be represented and we hereby
extend cordial invitation to those
parti not already being heard from
to join onr circle. Send us the items
and we will gladly provide place for
them. But if they are occasionally
unavoidably crowded out, we trust
that the writers will exercise some
patience and endeavor to pat them
elves in onr place. It will be our
utmost endeavor to print all such
items promptly as thy come in.
Although it is just possible that
there may be nothing come from the
visit to Oregon ol Harrimao, the rail
road magnate, yet after all it has
given as a chance to see him at
shorter ran&e and perhaps some of our
ideas regarding bim may experience
somewhat of change. Certain it is
that be is practical financier and
he dees not take many things for
granted. He may have conoluded
that bis days for having monopoly
on Oregon transportation facilities
are numbered and that be had bet
ter get more closely in touch with the
masses, or lose bii prestige. As
matter of fact, the people ot this
great commonwealth are just about
ready to welcome any wholesome rail
road competition, no matter from
wht source it comes. They realize
only too well that the future develop
men i ana growtn ot the state are
dependeat very largely upon this very
matter and that the sooner we have
good competition, jast so soon may
we expect things to go ahead. There
can be no gainsaying the statement
that we need and most have more and
better means of carrying our pro
ducts to the great markets.
Declare Thut He la Being Base
ly Misrepresented by Anil- (
Saloon Workers.
Mayor Smith takes exoeption to an
artiole which appeared in the last
issue of .the Courier, the purport of
which was, he deo lares, to make out
that be was not doing bisjdutyas
Grants Pais' Mayor in the matter of
enforcing the city ordinance winch
expressly states that the saloons shall
not be kept open for business on
He expressed himself in rather
forcible language, as he talked a boot
the "glided hypocrites In the
churches, who dare not oome out and
make their charges openly, but sneak
around and make these insinuating
sttacks" upon him. He attributes
ranch of Ihe agitation to Mr. Hair, ef
the olty council end he pays bis com
pliments to that gentleman in a not
very mild manner.
Mayor Smith emphatically says that
he was not elected with the onder
lUndlng that he was to enforce the
Sunday closing ordinance. On the
contrary he feels confldeut that the
people who eleoted hiiu did not want
him to meddle with that matter. He
further avers that his oath of office
does not stale that he
ball regard it i
as his duty to enforce the city or-1
dinanoes. !
., .
ny don t these hypocrites tiro-1
ceed about this matter ai they should?;
mey W1 ,-onipiy wm, tlle Uw ,
go nerore Recorder Clements and
make out their complaints if they
find any violations of the city ordi
nances. That's ;the way to go about
It aud if Ihey really mean business,
which I verv much doubt, let them
do as anv law-ahil
lo iu such cases," was the wav His
Honor put it.
He llien took occasion to ssv Unit
he gave Mr. Hair credit for "much
of this discussion and he said Mr.
Hiir had the power for six months
""en ne was acting Mayor to enforce
this saim ordinance, but that he did
nothing whatever to have the places
comply willi the U. He even went
so far as to ssy tlmt Mr. Hvr was to
blame for the tin horn" gambling
fakes which are here to fleece th..
people during the f,.r even though
the ci y attoruev had given a written
opinion that i was in direct violation
of the Isw governing such matters, nil
that the management of ihe fair
might have murn funds for use." 1
reiterated this charge, and fre.inentlv
empiia icaiiv iteclared thai Mr.
lUir's oath of office was ss far reach,
ing as tjie cue he hiin-elf too upon
assuming the otllce of in a for and that
Mr. Hair, while acting mavor. failed
to do any more than he, 1 Mavor
Miiitni was now doing
to such matters.
with regard
Mayor Smith seem, to raHier want
the people who sre finding fault with
his administration to come ont in the
open and mske good their claims
u yon can nti,l ,,u ,,,,ifi
act 1
have iviuniitted since I
1 efee
, .; 1 11 "r Nt Htvrtv tc
S.UU re ami then
to again laml;ut the
he prcc.,-,1,.,)
' nypnerites"
much wcirv.
w no are causing him
Washington, Sept. 11. Well-ad-rtsed
officials of the Department of
Justice say that they believe Attor
ney General Bonaparte has in mind
an enlargement of the Department
such as will make It commensurate
with the demands upon It.
It is said that the Attorney Gen
eral will ask Congress for a much
larger appropriation than usual. The
exact sum is not known but there is
no doubt substantial arguments can
be made to Congress why - the De
partment of Justice should be pro
vided for on a more liberal scale. It
Is pointed out that the demands on
the department are constantly in
creasing and yet the appropriations
made for it are extremely low.
A high official of the department
today talked about conditions that
demand an enlargement of the De
partment of Justice. It said that the
activities of the Government against
the trusts, rate-giving railroads, and
the like, were constantly growing.
Just now the Government is engaged
In grappling with the most powerful
monopoly In the world, the Stand
ard Oil Company. This case Is vir
tually a test of the Sherman anti
trust law. The Interstate Commerce
laws alone, by reason of exerting a
greater degree of Government con
trol over railroads, are developing
much important litigation, and are
certain to develop more. This liti
gation, In no small part. Is bound to
find its way to the Supreme Court,
and will require the most careful
attention of the Department of Jus
tice, even if much work Is done by
special counsel.
The determination of the Govern
ment to break up the large land
frauds of the West and to recover
property wrongfully obtained from
the Government Is another sphere of
aotlvlty that Is requiring more and
more work on the part of the Depart
ment of Justice. It is necessary also
to consider meat Inspection and pure
food legislation, the Increasing Im
portance of Insular affairs, and the
ImporUat fact that the administra
tis Is exerting every energy to se
es, re strict Government control over
all interstate corporations and atriot
er control over railroads.
All these things make the demands
heavier on the Department of Justice.
Attorney General Bonaparte Is said
to realize this fully and to feel the
department must expand to meet the
expansion of Government activities
In numerous directions. Talk of Mr.
Bonaparte's retirement from the cab
inet has about died out. Mr. Bona
parte has taken a lease on his Wash
ington residence for another season,
and this Is cited as pretty clear evi
dence he Is to remain.
Ilurned not-self on Funeral Pyre
Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 11. Imagin
ing that the Lord commanded her to
share th fate of Jean rt'Ar,. nr..
Joseph Lalonde of St. Lazare, a
.mall FVonrh naA-- '
..iiuiau Tiuage,
burned herself to death nn . . i
pyre of her own making. While hor
relatives were at Meh m . x...
tne pyre rrom fence logs and tree '
branch's, undressed herself entirely i
and climbed on the pyre, to which
she set fire. The people coming out !
of church saw the smoke and the
woman's clothes hanging on branches '
of nt'ar-hy trees. Her body, partly i
consumed, had fallen from the pyre. !
She left letters explaining why she I
committed the deed. I
Chicago Woman Found Isond 0(j
nua"- s''Pt- 1 1. The dead bodv I ir
.... - ! iU
.i. .muni u estertleld. L'6 years
of ace. was found in bed at her homo
at l.M lna. iiui street, with u hull t
wound over the lefi temple. Th..
police are arching for inward
Hlldehrand. who had been hoarding
nt th.- house.
The Failing Memory.
The memory is u m,ist oasiy fH.
tlR-ued of all our mental faculties This
would seem almost to follow from the
very nature of this faculty. To recall
an Impression already stored tip In the
"""" m-cossarily Involves
few ery student knows that
after a
...-.. 11 (. h me memory loses Its pow
er and further effort 1, mes uiiprof-
table It Is consistent with this view
that the memory Is the faculty which
nrst deem n-iii, .1... .
...... -" auvauce or agt.
.... .uau) persons mis
sets In before middle
life Is past
. " """"" o us m youth, when
memory was fresh and strong, can he
railed ln M ao, whlK the
that happened yesterday reMlly slln
Into oblivion. 7 l p
trine for all Instrument.
me .music store st
mail order hnns
rnees. i, t'er sti
ps at higher prices.
Qtmrti blanks st the Conrier office.
COOK Woman cook wanted for camp
work near Leland. luqire ai.uranis
P. Iron works. 918 It
TREES 14 varities of peach trees,
black walnots, Japanese walnuts
for sale. John H. Robinson.
Grants Pais, Route 2. 9-13 4t
SIRAYED-2-year-old gray mare,
branded L onder half circle on left
shoulder, wears bell; brown Indian
pony with white face, spotted white
on both sides, wears bell; both came
to my place at Willams, September
8. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying charges J. A.
Gotcber. Williams, Ore. 918 6t
FIRST CLASS dressmaking done by
Mrs Alice Weiser. Also has electrio
corets, electrio hair , brushes and
other articles for sale on E street op
posite Presbyterian church. 9-13 tf
FOR SALE Roll Top Desk. Call
at Wiliams Bros' Door &Lumber Co.
9-6 2t
ENGINE For sale cheap, one 800 horse
oower Cortege Engine fitted with
four sterling water tube boilers of
about 600 horse power all complete
and in good condition ; have been
med but very little. For farther
particulars address Clarence Ooronrt,
Riddle, Ore. 8-16 4t
WOOD Phone Moody, No. 484 for dry
LARGE Refrigerator for sale cheap,
adapted for Hotel or Restaurant
White Hoose Grocery. 7-13 tf.
A. F. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the "Ring Arthur" also
other bocks of different strains of
bleeding. Does of the noted
strains; backs for tale, Merlin., Ore.
7-5 tf
40 ACRE FARM for sale or trade for
city property. Mostly bottom land,
15 acres noder fence, taven acres in
cultivation, plenty of running water
for irrigation, 5-room cottage, baro.
small orchard, one half mile from
school bouse, post office and rail
road station. Price right easy
terras Inquire of W. C Henry,
Hugo. 6-28 tf
FARM for Sale 160 acres, 60 in cul
tivation, good house and barn, etc,
family orchard and berries, 80 sores
more easy to dear, all ideal frnit
and farm land, 40 subirrigated bot
tom. Oak, pine and fir timber to
make 200 Cords of wood three miles
all down haul to railroad and town ;
miles outrange fine for bogs, cattle
and poo I try; three horses and har
ness, buggy, spring wagon and lum
ber wagon, $100 Jersey cow and
heifer, 20 hogs, full blood poultry,
farm implemeots, household and
kitchea furniture com piste, all noes;
splendid waterl malaria in
miles, daily mail, in Rogue River
valley, Jacksoo County, Oregon, finest
climate on earth finest fruit land in
state All eoes for f350u,address Box
17, Woodville, Ore. 9-6,-tf
TIMBER RANCH 100 Acres small
hoose, six acres under fence and
alfalfa 2,0)0,000 feet good pine saw
timber and wood timber for 2000
cords wood; large creek through
place fine dam aud perpetual water
a shingle mill aud. planing mill in
full operation driven bv a turbine
wheel. ; an ideal place for saw mill
noe water power 10,0(0,000 feet of
pine saw timber adjoining this place
three miles down haul to railroad
and town, Jackson county, Oregon.
AI) goes for i'500. I t's a snap; the
water right is worth it, don't miss
this. I. H. B. Ta lor. & Co.
Woodville. Ore. 9.6 tf
ROOMING house snap A good sized
rooming home with bath and water,
on large lot Main street close to mill
guaranteed uood title. Cheap for
quick sale, term" to suit. Apply
Mrs. E. llauge, Crescent City, Cal.
8 2-tf
COOK WANTED To take charge of
hotel at Dotlutn, uiue beds to care
for no napkins or table cloths to
lannderv ; about five to eight stesdv
W,H.m ...... 11 1 , " . 1
.'... ' ruj"" irsucieni trade
.iiiuuie-aged woman
ases, f.iti
Per month Annlo
Waller Critesee, Dotlmn, Ore.
Qiain Sacks, fn Trior Draco
Rubber bought. 'fHiohest nri.
oore's Seccsd Haud;store.
I AN rED-Oragmzers. either sex, oa
salary of f khi a month and expenses
for an np-to-date Association, pav.
ing weekly sick and accident benefits
and furnishing free medical attend
ants to all i s members. Liberal
i contract will be mad with pro-
, dncers of business.
! American Sick & Accident Asso.,
; Buffalo, N. Y.
U1KL to do housework in small
Sith St Urants Pass.
fWOtoJlot) per mouth; some even1
more. Stock clean : grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weekly. Choice of tern
torv. Address Washintgon Nursery
louipany, Toppeiiish, Washington. .
E'?TRAI -Nf K-iaken np at onr ,
place, hve miles west of Grants i'ass,
cslf, three months ago. white and
rost, yearling. Owner can have same
by proving proierty, paying for ad
msingand tasturage. flsmann
Bl'LL Black, Jersey Mood, about
years old. right ear cropped, l,.ft ear
undercut rBm, to m'v j.lsce ahoo
hehrnary. uh,T. Owner can have
ame by proving property and pav
ins; charge, C. C. ti.llert on W '
Isn't exactly his pooket
book it's the money he
iihs in Dante, ueca
money in pocket generally
, evaporates and alwava
earns nothing. Whereas,
money banked is out of
the reach of both robber
and owner's hand. Spend
ing money is often temp,
orary insanity, when we
buy something we don't
need, or generously help a
friend "in a tight place."
If you believe this, you
should begin to bank to
day. Remember, your
pass-book awaits you at the
Has received the ' largest ap
propriation ever granted Nor
mal School! n the history of the
State. The State bai set the
seal of permanency epoa this
deserving institution.
The Improvement being mads
are sweeping ones. The faculty,
already a strong one, has been
increased to 15. Mrs. Cathrein
Sloan of Portland, author of the
Sloan Readers, Is among those
Tuition has been redaoed to
12 per year.
Stenography and Typewriting
are now a part of the coarse.
Teachers from the Normal
School are in demand at good
salaries. Shool opens Septem
ber 18th. Send for catalog.
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission fnrnitnre made to order.
wtfh. floss
"is "w--f
To sdvcrHw oor stsmped linens as will tril
ctiilrrpwces like cut stamped on ptm kntn
complete with floss to embroider.
Regular value 90c Special 50c
In otd-rinf bv mail tend post office or tf
preu moner order mud swhMm Iku faftr
'She Needlecraffhob
Va382 VSH.aT.P0R3IAJlD0lU
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