Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 06, 1907, Image 1

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    VOI,. XXIII.
Grants pass, josbphinb county, Oregon, FkiDAY, sspfKSiBBR 6. 1907.
No. 23.
Our Playhouse Being Overhaul'
ted and Made one of the Moat
Attractive in the State.
Grants Pass is going to soonjave an
opera boase of which every citizen
may well beoroud, for the old struo
tnre is being thoroughly overhauled
and remodeled. And in fact It is being
made into practically a newjilayhouse
and when it is completed it will be
right op-to-data in every sense of the
Manager H. C. Kinney piloted a
Courier representative tbroogb tbe
ew building and showed.him all, tbe
many new impovements whiob are
being inaugurated. Tbe newsgatherer
was more than pleased with all the
many indications of improvement
which he tbere beheld.
At tbe bead of tbe stairs and in
convenient place is to be fonnd tbe
ticket office and lsading, from it is a
large hallway, which takes one to
eitbei entrance to the main part of tbe
building or to the two wide stairways
, leading to tbe balcony. Among the
many innovations inaugurated is tbe
balcony, wbiob has been neatly and
usefully planned. Then tbere are
some very sightly boxes on the floor
below, and tbe floor of the main part
of tbe playhouse bas been raised and
,' nicely graded. With these many
changes every one of tbe , 678 seats in
' tbe boase will be excellent, a condi
' ticn which is seldom fonnd id the av-
erage opera boase in oities of this size.
i Tbe big stage is also undergoing
s some very radical changes and it will
have an eutirely new set of scenery.
Tbe stage baa been leveled with an
j entraace built in tbe rear and six new
dressing rooms bave been built below
it, making nine in all.
' To insore tbe comfort of is many
patrons ths.bnilding is to be heated
with bot water and handsome, new
" opera chairs have beenjordered and the
lighting system wilt be neatly arranged
throughout, giving the desired three
ligtb effect for , the stage red, white
, and green, Tbe ventilating apparatus
and tbe means of egress and everything
throughout will be modern and as
complete as can be sell red.
When tbe new house is painted, cal
souined and made ready for occupan
cy, it certainly will compare most fav
orably with anything of the kind to be
found in Oregon.
Manager Kinney bas a large force of
workmen busily engaged in rattling
things, hoping to have the building as
nearly ready as possible for the hold
ing of the big irrigation convention,
next wek. Although it will be very
incomplete, yet chairs will be put in
aod thus the meetings will be held
there aod while the chairs are still in
the boose, tbe flrst attraction of the
season, Richard & Pringle'a Minstrel
troupe will hold forth there on tbe
night of the 12th Inst. Mauy other
very creditable companies have been
billed for the ooming season, the
management planning to give the
people of this vicinity the best to be
had along this line.
County Commissioners Meet.
The 'County Commissioners held a
two days' session this wsek and
transacted a considerable business.
Among other things it was derided
lo have tbe road viewers to meet Mon
day, September 16. to pas npoo tlie
new county road petitioned for by II.
O. Williams, et al., at Placer. A
similar order for Tasd.y, Septem
ber 1, on the petitioa of W. 6.
Bailey, et al for a nw road in ths
Appleftate valley, near the Williams
Creamery. Thete .reports will be
paused npoo !t tbe next '-meeting of
ths board. Tbe bond of County Pur
veyor H. C jFerklns. ,in tbe sgiu of
f.VXX), with tbe Atneri-an Snrety Co..
as iore'7, was received and approved.
A larxe grist of bills were pasa-1
upon snd ordered raid. Tins li-t
will be printed iu the ueit .iiwne o'
the Courier As fHM) inmjrim-e
policy on oiiort houe. tmi aiuir witd
the Royal lusroance Co., exp'res on
Septebmer Sutb, it was ordered re
newed. A licei'e to -11 iijuor iu
qoautitie less than one gallon at
Ksrby fnr one year was isod to
Georgs Maurer. An appropriation of
300 for the Josephine 'county fair
was ordered 'and the clerk was di
rected todraw a warrant in favor of
R. W. Clark, chairman of the finance
committee of Jhe fair. The clerk
a directed to destroy 41 county
Government Expert Finds that
Yield Here Surpasses, thext
of Other Localities.
Prof. W. A. Orton, who holds the
important position of pathologist with
tbe U. S. Department of Agriculture,
came bere from Washington, D. C.
for the purpose of making a care
ful examination of the disease which
baa been playing havoo with tbe
melon patches. He jnakes 'a special.
ty of dealiug with plant life Jand is
well fitted to cope with all the
tronbles which come to growers along
these lines. After a thorough aod
careful examination, he agrees with
Prof. Cordley, the able O. A C.
entomologist, that there is no known
way. of coping with this disease,
wbicb is commonly called tbe
"wilt," except to stop the grswing of
the melons on the infeoted gronnd for
season ranging from three to 10
years owing to tbe condition of tbe
soil. He knows of no spray that
will touch tbe pest nor bas be heard
of any manner in wbiob the plagoe
may be stopped. So insidious .Is the
post that the winds and birds and
even 'wagon wheels carry it from
patoh to patch. That it la a matter
of vital importance to tbe growers of
this region Is apparent, when it is
known that tbe yield of the growers
near Grants Pass has deoreased the
past year or to, from 60 to 80 cars
per season to not more than 10 and
nnless some heroio action is taken at
once to stay ths dread disease.
Prof. Orton says .thst therejs need
for energetic action on the partTf
each individual grower, in order to
suppress tbls pest and he finds that
the only sure method to be employed
is to stop all - growing of melous on
ground now infeoted by tbe trouble
and then to rotate in crops. .Here-
marked that tbs disease .is becoming
quite prevalent in tbe Southern states
and that it originally was bronght to
this country from Africa. '
Melon growers of tbe Rogue River
Valley should arise to ths importance
of the oocasiou and L8e .to it tbat the
laws governing such things are so
amended as to provide a penalty for
the care essneel found on tbe part of
any grower in this matter which is
of vital importance to one of the
beat paying crops in thin region. It
is for them to say what shall be done
to exterminate this pent, which,
unless it is oouipletly eradicated,
will eventually destroy all the melous
grown hereabouts.
Prof. Orton took ocoasion to say
lhat he had visited all the famous
melon growing districts in Georgia
aud South Carolina, where they are
supposed to grow tbe belt melons to
be found in the world, but he finds
that the patches right here, near
Grants Pass, are more productive
than those in that section and that
tbe fruit here in really of a superior
quality. There the yield averages
about a car to three acres, while here
there is easily a car to two acres.
Hers the soil is rich and productive,
but there they are compelled to see
fertilization iu order to produce tbe
proper quality of nit-loo desired.
A oselou tbat is immune to the
fungus growth disease bas been found
by the government experts, although
it is of rather inferior quality.
Prof. Ortou says that it is uow being
experimented with and if It should
prove to be the success which is now
hoped for it, be will see to it that the
growers of i be district in and around
Grams Pass receive a geuerous sup
ply of the sted, just an soon as the
experts are eonvinurd that it will be
i lie proper thiug to sow such seed.
warrans which bare been drawn over
sten years, as provided by law. J.
T. Louan was granted S3, per diem
nd oilleKa, coininissiouer sua M.
A. Wertz, .M.0 fur like services.
J. C. Smith was appoiuted Jeearetary
of the coonty board of health.
Mrs. Howard Mitchel and tier
friend, Mrs. Rice arrived - from
Klamath Kails, Thursday to be tbe
guest of Mrs. Cuss. Mitchell, for a
few days.
Monday, September 1, Miss Emma
Telford's Kindergarten opens.
Prices oa Edison Phonographs ad-j
vanes September 16. We still have a
few In stock at tbs old prices. Photo
and Musie Store.
Every Indication That It will be Even
Better Than Its Promoters
Dared Hope For.
Things are rapidly assuming shape
in'and around the convention Jaud fair
headquarters and everything will like
ly be in good shape when tbe dual
event comes off next Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday. Nothing is being
left undone that might add to tbe suc
cess of tbs occasion and tbe manage
ment of both tbs irrigation convention
and of tbe industrial fair are quite
sanguine over tbe outcome of their on
tiring efforts. Even tbe ' weather
promises to be of . tbe best, although
Jupiter Pluvius baa been dodging
around some of late and causing tbe
fair people to wonder if Old Sol. would
be oo mpe lied to keep his face from
sight for a time. But just now ths in
dications are most excellent for nice
weather and that will add muob to tbe
success of tbe big affair.
Judge Stephen Jewell, one of Grants
Pass' representatives at the National
Irrigation Contrast, which bas been
in session at Sacramento bas returned
home and be brings glowing accounts
of the event. He says tbat there are
folly 2000 registered delegates present
and that the state of Oregon seat 40
delegates and of these Grants Pass had
fonr a pretty good showing. Judge
Jewell is confident that many of tbe
delegates will work hard for the suc
cess of tbe Rogue River convention
and he thinks that tbere will be a
large number of visitors s:op off to
take in the convention and fair here.
The following program of exercises
has beea arranged for tbe three days'
doings :
b a. in. Balloon ascension.
10 a m. Opening of Oregon Irriga
tiou Convention.
3 p. m. Sessien of Irrigation Con
vention. 4 p. in. Baby show.
6 p. m. Automobile parade.
8 p. m. Sesiiou of Irrigation Con
vention. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11.
9 a. in. Stock parade.
10 a. m. Session of IrrigatiouCon
vention. 2 p. in. Suasion of Irrigation Con
vention. 4 p.m. Aqoatio sports on Rogue
River, aud girls basket ball game at
high school grounds.
8 p. m. SjBsion of Irrigation Con
vention. THURSDAY, SEPT. 12.
9 a.m. Stock parade.
10:30 p. so. Auction sale of stock
aod goods.
2 p. m. Base ball game at A. A. C.
grounds, Roseburg vs. Grants Pass.
8 p. m. Minstrel troupe at the
Opera House.
The following reception committee
h been appointed to meet trains:
South Bound Train.
Train No. 15, 9 05 a m.. W. B.
Sherman, Dr. Flanagan, P. H. Hartli.
Train No. 13. 11:15. a. in.. Geo. S.
Calhoun, W. F.'Horo. Mr. Churchill.
Train No. II, 10:20, p. m., O. H.
Blaachard, T.B Cornell. Ed Van Dyke.
North Bonnd Trains. Train No. 12,
6:23, a. m., Dr. E . P. Dixon. Ed Lis
ter, Geo. W. Lewis.
Train No. 14, 11:44 a. m., J. O. Booth,
II. Horuing, W.T.Coburu.
IraioNo. If, 6:20 p. m., H. L. Gil
key, Mr. Gillette, W. O. Hale.
Wm.HeberinaB, prosperous Apnlegate
farmer was in Tuesday and reported
much interest in ths fair out bit way
aud ssid the people would be here iu
full force aud tbat they would also
send in some alee exhibits.
J. D. Winer was io from near Mar
phy to Join the Grants PaMs Fruit
Growers' Association, as he has a nice
lot of apples to ship this season. He
tells of bow tbe folks out bis way are
taking a lively interest in tbs ooming
fair and oouveotloo.
Cotton-plants in full bloom will be
shown by Mrs. Frank Dorinan, grown
on her borne place on West Main
street. Mr. Dorman will make a nice
showing of valuable Indian relics.
The rare "Fly Catcher," or "Pitch-
sr , plants are to be found in large
numbers on tbe plaoe of Postmaster
Harmon, on Deer Creek and he will
bave some at the fair for inspection.
W. J. Wjmer will make an interest
ing display of platinum from the
mines near Waldo and bis process by
which the valuable produot can be
Wild and tame grapes srs grown
very successfully hereabouts and al
though, it is a bit early to make any
fine-showing, yet L. M. Mitchell and
Thos. Lawman of Applegate Valley
will bave a novelty in the shape of a
wild vine some ISO feet long, with luo
lous fruit while H. S. Wynant also
of tbe Applegate valley bas vine bnl
one year old, grown on granite land
and without irrigation, which meas
ures 34 feet and seven inches long,
whiob he will plaoe in tbe fair.
John Williams bas grown a fins at
tiols of broom corn whiob oompeteot
judges prooounoe equal to tbe best
and be will let the people see at the
fair just what he can do in this di
rection. Postmaster Kubll of Knbli will
show how he grows caoe and makes a
flue article of syrup therefrom. He
'has been able to clearly demonstrate
the feasibll.ty of the undertaking.
W. 8. Bailey, the postmaster and
merchant at Davidson was in Wednes
day aod said tbat bis team would
briag in exhibits to the fair free of
ubarge. He lives in the Missouri Flat,
which is fsmous for fine apples and he
wijl tee to it that that section bee a
very One disp ay at ths fair.
Leatsr Bailey, whom some of his
friends have dubbed as the" reformed"
photographer," is growing fruit very
successfully and be p'eposea to show
tbe Hood River fellows at ths fair
that real Spitzenburg applua can be
grown nicely io Rogue River Valley.
iRev. J. E. Day, of.woodville is u
enthusiast over the vast amount of
good which will likely oouit ,to the
whole of the Rogoe river as a result of
the conventiou aud fair. He was in
the city, this week making arrange
menis to briug in a lot of fine vegetbles
for l lie affair.
Lynn D. Allen will have bis fine
Gurusey cow from tbe Ladd herd at
tbe lair.
Poetuiaeter W. O. Heury of Hugo is
oue of the committee to rustle exhib
its from bis section and so is Daniel
Peterson and both of these gentlemen
are doing valiaut work, putting in
hard licks for the fair. The horticul
tural aud agricultural exhibits will
os in the pavilion, wiib 1L D. Eis
uiaun iu charge of the same. The
uto.k aud uiuuufactutles will be given
iu tbe rear of the paviion, as well as
the peus for the poultry, with A. T.
Martin caring for tbe same. In the
Com iercial Club rooms will be tbe
mineral displays, in tbe keeping of
Frank Sonth. Tbe art, photo, aod
photo displays will be held in the
Churchill store room, Mis. Conklio in
charge, while the domestic ecieoce
sliowiug will be presided over io tbe
Hall building, with Mrs. Hall in
care of it.
L. B. Akers who hat a fiae herd of
Brown Swiss, known as "Hill Jer
seys, "will make a nice exhibit of
his blooded stock, bringing some of
uis fine auimsla. Hs used lo be a
Jersey enthusiast, but now be prefers
Hie animals imparted from Switzer
land. W. K. Powers who is a convert to
dairying waata to make a good show
ing at tbs .fair and while bsre he
hopes Dr. Withcyombe and others of
tbe O. A. C. specialists will arrange
to bold a farmers institute iu .Deer
Creek this ooming winter seaaoi.
C. IL MoCano, the Cheney creek
stockman has a One span of yearling
moles, wbich be believes will carry
03 tbe highest honors at tbe fair.
Marshall Stites was in from WT
lams valley and he is greatly "pleaaTil
over the fair outlook. He says thai
the people oot his wsy are going toft
here in foil force aad are going to
make.some fine displsys at tbe fair
a. uari Drougnt in a nii lot
( Continued oola7t page.)
Government Expert Kelley Now
Busily Engaged In the
Important Undertaking.
unoie bam is doing tbe proper
thing by the people of the Rogoe
River Valley In more ways than one
and perhaps one of 'the most Import
ant ways in which he is looking after
the future welfare is in providing
more adequate means for caring for
the flthjudustry of this 'region. As
is becoming more apparent every
ssasoa, this is one of the most pro nils
ing .industries of the Valley and it
is growing in magnitude every year,
until now it is .beginning to assume
large proportions.
H. L. Kelly, representative of the
United States Fish Bureaa hat been
detailed to look after this important
matter and he it giving Jit !hia on
divided attention. He bas, after
looking the field over carefully, tfe
olded lo build a fish hatchery
athat Is known as "Findley Eddy,"
located oa the Rogue River, some 14
miles west of Grants Pass and be now
has a force of some eight or ten men
engaged in putting in 'the dam and in
makingU tbe 'neoeesaty preparations
for the Installing of the important
equipment for propogatlng (the finny
Expert Kelly confidently expects
to t able to have everything in
readiness tbls fall for the baking of
salmon eggt and possibly he may
succeed ia .getting tbe big hatchery
completed throughout, although be is
not so certain as to this latter mat
ter. However, tbe work is to be
poshed to completion as rapidly as
possible and as soons It Is In shape It
will be put to a good use.
R. D. Conley, who has been located
with the Klk Creek Hatchery and who
has bad am'plexeTienoe'lnthe oonT
ducting of such matters, baa" been
transferred from the Elk Creek plant
to take charge of 'this new venture
and be will proceed to pot things in
excellent shape as soon as the work
is completed.
This is tbe third fish batohery
which tbe government has seen fit to
bave built in this part of Southern
Oregon, one being located on the
Illinois river and the other being
situated on Elk Creek, at its emptying
into the Rogue River.
The Mountaineer Restaurant, Front
street, between Sixth and Seventh,
will be open every night until 1
o'clock. 8-80 tf.
These are Live Ones
You'll Have to Hurry
Regular 72 in. Hammock
with cut pillow or val
ance, 7Sc kind OUC
Regular 72 in. Hammock
with valance and pillow.
$U.S kind 1.25
Regular 72 in. Hammock
with valance and pillow
$2.35 and $2.50 kind... 2.00
Regular 72 in. Hammock
with large val. and pil
low, strong and rood
$.v75 kind :.. ..3.00
Reg. 84 in. Hammock with
heavy, large val., taffeta
fillow, best we carry,
'..75 kind 5.00
Sizes given above is the bed of
Hammock only.
Furniture snd Car
pets, Linoleums,
Lai Curtains, Por
tieres, Maltreat,
Pillows, Cots, Wall
i l'ar, Chicks,
Mirrors, Window
rjbales, Picture.,
Picture Moulding.
front Si.,
Alatation Towarst the Strict Ob
servance of Sunday Closing
It begins to look very much as)
though Grauta Past might soon Join
the growing list of citiet and towns
where the "lid" hat been put on. In
other words, it is reported that a
determined effort is to be made by the
law-abiding oitlxens of this commu
nity to strictly enforce ths law
governing the closing of the saloons
on Sunday.
" I tell yon It Is a shaino to have
Grants Pass eipwienoe such a condi
tion of affairs," remarked a promi
nent member of tbe Law and Order
League to the Courier representative.
And then be continued, " Why, Port
land, Oregon City and even Astoria
bave closed np the saloons on Sunday
an J as tbere Is both a state law as
well as a city ordinance whiob.
strictly forbid anything of the kind,
it ia high time that we were celling a
" Hera the mayor hat been tworo to
enforoe the laws governing ths city
and it la certainly bis duty to attend
to this matter at once aud if be can
not see it in this light, we propose to
see that he does his duty. In ths name
of progress, can't we of Grants Pass,
where the moral tone is recognised
as being so maoh higher and stronger
than in many places where the law
is enforced, have this crying evil
promptly attended tof We believe ws
oan aod to that end we will pnl forth
every effort te have this a law abiding
"The enforcement of the lawi
governing tblt municipality It ths
sworn duty of the mayor and any
thing short of tbat would be purely
anaroby. So, I say, It It not only the
proper ;thlng. from a moral stand
point, bqt it is sstablishlng a vary
bad precedent to have any of our oity
ordlnanoes wilfully violated, without
putting forth a ttrenuous effort to
remedy the svtl aad that ia just what
we are wanting to do."
Just what will be the mode of
procedure has not been made known
to the general public, but it is certain
that some decided steps are to soon
be taken in this matter and soon ths
workings of these men wbo have the
best Interests of the community at
heart will doubtless become more
Dance records for disj talking ma
chines at the Musio store.
Now tbat warm weather' Is
here let us gtt down to business.
I want to talk HAMMOCKS to
I think I have tbe biggest as
sortment of Hammocks sver show
la Grants Pass. I was tempted
by the low pries at whiob the
Hammocks wsre offered aod I
bought heavy. They are worth
more money in the market today
to buy than I am selling for.
The goods are perfect aad prices
low My advice is to order now.
Better seod io your order today
by mail, or if io Grants Pass,
come in and see os.
Voors trnly,
htoves snd Kanges,
Agteware, Tinware,
WUIoware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lanipa,
Glaasware, fancy
Cblna, Go-Carle,
Baby Carnages.
bet. 6 and 7