ROGUK IIVME COUEIBR, 61ANTS PASS, OJLEOON. AUG. 30, ltt7. INDUSTRIAL FAIR (Continued from page 3) In order to enable thii lection to be well represented at the great National Irrigation CongreM, which oonveon at Sacramento, oazt week, the South ern Pacific hai granted the low rate f fll.35 for the roond trip from Grants Pass and it look J ai though a err representtUve delegation would 1m in attendance from thie plaoe. Among those who will likely go are the following prominent citizens: K. L Coe, H. C. Kinney and L. B. Hull, and they will be Joinnd by M. J. Anderson, tuperlntendent of the Siskiyou and Ash and forest re serve. Oregon will tend a strong delegation, headed by that indomit able worker, "Tom" Richardson, of Portland and they will ail pnt in Home good lirka for the coming Rogoe Kiver Irrigation Convention, in hopes of inducing uiany of the 8000 eastern ers who wlU be at the Sacramento gathering vt "top here on their re turn trip tolbeir eastern homes'. People oithis vall-v thonld not forget the very low "HomeHeckers" rates which will be in vogoe on the H. P. beginning with September 1. The rate of 25 will be given from Missouri river points, $'10 from Mississippi river points and 33 from Chicago, and similarly low rates from other eastern sections. Write yoor friends back there nd tell them to take advantage of this very low rate to come out and see this wonder ful country. One of the novel and attractive 'features of the coming fair will be a public taction which is to be inau gurated and in case It provet to be a sjnoceas, as now teems very likely, It may become a permanent thing. Back east it is one of the regular feat ores In many a community. Sup erintendent Metnivve has secured the i service of one of the best auctioneers In Oregon to make the sales, while A. T. Martin, who has bad much ei perl mice In snch matters will be tale manager. The fair management has ecu red the Drake warehouse that ad joint Sixth street, near the railroad traek, where free storage will be given for all articles intended for ale at the auction, while the railroad stock yards hare been obtained for lie care of the livestock that is to be auctioned off. Iisru room can be te cored at the varinnt livery stables In the city at very reasonable rates by those who wish to ase the same. .Each owner will be given a number nd the articles or animals to be sold will be to designated, thus obviating the necessity of disclosing who the owner is and the name will only be found on the sales book There is tiardly a farmer throughout the oonntry bat what has tome stock or article of farm machinery or other wise that he does not need and which jbe might as well sell, while the city people will find the new plan to dis pose of tome onnleis furniture and thus get new pieces, or msks disposi tion of household goods a very wel come innovation. Parties desiring to snake nse of the pnblio auction should at onre see Mr. Martin or Superin tendent Meserve regarding the same. K. F. Molsner, of Kerbv, who, together with his three sons are operating a flue farm on the Illinois river, was in the city this week, tianling a load of machinery for a jiew sawmill which they are Install ing In that vicinity, tor the purpose of furnishing material for a big barn they coutemplate building and also tor some other Improvement and like wise to provide lumber for that com munity. He is a great worker for the fair and will not only make a tine exhibit from his farm but also en deavor to have all his nelghors do the same, for thst Is one of the richest parts of the county and can make a tflne showing if the folks out thut way only conclude to do so. He has On account of poor health, I am compelled to get out of On We will commence closing out our entire stock at a GREAT REDUCTION Absolutely every article in the house stands greatly reduced. Our object is to unload as soon as possible every dollars' worth of merchandise, whether seasonable or staple In order to accomplish this we have inaugurated selling prices which utterly annihilate all previous cut-price events. r YOURS FOR BUSINESS, I Dry Goods a band of high grade Shropshire sheep and last Spring be imported a fine, thoroughbred ram. He also haa some excellent milk cows of mixed breed. Recently be purchased a Red Polled boll, which he hopes to I' are here oo exhibition at the fair. M. X). L. Crooks, ooe of the pioneer farmeri of the Deer Creek region hat been in the city the past week and he it a member of the fair committee to rattle np exhibit! for the fair and be it pottng forth every effort to have bit section well represented in tne mat ter. He will himself, have a fine showing of grains, grasses and froitt of all kiuds. Dr. Henry Elopper, of Eerby, the well known physician and fruit grower came in a few days ago and gave evidence of the fact that he is putting in some good licks for the big fair and he reports that there will be a large attendance from this ! part of the coouty. His section of tbe county will have a Que display of itt produntt on exhibition. K. N. Provolt, the dairyman, horse raiser and suocemfol ttockman of the valley was in to report that An plegate valley might be expected to be beard from in tine style. He boasts tome of the finest cattle that are to be found anywhere and he thinks that the showing to be made at tbe fair along that line will be a big torprie for any for be thinks it will be 'ully iqual to that made at any of the big fairs. Sheriff Rufsoll, the energetic chairman of the committee on cattle exhibit is out oo the Illinois valley, this we k, doing some valuable ser vice in rustling op good exhibits from that promising region. That lection of the county has as many and possi bly more regiotered Ones tock than can be found in any part of Southern Oregon. On his retorn be will stop in Applegste valley to stir np the people to the great Importance of patting forth their very belt efforts in coming np to the lair with their fine displayi of all kinds. C. O. Ros-el, one of the successful farmers of thhe Jump-off-Joe distrlot tends in word that the committee having the matter in hand might at well tave for him the premium for having the finest fonr-months-old, half Peroheron oolt. He is a good judge of fine hortea and to he will likely mak fine exhibit at the fair along that line. Wm. Cameron, one of the promi nent farmers of tbe Upper Applegate valley, residing near Ruch is aiso after that prize and he too wants the first prize for having tbe finest five-months-old, half Percberoo colt and horsemen who have seen the aplendid animal declare that it will be very hard to surpass. II. D. Eismann, ohairman of the committee on fiuit exhibit and also for the providing of materials for the big reception aod melon and fruit feast which will be tendered the large number of distinguished visitors at the Eismann Bros, big packing house, haa been getting in touch with fruit growers all over the county, urging them to send in their best products. Although the fair comet at a bad time, when the early fruit is gone and before the late fruit maket appearances, yet he thinks that the showing made will be very creditable and that: It will serve to open the eyes of the hoet of visitors from outside points. . The speakers will arrive from Sacramento, lor the most part, Suaday evening and then they will be given a fine drive Monday fore noon in Sonth Rogue River valley and in the afternoon down on this side of the river stopping at tbe large three story packing house for the reception, tnelnu and fruit feast which will be tendered them there. All visiting fruit growers, as well an in'iubers of the Commercial Club and the ladles will be welcome st this interesting eveut. Eisiuanu Bros, are preparing to furnish all the way from three wagon loads to Monday, September 2, Jf car of See melons, while tbe tup ply of catsabaa, cantaloupes peaohea, itrawberrisa, peart, applet aod other fruits whioh the other growers pro vide, wM be had in abondance. Mr. Eismann requests all growers who wish to have a hand in this commendable nndertaking to tend in their froitt to the Cold Storage Co., or to Sapt. Meserve'a office by Satur day of next week, or tbe Monday fol lowing. In thit oonaection he states that Ed Lister, manager of the Grants PasilCreecent City stage line and Ed Herriott, of the Applegate Valley tV (irants Pass stage have very kindly I offered to bring in all fruit exhibits that ar not too bulky, free of charge. Sopt Meserve hat received a com munication from O. A. Malboeof, dis trict B. P. freight agent, stating that speolal rates will be given on alt ex hibits intended for the fair to be retorned to their destination free of charge, the tender paying the charges one way and in case the goods are perishable aod not suitable for return ing, the railroad people will, npon a certificate to that effect by the secre tary of the fair, refund the money paid for the freight oue way. "Tom" Richardson, the Portland hostler writes that there will be a very fine delegation from Oregon in attendance npon the National Irriga tion Congress, which convenes at Sacramento, next week and that they win ou an in meir power to nave tne many eaeteru visitors to ttop off and take in the Oregon Irrigation Con veniiou at Grants Pas. He is very enthusiastic over the excellent pros pects for the coming event and thinks that great good will naturally result rrom it. Geo. Pass. Agent, Wm. MoMnrray of the S. P. lines in Oregon has writ ten the management, stating that tbe superb collection rf 88 beautiful photographs, showing Oregon tcenet, which have been on exhibition in the eastern cities and which will form one of the ait exhibits at the big Sacramento gathering, will be sent here for nse in tbe art display which the ladies are planning to make. This was a very welcome and agree able surprise to the management and will add much to the interest of the occasion. J. T. Morrison, one of tbr active members of the committee on the fruit exhibit, was in the city this week and be brings very encourag ing reports of tbe interest that is being taken in the fair all over the county. He is doiog some excellent work io aeenring fine fruit for the big melon and fruit feast wbich it is pro posed to give the visitors at the Eis mann packing house on Monday pre ceding thi fair. He is quite enthu siastic over the bright outlook for tbe success of the fair. Tbe committee which hat the goat exhibit in charge at the fair, con sists of postmaster C. E. Harmon, of this city, who has 4!50 head of One animals oo his Deer Creek place, F. A. Pierce, the Jotnp off Joe stock raiser, living below Msrlin, who has X00 Itaed and R. C. Churchill, the Selma postmaster and genral mer chant, met In the city Tuesday to per fect plans for the very excellent show ing they confidently expect the goat men of Rogue River Valley to make. It is estimated that there are fully 2000 goats io Josephine county and as many more in Jackson oounty. Many are registered and all are of a high grade. Thea raisers are hoping to organize a Rogue River Valley Goat R.osers" Association during the fair, for the purpose of mutual benefit in many practical ways. While the ladies' reit room has been provided in the Churchill store room, the men have not beeu over looked, but will find their comfort looked after at tbe Commercial Club' rooms, where chairs, stationery and; anything that can add to their ooui- I fort will be provided. I One of the busiest men aliout the , city these days is Mr. H. C. Kinney, mtiiWiilfinilt.iV,!! -hj itljiMILMNlMlllUj Shoes of the committee of arrangements, whose whole heart bat neen in toe making of tbe fair great big inecess. He has been at work, helping here, there and everywhere and consulting with the men at woik and lending a helping hand wherever be conld get a half chance to do so. If the fair it a grand laccess, as now teem entirely n . . hi ... possmie, no une win ivjuius ,mui than wi'l Mr. Kinney. The committee on deoorations, ooaiiting of A. I. Churchill, Mrs. H. C. Demaray, Mrt. 0 H. Sampson, Mrs Fred Gum perl and Mrs. Frank Mashbnrn wants all the nice flowers it is possible for the people of Grants Pass to bring. These will be needed in decorating the opera house, where the convention is to be held, for the reception rooms aod the pavilion. All persons who will help in this re port ant matter are requested to bring flowers tbe day before the conventiou opens and then to bring them each day of the convention. C. C. Robinson, A. T. Martin and C. H. Diffeudefer, the committee having in hand the swine exhibit at the fair are making a superhomau effort to have a fine showing along this line and they have assurance from all over the coonty, from growers to the effect that they will be ou hand with som mighty fin speci mens of Rogue River swine. O. C. Robinson, who, with his father, J. H. Robinson and his brother. R. I Robinson, are con ducting a large stock and fruit farm on Applegate, ner Wilderville, was here, Tuesday and he brings good word from his section regarding the interest being taken in tbe fair. They are breeders 'of Short Horn cat tle and Poland China hogs, having eight registered Short Horns and four eligibles, with eight grades, and they also have some -60 head of Poland China hogs. They expect to make a nice exhibit at the fair and will en deavor to have their neighbors do likewise. Four committees are busily engaged in canvassing the residence portion of the oity, with a view to making a complete registry of all places that cao be rented by visitors and this will undoubtedly be greatly appreciated by the many strangers who will pass through the city during lair week and it it indeed a very excellent idea to thus look after the personal comfort of the visitors for they will go back home, voting the people of Grants Pass as royal entertaiuers. This list of rooms will be kept on file at the office of Secretary Marshall, of the fair management and will be of much value to the entertainment committee. The important matter of having plenty of amusements of a wholesome nature is in the hands of a oompetent committee, of whioh Dr. E. H. White is tbe bustling chairman and be tells tbe Courier that come very interesting events are being planned for. For in stance, it is hoped that Prof. R. R Berry, the successful balloonist will give an exhibition oo the grounds days and it looks as though the plans for that feature would be a "go. " Then the aequatio tports promise to be of nnusual high order and de cidedly attractive. For instance, Dr. While tells of the river sports, which will take place on the Rogue Kiver. near the big steel bridge, oo Sixth street, when there will be daily public boat races of an exciting nature aod canoe races, swimming races, high diving and canoe maneuvering contests that will add very materially to the interest of the occasion. Then too, it is proposed to have a graud "Baby Show,"the like of which has not been teen in these parts for many a day. Particulars of thi event will be announced in the next Issue of the Courier. It is safe to predict that the amusement com mittee will leave no stoue unturned to please thi throngs during the fair and this will undoubtedly be one of tbe drawing cards for the gather ing. It is just possible that the XON Furnishing amusement committee may tucceed in securing at oos of the great at tractions match game of baseball between the Portland and Lot Angelet league teams wbich are to be holding forth in tne northern metropolis. Although this is not an at yet an as sured fact, yet the committee is pot ting forth every effort to bring it about. Those desiring to rent space on tbe fair grounds for exhibition purposes should apply to Secretary Marshall, at the Telephone offloe at once, as the desirable plaocs are being rapidly taken and those who want to make a good showing should get io at onoe and secure good positions. Henry Baoher has dooe the hand some thing by tbe fair management in offering it the free nse of his va cant lot, adjoining tbe power plant, for any purpose it may see fit to use the same to belp alJng witb tbe fair. An important meeting is oalled for tbe varioos all committees to ba held at tbe Commercial Club rooms, at 7 o'clock, sharp, Satardayl evening. Reports from the committees will be made and matters of vital interest to every citizen interested in tbe mo oess of the fair and the convention will be considered. All membert of the different com It tees are nrged to be io attendance and all citizen at all interested are urged to come ont to offer suggestions and to par ticipate iu the proceedings of the meeting. This meeting should be very largely attended. The oommmittee having in hand the horse exhibit, which is oom posed or Messrs. Geo. I Lewis, H. L. Reed and Fred Knox met in tbe office of tiupt Meserve yesterday and con sidered matters of importance witb regard to tbe horse show at the coming fair. They report that they have beeu receiving very much en couragement from the owners of horses all over the valley and that everything seems to indicate that there wilt be a most exuellent show ing along this line at tbe mee ing. The question as to what kind of horses will be allowed to compete for the premiums bas arisen and tbe committee passed rules governing this matter and many other snob, thiogs. Only registered ttallions can try for the prizes, but any. good brood mare can enter the lists, al though colts except those nnder 3 years will have to be registered, only those having a registered site and nam will be permitted to cod test for tbe bouors. Ihe premium list is not complete and there will be several special awards made whioh are not mentioned on it. One inter, si ing feat ure of the horse showiug will be the parade tod then will come a "Tag of War," witb horses polling against each other. Tbe teams will be bitched to a ttone boat and the teams which pulls the longest and the great est distance will cairy off the honors. The committee propones to make the hoise exhibit one of tbe very best if not the best of all the fair and from all report they will come near suc ceeding in their nndertaking. "Grants Pass will keep open honse during the covention and fair," re marked an enthutiastio oitiaen who is doing ail in his power to make the fair a great big success. "The hotels, restaurants, lodging houses, and pri vate homes will throw open their doors to the visitors and the prices charged will be not ooe bit larger thai when no such event is taking place. You may say that Grants Past people propose to make all neoessury preparations and that there will be pieuty of accommoda tions for all who come. We mean to give the strangers a met favorable impressiou of our city and people. This reminds ins that each person should clean np his yard aud make things arouud hit home place look as neat and attractive as possible, l'hia is Grauts Pas' chauce to do some most effeotive advertising. o an yun wjgemer the merchandise 1907 intmstatT Commerce Mittjomp. f ItWa. The Inter-State Commerce Com mission will endeavor to block freight rate discrimination and make the railroads show fair play to all business interests. With us there's no discrimination shown. We treat all our patrons alike the small cus tomer is shown the same courtesy and consideration as the large pur chaser. You'll appreciate the qual ity of our goods as well as the fair ness of our business methods. J. PARDEE. 418 G Street, - Grants Pas Near Palace Hotel MAN'S BEST FRIEND Isn't exactly his pooket book; it's the money he has in bank. Because money in pocket generally evaporates and always earns nothing. Whereas, money banked is out of the reach of both robber and owner's hand. Spend ing money is often temp orary insanity, when we buy something we don't need, or generously help a friend "in a tight place." If you believe this, you should begin to bank today.- Remember, your pass-book awaits you at the GRANTS PASS BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. COME IN AND GET IT -tfssfiyiug- SO ctm, PIONEER ASSAYING AND REFINING COMPANY Capital 100,000, established 27 years. Gold, Bae Bullion, Cyanides, Rich Or?, eto, bought, Spot cash oo assay value. All worlj by expetts. 131 Fifth Street. Near V. S. Mini SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. business. Goods A