For Thorough Education and Character Building ST. MARY'S ACADEMY is the ideal school for YOUNG LADIES A thorough rdnrarinn In .11 - --..v.. lit ail standard branche's assured, in cluding literature, languages, matnematics, science, history, music, needlework, rtr olc . , , .ov careful attention to matters of de portment and those accomplish ments which mark the r-iilfi,r,1 refined woman. All miinu -.-I I - . .""ijij miM thoroughly modern in subject land system. Devoted attention is paid to domes tic comfort of students. No distinction nr interference in matters of religion. (.Jive your daughters the privileges of iciiouung m uus neauny, cultured town Write for Circular TOD AT Bt. Mary's Acadamy jacKsonvuie, Oregon IT DOES NOT SLOBBER. : LEAK, .hi; NOR MAKE ME MAD 10 ! in) -bin SeJd a customer who uses) rj nd recommends the) J i PARKER Hi , FOUNTAIN PEN Oil When yon buy Fountain Pen, unscrew the aoaxle from the barrel and look for tha Luck Curve. If K doa not have tha Lucky Curva. do not buy, for it if not tha bast Sea tha Una selection we are showing. You will buy no othar than a Parker when you knowlte advant ages over others. FOR SALE BY p. DEMARAY, Druggist LA. WADE rf Goods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west of Palacejhotel fANTS PASS. OREGON, M. FjlSHER, Junk Dealer t prices paid for hides, wool, rubber, iron, metals, grain and all kinds of junk. ITront, 6th at. bet. I and J. IE. PETERSON (pionkbr) 1FE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AL EST ATEl AGENT Erlouig business at the old aland. cor. sixth and D streets. Paw, . . Oai G. ROPER I i . h 1 u II I I t rOooritr Blk.op stairs a Mil)) TO ORDEI My arw) rf tha beat materia! uw, . .ur iilMil style. INO AND REPAIRING ROGUE RIVER. COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON1. AUG. 30. 1907. ' J-M. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY INDUSTRIAL FAIR Llat of Offlcara sxnd Committaaa Oregon Irrega.tion Convention, The following ara the officers and committees having In charge the carrying out of all arranaements for holding the first annual fair of tha Rogue River Valley Industrial Fair Association at Grants Pass on Tues day, Wednesday and Thorsdar Ren. tember 10, 11, 13. the dates being the same as for the Oregon Irriiration convention that also will be held in urants Fast: President-L. B. Hall. Vice-President Charles Meserve. Secretary A. T. Marshall. Treasurer H. L. Gilkey. Board of Fair Commissioners J. A. Ferry and J. D. Olwoil xiaAtrrA . E. T. Staples, Ashland: L. B. Hall and Charles Meserve, Grants Pass. Superintendent of Fair Chaa. Me serve. Executive Committee Charles Me serve, H. C. Kinney, Joseph Moss. J. E. Hair. R. H. O'Neill. R. W. Clarke, J. H. Robinson M. J. Auder- son and Lynn D. Allen. Finance Committee .R W.Clarke, R. H. O'Neill. Joseph Moss. Reception Committee L. B. Hall, president Commercial Club, Stephen Jewell, jouoty Jndge, Dr. J.O. Smith, mayor. "r Entertainment Committee A. T. Marshall and for the Women's Auxiliary of the Commercial Clnb, First Ward Mrs. C. D. Crane. Mrs. B. Cornell. Mrs. W. L. Ireland and Mrs G. E. Calhoun; Second Ward: Mrs. C. O. Beckman, Mrs. C. L Mangnm, Mrs. W. H. Flanagan; Third Ward: Mrs. II. C. Perkins Miss M. Hair, Mrs. Geo. W. Colvig; Fonrth Ward: Mrs. August Fetsch, Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. J. F. Burke. Art and Fancy Work--George O'Brien, Mrs. A. H. Gunnell, Mrs. Amy Holmes. Pioneer and Indian Relict Mrs Joseph Moss, Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Mrs. R. H. Gilnllan. Pbotographio Views of Rogue River Valley Soeoes Miss Ruth Loveridge, Mrs. E. V. Ingles, Miss Miller. Civio Improvements Mrs. A. B. Cornell, Mrs. W. T. Coburn, Mrs. M. L. Opdyke. Domestio Soienoe Mrs. 8. F. Cheshire, Mrs. A. T. Martin. Mrs. C H. Sampson, Mrs. W. H. Patillo. Women's Heat Room Mrs. J. E. Hair, Mrs. W. W. Walker, Mrs.;M. Clemens, Mrs. Geo. R. Riddle.;,.; Decorations A E. Churchill, Mrs. H. 0. Demaray, Mrs. C. H. Sampson, Mrs. Fred Gnmpert. Mrs. Frank Mashburn. Superintendent of Woman's Ex hibitsMrs. Arthur Conklin. Superintendent of Music H.O. Kin ney. Frnit-H. D. Eismaun, R. A. N. Reytners, J. T. Morrison. Homes George Lewis, Fred Knox, H. L. Reed. Cattle W. J. Russell E. N. Pro- volt, C. O. Biglow. Goats and sheep C. E. Harmon, F. A. Pieroe, E. C.Churchill. Swine A. T. Martin, C. U. Robin son, H. B. UlEunaerier. Poultry Geo. P. Cramer, C. E. Palmer, M. E. Moore. Grain and Granites J. W. Hamlin, Robinson, C. G. Chamberlain. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the Coantv Court for Josephine wumj, ureson. h In the matter af the estate of Marion Ssava Deceased, Notice is hereby give.) that Martha it. "itcrifii bas been appointed aomin istratrix of the estate of atari ey. deceased, by order of tha County "n w woeepuioe county, uregon, made on August 10. 1907. and all tMr. sons having claims aiainst said scats are hereby n. titled to present the same uuij verinea to ibe said adtniuistra irix within six months from tha oi tbe nrst publication of this notice. at tbe law office of A. O. Hough in the iij ui uraoia rase, joeepoiue Uoun ij, uregon. Date of first publication, August 16, 1 till? LI i DTtT 1 r IHTntiiVT i Administratrix. M Grower File a Protest. ns;lei, Atie;. 24. The vege- wers of Southern California pd a protest with the Inter- jniaierce Commission against freight rate on vegetable! aco and Intermediate points aed by the railroads for Oc claiming that It will have t of prohibiting shipments mer rate waa 0 cents to Chi- ad Intermediate points. The r'- Is 11.10 to Chleaao. 11 OS Mississippi river and II U tho tlver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud, Aot Juno 3 , 1878. ' Roeebum. Ore.. Jnlv 29. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Id com pliance wits tbe provisions of stis aot of Congress of June 8. 1881, entitled An act for the tale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory' as cxwnaea to an tne rotuio x-and states by act of August 4, 1893. MARY E. WALTER, rf No. 2351 Post St, San Francisco county of San Francisco, State of California, hied in tins office on May 21, 1907, her sworn statement No. 8455, for the purchase of the NEW of NW, and W of NEand BE,oi NEJof Sea No. 28, in Township No. 35 Sooth. Range No. 4 W. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone (ban for agricultural pur poses and to establish her claim to said land before Joseph Moss U. S. Commissioner at bis office in Grants Paa Oregon on Saturday tha 9th day ol November 1907. She names as witnesses: William SDaldinir of Grants Pass. Josephine Co. Ore, Albion JW. Sllsby of Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore, Francis J. 8paldiog of Grants Pass, Josephine County. Ore, Nellie Spald ing of Grants Pass. Josephine Co.. Ore. Any and all persons olaiming ad versely ths above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 9th day of November, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDT, Register. "The Blood Is Tho life. Science has never gone beyond Um bovs simple statement of scripture. But it has Illuminated that statement and stfvsa it a meaning ever broadening with tbs Increasing breadth of knowledge. When the blood Is "bad or Impure It Is not alone the body which suffers turougn disease. The brain is ciouueu. -vie mind and . :ted,anThtanv an k.,.v... .. . r-.w H "VJWrTKrecliy traced to the tapwtfTof tbebWiS Foul.imnnroht.vut NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Oflloe at Roseburg, Oretion, Aug 4th, 1907. Notice is hereby givea that Henry A Fyle. of Selma, Oregon, bas tiled notice of his intention to make final Five year proof in support ot his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No 10,43 made February 11, 1901 for the EX NE, SW4 NEi S-o 13, Town ship 88, Range 8 W, and that said proof will be made before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner at his office at Grants Fass. Oiegon, on Thursday, October 10th, 1907 He names the followiug witnesses to prove hi continuous residence npoo, and cultivation of, the land, viz: L. W. Kerry, of Grants Fass, Ore., J. F. Harleis, of Selma, Ore., Alf. Ragoo, of Stlma, Ore., Bert Hogoe, of Selma, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. M Hops J. D. Drake, Cecil Weston, Chan. Johnson. Vegetables and Melons C. C. Rus- sall. Lynn D. Allen, J. F. Burke. Timber-E. V. Smith, M. J. Ander son, L M. jotinson. Minerals Frank South, H. C. Perkins, Earl V. Iugles. Maoofaotures B. M. Hall, Miles Mclutyre. M. T. Utley. Amosemenst Dr. K. White, Arthur Sampson, Vallard Trnax, Miss Jessie Hale, Miss Genevieve Patillo. The following are tho local com- mitee for each localitty io this part f Rosue River Valley who hive been chofen to work up an interest in tne tair and to secure a complete represen tation of exhbits for the various de partments of the fair from their s-o-tion: Applegate John W. Perooll, Henry D. Kubli. Missouri Flat-W. S. Bailey. K, gobli. Provoit-Krank Bailey, Tbos. man. Williams-Marshall Stitea, Ira Spar lin. Mnrphy L. Perry. Wilderville O. Robinson. Wonder-J. T. Roberson, C. Taylor. Deering 0. T. Webb. A It house H. B. Kitterman. Holland CUas. A. Trefethen, Will A Leouard. Galics-J. C. Mattison, Barlow. Merlin J. ;F. .MoGalliard, Massie. Hugo Dauiel Peterson, W.O. lland E. T. Forness, Mackiu. Wolf Creek J. Minor Booth, E, Kuykrndall. Speaker L. Speaker, Jos. Dysert. J Grave A A Porter. Phkcer atUsea Ruth aud Jessie SoovilL Gilbert Creek H. a.. Diffrnderfer. Lee District Chris H. Kismann. ! Centennial Di-trict J. H. Clmeut. Woodville-Rev. J. E. Day. O. F, Sams. hock Poiut-J. F. Tucker. C. L. W. A. Heury. J. T. W. GIRL MKKT8 TRAGIC DKATII. Mls J. Lew- M. Mitchell. Ed T. F. Lovelace, S. E. Eugeoia (ioold Falls From a SOO-Foot Cliff. San Diego, Cal., Aug. 28. Word has been received of the sudden and tragic death of Miss Eugenia Goold, formerly of this city. She was with a camplag party near Howard, Coi , and while climbing the side of a can yon the earth gave way sad she fell over 300 feet, her body bounding from cliff to sllsT. until It lodged be hind a bouldrr far below. The body was recovered with dlflculty. Miss Ooold wbll la this city was an active member of the Baptist Church and was highly esteemed. Greatest Kxposltlon Ever Givea. Sacramento, Aug. 28. Under the efficient management of the new Board of State Agricultural Direc tors, headed by President Benjamin Rush, the California State Fair of this year will be the greatest exposi tion ever given on tbe Pacldc 8Iope. Instead of being a oae county affair, as It has been for so many years. It will be an exhibit of every production 1 of the State, its agricultural wealth, ! ! mines, its maaufactnres, Its mills Selma-R. C Chorchlll, J.H. Hiatt. i m(J Ju foregU. Already some thirty counties of the State have signified willingness to display their producu and anx of thsm are already erects lng attractive booths to hold their displays. L. Crooks. Edwsrd Hathaway. Ksrby-B. F. Melssner.C'f" Hogus. Waldo-W. J. Wlmsr, B. P. George. cn be mnie nm nt '"Z IVrce s .Golden Mir.) lii.. 'tf enriches an.l nnrit,..fl 1(in bri fT curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous affections, as ecxema. teiier, or salt-rheum, hives and other manuestatlons of impure blood. 9 A In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en- isrgea gianas, open eatlnir ulcers, or old Sores, the'Uolden Medical Discovery "bas performed tho most marvelous cures. In eases or old. sores, or open eating ulcers. It is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when usea as an application to the sores In con Junction with the use of "Golden Medical discovery - as a blood cleansing constl rational treatment. If your druarglst aon 1 nappen to have the A11-Healing Salve In stuck, you can easily procure it by Inclosing Arty-four cents in postage wraps 10 ur. K. v. neree, 3 Main St, Buffalo, N. Y., and it will coma to you by return post Most dniculsts keeD it as well a the "Golden Medical Discovery. S . 9 9 You can't afford to accept anv medicln of unknntm eomrxwrlMmi as a substitute ior-uolden Medical Discovery," which Is a medicine or known composition, having a complete list of tngredlenu In plain English on Its bottle-wraoDer. tha same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 8, 18; 8. Roseburg. Ore., Jnly 29, 1907. Notice is hereby (riven that in com pliance with the provisions of the aot or uontrresa ot June 8. 1878. eotitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" as exUnded to all the Publio Land States by aot of August 4, 1893, CHARLES V. HENKLE of Grants Pass, County of Josephine, State of Oregon, filed in this office on March 25, 1907, bis sworn statement No. 8448, lor the purchase of the S. E. of Section No. 6 in Township No. 6 S, Range No. 4 W. M. M., and will offer proof to show that tbe land south is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agriuultnial pur poses land to establish hi claim to, said aud before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Comniiiaiouer at his oflloe in Graute Pass, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day of November, 1907. lie names as witnesses: Curtis Manning, of Wimer, Ore., Ernest Vronian of Wimer, Ore., Alpliens N. Crouch of Wimer, Ore., George H. Kestersou of Grants Pans, Ore. Any aud all person claiming adver sely tbe above described lauds ate re quested to file their claims in .this offlo on or befure said 8tli day ot No vember, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud, Act Jooe 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., Jnly 29, 1907. Notioe is hereby given that lu com pliance with the provisions of the act of Oougrtss f Juue 8, 187h en- tilted "An act for tbe sale of timber lauds in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Ter ritory as extended to all tbe Publio Laud Sutxs by art of August 4, 1893, MAK1E E. HALL of Chico, oonoty of liuttx, State of California Med in this office on May 27, 1907, her sworn statement Mo. 8449 for the purchase of tbe S. E. lt of St-ti'n No. 18. in Township No. 5 S , Ranie No. 4 W, W. M., aud will ifTor proof to show that the laud suught is more valuable lor its tim ber or stose than for agricultural purposes aud to establish her claim to said li'Od Lefore Jo.eul Muss, U. 8. Commies ouer, at his office iu Grant Fas, Or- gun, on i ridav, tbe 81!: day ot November, 1907. She names as witnesses: Kosa L. Waters of Chioo, Butte Co., Cal., William J. Johnson of Oakland, Alameda Co., Cal, Edwin O. Dry burgb, of Medford, Ja.ksou Co , Ore., Walter J. O'Conneli, of Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. Aov and all persons claiming ad versely tbe auove-de.cribed lands are requested to Hie their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of November, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deisrtment of the Iuteiior. Lind Office at Roseburg, Ore., August llh, 1907. Notice is hereby gia that Jese Summer of Williams, Josephine Co.. Uregon, has filed no1 ice of his tnten tiou to make final dive yenr proof in support of his claim, vlai Homestead Entry No. 11799 made Jnly 9tb, 1902. for the K of SEJj. SWJ of SE.V4', 8EV4- ofB WJi, Sec, 28, I, wo ship 38 Booth, -Rauge 6 W, and that said proof will te made before Joseph Host, U. 8. ComoiiMicael, W his office st Grsnls Pas, Ore., on Mon day, Oct. 4th, 1907. He .name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aod cultivation of, tbe laod. via: Arthur L. Blodsg't, of Will iams, ;Joephine Co., Ore., Jesse, Getcber, of Williams. Jos. phine Co., Ore., Berry lObasUioe, of Williams, Josephine Co, Ore., George Tethrow, of Williams, Josephine Co., Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. 1 . ' Begistsr. 8CMMON3. In tha Circa it Court of tha Stat of Or egos for Josepbine Connty. Aagast aelfrage. Plaintiff s. SUMMONS F, uowolng and J. A. MoOarty, Defendants. To F. Downing and J. A. McOrthy, ueienaaau : in the nam of the state of Oregonyon are hereby summoned to appear aud answers tha complaint filed against yon in tbe above entitled oonrt and oos on or before aiz weeks from the date of first publication of this Sum mons, which first date of publication la Friday, August 8, A. D.. 1907, and the last day of aaid publication and the time within whioh yon are herein required to answer Is Fridav, Sep tember . A. D. 1907: and in case you fail 10 answers the complaint or oinerwiss plead witnio tna time here in specified, plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief prayed for in the complaint, vis; for judgment against the defendant, F. Downing, on the prinoi pal promissory note therein set forth ,io the sum of f 1500.00, payable 10 goia coin or tbe united States. together with interest in like gold coin at the rate of one per cent per mouth from April 10, 1900. and the further snm of 1150.00 attorney's fets; and for jodgmeut against the defendant. j. a. Mccarty, on tbe two proinia sory notes set forth iu the complaint in sue sum 01 auu uo, together with iuterest on $300.00 thereof from Jnne 1, 1904, at tbe rata of 8 per cent an num ana logemer wltn interest on sjiu.uu mereot at tne rate or 8 per cent per annum rroin June 15, 19oflj aud for decree foreclosing that certain mortgage set forth in the comulaint on the real premises therein described tis; the 8. E. 1;, and the rbe W. K of tr V of the a W. V of Sec, 2, Twp. Tbe W. 88 8. R 5 W. of Willamette Meridaio in Josephine County. Oreson. contain Aug 100 acres; and that the same be sold In tbs manner by law provided on mortgage foreclosures, aud thst after satisfying costs, disbursement and attorney's fees, that sufficient thereof be applied upon the pavmsnt of the two pomlssory notes executed uoto the plaintiff by J. A. McCartv ana asaorioea in tne complaint, to sat isfy the same nrinolnal and interest and that the plaint! a bs decreed to hold any surplus thereafter remaining in trust ror j. a, Mccarty, or his successors in Interest; that plaintiff nave and recover all his cost and disbursements herein, and that he have full equitable relief. J his summons is published bv order of Hon. H. K. Hanna, Judge of tbe above entitled ooart, mads at cham bers the 17th day of Jalv. A. D.. 1907. directing publietaion of this sommons in tne Kogue Klver Courier, a news paper bspllshed at Grants Pass, Jose phine oonoty, Orsgon, for a period of lx aoocessiv wseks, aud directing the mailing or a copy or tne sommons. to gether with a copy of the comlaint to sob of the defendants at the citv and county of Sao Fraaoisoo, State of Cal ifornia. H. D. NORTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. ;: NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the Connty Cssrt of the State of Oregon for Josephine Connty In tbe matter or the es tate of C. M. Lathrop, deceased. Notice is hereby given that tbe final account of the administratrix of the estaie of O. M. Lathrop, deceased, has been rendered to said court for settle ment, and that Saturday, Aogott the Stat. 1907. at 10 o'clock a. in. has been duly appointed by tbe said court for the settlement tneieof. at which time any person interested in said estate may appear at the court house in said county and file bis exception in writ ing, tosaid court and contest the same. NINA 13. LATH HOP. 8-2I5t Administratrix NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud, Aot June 8. 187a Roseburg, Ore, Jnly 29, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of Jnne 8, 1878, entitled An act for tbe sale of timber lauds in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended to all the F'nhlio Land .States by act of A 0 gust 4, I8U1, CLARENCE A. PACKER of Harrison, County of Kootnai, State of Idaho, filed iu this office on March in, 1907, his sworn statement No. K447 for tbe purchase of the HK'4 of Sec. No. 28, iu Tp. No.37 South of Range No. 7 West of WM.Ore. aud will offer proof to show that the land sought Is mors valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural porpoe, and to establish Ins claim to said land before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Oommissionsr, at bis o flics at Grant Pass, Oregon, nn Friday, the 8th day of November, 1907. He name a witnesses Martin A. Conger, of Grant Pas, Oregon, William Ball, of Grants Pairs, Oreiion, Emmetl K. Conger, of Wilderville. Oregoo, Lillian M. Knaggs, of Harri son, Idaho. . . . . - - - Any and all person claiming ad versely tbs above-described lands are requested te fili their claims in this ernes on or before said 8th day of November, 1907. r - : 0 ccs j a ait a it. tuur, J Register. CITATION In tbs Connty' Court of tbe State of Oregon, far tha Ooanty of Jos, nine. In tbe matter of thai Estate of Emily V Carter, deceased. ) To Dora E. Whinn. Minnis Rrnwn. Kerby. Ore., and Clara K. KntT. Salem, Ore., Ida Lister, Gliddon, Iowa. Mae Parks, Viola, State of Illinois and all other heir known and unknown of aaid deoedent, Greetini : In the name of the Stats of Oreson. yon are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Ooouty of Josephine, at tbs Court room thereof at Grants Pass in the County of Jose. phine. State of Oreaon. nn Sutnrrt.v. - the 27tb day of July, 1907, at o'clock, in the afternoon of that day. then aud there to show cause If auy you have why a A. Carter, adminis trator of Jthe estate of Emily Carter deoesed, should not be liceused aod empowered to sell at private sale all of the real property belongiug to said estate described as follows, to-wlt: The 8S of the'NEi. tbe NW of the NEl aud Lot numbered "one (I) of Section 13, in Township Forty (40) South, of Ran He Nine (9) West of the Willamette Meridian iu Josephine , County, State of Oregon, containing 153 18-100 acres, for the reasons set forth in his petition filed In this court this 17th dav of June, 1907. Witness the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Jndge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine, with the seal of said Court affixed, this D., 1907. Attest: 17th day of Juue. 8. F. CHESHIRE. Clerk. By J. A. Wharton, Deputy Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Connty of Josephine. In the matter of the"! Estate of James Evans, deceased. J Notice Is hereby given to whom it may concern that tha, undersigned hat been appointed executrix of the last ill and testament of James Evans. deceased, whioh said appointment has been 000 Armed by an order of tha Connty Coort for Josephine Ooanty, Oregoo, dated Jnly S3, 1907. All persons having claims agaiust tha es tate of said deoedeut. Will nretens tha lams dnlv vnrl flwt tit aM R.iniri, at tbs offloe of Marous W. Bobbins, attorney at law. Grants Paas. Oreson. on or before six months from ths date of first publication of this notiea. whioh said date of first publication is Friday, July 2, 1907. HAGGIS L. KVANS, Executrix. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tit Josephine County. Joseph Lomas, Plaintiff VS. Snit for Dlvnraa uordeiia Lomas, defeodnat . To Cordelia Lomas. ths defendant ' above named : In the nuine of the State of Orecon. you are nereby summoned to appear in tne aoove rnuiieo. conn and answer '' the complaint tiled against yon In the 1 foregoing entitled suit on or before 1 1 six weeks from the date of the first publication of this Isommons. which said first date of publication Is Fri day, July 19, 1907, and tho lait data of said publication, aod tbs Isal date ror your appearance herein, is Friday, August 80, 1907, and yon are herbey ' notified that In oase yon fil to ap- pear and answer or otherwise plead ithin the time aforesaid, that the plaintiff will apply to . the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, ... to-wit: For a decree forever dissolv ing and annulling tbe inarriaire rela tions now existing beween the tilaln- tiff aod defendant, aud for such ntimr and foither relief a to the oonrt may seem equitable. This summon Is publishes by order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell. Coontv Jiidva tnr Josephine County. State of Oregon, directing the publication thereof in the Kogue Klver Courier, published at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, not lees than once a week for a period of six sooresHlve weeks, the said order betas: rlatxd July 19, 1U07. ... uuVfclt B. UKUWM, . Attorney or the plaintiff. Hundreds of New Edison Records fthe Music Store.. Victors and Columbine e-lso. Several Bargain In Msvchinee, NOTICE FOItyUBLIUATION. IDepaprtmeut of tbe Interior, ., Laod Offloe at Roseburg, Oregon, Joly 8, 1907. Notion 1 hereby given that Jame F. Harlesa, of Selma, Oregon, has filed notice of bia intention to make final five year proof in support cf hi claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 10435, made Feb 11. 1901. for tbe NWW.NWW NEJ4 Heo. 1. Tp. 8 Booth, Range I W.. and that aaid proof -will be made before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commis sioner at his office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on Tsesdsy, September 17, 1907. L . He cams ths following w I tne sans to provs nl continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, ths laod. vis: H. A. Pyls, of Selma, Oregon, L. W. Fetry of Grants Pass, Grange, J. O. Eades, of Selssa, Oregon, L W.Holmes, of Grants Pass, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Bsgister. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notioe la hereby given, tojwhom It may concern : That I. 8. A. Carter. the administrator of the estate of Em ily Carter, deoeased, by virtue of a license and order of sale Issued out of the County Coort of the State of Ors. goo for Josephine Connty, dated Jnly 27. 1907, will offer for sale and sell for cash In hand to ths highest bidder the following real proportr jbslooging xto1 T tbs estate of Emily . Cisrtef, deceased,' - to-wit: All of the riiiht. title. Interest and estate which said Eajily Carter had in.' . aud to the following lands and tene ments at the time of her death, and all the estate,- right, title aod, interest' . ' io such property which ber easts has -sen oi red therein subsequent to the date 01 ber aeatn. or which -the following; f is a waa ur;. 1 inuu ; - - - - - - ' The Hoatn half of the Northeast quarter, and the Northwest quarter of mo winonas quarter,. ana. lot num bered one (1) of Section 13. In Tnn. ship Forty, South of Range Nine West of the Willamette Meridian contain ing 153.18 acres in Josephine. Conntv. Oregoo, npoo tbe following terms and conditions : All bids to be submitted to ma writing at Kerby. Jose oh I ne Onnntv Oregon, on aod after the 81st day of August, 1907, and to be aooomrwnled by the amoont of the bid in United States gold coin, or satlfactory evi dence that the earns will be paid over on the day the administrator daed to aid property is dslivered. - y f All bids subject to tbe approval of the Connty Ooart, of Josephine Coun ty eiorssia. Dated this id day of Asgast 1907. f 8. A CARTER, . Administrator. O.W. Colvls, Kerby, Or son. Attorney for administrator, Q reals Pass, Orsgon.