Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 30, 1907, Image 2

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Practloa United to
Glasses fitted and furnlahed.
Office hour 0 to 12; 2 to 5; and eo ap
neuitmeut. Taktphooas 201 and 77.
UsArra Pam. Oiacoa
Re Phone 714
knded night
r e.Duuaiof.
Practice In all State and Federal Courts.
Office la Opera Houm Building.
Gbamts PA88. OaEOOM
Praotloea In all Bute and Federal Courts
Oflloe over Hair Riddle Hardware (Jo,
Ghauts Pass, Oaioon
Offloe, npiUlra, City HalL
Gbamti Pahs, Oaaaon
Practice in all State and Federal
courts. Banking and Trust
Company's Building.
GaAHTS Pam, - - Oaaouir.
CItII and criminal matter! attended to
lo all the ooarta.
' Real watate.and Iniuraaoa.
Offloe, 6th atraet, oppoaite Poetoffloe.
ttth St., north ol Josephine notel.
GaAMTa Pam, Onoo.
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
rVeet of flour mill, near R. R. track
Taming. Scroll Work. Htair Work, Band
HawlnK.Cahluel Work, Wood PuIIkti. Saw
Piling and nimniing, llepatring all kinds,
rrtoei rlKbl.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath Room In connection
Furniture and llano
.r - : m m k. SBan
Grand Fall Opening of La Vogue Cloaks, Saturday, AUG. 31.
frL i! f i
in u, .lie 01 woaks is extensively advertised in the Indies' Home Journal, and are noted for elegance of style, finish and
material Wc will show the largest stock of Ladies , Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Furs and Skirts ever brought to the
city, and would be pleased to show you the stock whether wishing to purchase or not. All of the principal cloak manufac
turers have sent out notices of advances in prices of from 10 to 15 per cent. Last season we duplicated our original order
three times during the cloak season, and while we were fortunate in securing the largest stock of cloaks ever opened in the
city, early purchasers w-,11 sure y have great advantage over later ones. Your coat will surely cost you more money and the
assortment will be broken. No matter where you buy your winter coat, you will find that it will be greatly to your advant
age to make your selection ear y and while we do not presume to say that we have all of the cloaks that will be sold under
our roof, we do say that we will show double the stock and some exclusive styles that will undoubtedly be of interest to you.
Ladies' Skirts and Waists
As indicated by reports in all of the fashion magazines, this will undoubtedly be a great Black and White season To
meet this demand we have bought from a large Eastern manufacturer a line of all-wool Panama and Serge Skirts elegantly
tailored a skirt that would regularly cost you $6.50, that are placed on sale at $4.98. elegantly
. Shirt Waists
Q UPCu?1 TntiT, 'S Ca"ed, 1 Ur large ?tock of new Fa" st'les in Ladi' Shirt Waists. Many new and striking effects
m Silk, Wool and Mercerized effects, are shown. Ask to sec them siriKing eirecr.
FURS Sethisson6 " " aCC0Unt f the C"arleSS COats- We have an exceptionally strong
The R. L. Coe Co.
(Continned front fir it page)
hearty aooord with the aplrit of tbe
movement and if there is anything
in hia power to aid the people of
Oregon in securing national aid in
the furtherance of tbe irrigation
work and Senator Bourne expressed
himself after a like manner, and aa
he is now in Wellington, he may not
be able to be here. Congressman W.
0. Hawley and Congressman W. R.
Ellis have alio been cordially invited
to be here and tliey bave spoken very
nicely, saying that if it ia possible
tbey will be hre, although other en
gagements may prevent them from
coming. Tbey too, stand ready to
render all belp within their power.
Ju'lge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pen
dleton is another prominent man who
will add to the interest of tbe oc
casion. He will disease "The
Progress of Irrigation in the Inland
Empire. "
Judge C. B. Watson, of Ashland,
who ia known to be one of the best
posted residents of Oregon on the
geology of this state will deliver bis
thrilling addrets on "The Prehis
torio Siskiyou Inland Its Forniatioo,
Rivers and Life."
Dr. W. J. Kerr, the new president
cf the Oregon Agricultural College
and who is known in the east as a
man of broad attainments and who is
also a tine speaker, will be here to
heartily co operate in making their
rigation convention a strong factor in
upbuilding the agricultural interests
of the state. He and three of the
professors of the O. A. O. will be
present to take part in the program.
Dr. Kerr will speak on "Tbe
Farmer and Eduoation."
Dr. Jainea Wlthyoombe, who Is so
well known throughout the state as
the man to whom more is due for the
building np of the dilry interest in
this state than to any other bait
doren men, will add mnch strength
to the gathering. He will have "Irri
gation as a factor In the development
of the Dairy Interest in the Rogue
River Valley." He will oome the
day before the convention opens and
will render valuable assistance in
having charge of the stock exhibit
and in making awards.
Prof. C. I. Lewis, another Arm
cultural Uollege professor and a
prominent horticulturist will speak
on "Orchard Care and the Danger of
too mnch Irrigation." He u well
known to tbe fruit men all over the
state, aa being thoroughly versed in
such matters. He will oome prior to
the opeulng of the convention and
will aid quite materially iu puttiug
the finishing touches ou the exhibits.
Prof. Dryden, of the O. A. C.
faculty, who has been but recently
added to that institution, coming
from the eastaru states to take charge
of the poultry rtisiug department,
will iuturest bird fauoinrs talking ou
"How to make Poultry Raising
Pav." He too will arrive the day be
fore the convention begins aud will
aid much in setting things to right
in the matter of displaying the ex
hibits. Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain will
i i
lend dignity to the occasion and J
will render all poss.ble aid in mak
ing tbe affair memorable one. He
will deliver aa able address on "Tbe
Development of tbe Irrigation Move
ment ' in Oregon." As Governor
Chamberlain is president of the great
National Irrigation Congress, bis
words will bavs mnch force and effect
Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, one of the
regents of tbe O. A. O. and also one
of the moat eloquent women speakers
in the United States will attend tbe
meeting and will speak on "Better
ment of Life on the Farm." Mrs.
Waldo is a farmer's wife and knows
of the conditions of the average
farm home and she will tell v by the
average farm boy aua gin are um
contented and are so anxions to get
away from the farm to tbe town life.
She will also tell how the farmer and
bis wife can make tlioir home more
attractive for themselves, as well as
for their children.
Hon. E. L. Smith, tbe father of the
trait industry in the Hood River
Valley and one of the most intelligent
aud interesting speakers will take
"The Future of the Froit Growing
Industry in Oregon," as his subject.
E. H. Snepard, editor of "Better
Fruit," the famous Hood River fruit
paper and one of the largest or
chardists of that section and for tbe
past five years manager of the Hood
River Apple Growers Union but
which position be has just resigned
beoaose of the press of bis newspaper
aud orchard work, will discuss the
matter of "Tbe Advantages of Co
operation to the Fruit Growers."
Ha was recently offered tbe manage
ment of tbe famous Payette Valley
Fruit Growers Assooiatioo, in Idaho,
at a big salary, but this be declined,
as he does not care to leave hia in
terests in tbe Hood River country.
A. L Mason, another of the most
successful Hood River growers and
whose crop of Spitzenbergs were aold
last season in the eastern market by
the Hood River Fruit Growers Union,
at $3 per dox, will be at the con
vention and will tell how Hood River
grows 3 apples, without irrigation,
on an annual rainfall of 83 inches.
It ia tbe hope of the progressive
men of this valley that the time is not
very far distant when the govern
ment will create an irrigation pro
ject for Rogue River, similar to that
now being carried on in the Sacra
mento valley and elsewhere through
out the United States. This subject
will be handled by Bon. W.I. Vawter,
of Medford, who is thoroaghy conver
sant with the possibilities and great
advantages which will oome to Rogue
River by reason of a high line irriga
tion oanal along the foothills ou each
side of the valley, and fall disposi
tion of the waters of tbe Rogue River
and of storage reservoirs in giving
irrigation to everyone of the thous
ands of acres untitled in this rich
We know locally the Giants Pass
irrigation project whreby between
13,000 aud 15.000 acres of land cu be
pat uuder irrigation and made aiuoug
the most productive in Oregon and
made to provide glomes for a farm
population which will bo one of tbe
biggest factors in the up building of
Grants Pass and Josephine county.
i i w i. .
will be presented by C. S. Blanchard,
of tbla city. Mr. Blanchard is
thorougby conversant with this sub
ject and will bave maps and data to
prove that this project Is not only
feasible, but is also a splendid invest
ment for capitalists to take up, and
one that will aid greatly in the de
velopment of this section of the
"Something doing all tbe time," ii
the way the fair management is find
ing things, nowadays and ever thing ia
moving along in fine shape.
From outside points come reports to
the effect that many people will be
here to take in tbe fair and as the
Southern PaciQo gives a special rate
of one aud one-third fare for the
round tiip, it is reasonable to ex
pect that the attendance will be quite
Thos. Lswmao, one of the host-
ling farmers of tbe Provolt vicinity
whs in the city this week and left
with superintendent Meserve a nice
lot of Specimeas for display at the
lair. Among them were a couple of
samples of alfalfa, one nearly seven
feet high and the other even higher
and all grown on clay, hill land and
showing what that kind of soil may
be made to produce. He has among
his collection a freak English priBi'
rose and some ore from a very promts
log copper .ledge which has been de
veloped enough to indicate that it is
a very promising property. He will
put in some time hustling among his
neighbors, with the idea of getting
them also interested in tbe coming
fair. His father, who ia a native of
Kentucky, where they grow floe
tobacco, has been growing some very
fine specimens of the real artiole on
bis place and will have some on ex
hibition at the fair. He will have
the cured article, as well as some
green and showing the product aa it
is before being cat and dried.
The development of the various in'
dustries of the Rogue River Valleyjis
the principal object of the Rogue
River Industrial Fair and along this
line W. P. Sharmao, one of the lead
iugjpa inters of this city, with others,
has.undertakeu to develop a tine bed
of ochre on tbe Rogue River, some 12
miles below the olty. Ihey will bave
a paint mill in operation at tbe fair,
grinding, mixing aud showing all
phattes of the work in ,the making of
paiut. Tbey have brown and yellow
ochre of very good quality and the
paint made from "the same is pro
nounced equal to the very best paint
to be found oo the market. Ihey
hope to demonstrate its value and
thus iuterest capitalist and so be
enabled to eiect and operate a paint
mill right here in Grants Pass.
Emil Gentuer was in Grants Pass
Tuesday, from his place on Biard
Shanty creek in Applegate Valley and
he left some tine fruit with Supt.
Meserve, which was" placed in cold
storage aud will make a fine showing
at the display hall. He also brought
iu somi elgant ripe figs, some in
boxes aud others left on the brandies
for bIiow. He aud his parents are
taking a lively Interest iu the couiiug
fair and will do all iu their power to
advance its interests.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Erickson from
near Wilderville were at tbe county
seat tbis week and tbey will have
some nice displays on exhibition at
the fair, as Mr. Erickson - makes a
specialty of superb fruit, while Mrs.
Erickson raises some very fins ohick
ena. Tbey will endeavor to get their
neighbors interested in the approach
ing fair.
Chas. Toffs aud Herbert Smith, the
genial proprietors of tbe Grauts Pass
Cold Storage plant bave done a most
oommendable thing in offering tbe
use of their fine plant in taking care
of all fruits until the fair is in opera
tion. This action will be greatly
appreciated by the management, as
well as by tbe exhibitors.
Manager Robie, of the California
Pine Box & Lumber Co., did the
handsome thing by the fair manage-
ment in agreeing to let it have tbe
lumber needed for the buildiug nd
arches at a figure that made it possi
ble for tbe fair to be held, taa the
funds for such matters are quite
limited Such actions are most de
sirable and show very conclusively
that the people of this city and com
munity are alive to the Importance
of the coming fair.
That was indeed a splendid thing
for the oarpeotera of Grants Pass to
do, when they offered to donate their
servioes for a couple of days in build
ing the exhibit hall and the two big
arches. The men who thus displayed
their public spiritedness in a vory
praotisal manner were as follows:
Jos. Harper, D. A. Fitzgerald, Geo.
Smith, Mark Day, A. Nale, Albert
Hood, Geo. Crawford, J. O. Calhoun,
Willard Cbase, Geo Slover, Jud Tay
lor, N. A. Stanley, H. V. Doxsee aud
son, Earl Doxsee, Henry Hiller and
Elmer Day.
Musio for tbe convention will be
furnished by an excellent orchestra,
composed of local talent and this
feature of the occasion will be of
an unusually high order of ex
The inooming trains will be
greeted with a sight of two big
arches, one spanning Sixth street,
between F street and the railroad,
while the other will be located on
tbe same street, between G and the
railroad track. These big structures
loom up immensely and present a
very atriking appearance. They are
54 feet wide and 32 feet high. Tbe
key s tons has tbe words "Rogue River
Valley and numerous appropriate
mottoes adorn the arches. Tbe
colomus are to be oovered with green
and gold bunting, the oolors of the
fair, while ropes of evergreen will
adorn the borders of the arches and
the big arcbes will be illuminated
above and below with a lot of eleo
trio lights.
Tbe exhibition hall, measuring
60x80 feet standi conspicuously
near the railroad track, on Sixth
street and it will now be put in
shape as rapidly as possible. It will
contain the horticultural and agricul
tural displays. The ladies have made
provisions for a "rest room" in the
Conklin building and then thev ham
arranued for two exhibit rooms, one
to be in the Churchill store room and
the other in Hall's building on Sixth
(Coutiuoed on last page)
Comolete and thnrnncri, ......
Commercial. Shorthand andEnil
Individual instruction at about
one-half the usual ezpence.
Not Our Special Offer.
Rtndenta aha nntar t , i
of the school year. Sect. 9, 1907 B'H
secure a months' scholarship tot t
and all tbe departments to July 1, 7j
This is yooroppoitunity to com'rji.t.
the combined course. Ask for in?
Will do your cement work in eood
snape oive mm a cnance
Phon 744. Cor. B and 5th.
S. V. Moody's
(Formerly Lunds)
Dry Oak, Fir and l ine I
always on hand
for immediat delivery
Office and yard, West H et.
Grants Pass, Ore.
Helps the Wagon up
the Hill
The load seems lighter Wagon
and team wear longer You make
more money, and have more time
to make money, when wheels are
greased with
Mica Axle Grease
The longeat wearing and most
satisfactory lubricant in the world.
Commercial Club
i Will furnish information
Josephine county free
charge. Correspondence
L. B. Hall. ....... President
H. L. Andrews. . . .Secretary
chaser in our Cloak Department one
of our oimppivn nwu im
I new uiiumnu imuo niuu; j