VOL. XXIII. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. 1907. No. 22. 1ITRAL POINT'S NEW I CREAMERY A SUCCESS 'jhboring Town's Industry Proving to Be a Splendid Money Maker. .lie Central Point Herald gives the lowing account of Ithe success that being made of tbe creamery at that see. : rhe Central Point Creamery made One 'record 'last "month, tbe price t cream paid patrons being the ;hett paid by any similar ooncern 'the valley. "For a couple of jn on ths previous to ily the price fell to 'a lower figure an the ruling price for first-olaes itter justified and there was nataT y Mme dissatisfaction among the trona. At the annual meeting of jobholders, early In Joly, tbe fact oame patent that something bad to done and the board of directors olded to place the management of plant fully in tbe hands of K. Brewster, who bad been acting tbe oapaoity of buttermaker for renl months. Mr. Brewster is an perl in the creamery business, not ly as a butter maker, bat as a siness manager, and the action of directors in giving him more iway in managing the plant has wed wise. Practically all of the ontpnt of the amery is now marketsd in this val r, Uedford alone osing a large ant icy of the excellent product ry month. Tbe price received re at present is the top Portland toe and a considerable saving . in light and express charges is now kda by ' marketing tbe batter near me. rhe creamery is now on good otlng and all that is needed to 2e it everything tbat its most san lne promoters ever hoped for more cream. Dairymen of the Uey should patronize this creamery oanse it is run on the co-operative M and is owned by and operated in 'W interests of the farmers and irymen. "The management hope to install ice plant in oonneotion with tbe tamer j next season, as by so doing ay can make a big saving on air own ioe, besides supplying t citizen of the town with ice, ioe now consumed being hauled re . in small quantities from the ighboring towns. Soldiers) and Sailor Reuuion rhe 15tb annoal reunion of the stberu Oregoo Soldiers and Sailors anion Association will be held in inland September flth to 2ih. Ibe business men of Ashland re onded enthusiastically to tbe fund several hundred dollars necessary make it a success and the officers of Association are at work planning t the details of one cf the best sots ever held In the past 15 years. $ following are the o dicers of the leociation : A. J. T. Smith, colony 1, )ld Hill, T. E. Hills, adjutant, bland; Ed E. White, Lieutenant lone I, Aehland; A. J. Morris, ftor, Grants Pass; Milton Berry, Aiermsater, Ashland; J. S. Bmith, laplain, Ashland; Frank Easshafer, let of Artillery, Jacksonville; F. , Stewart, assistant adjutant, Med rd. Ibe pleasure seeking party consist g of Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Ireland 4 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Riddle. rted early Monday morning for in Lake, on a jaunt of two weks ration. They went prepared for Hinds of weather and anticipate ivi"g an enjoyable time. $100 Reward $100. Ibe readers of this paper will be iesed to learn that th-re is at h-ast - dreaded rliocsse that soieuce has f) able to cur' in all it s ao-, and 4 is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure tfce only posntve cure no knowi i the medical f'aietrity. Catarrh be 'g a constitutional diee-e, r, quire sXni-tituti'Miil feat i tit. ..al' ilerrh Cur- s Uen mt'nal-, ac indirectly utou the bluod and id a If surf, e-of the eytem, ttitT'by sHroying tn (oan inti n of tbe dis ami gi.ing t'ie pttK'tit strength 'buining up tbe cousitatiou and feting nutate in doing its work. I proprietors have so moon faith in t irative powers that they offer one llred Dollars for aoy case that it to cure, o-na tor iiss 01 lesusuu Is. areas: F. J. CHENEY Co.. do. O. Sold bv Drusaists. 75c. Uake Hail's Family Pills for cor sti- -jon. FRUIT GROWERS MUST WATCH THE NURSERIES California Buyer Intimites That Infected Trees are Being Ship ped into Oregon. Jno. T. Ames, representing the largeTroit" baying firm lofSiapson Hack Fruit Co., which bandies about halJof all tbe fruit which goes into Los Angeles, has 'come op to Grants Pass to see about baying another big lot of fine apples. Last season Mr. Ames purchased the large Eismann crop of apples and so well pleased were they with the product tbat the firm decided to send Mr. Ames op here to try and capture another nice lot of tbe delicious output of this valley. In speaking cf fruit conditions here and elsewhere, Mr. Ames took occasion to very highly compliment this section upon being able to pro duce such fine fruit and he also re marked that this was one of the very few places where the pests were not very much in evidence. But be sounds a note of warning to tbe fruit growers of this valley in that they should be very guarded regarding the matter of where they procure their nursery supplies. For instance, be says he knows it to be a fact tnat many Oregon nurseries are shipping in trees from California into this state and then are selling them in this state for home .grown trees. Of course no soon practice will be per mitted by the watchful fruit Inspect ors throughout the state, if only they can get hold of any information upon which they can base a cause for act ion against the aforesaid firms. Mr. Ames lias just been In tbe Sacramento valley, which is J famous as a rrolt growing locality ana ne tells of bow that region is suffering intensely from the pear blight and be sees disaster to that industry in that locality, if drastio measures are not adopted very soon to 'rid the orchards of tbesoale and other pests which are becoming so numerous. This firm wants to get ioj touch with this section and to secure lots of frnit from tbe growers hereabouts, although it does not boy except at the inspection of its own people. In other words, the fruit has to be hipped to Los Angeles and there it goes tbruogh a rigid process and if it is able to stand the test, it brings the highest of prices. Bat, inasmuch as Grants Pass shippers were able to pot their product 'into the New York markets in such excellent condition last (year, it is not thought tbat it will be very long before this region will have eHtablinhed a reputation for having fine fruit aud so its pack will pass at pur in any ot lne uimkets or the country. Tbis is a consumma tion devoutly to be desired and when that time comes, it will mean much for the individual gror, as well foi the development of the entire region round about this city. Notice to School Patrons. Tbe publio schools of Grants Pass will",open for the sesaioo oflU07-8on Monday, September Ifith. First Grade pupils will be received only during.the month of September, and not later than October 14th. After this date, the first grade will re ceive beginniag pupiW only doring the month of January. Pupil who have not been. previously enrolled in tcboola of Grants Pass are requested to call at the office of the Superintendent for examination aud assignment before tbe opening dav of school. This also applies to pupils who have been doing school work during vacation with view to taking eiaminations before enteiing soma pa'tii ular grade. The superintendent's office will be open Thursday afternoon, Septem her 12th and all day on Friday and Saturday, September 13 aud 14th The superintendent will be glad to meet parents on these days to confer with them on school matters. AH prospective high school students, either previously enrolled or not, are requested to meet with the principal and high school teachers on tbe dates above mentioned. The superintend ent, principal and teachers will be ga1 to meet parents and high school students and to advise them as to the course of study, eta 8-30 3t R. W. CLARKE, Chairman, R R. TURNER, Sapt. Dance records for disc talking ma chines at tbe Musio store. THE BIG FAIR PLANS ARE NOW PROGRESSING NICELY Everything Indicates that the Coming Event will Be a Great Success In Every Particular. Plans for the approaching fifth an nual Irrigation Association of Ore gon, wbiob la to convene in Grants Pass next week, are progressing nioely and everything goes to indicate that it will be one of tbe most im portant gatherings of its kind, in point of the number of speakers and tbe attendance, ever held in Oregon, or for tbat matter, on the, Pacific oo at Tbis convention will not confine itself merely to the important ques tion of froit grower, bat will also deal with many other subjects of vital importance to the people of this great commonwealth. Anything tbat tends to develop and better the conditions as they exist in Rogue River and in tbis state will be ably discussed by the many exoellent speakers. One of the drawing feat- ores will be .the .presence of all the many government experts who are to take part in the great National Irrigation Congress, whioh assembles at Sacrameuto, Cal., next week and these men will take a prominent part in tbe many discussions which are to be ooosldsred. Suoh topios as stock raising, timber, minerals and the encouragement of manufacturing industries will be bandied in a mas terly manner. The sessions of the convention will be held in the new Opera House, which has been thoroughly remodeled and will now seat folly 700 people, thus affording a most exoellent place for such an important gathering. The convention meets each afternoon and evening of the three days desigoatsd. Among the many speakers will be F. H. Newell, chief of the V. 8. Reclamation Service, who will bring with him some five or six experts from his bnreaa, who will also take a no small part in tbe doings of ths meeting, as they will take up varioos phases of tbe irrigation factor in de veloping tbe western ooast. Tbey will have to do more 'especially with the consummation and ose of water, building of ditches, dams aud other mechanical features counected with irrigation work. Farmers wbo are now drowuiog their alfalfa fields by treating tbe alfalfa plants as mere pond lilies and fruit growers who are Hooding their orchards and are thus growing big, "puuky" apples aud thns rendering the dauger from late frosts all the more likely, will find tbat the discuneiuus of this convention are decidedly timely and of great value to themselves. They will learn that although their alfalfa fields art reoeiviug more water, yet they are decreasing in tbe real valoe of their market values, and that tbeir orchatds which have In years gone by rarely ever failed, now have an on certain yield. The forestry problem is one of un told valoe aud importance to the west and particularly to Southern Urepou and this timely topio will be handled in a masterly way by Gifford Pin chot, the chief of tbe government forest y service aud he too twill have with him several of the experts from bis department, to reuder mocb asnist auce in handling tbe mauy subjects along this line. As irrigation is Southern Oregoo ia very largely de pendent opon forestry, it will be a ubject of vital iuterest. For, with the hills burned off aad left bare and bleak, resulting in tbe freshets of the summer rains, pooling off ss from the roof of a house and In winter the mows melting to a day, rendering flowing streams one week aud tbe next showing a marked scarcity of tbe desired mistare, and alao con tributing not a little to the climatic conditions, tbe winters being ren dered warmer by improved treat ment and tbe rammers muob cooler, this matter will excite much atten tion ana comment, lit. ciwooii Mead, wbo is a recognised authority on irrigation laws and water osage will be bare. Press reports tell of bis reoeutly having accepted a position with tbe Australian government, tak ing hold of this kiod of work, and that too at a large salary. Be will begin his labors over there with the beginning of the new year. On re quest of Chas. Meserve, of the local executive committee, Secretary Wil son, of the Department of Agricul ture has detailed Mr. Mead .to come to the Grants Pass gathering to speak on tbe Oregon irrigation laws, as well as on snob laws all over the United States as well as of the other countries of the world. He will tell bow oar laws governing each matters can bs made more liberal, thus enabling the freest nse of water for , irrigation purposes and at the same time be just to all parties concerned. At tbe re quest of Secretary Meserve, be has de tailed one of the government experts to speak before the convention on "Dry Land Farming." as much land now cannot be irrigated and In the semi-arid regions where tbe rainfall is so low as IS inches per annam good results are attained by means of irri gation. Secretary Oarfield, of the Interior, notified Mr. Meservve tbat be woulld send a government experts here to examine the samples of clays, shales. lime rock and marble, with a view to determining tbeir value for manu facturing purposes, particularly with a view to ascertaining their uses in the 'making of tiling, sewer pipe! vitrified brick, pressed brick, ooarse pottery, cement, and lime, for build ing purposes. Ths fair management want to get all the samples possible of clay, especially. When it is re membered that it has been proven tbat the valoe of a deposit of clay or koalin on a place is far "better than would be a deposit .of gold or a coal mine. Among the speakers who will take a conspicuous part 'in the program and who will add mouh to the in terest of the occasion Is Geo, H. HI mes, secretary, of ths Oiegon His torical Society, takes "The Oregoo of the Past," as his theme. He is probably one of the best posted men in Oregou ou the pioneer life of the state and his address will be both Interesting and instructive. Another man who will have a part iu the program Is II W. Scott the versatile editor of the "Oregonlan," who will talk on "The Oregon of the Future", and as he is reooguized as one of the men who have done so much for the growth uud development of i he "Ik-aver State," it is an as sured fact that he will greatly please his many hearers. "Tom" UiuhardHon, manager of the Portlaud Commercial Clob and who has keen dabbed "the chief butsler of Oregon." will he here to lend his pre-encito tbe august k occasion and he will speak upon "Oregon as known to the Business Man." Oue of the ooiqos characters of the gatbenug will be Joaquin Miller, bet ter known as "poet of the Sierras. " His picturesque aud patriarchal ap pearance will attract much attention. He will bring some results of original research in this state by taking as his topio: "The Undiscovered Ore gon." t'e was one of ths party which recently aiade new and im portant discoveries In theOregoo caves ud be will give tbe audience tbe benefit of his efforts. C. A. Malbouef, district frsight agent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon will take In tbe event and will speak to some length on "Tbe Iuterest the Southern Pacifio has in the development of tbe various In dosttries of of Oregoo." His remarks will be looked forward to with much iuterest. An Invitation bas beeo extended to both Senator CL W. Fulton and to Senator Jonathan Bourne, and re sponses of a very cordial nature have been received by the fair manage. meet. Mr. Fulton, inasmuch as he was the Fourth of July orator here recently and as bs bas now a long list of appointments to address public gatherings, may b unable to atteod. However, be writes tbat he is in (Continued on page 3) ROGUE RIVER WATER SUPPLY INVESTIGATED United Slextes Geological Survey Looking up Supply Avail able for Irreg&tlon. Tbe United States Geological Sur vey has undertaken an investigation of the water supply available for ir rigation and other purposes in Rogoe River Valley. Extensive cultivation, coupled with tbe judicious use of water in portions of this valley where Irrigation bas not heretofore been deemed necessary, has given suob excellent results as to create an ever increasing demand for water. This valley, of which Medford, Grants Pass, and Ashland are the leading ollies, has an area almost as large as the State o( Delaware, a mean annual temperature of S3 de grees, and a mean annual rainfall of 21 inohes. Peaches, psats, grapes and berries of all kinds are grown in great abundance, but the valley it especially noted for the exoellent quality, oolor, and flavor of its Yel low Newton and Bpitsenberg apples, to the production of whiob tbe soil and climate appear to be particularly favorable. Tbe npper end of the valley is drained by Bear Creek and its tribu taries. This stream is subject to heavy winter floods bot becomes almost try in sunimsr, and the low water flow has been praotloally all appropriated. . Any scheme to in crease tbe acreage under irrigation most therefore involve tbe construc tion of storage works or long bigb line dlches from the streams of the lower part of the valley, where there is a greater summer flow. Regolar gaging stations have been established by the Survey for the purpose of determining the daily flow as well as the monthy aud annoal maximum, minimum, and mean rates of flow on Bear Creek near Talent, on Little Butte Creek, near Eagle Poiat, on Applegate Creek near Grants Pass, and on North Fork of Rogue River at Prospect. Occasional measurements will also be made on Big Botte, Elk, Evans, Ashland and Wagner crocks and a number of small er streama The work is nnder tbe genersl supervision of J. 0. Stevens, ths distriot bydregrapher for Oregon. Henry Oden, a leading citizen of Wimer was In this city yesterday, doing some trading and looking in on ills friends here. He reports tilings as moving along iu a very satisfactory manner oot his way. HAMIMIOCIK SPIECDALS These are Live Ones You'll Have to Hurry DO IT NOW! Regular 72 in. Hammock with cut pillow or val auce, 7Sc kind Regular 72 in. Hammock ,50c with valance and pillow .1.25 fl.Ub kind Regular 72 in. Hammock with valance and pillow M AA $2.35 and $2.50 kind. .. Z.00 Regular 72 in. Hammock with large val. and pil low, strong and good AA $3.75 kind 3.00 Reg. 84 in. Hammock with heavy, large val., taffeta pillow, best we carry, y,JS kind 5.00 bizes given atxve is the bed Hammock only. Furniture snd Car pU, Linoleum. , I.ate Curtains, For tieres, Mattreanes, Pillows, CoU, Wall Paper, Clocks, Mirrors, Window Bhades, Pictures, Picture Moulding. 1 it THE HOUSEFL'aVSISHCR I ront St., GRANTS PASS VERY GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Dearth Rate Exceedingly Low Here &nd Only Old People Seem to Die. One of Grants Pass' leading un dertakers remarked to the Courier news gatherer that this was an'excep tionally healthful climate and in proof of his assertion, he added that hla firm had only had about 100 funerals during the past 1! months, although tbe said firm draws business from a territory some 90 miles distant. He also took occasion to say that in most instances tbe ages of those who died hereabouts usually ranged somewhere near tbat of 75 years, the oases ot young people being decidedly rare. During the past summer there were only three or lour Infants to die in this locality, something remarkable for tbis season of the year, other lo calities muoh smaller having many times this number. Suoh statistics are of vital importance and go to show conclusively that this is in very truth a healthy locality. A rather novel runaway made thlnga pretty lively on South Sixth street, shortly after noon, yesterday. O. W. Grout was unloading some brlok into . a car at the railroad track and In doing so he unguardedly removed the briok from tbe wagon bed, exoept that por tion on the rear end and all at onoe without any sign whatever, the dump boards tipped up, precipitating Mr. Grout to terra Anna and giving the team such a fright tbat they fairly flew over the ground. The heavy wagon barely missed the big fair arch which spans Sixth street, where the bind geering waa left and then sped op the thoroughfare at a break neck speed, encountering the hydrant used by the sprinkling cart at be oorner of A ana Hiitn, woiou was given a big jolt, and there the rest of thewagon was deposited, while the horses went flying oo. Tbe damage was comparatively slight as to what it might have been, but tbe affair drew a good halted orowd Jof Intersted spectators to witness the flood (of water that came from the broken pipes for several minutes. Jos. Moss, the well known realty dealer has moved bis quarters from the old plaoe, across from the Hotel Josephine, where he has been situated for the psst eight yeats to the build ing generally known as the Axtoll block, opjioslte the postoffloe, on Sixth street, where he has very nloe quarters. (WEILL'S HAMMOCK TALKS Now that warm weather Is here let as get down to bus in use. I want to talk HAMMOUKS to yoo. I think I have the biggest as sortment of Hammocks sver show ia Grants Pans. I was tempted bv the low pries at whioh these Hammocks wsre offered and I bought heavy. They are worth more money in the market today to buy than I am selling for. The goods are perfect aad prices low My advice is to order now. Better send in yoor order today by mail, or if in Grants Pass, come in and see os. Yoors truly, U. II, O'NEILL or pstoves and Ranges, H.0MI Granitavare, Agteware, Tinware, Woodenware, Willoware, Cutlery, Crockery, Lamps, OlaMwsrs, Fancy China, Oo-CarU, Ilaby Carriages. bet. 6 and 7