ROOUE RIVBR COURIER. GRANTS PASS, ORBOOW. AUG. 23, 1W7. )p "Try us for your groceries, all we rask is our opportunity to show you our line afalcquaint you with the high quaUfy of our goods, it takes but one "rial to prove iu a most conclusive manner that we are the people to buy ftoui. We offer this week New Jxtractcd Iloney, Peaches, Jierries, Melons, Tomatoes, Jitc. J. PARDEE. -418 G .Street;, - Grants Pans Near Palace Hotel Miss Elsie Hogue was in from Ksrtiv yssterday, paudioic U day with friawls and doing soiaa sbop piog. Civil service sxaniinstiou fur ratal niailcarrisrs for the Murpliy,rout will be bald at the ooart bouse Saturday. Mn D. P. Love and dauKbtrs ltt Suuday fur a viiit at Kiddle aud Can yooville. Industrial Fair Sept. 10-12. Mrs. H. 0. Kinney returuoi home this availing, from a very delightful three Meek outiug, which ihe spent over on the ooast, at Newport. Jos. bflhwidt, one of the proprietors of the Iiik aawuiill of Sclmildt & We 1 1 r, at Love Station, in iu the city looking after some busiuas niattars. Do yon want pioklea? If to. call O. C. Kuoholl, Farmer phoue Mo. 1174- Z C. W. Brum, supttriuteudoiit of one df tin; Gin; uiiuos KASBIED. WHITE HAKTMAN At Spokuae. Wash, Wednesday, August ?, 1W7. A. H. White, aud Kaaie Hart- Both bride aud groom are well known aud highly respected in this i city, baring formerly resided here. Tbe groom was for number of years a business man of this city, while tbe bride was one of our most popular young ladies, Mr. aud Mr. White will make their fatnre botue at band point Idaho. DIED. DENISON In Grants Paas, Oregon, Wednesday. August 21, lyOT, J. Will ard itanisou, aged UB yeurs, of pul monary trouble. Tbe deoetuted was a native of Ore gon, having been born at Salem, May 6, lfctMl, and be became a resident of Ciruuts Pua some 12 yeitrs ago, during in the Jump-off Joe tbe most of which period be wue a Wolf Creek-J. Minor Booth, E. W. KnykendalL bpeaker L. Speaker, Jos. Dysert. Grave A. A. Porter. " Placer Misses Bath and Jessie ScovllL Ullbert Creek H. a. Diffendorfer. Lee District Chris H. Eisuaun. Oenteonial Di.trict J. H. Clements. Woodvllle Kev. J. E. Day, C. E. Sams. Book Point J. F. Tucker. CHUB-CH NOTICES Woodburn Trees Are money makers every time, absolut ely true to manie, unirrigated, they al ways prow, not the cheapest but the best. Fully guaranteed. Woodburn Nurseries F. V SETTLEMIER, Proprietor A. L. KITCHIN, Salesman distriut is iu tlie city. areetuiK old salucuiuu lor the Iiriu or Kiuuov & Air. and Mrs. H. A. Mansfield are eastern visitors at the home of Robert Allison. Blaiuu Kluui tbe advertising artist is down from Modtord, looking up 4oiue busiuoss. T. H. Uulery is tip from Portland t.o look after some of bis large miuiug iulursst. Mr. aud IMrs. B. P. Porter were down from Cuutral Poiut, yesterday, ou shopping expedition. C. M. Morphy whose father owns tbe famous Granite Hill miue is -apoudUig a few days in tbe city in 4AMupauy with bis wife. Olia Newell, a mlulug man from SmUbKivr, Cat., l7asLotu io.tbii dutriut, with a view to uiakiug some iteunie duals in tbe local miues. Autou Arm son is here from Maeou. Vis., looking this ooantry over, with view to making some investments ud be tiuds that half lias not been told regardiug this promising region. Jacob Boot aud wife are iu Grants from Dus Moiues Iowa with a view to making this their borne alia they are very much pleasud with cuu Jitiuus as tbev Hud them bore. J. J. Kudy, a Portlaud capitalist is up from tbe northern metropolis for tbe purpose of cloHiug up some large deals wbloh be bus been nego tiating. W. Ij. Colo, who has ubaie of -teueive mining aud ameltlug luUrcsls t Martiue., Gal., 'has come to look over tbe properties iu this valley which are rapidly gaining a liuv copulation abroad. lMuii'1 aud U. V. Lesley, capitalist froui ludiauapolis, lud., who are touring tbe Paeitio ooast are here to lokiulo the promising miuiug inter ls, concerning wbiob they bad licard luui'h Ufr coming. H W. Golf repieteutiug tbe eueteru factory which puts out the "MaJlu blo" range is giviug a duwoustialiou Ml (be store of Ibe Han Kiddle Hard ware (. aud the hot collet' sud de liciou biscuits .are pruviug uite drawing card. t! C. Prooley aud family returned this moruiug fioiu a delightful uutiug aud cauipiug siim.ii, which they spout iu the vicinity of (,'resceut Gity, Woodchuck and other coast iwiuU ul iuiviKt 'l b.) l.j,,k as though they lid Uou bavlug a graud time aud sJiey say that suuh has buu the case r. r. UsgOiM ous of tbs"Kuighls the Hoad" who makes this city, is la towu lousy aud is feellug a bit sue uwiug to the fact that he was a heavy loser by reasou.of tbe failure it (hu Portlsul ssviugs .lustiiutiou 4MH week, lis hail coulemplslsd re t inn from the road after this trip, fit uow ou accouut of bls'.beavy Lws be Will o.;uHuu to sell goods as of jrors. frieutb) aud incidentally looking after some liiiporUtiit busiuesc. Frauk Clevebtud, a prominent Chiougo resident, aouomuauied by bis wife stopped off to visit with Grnuls Pass fr iuiidr, for a short time, while eu route to Los Angeles this week iruiii. uewus coinpulleu to give np this position of trust, one year ago, ou account of fulling health. In speaking of him Air. Truax could not find words to express his appreciation of the sterling worth of the yuuug limn. He wus indeed a niau of exemplary .,. ., , . . . u , , oburaoter aud oue held iu the highest Miss Maude Baber returned batuiday ' , " from ber three weeks vaoatmn w.tb ,n relatives o the VMllaiuette , Valley, . aud is nua u at the type setting ma- , . , , , . " , , of a year to flud a inuu capable of cbiue at the Courier onive. n. t .i,; .. -v. T, i 11 . . .a . u ins vaiuc jmiiuiuu. iu,t. xtrui- Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Craue., Mr. aud Mrs. W. U. Patillo, Miss Ethel Johusou aud Clayton Biukmuu returned Tuesday from (heir camping at Steamboat. Miss Johuson bas some ruttesaake stories to tell. W. Kecks, a heavy buyer from tbe Smith Biver region, is iu the city with a view to making some large iuvestmeuts iu real estate, as be tun was married to ;Mise Lillian Hoguu. of Juffersou, Oregon, oue year ago, in Portland. He resided iu California for a short time after bis marriage aud tbeu came back to this oily to again reside. He agaiu at tempted to eugage in active buaiuuss, but ooutiuuud 111 health preveuled bis doing uiuon along this liue. He was a highly resueoted member of the Koueru (Goutiuued from first page) Ex- JMk ST0CHII1GS kvih rniM)iit:ii Levi Strauss & Co. totlLB OlblUlUUTOUd Wlsiiiali txf A l..r-i..l tbluks there is a great future in store or0l)r pHrtioipated iu.tbe fuueral er for tbis rich valley. vines which were ouuduuted by Bev. i C. G. Bouxiuau, at (he JS'ewmau M. Irrigatiou ouuvootioo. K. ohurob, tbe edibue being tilled Dr H. 0. Dixon, acoompaoied by itb tbe many friends of this do s family returned yesterday from ; YS?-fc Jnl W"ni'L tbe enjoyable buutiug trip to tbe West lu.,es a wife, mother, two brothers, Fork country, where tbey bad big , who were in .atteudauoe upon tbe ob- time, gutting muub game aud enjoy-, "euuiee. Thus does tbis cummuuity iuB ftu siiurt i lo"f uotlie,' W0"1 estimable young msu tug Hue sport. Mud oue wixim wu Mary Peters (Indian Mary) aud ber cherished by those who were fortuuate little daughter Lilian left Thursday , Ztu4. nUU,U,Ie1 t! kw buBt night for Salem to stay through tbe j boufpiokiug season. She will also viitit i INDUSTRIAL FAIR tier daughter, Kosetta Pico, who has j beeu at tbe Gbetoawa school for tbe past four years. Mrs. I At. Dnrgan aud Mrs. Juo. Martin, two ladies who bail from Smith Biver oouutry are bere fur the purpose of looking tbe oouutry over aud if they are plaeed, as semes eu tirely likely, they will make this city their future borne and will make some Utige investments iu realty. Mr. aud Mrs. M. S. Hart, of Cot Uge Grove flud that they tia ve a very eujoyitble camping-cut place, souie eight miles down the river aud so well pleitsed are they with the pujol and tbe geuersl appearauue of things hereabouts, that tbey now thiuk seriously of iuvectiug eiteusively in Giants Pat property, in which event they would likely beouuie pt-ruiauent residents of this place. t'apt. G. P. Atchisou who bas for Ihe t.a-t to years reudeied vely valuable services to this entire com -muuity tu tsklug such good caie of tbe miucial exhibits at Ihe Couinjir cisl t-'lsb rooms report that i bice as attract iug mauy visitois from ouUide point who come heie to look up this region. He is tfiuiuly doing a good work iu which be lakes pardon able pride. An luiportaut deal iu realty was oouuuiuiBU'd tbe othsr dsv vtlnu David J). Uijdgt. a promiueut Hmxi Kifjr fruit grower purchased the iiti acre place of W. W. Iilms lotsted I L. 1 . . . -oues t rees. mi. .jAide proxisss to at ouce put iu fruit a gcd part of the Uud iu question aud to employ Hood Biver methods )u doing so. i W. L. helsud, lbs rustliue. realty dealer is to be commeuded for baviug iuduoed Mr. Dodge to combers to locate. , i tiuperiuteudeut of Woman's bibiu Mrs. Arther Coukliu. Superiuteudaut of Music H.C. Kio uey. Froit H. D. Eismauu, K A. N. Beymert, J. T. Morrison. Horses George Lewis,' Fred Knox, H L. Beed. ! Cattle-W. J. Buses 1L E. K. Pro- volt, C. 0. Iiiglow. Goats aud sheep C. E. Harmon, F. A. Pieroe, E. CChurciilL fwiue-A. T. Martin, C. C. Bobio sou, H. b. Dlffeuderfer. Poultry Geo. P. Cramer, C. E. Palmer, M. E. Moore. irsiu aud Grasps J. W. Hsmliu, M. Bobinwju, C. G. Cbainberlaiu. Hops-J. D. Drake, Cecil Westou, C'bas. Jobusoli. Vegetsblee sud Melons C G. Ku(. sell, Lyuu D. Allen, J. P. Burke. Timber-E. V. Smith, M. J. Ander son, I. M. Johusou. Minerals Frank South, J. C. Perkiu. Esrl V. Iugl,. Manufactures H. M. Hall, Miles Mciutyr. U T. l.tby. Ainusemenst-Dr. K. White, Arthur Sampaou, Vallard Trusx, Mit Jewie Hale, Miss Geiievlefs Patillo. The following are the local com Uiilee for each locahuy In this of Bous Uiver Valley who hive beeu cbo?n Ui work up au iuteresi in the fair aud to secure a complete represeo latiouor eihljlt for in ri,.-.1-. iwrtuieuta of the fair from their sec- tlou : ApplessU-Johu W D. Kubll. Missouri Flal-W. H Kubli. ; Pro.olt-Frauk Halley, Th Ui. j man. Williams-Marshall Mules, Ira Spar liu. ! Murpb-L. M. Mitchell, Ed T. Perry. ' Wiblervllls-O. K Ivl kuowu ; Bol.lnaou Wonder-J. T. Ho!r Clirislicxn Church. BegaUir services in the morniug. At 11 a. m. Austin J. Holliugsworth will preach upon the theme "Lifting up Christ." In tbe eveuiug Union Yuuug Peoples meeting at the M.E. South. Subject "What I have gained from the Summer Union meetings." Bhv. Lovett of the Baptist oliuroh t i ... . .. x ti. r will uiuivur lue union smmuu. i public is cordially invited to these services. Newman M. E. Church. Iu tbe morning at 11 the pastor, C. O. Beokruuu Will preu:k ou "Tbe Cross Eflicucious. " In tbe eveuiug at 7 Uuion Young Peoples meeting iu the M. E. church South. Preuoh ing at b iu same place. Bev. V. C. Lovett preacher. Sunday sobuol at 10 a. ui. Straugers aud friends wel cume tu uuy or all of these services. Presbyterian Church. Moruiug Worship 11a. m. TueuiB of sermun by Evan P. Hughes ' ' An Unfinished Letter." Bible Sobool JO a. m. superiuteuded by H. C. Kiuuey. Uuion Young People's "Devotioual Hour" aud "Evening Wotship"ut tbe M. E. uburob Soutb at the hours of 7 p. rn. aud 8 p. m. To these exercises tbe public is most oordisily invited. M. E. Church South. Suuduy School at 10. m. Morning worship. 11 a. ui. Tbe closing Union Services of tbe season will be held at tbis church in tbe evening Young People's Devotional meeting at 7 p. in. Sermon by F. C. Lovetta 8 p. in. You are cordially invited to attend any aud all of these services. Frea Methodist. There will be services held at tbe Free Methodist Church August 2!th. Preacbiug at 11 a. hi. and also in tbe eveuiug at b o'clock. All are cor dially invited. E. D. BLACKMA-N, Pastor in charge. Baptist Church. At IU :a0 o'clock occurs tbe morning pleaching service Tbe sermon will be on the topic "God's Ideals for Us" The Bible JSobool meet at 11 ;45 There is special Mens Depart' meut. Iu tbe evening there will be a Uuiou Yuuug People's Meeting at tbe Methodist Cborub Soutb. Subject " What have 1 learned in tbe Summer Union Meeting!"' At 8 o'clock in the ssuie church the Baptist pastor will preach on tbe t-Jpic "Tbe Heaveuly Household'' : i) k k j: ing : If " Uncle eruoll, Uoury Bailey, K. J. $100 Mewaid $100. l bs rtaleis of tin pamr will be pleased to learu thai there is al least one dreaded disease that science hss lieeu able to ours iu all it stages, aud that Is llalarrh. Hall s t'atarrh Cure Is the only poailtve mire uow to tbe iue.ii, a I fraieiuity. Catarrh lie uh a uuiisuiuiiouai aiseasa, re.iulres Tawlnr a oou...u,io.,al treatment li.ll '. j Melius - It IX Churohlll, J.H Hiatt us uiiwiiy iikiu me m.HMl and mu- Hatha sus surface! of the sxteiu. thsr.l.. ! iri,. v u ilestroytiig the foundation of lbs dis H,lu... ins paueui slreuslll Vi W t t..11..;ll - , " ' 0,4001 i.i i og up ins -.hiusltutiuu SUd' Drii- ll . .... 11, I -J. uaiure iu n.ilns Its Work Altl., "I. C. C. H. I I'rooks, Edward Ueiasuer, Fraak P. tie Ihe proprietor have so umob faith in Wimer, U T. Webb. oune -11 h Kitturn,.,, iloilaii.t 't. k t.-.T" llM nr.llw II., . ,1... ... . . ""lion '" 'y orrsr ui.a A. l,,ur,l. ii.iu.iro.i miliar ror any ae that il fall lo eure. heud for I1.1 of usliuTT u , . hkviiv 1 " J' -F :M'Hird, W r. J. t HhNhY A i . umMt xge. Galt.e-J. tUrlow. Mattisou. CTTT loledu, il, W.d.1 by Drussut. 7(Ui ! ii., . n . , n iJ:u a.,,, ,w, ,,rj j?:r?.: 3 Elk Valley is still alive, Ebe" is a back number. Tummie (iilligau is working at tbe Webb miue. Gus Iavin bas rt turned from Crescent City. G. T. Thrasher of Medford was a visitor at tbe Webb mine Muuday. I Mr. aud Mrs. Frodelius viaited at the home of Frauk Hllwalt near Waldo Suuday. 0. T., L. G. , aud L. a Webb were at Waldo this week on business. Don Morrison, who is la the forest servl.M was calling on Elk Valley settlers Wednesday. H. N. Ktouer of Portland was look ing over oar vallsy last week. A. L lieyuold aud sou Charles are helping Chas. Mock build a new house. Swsu Hagluud bas gone to Creaceot City to work iu tbs mill. Alfred Peterson and Bernard Fro delid have returned from Crescent City where they "weut to prove up on their homestead. Miss Haiel ; Koykeodall ' of IWolf Creek and her frieud Miss Gladys Hoys of Jennings Lode near Portland have leu making over mouth's visit Iu our valley with tile former's graud parents. " " Miss Floreooe Hooston, a former teacher iu our school it ruakiug a week's visit witb friend bere. j Quite a g! deal of prevails in our valley over tke"?a7T that the Webb Miuiug Oo.h"ave owued ap their ore at a depth of over Sou feet aud .are uow work lug inTTT r ore of the very beet. This p'rTvTs lyoud doubt that Elk Valley haTa vast oepper mlus aud U has comsTZo ,uy- KBKN. . amtMtiai .........11WMWt(tt) hhu4 This is the only school in the Northwest which 5f prepares young men and young women for i t Private Secretary Positions We have ceased trying to fill all positions which are broueht 1 5 our attention. Only the best are selected and for the best we t must have the best young people. Jb'' Write us today and usk uh alxiut this Private Secretary Counse fi 1 Holmes Business College Jjo i PORTLAND, OR.E Ithi iaaa . . . . , UitJ))nl ,lll TItEEfS: TREES! TREEiS BUY YOUR TJREES FROM tt "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries and you are sure of gettidg just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent la t WHY DONT 1 YOU WLftft A ) I SHIFT TlGE? r' r u RLJOLVED THfJ ALTHOUGrt fl ffri MAY WEftR ffOOO CUJTHES 0V THE OUTSIDE VE CrW 71 EL Good r tit ft tiCT DRESSED RJG1-1TUL1 TH I WAV Til ROUGH. IT IS WOKffl nofiz TrW THE PRICE OFfiSMl ToTEELTHAT W CAfV ThKl OFF, VOUR COAT in A CROWD- BUSTER BROMV. 1 USTAlUtT Ml bt m 1 1 maz JTHrtTSniKT irJJ, !,', ' V'iw sums imwii es. eniued. WIT hua taOUl "MV LOT J or PEOPLE WEAR, CooD OUTER. CLOTH ING BUT NOT GOOD JHIRTJ. THEY JAY "WHAT IJ THE DIFFERENCE?" THERE IJ A DIFFERENCE. A WELL FITTING JHIRT FEELJ COMFORTABLE BECAlJE IT IJ VERY CL0.SE TO YOU. TO BUY GOOD JHIRTJ IJ ECONOMY THE LAUNDRY YOU KNOW IJ HARD ON CHEAP JHIRTJ. THEREFORE WE BUY FOR YOU GOOD JERVICEABLE, WON'T FADE IN THE WAJH JHIRTJ. BEJT WORK JHIRTJ cl0C; monarch ahd jtandard golf JHIRTJ FOR $, J0FT DREJJ JHIRTJ FOR 75CAND$1. YOU ALJo NEED JoME COL- lruK,i Do YoU noT? THE LINEN IN COLLAR J JHOULD BE GOOD AND THE JTYLE RIGHT. Jx y not ECONOMY TO BUY POOR COLLAR J; AND THEN YOU WANT THE PROPER CUT IN COLLAR J, WE JELL -THE "ARROW" BRAND QUARTER JIZEJ, IF YOU WANT THEM. WE ALJO HAVE LOTJ OF NICE NECKTIEJ TO 60 cUsND THE C0LLAR J, FINE JILK NECK- w.ynr0?-!50 AND 50C M LINE OF 25C WINDJOR TIEJ, 2 FOR 35C. Most of our purchases for fall are already on our tab. los and eWves. The world famous Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing for Men and young Men. $15 to $30 in popular priced clothing for Men and young Men, from tho best manufacturers in Chicago, suits from $10 to $16. Just in, Boys combination suits for Fall and Winter, extra pair of pants with every suit. They are the "Wearbetter" kind, best in the market Prise per suit, with extra pants, $5. We show a long line of N Mens ' Flinnel Shirts, Wool En- derorwoar, Blaukets and Comforts, Hats and Caps. Sweaters, Jerseys etc., in all grades andat prices we know will bo an inducement to you. QEO. 5. CALHOUN C2. rOUTPITTERS TO B0T Mb flflH the 1m J" . qui hsi Prl fre ma hot 1 tot 44 gal it i Tal b da J dai t an thf tb tbe tb 1 8oi At p of to th oo VI Ai 0 A ool n?" CI eh II. foi lo (