Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 23, 1907, Image 5

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    "rrriganon Convention ainiMmlnstrialk air-grants Jtnss, September lO, 11, 12.
Ctmmt, weigh -md aeaim ermrytiun tcm
Aisy America Grocery.
The Good Old Summer
Swimming Time
Is Here
TheSmall Boy Knows It
We are also trying to keep in the
swim in our business by making
it easy for the cook to quickly
geather up the tag ends for a
hurried dinner or lunch.
Pretty much everything in the eat
ing line, Oregon Boiled Ham,
Boiled Tongue, Fried Spring
Chicken, Sliced Beef.
Fresh Bread Daily
i (Home Cooking) in Nut Cake,
i Orange and Lemon Layer Wal
, nut Cake, Cocoanut Sponge Cake
, Tuesdays and Saturdays
' Fresh Saratoga Chips
, ; Heinzs Pickles, Sour ' or sweet
(Nuff Said) nothing better to be
: had
Ripe Oliyes, Green Olives,
, Welch's Grape Juice makes a good
hot weather drink, we have it in
pints and quarts.
Heinz Baked Beans plain or with
Tomatoe Sauce. 12 20 or 25c
for the large family size
Soused Mackeral and Underwoods
Mackeral in Mustard 25c
Smoked Sardines (Norway), the
best 12c, good American Sar
dines 6 for 25c, French Sardines
15 to 25c,
Good pink Alaska Salmon 10c
,3 cans Magnolia Salmon 25c
Best fall Cream Cheese per lb. 20c
All kinds of Sauces and Relishes,
Lea & Perres Holbrooks,
Heinz Mandalay the very latest
and one of the best on the
market, its very good. Try It!
ff if.:
M UK: Iff
(Raspberries and Logan
berries about gone.
Blackberries and early
Peaches now in
Rfmcmhpr we have those well
cured Lemons, 30c doz.
Oranges and Banans, at
White House
8 Items of Personal
o Interest.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilson have
removed to Portland.
Mrs. Sam A ease ipeot several days
In Leland this week.
Mrs. J. Greene left ror Portland
Tuesday for a short stay.
Mrs, J. W. Hicks, daughter and
son. of Gold Hill ware in Grante Pass
Airs. W. E. Mallory sad two
children arrived Wednesday to visit
for several weeks.
Mrs. Mort Lackett ' returned from
Portland Wednesday. Mr. Luokett
will remain in Portland some time
taking treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hocking of
Wilderville returned Tuesday from a
very enjoyable visit at Portland.
Salem and other points.
J. N. Johnston and b4s brother,
reoently arrived from Indiana, left
Wednesday for a two weeks hnnt with
headquarters at Bear camp.
Mrs. Ed Binns and daughter,
rreaa, or Jacksonville, returned to
their camp at Colestin Tuesday, after
a few weeks stay with relatives here.
Mrs. M. P. Anderson and daughter.
Miss Sylvia, leave this Friday evening
lor Portland to attend the millinery
opening and seleot their Fall and
Winter stock of goods.
Walter Scott, a lineal descendant of
the immortal writer, and C. C. Case
of Oakland, CaL, were in Grants
Pass Wednesday looking over this
territory with a possibility of
Miss Roth Loveridge returned Tues
day from Eogene where she has been
spending the past two weeks with
her father and listers. Her studio is
now open and ready for any photo
graphic business.
O. B. Reynolds, formerly of this
p'acslbat now of Phoenix, and Ed
Pieroe of Meaford were in Grants
Pass Tuesday on their way to Ores
cent City for a two weeks vacation.
Tbey traveled in their own convey
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lnper left
Monday evening for an oating of
several weeks. They stop first at
Eugene, then go to Spokane Falls,
North Yakima, Wash., Oro Fino,
Idaho, and other points. Mr. Lnper
la an employe at the round boose.
Mrs. W. S. Staodish and two
daughters, who have been viaiting
Mrs. O. P. Harvey for the past few
weeks are at Takilma for a few weeks,
Mr. Standiih having come in for
tbem from there Wednesday. After
a few weeks at Takilma Mrs. Stand-
ish and daughters will return to their
home at Los Angeles.
Miss Carrie Umpblette returned
Sataiday from a three weeks visit
with her brother Stanley, and sister
Mrs. Wickersbam of Portland and
Seaside. She had an exceedingly en
joyable time, marred only by the
knowledge that she wonld soon have
to return to bar newspaper work in
Nevada. .
S. B. Edwards, a mining engineer
of Portland, and A. H. Gnonell are
on a business trip to British Colum
bia, leaving Grants Pass Saturday.
On his return Mr. Ganoell will stop
at Jefferson for Mra Gunnell who
has been visiting there for the past
week, and they will return together
to Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Person and two
little daughters left Wednesday morn
ing for Los Angeles, which place they
will visit before returning to their
home at Montrose, Colo. Mrs. Per
son and the children have spent the
past 10 weeks here with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scovill, and Mr.
Person has been here fur three weeks.
Mr. Person is city superintendent of
schools nt Montrose.
Wm. Jordan and family of Cottage
Grove have been spending the past
two weeks camping and prospecting
on Thompson creek. Tbey leave
this week for home. M& Jordan
until last Summer resided at Merlin
where he conducted the Merlin hotel
for several years. The hotel, which
was the first in Merlin and once
conducted by Brit Williams, was
bnrned last January. The. imurance
bad run out .about a month, so the
loss was total to Mr. Jordan. The
building was nnder lease at the time
it barned.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. True of Med
ford left their home Monday morning
by auto and made Grants Pass by 8
o'clock on their way to Crescent
City for an outing. Mr. Tree had
just returned Saturday from a Crater
Lake trip with W. S. Hud boo and it
is claimed that tbeir two machines
are the first to make the round trip
to Crater Lake, the gentlemen driving
their machines to the rim of the
crater. They went ont by way of
Green Springs mountain, Klamath
Kails and Fort Klamath, returning
by the Kogae River route.
Trains carrying passengers leave Grants
Pass depot as follows :
No. 12 Shasta Express for Port
land and intermediate
stations 6:23 a. m.
No. 16 OrKon Eiprwa, Port
land and wav stations.. 6:20 p.m.
No. 14 Portland Ei press, flyer 11:36 a. m.
No. 11 Shasta Express, Sacra
mento A: San Kranciscn. 10 :15 p.m.
No. 15 California. Express, Sac
ramento and San Fran
cisco 9 05 a. m.
No. 13-San FrancUco Express,
nyer u:uu a. m
rsimer Lee went to Portland Wed
nesday. Misses Kate Newell and Vera
Reymer returned Tnesday evening
from a 10 days onting at Newport
Miss Maggie Veatrh leaves this
Saturday for several weeks visit
with Eugene friends.
Chaa. H. Seward, one of the owners
of the Grayback mine is in the oity,
looking after some business matters.
A. J. Fulk, the well-known
creamery man is in the city, from
the Illinois Valley, on business and
The Misses Maud and Bessie Lee
of Central Point are spending a few
days in Grants Pass, guests of Miss
Mae" Harrington. c
Chaa. E. Short, manager of the
Merlin Mercantile Co. and Merlin
Towns! te and Development Company,
was in town Monday on business.
Mrs. Geo. H. Niohols is visiting
with old-time friends In ber old
home, down in "Yamhill county. She
is expected boms in the near future.
;"ShortyM Riobie, one of Love Sta
tion's popular young men baa been
mingling with his many friends and
acquaintances at the oonnty seat, this
Travel on the Southern Pacifio is
very heavy nowadays" and as a result
the passenger trains are all being
run in two sections 'and the train
men report a heavy trafflo all along
the line.
Mra. F. D. Smith is down from
Portland and will leave today by
stage for Holland, where her husband
has some very promising mining
properties whiob he is now develop-tS-
Geo. W. MoDougall, a prospective
settler from Marengo, 111., is in
Grants Pass, finding oat more about
this wonderful seotion, with which
bs is more than pleased and he is very
sure of making this bis borne for the
R. E. Doan, a prominent Gold Hill
mining man is in the city and he
brought along a sack of what seems
to be very promising ore to show
why he has great faith In bis part of
the country's mining business.
Jos. Sowell, one of the oldest resi
dents of this valley, having rented
his fine ranoh out in the Holland dis
trict, left yesterday for Portland
where be will now have a taste of
oity life. He was accompanied by his
Oscar Johnston, a brother of At
torney J. N. Johnston arrived Mon
day from Indiana and may possibly
make the West bis borne. Mr. Johnston
is a locomotive engineer and has been
on the roads in Indiana for the nast !
six years.
W. M. Hodson, the hustling Med
ford auto man was in the city yester
day, on business and pleasure bent.
He found grants Pass moving along
in good fashion and was very favor
ably Impressed with this city's future
prospects. I
Col. J. O. Croooh of Olyuipia'
brought down his fifth party from bis !
home city lust week to looste on Jose-1
phlne county timber lands. The party
was composed of Will Langrege, a !
farmer and owner of oyster beds, Mrs.
D. C. Bates and Mrs. McCnUev.
He was also accompanied by Mrs.
C. W. Sargent, au extensive timber
man from (inborn, Idaho, is here
making some purchases aloug this line
and so well pleased is he with the
climate and the possibilities of this
section, that he proposes to return
here to make ' kis future home. He
will make some large investments In
realty when he comes back to reside
! Mr. and Mrs."" W.lT Ireland and
Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. R. Riddle will
leave Monday
for a very enjoyable
overland trip to that famous pleasure
resort. Crater Lake. They will be '
gone about two weeks and it goes '
" J
pate naving tne nme or timr Jives.
m -f . a i i '
Jno. Summers, the obligingSouth
em Pacifio opera t..r contemplating
visiting his ili 'home, back in Miubi-
"111 'Home, UlCS In illutjl-
gau, about theflrst of neit month,
! aocompanied by bis family. Fur the
pat f'lUr yiars be ha Iwt-u doin
duty in his present cajarity. often
. working overtime , and now he will
j greatly enjoy this tuurh-needed rent.
I Tbey expect .to be in tbe'eaHt about
I three months. , "".
A Brief Record of
.6 Local Events, h
Clean up your yards and have the
oity present a neat appearance to the
visitor to the Fair. 5
Six" families of Medford, people
started Sunday for Crescent City to
camp for a tew weeks.
Wm. Frakes this morning brought
in some very attractive specimens
of Mloriuui ore whiob come from bis
promising mines in the Siskiyou.
Hops will be ready for picking in
the old John Ransau yard, now the
Cornell and Flanagan yard, about Au
gust 26. They will need about 800
pickers. 8-W-8t
Uncle Tom's Cabin, which holds
forth in this city tonight, came in on
a special train, the cars being made
especially for this purpose. The outfit
seems to have every indication of
being a very saocssful aggregation.
A string of nine fine Percheron
horses passed through the oity in a
special car yesterday afternoon and
many persons were interested in view
ing the One stock, which came from
the famous Crouch stock farm, of La
Fayette, Indiana. The animals were
being taken to Sacramento, CaL, for
entry Jn the oomlng state fair.
Tha Southern Faclflo Company have
for general distribution a number of
large wall maps showing that portion
of the United States west of Chicago
which is very complete and is exceed
ingly useful .for reference and infor
mation. These maps will be snpplied
free by applying through the GranU
Pass depot agent 8-V3 tf.
Assistant Postmaster Newell in
forms the Courier that there is a very
lively demand for boxes and that the
supply is not at all equal to the de
mand. This is but another fine in
dication that Grants Pass is being
made the home plaoe of many new
oomers aad is a most desirable state
of affairs. Mr. Newell hopes that tha
new boxes may be forthcoming in the
near foture.
These are busy times for Grants
Pass hotel men and they are having
considerable difficulty in caring for
the' traveling public ' One popular
hostelry baa many private residences
engaged in the neighborhood, ' where
they oare ' for their many guests
who are nnable to obtain accommo
dations in the hotel proper.
! E J. Clark has a contract for
erecting a 60x85 two story brick for
Farlow & Rhodes at Ashland, the
building to cost $8000. Mr. and Mra.
Olark left for Ashland Tuesday and
will remain there several mouths until
the building is completed. " M. T.
Utley will do the Wood work on tha
contract and be left Thursday.
Einney & Truax, the enterprising
merchants findneed for another sales
man, and in the person of Mr. Car
bray, a rocent arrival from the Colum
bia river country, they have an able
assistaut in
looking atfer their large
volume of business. !Mr. Car bray's
family aooonipanles him aad they
expect to make Grants Pass their
futnre abiding plaoe.
8tatiou Agent Mahoney has been
notified from the Portland office that
stopovers will be allowed at Grants
Pass on all tickets sold from the Port
land territoritory to Sacramtnto on
account of the National Irrigation
Congress. This will insure a great
number of northern Oregon visitors
stopping a day or two at Grants Pans !
on account of the Irrigation Conven
tion aud Fair.
The 15 public spirited citizens who
joined hands and made It possible for
the musio loviug portion tif Or tuts
Pass to have some rare musics! treats
during the coming season, bavs made
' most of theii selections and the at
1 tractions promise to be unusually
j good. With the opera house prao
j tically rebuilt and having now a play
,honsethatis very creditable, Grants
j Pass sets the pace for all of Houthern
I Oregon in this most important inat
! ter. Much 'credit is dne the citizens
i who take so muoh interest and prids
I ' the welfare of the people of this,
l UUIiJUJIllll 1.
I " Mrs. L. B. Aksrs'hasa Plymouth .
i Rock hen which has a record-breaking
I brood of IK) chickens, which the old
hen mothers as attentively and as
i successfully as though her brood ;
i consisted of only one. The hen did 1
not hatch 00 at one setting they were
the result of the work of niuehens,
but the one ben does the bringing up
of the brood while the other hens 1
j went
back to laying. (The hen
doesuot hope to mother each cbickeu
every night but they each get their i
, turn some time during the week, aud
, thn whii h ur nnt fnrtnn,l .nmmh
to get under the mother wing take up
their station as in ir as possible in the
hope of butter lurk the next night.
Mrs. Akers throws "a1 canvas over the
ooop at night in order to shield them
from any chill. : .
Irrigation convention aud iuduslrial
News Notes From tha Business
Nan to Readers.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Goto Coron (or Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 's
Cornell buy more Farm produce than
A full stock of Edison and Columbia
records at the Musio Store 1500 Edi
soos and 1000 Columblaa.
Remember Cornell keeps the best
coffees and teas in town.
We can fill 90 per oent of your Edl
i d orders. Mu
sio Store.
Mra. Frances Amos Piano teacher,
408 N 5th .St. 8 9-tf
A complete line of Edison Phone
graph records at the Photo and Music
Hop pickers register your names at
Cornell' Grocery.
Kodaks and Films at Moslo Store.
Fisher, the Jonk man buys any old
thing. " 6-81 tf
Paragon brand Typewriter Ribbons
for all machines at the Musio Store.
Hop picker's Supplies at Cornell's
Merlia-Galice stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Galios 19, re torn
1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. 95 pounds
baggage free.
Talking Machines rented for the even
ing at the Music Store.
Cornell's Grooery nooessors to
Grants PassQro. Co.
E. S. Quigley, successor to Kennev
cash store, the place to go for fancy
groceries and provisions call and get
the prioea before you purobase else
where. At old stand opposite Graots
Pasa Livery Stable.
Wanted by a married man, inside
Job. Have bad experienoe In bard
ware, grooery and Novelty store.
Very handy with tools. Address Call
Bos 258, GranU Pass. 8-93 It
Tha carpenters' and painters have
been busy during the last few weeks
remodelling "Paddock's Bicycle
Den." After the first of September
It will be occupied by Joe Wharton,
who Is potting in a complete line of
Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Taokle,
Cutlery, Sporting Goods and other
allied lines. Ha will carry a com
plete stock and be able to supply the
demand for these goods In this com
munity. Hunters and Sportsmen
desiring an abstract of the Oregon
Game Laws, revised to date and con
venient to carry in the pocket may
obtain it by calling at his place of
business after the first of the month.
Don't forget the plaoe Paddock's old
stand three doors East of Sixth street
on Front. 8-33 9t
Rooming House Snap.
A good sized rooming house and lot
for sale. Water and bath. Main street
close, to milL For price and terms
apply to Mra Gague, Crescent Oity,
Cal. 8--7t
Bring your tall grass to the Fair.
Additional Sleeper from Ashland.
The Southern Pacific in appreciation
of the steadily increasing psiwenger
trafflo between Portland and Southern
Oregon points, announces that an
additional standard sleeping car will
08 Pnt on boDt August 1st between
Ashland and Portland. It will leave
Portland on No. 13, arrive Ashland at
1 :30 a. m. and return northward from
Ashland on No. 1A scheduled to leave
Ashland 4:40. This will be qnlte
an accommodation to the Southern
Oregon traveling public. The onr
will be reserved aa follows: Ashland,
sections 1, 9, 3, 4 and the drawing
room; Medferd, seotioos 5, 6, 7, H,
9; Grants Pass, sections, 10, 11;
Roeebtirg, 19. 8-23 tf
Voorhies would like to get photos
of orchard scenes. Bring In your big
fruit and gut it photogra phed.
A Few Bargains
At the Big North Side
Furniture and House
Furnishing Store
A few Hammocks to close at your own price, several Refriger
ators at a cut price, some odd Rockers to close thetn
out. another shipment of Swing Chairs, also
Cots, Lawn Chairs and a big stock of P
everything for House Furni
shings at lowest
A. U. Bannard
Goodm Sold on Inutallment plan
Are taking the Fly
We sell
Fishing Tackle
Cramer Bros.
A call is given bv tha Grants Pasai
Commercial Club for ores and)
minerals of all kinds, including-
lime, marble, asbestos, clays, mtueraL
paints, slates, rare specimens, curios,
rocks aud formations of rare occur
renoe, and anything that will be of
interest for a suitable exhibit at tha
Irrigation Convention and Industrial
Fair to be held at Grants Pass, Ore- ,
gon, September 10-11-19. Send 15 to
95 pounds to Grants Pass Commercial
Club, with complete description so
tbey can bo labeled and Classified.
Any private specimens or collection
ill be returned to owner free or
charge, if desired. Otherwise t hew-
ill be placed In the oolleotion at thai
Club Rooms.
Send specimens and samples a as
soon aa possible.
- Committee'.
Irrigation Convention and
trial Fair Sept. 10-19.
First National Bank
Of Southern Oreaot
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way e
keeping your money is by deposit
ing it in a Reliable Bank. Thi
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificatesi
of Deposits. On Time Deposits wt
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way fte
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft,
We sell Drafts payable in all part
of the country.
One of the most important func
tions of the Bank. We endeavor
to supply all reasonable needs 1
our customers.
Capital &nd Surplus $73,000
Stockholder' Additional
Responsibility $30,000
L. B. Hall. President
J. C. Campbell, Vice-President
H. L. Gilkey, Cashier
R K. IIaCbett, A ext. Cashie