Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 23, 1907, Image 4

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    industrial Fair-Orants Pass, September roTHQTT
Irrigation Convention and
for commercial printing. Tbii will
give the proprietor a much needed
helper, which will be appreciated by
the reader! in that a better paper will
be published. It is a physical impossi
bility for one man to continue the
work as we have been endeavoring to
do in the past few months.
Gte Shoe o Shoes
If you want the best there
is for Mining, Hunting,
Cruising, Mountain climb
ing, buy this Shoe. No
other shoe has as many
water-proof qualities.
WANTED A saw mill, oapable of
cutting 10,000 feet aany, wp ana
bottom saws, 3 to 5 foot logs. Send
foil particulars to G. W. Manlev,
n,nt nitT. Oil 'P. O. Box 48.
10 inch top
8 23 It
" - -
I . it rrki. .ill
- - - commercial ununuK. ymhbwvw" ft -
Published Every Friday.
One Year, in advanoe,
61 1 Month,
Three Months,
Hingis Copies,
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at ths office, or
by in til.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6o per tins;
card of thanks 60o.
Entered at the post office at Grants Psas
Oregon, as sscona-clsts mail matter.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1907.
This coming Fail will sea the select
ion of a postmaster for Grants Pass.
At the present writing there are a
number of oltlseat of oar oity who
are actively oanvaeslng for the posl
lion and polling all the politioal
strings they are able to get hold of.
In oor Demooratio form of govern
ment the appointment of postmasters
by the Federal Government seems to
be an anomaly and ii more like the
system in vogue in France where the
central government appoint the
mayors of all the cities. Following
out oor Demooratio ideal, the people
served by the postmaster should be
the ones to have the ehief voice ia his
election but at the present time the
tieople directly interested have the
least to ssy. Postmasterships do not
come nnder the Civil Service Law and
consequently Jit is one of the fe
reuiainlug stroogholds of the spoils
system. The position of postmaster is
generally given as a matter of pollti
oal reward either for past services or
some to c rue. Often the fitness of the
candidate has the least of anything
to do with it. The appointive part
would not be so tiad If everythiuK
wus uudor civil servioe for that would
vtittblt) young men of ability to work
np from inferior positions to ones of
greater trust mid would be nu incen
tive to greater merit. Very much
dends ou what you have done
for your party and whether the Sena
tor or Representative who him the
picking of this particular plum thinks
that you can get 111 in votes when he
needs them. This is more or less de
moralizing to the best interests of
the public served.
It is a fact in history
that there was a groat rise iu prices
lu the curly 'Mi's canned as it Is
claimed, and no doubt trnly, by the
newly discovered gold in California
which was coming Into cireuliitiou
in large quantities. You cau ssy
that money is cheaper in such oases
or that products are dearer as you
choose, but the latter is more logical
as products do act follow inouey
in equal ratio. There are other fac
tors iu each oass of products while
moiiev luut ouly one i. e. its quantity.
The rise of prices iu the '.Walls
rvmniucd aud increased iu some tilings
uotably lu thlugs which cannot l
increased lu quantity, Good Oregon
farming land and such things, also iu
products that are produced by much
manual labor and whose production
does uot leud ititelf readily to labor
swt inn machinery butter for instance.
Ttiere is no milking inncliine. Pro
duois that can be produced" bv ma-
li i nt'i tl
atlected somewhat
y other causes lire much cheaper than
Iu the past. II
steel needle to
an l'sqiiiitiuux
of lucre
alue '. her than a
is to an American v
"Ve are told that
We don't need to
sew lll
prices are rising.
U told ill the
low u the fint
any thing from a
lie papers.
V believer ve
14 inch top
dimes worth tip. Ever since the
beginning of the Twentieth Oentury
the searoh for and the production of
gold has been panned with enormous
results, not only in production but in
the discoveries of new; fields of vast
extent. If the solitary gold mines
of California oonld produce such
financial and industrial chnagos as
we had at' that time, what will the
gold production of the present day dof
To judge the fotare by the past is
as true as much now as in the days
of Patrick Henry. 8o if yon judge of
the future by the past yon will make
good goesslng on what is a good place
to put yoor savings in. Many years
ago a niau iu Mastachusutts concluded
that the Creator would not make any
more sea beach in .the vicinity of
Boston at least for long time and
be bought all ha could pay for. Re
suits good. So let . ui look for some
thing nsefol, the quantity of wbioh
cannot be increased and monopolize
all we can pay for. As a matter of
tact it makes no difference what
values are whether one-tenth of what
they now are or ten time as much;
in the last analysis it comes to a
swapping of days works. The men
in the fields and vineyards of Pales
tine in the time of the Saviour were
as well paid with the penny (about
15o) as the two dollar man today The
one attained bis living according to
tbe oastoms of the country, the
other does no more. Bat we are not
going to go back to the modes of the
flrst century. As we stated in the
beginning, prioes are rising so govern
yourself accordingly
Local politics are beginning to stir
np and several of our citizens have
beea in their bonnets.
John D. predicts a panic. Well, if
there 'is one individual in the U. 8.
callable of producing one that person
is John D.
The lumbermen have stared an end
less chain racket on Jim Hill aud he
has already received more than Five
thousand letters.
'I he flogging of runaway convicts at
the state prison and the justification
of the sunni by (lov. Chainberlrtin has
stirred up a hornets nest
A stove wood trust seemB to lie
amoug tlio impoHKilileH but yet Port
land is iu the grip of such a proposi
tion. Thev will corner air next.
Oregon seems to be long on'freak
religions. The latest cult to get be
fore the public is the Tongues of
Klre that are holding forth in Port-
The new comet is not a very consid
erate visitor. It only shows up about
8 o'clock iu the morning aud that is
entirely too early for any respectable
The passegors on the S. P. see
factories as they oouie into town sud
also as they go out. Thus is the pros
perity of Oranta Pass advertised to
all the world
Kzra Meeker and his ox team have
got as far ?as Broadway, New York.
It lunst have been something of a
novelty for the Knickerbockers ;to
look at tnttiortation of thiiTkiud.
Grants Pans does not seem to be
alone in having bur, ted water pipes.
Chicago had cue recenttly where the
water spurted sixty feet hih aud
several horses were drowned before
they could be get out of tbe luitemeut
Tbe Courier ' force has received a
valuable addition iu the ihtsou of V.
Willis, of Medford, a newspaper
iikiii with years of experience iu every
biunch, and we can premise the readers
of the Courier tbe whole news. Mr. I
Willis will have sole charge of the Dews J
iird dioria ivluu us f t at era and !
will n c ive advert ifirg and orders WANTED The Hrv
per of the World desire competent
ana renaoie men in ever locality.
Top salaries paid to right parties.
Address the Btopers of. the World,
Hrm.HIU Commonwealth Building.
Portland. Oregon. 8 23 It
WOMAN to care for two children no
cooking. Inquire at Western note
or P. O. Box 401. 8-23 2t
BULL Black, Jersey blood, about 3
years old, right ear cropped, left ear
undercut Came to my place about
Febrnarv. UK)?. Owner oan have
same by proving property and pay
in charges. C. C. Gilbert on Van-
No Dlace. 8-28-et
Horse One work horse, work mare
one 1200 lbs, one driving and saddle
mare for sale. D. W. Hearn, six
miles N.E. of Graots Pass. 8-23 It
ENGINE For sale cheap, one 300 horse
Dower Oorless Engine fitted with
fonr sterling water tube boilers of
about 500 horse power all complete
and in good condition ; have been
used but very little. For further
particulars address Clarence Cornutt,
Riddle. Ore. 8-16 4t
WOOD Phoue Moody, No. 434 for dry
MILK cows for sale, five fresh, will
sell with or without calves. In
quire of A. Moiris, box 822. 8-3-tf
COWS Two first clans milk cows for
sale. J. F. Burke, foot of 6th street.
8-2 3r.
STOCK for sale 7 first class milk
cows, also two 2-year old bulls, one
Jersey and Durham, the other Poll
and Herford, five 2-year old heifers
of the best milking strain. Call on
or addroaa" C. A. Wallace, box 16,
RFD No. 1, one mile east of Pleas
ant Valley School bonse. 8-2-4t
Six unrelated strains in stock. J. H
Roblnsen, R. F. D. No 3. Grants
Pass. 7-26 6
LARGE Refrigerator for sale cheap,
adapted for Hotel or Restaurant
White House Grocery. 7-13 tf.
A. F. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the ''King Arthur" also
other backs of different strains of
bleeding. Does of tbe noted
strains; backs for tale. Merlin., Ore.
7-6 tf
40 ACRE FARM for sale or trade for
city property. Mostly bottom land,
16 acres nnder fence, seven aores in
cultivation, plenty of running water
for irrigation, 6-rootn cottage, barn,
small orchard, one half mile front
school house, post office and rail
road station. Price right easy
terms Inquire of W. C. Henry,
Hugo. 6-28 tf
SEVERAL fine suites of cftlre rooms
centrally located, STEAM HKATKD
and well lighted and ventilated.
These are the only office rooms in
town that will have steam heat this
winter, so get in early aud net first
choice. W. L, Ireland, "The Heal
Estate Mau. "
ROOMING house snap A good sized
rooming home with bath and water,
ou large lot Main street to mill
guaranteed good title. (.'heap for
quick sale, term" to suit. Apply
Mrs. K. Gauge, Crescent Citv, Cal.
it a tf
RKSIDKNCK On account of going
Kast wish to lent uiv furnished resi
dence ou Nortli Sixth street for
three months from about September
1st. John Summer. 7-aH-tf
COOK Good short order cook wanted
for night work. Airs Susie McMan
ns. Mountaineer Kestauraut, Phone
218, P. O. box 218 8 Hi tf
HOP Pickers JHKi nickers wanted
about August 'J('i ar the Cornell &
Klanairan yard (old Johu
yard i. Morse pasture free. Apply G.
P. Urooery, V. H. PlanaKau or at
.vard. (-., 'tt.
HOP Pickers wauted at the .Ang.
Kehkcpf yard. Address John Mo
Callister, Provolt. S-il-.Ht
HOP pickers wasted Inquire t the
Red Placksuiith Shop. ( -2-4t
WANTED Oragmzera, either ex, ca
salary or sum a month and erpensea
for au up-to-date Association, pay
ing weekly sick aud accident benefits
and furnishing free medical attend
ants to all i s uieinlvr. Liberal
contract will tm made with pro
ducers of business
American Sick S: Accident Asso.,
lUiffalo, N. Y.
GIRL to do housework in ,uH
familv. Mrs. W. S. Murray, North
Sixth St , tirants Pass.
WANTEPJa: -siren. Many Make
$liH to l."i0 ier month: some even
more. Stock clean : growu ou Reser
vation, far from old orvbards. Cash
advanced weeklv. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washinuvii Nurserv
Ci uipany. Toppenish, Washington."
You can make money by purchasing
your Groceries at the
R. Hyde Store, Front St.
of Grants Pass
The School That Smtlatlea or return Tuition Money
Day and evening classes ia Shorthand, TypwritinR, Accounting, Eng
lish and all Commercial and Business subjects. We can make you an
expert Accountant or Stenographer.
Students enrolling before Sept 9, 1907, may take any course or the
combined business and Stenographic courses for a period of ten months
for $50. This is yonr chance to beeome an Accountant or Stenographer;
Enroll now and attend when you can.
Office and School over Hall's Art Store, Grants Pass, Ore,
If von wish to secure work hands,
leave word with Verdin & Conger
Emtuovment office and Real estate.
7-19 4t
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
Industrial Fair.
Asmyiiig SO ctm.
Capital 100.000. established 27 Tears.
Odd, Base Bullion, Cyanides, Bicb
Ore, eto, bought, Spot cash on assay
value. All work by expetts.
131 Fifth Street Near V S. Mint
pVERY person who earns money should have a reg
' ular banking, day. On this day they should not fail
to deposit a certain proportion of their earnings.
IN our savings department seores of people carry ac
counts and deposit their savings regularly.,
A7E invite accounts of $1.00 and up, oil which we pay
W 4 per cent interest. ' "Wouldn't you like to estab
lish a banking day?
Call and see us.
I tar- .oi.-rVivrrN lvss, Oregon
H. L. Andrews,
- Trustee in Bankruptcy
H. H. Wardrap, who recently pur
chased the James Peterson plaoe of 80
acres, located five miles ; south of
the city, has decided to accept a posi
tion on the faculty of the Ashland
Normal, which has been offered him
and he will therefore not take hold
of his valuable fruit ranch until next
season. He J was formerly an .in
structor in one of the large California
educational institutions and is a de
oidedly desirable resident for this
locality to secure. He is greatly
pleased with his purchase here.
Read the classified Ad columns if
ou want to buy a cow or if you want
to pick hops.
Quick delivery The Weokijr Orst-onlan.
IW PS' i.,ni... ,.
Pickle" pat down in salt or delivered
to any part of the oity by C. O. Rui
sell, Call phone 1174, Farmer. 8-23 It
Has received the largest ap
propriation ever granted a Nor
mal School! n the history of ths
State. Tbe State bas set ths
aeal of permanency apoa this
deserving institution.
The Improvement being made
are sweeping ones. The faculty,
already a strong one, has been
increased to IS. Mrs. Cathreins
Sloan of Portland, antbor of ths
Sloan Readers, is among those
Tuition bas been reduoed to
12 per year.
Stenography and Typewriting
are now a part of the course.
Teachers from the Normal
School are in demand at good
salaries. Shool opens Septem
ber 18tb. Send for catalog.