ROGUE RIVER. COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, AUG. 23. 1907 I There are all Good tea bad tea H GoWenCate I Tea I(ylo Ceylon Gunpowder JPn The choice of flavor it matter of tute. J. A. Folger . Co. Importers of o BOSIOESfGOUEe TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, Ll B., PRINCIPAL Educates for luccesa in short time and at small expense, and send each stu dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual In struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland. BUY YOUR. Drug's and -AT MODEL DRUG STORE FRONT STREET, Opposite Depot GRANTS PASS Are You Interested In Fencing? If so let us figure with you. We sell Page Woven Wire Fence IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY Cattle. Sheep, Goat, Poultry, or Hog Fence, Buy the PAGE and Start in Right We buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January V G ADDIS E6 Ot Jackson, Josephine Main Office - J V. S. Moody's WOOD YARD (Formerly Lunds) '(Dry Oak, Fir and Pine always on hand FACTORY BLOCKS for imrnediat delivery J TELEPHONE 434 Office and yard, West II I Grants Pass, Ore. Et. nunim. Bdwtltnlii.Mbtii-h.lpol.Jlo cl t Mima B.thautlOk .. til i Mtt fnudMloa th.t hw worn (tmu-M mnamm for ft itwm rri.n ind womn. W. h.lp bo, wbo owiom liiBSNY rnttpr.F. alb an y. opegon I- it. . v t 1 r1m "ff Kinds of Tea artificial! v cnlnrerl tea and pure tea. They may all look alike but there is a vast difference. Folger's Golden Gate Teas are pure flavory health ful. Six flavors English BroaKfast Oolong BlacK Q Crttn Packed flavor-tight in dust proof cartons to protect the delicate leaf from exposure. San Francisco Pure Teas Medicines THE- Lawn, Garden, Cemetery, or Wrou ght Iron Fence or Gates miles 1V07. (& DIXON Fence Men and Klamath Countie4. Medford, Ore. CEMENT AND CEMENT WORK R. H. GILFILLAN Will do your cement work in good shape One bim a chance Phone 744. Cor. B and 5th. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Complete and thorough training. Commercial, Shorthand and Eng lish courses. Individual instruction at about one-half the asual expence. Note Our Special Offer. Student who enter at the beginning of the school year, Sept. 9, I'M', and secure a 9 months scholarship for .'5 will he entitled to Initructlou in any and all the department to July 1, 'vH. This is your opportunity to complete the combined oounw. Ak for im formation. Fine wedding Courier office. stationery at the ! W. C. T. U. COLUMN. All matter (or this column Is supplied by the Josephine County Woman's Chris tian Temperance Dnion, Y. and L. T. L nrancnes. On August 3 the Grants Pass Wo mans Christian Temperance Union held an exceptionally interesting and profitable meeting. Mrs. C. O. Anient, Superintendent of Franchise department furuisbed a program -which consisted of vocal music by Misses Ella Savage, Lain Lund and Kittie Loughridge. Recitation by Mrs. Laura Gonoell. Brief paper bv Mrs. Whipple1 upon the advisability of Franchise from a religious stand point, also one by Mrs. Caldwell from the standpoint of a mother. Important questions were discussed and a farther consideration to be had at next meeting. Following is the paper by Mrs. Weidman opoo the subiet "The Advisability of Suffrage from an Educational Standpoint.": Higher Educational is the very highest pinnacle to be reached by the human mind. A person with an am bition for a higher ednoatlon and the pottlng forth of that ambition by unceasing and ondefatTgable efforts to gain that education is sure to bring a boot a condition in their physical as well as their mental and moral natures whereby as they gain that that is good and soieutifio in the same proportion they lose that which is low and carnal. It is very seldom that you seo a person when striving to reach the higher places in life and to master the greater prob lems in science, that poisesa low desires but rather the lower degrees of life are repulsive to tbem. There fore in Education we find the fuuda- mental principles of all that it takes to make the world better. Oar Heavenly Father in the creating of man and woman saw fit to place much less of the animal nature in the average woman than he did in man. Man has the greater power of strength therefore be takes Jpride in that strength and enjoys using that power to weild his little Jsoepter of authority and that condition will last until be is educated up to the point of knowing that while he may have the greater amount of physical strength aba has as mach endurance and a greater amount of eleotioity of nature than he ' and the time is oer tainly not far remote when our brothers will see this more clearly and woman and man ' will stand ' on the same level in saying who shall rule this mighty country of ours and how it shall be ruled. "Visit onr schools of t day and you will find many mrre girls than boys in our graduating classes. Don't think for one minute that those girls are going to sit down and never be heard from again or that they are going to sink into oblivion aud all those years of hard labor and study be laid on the shelf while tbey at tend only to the duties of wife and mother. No, a hundred times, no it gives thetn the power to stand equal on all sobjeots with their husbands and even a prenatal in flaeooe on the little ones of the home as well as the greater influence dur log the growth of the child. Then, show me why should not that mother have a rlirlit to say who shoo Id set the examples before her children in government, state and munlcipsl affairs. We hear some one ray 'Oh, it causes divorces and diturn tlons in families If women vote.' If we pick np any or the papers we find there are not a few divorces now and what is the cause of nine tenths of them? Can it not be traced directly to a place where no Rood woman would allow it to stay if In her power to get rid of it? On the divorce question, I will give as mv authority tiie Hon. Lewis vt. Cunningham, judge of the First Judicial District of Colorado. He id: 'I believe the greatest good tb at lun so far revolted from equal snffiage in this state has been quite indirect; first It has compelled men to think twice of woman and her rights where he thought of her not at all; second, it has compelled womnn to read and Investigate for herself The fears that homes would be brokt-n up aud women become immodest aud masculine have never been realized; having had about as large an exper ience in matters conns- ted with di vorce litigation since 1H93 as any man in the state, I am prepared to say that a divoroe due to political differ ences is so far an unheard of occur rence. ' "A great book concern in Denver once stated that they had sold more books on political and Social subjects in the tight months following the Full Cf lM than they had sold in 20 years before. To question that good most folio such an awakeuing would lw treason to our public sc!:ol system. ''firvaot B. brooks, govtriicr of I Wyoming says: 'During iny resi dence of seven and ons-half years in Wyoming, I have found that the women I have met have had a vital interest in all that makes for the best things in city, coon try or state. This interest has been expressed in the quiet, earnest influence which characterizes the power which good women wiejd everywhere as well as at the ballot bos. ' Be also emphasizes that bad women do not exert an ap preciable influence in politics, also that be thoroughly believes that woman's work for (home, church and state is niuuh more helpful because of the broader outlook upon life which the franohise of necessity gives a woman. One of the greatest ware the world has ever known was fought to the finish and what was the cause? Taxation without representation. If tomorrow any lady in this room was to be left a widow, whether she be a millionaire or obliged to ;go to menial labor to support her family, would she bave right to have a voioe in saying who should assess herpropertv as how mach she should pay? No, she would have a voice in nothing only walk op and pay what ever tbey charged, but the penalty stands out in bold relief if shs don't pay it, they don't tell her then she is only a woman and cannot or need not ; and again, where is the justice in having some alien from foreign coasts come here, cannot write his own name, neither read the ballot he is about to cast and knows no more about the politics ot our country than a parrot, but he has his natural ization papers and of oourse a right to vote and votes for the man that pays bim the nicst for bis vote. It is humiliating to think snob men are given superior power over the broad minded, educated women of today and that these very women must be olaased on the voting question with Idiots and criminals. 'I am persuaded that the ballot in the hands of women will become a resistless force for reform when the great body of women learn to stand together for what thsy want as does the liquor traffic and other strong interests. I believe the time will oome when all good women win realise that the franchise is com paratively nseless If it shall uot pro tect their own beloved. I look for ward to the day when the white ballot Of consecrated womanhood shall snow under the legalised saloon and home and childhood sheltered behind strong dykes of law shall develop olvio righteousness worthy of onr matchless resources and worthy the solemn graudeur of our everlasting hills. HATTIE L U CALVERT, Press Bapt. Grants Pass W. O. T. U. PertnXnrnl Court of Arbitration. The Hiis-ue, Aug. 21. Nearly all Governments have Instructed their peace delegations to endeavor to bring about obligatory arbitration and In addfilon the establishment of a permanent court of arbitration. In order to save the conference from failure, the efforts of the delegates are directed toward the arrangement of a treaty with Oermany, which country thus fur has opposed a world treaty, on the ground that It would minimize, rath -r than promote, obli gation to arbitrate. Hlab II U Wife and Kills Himself. Willows. Cal., Aug. 21. Joseph Death made a murderous attack on his wife here last nlfrht with a pocket knife, and Inflicted four serious wounds, none of which will prove fatal. Death afterward went to a vacant lot adjoining his home and took a done of poison. He was found by officers several hours later. Phy sicians have no hope of saving his life. Jealousy was the cause for the attack. Will Make No Agreement. ChicaKo, Aug. 21 The Associated Press will not make any agreement with the Commercial Telegraphers' union and will bavs nothing to do with the striking operators. This Information was reached in Chicago last night by President S. J. Email from a member of tbs commit tee of operators who held a confer ence In New York with General Man ager Melville K. Blons to consider the strike situation. 100 Killed In Mine Eiplosloa. Berlin, Aug. 21. -Directors of the Shantung Mining Company have re ceived a cablegram from Tslngtau announcing the explosion of dyna mite underground In the Fasgtse mine, resulting In two Oerniani and 100 l'lilno ln-'i'ir Willed. Woman Dies of fixating. Ssn Jose, Cal., Aug. 21. Mrs. Llllle Kearns, a young woman, died yesterday from the effects of s beat ing she received by unknown h ds Monday nlgbt In a house ooeupli ly bar on Santa Tersa street. Hundreds of New Edison Records at the Music Store. Victors and Columblas a. I no. Several Bargains in Machines DIES FROM STARVATION TOO PROVD TO HKO EDWARD LA. VKLLE GOES WITHOUT FOOD AND SHELTER, Chlco, Cal., Aug. 21. With the finding of the body ot Edward La velle In a field near Nord a tale ot starvation seldom equaled at a time when there is abundance ot work everywhere and when the Golden State is enjoying nothing but pros perity was unfolded. When Lavelle was found local officers went out to the field to bring the sick man home, but when the rig waa near the city he gasped for breath and fell over in the rig dead. Lavelle's home is In San Mateo and be came here several days ago to find work. His funds gave out, and, being too proud to ask for as sistance, he went to the field to sleep. Four days and nights he went without food and on the last was unable to rise In the morning. Pass ersby saw his condition, but it waa too late. His remains will be shipped to San Mateo. Express Company Illumes Piatt. New York, Aug. 21. Charges by certain shareholders of the United States Express Cotnpauy that there has been maladministration cf the company's affairs from Senator Piatt, president ot the company, were published today. Piatt states that the earnlnga for the last six months have decidedly fallen off and that an Increase ot the dividend Is unwar ranted. Lynde Stetson, one of the directors, said today that the Wells Fargo and the American Express Companies obtained their holdings in the United States Company in the open market, instead of by purchase from the company, as charged by the complaining shareholders' commit tee. Fruitgrowers of Rogas River Valley find the Courier of apodal later. J.H. For Thorough Education and Character Building ST. MARY'S ACADEMY is the ideal school for YOUNG LADIES A thorough education in all standard branches assured, in cluding literature, languages, mathematics, science, history, music, needlework, etc., also careful attention to matters of de portment and those accomplish ments which mark the cultured, refined woman. All courses are thoroughly modern in subject and system. Devoted attention li paid to domes tic comfort of itudenti. Nodiitinction or interference in nutters of religion. Ciive your daughters the privileges of schooling in tliii healthy, cultured town Unit for Circular TODAY St. Mary's Acadamy Jacksonville, Oregon IT DOES MOT SLOBBER LEAK, NOR MAKE MS MAD Said a customer who uses) and recommends In PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN When you buy a Tountaln Pen, unscrew the aoisle from the barrel and look for the Lucky Curve. If It dees not have the Lucky Curve, do not buy, for It is not the best. See the fine selection we are showing. You will buy no other thnn a Parker when you know its advent over ottinrs. 1'OR SALE BY C. H. DEMARAY, Druggist 3 v r d vx s Attractive China There is nothing nicer for a cift.: to a friend than on of onr rinintv cups and sancers. or a elate, secured one now, as they are going fast. wnen you call lor your TEA OR COFFEE don't forget to look at them, yow may not want one today, but yot are never sure what the neesl of tomorrow may be SMYTHE'S QUALTY SHOP 9 Let Us Plan Your Eastern Trijr Write or call on us or your nearcst ticket agent and findi out how much the Burling on can do for you in the - way of low rates, desirable - rain service, diverse routesr- stopover privilidges and other features of yonr journey to Chicago, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Omaha, eastern and southeast cities. Remember oar three gate ways and our diverse routes-.- St. Paui, Billings and Den ver, with Burlington high grade service cant thereof The map shows you the great advantage of holding tickets reading over the Burlington,. A. C. SHELDON, Oen'l. Agt. C. B. & fir . ri i 1 c . . teiNtji litlllH w Joiru oircet, rortiand, - uregom QUALITY IS MY RULE IN GROCERIES None But the Best and at Right Prices SOLE ACKNT FOR WHITE SATIN FLOOR- The Best Hard Wheat on the Market Fkebii Fktjit AMD VeOSTABLXbV'- T. Y. DEAN West Q St. Opposite depots DON'T EXPERIMENT 6UARAMTEE YOUR HEALTH If you suftrr from Stomach, Kidney or Livrr TroubW, Khtu matiim or other bluod dis orders, correct theiu now. PERKINS' NATIONAL HERBS soo TAHI.ETS PUH Si.oo- Omjmim! uadat Food aftd Draf Act art J no 30. 1906. Ctrtificatc No. V 6 Fa S MRS. J. GREEN General Auent Grants J'ass, Ore. Iiox i