KOOVB HVBK COUIIBI, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. AUG. 16, 1W. CONSTRUCTION Fancies, Fallacies and Facts . About the Science. WHAT AN EXPERT HAS FOUND Why New Jerees Supervisor ef Roads Prefers a Light.r Macadam to a Ttlford Road How to Build a Good 8tone Highway. From the time of the prophet Isaiah to the present men have bad their Ideas of a perfect highway. The plans of road engineers have been criticised - as newfangled, while they were only aiming at the road that Isaiah saw with prophetic eye when he cried: "Make straight In the desert a high way for our God. Every valley shall ,be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be mnria ntrtiU'lit nml )m i.r.i,irK places piulu." Thus the fancy that a straight road with easy grades Is a new Idea la swept away by the words of Isaiah uttered over 700 years before the Christian era, writes It. A. Meeker, - state supervisor of roads. New Jersey, in the Good Roads Magazine. Later Claudius Appius had his vision of a road that would perpetuate his name, and his dream has been real ized. But beyond that he gave what? The monument of a tyrant who com pelled thousands to work for naught and a lasting example of bow not to build a road. The Appian Way, fa mous In picture and story. Is avoided over a greater portion of Its length by very traveler who Is In a hurry to reach his Journey's end. This old Roman's Idea of a deep foundation has lived after him, but no experienced road builder adopts It The old Roman's fancy that it is neces sary to build a deep foundation for a road crops out here and there, even at the present time, and Is exploited as the best and, In fact, the only true way to build a road. It was not until road builders learned that thoroughly drain ed earth was the only Bure foundation for any kind of road covering that a great advance was made In road con struction. That road Improvement la an expen sive luxury, something nice to have, but too costly for those who have to work for a living, is the fancy of some, but it Is not borne out by experience. In New Jersey every dollar expended for road improvement has added tens and hundreds of dollars to our state's wealth. The first roads I built were sixteen laches deep, composed of ten Inches of telford bottom and six Inches of com pacted two and one-half Inch and one and one-half Inch crushed stone and finished with coarse stone screenings. That the foundation of this kind of road lasts Is true, but the top wears off much more quickly, and when that Is gone every driver avoids the telford road in good weatbor. I well remember the first sixteen inch telford I ever saw. It was In 1801) at my home city of riainfleld, N. J. We boys were dis cussing It very learnedly, as we thought. In fact, we were merely re hearsing what we had heard our elders say, when an old Scotchman passed by and, catching the drift of our remarks, said: "Boys, It is wrong. It Is a' wrang. It Is wrong In prencepll. Ilere ye hae the anveel, an' on It ya put tho sma' stone. Along comes the horse and wagon. The horse's hoofs pound the sma' stone an' the wagon wheels grind It till, 'twlxt the hammer and the anveel, the sma' stones ore ground to powder." We Inugboil at the old Scot, but my experience has since taught me that he was right. Not only is a deep telford more expensive to. build, but the road wears rough much sooner than a lighter macadam and Is conse quently much more exjienslve to main tain. It is also much harder on horses' feet, as It has no elasticity. It has been argued that a deep tet ford road will not be heaved by frost. This Is not so. I have seeu fourteen Inch telford turned upside down by frost so that the large bottom stones were on top of the road, while six Inch macadam built over the same soil and same conditions of travel remained un moved, the only other difference In construction being that underdralns were placed outside of the macadam, while none was used beside the tel ford. To build a good stone mad, first grade your hill down to S per cent or less If possible; fill up your flats so you bare a minimum grade of at least one half per cent; second, by underdralns cut off all water that may threaten the road; third, give your road a crown of three-quarters inch per foot; fourth, cut out your subgrade, being careful to give it the same curvature as the finished road; fifth, roll the subgrade until It is bard and smooth, carefully removing any spongy or vegetable earth that the rolling may disclose; sixth, spread your bottom course even ly, then roll and add a little binder and continue the rolling until the stones cease to sink or creep In front of the roller; seventh, spread your sec ond course and roll It, with the addi tion of binder and water, until the whole surface is hard and smooth, carefully filling with stone any depres sions that may appear, then finish the whole with a course of three-fourths inch stone and screenings. This must be soaked with water and rolled until a wave of mud is formed in front of the roller, being particularly careful to commence the rolling at the sides and gradually work toward the center. By so doing yon will preserve the crown of your road. If this work to well sad thoroughly done, yon will have a road that Is smooth, bard and conven ient tor travel at ail seasons of Is ye. WOMEN IN CIVIC LIFE. Probltms For Which tho Sorloua Mind d Are Needed to Solve. There Is nothing that women cannot do, but the work mu't be planned with h , thoroughness that precludes failure an-.l done with a modesty which Is the inhcreut ehnrra of the superior sex, :iys the Woman's Iloine Companion. As I said, every community has Its own problem. Most of these originate outside of the home Ture wnter, pure food, pure air, clean streets, sanitary schools and tenements, district nurs ing, the education of the Ignorant In the care of babies, the question of pau pers, the public baths and traveling li braries, the treatment of our women prisoners In prison and after, the lodg ing house problem these are only a few of the civic puzzles crying for trained women to solve. A woman does probably her greatest share of her duty as a citizen when she makes a home a safe and happy harbor of refuge from a stormy world, when she brings up her children into noble manhood and womanhood and when she does not destroy her husband and family by bad cooking and bad temper, but that same woman crowns her career as a citizen when she In terests herself In and becomes a vital part of some problem of government A woman successful In home life Is desperately needed lu civic life. DELAWARE EXPERIMENT. Roadmaking In Which River tand, Kaolin and Clay Wore Used. In bis report of road Improvement done In Delaware, State Highway Commissioner Francis A. Price de scribes a bit of experimental road making in which river sand, kaolin and clay were used for surfacing, says the Good Roads Magazine. At the ex pense of the local taxpayers the foun dation was graded by a scraper, to a slope one one Inch to the foot, from the center line to the side ditches, then rolled with a steam roller. On this foundation four Inches of sand were spread, then four Inches of clny, which was covered by three Inches of sand. These layers were thoroughly ndxed by harrowing, then rolled down smooth and hard. On 100 feet of this road what Is de scribed as kaolin sand was spread, and on 300 feet sand from a stream near by was used. For labor and teams the county paid $172.25 and for Band $5.13. The entire cost of tills bit of ex perimental rond was at the rate of $2,400 per mile. As a summer and a winter have passed since tills road was so treated a fair idea of this treatment should soon be obtainable. Road Legislation In Arkansas. The Joint resolution No. 4, Introduced In the general assembly of the state of Arkansas by Representative Hunt was duly passed and was signed by the governor May 23, 1907. This resolu tion Is considered tho most Important of tho good roads measures passed by the assembly, says the Good Roads Magazine. It provides for a change lu The constitution so as to allow cities of the first and second class to issue bonds for road building and for pur poses of general Improvement and counties for purposes of Improving their highways. This measure, lu or der to make It effective, must be car ried In the election two years hence. Rural Delivery Notes At the coiner of Shelby and Cruft streets lu Iudlauupolis, where the city's southern bonier runs, there Is 11 lilg sliver puplnr tree tlmt serves an even better purpose than that of being a Ck1 sliudc producer. It might be railed a postninYe substation, for on Its trunk there ure Just ten rural delivery ni'll boxes, and they serve to keep the neighborhood In touch with he out side world, says the Indianapolis NeMf The mall boxes are not of the fancy sjrt at all, but they serve the purpose. Claiming the distinction of being th first man in the I'ulted States who c-er carried a rural mall route. E. I. Wright, who resides on the Jackson ;ilke lu Frauklin towushlp. Ohio. Is still employed In the mall service, car rying It. F. 11. No. 3 from the South Columbus branch station, says the "" Imubui Dispatch. Hule and hearty at lie nue 1 threescore and ten. Mr. Wright makes his dally trips and has to his credit fifty-five years In Cnckr Sam's service. There are ten women carriers In the rural service In Missouri. Kansas tuts twelve, Oklahoma six, Texas six, ajrl Arkansas three. STATE'S ROAD WORK. Connecticut Will Build Trunk Roads ee a Uniform Plan. Even a year ngo the proposition to bond the state of Connecticut for S5.0W.0ii0 or $0,0n0.0ro In order to build good roads would have been re garded as visionary. While the auto moblllsts would have been glad of the roads which would result from such a course, it Is doubtful If even they would have looked upon such a plan as other than a little too ambitious to go through, and the farmers wouldn't have considered It for a moment Now the eituation has so changed that the farmers are actually asking the com' mittee to report a good alsed bond is sue to be available for Improved road' ways at about a million a year, writes a New Haven correspondent of the Boston Transcript Connecticut has done much toward acquiring good roads as a atate, and yet It to the fact that the atate has no system of good roads today worthy the name, and while there are Btretcbes of road in different sections which have been well built and built to last In general way the expenditure of money does not show. The basis of the new plan which aeema likely to receive the support of the general assembly consists in the state's taking over absolutely all trunk roads. The state will be entirely re sponsible for these roads, and with an appropriation of a million a year it won't be long before Connecticut will have a state wldo network of first class roads. Certain concessions lu the mat ter of choosing the road to be Improv ed will be made to the local authori ties, but It must be a trunk road. The state will go into the roadmak ing business on a large acale, will have Its own trap rock quarries or take the entire output of private quarries, will have its own stone crushers and all the other necessities for successful roadmaking, will employ its own fore men and Inspectors and will go at the whole business on a uniform plan. Not the least of the benefits of the scheme will be the fact that the towns will have their own soad appropria tions intact to spend on roads leading to the trunk lines improved by the state. It to proposed to bring the high way commissioner Into even closer touch with the automoblllsts by giv ing him an auto In which to travel from town to town overseeing the road building. And, Incidentally, all the taxes on autos coming to the state will be spent on good roads, in addi tion to the proceeds from the bond to- I Planting and Care of 8treot Trees. 'All planting of trees on streets should be done by the town or by permanent organisations authorised to carry on the work, says the Los Angeles Times. The poorer the sell the Isrger should be the bole for the tree. If convenient, add rich soil. Spread the roots care fully. Fill lu with pulverised soil and press Into contact with the roots. Pro tect the tree with a line of wire netting supported on three or four posts. It adds to the expense, but pays In the long run. But In the protection of the young trees don't forget to stir up civic pride. Interest the whole town In the Improvement club's schemes. It is right here that special celebrations have their place. Frovlde for the email boy and enlist htm if you can. It pays better than to permit arrest or threat en with arrest Don't permit telegraph or telephone linemen to mutilate trees sr climb them with spikes. Secure the passage of ordinances forcing wires and cables underground wherever prac ticable. Telegraph and telephone masts are unsightly and Interfere with all schemes of street improvement and tree planting BeeulMullr located Is Fortl.nd. Oresoa. otters aatarpaesed facilities (or the cur tart tad edycstina ol yoast womea. Special epporlunltin to Maaic. Art. Lanrusitea and Liter atara. Wall equipped Physical and Chemical Lae oratorlea. Herbahuai and Mineral Cabiaet. The largest and aides! Ladies' Semmarr la the Pacific Northwest. II ealors a aalloaal repatallaa lot isa partlnt ike beat shretcaL aaentai and moral trsia tat and eevelopiai tree womanhood. Equips eeeiallr aad educationally tor the moet eialied slallea. Caalera Academic aed Collenate Deareee T Start Aatkertrr. interference with eoavictloa f eee Catholic la scrapulouslr avoided. Academy Is ideally lacated. amid inspiring steak aavea tatee. Social opportunities such aa art esallaele la no other city ea the Coast Ruildlnis large and commodieas. well hgMed. healed end ventilated: aormtteriea aad peltate rooms sappiled with eat medere ceevoeMHicae. The Institatioa le llaaral aad progressive without sacrinnag the cfceractae aad rraditiaas el age and achlevemeat. Terms modest. Safiefscioer referenree required. Write lav aaaaaacemeat hcikiet. IVsud and 'uitlea tISO pat tear. Addreaa Sister dupennr ht Mary s Academe PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.- PURE RICH 01 4W CREAM it used in the manufacture of Hazelwood ICECREAM, abundance of cream being as sured for this pur Doae bv die Urn volume supplied for ' the manufacture of Hazelwood Butter t I flNo albumen, relitine or other animal r chemical compound of anjr chancter it in Hazel wood Ice Cream, in rich ness aad smoothness being due to the actual rkhneaa at the cream of which if ia manufactured. Only pure Bruit, vegetable or But (Wort areaosd ucbloring or fltvorutg fact Ice Cteun A Bold Step. To ovwoome the well-grounded and res so ruble objections of the more IkteJ- llgent to the use of secret, medicinal com pounds, Ut. K. V. Fierce, of Buffalo, N. V., some time ago, decided to make a bold departure from the usual course punned by the makers of put-up medicines for do mestic use, ana, so cos published broad ea.il ana o, y to the whole world, a fall and comp list of all the Ingredients entering In1 he com poil tlon oilys widely celebrated Icjbea. Thus he has taken his numei s lAtrons and patients into wis luu tin nee. Thus too he has re- movedlil! ediclnes from among secret nostr of doubtful merits, and mad thei emediea of Known Compotuion. By this hold atrn Tr. Pierce hse.ahr.-yTj tSClrf.lrrnulaa art uTiKh ftafflllilnJ tharhe Is nut fr:ti.l ,tp subject thorn q tpt he is nut fr:ti.l ,tp subject thorn 15 lie fiili. st. scrutiny, not only doe the wrapper of every bottle of Dr. Fierce' (told Mistical Discovery, the famous medicine for weak stomach, t.irpld liver or biliousness and all catarrhal disease wherever located, havo primed upon lu n icim AnoNsi, a full and complete Pat of all le Ingredients composing It, but a small book baa been compiled Imm numerous standard medical works, of all the different sclwola of practice, containing very numer ous extracts from the vrlllnc of leading practitioners ct medicine, endorsing to Uu tfrnniKst isswiMt Urmt. eaeh and every Ingre dient contained In Dr. Pierce's medicine. One of thuaa little books will be mailed free to any one aendinaT address on postal card or by letter, to Dr. It. V. Pierce, llullalo. N. Y.. and requesting tho tame. From this little book It will be learned that Dr. l'lerce'a med icines contain no alcuhol. narcotics, mineral Sgenta or other poisonous or injurious atrrnta and that they are made from native, medarl Dal roots of great value; also Uiat some of the most valuable lninvdlenta contained In Dr. Plurce'a Favorite Prescription for weak, nervous, over-worked, "run-down." nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years tgu. hy the Indians for similar ailments affecting their atinawa. In fat-t, one of the moat valuable medicinal planta entering into the composition of Dr. l'lerce'a Favorite pre scription was known to the Indians as Syuaw-Weed." Our knowledge of the use of not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal planta was rained from the Indiana. Aa made up by Improved and eiacl pro eeaaea, the V avortte Vrmcrlpllon la a moat efficient remedy for regulating all the wom anly functions, correcting displacement, aa prolapsus, antererslon and rvtorveralon, overcoming painful periods, toning up the taervea and bringing alwut a perfect elates health, bold by all dealers In ir-ialcui GIVE NATURE A CHANCE. The stronirest minds have gotten their inspiration direct from Mature. Mature Is the great teacher of mankind. We can look to Mature for all our needs. In the recent Kusso-Jaoanese war the sur- Snons of the Japanese navy and army iscovered that wounds would heal more rapidly and with better success If left to Mature. Tliny washed the wounds with water which had been boiled and thus sterilized then bandaged the wounds wnn clean linen no powerful drugs or antiseptics were used In their first aid to the Injured. Much methoda resulted In the loss of only 33 out of tintt men treated In a naval hospital for their wounds. It Is only from lack of observing Mature'! laws thst most of ns suffer at one time or another from Indigestion, impure blood and a generally run-down system. Our remedy lies In Mature's laboratory deep In the fragrant woods where are many American plants, the roots ol which when properly treated will sup ply a health-giving tonic. Many years ago a physician who bad an extensive practice among the afflicted made a striking departure from the usual methods of his confreres in medicine h( went straight to Mature for the cure ol those stomach disorders which resulted so often In an antrmic condition, or Im pure blood, less of appetite, pale or pimply skin, fettling of lassitude and weakness. He found thst the bark ot the lllark Cherry-tree, the root of the Mandrake. Stone root. Utieen's root. liloodroot snd tiolden Seal root, made Into a sclentilic, non-alcoholic eitrsrt by the use of slvrerlne. msde the best altera tive and tonic. The refreshing Influence of this extract Is st once apparent In the recovered strength of the patient the vital tires of the body burn brighter and their increased activity consumes the tissue ruliliish which otherwise ms,' poison the system. This alterative and tonic extract has been found to stand alone ns a safe. Invigorating tonic, as It does not ili H'iid on alcohol fur a false stimulation, lint Is Xtttiirr'i mot method of slrciiKtlicnihu und cleansing the sys tem. It tones up the stomach and the blood in Nature's own way. It Is well known ull over the world as Dr. Tierce's tiolilfii Mi illcal IHscovery. The name was given lo this vegetable compound because one of the Ijnjiortant Ingredients was Million .Seal root. Such an authority as 1 r. KoU-rta llartholow, of Jelferson Medical I'oIIckc, says "very use ful as a stomachic tonic, lures catarrh of the stomach and headache accom panying the same." r. tirover t'oe. In his i took tiryaulc Misliclnes, speaking ol Golden Seal root, says that "as a liver Invlgorittor It has frtr r-timla." Further he says, "in chronic inllainniatlon of the bladder we doc in it one of the most reli able agents of cure. As a tonic In the convalescing statros of fevers, pneumonia, dysentery and other scute diseases 1 ly drastls liiolilen Seal root) Is peculiarly appropriate." I)r. Co continues: "We would here add thst our experience has demon strated the liytlrustis or tiolden Seal root to be a valuable remedy In bronchitis, laryngitis, and other atiectlons ol the respiratory tirgnns." "Of service in chronic catarrh of the stomach and bowel follow ing abuse of alcohol, a tunic after malarial fever. Has a distinct, antl-maiariai Influence. (iool In all catarrhal conditions, aa uterine catarrh, leucorrhtra, etc. Is a curative agent In chronic dyspepsia." -Unhurt A. Hare, M. I)., University of Pennsylvania. Trof. John M. Seudder In Specific Med ication aays: It stimulates the diges tive processes, and Increases the assimila tion of food. Hy these means ltf blond U mriihftl. and tills blood feeds the muscular sysb-m. 1 mention the mus cular system because 1 believe It first fnels the Increased power Imparted by the stimulation of Increased nutrition. The consequent Improvement on tb nervous and glandular system are natural r epulis. In relallon to its general effects on the system, thrre It no mtdu-ine In ute oboiit U-M-A thrre Is rurh pcnerol tinon tmiry of ofrinivn. Il la universally re garded aa the tonic useful in all de bilitate states." After many years of study and labo ratory work I)r. Ji V. i'lerce produced the most happy combination of this Golden Seal root with other eftiraclou roots enhancing and Increasing In cura tive power these native plants from our American lores U by the addition of chem ically pure glycerine, of proper strength, which Is far betu-r than alcohol, both for extracting- and nreservlns' the medi cinal principle residing In plants. Ulye erlne Itself Is useful In medicine to sua due Inflammation and by cleansing thl membrane of the stomach of abnormal secretions aid In the cure of dyspepsia! and stomach and Intestinal troubles. The People's Common Sense Medical) Adviser. 1 pages, I sent free, on receipt! of I tamp, to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent sump for the book In 1 paper covers, or si stamp lor the cloth bound volume. Address lr. R.V. Pleroe, 61 Main Street, buffalo, N. Y. in toe laroau uonrx oi tne state of Or egon for Josephine County. Aofost Belfrag. 1 1 Plaintiff vs. SUMMONS F. Downing and J. A. MtrCarty, Defendants. . To F. Downing and J. A. MoCrthy, defendants : In the name of tbe state of Oregonyon are hereby summoned to appear and answers tbe complaint filed against yon in tbe above entitled oonrt and cause on or before six woeks from the date of first publication of this Sum mons, wnicn nrst date of publication is Friday, Aagnst S, A. D., 1907, and the last day of said publication and the time within which yon are herein reqniied to answer la Friday, Sep tember 6, A. D. 1D07; and in case yon fail to answers the oomulaint or otherwise plead within the time here in specified, plaintiff will apulv to the oourt for tbe relief prayed for in the complaint, vis ; for judgment against the defendant. F. Oowniug, on the principal promissory note therein st torth io tbe sum of $1500.00, payable in gold coin of the United States. together with interest in like sold coin at the rate of one per cent per mouth from April 10, l'JOfl. aud the further m of 1150 00 attorney's fees: and for judguieut atraiust the defendant. J. A. McCarty, on the two promis sory notes set forth in the complaint inthesomof $ti00.00, together with interest on 300.00 thereof from June 1, ltKW, at the' rate of 8 tier ceut an nnm ana together with interest on 300.00 thereof at the rats of 8 per cent per annum from Jane 15, lOnfl; aud for deoree foreclosing that certain mortgage set forth in the cam plaint on the real premises therein deaorlbed The W. X ot the S. K. U, and the , K of tbe S. W. i of Sso. 2. Twn, a R 5 W, of Willamette .Meridaln in Josephine County, Oregon, contain ing 160 acres : and that the same be sold in tba manner by law provided on mortgage foreclosures, and that after satisfying oosta, disbursements and attorney's fees, that sufficient thereof bo applied open the payment or the two pomisaory notes exeouted uoto the plaintiff by J. A. MoCarty and described in the complaint, to sat isfy ths same principal and interest, and that tbs plaint! ft bs dttoreed to bold any surplus thereafter remaining in trost ror j. a, Aicuarty, or nis successors in Interest; that plaintiff have and recover all his costs and disbursements berein, and that he have full equitable relief. This summons is published by order of Hot. H. K. Hanna, judge of the above entitled court, made at cham bers ths 7tb day of Joly, A. D., 1U07, directing publictaion of this sommona in the Rogue River Courier, a news paper baplished at Grants Fass, Jose phine county, Oregon, for a period of ix Booceaaive weeks, and directing the mailing of a oopy of tbe summons, to gether with a oopy of the oomlaiot to eaoh of the defendants at the citv and county of Ban Francisco, State of Cal ifornia. 11- U. NORTON, Attorney for Plaiutiff. MOXIOK OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Id the County Ueart of the State of Oregon for Josephine Coonty. la the matter ol tbs es tate of C. M. Laihrop deoeased. Notioe ia hereby given that the final account of the administratrix of the estate of O. M. Lathrop, deceased, has been rendered to said oonrt for settle ment, and (hat Batarday, Aogoit the 81st, 1907. at 10 o'olo k a. m. hits been duly appointed by the said court for the settlement theteof, at wliloh tiuie any person interested lu said estate may appear at the court house in said ooouty and file his exception in writ ing, toeaid oonrt, and contest the same, NINA B. LAfHKOP. 8-2'nt : Administratrix NOTIOE VOll PUHLIOATION. Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878. Hose burg. Ore., July 2, 1U07. Notioe is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congreea of Joue a, I8TH, entitled "An act for the sale of timber laud in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" ns extended to all the i'libllo Land States by act of Aogtist 4, IHU1, CLAUKNCK A. I'ACKKR of Harrison, Ooouty of Kootnui, State of Idaho, filed lo this oflice mi March in, 1U07, hi sworn statement No. K14? for the purchase of the Sfc-J of Heo. No. 38, in Tp. No.!)7 South of Hange Mo. 7 West of WM.Ore. aud will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber nr stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins claim to said land before Joseph Moa, U. 8. Ooiiiiiiimioner, at his office at Oranla Pass. Oregon, nn Friday, the 8th day of November, 11KJ7. lie names aa wiluessua Martin A, Conger, of Grants Pass, Oregon, William Ball, of Orsut Past, Oregon, Einmett K. Conger, of Wilderville, Oregon, Lillian M. Knaggs, of Ilarri soo, Idaho. Any and all peraons claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims In this ofHok oa or before said tub day of November, 11X17. BENJAMIN L. EDDT, Keg later. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. Depaprtnieut of tbe Interior, Land Office at Koseburg, Oregon, July 6, ltH7. Notice Is hereby given that James F. Harleaa, of Selma, Oregon, has filed notioe of hie intention to make iloal live-year proof in snpport cf his claim, v it: Homestead Entry No. I0M, niade Feb II. mtl. for the E. NW,';.NWif NE'4' Heo. 13, Tp. 88 Booth, Range fi W., and that aald prtof will be made before Joseph Moea, U. 8. Commis sioner at bis oflice at Urauta Pass, Oregon, on Tuesday, September 17, 1IM7. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his contlnooos residence upon, and cultivation of, the laud, vlt: H. A. Pyle, of Selma, Oregon, L. W. Ferry of Grants Pass, Orengo, J. O. Eades, of Selma, Oregon, LW. Holmes, of Urants Pass. Oregoo. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. CITATION In tbe County Court of the'State of Oregoo, for tho County "of Josephine. Iu tbe matter of thai Estate of Emily S Carter, deoeased. J To Dora R. Wh Kerby, Ore,, and Clara E. Eoff. Salem, Oie., Ida Lister, Oliddoo, Iowa, Mae Parks, Viola, Slate of Illinois and all nrh hoi. kn. . unknown of said decedent. Greeting: In the name nf lha Htata nf flmonn you are hereby cited and required to a linear in tba Dnnntv nnnr et tit aa, State of Oregon, for tbe Uoouty of vuwopuiue, a tne uoort room thereof at Grants Pass in the Coonty of Jose. Dhine. Star nf Or tfrMi rr Cut nw4ta. the a.tb day of Jnly, 1H07. at a o clock, in the afternoon of that day, theu and there to show cause if Buy you have why a A. Carter, adminis trator of ;the estate of Emily Carter deceased, should not be lioeured aud empowered to sell at private sale all of the real property belonging to said estate described as follows,-to-wit : The SH of the NE4. the NWi of the NK' aud Lot numbered Jone (1) of Section I'i, in Township Forty (40) Sooth, of Rauge Niue (D) West of the Willamette Meridian iu Josephine County, Stats of Oregon, containing; 15'J 18-100 acres, for the reasons set forth in his petition filed In this oonrt this 17th day of Jane, 1U07. Witness the, Hon. Stephen Jewell, Judge of the Couuty Court cf tho State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine, with the seal of laid Court affixed, this 17th day of June, A, . D., 11)07. Attest: a F. CHESHIRE. Clerk. By J. A. Wharton, Deputy Clerk. NOTIOE TO CREDITORS. In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for ths County of Josephine. In the matter of the") Estate ot James Evaua, deoeased, J Notioe is hereby given to whom it may concern that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the last will and testament of James Evans, deoeased, which said appointment ha been confirmed by an order of the County Court for Josephine Ooanty, Oregon, dated July 32, 1007. Ail persons having claims agalust the es tate of said decedent, will present the "ameduly verified to aaid Executrix al the otlloe of Marcos W. Bobbins, attorney at law, Grants Pas. Oregon. on or before six months from the data of first publication of this notiee. which said data of first publication ia Friday, Joly art. 1907. HAUUlUi U K V AND, Executrix. SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Oonrt of the State of Oregon, for Josephine County. Joseph Lomaa, ptaintm a. Snlt for Dlvorsa Cordelia Lonias, defendnat. ) To Cordelia Lomaa, tbs defendant above named : Iu the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby summoned to appear in tbe above entitled Oonrt and auswer the complaint filed against you in the foregoing entitled suit on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this faatutnons, which said first date of publication la Fri day, Joly ID, 1907, and the la it data nf said publication, and the last date for your appearance herein, la Friday, August 80, 1907, and yon are herbey notified that in case yon fill to ap pear and answer or otherwise plead within the time aforesaid, that the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relibf prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree forever dissolv ing and annulling the marrinire rela tions now existing be ween the plain ti tf and defendant, aud for such other and fni titer relief as to the oourt may seem equitable. This summons is ' published by order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, County Judge for Josephine Coonty, State of Oregon, directing the publication thereof In the Rogue Kivur Courier, published at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, not lens than once a week for a period of six sooooMnlve weeks, the said order being dated Jnly IU, 1907. UL.ivr.it o. miUVM, Attorney for the -plaintiff. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notioe Is hereby given, Itwhom it may concern : That I, S. A". Carter, the administrator of the estate of Em ily Carter, deceased, by virtue of a license and order of sale Issued out of the County Court ot the Statu of Ore gon for Josephine Coonty, dated July 27, 1907. will offer for aale and aell for cash In band to the highest bidder tbs following real property belonging to the estate ot Emily Carter, deoeased, to-wit: All of the right, title. Interest and estate which said Emily Carter had in and to the followiug lauds aud tene ments at tbe time of ber death, and all tbe estate, right, title and interest in such property which her esate baa acquired therein subsequent to the data of her death, of which the following la a true description : The Booth half of the Northeast quarter, and the Northwest quarter of tne jNortueast quarter, and lot num bered one (1) of Section 13, in Town. ship Forty, South of iisnxe Nine West ol the Willamette Meridian, contain ing 162.18 acre lo Josephine, County, Oreiion, upon the following terms aud conditions : All bids to be submitted to me la writing at Kerby, Josephine Coantv. Oregon, on aad after the Dint day of August, 1907, and to be aocoininiiid by the amount of tbs bid In L'nitiwl Htatea gold ooin, or satifactory evl deuce that the aame will be paid over on the day tbe administrators deed to id propeity la delivered. ah oius sunjeci to the approval of the County Court, of Josephine Coun ty aforesaid. Uated this 3d day of Aogost 1907. 8. A. CARTER, Administrator. G. W. Colvlg, Kerby, Oregon. Attorney for administrator, Urants.Paas, Oregon.