Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 16, 1907, Image 4

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    I &e Shoe
Published Every Friday.
v Subscription Ratasi
One Year, In advance,
Bli Months, . -
Three Monthi,
Bingle Copleii,
Advertising Rates
Furnished on appllcatloa St the ofBce, or
by nitU.
Ohltuarieii and resolutions of con
dolence will bs charged fur at Coper line;
card of thanks fioo.
A. E. VOOEHIES, Propr.
Entered at the post office at Grants Psu
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, 1907.
It is'an apt saying thai hindsight is
always better than foresight and we
are meeting people all the time who
are apologising for some failure of
theirs by sayiag: "If I had only
known." They may hare refused a
bargain in real estate er neglected to
sell at the right time or did not
iV a n a lliulp twilltlna nntntr Mnnsli.
Their hindsight shows tbetn where
they rotated it The successful man
la the one whose foresight is clear and
who sees things as they really are.
Re can make a nod guess as to the
Now a town can exercise fore
thought as well as an Individual.
For Instance, while it is still growing
and the prices of real esiate are reas
enable it can make provisions for a
park system. It can make plans to
control pnblio utilities in a way that
will benefit the public at large. Bat
not many towns do this. They vt
like Topsy in Uncle Tom's Cabin:
They just growed.
Now oue thing that Grants Pass ran
eieroise a.llttle foresight in, Is the mat
ter of Intersecting streets. Oue thing
that is bringing this publicly to mind
is the. uew bus factory on the taturn
euuo or oor. city. There Is only oue
trt't't leading to it and tlrnt runs cant
and west. The real estate agents of
the town will tall you that there has
liw n iiuito an act Its demand for
ho u urn iu the north-eastern part of
town ou tlm )art of cm ploy n of ttilit
factory. And there Is no way tar
them to get to it .without trespassing
on fields nolens they come nearly to
the business center of the town. From
Klglith street to the U. A. Savage
place, over half a mile In length, there
is not an intersecting street ruuning
north and south. There should I
three at leant : One by 8. Norton's and
the old Hubbard plat'e; one by the
Cnndv place and one in front of H. L.
Gilkey'a place running through the
Huow and ; luffs land. Jonathan
Hourne Is a hurtling leuator but he
did uot know how to lay out
strests as witness the fact that
north of A street there are no in
tersecting streets running east and
west until yoo get nearly out of town.
No better tune than the present cau lie
found to lay oot these streets above
luoutioued leading to the new factory.
The laud is not built upon aud the
They vtvir and war and war
lVn Cllll-DHK.V
Levi Strauss & Co.
of Shoes
If you want the best there
is for Mining, Hunting,
Cruising, Mountain climb
ing, buy this Shoe. No
other shoe has as many
water-proof qualities.
10 inch top
14 inch top
majority of tho owners are pnblio
spirited enough to donate the right of
way as it will do much to increase the
value of their property. It is to be
hoped that this matter of intereetcin
streets will be taken np before oor city
gets any larger, and it is op to oar
citizens to ose little foresight.
Io the West the maglo' wand that
causes prosperity to spring np nnder
its touch and makes two and some
times three blades of grass grow where
one grew before is the irrigation ditch.
The Irrigation Convention that meets
in Grants Pats .on September 10, 11
and 12 means muoh for this commun
ity for it is the beginning of new
epoch in intensified farming. In the
past there has been small amount of
irrigating done from the creeks that
flow into the main Rogue river valley
bot the main valley has not been
touohed and it it here that almost
boundless possibilities exist With a
climate equal to tbat of Southern Cal
ifornia and a fertile soil, nothing
remains but the magio touch of water.
What Josephine county needs if a high
line dltob coming down the river from
Gold Hill and covering all this won
derful valley. It ia booed to corns
notwithstanding the knockers. Snob
a ditch would pay a magnificent re
turn on the Investment and some one
la going to take advantage of this. In
the coming convention that meets
here every oltisen of Grants Pass
should give it loyal support for it
means great material prosperity to this
community. The Rogue river has
only a few more short years of free
dom for It will soon be made to water
hundreds of acres of frolt and alfalfa
and will flow peacefully throngb irri
gatlon ditches rather than tumbling
over rooks to the sea. May the time
soon come.
It Is too bad-that we could not have
had the telegraphers' strike on during
the Thaw trial.
We have always thought that snake
bltn was only good In dry precincts but
a Pennsylvania woman has been cured
of cancer by bciug bitten by a rattle
Mlllk. Next.
The Governor rf South Carolina has
sprung into prominence again. This
time, it is a question cf making rail
roads come to time aud not oue of
Portland is golug to require drivers
of automobiles to take out a licence
Wore they will be permitted to run
a machiuo. It will get so soon that
a fellow will have to take out a li
cense to split kindling wood.
Governor I'baiuherlaiu is gauerally
regarded at a person of a great deal
of tact, yet io look i in over tin lint
of delegates appointed to the National
Irrigation Congress at Baerauieuto,
there is nut a name from Joeephine
county. It seems impossible to be
lieve that the governor would do this
intentionally but it looks curious to
say the leant.
UICHAKDHON In (iranta Tats, Mon
day, August ti. wo;, to Mr. and Mrs.
Joliu Kichanlmiu a son.
DAY In Orauts Pan. Orrgon, Tues
day. August 1M, HH7, Mrs. Klmer
Day, aged 33 yearn.
The dec 1 leaves a h unhand and
two children, a father and mother, Mr.
and Mm. J. A. Hubbard, aud host of
frieuda to mourn her death.
Mia lleesie Wilson of Canyonville,
who has Ihh'H atteuding Summer Nor
mal at Ashland, stopped off Friday
evening on her way feme for a few
du viii"with Mis lira Wilsoo.
1.. s7Yan 1 kTlet t"for New t'ort
Frld.iv for his vacation. His mothcY. ! Employment office
who has been visiting in the East for!.
v( r il tin ntlis will j
r ?'. it I i:; l.;.c
'.ii hiuf there and
ROGUE RIVER CUUKIKK. UKAnia fAJJ, umwi'm-t- --'
Rooming House Snap.
A good sised rooming house and lot
for sale. Water and bath. Main street
cloee, to milL For price and terms
apply to Mrs. Gagoe, Crescent City.
Cat 8-9-7t
In the Coontv Court for Josephine
Couotv. Oregon.
In the matter of the
Esiate of Marion Seave
Notice is hereby given that Martha
R. Mitchell has been appointed aomin-
istratriz of the estate of Marlon oea
vey, deceased, by order of the County
Court for Josephine County, Oregon,
made on August 10, 1D07, and all per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby n. titled to present the same
duly verified to the said administra
trix within six months from the date
of the first publication of tbia notice,
at the law office of A. O. Hough in the
City of Grants Pass, Josephine Coun
ty, Oregon.
Date of flrst publication, Aoguet 16,
SEVERAL fine snites of office rooms
centrally located. ST&AM UbA itu
and well lighted and ventilated.
Ibese are the only of floe rooms in
town that will have steam heat this
winter, an ant in narlv and set first
choice. W. L. Ireland, "The Real
Estate Man."
COOK Good short order cook wanted
for night work. Mrs. Sosie McMan-
ns, Mountaineer itestaorant, rnona
218, P. O. box 248 816 tf
ENGINE For sale 300 horse
power Corless Engine fitted with
four sterling water tube boilers of
about 600 horse power all complete
and in good condition ; have been
osed bot very little. For further
particulars address Clarence Cornutt,
Riddle, Ore. 8-16 4t
WOOD Phoue Moody, No. 434 for dry
MILK cows for sale, five fresh, will
sell with or without calves. In
quire of A. Morris, box 822, 8-2-tf
COWS Two first clans milk cows for
sale. J. F. Burke, foot of 6th strset
STOCK for sale 7 first class milk
cows, also two 2-year old bulls, one
Jersey and Durham, the other Poll
and Herford, five 2-year old heifers
f the best milking strain. Call on
or address C. A. Wallace, box 16,
RFD No. 1, one mile east of Pleas
ant Valley school boose. 8-2-4t
Six unrelated strains in stock. J. H
Robinson, R. F. D. No 2, Grants
Pass. 7-26 6t
LARGE Refrigerator for sale cheap,
adapted for Hotel or Restaorant
White House Grocery. 7-12 tf.
A. F. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bnoks of the ''King Arthur" also
other bocks of different strains of
bleeding. Does of the noted
straius; bocks for rale, Merlin., Ore.
7-6 tf
40 ACRE FARM for sale or trade for
city property. Mostly bottom land,
16 acres under fence, seven acres in
cultivation, plenty of running water
for irrigation, 6 room cottage, baro,
small orchard, one half mile fron
school home, post office and rail
road station. Price right easy
terms Inquire of W. C Henry,
Hugo. as tf
KiniuiM noose snap-
room I iik houre with hath and water.
on large lot Maiu street dene to mill
guaranteed good title. Cheap for
quick Kale, term" to suit. Apply
Mrs. E. Gauge, Crescent Citv, Cal.
8 a-tf
RESIDENCE On account of going
Kant Winn to rent my furnished rvi
deuce on North Sixth street for
three months from about September
1st. John Summers. 7-2tl-tf
HOP Pickers .100 nickers wanted
about August 2rt at the Cornell &
Managan yard (old John Kanznu
yard I. Horse pasture free. Apply U.
P. Urocery, tt. II. Flanagan or at
yard. 8--3t.
HOP Pickers wautad at the Aug.
Kehkopf yard. Address John Me
Callister, 1'rovolt. 8-Uilt
HOP pickers wasted Inquire
at the
feu itiacksuntn Miop.
WANTED Oragnizere. tither ex..oo
salary of tlOO a month and eentes
for au up-to-date Association, pay
ing weekly sick aud accident benedis
and fiirui'hiiiR free medical attend
ants to all i s members. Librral
coutract will lie mads wiih pro
ducers of business
AmericHU Sick & Accident Aso.,
Puffale, N. Y.
UIKI. to do housework in umall
familv Mrs. W. S. Murray, North
Suth St. , Orants Pass.
WANTED Saii'en. Manv Make
1 100 to I ISO per month ; some even
more. Stock clean; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced week It. Choice of terri
tory. Address Wsshintgon Nurery
Company. Toppemsh, Washington.
If you wish to
secure work hauds.
1 leave word with
erdiu A Conger
aud Real Estate.
T-ltf 4t
FRANK BVKNKTT-l'phoUtering,
mission furniture made to order.
. mm j-vWrvTkHr Itiirnat 1f 1907
And Tell Our Eastern Frlende all
About the Superior Oppor
tunltiea W Poaeeea.
On April last the 1 Oregonian pbb
li.iwwi a .rwial industrial edition do
voted exclusively to Sexploitation of
Oregon. It. probamy conunueu uwi
special and miscellaneous information
ahont Oreson than any one pobllca-
tion that has ever been issoed. it is
pecoliarly useful and valuable to the
home seeker, because it gives the lat
est and most valuable information
about so many different subjects that
the homeseeker is naturally interested
in. Almost every department of lndos
try is specialized and both descriptive
and statistical Information of a highly
valuable character ia given extensively
and in entertaining form.
- Rnnidnnta of Oregon who know its
advantages as compared with the con
T6 so scientifically built that it will last a life-time, and it is so easy to keep clean
that it always looks as good as new. The nickel parts can be quickly cleaned be
cause they are perfectly smooth with round corners. There are no places for dust
to accumulate.
Drop in and see
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
From Aug'. 19 to 24
The Malleable girl will Serve you with Three Minute Biscuits and delici
ous Hot Coffee and Present you with a Beautiful Cook Book and a
Useful Souvenir
orated semi-porcelain dinuer set
PVERY person who earns money should have a reg-
' ular banking, day. On this day they should not fail
to deposit a certain proportion of their earnings.
IN our savings department seores of people carry ac
counts and deposit their savings regularly.
t 4
per cent
lish a banking day?
Call and see us.
.. AanUtad East and who
still have friends uaci mere wuuu.
thev would like to see here enjoying
the good things of this favored state
can aid in a splendid work now without
cost and very little effort. U yoo
think your friend would be interestea
in knowing more about Oregon ano
mloht eventually become a valuable
citizen, send his name jradaddreto
th. anaral rasaensrer agent oi vuo
Oregon Railway and Navigation Lom
Danv or the Southern Pacific at Port
IUO uv-. J CT
land, and a oopy of this special edition
with a complete summsry ot toe sever
.1 .ablects treated, carefully indexed,
will be mailed to him promptly, in
tbia manner you may be the means
not onlv of doing your friend a good
tint of helping to stimulate the
growth and prosperity of Oregon.
Don't forget that commencing Sep
tember 1st and oontinuing daily for
two months, tickets will be on sale at
almost every railroad station in the
East to all points In Oregon and the
vr-i, mt what has oome to be
nnnolarlv known as "colonist rates.
These rates are the cheapest general
A Three
It takes the Malleable girl just three
minutes to clean her range, after the
kitchen work is done. She uses a
greasy rag, that's all. Quicker than
it takes to tell, it looks as good as
the Malleable Man
at the store of
prochased during this exhibit, you have a free choice' of a complete
set of hieh grade cooking ware; a forty-two piece handsomely dec
or several other valuable and.attractive
invite accounts of $1.00 and up, on which we pay
interest. - Wouldn t
long distance ratss ever established
and enable one to reach Oregon from
any part of the United States at bot a
trifle more than one cent a mile.
They are the greatest incentive to col
onization and progressive home build
ing of any known agency, and if the
rest lees, dissatisfied resident of he
East is made to know before hand the
advantages he can enjoy here, the
problem is solved, and the star of em
pire will continue to mov steadily
Now is the time to spread the goapel
of Oregon, so that It may bo heard
and heeded by the time rates go into
effect. Bend one name, or two, or a
dozen, and yon will be exerting
worthy influence toward the upbuild
ing of oor state. Send them to yoor
nearest Southern Pacific, agent or to
Wo. McMurray, . General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Wire strings for all instruments at
the Music store at mail order house
prices. Better strings at higher prices.
Hop pickers register your names at
Cornell' Grocery.
- minute Job
and Malleable CM
premiums well worth
you like to estab-