VOL. XXIII. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1907, No. 18. FOREIGN LETTER FROM T. P. CRAMER The Cramer FtiLmily Will Reach New York on Homeward Journey' August 13. Velp, The Netherlands, July 10, jot! Editor Courier: At last we are be" ginning to get a taate of summer, and it ia a grateful relief to os who have been accustomed to bo much sunshine. What would yon think of keeping on winter underwear nntil July 15th? We hope that the season from now on will try to make np for what we have not had previously. We have only two and one half weeks more in Hol land, and we hope to be in Mew York again on August 13. We leave Rotter dam on the S. S. "Statandam" on August 34 and if we strike a hot wave In New York we shall long for the oool breezes of Holland. We have jest returned from a few small trips to various points in other parts of the country, and were favored by the weather, as the rain came almost al together at night. We lived for sev eral days in the Middle Ages, and things we saw and spoke about hap pened in a period ranging from the 18th Century Crusades, until the lib erty of The Netherlands was well es tablished. Wd first visited Haarlem, which was one of the centers of action during the Eighty Years war, and is rich in memories of that famous strag gle. In the park we find the "Span iards Law" a magnificent lane one naif mile Ionic, with four rows of cen tury old trees making three avenues, which remind one of the arches of the large cathedrals. . Xbe large oburch of .St Bavo etands in a square where is a statue of John Laurens Koster ,a na tive of Haarlem who was the first to use movable type when the art of printing was in its infancy. The church Is probably six centuries old, has a fine set of old chimes, and also two small bells captured from the Turks daring one of the late Cru sades. These bells are rung every night from 9 till 10:30, and their plaintive melancholy note can be heard for a long distances. The churoh has been magafioently restored on the outside, but inside it Is still as it was many years ago. Tbe floor is composed of large blue stone (labs under which are the tombs of many brave Hojlaudeix. who died in tbe Spanish wars. The stones are badly worn so that the inscriptions can not be read, but often a date of 300 or 400 years ago can be deciphered. The church contains one of the finest or-1 gaua in the world, and w"i were foitu- nate to hear one of tbe semi-weekly concerts which are free to all. It was truly magnificent, and the effect pro- duced by the grand climaxes will not soon be forgotten. The city still bows niaoy of the old canals and waterways. 'Toward Amsterdam there is the ; Amsterdam Poort or Rate, one of the few entrances to the city, which were really small fortresses when the city had a wall and moat, and the three or i four gates were the only possible means of entrance. We rambled through the streets and alleys, and as the Bister we were visiting lived 30 years in Haarlem we bad the best of guides. The oity has in its museum some rich art treasures, and the room containing the Franz Hals masterpieces ii one of the'famous things of Holland. We saw combers of Americans in the art galleries, and it is remarkable how easily one can distinguish between the nationalities. In Harlam we raw an tlWWWWWtWIWWIWVWWIWWHIUWlWVWlW 35 ACRES FRUIT LAND $1500 35 Acres 8 miles from Grants Pa-s, 10 Acres in cul tivAtion. A,-iv in Alfalfa. 15 Acres of first class Apple land mi I Ihhc suitable for Peaches about om lialf of plat e under irrigation, fruit tree. House and barn, taken Mitiii. J thf REAL Ground Floor, ? American family of five who bad prob ably been "doing Europe" withthe usual rush. While seated iuthe"Frans Hals room I overheard tbe husbana say to bis wife "I hope I don't see an other picture gallery for a week, and the tone of ntter weariness showed that he meant" it. Later" while his family was visiting tbe rest of the museum he sat in a chair and slept. We were careful not to try to see too muob and we varied oor sight seeing, so that our brains and eyes did not get too many impressions. We spent another day in The Hague, and on tbe train from Haarlem we went through the heart of the bulb culture district. There were few flowers to be seen but the bulb farms are a show in them selves. The bulbs were being gath ered, aud the work is all done by hand, the men moving along on their hands and knees and grubbing out the bulbs with their bare hands. Tbe soil is very light and sandy. The farms are divided by four foot hedges into piecss of about one-third acre, and this ia done to protect tbe flowers from the strong sea breezes and to keep tbe soil from being bjown away. The bulb territory has been very muob ex tended, and now reaches almost from Haarlem to Leiden, the town with the famous university. The Hague is a fine looking city and just at present is of interest to the whole world.on.aocount of tbe ses sions of tbe second peace congress. We saw some of the delegates and the building in which the meetings are held, but did.not have the opportunity of getting a look in. Tbe Hague has a charm of its own and as the weather was fine, we received the best possible impression. The Maurits House is a small art gallery, but contains some gems by the old masters, and Holbein, Murillo, - Rubens, Rembbrandt, Jan 8teen, Paul hotter aud many others may be seen at their beat We saw a beautiful Madonna by Murillo, tbe famous Paul Potter's Bull, and Rem- brandta "Lesson In Anatomy", with faces tbat look as if they were able to speak. The buildings where tbe 1st and 3d Chambers meet are located be side toe Manrita House, and tbe back windows open above the "Vyver" or lake, which gives them a beautiful tetting. The Hague has a Prison Gate wbioh is now a museum of in- strumets of punishment and torture. We saw branding irons, anklets, neck forks with prongs, pillories, racks, headsmens swords and axes and an ex ecutioners block upon wbioh were be beaded more than 200 people duriup the Spanish Inquisition. One exqui site torture was to shave the prisoners head, fasten it so that the crown of tbe head was uppermost, and theo allow a drop of water to fall about six jfeet, there being a drop every thirty seconds. The result was tbat the prisoner went insane in 48 hours and usually did the third day. We aw the holes woru in the hard stoue by the dropping of the water when there was no head to receive it. We walked thryogli some of tlie principal streets, past the palace where the, Qneen lives for at least three uioiths every year laud visited soAeof Ike shops for cards and photos. (To be continued. ) a 1 0...nk . Hulrlanri C lift! 'hd onl j0D0 tj.udy and John xdo. gix mlnln, cialail on Canyon Advlott six mining claims on creek abont 15 miles from Kerby, which he will develops with a view to installing ,msohinery for work neit ,Mr. The property will soon be con- ntt4i witn the out-ids world by tele , pl0ne M jjr. Baruch.will put up the jioa for (h, forMtrj service. Use Pruseisn r'ooltry and Stock Tonic Cramer Pros. and Grapes, 100 assorted Price only $loOO if ESTATE MAN Opera House Block PUSH OREGON TO THE FRONT And Tell Our Eastern Friends all , About the Superior Oppor - tunittee W e Possess. On April last tbe Oregonian pub lixhed a special industrial edition do voted exclusively to the exploitation of Oregon. It probably contained more speoial and miscellaneous Information about Oregon than any one publica tion that has ever been issued. It is peculiarly useful and valuable to the home seeker, because it gives tbe lat est and most valuable Information about so many different subjects that tbe homeseeker is naturally interested in. Almost every department of indus try is specialised and both descriptive and statistical information of a highly valuable character is given exteosively and In entertaining form. Residents of Oregon who know its advantages as compared with the con gested and depleted East, and who still have friends back there whom they would like to see here enjoying the good things of this favored state can aid in a splendid work now without cost aud very little effort If you think your friend would be Interested in knowing more about Oregon and might eventually beoome a valuable oitisen, send bis, name and address to the general passenger agent of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Com pany or tbe Southern Pacific at Port land, and a copy of this special edition with a complete summiry of tbe sever al subjects treated, carefully indexed. will be mailed to him promptly. In this manner you may be the means not only of doing, yonr, frtaad a good turn, but of helping to stiiuolatethe growth and prosperity of Oregon. Don't forget that oommencing Sep tember 1st and continuing daily for two months, tickets will be on sale at almost every railroad station in the East to all points in Oregon and the Northwest at what has oome to be popularly known as "colonist rates." These rates are the cheapest generaf long distance rates ever established, and enable one to reach Oregon from any part of the United States at but a trifle more than one cent a mile. They are the greatest incentive to col onization and progiesslve home build ing of any known agency, aud If the resi lees, dissatisfied resident of he Eat is made to know befure hand the advautages he can enjoy beie, the problem is solved, aud the siar of em pire will continue to move steadily westward. Now Is the time to spread the gospel of Oregon, ao that ll may bo heard aud heeded by the time rates go into effect. Send one name, or I wo, or a dozen, and you will be exerting a worthy mfluenoe toward the upbuild itig of rot stale. S-nd them to vour nearast Southern Pacific agent or to Wni. McMurray, General. Paeseuser agent, Pon laud. rtgon. N JOUQUIN MILLER VISITS OREGON CAVES , . "HI " 01 " -oaepmne. Couniv Lime Stone Wonder In Sunset Mezle. Joquaia Miller, the noted writer and poet, arrived ia Grants Pass Saturday evening from Eugene where he has ba for seme time ea a visit with relatives. Hewas accompanied by Jeff D. Myers, a prominent business man of Port U, id and he wae unt at the depot by a receptioa committee of tbe Com mereial flub and by Judge C. H. Wat Ma, of Ashland, wbo had come down to join Mr. Miller and Mr. Myers on a trip to the Southern Oregon liig Cares, in the Grayback Mountain dint rirt. Sunday afternoon the party wan taken to Williams in a private rig and early Mnaday John Kineaid, the well known Big Cave guide, was on hand with saddle and pack horses and a complete camp outfit and took them on to the Caves. They went ia by way of the Grayback Mountain trail and would reach the camping place near the Big Caves that evening. They expect to spend a week in the moun tains during which time they will thoroughly explore every recess of Oregon 's underground wonder, which promises to rival the Mammoth Caves of Kentucky when they are fully opened up. It is at the instance of tbe Southern Pacific that Joaquin Miller makes this trip to the Josephine County Caves, the company having decided to take up au extensive campaign of advertis ing Southern Oregon and ' Joaquin Miller will write descripitive sketches of the Big Caves, Crater Lake and the other wonders of nature in this section and bf the grand scenio attractions that are here. These with theVriteups of these resources of tihs section of the state will be published from time, to time in Sunset, the magazine pub published by the company. These articles will be illustrated and as Sun set is' one of the leading and beet magazines in the United States this advertising will be of great benefit to Southern Oregon. Joaquin Miller is one of the best descriptive writers of nature in the Tjnited States and his articles will be highly interesting and instructive to all who are interested in the beauties and attractions of the West. , GRANTS PASS HUSTLERS NOT DETERRED BY RAIN Dig Delegation Co to Medford Carnival Find It Drowned by Heavy Storm. Grants Pass showed its mettle Thursday as one of the best hustling towns in Rogue River valley when 200 of its hustlers in a speoial train went to Med ford In a driving rain storm, the heaviest ever known in this valley at this time of the year, to take part In the exercises on Grants Pass day at the Medford Fruitf Carnival and the meetlug of the Oregon Horti cultural Society. As It bad rained all night and bid fair to oontinue the heavy rain all day the Medford people did not expect a orowd f rom Ureuta Pass ao tbe reception committees were uot on hand to make tbe visitors ( wel come bnt there were enough of the Medford men, not daunted by rain, who were on baud to represent the city. Tbe rooms of the Medford Com mercial Club wte made tbe beadquar trees for the (fiauU Pass delegation. The stove was tired up aud the room made warm aud soon all were dry and comfortable aud iu easy chairs whiltd away tie day between strolls, made in the heavy rain which never stopped, about the town. ' 1 The caruival was washed down aud out, aud looked as wet aud bedragled as a lieu dipped into a millpond. In tbe afturnoou a fruitgrowers meeting was held at he Opera house tbat was iairly well attended aud some highly inter- eftinK addresses were made and papers rad that were of much interest and value to fruit growers. The eveniug was so wet and disagieeable that no evening session was held aud most of die Urauis Paas crowd came home oo tueir sicial train at 10:80 p. m. Tbe Medford bosiuess men paid 400 o aet the carnival and are out twice that sam in other expenditures con ueoied with tbe caruival and the breaking np of the entire program bv the unprecedented rain storm will ciaw a heavy financial los to thein, but the fruit aud other crops will be ao benefited by tbe thorough soaking the gonud has bad that the gaio to tbe agricultural wealth and greater trade to be bad from Ike farmers will more tiiau make up for loss ou the carnival. Prof. J .8. Dillar, one of tbe most noted aeoloicists in the United States. aud who baa breu iu the field foaB3 Tears, wss in camp at Grants Pass last week with bis party. He was in this nectlon for geological work on the Orauis Pass qoadrangla but was called from regular work to take op the ex aminiaton of coal lauds in townships recently withdrawn on the sooth fork of the Coquille river, leaving here Motiday Prof. Oilier was acoompan led by Dr. Kay, of tbe University of Iowa. They will remain at tbe work under direct ioo of the forestry service during the preteut summer and fall but tbe professor will maka Grants Pass bis headquarters during It he win ter when he hopes to make extensive geological examinations of the hills surrounding the city. . Priees on Edison Phonographs ad vance September 10. We atill have a few in stock at the old prices. Photo and Music Store. . MONEY FOR ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DISTRICT FAIR Josephine County Give $500 Stat Approprlatee $1200 Success Assursd. The Rogue River Valley Industrial Fair ia now a certainty for ample financial backing has been secured aud on September lu, 11, 13 will be held In Grants Pass the first fair that will em brace the entire Rogue River Valley and show to visitors the splendid pro ducts and variedresources of this most favored of valleys And though the time is short such is the willing co operation of all towns and sections of Josephine and Jackson counties that the exhibits will be as complete and the arrangements as perfect as though a longer time had been taken with the possibility of a slackening of iuterest and neglect of work. , A full list of all the oomm!tteesill be published next week in all the papers of Josephine and Jackson coun ties and the rules and regulations governing the fair, Iu the mean time it is expected tbat every person desir ing to promote tbe development of the resources and the prosperity of Rogue River Valley will at onoe begin to aid the work of securing exhibits of every kind embracing agricultural, stook, mineral, timber, manufactures and other productions. To finance this undertaking for a district fair for Rogue River Valley ia ooeiderable of an undertaking but it bas been accomplished. The oounty oourt of Josephine County at tbeli ses sion last Wednesday appropriated 500 to the fond to meet the expenses of the fair. The needs of the fair were presented to the Court by R. W.Clark, Joseph Hoes and R. H. O'Neill, the flnanoe committee for the fair organi sation, aod so clearly did they show that this expenditure on tbe part of the county would be ao investment that would bring about auoh an addi tion to the taxable wealth of the conn ty thai when it came to vote on the appropriation was made unanimous without any hesitancy. Judge Jewell and Commissioner Werta are giving their hearty support toward making the fair and the Irrigation convention a success and they wire quite willing to give the county's oo-operatlon aod financial backing to these two under takings tbat will have such Influence In'calling the al tent ion of homeseekera aod investors to the many advantages aod resources of Josephine county and all Rogue River Valley. Com tutu. sloner Logan was not present at the sasHson of County Court. HAMIMIOCK SPECBALS These arc Live Ones You'll Have to Hurry DO IT NOW! Regular 72 iu. Hammock with cut pillow or vat 'ance, Ibc kind 50c Regular 72 in. Hammock with valance and pillow . $1.65 kind I. CO Regular 11 in. Hammock with valance and pillow . Af 12.35 and $2.50 kind. .. Z.UU Regular 72 In. Hammock with large val. and pil low, strong and good A An $3.75 kind 3.UU Reg. 84 in. Hammock with heavy, large val., taffeta $6.75 kind 5.00 Sizes given above is the bed Hammock only. Furniture and Car pets, Llnoleumi, l.are Curtains, Por tieres, Mattremes, Pillows, CoU, Wall Paper, Clocks, Mirrors, Window Shades, Pictures, Picture Moulding. H. 0 lleill THE HOUStFURNlSHEIt I rortt St., bet. 6 and 7 In addition to the appropritltra of 500 by Josephine oounty there- is an apporplatlon of $1200 made by the state, thelblll for which wa passed at the eeskion of 1905 through the efforts of Senator E V. Carter, of Ashland. This its U appreciation is a continuing one and Is available each year for a Rogue River Valley district fair. To secure this fund a commission ot five members, three from Jackson and two from Josephine oounty, has to be created. Three of these members are appointed by the Governor and the ag ricultural society of.cacu oounty shall each appoint one. To be recommend ed to Governor Chamberlain for his appointment on this commission the Ashland commerlcal club bas recom mended E. T Staples, aud the M d ford commercial dob bas recommend ed John I). Olwell. Grants Pass com mercial club baa reoommended L. B. Hall. There not being agricul tural societies in either Josephine or JacksoaVooauties, at least uuder that designation, the fruitgrowers associa tions of the two counties are held by attorneys, who have been consulted, to be legal oragizatlons, and have named the fair commissioners for each county For Joephlne oounty the Grants Pass Fruit Growers Association has elected Charles Meserve.and for Jack son coun ty the Rogue River Fruit Growers A ssoclatlon, of Medford, bas elected J. A. Perry. The recommendations and credentials of these men have boon forwarded to Governor Chamber lain and as soon as their appointments have been made these commissioners will meet aud organise In legal form the district fair association for Rogue River Valley. By the provision of the act this 11300 can only be used for pre miums on agricultural and other ex hibits. This sum of money will enable liberal cash premiums to be given and thereby reimburse exhibitors for tbslr ex Dense and trouble in making an ex hibit. - The Grants Pass Canning Oo. now has everything In readiness for can ning fruit and vegetables in large quantities. - Last week a trial of tbe machinery i. was made and a small lot of blackberries, apples,' tomatoes and pork and beans were canned ' ia order to test the machinery aud tbe work was fouod to be perfect. Orders for large amounts of tomatoes, prunes and apples have been placed with Douglas oounty growers and soon the cannery will be a place of great activity. ' The Knight and Ladies of Security weut all members present at their reg gular meeting Tuesday night, August 1.1. Business of importance will be brought op. ONEILL'S . HAMMOCK TALKS Now thst warm weather Is here let us get down to business. I waot to talk HAMMOCKS to you. I think I have the blgKeet as sortment of Hammocks ever show la Orants Pass. I was tempted br tbe low prlos at wbioh these Hammocks were offered and' I bought heavy. They are worth more money in the market today to buy than I am selling for. The goods are perfect aud prloes low My advise Is to order now. Better send in your order today by mail, or if in Grants Paas, come in and ses us. Yoors truly, It. II. O'NEILL of ptovea and Ranges, Oraniteware, Agtewars, Tinware, Woodenwars, WUIoware, Cutlery, Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, Fancy China, Uo-Carta, Baby Carriage. 1