I ROGUB RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, AUG. 2, 1907. j I A Pnrnll . - . 1 - nrai v.v i : n " iriia i ex.. jujjjj. in pjuuiBnimuii iu xoe na il nalm,wnlcn magnificent thin. " 1(1 be used for roadside decoration, places where the palm will not ire nothing I know of will better -fTt this purpose than the native and to Mexican hackberry. for the plains of the northwest. In doilng the Dakotas and northern Min ora, perhaps the best street trees L (, the American elm and green ash. B0W SHE KEEPS BEAUTIFUL The Mystery Solved. like the flowers that bloom in the mat the young girl just budding into womanhood is an inspiring sight and a. i usually beautiful if she is per fectly healthy. She stays beautiful nil w long M her health and constitu Hon remain good. Let her be nervous. lTe backache, sleepless nights, and !, soon does it take for wrinkles, crow's ft and dark circles to appear, in the face ? Her cheeks were rosv until she began to suffer from woman's weaknesses and the constantly recur ring pa'"8 and drains brought her .nioklv from the beautiful age to the , premature middle age. It was not BPnt for women to suffer so it is due to our unnatural, but civilized methods of living, and to the fact that (0 many neglect those small ills which icon lead up to larger ones. Nothing to drags a woman down as those con- l,tantly recurring periods when she suffers more and more from a chronic condition that can be easily cured. No woman should take an alcoholic com ,nnit for that will disturb digestion. ind the food is quickly compacted and becomes hard and tough in contact with alcohol, rendering the food in digestible. She must go to Nature for i cure. The native Indians of earlv times were far from wrong when they called a marvelously effective medi cinal plant "Squaw roof what the phyiicians of our day called Caulophvl am or Blue Cohosh. This and Black Cohosh, Golden Seal, Lady's Slipper, ind Unicorn root, are important inrredients of a wonderfully success fal remedy in modern times, namely, Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, living made a specialty of the diseases (I women in the early sixties Dr. Pierce won found that a glyceric extract ot these roots with Hydrastis or Golden Seal and Lady's Slipper root, combined in just the right proportions, made the tery best tonic and cure for the distres sing complaints of women. Where women suffered from backache, weak om, nervousness and lack of sleep, it iu usually due to functional trouble, therefore this prescription directed at the cause cured 98 per cent, of such tutt. That is why Dr. Pierce soor. pat it up in a form easily to be pro tared all over the United States. Aching from head to foot that is the condition that afflicts some wotueu it stated periods backache, distziness. ud pains almost unbearable. An hon est and t safe remedy which no woman cm afford to lose the opportunity o,' ' trying for the cure of these distressing tomplaints which weaken a woman's vitality is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. Dr. Pierce not only assures you that his "Favorite Prescription" is honestly made, but he lets you know jost that it contains. , The best of medical authorities recora- mmi and extol the vlrtuus of the above liurredisrjts In ."Favorite Proscription.' Thus F. Elllngwood, M. D., Professor ol Materia Medica, Bennett Medical Col lege, Chicago, says of Golden Seal : "It bin Important remedy In disorders ot the womb. In all catarrhal conditions." Of Lidy's Slipper root he says : "Eier clsis special influence upon nervous con ditions depending upon disorders of the Iraalenrirans; relieves pain, etc." I'rcit. John King in the Amkiiican Dihpknsa tobv, says of Black Cohosh root: "This Is a very active, powerful nnd useful remedy." " Plays a very Imixirtant part In disennos of women: iii the painful renditions incident In wotnan kiMl In dysmenorrhea it is surpassed br no other ilrtiu. Iieing 'if greatest ':l;ty in Irritative und congestive con tain." "Its action i hut Its effects are permanent." 'Kit headache, whether congestive or Imd neuralgia or dysmenorrhea It is f mpily curative. Ir. .I.iliti Kyfe, of Sunsatiiek. Conn.. K:tor iif the 'Dcpar'ment of Tlicnnieii tasinl'iiK Ki.kctii: Kkvikw saysof I'ni rn ruot iMmim Jiinini), one of the (M insredients of Dr. Pierce's Kavor lf Crpstription: "A remedy which in Uriably acts as a uterine iwoniln invig fitur and always favors a condition iiich makes fc)r normal activity of the entire reproductive svstem, cannot fail he of (treat usefulness and of the utmost importance to the general prac titioner of medicine." "In i Helonias we have a medicament 'htch more fully answers the above Purposes Hum inn other drug v ilh u-hirh 'oil finiuiftitai. In the treatment of isases peculiar to women it is seldom "st a case Is seen which does not "sent some Indication for this reme Ml agent." Jlllv 11 visitation . l nea. ' the""! ha"1hangln a veil areaetV Wrr overcome Pons were -non ha, ZTT Xohleman , no a Cowbo,. P.trickT, 01- JU,y Patrick Clements, brother of the Earl of Leltrlm. who recently crossed the ocean serving as a stoker. on hU way to Denver to become a real cow! Attempt Moravia, . to Y., Ilurn City. Jlllv 3t Tn o. tempt was made yesterday to burn this city. nre M from parv morning until noon, flames breakin out ai various places before b cnecnea. The loss 1 $35,000. ing Killed When Automobile Turns Over Everett, Wash., Ju,y 31. A. a' Smith, a prominent shingle manufac turer, was killed this morning by the overturning of his automobile. Two companions, Duncan McKlnnon and John Nelson were Injured. Gunboat Fireman Scalded to Death. Washington, July 31. A dispatch received at the Navy Department from Commander Bush of the gun boat Wilmington at Shanghai, says a boiler tube of the vessel burst yes Urday while the vessel was at Nan king. Three men were scalded, one of whom, Fireman Philip Hind, sub sequently died. The other two were not seriously burned. Hind was a native of Maryland and entered the navy May 10, 1894. Unofficial re ports of several deaths from small pox upon ths Wilmington bar reached the Navy Department. A Bold Step. To overcome the well-grounded and reasonable objections of the more tntel Ugent to the use of secret, medicinal oom ppunds. Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. x., some time ago, decided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued by the makers of put-up medicines for do "tle use, aod-so has published broad east and oiwffly to the whole world, a full nd comprfte Hat of all the ingredient entering InWhe composition oifcya widely celebrated tlcfes. Thus be has taken bis numerirfis oatrons and patients into '"''nfjrfence. , Thus too he has re movedAisdiediclnes from among secret ?Ur2r of doubtful merits, and made ineniMicmaJks of Known Composition, i.' i i i 1,1 ?tffH "r, Plrrre has shown fject tiiem to o only does the wrapper of every bottle 13 flit,. tvrcr, uo'dM Mwlleal Discovery, the plum t.nvluh. . full .ud complete list of .11 the lmrreuiciits composing- It. hut a sru.l SinH.w?'" .con'l'llwl fmui numerous standard medical works, of .11 the diflcrcnt sttiools of practice, contalnlnif very numer- practitioners of medicine, endorsing Ot tht ilnmgut i..wfM t,rm. eaeh nd eveir lngre- r.n?lc!,."tlITd,".I)r- I'leroe'a medicines. One of tlieao little bWs will be mailed free to any one sending address on ti.lcardor JSJ"""- ,0l,r- V. Pierce, ltutl.lo. Y nd miuestlng tie same. fr. m this little book It will he learned that Dr. Plerce'a mJ liiues contain no .leoliol. n.rcotics, mineral ihein.l'' .r.t!l'lt'r Poisonous or lujurious .sent, aim that they are made. ftVim nativo, medici nal roots of great value; also th.t acme of the most valuable Ingredients contalntnl In Ur. t lercea favorite Prescription for weak. J!!7Sof,T'rVrorkpd- "run-down." nervous and delillll.ted women, were employed, long years ago. by t he Indians for similar Hlments aaectlug their snuawa. In fact, one of the most v.lu.ble medicinal pl.nts entering Into the composition of Ur. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription was known to Die Indians .a tsiu.w-Weed - Our knowledge ot the uses of not . few of our most valuable native, mo aicliial planu was gained from the Indiana. mi,l;P by Improved and uict pro SfflS?n. i 1'yo.r,,e Prescription la a most efficient remedy for regulating all the wom anly fnneUons. correcting dUplacements. as prol.iu antererslon and retorverslon. ovenomlng painful pertoda. toning up tin netiui Bold by .11 dealers In cxilelne Sixteen Hurt In Car Wreck. Los Ange.es, July 31. In a col lision btween a heavv transfer truck and a street car at Eighth and sustained bruises more or less pain ful. Taft Endorsed for the Presidency. Columbus, O., July SI. A resolu tion indorsing Secretary of War Taft tor the Presidency was adopted by the Republican State Central Com mittee today. Renounces Fortune for Love. New York, July 31. Mrs. Fred erick R. Hoyt, the young widow of California mining man, has given up her share of the $400,000 fortune left by him to marry J. Humblrd Duffy, a choir and oratorio singer of this city. The income of $250,009 was hers as long as she refrained from a second marriage, and the bal ance was left to her slaters and mother. Everyone should mbscrfbs for his home paper, Is order to get all the local news, bat to keep In touch with th world's daily event should also read The Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, Ths leading erenlnf ntwspaper of ths Pacific Coast, which has com plete Associated Pros reports and special leased -wire service, with correspondents in Important news centers and in all ths cities and principal towns of ths Northwest. Portland and suburbs are covered hj a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 26 to 28 pages, and has colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fashion page, an interesting serial story and other attractive features in addition to all ths news of ths day. Subscription Bates: One month, CO cents; three months, $1.35; six months, $2.50; twelve months, $5. Sample copies mailed free. ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol ths Stat of Or egon for Josephine County. Aagast Belfrage, y Plaintiff vs. SUMMONS F. Downing and J. A. MoOstrty, Defendants. J To F. Downing and J. A. MoCrtby, defendants : In the name ot the state of Oregonyou are hereby summoned to appear and answers tbe complaint filed against yon in the above entitled court and cause on or before six weeks from tbe date of first publication of this Sum mons, which first date of publication sa Friday, August 8, A. D., 1907, and tbe last day of said publication and the time within which joa are herein requited to answer is Friday, Sep tember 0, A. D. I'JOi ; and in case you fail to answere the complaint or otherwise plead within toe time here iu epecided, plain tiff will apply io the oourt tor the relief prayed for in the couiplaiut, vis; for judgment against the defendant, F. Downiug, on the priuoipal promissory note therein get' lords iu the suui of floiHI.Ou, payable iu sjold coin of the Uuittd Siatts, together with interest in like gold coin at the rate of one per cent per mouth from April 10, ItHKl. and the further sum of $150 00 attorney's fees; and for jailtfiueut aga:uat tbe defeudaut, J. A. AlcCarty, on the two promis sory notes Bet forth iu the couiplaiut in the sum of fOOO.00, together with iutereet on $100.00 thereof from June 1, lUOd, at the rata of 8 per ceut an uom and together witb interest on I3L0.0O thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per aunum from June 15, 1906; aud for decree foreclosing that certain mortgage set forth in th complaint on the real premises therein described viz; The W. 14 of tbe S. E. and the E. H of the S. W. W of Sec. 2, Twp. 88 S. K. 6 W. of W illamette Mer dam iu Josephine County, Oregon, contain ing 160 acres; and that the same be sold in ths manner by law provided on mortgage foreclosures, aud that after satisfying costs, disbursements and attorney's fees, that sufficient thereof be applied npon tbe payment of tbe two pomiseory notes executed unto tbe plaintiff by J. A. McCarty and described in the complaint, to sat isfy tbe same principal and interest, and that (he plaintin be decreed to hold any surplus thereafter remaining in trust for J. A, McCarty, or bis suooessors in interest; that plaintiff have and recover all his costs and disbursements herein, and tbat he have-j full equitable relief. This summons is published by order of Hon. H. K. Hann, Judge of the above entitled ooort, made at cham bers the J7th day of July, A. D., 1U0T, directing publictaion of this summons in the Kogtie Kiver Courier, a news paper boplished at Orants Pass, Jose pbino county, Oregon, for a period of six successive weeks, auddireoting the mailing of a copy of the summons, to gether with a copy of the cotnlaint to eaoh of the defendants at tbe clt and county of San Francisco, State of Cal ifornia. H D. NOKTON, Attorney for Plaiutiff. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Ciroott Court of lbs State of Oregon for Josephine County. John Q. Sohallhorn, plaintiff, TS. Q. W. Blalock and S. E. Blalock, defendants. Notice is hereby siren that I wilL en Saturday, the 87th day of July. 1907, at the hour of t o'clock p. m , at the front ooor or trie uoonty uourt House, in tbe city of Grants Pasa.said county and State, sell, at publio auction, to the highest and best bidder, for United States gold coin, cash in band, all of the right, title and interest which the above named defendants, U. W. Rlalock and S. K. Blalock, had or now have in aud to the following described property to-wit: The of the SWt.'.the NVi and the SWVjof the SW4 of Section 13, Tp. 84 Sooth of Kauge 8 Weet, in Josephine County, Oregou, excepting therefrom the timber on said lands heretofore sold ; aud that tract of laud situated in Jacksou County, Oregou, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing 117 yards South of a stake on the Northwest corner of tbe Southwest t-4 of the Northeast l of Section 12, Towuship 84 South, of Kauge 4 West, at the corner of a picket feuce, theuoe running South U'.4 yards; thence West 110 yards to place of be ginning, containing 10 acres, more or less; also, the West half of the SKli aud the SK4 of Section 22, Tp. 84, South, Kauge 4 West, excepting 10 acres conveyed June 80th. 1HU3, to K io hard UoIIibs by Jacob n,vaus and wife; also tbe right, it i tie and inter est in a certain water right and dituh formerly owned br Chapen i&Wakeinau common ly called tbe Big Ditch; also, tbe west w or the bv, or tne awi of Section 83, Township 84 onth. Range 4 West, together with all the ditches belonging thereto; also, all cer tain mining claims, water rights. ditches, pipe aun giants as described in a deed dated January 7th, 18U8, sit uated on tipper Grave Creek, also, the undivided one half interest in the Red Hill Mining Claima,koown as tbe Bla lock mines, iu Jackson county, Oregon, Tp. 83 South, Range 4 West, in Sec tions 29, 80 and ay. also nve cows and five bead of calves, to satisfy judgment rendered against tbe defendants herein aud in favor ot the said plaintiff in ths sums as follows, to-wit: One hundred aud sixty dollars with inter est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annoaa tinoe November 8, lUOn, and twenty-five dollars attorney's fees, and twenty nine dollars and seventy-nve cents costs of suit, and accruing coats and costs and expenses ot sale. Dated Urants Pass, Oregon, June Ul, 1907. W. J. RUSSELL, Sheriff of Josephine County, Oregon. HAVE YOU CATARRH Bre&the Hyomel avnd Relief aud Cure Will Be GimrnrUeed. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Iu the County Coort of ibe State ot Oregon tor Josephiue Couuty. Iu the matter of the es tate of C. M. Lathrop deceased. Notice U hereby given thai tbe final accouut of the administratrix of the estate of C. M. Lathrop. deceased, has been rendered to said court for settle ment, aud that Saturday, August the 31i-t, 1907. at 10 o'olo k a. lu.-lms been duly appointed by tbe said coort for tbe settlement the. of, at which time any person interested Iu said etuie may appear at the court house in said comity and file his exception in writ ing, tosaid coort, and contest the same. NINA B. LATHROP. 8 'i St Administratrix If yon have catarrh, with off. nsive breath, burning ams in the throat, ' ililliculiy iu breatlii m, raising of nine. , uo uh, discharge from the nose, tick I ! ing or dropping from Hie bios of the i tliioat, coughing sputtins, etc., begin Long Live the King! is the popular crv throughout European countries; while in Ameri ,.a the crv of the presnit day is "Long live Dr. King's New Dis covery, King of Throat and Lung R,med'e-!" of which Mis. Jl' u.,u Pnine. Truro. !.. fays: "It never fail" to liive nmufom.- H() or iiy.o.mei u, once, lief and to quickly cure a rough or, Hv-o-iuel ' U mall from nature's cold." Mrs. Pains's opinion i' gnotliing oils and lialuis aud contains shared by a majority of the inliabi-i t)lB K(r,u. killing properties ol the pine taiKs of tnii country. New 1 1 18 ! wihkK It's medication is taken in coverv cores weak lung nrl s" , with ihe ajr yoo breathe, so that it throat "ft-r all otner ifm. y , reaches tne most remote part or tne respiratory organs, .iiungaii caiarrani germs and sootbiug any irritation there mav be in the uiticuos membrane . ! The complete Hy-o-uiel outfit cusis ! but $1 ; und Deruaiay given a person - ; al guarantee with each package that ...aa i money will be refunded unless the S .11 that i. nl.m, all drugg sis bottli free Real Estate C70O-77 acre rv, r.r, Creek. 80 acres under Irrigating 3.000 (,o acres next to city limits on north side. tfOO-Xew 5 room cottage aud two lots. Easv terms. -2 lots 100 v 100 feet sauare. close to center ol cu. 2 acres next to city, good house and young ore 2 l-.ts loo x 100 feet .square, basy terms. 160 ncres 5 miles irotn city, house inents. 40 acres, good house, 3 miles from city ditch. 350-800-lOO- 600 -4 chard. bam and other improve- i 1 have other b .rsains worthy of your consider ation.but not mentioned here. JOSEPH MOSS, THT? iftv Omce516 E St. ; tor it. THE MASK OF HEALTH Few People Ar Kealy &s Well as They Look. Cause and Remedy. Many J.e'.ple in Orants Pass, both men ud women, who believe tbeiu . lv s to be in perfect lienlih, are ofteu in the greatest danger. The nioi.t common caue of ill heal th is indigestion, witb a myriad of symptoms such as hesdache, uleeplets oef.i, specks before the eyes, p-nog tn the back aod side, distress after eat ing, etc. In tbe last few years the soo ess of physicians everywhere with Mi-o-na stomach tablets has mads them known far and wide as tbe acknoweldged ipecific for tbe treatment of stomacb diseases. They strengthen the dlgee I tlve organs so tbat in a few days the ! stomach is in such shape tbat it takes ! care Itself of all the food that Is eaten, i witbont pain or distress. Demaray 1 gives an absolute unqualified guaran tee tbat your tuooey will be refonded anlees Mi-o-na cores. We will take the whole risk and tbe remedy will I not cost you a penny unless it cures you. NOTICK OV ADMINISTRATRIX'S eSALK OK REAL intUfbR 1 Y. Notice is hereby given, to whom it ii'iiy couceru : That I, 8. A Carter, the ailiumiNtrttor of the e-Utn of Km ily Carir, di ceae l, by virtoe of licen-e and outer i f xale issued out ot I he t 'Utility Couit of the Sut.i of Ore gou for Josepoine t'onntv , dated July J 7, 1 V 0 T , wul off r for site und sell for cash in hand to toe hiuli"Ht bidder tht following leal property belonging to the estate ot Emily Carter, decoaaed, io-wit; All of the rifcht, title. Interest and esia e which said Emily Carter had in aud to the following lauds aud tone m uis at ibe time of her death, and all the estate, right, title and interest in such property winch her esate has acqoired therein subeiiieui to t"e date of her death, of which the following is a t'u- oeHcriiition : The South half of the Northeast quart r, and tbe Northwest quarter of i re Northeast quarter, and lot numb-red oue 111 of Section 3, In luwu nliip Forty, South of Kan e Mine West ol the Willamette M.ridisn, contain ing 162.18 acres iu Jo-ephiue. County, Oregou, upon the following terms aud con'liti os: All bids to be submitted to lilt in writing at Kerby, Josephine County, Oregon, oo aod after the Hist ar of Aogosr, 1D07, and to b accompanied hv the amount of the bid In United States gold coin, or satifactory evi dence that the same will be paid over on the day tbe administrators deed to said propeity is delivered. All bids subject to tbe approval of tbe County Court, of Josephine Coun ty aforesaid. Dated this 3d day of Aogost 1007. B. A (BARTER. Administrator. O. W. Colvig, Kerby, Oregon. Attorney for administrator, Urants Pass, Oregon. A Mcmoribl Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as witb profit to our health, la the one on which we be came acquainted with Dr. King's New Lite Pills, tbe painless partners mat core neanacne ana otiioasnea aod keep lbs bowels orog; stores. rlB-bt. 25o at all NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Coonty Coort of the State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine. In the matter of tbe) Estate of James Evans, deceased. J Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern that the undersigned bat been apiwinted executrix of the last will and testament of James Evaus, deceased, which said appointmeut has been cooOrtued by an order or the County Coort for Josephine Coonty, Oregon, dated July 22, 1907. All persons having claims against tbe es tate of said decedent, will present the lame doly verified to said Executrix at the ollloe ot Maroos W. Kobbins, attoruey at law, Uraots Pas', Oregon, on or before six months from the dale of first publication of this notice, which said date of first publication is Friday, July art. 11)07. MAUUiE, Li. r.vAna, Executrix. ! Suit for Divorse the defendant SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, far Josephine County. Joseph Lomas, piaiutirt I vs. Cordelia Lomas, I clefeiidnat. J To Cordelia Lomas, sIiovh named : In the mini.) of the State of Oregon, you are n uehv summoned to appear in the above tntitled Court and answer he complaint tiled against you in tbe foregoing entitled suit on or before six weeks from the Qate ol the nrst publication of this snmtnoiis, which said hrst date of publication is Fri day, July 111, 1U07, and the la't date of said publication, aud the lnt date for your appearance herein, is Friday, August .10, 1WI7, and you are herbey notified that In case yon f.il to ap pear and answer or otherwise plead within the Lime aforesaid, that the plaiutiff wiT apply to the Court fur the rulibf prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: Fur a docren forever dissolv ing aud aiinulliug the marriage rela tions now exia ing beween the plsin titf a.id (lefoudant, aud for such other and faither relief as to the court way seem equitaulu. This summons is olilistieu by order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, County Judge for Josephine Coonty, State of Oregon, directiog the publication thereof io the Rogue River t, curler, published at Urants Pass, Josephine Couuty, Oregon, not less than once a week for a period of six sooceMtive weeks, tbe said order being dated July ID. 107 OLIVr.K o. UKOwN, Attorney for the plaintiff. The Chsrmirtf worsts is not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses thoe rare qualities that all the world ad mi res : neatneM, clear eyes, clean, smooth skin and that sprightlioeas of step aod action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is Dover attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful com plexion. Uaaraoteed at all druggists. Job work at Portland prices at the uonner omct CITATION In the Coonty Ooorl of the State of Oregon, for the Coonty of Jose phine. In the matter oftbe Estate of Emily S Carter, deoeaaed. J To D)ra E. Whiprs Minnie Brown, Kerby. Ore., and Clara E. Eoff. Salem, Oie., Ida Lister, Uliddon, Iowa, Mao Parks, Viols, State of Illinois and all other heirs known and unknown of said decedent, Greeting: In the name ot ths State of Oregon. yoo are hereby cited aod required to appear in the County Conrt - of the Stale of Oregon, for the uonntv of Josephine, at ths Coort room thereof at Urants Pass in tbe Coonty of Jose phine, State of Oregon, on Saturday, the 87th day of July, 1U07, at o dock, in the afternoon of that day, then aud there to show cause if auv you have why 8. A. Carter, adminis trator or .the estate of Etullv Carter deceased, should not 'be liceui-ed aud empowered to sell at private sale all of the real property belongiug to said estate described as follows, to-wit: The S of the NE-4, the NW of the NE'jj' aud Lot numbered 'one (1) of Section 13, in Township Forty (40) South, of Range Nine (U) West of the W illamotte Meridian in Josephine Comity, State of Oregon, containing. ' 15J 18-100 acre, for the rcasous set forth iu his petition filed iu tbis oourt this 17th day of Jane, lt07. Wituoss the liou. Stephen Jewell, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine, with the seal of said Court a (li ied, this 17th day of Juue, A. D., 11HI7. Attest : S. F. CHESHIRE. Clerk. By'J. A. Wharton, Deputy Clerk. roiiisnoiiEriAR avaUajaga NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. Roseborg, Ore., May 15th, 1K07. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of Juue 8, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territorv." as extended to all toe PuMlo Land Slates by act of August 4, 181)3, THOMAS J. BUTLER of Grants Pass, Coonty of Josephine, State of Oregon, has this day fllod In this offloe hs sworn statement No. 8101, for the purchase of ths N)i NEW 8 WW and 8W4' HK, of Section No. 6 In Townshin No. 85 South, Rauge No. fi West, aud will offer proof to show that tbe laad sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Joseph Moss, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Orants Pans, Oregon, on Mouday, the 13th day of August 1U07. He names as witnesses: Olive Major, of Placer, Ore. , W. T. Turn ham, of Grants Pass, Ore., Geo. W. Kearns, of Grants Pass, Ore., Joseph Dysert ot R. F. D. No. 1, Grants Pass, Ore., Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims in tbis ofllce on or before said lith day of Angust, 1U07. .BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice Is herbey given jthat the un dersigned has beeu appointed adminis trator of the estate of Emily Carter, deceased and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to file the same with my attorney, U. W. Colvlg, (ofllce in the Urants Pass Banking & Trust Building, Urants Pass, Oregon) on or before six months from this date. Dated this 13th day of Jane. 11107. 8. A. CARTER, Administrator. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Iu the Couuty 'Court for Josephine Couuty, Oregou. In the matter of the 1 rstate of Alpbetis K. Hollo way I, A ui ueitBtui. . Notice Is hereby given that tbe un dersigned administrator of the above estate, with the will annexed has Hied in said court and cause his final account ami that Saturday, August 3 at 10 o'clock a. in. at the oourt house at Grants Pass, Joitephine county, Or egon, lius beeu fixed by the above uourt as the time soil plmie for settling said account and all persnus Interested therein are hereby uotified to file and present their objection thereto, on or before that time. W. H. FLANAUAN. Administrator. Dated July 1, 11)07. NOTKU OK ADMINISTRATORS HALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notioe is hereby given that Charles Hansen and Ueore Hansen, the duly appointed, qualified and actingg ad ministrators of thn estate of Peter Hansen, deceased, have beuu duly licensed and comtnlsiond by orJer of thi county couit for Josephine Coont, Oregon, dated July the 1st. 1107, to sell all right, title and inter est of said estate in and to the real propery thereinafter described, and that pursuant to said order we will after 87th day of July A. D , 1W)7, sell at private sale for cash, subject to the confirmation of said ; court all the right and title and interest of the estate or Peter Hansen, deceased, io and to the following described real property, to-wit : Lot one, blocs seven, in the Town of Napoleon, com monly called Kerby, Josephine County, State of Oregon. OEO. HANSEN. CHA8. HANSEN. Administrators of the estate of Peter Hanseo, deceased. All the world knows that Ballard's Hoow Liniment has no soperlor for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sprains, Lumbago and all pains. Buy it, try it aod yoo will always, oas 11. Aaybody who has used B '.Hard's Snow Lini ment is living proof of what It does. All ws ask of you Is to get's, trial bittle. Prion 35o, 6O0 and 1. at National Drug Store aod Demaray. MH I