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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1907)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS OREGON, AUG. 2, 1907. ' ' ItmTofPerson S. P. TIME-TABLE. 'T BARGAIN POINTERS -8 Interest pTr.un. o.minR P.nger leave Granu ' A Bpief ReCOrd f? jLs 6 iP" depot as follow,: 3 LrOCal Events. K NewiNot.1 Tfom lh Butlneu lie Good Old Summer Swimming Time Is Here lilteSmall Boy Knows It I ife are also trying to keep in the swim in our business by making it easy for the cook to quickly geather up the tag ends for a hurried dinner or lunch. Pretty much everything in the eat ing line, Oregon Boiled Ham, Boiled Tongue, Fried Spring Chicken, Sliced Beef. Fresh Bread Daily Home Cooking) in Nut Cake, Orange and Lemon Layer Wal nut Cake, Cocoanut Sponge Cake etc. uesdays and Saturdays Fresh Saratoga Chips Heinzs Pickles, Sour or sweet (Nuff Said) nothing better to be bad ! iipe Olives, Green Olives, . iVelch's Grape Juice makes a good hot weather drink, we have it in pints and quarts. Heinz Baked Beans plain or with1 Tomatoe Sauce. 12, 20 or 25c for the large family size Soused MackeraJ and Underwoods Mackeral In Mustard 25c Smoked Sardines (Norway), tUe best 12c, good American Sar dines 6 for '!5c, French Sardines 15 to 25c, Good pink Alaska Salmon 10c Scans Magnolia Salmon 25c Best fall Cream Cheese per lb. 20c All kinds of Sauces and Relishes, lea & Perres Holbrooks, Heinz Mandalay the very latest and one of the best on the market, its very good. Try It! Raspberries and Logan berries about gone. Blackberries and early Peaches now in market Remember we have those veil cured Lemons, 30c doz. V, mges and Banans, at White House Grocery iV. Hollowav anil leave Saturday for Forest Grove where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Burns left Tuesday for Klamath Falls where they will visit for some time with their son, Mark Burns. Sev. H. N. Rosser, of Hilliams, went to portland on business Wednesday morning. Miss Elsie Ball left Tnesday morn ing for Sequel, Cal., for a month visit with the C. S. Price family. M. E. Horr left the first of the week for Marshfield where he will work at his trade, carpentering. Mrs. F. Prayter, of Portland, spent Monday here with her brother, C. C. Presley, and family, leaving for Ash land to visit her mother. C. E. Smith, formerly proprietor of Hotel Layton, but now a resident of Chehalis, Washington, spent several days in Grants Pass this week looking up business matters. E. C. Dixon and wife, J. Tuffs and wife left on Saturday morning for a camping trip to Cow Creek. Mr. Dixon will stay a month but the others will return sooner. Miss Julia Whitney of Ashland, who has been visiting for the paBt wee's with Miss Audry Carter, returned to her home Sunday. She was accom panied by Miss Carter who will remain in Ashland. Mr.' and Mrs. W. E. Boren and Miss Augusta Parker returned Sunday night fiom a three weeks' camping trip nt Crescent City. Mrs. E. S. Veach was in the party but returned home from Mary Adams' by stage, arriving home Saturday night. Chas. Smythe left Saturday for Marshfield where he will enter the employ of the C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufacturing Co. who are erecting a $250,000 saw mill plant, which will have the second largest capacity on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis and little son left Wednesday morning on the de layed No. 16 for Dallas, where the will remain, Mr. Ellis having extensive business intrests at that place. Tli National Drug Store business will be in charge of Jas. Slover and Frank Ellis. Miss Essie Ilartman left Monday for Portland and Tacoma. Miss Hartman has ordered her piano and other lin pedimentia packed for shipment, and although she has not made official an nouncement it is suspected by her many friends tfiat she will tako up her resi- 'denco elsewhere, Prices on Edison Phonographs ad vance September 10. "We still have a few in stock at the old prices. Photo and Music Store. A. B. Cornell, wife and son returned from their camping and deer hiinVin.;' trii Tuesday evening. They wer accompanied home by Mr. R. E. Doa-i and E. A. Higginson, mining men from Los Ancles. Mr. Cornell reports hav ing a very delightful time and speak in very high terms as to the treatment received at the hands of Mr. and Mi. J. C. Mattison near which place they camped, their daughter Edna becan, so much pleased with the mountain life that she remained with Mrs. Matti son for a week or so longer. Corn"ll claims that the buck ague is unknown to him and he had no difficulty in lay ing in a good suply of both fresh and dried "jerky," the writer can vouch for the quolity of the dr.ed vension an i hopes to see Cornell go again. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine of the awake West with faicinatine short stories, picturesque personal point-of-view description of the interesting development of the West, and the romance and his tory o' the wonderland of the Mr Ask your local "'e" for current issue or send 51-3U foryear's subscription. The book, "Road of i Thousand W onders. 120 beautiful Western v:ew in four colors Will be indu-sd ''"sunset kagazikb fl.OOD iuilmno Mrs. L. A. niw... ..j :,":,,,,'""JV: KOBTH BOrXD. No. 12-Shasta Express for Port land and intermedial v- ation V 6:23 a. m. ro. 16 OreKun Express, Port land and wav stations.. A 3ln.m. ?0- I ScCCOOCO. Met to R.d.r.. No. 14-Portland Express, rlyer 11:35a. m. sorra bocno No. 11 Shasta Express, Sacra mento A iSan Kram-iscn. 10:15 p.m. o. 15 California Express, Sac ramento and San Fran "sco 9 05 a. m. No. 13 -San Francisco Einnm Iyer 11:00 a. m. T. W. Williams went down the Reuben Sunday morning. Ralph Dean returned to Grants Pass Saturday morning from Marshfield. He had also been in Roseburg. Mrs. Alice Ferrier, daughter of Mrs. Hall, left on Tuesday for her home in Salt Lake, after visiting here for some time. M. J. Anderson left on Tuesday even ing for Ashland on account of forest fires in the Siskyou reserve. Miss Hazel Moody has taken a position as clerk at Fred Gumpert's store. , Tobe Reymer and family left on Tuesday evening for Goldendale, Wash., to make their home there. Mm. TT n IT(tinA. "1 nnA Mrs. W. C. Hale and danger. Mlsshe Jessie, left tbis week for Newport, ' - J. O. Jarvis, formerly druggist with the Model Drag Store, returned to Grants Pass Wednesday from Astoria, to take a position with Mike Clemens. Bert Warren, formerly of Ganta Pass, bat now of Leavenworth, Kan., ii in town this week shaking hands with old friends after an absence of about 13 yean. Ralph Davis, Harry Marsh and Em mett Lee returned home Thursday from a week hunting and camping trip in the mountains down Rogue River. The boys report a fine time. Jacob Wilson of Yoncolla, fish war den for all waters of the state exoept the Columbia and Willamette, was.SiUby's latest production, copyrighted circulating among the fisherman of the Rogue River this week. Mrs. Ida Abbott and Miss Mary Fish of Greenville, Michigan, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Voorhies, former friends in Michigan. They are also old friends of Mrs. Arthur Conklin , and her mother, Mrs. Frances Church, and a picnic wagon takes out a crowd Dr. II. C. Dixon and family leaves jeverv Saturday night. Last Saturday Friday for West Fork to camp for n'ght a jolly crowd went and enjoyed about three weeks. His brother-in-law the flne drive jn the four horse tallyho. Dr. T. W. Hester, of Jacksonville, will Thev danced until about twelvo, and be one of the party also. Dr. E. P. j the quadrilles were especially amusing. Dixon and family have been at thisThe Partv reached town safely and all place for tho past week and will re-j r('Port 8 Kootl tine- N'-Jtt Saturday turn soon. niRht tho bo-vi ar8 8oin t take ice Rad the classified Ad oolomns ifj"em anl the girls cake so they ex on want to buy a cow or if you want ! Pwt to "ve "ometbiiig good to eat to pick hops. '. utm rtt ivnTirr ! S00'11'"1 Oregon was treated to a CHVK.CH NUlltf-s 1 genuine back-east thunder storm Mon- Newman M. E. Church. In the morning at 11 Rev. M. C. Wire J D. D., of Eugene will occupy the : pulpit. In the evening at 8 a union meeting in this church, Evan P. Hughes i preaching. Sunday school at 10 a. in.;, union young people's meeting in ihlsj church parlor at 7, Miss Stella Paddock leader. Strangers and friends wt'lcom-' at all of these services. Baptist Church. Sunday school and men's Bible clats at 12 m. Sunday. No preaching services in the morning. Union ser vice in the evening both young people and preaching at the Newman M. E. church. Kvan P Hughes preaching. Business Men vs. Professions The base ball gain- which took ulace on the A. A. C. grounds Tliiirwiay be-' tweerj the Business and ProfetHiooal ' men was certainly a farce from start ! to finis11, bnt that was what eerybody I u .1 a. a a. . i ii 1 u.1uwFiu,.ra uiej,t0 have tneir ticUctg r,.Bj t0 Grants surely got their money's worth io that i respect, judging from the rooting and noise mat was niaue iiironRnooi ine game. ine unsineHs men took the lead by running in three tallies io the first innings and managed to keep ahead np to the sixth inings when some of the players thought they had got enough for one time, 10 the game was called off with the score 8 to 10 in favor of the Bnsiness men. Had they played the whole nine inings there is little donbt bnt that he Pro-fesi-ionals would have come not on top a they were just twginiug to warm np whn thf" game was called off. ! The balloon ac?ninn. which wai to bv taken lace immediately . after the tiH'iie waii postpond on account of tlt wind and will take place on the railp'-d grc unrls nt 10 o'clock attir day uirtiing. 1 Take iu the special excurHiou to V-i:fi rd tint Thcrnlay. Pare f'T ' rctind trip fi.'rt. Oo to Med ford next Thursday. 1000 Columbia Cylinder records were 'received at the Music store last week. This is the complete Columbia list. A. Morr s lost 40 tiera of wood this week by fire in the woods set by the carelessness of someone who was pass ing, by dropping a lighted match or cigar. The baloon ascension scheduled for Thursday afternoon did not take place oo aooonnt of the strong wind prevail ing at tbat time. Prof. Berry will make the ascent Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the railroad grounds, between Seventh and Eighth streets. The Southern Pacifio put on a spec ial standard Pullman sleeper Arjgnat 1st for the accommodation of south ern Oregon travelers. The car will be attached to train No. 16 north bound and to train No. IS soath bound, its ron being between Portland and Ash alod only. A. E. Vorhies has placed orders for 50,000 post cards of local scenes co-uprising SO different views and is now selecting the photographs for reproduc tion. If you have a good view which you think would mako a good post card WOuld b plea8ed " lfc As tho cards are mado in Germany it will be four or five months before the cards are completed. The penant won by the local A. A. C. base ball team of the Rogue River Valley League arrived Monday and is on exhibition in the window of J. V. Schmidt's cigar store. The penant is about 10 feet long, and is dark blue with tho letters "A. A. C. '07" in white. The club colors, however, are black and orange. "My Childhood Home" a beautiful song with words and Music by Miss Esther Silsby, of Ashland, is in stock at the Music Store. This is Miss .nn. aHA ... , r . mi i 1907, and is up to her standard of excellence. The Male Quartet arrange ment is included with the song at half price, 30c. , The farmers down the river have built a ' dance pvaillon at Stillwater Springs about five miles below town , day night, and for some time there was sir fireworks enough to suit the most exacting. In- the Keiby and Sucker creek country the storm teemed to be heavier than at Grants Pans and a large number of trees were s'nickjby lightning although no par ticular damage was done. (JrautsPass was in darkues all night owing to trouble at the Gold Hill sub station . . . auu iu iuo urea ing 01 me Hwer una i m..iiii. ,. . ,,, .. uenr wuouvuie nr inn muuiR 01 a tree across it Abont 0 telephones 1 were put out of conimlmiou for a ' day or two by the burning out of the fuses. ATTENTION CITIZENS. The Grants Pass Commercial desires that all good Citizens Club from this date make a point of telling their friends in tho East that from Scptemb - r l8t to 0tber 31st Special r.'v ork in tho day time rate from Eastern points will be in effect upon all Kailroads, direct to Grants Pass, Southern Orei',, tho hub 0f the Rogue Biver Valley. Tell them p j n. L. Andrews, Secretary. Grants Tass August 1st 1907. , Fishing Tackle at Cramer Bros. KILLthe COUCH I ... 1 1 nr- ..... HSIAO snu Vs U M C ms LUIlUO Dr. King's WITH Nov Discovery rONSUMPTION Pries OUCH! sad 60c 41.00 Free Trill. OLDS burest and Uuickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and De ntis. Go to Coron for Plumbing. Camping outfits at Cramer Bros. Hammocks at Cramer Bros. M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges atCoron'i Use Pattons Paint. Get ft at Cra mer Bros. A fall stock of Edison and Columbia records at the Mnsio Store 1500 Edl- sons and 1000 Oolombias. We can AH 90 per cent of your Edi son or Columbia record orders. Mu sic Store. A complete line of Edison Phono graph records at the Photo and Music store. Kodaks and Films at Mnsio Store. Fisher, the Jnnk man boys 'any old thing. , 6-81 tf Paragon brand Typewriter Ribbons for all machines at the Mnsio Store. Merlio-GaHre stage line leaves Mer lin 7 a. m., arrives Oalioe 13, retorn 1; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. 25 pounds baggage free. Talking Machines rented for the even ing at the Music Store. Rifles, cartridges hunting coats at Cramer Bros. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Josephine County will hold the regular examin ation of applicants for state and county papers at Grants Pass, as follows: For Stato Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 14. at 9 o'clock, a m., and continuing until Saturday, August 17, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, alge bra. Saturday Botany, plane geomerty, general history, English literature, school lnw. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, at 9 o'clock a. nv., and continuing until Friday August 10, at 4 o'clock p. m. Thursday-Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government. v Lincoln Savage, Superintendent. Ornnts Pass is to have a Business College. Chas. It. Cook of Pomona, California, has been in tho city during the past few days looking over the field, and has satisfied himself that Grants Pass will prove to be a good point for a first-class commercial school. The school will be conducted by Messrs. ( lias. H. and John A. Cook. Chas. R. Cook is a school man of wide experience and comes to our community well recommended by Inad- g educators throughout tho country. , John A. Cook is a member of the rp"m Bar and an attorney of a number of years standing. The school will occupy the entno second floor of the Hall building which L will be fitted up ready by about Aaguist 15. The school will offer strong cours.-s j in stenography and business and allied subjects of commercial value. Both j day and night sessions w ill be offered, ' thus giving those who are obliged t-J an opportunity to take the course. j Use Prasisan Poultry and Htook Tonic Cramer En. , mwwvMMMWWVWtwWMVtwwMWWWmwwwWH'iS A Few At the Big North Side Furniture and House Furnishing Store A few Hammocks to close at your own price, several Refriger ators at a cut price, some oild Rockers to close them out, another shipment of Swing Chairs, also ; Cots, Lawn Chairs and a big stock of ; everything for House Furni- I bhings at luwest ' price. A. U. Bannard . Good Sold on Everlasting Jars Economy Jars Mason Jars Jar Rubbers Tin Cans; Sealing Wax Wax Strings Cramer Bros. Fishing Tackel, Guns Ammunition and Notice! All persons knowing ig themselves te be indbnted to the John R. Hyde Grocery are hereby notified te settle the same Immediately to the andor- slgned dnly appointed receiver iai Bankruptcy. H. L. ANDREWS. Announcement. Dr. Keller, spiritual medlna and, healer, well known in San )ani will be permanently located in tbl town. Can be consulted on all affair or life. Readings daily. As a neaJer he will treat all manner of sickaesa and diseases. Hour V a. m. to ft p.m. ; 7-9 even logs. Cor. D A 8d sta., Gnats Pais. . ft-S-lt. Prussian Tonics at Cramer Broa Hundreds of New Edison Record cvt the Music Store. Victore and Columbia eirso. Several Bargains In Mexchli First National Bank Of Southern Oregon CRUSTS P7ISS, OREGON Some of tho Services that i Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The simplest and safest way o keeping your money is by ikposit inx it iu a Reliable Bank. Tbia Bank receives Deposits Subject to Check, or on Demand Certificates of Deposit or on Time Certificates) of Deiosits. Oh Time Deposit we pay 4 per cent interest. DRAFTS The Best and Cheapest wayjt Transfer Money is by Bank Draft, We sell Drafts payable in all parte of the country. 1LOANS One of the most important func tions of the Bank. We endeavor to supply all reasonable needs o f our customers. Capital nnd Surplus- $73,000 Stockholders' Additional Responsibility $50,000 orncEKS L,. e. IlALL. President J. C. Campbell, VWPresidnBt ti. L. CILKEY, CaHhiei K. K. HaCkKTT. AsHt. Cashia Bargains j Installment pl.m