Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 02, 1907, Image 4

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&e Shoe
81 tSTMVi
3 rWl
Published Every Friday.
One Year, In advance,
HI I Months,
Three Months,
Single Copies,
Advertising Rata
Famished on application at the office, or
by mall.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thauksOOo.
s Pi
Oregon, aa seoond-clasa mall matter.
The Haywood triul has come to a
close and the jury has 'returned a
verdict of "Not Guilty." Twelve
good men and true have declared that
William Haywood Is Innocent of the
crime of conspiring to murder Ex
Governor Steunonburg. The verdict
is received with varying emotions by
the peoplo of the United States rang
ing In degree all the way from disgust
of Gooding standing In the door of the
nocrt room to the Ilutte Miners Union
In triumphant procession with bunds
and streaming banners. The average
man is satisfied. The methods of Pink
ortons has never been very inspiring
to clearheaded Americans. The verdict
has been a surprise to most aa a dis
agreement was generully looked for
but the furmer jury scorns to have
been able to take a comprehensive
group of the subject and the almost
unanimity on tho first ballot shows
that is a fair verdlut. Tba verdict
means a great deal to Haywood but it
means much more to the Western
Federation of Minors as it w,ill enable
them to build up their orgiuiiaitiun in
a manner much stronger than before.
. T I. ... l. l ... .
... . ... '" iDat 0r fdnntrv w
''never iigu'n see a trial of this sor
for itsurcly engenders a class feeling
that is prejudicial to our countries
bent iutimts.
Harry Orchard tho greatest criminal
of civilized times, is gnins; It) prove a
ennumddrum for Homo one to solve.
Since the jury iu the Haywood trial
has returned a verdict of not guilty
and has thereby shown that the horrible
tale of crime and bloodshed of Orchard
was not corroborated in their mm. In,
it is a curious problem what the author
ities of the State of Idaho will do with
"Harry." Tho Governor has stated
explicitly that no immunity has been
promised and Mcl'arhland, the Pinker
ton detective who secured the con
fession, has said tho same; likwisc
Senator Borah has made some orator
leal outbursts, but not withstanding
all of this a feeling seems to be gain
ing ground that Harry Orchard will
nover be puuiohed by the State of
They war and wear mul vctir
1- ?' f w
von cnu.DHD.v
Levi Sirauss S:
ttiij.3 ki.' i'-jks
of Shoes
If you want the best there
is for Mining, Hunting,
Cruising, Mountain climb
ing, buy this Shoe. No
other shoe has as many
water-proof qualities.
10 inch top
14 inch top
of Idaho f orbis crimes. But we
should not rolish his position even if
turned loose for there is always some
erackbrained idiot who thinks it is his
duty to be an avenger and if Orchard
should remain in the west, somebody
would be trying to get him all the
time. He can probaply make a good
thing out of magazine articles and
would prove a bonanza on the variety
stago but any way you look at It,
Qovernoor Gooding is placed in an em
barrassing position by his friendship
for "Harry."
Grants Pass can produce noted ath
letics oven if it cannot dig up many
The ice man now occupies the center
of the tsago and every one views his
coming with pleasure.
The toughest thing about a vacation
is when you get back home and start
in to get over the effect of it.
The West seems to have great at
tractions for the potiticans this summer.
All iknds of statesmen are swinging
around this circle.
The grants Pass Post Oflice took in
nearly eight thousand dollars in money
orders lust woek which is a pretty
good volume of business.
The jury in tho Glass bribery charges
at San Francisco were unable to agree
but Heney claims that he has some
more now evidence that will smash in
several window panes of the defense.
Sherman Hell says Colorado should
bo reduced to a territory for its mis
deeds. Sherman should reimunber that
ho had a great deul to do in bringing
about Colorado's condition.
Some great man once said that there
wen' good trusts and bad trusts tint
the thread trust in raising the price
of spool thread !' ten cents a spiol is
surely a criminal I rust and the liij
stick should smash it.
Timber Land, Ai t Jtlue R. 1858.
Ho.burg. Ore., Joly 2", 1107.
Notice is hereby given that 111 coin
p!lah(e with the provisions of the art
of Congress of June !l, IN78, entitled
''An not for the slo of timber la.ids
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory" as
extended to all the Public Laud States
by act df August 4, I WJ,
of Harrison, County of Kootnal, State
of Idaho, flUd in Gils ullii-e on March
lit, 1WOJ, Ills sworn Maremwit No. S447
for th purchase of tli SK'4 of Sec.
No. 2, ill T. No. HI South of Hiinue
No. 7 Won! ' WM Ore. and will olf-r
proof to show t'i il the land sought is
more valuable for il Itu.twr or srone
than for UKilraltural purpose, ami to
tstalilish his claim to mi. I land before
Joseph Mom. V. S. CoininixMotior, at
his otllce at Grants Oregon, on
Friday, the tth day of November, UK)!.
He names as wituetnoa Martin A.
Cmitter, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
William Hull, of drums Pain, Oregon,
Km met t K. Conger, of Wllilt rville,
Oregon, Lillian M. Kimggs, of Harri
son, Idaho.
Any and all persens claiming ad
versely the almvo-riescribed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
otlirt, ou or before said fth day of
Xoveintar, IWI.
Notice is hereby given that 1 will,
on Saturdsv, the 'Al day of August,
1VOI at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tn.l
at the front door of tho County
Court House, in the city i.f Grants
Pass, raid County and State, .sell, at
public Mil for ' I'nited States gold
coin, ia-li iu hand, all of the rtgtr,
title and intcrot which tlm County
of .IcM'ibinii lias amuiied to lauds
through the noil payment of taxo
SV J. Kl'svKLL.
'ne do, n 1-ylindi r records can now
l-e b.-iid! at tli. Music Store for ft
- I''-..' .
m V.r 1. .1 I I I V '
4 ? 1 Lt 1 Jj IV 1 J MJ U
Our sympathy is extended to the
bereaved ones of Mr. Munson who
died near Wildervill July 27, 1907.
The interment was made in the Wilder
ville cemetary.
Mrs. Geo. Lewis left Sunday after
noon for Portland where she intends
to spend two of three weeks visiting
her daughters, Mrs. Hayes anl Mrs.
Garren of that place.
Wasn't that little shower fine t Wish
it would come oftencr.
Miss Pearl Lewis who has been on
the siok list the past weelc ie able to
be among us again.
Clyde and Willie Munson who came
from near Falls City to be at the bed
side of their father, returned to Falls
City Monday.
Earnest Lewis had quite a serious
accident Tuesday ot thai week. While
driving truck at the Harmon Bros,
sawmill the leaders of the team started
to run and Earnest pulled them into
a tree to stop them. This broke the
leaders loose and Earnest jumped and
was dragged against a tree in such a
way as to break his nose and cut his
face and head pretty badly we hope
that it will not prove serious. Better
take out an accident policy boys for
accidents will happen.
The Wonder merchant mnde a trip to
our neighborhood this week.
.Several parties have passed through
hero on their way to Crescent City for
a pleasure trip. Crescent City is a
very desirable place to spend this hot
Wonder if any one slept along the
route of the hay ride Saturday night.
Guess they all thought like the Wonder
man that it was a load of drunks but
instead it was only a crowd of jolly
young people out for a good time.
As our regular correspondent is not
here at present I thought I would butt I
in with the items this week, for our
u u i i- .:.v....
news but when
returns I'll 23.
our "Uncle Fuller"
Refrigerators at Cramer Bros
idence of William Teal in Grants
Pass, Saturday, July 87. 1907, Al
bert E. Teal and Lizzie R. Barrlck
man, Stephen Jewell officiating.
KNOX AGEE At the residenoe of
William Knox, Grants Pass Satnr-
dav, Joly 27. 1D07, George F. Knox
and Lillie
Agee, Stephen Jewell
SCHERZ-YOKK At the home of the
bride's Bister, Mrs. Fred Mensch, Sat
unlay, July 27, 1!07, John Seherz and j
Miss Bertha Eldora York, Rev. C. .
ileckman officiating.
Tho vnnn ....,,,!.. b.f K,..,.i.... .
" " ' ' ..........
ing for a few days stay ut Talent and
will then go to lleddin. where Mr.!
Seherz has cmploymenr.
At the
(HAMliKHl.AlV KLF.M !.'i
home" I'f the bride's mother at Kerby,
Tuesday, July 2.1, J907, Claii.l L.
Chamberlain an.) Mrs. .Nettie Fleming,
Justice K. F. Meissner oHlciating.
SMITH l'llil.I.n -i-.U llie inline of
the bride's parents at Takilma, John
V. Smith and Mrs. Lucy Phillips.
Justice Meissner officiating.
MOWF.KS- At lirsnts Thursday.
July :til, Wr- A.lelia, wife of
Frank A. NlwerN aged 22 years.
The deci-axcl was a Josephine count v
girl, tb' daughter of Mr. mid .Mrs. Jacob
Williams well kii.inn and h.n ing many
fricn.K She was married to Mr.
Mowvrs in the winter of I'.'O.".
The Smilt
that wont' come o!T, ni pears eu baby's
face after ou ; bottle of White's t'reaui
Vormifngt'. the treat worm uudiciue.
Why not keep that smile on hat v's
faot. If you keep this medicine on
band, you will never see anjthiug
else but smiles on his face. Mis.
S . Hlaokwell, Ukla., write: "My
baby was peevish snd fretful. Would
uot eat and I feared he would die. 1
used a bottle of White's Cream Ver
mifuge and has uot had a sick day
since. For Sale by National Droit
Co. and Vv IVmatay.
jjj Tm School that Pt-Acesl
'; F business coLi-tr
'' iH WASH. r.TtNlR!,tS
ROOMING- house snap A good sized
rooming hoofe with bath and fater,
on large lot Main street close to mill
goaranteed good title. Cheap for
qmck sale, terms to suit. Apply
Mrs. E. Oange, Crescent City, Cat.
8 2-tf
STOCK for sale 7 Brst class milk
cows, also two 2-year old bulls, one
Jersey and Durham, the other Poll
and Herford, five 2-year rid heifers
of the best milking strain. Call on
or address C. A. Wallace, box 15,
KFD No. 1. one mile east of Pleas
ant Valley school boose. 8-2--U
HOP pickers wanted Inquire at the
Red Blacksmith Shop. 8 -2-4t
MILK cows for sale, five fresh, will
sell with or without calves. In
quire of A. Moiris, box 822. 8-2-tf
OOWS Two first class milk cowl for
sale. J. F. Burke, foot of 6th street
8-2 St.
Hit unrelated strains in stock. J. H
Robinson, R. F. D. No 2. Grants
Pass. 7-26 fit
LARGE Refrigerator for sale cheap,
adapted for Hotel or Restaurant
White House Grocery. 712 tf.
VERMONT Maple sonar, pure, gov
em m not insoected. in 10-lb cans
for sale by W. Chase. Phone 1038.
Delivered free 7-6 tf.
A. F. PIERCE Reifiste red Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the "King Arthur" also
other bncks of different strains of
bieedinir. Does of the noted
strains: bnks foriale. Merlin.. Ore.
7-5 tf
40 ACRE FARM for sale or trade for
citv property. Mostly bottom land,
15 acres nnder fence, seven acres in
cultivation, plenty of running water
for Irrigation, o-room cottage, Daru,
small orchard, one half mile froti
school house, post omce ana run
road station. Price right easy
terms Induire of W. C. Henry,
Hno. 6-28 tf
RESIDENCE On account of going
East wish to reut my rornished resi
denoe on North Sixth street for
three months from about September
1st. John Summers. 7-2-tf
with Al references
and sood board in
wibiics ruum
private family. Address O. S. S.,
care Courier. 7-28 2t
WANTED Oragnizers, either sex, on
salary of $100 a month and expenses
for an np-to-date Association, pay
ing weekly sick and accident benefits
and furnishing free medical attend
ants to all i members. Liberal
contract will be made with pro
ducers of business
American Sick & Accident Asso..
Buffalo, N. Y.
GIRL to do housework in Pmall
family Mrs. W. S. Morray, North
Sixth St, Grants Pas.
Many Make
f 100 to $150 per mouth ; some even
more. Stock clean; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced rklv. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washintiion Nursery
Company, Toppenisb, Washington.
! WANTED Grain Sacks,
i other second-hand goods.
Tools and
.'" ceryuu iiauo-siore, corner
X 13 1 1 A
hixth and J streets.
uttt n-t.,.
2D tf
j If yon wish to secure work hands,
; leave ord with Yerdiu & Conger
i Employment otllce and Real Estate.
1-19 4t
pVERY person who eiVfns money should have a reg
' ular banking, day On this day they should not fail
to deposit a certain proportion of their earnings.
IN our savings department seores of people carry ac-
counts and deposit their savings regularly.
A7E invite accounts of $1.00 and up, on which we pay
4 per cent interest. Wouldn't you like to estab
lish a banking day?
Call and see us.
Open About august 15, 1907.
offering eourses in
Expert Shorthand, Commercial Law,
Touch Typewriting, Practical English,
Business, Commerce,
Mathematics, Penmanship.
We positively guarantee
to make you an expert
Stenographic, Expert Court Reporting and Advanced
Stenographic, Business, English - Com
mercial , Pedogogical-Commercial.
(trains for Commercial
Satisfaction guaranteed or Tuition refunded,
and see us or write
CooK Commercial
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering,
mission fnrnitnre made to order.
Angust 8 Staorday Balloon ascen
sion aud parachute jump by Prof.
Berry from the railroad grounds.
Ang. 8, Thursday Excursion to Med
ford by Grants Pass business men
and Jospehine county froit growers
to attend the meeting ot the Oregon
Horticultural Society.
Ang. 9, Friday Dance at the Savage
Creek hall. Dance and sapper 11.
Ang. 8, 9, 10 Meeting in Medford of
the Oregon Horticultural Society
and Medford Business Men's Carni
val. Dance records for diso talking ma
chines at the Masio store.
Wire Btrings for all instruments at
tho Music Btoro at mnil order house
prices. Better Btrings at higher prices.
Bicycles and supplies at Cramer
To tdvertist our stamped linens we will sell
ceolerpiocm tikecut stamped on pun Untn
couplets with floss to embroider.
Regular value 90c Special 50c
In ordVrinr br mail send poit office or ti
preu money order and mdntmn tkit paptr
tske Needlecrdffho)D
382 VA5H. 3T,P0M1AHD OK.
6T yil
uUK. floss Jr$3