ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, AUG. 2, 1907. usides TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON -. nma i rtUNS, lL B., PRINCIPAL Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in .taction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index the Wucber and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand eoy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free- jrite today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland IJUY YOUR Drug's and -AT MODEL DRUG STORE FRONT STREET, Opposite Depot GRANTS PASS Are You Interested In Fencing? If so let us figure with you. We sell Page Woven Wire Fence IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY Cattle. Sheep, Goat, Poultry, or Hog Fence, Buy the PAGE and Start in Right We buy direct from factory and our prices are right. 80 miles of Page Fence sold in Jackson County since January 1907. GADDIS DIXON & Page Fence Men Of Jackson, Josephine and Klamath Countie4. Main Office I - Medford, Ore. IT DOES MOT SLOBBER, LEAK, NOR MAKE ME MAD Said a customer who ueaa and recommends the PARKER EES FOUNTAIN PEN When you buy Fountain Pan. unscrew tha aoxzle from tha barrel and look for the Lucky Curve. If It does not have tha Lucky Curve, do not KJ i,-. m . u not the oejt. I1 H, i See the Cine selection 5$ J we are showing. You will V ? 1 buy no other than a Perlter when you know Ha advont- atea over other. FOR SALE BY C. H. DEMARAY, Druggist 3i ovaK-!--i r"Ti S'COLLEGK. Medicines THE - Lawn, Garden, Cemetery, or Wrou ght Iron Fence or Gites CEMENT AND CEMENT WORK R. H. GILFILLAN Will do your cement work in good shape Give him a chance Phone 744. Cor. B and 5th. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Complete and thorough training. Commercial. Shorthand and Eng lish courses. Individual instruction at about one-half the usual expence. Note Our Special Offer. Students who enter at the beginning Qf the school year, Serf. 9, 107, and secure a 9 months' scholarship for ."5 will be entitled to Jnitructlou in any and all the departments to July 1, 'OH. This is your opportunity to complete the combined course. Afk for iui formatioo. A Happy MR u Am,w F. King, of Port Byron, K Y ., (85 years of age) since a sore on hi lea. which had troubled him nrt of his life, has been eatiieli litalul by Buckltu's Arnica G..l..a tho worm s ureal, ucnin v. s.,rea Burns. Cuts. Wounds ana rues. --c.. Improved Highway Notes. A movement Is under w;iy t' build an improved road ltween J:iekun vllle, l'lu., and Savannah, Oil- A Joint committee of the Arkansas Farmers' union and Arkansas Good Kmids association will nsk the legisla ture to allow convict lalr on high ways. The state board of hiirhway commis sioners of Minnesota is endeavoring to have the time honored custom of working out" road taxes abolished. The Niagara county (N. Y.) board of .,.H,r hns ruled that no wagons than two and flve- Ighths Inches wide will be allowed on Unproved highways. The business men of Mount Pleas snt. Mich., have taken bold of the good tads movn incut fur l.-a: h:i .uu.. ,,nd will make Kiretl'lir.s riTort.s W have the county road ! lopted. Fine wedding Courier office. stationery at tht NEVADA N IS IS T CONSOLIDATED VIRGINIA AND OriilK COMPANIES ARE SUED FOR FOUR MILLIONS. Newly Incorporated Company Allege Valuable Ore Has Ueen Taken From Its Workings. Reno, NaT., July 81. In the Fed eral court at Carson City yesterday suit tor 84,000,000 was begun In volving the right of the famoua Ophlr and Consolidated Virginia mines on the Comstock to continue to mine the ground through which their works are now being pushed. The plaintiff Is a mysterious cor poration, organized according to the laws of this State, with headquarters in San Francisco. It Is called the Comstock-Golden Gate Mining Com pany, but from the articles of Incor poration Is owned by one man, R. Hewson. Nearly all the shares are In his name. The suit declares that the Ophlr and Consolidated Virginia have worked the plaintiff's ground and have removed since June 10, 1907, ore to the value of 82,000,000, for which an accounting Is asked and punitive damages are demanded for 82,000,000. Crushed to Death Under Car Wheels. San Francisco, July 31. With his lever turned to the full speed point, Motorman O. V. Noel of a Sutter street car yesterday afternoon ran down J. A. Anderson, a cook, at the corner of Steuart and Market streets, knocked him across the rails and rolled the car over him before stop ping. The car had to be Jacked up to release the victim. He was ter ribly mangled and died shortly after being taken from under tha trucks. Inside of a minute a mob of 1,000 men had gathered and made a des perate attempt to seise the. motor man, with cried of "Lynch him!" "Hang him!" Hands were out stretched to grab him when ha was rescued by tha police. Colonel Mans Reeds the Klot Act. Salinas, Cel.. July II. Owing to the death of Sergeant Hall as the re sult of drinking In one of the numer ous saloons near the Monterey Pre sidio, Colonel Maus has been read ing a riot act to the Monterey civil authorities. He has notified tha town marshal that ha will Insist upon his closing all drinking houses which are doing a flourishing business under the aulse of so-called "soldier elubs." Should the places continue to re main nnen he states that he will take tha matter up with higher au thnritiM In significant terms he calls the houses pitfalls and con ducted only for tha purpose of fleec ing the soldiers out of their money. n1.l, Inhibition lllll .Mwrm Atlanta. Ga.. July 31. The Harde mann-Covlngton Prohibition bill passed by the Georgia Senate some days ago was adopted by the House last evening by a vote of 139 to 39. Two amendments were added to the bill which will necessitate the bill going back to the rienate for concur rence, of which there is no doubt, and the bill then will go to Governor Hoka Smith for his signature, which has been practically pledged, and prohibition will become a law In Georgia. Suspected Train RoIiIht Caught. Butte, Mont., July 31. George Tower wns arrested today for hold Iub ui ,,ie N"r'h Coast Limited In March and the murdr of Engineer Clow. Tower glvs no Information. The landlady of a lodging honse Identified him as a lodger who brought Into her house the night be fore the murder the valise In which afterwards was found the giant powdr supposed to have been used In blowing open 'he express safe. Negro Murderer Shot by Poe. Westchester, Pa.. July 31 George Tboma.-i, a n -itro, who shot his wife a,,n,iv nd then fled, was traced to a barn near here last nglht by posse. Thomas refused to surrender and shots were exchanged. At day light today Thomas was found dead with a bullet hole In the temple. His wife Is dying at a hospital here. Ta Helo Your Town Grow. Make your back yards places of beau ty end not eyesores to the coinnnmiij . T i a band when yon s.-e -our fel- lon- citizens trying tt build np t , town. J ESCAPES DEATH BY LADDER. Ilome of J. J. Moore Hums Near Redwood City Redwood City, Cal.. July 31. The elegant country residence of J. J. Moore, millionaire commission mer chant of Sacramento, situated on the crest of the first range of hills west of here, was totally destroyed by fire between 4 and 6 o'clock yesterday morning. The cause of the fire Is not known. It bet;nn In the laundry be fore any of the help wero up, and the first knowledge the Inmates of 'he nonse had was when awa'oue.! by tho heat and the roar of the dames In the house Itself. The family vore sleeping on the second story and escape by way of the stairs was cut off and they had to be takia from the roof of the ver andah hy mema of a ladder. They escaped with owl." their night clothvs The house fvd contents war valued at 850,000. 3TRANGLER KILLS TWO BODIES OF TWO WOMEN FOUND IN NEW YOItK WITH FINGER MARKS ON THROATS. New York, July 31 The bodies of two women with the marks of the stranglcr on their throats have been found here within the last twelve hours, and the police believe that one man committed both crimes. Neither of the victims have been identified. One woman was found in an area way on East Nineteenth street. The marks of a thumb and a forefinger were visible on her throat, and her face and neck were smeared: with blood. She was about 27 years old. No one In the neighborhood heard sounds of a struggle. Tha body of tha other woman, also the victim of a strangler, was found last night in a Twenty-second street boarding house. Tha woman cams to the house with a man who gave his nama as Davis. Her body was found last night In the room the couple had ocojupled. A necktie had been' knotted! tightly around her throat and she had been dead for several hours.' Tha blood vessels In the neck were broken and the woman's clothes ware drenched in blood. No trace of the man, who had occupied tha room with her, has beea found. The dead woman was about 14 years old. Braall Eager for Japanese Trade. Washington, July 11. Tha daily consular report states on the autb orlty of Irving B. Dudley, minister to Brasll, that special effort Is being made by Brazil to Induce the coming of Japanese labor, and that It Is largely to this end that a subsidy is offered for the establishment of a regular steamer 11ns between Rio de Janeiro and Japan. Mr. Uchlda, who presented his credentials as Japanese minister td Brasll June 3, said in a conversation that the consummation of this pro ject Is the principal aim of his mis sion. Tha new stemshlp line, according to Minister Uchlda, will be in opera tion as soon as arrangements can be perfected, and will probably touch at the west coast ports of Ecuador, Pe ru and cnlie, ana passing inrougu the straits of Magellan, visit Buenos Ayres, terminating the voyage at Rio de Janeiro. The purpose would he to bring to Brazil In theBe ships Jap anese coolli's to enK"ge In rice grow ing and other work. The Public is not skilled in tea and is entitled to protection. Our label our brand protects the tea drinker. Our reputation is back of every package of tea bearing our brand. Fol ger's Golden Gate Tea means qualitypurity tea satisfaction. A. Folder CD. Co. San Francisco Importers of Pro Teae I Folger's !fSS GoHen I Ck IS w Gate i f E A Tea . gm I J NAVY STATION FOB THE COAST MAKING PREPARATIONS TO RE CEIVE THE WARSHIPS FROM THE ATLANTIC COAST. Admirals Capps and Conies to Visit the Paclllc to Deride on Place to Locate New Supply Point. Washington, July 31. It Is prob able that another naval station will be created on the Pacific Coast as the result of the forthcoming visit there of Admiral Capps, chief naval con structor of the navy, and Admiral Cowles, chief of the equipment bu reau. The former left Washington today for New York, where he will be joined by Admiral Cowles, and the two will go together to tha Pa cific Coast to make a thorough in spection of the yards and stations on that coast, and report upon the fu ture needs of the navy In that quar ter. Admiral Hollyday, clhef of tha bu reau of yards and docks, will follow these two officers to Sau Francisco ou a similar errand. This will Involve a careful examination of the Mare Island Navy Yard and that at Brem erton. The resources of the two navy yards are scarcely sufficient to make even temporary repairs and dockings that will be required by Admiral Evans' battleship fleet If it makes only a temporary visit to the coast. Hence, the Inspection of these yards will probably result in recommenda tions to Congress at its approaching session for a considerable enlarge ment of the plans at both places. The difficulty of procuring skilled labor in these yards, especially at Bremerton, will also be considered, with a view to making the conditions more attractive to such labor, if by no other means than assuring the men of 'continuous employment at good wages. But from a naval point of view probably of more Interest is the proposition to establish a naval station at Ban Diego, Cel., which will be etaminad from all points of view by the visiting admirals. The harbor at this point possesses superior ad vantages as a naval anchorage. There are good railroad connections, assuring abundant supplies of coal. If water communication Is cut off in war time, and tha harbor can be made Impregnable. The distance of San Diego south ward from San Francisco and upon the same Una with the projected Panama canal would also make It an advantageous coaling point. Of course, the consent of Congress would be necessary to render effec tive its selection. Turks and Grtx-ks Do Buttle. Atherfti, July 31. Thsre has been a oltrhed battle between Turkish troops, supported by Beshl-Hazuks and a small band of Greek Insurgents who had entrenched themselves In house In the outskirts of Seres, Euro pean Turkey, fifty miles northeast o Salonika. The hand was captured and wiped out, but thirty men were killed bo fore the soldiers, nlded by artillery succeeded In capturing the miniature fortress. During the fighting the Beshl-nazouks pillaged over 100 houses and burned a number of Greek buildings in Seres. nualness M Nome at a Standstill. Portland, Ore., July 31. Capiat Werllrh, In rharju of the Thlrteesth Llghthoupe, has returned from a 70 day Journey In Alaskan waters. He brings news that hiistut-ss Is at a standstill in tha Nome country be cause of labor troubles which began Juno 30, and It Is doubtful If steam ers In the Nome trade will make a second trip north this year, although they expected to handle a bigger tonnage than ever before. Order Wrlelens Towers. New York, July 31. The United States Government has let a contract to the United States Steel Corpora tion for transmission towers which are to be utilized for wireless tele graph service in Alaska. The Gov ernment Intends to have a chain of the towers erected along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and on the Gulf bf Mexico. The towers will be 176 leer. high. Plans Motor Road Into Crater. Honolulu, July 21. Acting Gov ernor Atkinson has proposed a plan for the const ruction of a road for automotillcK lending right down into the crat r of KCauea. The crater is BOO feet d i j. f you get it at SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP It is good We do not expect you to believe this without proof, and we want a chance to prove it ask for a sam ple of TEA OR COFFEE The kind you prefer, take it home and try it, we will take care of the result. MRS. J. C. GAMBLE Mgr. 412 Front St., Grants Pass, Oregon THAT TRIP EAST n planning your eastern trip, write or call on the under signed or your nearest ticket agent and learn what the Burlington can do for you or any diverse routes that may be offered, the Burling ton map will show the great variety of routes possible to holders of Burlington tickets. We have three gateways St. Paul, Billings and Denver to Chicago, St Louie.Kansas City and Omaha The map shows what a de- sirable portion of the through route the Burlington trunk lines form. Write or call ; let me quote you the best combination of special rates available and help you plan vour trip; there is education In traveling on Burlington trains. A. C. SHELDON, Gen'l. Agt. C. B. & Q 100 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon. l:jflrt(lll!jtlT QUALITY IS MY RULE IN GROCERIES None But the Kcst and at Right Prices SOLE AGENT FOR WHITE SATIN FLOUR Tho Best Hard Wheat on tho Market Fkebii FnciT and Vegetables T. Y. DEAN West 0 St. Opposite depo t DON'T EXPERIMENT 6UARAHTEE YOUR HEALTH If you iiitfrr from Stomach, , K idnry or Liver Trouble, Khru matiuii or other blood dii orderi, correct them now, PERKINS' NATIONAL HERBS J no TABLETS FOR li.oa GuAruilwd Mmirf Food and Drvti Art f Ju 30, 1906. 1 Ctrtilicate No.?r.6 hat Jia j MRS. J. C RFEN General Agen'. Grants Pas', Oregon, Box 202 7 1,, the