llW Kite .4 J VOL. XXIII. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. 1907. No. 18. Tvo Big Events to Be Held in Grants Pass ADrrAW IDDTflATTftK rnWVrKTlAW kXT nnm TiiriTJa8ke1 of JoePblne county Y ALLEY INDUSTRIAL EPOCH OF Experts of National Reputation to f; Speak at Convention Big Attendrnce Expected. Arrangements for the annual meet ing of the Oregon Irrigation Assoica tion and for the Rogue River Valley Industrial Fair tbat are to be held id Granta Pass on September 10, '11, 12 are being perfected and the two events each promise to be a success. The Ir rigation Cooventon is to have by far the beet array of talent ever had at a similargathering in Oregon, and in fact at any state irrigation convention. There will be.a larger number of gov" eminent experts at the National Irri gation Congress than has ever before been sent to such a meeting, and there will also be many other prom I u en t men, specialists in lines bearing on the agriooture and forest wealth of the country. Charles Meserve, who has been placed in charge of the arrange ments for the irrigation and for the fair that is to be held in this oity, called on Secretary Garfield, Mr.New ell and Mr. Pinchot as they passed through here recently on a toor of the West examiniBg the various govern ment irrigation projects and forest re serves, and was assored by them that tbey would heartily oo-operate to make the convention a saocess and to be the means of inaugurating an extensive and more praotically bandied irriga tion system for Rosoe River Valley. Mr. Newell, who is at the bead of the government reclamaton service, and Mr. Pinchot, who is at the bead of the forest reserve service, will attend the convention and each will make an ad dress. Secretary Garfield gave the ' assuranoethat all the experts of bis department who will be Bjt Sacramento will come to Grants Pass and assist in the convnetion here. Secretary Gar field will also send an expert from bis department who will examine all the samples of clays, shales, lime, marble, etc., tbat will be brought to the fair held here, to ascertain if the material is in the Rogoe River Valley for the manofature of sewer pipe, vitrified brick, fire brick, pressed brick, pot tery, eto. Through Seretary Wilson two experts from the department of Agriculture will take part in the pro gram for the meeting here, aod speak on topic? of special interest to the trait growers, stockmen and farmers. Toe program will also embrace a num ber of prominent persons of this state, who will present subjects for consid eration that have an important bearing on the develoment of the resources of Oregon. The conservation aud usa of the water and. timber supplies of the United States is attracting wide spread attention and the forthcoming National Irrigation Congress at Sac ramento promises to have a much larger attendance than any such pre vious gathering. There will be prom inent perrons at Sacramento from all st'etiuous of the country, eveu " ?w England is to be represented, and it is espucted by the officers f f the Coo gr-Ka that the attendance will be .WOO or more. A strong delegation from Or eon will be there aud all will work to secure as many as possible of the 35 ACRES FRUIT LAND $1500 1 35 Acres 8 miles from I; tivation, 2 Acres in Alfalfa, 15 Acres of first class Apple i: land nn.l balance suitable for Teaches and Grapes, !: about one half of place under irrigation, 100 assorted :i fruit trees. House and barn,. Price only $1500 if taken smn. W. Xj- HREXj-A-HsTID THE REAL ESTATE MAN Ground Floor, Opera House Block FAIR WILL OPEN NEW PROSPERITY. Eastern delegates to return by way of Orogon to their homes and take a look at Rogue River Valley and stop off at Grants Pass aud attend the Irri gation Connvention aod visit the Rogue River Valley Industrial Fair. " It is also planned to have a business mens' ecxarsion to come by special train from Portland. This will be arranged for through the commercial organizations of Portland and the offi cials of the Sonthern Pacific. It is expected that 500 or more can be had to come by this excursion from the various sections of the northern aud eastern part of the state, and after they have spent a day or so in Grants Pass then.their train will be run as far as Ashland and on the branch roads to Jacksonville and to Eagle Point that they may sea a goodly part of Rogue River Valley. There will be every likelihood tbat there will be in Grants Pass at the time of this j convention more persons of natioaal and state promineooe than were ever before in Rogue River Valley at one time and it is certain that the irriga tion convention and fair will draw to this oity a larger orowd than ever has been in Grants Pass at any celebra tion or other public event. There will be some 15 or more state irirgations conentins held this year.and, as is the role heretofore, at each place where a conventio is held au exhibit will be made of the pro doots of that section and a showing of the resources aod advantages that interest home seekersand investors. This feature will be carried out at Grants Pass and the Rogue River Valley Fair will bajan attraotive and profitable .adjonot to tueOregon Irriaa- tion.Oonvention. The purpose will be to especially make a complete showing of the fruit, dairy, stock, bops, vegetables, minerals, timber, manufactured and other products of Rogue River Valley. But the display will not be restricted to this valley, for if the other sectiontof South' rn Oregon want to exhibit their products they will be given space. Pioneer and Indian relics and Rogue River Valley photographic views will be featares in the fair that will be of special iuurest to our visitors from the east. While wo are proud of the capacity of Rogue River Valley for producing the bts.it of fruit, stock, lumbtr, miu- eral and similar products, vet the babies of this wonderful Vallry, by their attract.venens and intelligence would certainly elicit the heartiest of commendation from our baby lov ing president. To give our Eastern visitors an opportunity to i-ee the fu ture hostlers of this Valley aud who will he able to hold their owu with the best of the country, a baby show ill l, hld. the indues to be three of the most popular bachelors of Rogue River Valey. ! A large tent will be secured in which to place me irun similar exbuitB. To meet tne ex penses of the fair aod the irrigation convention will require fully $2"00 To raise this auioout thtre is avail able, a state appropriate of 11200 fir a Ronoe River Valley. di-tric fair, and an appropriated of t-"00 will be Grants Pas, 10 Acres in cul- The Grants Pass oity council will grant the fair management the licenses de rived from the the street shows that will flock to the city during the fair aud which will yield about ft 00. i The admissions to the fair will briug in $250 or more. Only residents of Southern Oregon will be charged ad mission, as is the rule at the Hood Rivre fair, while all visitors will be given a souvenir badge that will b a pass to all departments of the fair. I'o see that the funds of the fair asso ciation are properly expended the ex ecutive committee has chosen R. W. Clarke, Joseph Moss and R. H. O'Neill, three of the most prudent business men of Grants Pass to be the finance committee. H. L. Gilkey, cashier of the First National Bank, has been chosen treasurer. A feature which Manager Meserve has proposed and which the farmers all say will be a drawing card to them will be a stock aud general auction sale to be condacted each day of the fair. There is not a farmer in Rogue River Valley but what has stock, tools or other things that he would like to sell, and he is also, ready to buy other stock or tools that might be sold. A first-class auctioneer and a competent clerk and a sales manager will be se cured, and a warehouse and stock yards rented. A nominal commission of 5 percent will be (cbarged which will be enough to make the auction pay its way. HOME CROWN CANTE- LOUPS ON MARKET Fruit Crowore Association, ie Now Rectsty for Shipping Trulia. Pear Ripening. The Grants Pass Fruit Growers Association has all arrangements com pleted for shipments of fruit aud melons for this season. The warehouse of the gristmill has been ronted of H. A. Corliss and tho Association will now have the exclusive use of a large pack ing room and have the use of a siding where the cars are not kicked about every few hours. A supply of paper and boxes is now ready for pouch and pear shipments as also crates for melons. The shipping of peaches anil canta loupes will begin the first of next week, the local market now taking up at a good price all peaches and canta loupes brought in. The grower to have the first ripe cantaloupes was Lynn I. Allen, on the Hiver road below this city, who picked the first from his field on July 111. C K. Russell, another big melon grower picked Ins Iirsl intaloupes but two days later than did Mr. Allen. I'nloss a cool spell of weather comes to hold hack the ripening of fruit the picking of liartlctt pears will commence on Monday, August 12. and all unpacked ust be delivered at the Associn pears Hons warehouse by noon the following day and packed fruit by 5 p. m. This i(1 Bi,BOluti'ly necessary as tho ear will 1m. HtHrt,.j for New York mat nigni ami unless there is enough for second car the pears left over will be shipped to Portland and take the chances of a low market. The first pear in the Kastern mnrkets bring the fancy prices and every day's delay means a decrease in price. L,ast year picKing " k"" on Tuesday morning and owing to the slowness of the farmers in getting their pears in the loading of the car was delayed until Friday, Causing a loss of L'.'.c a box on the pears as the drop was that much in the New1 York market This season the oar will be loaded within 40 hours after picking las begun and if itis delayed by nop arrival or pears the late comers will be find Wc a box for each day they cause the car to be delayed. Pears must not be pick ed when hot as tbey will wilt and will not stsnd long shipment. Picking must begin at daylight and stop so soon as tie beat of the day comes cn at!) or 10 o'clock. The hauling can be done during the day but the fruit must be carefull covered from the sun and dust and the boxes kept perfectly clean, Pears are ready to pick so soon as the point of the seed begins to turn brown. They must not be dropped eve-, one inch in the basket or picking sack, as the very smallest bruise will rot the pear during the 12 days in .the car for New York. Shipment will positively be refused to growers who handle their fruit roughly. Don't pick a pear less than 2 V4 inches in diameter, leave the small ones to grow for the secoud pick ing, and only perfect truit win oe re ceived. Get extra help so the picking can all be done in ono morning if possible. Tears will be received in quanities from one box up and for this year from any person whether a member ot tho Association or not. All desiring to ship pears through the Association must notify mo at 'once. AU pears within convenient distance to Grants Pass must be brought to the warehouse for packing. Growers at a ditsance and having 50 boxes or more will have packers sent them and they must get their boxes and paper at once. Small lots had better be taken to the neigh bor who has a Dackinz crew, but if not convenient then be brought to the Association's warehouse. Pears are so tender and having to bo shipped 2000 miles to markot they must be hauled to the warehouse in a spring wagon. If on a cemmon wagon then put on high sideboards and fill with hay and set the boxes on they hay and drive with the greatest care and walk the horses. Small lots can be brought in loose in boxes, but it is best to wrap each pear in old news or other paper, for if there is any of the pearsat all bruised the lot will be refused as we shall take no chances with a bad lot that will endangerthe sale of the eare ful grower's fruit. This Association is going to attain the Medford prices for pears and the Hodd River prices for apples and growers who will not conform to its rules will have to sell where they can and get swindlod as they have almost every year or loose their pay entirely as many of the farmers did last fall who slod to a dishonest local buyer, Three dollars a box for apples and $5 a box for pears will yet come to the fruit growers of Josephine county if they will but be thorough intheir oreb ard work, honest in their pack and stand loyally by their Association. Kverv other industry and vocation is organized and if the farmers d.in't unite and co-operate 'hey may bo aide by hard work and fins cionomy ma U a scant living. Vit:i the sii.nll Si ginning that ;h li-nnis Win Fv.iit (iiowers Asse.'i ;ii .1 "i:id" laM year I'lid with a very small membership I meiuliers reuli.i-d hi tter pi ices for II i fruit than di.l 'lr' "luvi-f. wile n'M to dealers nud 'hec git their cash .-oinpt ly and did not nin' to ) le e Mtaih meats on cirs -if frui: and .-Imse in absconding dei.-'r u: of the stale. 1 'n the shipment of Martlet pears to Xew York the Association netted $1.10 a box after freight and sales commission hud been made. The farmers who Bold to local dealers got .fllle n box. The previous year, before the Association had been organized, the best price paid by the dealers was .40 a box. On New town apples the Association netted $1.79 a box and on Spitizenburgs $1.(10 and $1. ('." a box. On fall apples that were selling in the local market at " a box and were a drug in the Const markets the Association got $1.00 a box shipment esnt to Honolulu. Hut the Association did not fare o well on a shipment of the common kind of apples that I had sold to a Ran Fran- cisco firm at fl.l" r. o. o. urnnis rnn. These apples were to be free from scale, worms and blemishes but owing to the carelcsness of some of the packers and some of the growvrs the shipment was turned down by the buyer sent by the firm to examine tho fruit and he re graded the lot and fixed the price rang ing from $1.10 down to .70 a box Had the pack been honest and uniform the firm, which is one of the het on this Coast, would have paid the eon tract price of 11.10. When the Assoc! ation is able to have all the grading and packing done by its own crews of trained, reliable hands then will such olsses to the growers be avoided. But this little loss was nothing to that sustained by some of the fruit growvrs j outside of the Association who did their f)Wn ,nil,j)ing 0ne of the big growers ; of tti eountT got a flattering offer ( f r;)m N( w T(J.k fof tw(. arj of tmarJi Newtowns. Not having the means of knowing the firm's standing as does the Association he sent the apples and lost over $400 on the shipment One of the biggest growers in Jackson county was taken in by the same firm on seven cars of apples and pears and lost so heavily that he did not make a dollar onhis orchard last season. The Fruit Growers Associations all over the United States all stand together and when ono finds a buyer bad all the other Associations are notified and that firm goes on the blacklist. When a farmer is swindled he does not write to all the othor farmers In the country, but he pockets his loss and his wrath and proceeds next year to soli to another dealer who likely as not has swindled other farmers, and thus the endless chain goes on and at last the poverty-stricken farmer declares that farming docs not pay. CHARLES MESERVE, Manager Grants Pass Fruit Growers Association. STRUGGLE FOR A RICH GALICE NINE Testimony in OrloU Will Suit Soon Bo Tsvkn Claima of lh Plaintiff. Tostimony in the ponding suit of John Robertson against F. N. Mitchell and J. C. Mattison, for a one third intrest in the "Oriolo" mining claim, Galice district, will be taken at Grants Pass on Thursday, August 8th before Court Referee Calkins. This suit is attracting more than the ordinary share of attention because all the parties to the action have long been ersidents of Josephine county and are well known. A large number of witnesses are being subpoenaed by each side and the suit promises to become a cause celebre in the annals of mining litigation in Southern Orcgv.i. When Robertson first filed his action he received an injunction restraining tho defendants from further operation of the "Oriole," or shipping the rich ore that it has lately been producing, pending a determination of tho suit. This injunction is still in force, despite the most determined efforts of tho de fendants to have it dissolved. In furtherance of this attempt they ran sacked the Galice district and other sections for tho aflidavits of alleged witnesses, but these were of no avail, HAMMOCK SPECHALS These are Live Ones You'll Have to Hurry DO IT NOW! Regular 72 iu. Hammock with cut pillow or val ance, 7 be kind 50C Regular 72 in. Hammock with valance and pillow , P $1.65 kind I.Z5 Regular 11 in. Hammock with valance and pillow A AA $2.35 and $2.50 kind. . . Z.0U Regular 72 in. Hammock with large val. and pil- 1... n.A $3.75 kind 3.00 Reg. 84 in. Hammock with heavy, large val., taffeta K7S kind 0.00 Sizes given above is the bed Hammock only. Furniture and Car pets. Linoleums, !. Curtains, For tieres, Mattresses, Pillows, Cots, Wall Paper, Clocks, Mirrors, Window Bhades, Picture, Picture Moulding. il it. b hUlik THE HOUSEFUWISHER I ront St., bat. 6 and 7 the court holding in effect that the interests of all parties would be best conserved by keeping the mTne in the hands of a receiver until the questions) at issue are finally adjudicated. In his complaint Robertson alleges that he has been deprived of his right ful intrest in the "Oriole" by reason of a conspiracy entered iuto by Mitchell and Mattison. It appears that Robertson bought the claim in 1001 and had, at that'fimo, undisputed titlo to tho whnlo of the property. An agreement was entered into with Mitchell whereby the latter was to do tho assessment work for a one-half intrest. At about that time Mrs. Robertson, wife of the plaintiff, be came ill and Mr. Robertson was com pelled by force of circumstances to quit his employment in Galice and take hor to a hospital in Portland to secure needed medical attontion. Ho loft the disrtict relying upon Mitchell to do the assessment work in compliance with the agreement made between them. Mitchel, failed to do this work. The yoar had nearly closed bofore Robertson loarnod the fact and thou, poor in purso because of the unusual financial strain that had been laid upon him, he found himsolf personally unable to attend to it. In those circumstances) Robortson entored into a further agree ment with Mitchell, who had, by this time, formed some kind of partner ship with Mattison. This agreement, in brief, was that Mitchell' should re- stake the claim on January 1st., in the names of all three, each man to share alike. The claim was re-staked, ' but John Robertson was not named as one of !the lotors.. He avert that the eon 'piracy of Mitchell and Mattison to defraud him of his just share was con ceived by them at the time Mitchell was supposed to be doing the assess ment work and that the claim was allowed to lapse as a result of that conspiracy. The deception was kept up by Mitchell for some time after the claim had been relocated, as Rob ertson has letters from that defendant, which will bo produced at the trial, saying that all was woll and that his, (Robertson's), intrest was safe. Noarly a year elapsed before Robertson bo came aware that he had been tricked. Whon ho did learn of it he tondered payment ofr his ono third of the assess ment work, making this tender in the presnnco of witnesses. The money was refused and tho man who had bought (Continued on last page) ONEILIS HAMMOCK TALKS Now that warm weather la here lot as get down to business. I want to talk HAMMOCKS to yon. I tbink I have the biggest as sortment of Hammocks ever show ia Orants Pass. I was tempted by the low pries at whloh then Hammocks were offered aod I booght heavy. They are worth more money in the market today to bay than I am selling for. The goods are perfect and prices low My advise is to order now. Better send io yoar order today by mail, or if in Grants Pass, ooine in aud as us. Yonrs truly; R. II. O'NEILL of rtores and Ranges, Oranitewars, Agtcwars, Tinware, Wooden ware, WUIowara, Cutlery, Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, Fancy Chios, Uo-Carts, Baby Carriages. i J