Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 19, 1907, Image 4

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    &f)e Shoe
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rateei
One Year. In advance,
Hli Months,
Three Months, ...
Single Copies,
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mall.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thauk 50c .
'A. E. VOORH1ES, Propr.
Oregon, aa ssoond-class mall matter.
FRIDAY. JULY 12. 1907.
Let a man get oat on a street cor
ner and commence to gate Intently
into the sky and inilde of 10 minute
be can bare a crowd aronnd blni
that will block the street Let some
crack brained Idiot ihnffle off this
mortal coll in acme fantastic or start
ling manner and half a dozen other
idiots will forthwith prooeed to Imi
tate Mm. Get the lead sheep to jump
over a straw in the middle of the
road and all the other sheep that fol
low will lamp in the same place. All
this gentle, reader, is a result of the
law of suggestion. You and I are
goverene d by It and if we are suffi
ciently next, we can apply It to our
own advantage, wnen too striie a
town for the flint time put on yoor
best clothes, wear a paste diamond or
two and throw oot yoor chest in a
manner in indicate that you bare got a
fence around the earth and all lb gates
nailed down. The mob will imme
diately proceed to fall over them
solves 'to hand you (he dough and
will foul intuited if yon don't take it
away from them. ou suggest the
idea that you are prosperous aud your
credit Is A I, hut wear a patch ou the
scut of your pants and you will he ex
pected to pay caul) with no favors
nhowu. If yon am a professional
iiihii, be positive in your opinion.
Wheu the patient calls tell tit ui that
he lias hohnailt'd livtr, or spavin or
hots or whatever you 'think it in, hut
do not hesitate or he doubtful iu
opinion or the law of suggeetiou
will get in its deadly work and com
mence to suggest that perhaps yon
don't know wluit you are talking
" Wives ofjunart men, should remind
They caiiiiakethoirltves"eoure,
And "oVnartinp, leave behind them
Something tolld,souuthliig2urc.V'J. Z
The Policyholders Company
A'home institutiouJaW'lutelylMu to (ml icy holder.
Huilt on a common sense foundation,
keeps your money in circulation
among your owu lxsiple Iu Oregon.
Isinanaged by men skilledin
Life Insurance, business, aided by
Oregon' foremost financier.
Investigate our plan before'voubuy.
Home Office : Portland. Ore.
A. L. Milk'resi.lcut.
Samuel, General Mgr.
R cfldpnl At(rt!
Gram I'ry. Oregon
of vShoes
If you want the best there
is for Mining, Hunting,
Cruising, Mountain climb
ing, buy this Shoe. No
other shoe has as many
water-proof qualities.
10 inch top
14 inch top
about. The advertiser is the Individ
ual that makes the greatest one of
snggestion. He covers billboards,
newspapers and magazines with the
merits of bis product until one begins
to think it impossible to live without
drinking Pinkeye Whiakey or eating
Jones' compressed sawdust for break
fast food. Langh at your own jokos
and the poblio will laugh with you.
They can't help it. Suggest the idea
that people are buying lota in your
addition or are just going to boy and
they will boy. Think that you are a
poor miserable sinner and you will
soon be one. Eoongh said.
Faith nan move mountains. It
does it every day. The mine owner
who does not have faith, stops work
on his tunnel but lot Jhlm have faith
and he will drive a tnnnel clear
through the bill. The man who has
no faith in himself or in his abiilty
to do things is a failure. To inspire
ooofldenoe in others you first have to
have oonfldenoe in yourself. This law
holds good in regard to cities aa welt
as to individuals for ;the city la but
the aggregate of the individual. The
town that' gets ahead is' the one that
firmly believe it has a future. Taco
ma called herself the City of Destiny
year ago when there were fir stamps
on Paolfio avenue. People laughed.
but Tacoma has made good
The Paolfio Coast I watching Ta
coma grow. Then there Is It town
rival, Seattle. Seattle did not get
any petting In ;its early days. ' What
it got, i'fgot by digging it oat by
hardwork bat there was a faith back
of it all and the Seattle spirit has
been the result. Seattle is the
synonym for enterprise .up and down
the line. What we need in our own
community is Faith. We do not
need to go to Coos Bay to find paying
Investments, or to Hood River to raise
red apple or strawberries or sorpris
ing as It may seem, we do not bave
to go to Nevada to And gold or copper
mines. All these things are rlsht
here at our door and also a lot more
hut they will not develop of them
Bevies. It takes hard work and
privation to make success in this life
and towns have to he built up the
sniue way. So get a little faith in
ynurtelf, iu your . town, in your
country and everything will come out
iu the wash all right.
The quack thrives on ignorance and
the crop of lignorance never failH.
There are uo droughts to dry up or
greeu hugs to devour it. but it
flourishes oven as the green bay tree.
You can ever rely on it and need
never fenr.that it will fail you iu time
of tront.le or tribulation. It will
always fill your jveket book if yon
have anvtliiiiK that it wmii, Tl,
qiack doctor always ha something !
t!i..t igmranoe want, consequently
ite roll in wealth while M i,,n...,u
roll iu misery. Hero in Portland
was a poor laboring man who had
rheumatism iu his km. Wx-iwg .
noraiit be genu to a t'hiurae Ikxtor
ami planks dowu fortv .Lilian .f
hard earned cash to be cured of his
rheumatism. The Chinaman puts ou
some Chinese dope that would blister
a copper riveted boiler and like all
doctors tells him to call again. The
uext time he rub in some oil and
calmly prom da to set fire to the
victim s knee. This proved eveu
uioro than ignnrauc could tnd and
aner cnaalug the "doctor" around the
Mock, he swore out a warraat against
the Chinaman for practicing without
li se and Portland will have one
Ohliieae diH-tor less. Now the Inmhlu
with this patient was in In
ami Uol Ins imu lit -.,..11 i I
I - 'um unvp
1 met the emergency iu the best I'.wsi'Me
itn.-tnnir wou'il tiave k..n t.. ),.,..,
nole in his skull and
pour in
'in ii mils
ii. II wvuld i rt i il,
fiijictn.iisof his hrain in mmli letter
hape;thau;the.;iteiwti,.;ha!;!uide In. '
kul at the present time time.
if a Chinese doctor should come to
Grants Pass he would make a killing
in more ways than one. Thus it will
ever he. It is much more pleaeaot to
ride than to b ridden. And it is the
quacks and wise gays of this world
who ride the ignorant. Common
sense should tell you that it you are a
sucker some one will find a bait that
you will be only too eager to swallow
And vnn will rrarV flia nnrnara nf vnnr '
mouth and the sides of vour Docket
book in yonr greedy efforts to get it !
down but if too are bound to be a
sucker for Heaven's sake don't be a
tweuty-four pounder with a mouth
like a steam shovel, cap ble of swal
lowing anything, but be more modest,
and be one little sucker.
Now they claim there is no such
thing as the Fairbanks icicle. Thus
do all delusions perish.
They make mayors down in Sao
Francisco while yon wait The
latest is a man named Harrison.
If yon are a Fairbanks man drink
buttermilk and eat radishes. Won't
some statesman come to the rescue of
green com and the cool cucumber?
1 Grant Pass la famous for its
athletes if nothing else. Pernoll has
come to the top and has been engaged
for the Portland baseball team.
United Statts battleships seem to be
more dangerous in neace than in
war. The battleship Georgia is the
latent to have a horrible explosion.
A man with thirty thousand dollars
worth of securities in his grip on his
way to Grsnts Pais was robbed in
Jackson County. We did not think
Jackson County wanted money that
There is to be a pioino at Hell Gate
this coming Sunday. It has always
been a oonuadrum to us why all the
most picturesque places of Nature
should be named after the TWI1
But there is a reason probably.
Gilford Pinchot and W. J. McGee
Spend a Few Hour Her
Between T ravine.
Grant Pass was visited Friday
morning by two prominent official
from Washington, Gilford Pinchot.
head of the U. 8. Forestry Service, 1
and W. J. McGee, secretary of the
Inland Waterway Commission, who
are on tour of the west looking np
matters connected with their bu
reaus. The gentlemen arrived on the
morning train from he north and were
met at the station by a number of
publio spirited business men who es
corted them to the Commercial Club
rooms where Mr. Pinchot spoke with
relation to the forestry service. The
matter of a road down Rome River
was hionght op and discussed and Mr. !
volunteired to endeavor to
secure an appropriation toward b
. -- ;
He also agreed to nd some
government experts to attend 1
of the
the irrigation convention here in
pepteinoer. .Mr. McGee was then
culled upon and spoke of the work cf
his hrauch of the ferviee and pre
dieted that it would 1 but a few
years before Grant Pass would lie
seeking aid toward making Rogue
Kiver uavigable. He will also attend
the convention here if possible. The
gentlemen then inspeotted the office of
Secretary Anderson and then took a
stroll to the river. They were met by
carriages which brought them tiack
to tlie station iu time for the 11
o'clock ttaiu.
The Rciulcuifn expressed tl em
selvos as much phased with the spirit
Oregon look upon the forestry s
and its work ami they will do
in which uie iieon of Monti,.,,.,.
si rvice
all in
their power to inake the bureau of
benefit to this section.
wi un: it vi i li: I
Gold ie Ltwi is at home again
after visiting relative iu Portland
the past six weeks.
Arthur Kricknon and wife have
moved np to the Haruiou saw mill.
Miss Orpha Stevenion is visiting
M s Liddie Werti
Fred Loe who was working at
Harmon s aaw mill wa cMl to
Grants 1'ass on account of the lerious
illne.- of his father.
Rev. Akers preached at the Wilder
ville church Sunday, July U.
Scott Robinson made a business
trip to towu We.tuesday of this ivk.;
Grandma Putrongh and Mabel I!ur
rough are visiting a frw davs with
Scott Kohiiiton and lamilv.
i.j.liUuho,M have been selling veg.
tables at the Pumpkin Center sawmill
If you wish to secure work hands,
leave word with Verdin & Conger
Employment office and Real Estate.
v ' 7-19 4t
DRESSMAKING done by the day.also
i cutting and fitting taught.
l prices and farther
particulars ad
dress Miss F. L. Bridges, uraors
Pass, or telephone 403. 7J19 2t
! A FINE Jersey cow, Jersey
soon fresh, eood set double harness,
" organ, sewing machine, range,
a cbitfoner, bedsteads and other house
' hold articles. Mrs. O. E. Hollo
way. West Main St., opposite race
7-19 tf
FOR SALE Organ, Lounge and
Range. Call oo or address F. O.
Wilcox, South Sixth street near
bridge. 7 12 2t
LARGE Refrigerator for sale cheap,
adapted for Hotel or Restaurant
White House Grocery. 7-12 tf.
VERMONT Maple sugar, pure, gov
ernment innpected, in 10-lb cane
for sale by W. Chase, Phone 1088.
Delivered free 7-6 tf.
A. F. PIERCE Registered ' (Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the ''King Arthur" also
other bucks of different strains of
bleeding. Does of the noted
strains; bocks for tale, Merlin., Ore.
7-5 tf
40 ACRE FARM for sale or trade for
city property. Mostly bottom land,
15 acres nnder fence, seven acres in
cultivation, plenty of running water
for irrigation, 5-room cottage, barn,
small orchard, one half mile frcn
school bouse, post office and rail
road station. Price right easy
terms Inquire of W. C. Henry,
Hugo. 6-28 tf
for sale. Inquire
P. H
6-21 tf
WANTED Oragoizers. either sex, on
salary of f 100 a month and expenses
for an up-to-date Association, pay
ing weekly sick and accident benefits
and furnishing free medical attend
ants to all i a members. Liberal
contract will be made with pro
ducers of business.
American Sick & Accident A mo.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
GIRL to do housework in small
family. Mrs. W. 8. Murray, North
Sixth St , Grants Pass.
W A NTED Salesmen. Many Make
f 100 to f ISO per month ; some even
. more. Stock clean ; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Gash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washintgon Nnrsery
Company, Toppenisb, Washington.
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tool and
other second-hand goods. Harrison
Bros., Second hand-store, corner
Sixth and J street. S-U tf
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
Junk Dealer
Highest prices paid for hides, wool,
pelts, rubber, iron, metals, grain
sacks, and all kinds of junk.
Red Front, fith st. bet. I and J.
Will do vour cement work in crnnH
r;.. - -i
""" vjic u:iu a mauLX
Phon 744. Cor. B and 5th
PVERY person who earns money should have a reg-
ular banking, day. On this day they should not fail
to deposit a certain proportion of their earninas.
IN our savings department seores of people carry ac
counts and deposit their savings regularly.
XJU'E invite accounts of $1.00 and up, on which we pay
V Y 4 per cent interest. Wouldn't you like to estab
lish a banking day?
Call and see us.
The Way Medford People Meet
Dialinguiahed Gueiti
Glad Ho-nd Ready.
Secretary Garfield and party arrivel
at Medford Monday evening at 11 :27
and were received by a delegation
from the Commercial Club, headed by
Hon. W. I. Vawter and President
Perry of the Club. The paty were the
guests of General .Passenger Agent
Judah of the Southern Pacific com
pany, and accepted the nse of Mr.
Judah's private car, "Sacramento,"
to this point. Mr. Garfield bad re
tired, but the other gentlemen were
assigned quarters at The Nash.
At the invitation of the Medford
Auto Club the entire party made a
tour of the valley this morning, several
of the finest private cars in the city
being placed at their disposal.
W. I. Vawter led the party with
Secretary Garfield aud Judge Colvig.
Hon. J. W. Perkins followed with
Chief Newell of the reclamation ser
vico and Messrs. Witbington and
Lawton. Mr. Hutchinson with Coun
cilman Olwell and Hun. A. S. Bliton,
U. S. Commissioner, and Messrs.
Perry and others with the remaining
gentlemen of the party.
Mayor Reddy escorted a party to the
coal mines and about the orchard dis
trict to the south.
About 10 :30 the party returned and
the journey to Crater Lake was be
gun, uoder the escort of a delegation
from the Club io autos. The escort
attended the party as far as the river
and the goeets continued the trip
whioh will be made by car and pri
vate conveyance. Mr. Judah accom
panied the party at the guest of Mr.
Mr. Garfield expressed the most
profound surprise , at .the wealth of
this section and confessed that it ex
ceeded his most sanguine expecta
tion. H. R. Judah was"" frank enough to
state that he thought Medford the
ooming metropolis of Southern Ore
gon. "The freight receipts," said
he, "are the best index of the growth
of this community.
Aug. 8, Thursday Exonrtion to Med
ford by Grant Pas busineis men
and Joepehine county fruit grower
to attend the meeting of the Oregon
. Horticultural Society.
Aug. 9, Friday Dance at the Savage
Creek hall. Daooe and supper It.
Ticket No. 60, held by Minerva
Cooper drew the qnllt 7-1 4t.
Aug. 8, 9, 10-Meeting in Medford of
the Oregon Horticultural Society
and Medford Buiines Men' Carni
val Sept. 10, 11, 12 Oregon Irrigation
Convention and Rogue River Indus
trial Fair and Stock Sale held in
Grants Pats.
The regular monthly social meet
ing of the Ladies Aid society of the
Newman M. E. churoh will be held
Tuesday evening instead of afternoon
iu the church parlors, commencing
7:30. Ice cream and cake will be
servd at lOo. . 7-19-lt
They vear and wear and wear;
Levi Strauss & Co.
M. E. Church South
Stephen Jewell will occupy the pul
pit at the M. E. Church South next
Sunday morning. Subject, "The
life that now is and that which is to
come." Special invitation to minis
ter who are not otherwise engaged.
Newman M E. Church.
In the morning at 11 the pastor, O.
O. Beckman, will speak on "The
Second Great Commandment" In
the evening at 8 on "The Value'of
Religious Emotion." Sunday school
at 10 a. m., Epworth League at 7.
Strangers and friends welcome to
any and all of these services. Prayer
meeting Thursday night.
Presbyterian Church.
The theme of the miming service at
the Bethany Church on the coming
Sunday, July 21, Is "Pay Your
Debts." Evaa P. Hughes preaches
the sermon. 10 a. m. Bible School
onder the soperintendency of H. O.
Kinney. 7 :30 p. m. Combined Even
ing Service, made np of the Devo
tional Hear of the O. E. and the
regular evening worship. It prove
interesting and helpful. Always
there ia a hearty and oordial welcome
to the services of this church.
Baptist Church.
Regular service next Sunday, July
21. Preaching by Rev. William Brown
of this city, formerly of Washington,
at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School and
Men' Bible das at 11 :45 a. m. B.Y.
P. U. at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p.m.
Rer. Win. Brown.
Christian Church.
Full report of oar delegate to state
convention at Tamer. Bible 8cbool
10 a. m. Jr. O. E. 8 .p m. Y. P.
8. C E. 7 p. m.
An old fashioned camp meeting
began yesterday, the 18th on L street
between Fifth and Sixth street, be
side the old bicycle ground and
will continue 10 day. All are in
vited to attend these meeting.
Complete and thorough training.
Commercial, Shorthand and Eng
lish courses.
Individual instruction at about
one-half the usual expence.
Note Our Special Offer.
Students who enter at the beginning
of the school year, Sept. 9, 1907, and
seoure a 9 months' scholarship for $.15
will be entitled to initrnctiou in any
and all the departments to July 1, '08.
This is your opportunity to complete
the oombined course. Ask for im
formation. TRUST GO.