Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 12, 1907, Image 5

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weigh and tnearnrt merythin yon
? huy American Grocery.
;;Good Old 'Summer
Swimming Time
i Is Here
isSmall Boy Knows It
re are also trying to keep in the
swim in our business by making
it easy for the 900k to quickly
.geather up the tag ends for a
hurried dinner or lunch.
retty much everything in .the eat
Jnj line, Oregon Boiled Ham,
Boiled Tongue, Fried Spring
Chicken, Sliced Beef.
Fresh Bread Daily
Some Cooking) in Nut Cake,
Orange and Lemon Layer Wal
not Cake, Cocoanut Sponge Cake
ruesdays and Saturdays
Saratoga Chips
leinza Pickles, Sour or sweet
(Nuff Said) nothing better to be
e Oliyes, Green Olives,
velch's Grape Juice makes a good
hot weather drink, we have it in
pints and quarts.
leinz Baked Beans plain or with
Tomatoe Sauce. 12 , 20 or 25c
for the large family size
Soused Mackeral and Underwoods
Mackeral in Mustard 25c
Smoked Sardines (Norway), the
best 12ac, good American Sar
dines 6 for 25c, French Sardines
15 to 25c,
3ood pink Alaska Salmon 10c
! cans Magnolia Salmon 25c
Best fall Cream Cheese per lb. 20c
Ml kinds of Sauces and Relishes,
Lea & Pcrres llolbrooks,
Heinz Mandalay the very latest
f and one of the best on the
market, its very good. Try It!
Items of Personal
Raspberries and Logan
I berries about gone.
Elack berries and early
; Peaches now in
I market
Remember we have those well
I cured Lemons, 30c doz.
Oranges and Banans, at
I White House
i grocery
Alfred Fly no and E. Russ have been
in the Pass for the last week.
Lloyd Harvey is working for the
HairRiddle-Hardware store.
Mies Edna Disbrow, went to Aslaud
Saturday to attend the Summer
'Mrs. James Toffs and Mrs. L. H.
Dean visited Wolf Creek the fore part
of the week.
Mrs. Robert Booth of Eugene ar
rived in town this week to visit ber
sister, Mr. R. G. Smith.
Myrtle Loar left on Tuesday
morning lor ber borne gin Medford
after spending a few ddays here.
Ramona Cane of Ashland arived
in Grants Pass Friday to visit for
a time with friends.
Edna Neil arrived here Friday from
Ashland to vUit at her uncle's W. E.
Dean for a few weeks.
Miss Oro Willson went to Ashland
Sunday where she will attend tbe
Snmmer Normal.
Mrs. R. H. Gilflllan, Hobart and
Miss Franoes spent the week in Med-
ford visiting tbe former's brother, M.
W. Wheeler.
Two sisters of a Portland convent
were in town Wednesday collection
money for a hospital which is soon
to be established at Rosebnrg.
Mrs. Frank Mower and mother.
Mrs. Williams spent two days in
Oregon City last week, re'urniog to
the Pass Tuesday morning.
Mr. Esther LaBree of Rosebnrg
arrived last week to spend several
week's with ber annt, Mrs. O. L.
Clevenger.and other relatives.
A. J. Mock and son Johu left oa
Thursday morning to join their
family at Marshfield, after spending
week in tms ony repairing weir
home on I street
Mrs. Dr. Findley and children, Mrs.
James Hair and children and Mrs.
O. G. Ament and children went to
Ashland Wednesday to attend Chau
Mrs. Elbert Veatch and Miss
Augusta Parker and Mr. and Mrs.
Boren left Saturday for Crescent
City, where they will spend several
weeks oampina.
Mrs. J. C. Calhoun, Miss" Clara
Calhoun, Dwight and Robert Jewell
left Monday for Ashland to attend
Chautauqua. Tbey will camp in the
beantifnl Chautauqua grove.
Ralph Dean left on the 4th of July
for Rosbeurg, where he will work
for f few weeks . in the express office
there while . the regular mai
away on a vacation.
Prof. R. p. Berry left Monday for
Clackamas where be is signed np
witb the mangement of the Willmette
Valley Chautauqua to make a balloon
ascension and parachute jump about
Jnly 14.
Gladys Stevenson arrive in Grants
Pass last week to speiid her vacation
with her parents. She has beenjat
tending the convent at Eugene
this Winter. She will return to
school next Fall.
Geo. Birrlseye left for Seattle Mon
day to attend the sessions of the In
ternational Christian Endeavor con
vention as a delegate from the C,
E. Society of Bethany Presbyterian
church. Ha will also visit other
points, returning in aboot two weeks.
Rev. F. C. Lovett, pastor of the
Baptist church has been attending the
National convention of the Baptist
Young peoplesJUnion at Spokaane the
past week. He will spend the balance
of tbe month visiting in the Sound
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bacher returned
from Astoria Saturday where thev
have been located for the past two
years Mr. Bacher says that although
Grunts Pass has some disadvantages,
it I far ahead of any ottier pin ne
has fooi d and he will relocate here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Kellogg, who
have been at Dothan for the past "w
months looking after the timber cf the
Silsby Lumber Company, moved to
Ashland this; week where they have
acquired some 'timber and rancti
property about nine miles rrom tne
Judge Jones and daughter, Miss
M vrtle, F. Williams and daughter
Mitel, all of Crescent UHy, who have
been spending the past month or more
in the Klamath oonntry and at Shasta
Springs, were In town several days
last week. Miss Nell Jones met them
herTand all'retnrned to Crecsent City
Misa Mamie Paddook returned Sun
day morning fTotn Chicago, were she'
hss'spent the past two "yeirs studying j
Trains carrying; passengers leave Grants
1'ass depot as follows:
So. 12 Shasta Express for Port
land and intermediate
stations 6:23 a. m.
No. 16 Oregon Express, Port
land and wiv stations. . 6:20 p. m.
So. H I'ortland Express, tiyer.ll:3Sa. m.
So. 11 Shasta Express, Sacra
mento At San Francisco. 10 :15p.m.
No, 15 California Express, Sac
ramento and San Fran
cisco 9 05 a. ru.
No. 13 - San FrancUco Express,
flyer 11:00 a. m
A Brief Record of P
LOST Ldaies gold watch lost onSixtr
street Friday. Reward given fob
return to Courier oftioe.
R. R. H. Harrison left Wednesday
for a trip to Portland.
Mrs. E. P. Hughes, Sally and tbe
baby, are visiting at the Smith-Thomas
Co. mill on Grave Creek,
' Mrs. Goodnow left on the 6th of
July for the Goodnow mine at Jump
off -Joe where she expects to stay for
a time.
Tbe Misses Hazel and Esther Moody
returned to Grants Pass from Klamath
Falls last Sunday. They are visiting
at tbe home of the Mitchell's'on Fifth
Mrs. W. W. Walker, who was
Queen in "Queen Esther" given at
Chautauqua Wednesday night, re
turned home Thursday night.
H. N. Holinan of tbe Grants Pass
Banking & Trust Co. has ben elected
bv tbe board of directors 'as assistant
cashier, a position for which he is
well fitted.
E.Longhridge, wife and three child
ren, arr ved Thursday from Stevenson,
Wash., to visit his brother. Dr.
Loughridge. It is probable they may
be induced to locate here.
Lydia White and Laoosta Mangnm
went to Ashland Wednesday and re
turned Thursday night. Tbey report
a fine time and say they enjoyed
"Queen Esther" very much. ,
H. O. Batebam, wife and son, of
Hood River, arrived here Friday to
look over this oonntry witb a view to
locating. '.They'attended the Cherry
fair at Salem and did not want to re
turn without seeing tbe Rogue River
Valley. Mr. Batebam is owner of tbe
Cedar Creek Farm.
Mies Esther Sislby and her. mother,
Mrs. Helen Silsby, of Ashland spent
Wednesday in Grants Pass on their
way to . Wedderburn by stage, via
Cresoent City, where they will visit
for two months with Mrs. Geo. Kerr.
While here they were the guests of
Mrs. H. O. Kinney, who entertained
a number of friends in their honor
Wednesday night.
News Notes from the Business
Man to Raiders.
Christian Church
F. E. Billington will preach at
Christian chnrch at 11 a. ru. and 8 p.
m., Jas H. Moborter of St. Louis,
Ma; will give an address at the
church, Thursday evening, July 18.
M. E. Church South
In the morning at 11 the pastor will
speak on "The First and Great Com
mandment." In the evening at 8 the
subject will be "Man's Ejection from
Eden." Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Epworth League at 7. Strangers and
friends ever welcome to any or all of
these services.
Presbyterian Church.
Evan P. Hughes will speak on
"Some Reflections Suggested by the
Quarrel of Two Women of the
Church" next Sunday morning at the
Bethany church. 10 a. m. the'Bible
School convenes under the superin- j
tendenceof H. C. Kiuuev. 7:30 o. i
m. will be held the only evening
service in the church, being "a merg
ing into one of the Devotional Hour
cf the Y. P. S. C. E. and tbe usiml
Evening Wor.-hip.
To the services of this church a
Wright's assay office, which was
purchased by W. B. Shermau, is being
remodeled for a real estate office.
N. McGrew had the misfortune to
lose one of the big grey colts he has
been driving on his biggest truck.
A short time ago be refused an offer
of $750 for the team.
The log tawing contest on the 4th
was between teams of the Modern
Woodmen of America instead of
Woodmen of the World as mentioned
in the last issue.
. The Grants Pass Grocery was sold
this week to T. B. Cornell, who took
charge Monday. It seems natural to
see his smiling faoe behind the
counters again. J. V. Den I son, who
lias been in charge of the store will
spend the Summer at Reuben, Oregon.
Miss Mamie Paddock will occupy
tbe puplit at the Baptist churob
Sunday morning and will tell of her
experiences and of the work of the
Baptist Training School, from which
Institntion she has just graduated.
Wednesday evening as Gladys
Smith was crossing tbe street holding
ber little sister iu ber arms, a boy on
a wheel ran into ner aoo inocaea ner
down. The baby was not nnrt but
Gladys was badly bruised ' on the
hand. -
County Schooll Superintendent
Savage last week attended the annnal
meeting of the western division of
tbe Slate Teaohers' Association at
Salem. Mr. Savage was houored by
being elected president of the de
partment of chool superintendents,
whioh next year meets iu Eastern
Oregon with the eastern division of
the state association.
A man by the name of Cola, giving
his address as Birmingham, Ala., has
been in town this week for the evi
dent purpose of "touching" Elks of
whioh order he claims to be a mem
ber and churohmen to whom be goes
for a loan of $3. SO. The funds be
raises goes for booie, as was the
case here. J he same man was nere
a year ago on tbe same errand.
Southern Oregon was visited by a
rain storm Sunday afternoon accom
panied by slight thunder and lighten
ing. In Grants Pass, it rained only
about enough to lay tbe dust for a' few
hoars. The rain was preceded by a
few minutes of wind whioh acatteed
dust in clouds and wrecked a few
shade trees in various parts of the
city. On moon mountain the rain
was heavy while on the north side of
the mountain there was hail to the
depth of about two inches. '
M. J. Anderson, superintendent
of the Siskiyou Forest Reserve and
A. O. Shaw of Washlntgon, D. C,
special ooal land exmainer went to
Coos county where they will invest!
gate tbe method of securing the ooal
lands and will examine the legality
of the holdings They wilt return to
Grants Pass about Jnly 20 as . Mr.
Andeson will hold examinations of
applictaiona for forest rangers in his
office July 23 and "4. During bis
abeence the office is in charge of Clerk
H. V. Anderson.
County Judge Jewell on Wednesday
attended a meeting of the Board of
j Kegents of State Normal schools of
' which he is a member. Tlie board
elected Qovcrnor Chamberlain as'pres
1 1 dent and Mr. Starr secretary and the
secretary was instructed to notify all
I normal schools to send iu their reports
immediately. On next Thursday the
board will hold a meeting to consider
Dr. Flanagan,
Physioian and Dentist
Hammocks at Cramer Bros.
Clangs Shears and Razors at Cramer
Goto Coron for Plumbing.
Omega Separators at Cramer Bros .
M. Clemenb, Prescription Druitgist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 's
Placer blanks at the Courier office.
Se4 the big line of watches and
chains at Letcher's. 2-23 tf
Kodaks and Films at Musio Store.
Buy a Pocket Koife from Cramer
Patton Sun proof five year Paint at
Cramer Bro. :
For a o'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Two Refrigerators at Bargains
prices at Cramer Bros.
Fisher, the Jqnk man buys any old
thing. 6-21 tf
The Illinois Creamery Bntter gives
best satisfaction Insist on getting it
Ask your grocer for Illlnos
Creamery Butter it is always good.
12.S0for Second Han 1 Ladies' Bl
cycles Cramer Bros.
Considering the recent lednction in
electric rates, every home in Grants
Pass, be it big or little, can afford to
enjoy its benefits.' ' " ""-6 It
Illinois Creamery Butter is for sale
at the Southern Oregon Supply Co.,
Kinney & Truax, Grants Pass Grocery
and J. R. Hyde. Patronize a local
Monarch Malleable Ranges at
Cramer Bros.
Merlin-Gallce stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Galloe 13, return
1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. SS pounds
baggage free.
Are taking the i 5
Buy'thom, as well as
Pocket Knives,
LEWIS MATE NY At Portalnd,
Oregon, Tuesday, June 25, 1007,
Arthur Q. Lewis and MIks Mar
gardt E. Matoey, both of Jackson
Cramer Bros.
All nersons knowinir themselves' to
be indbeted to the John K. Hyde
Grocery are hereby notified to settle
the same immediately to the under
signed duly appointed receiver in
Notice is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any debts con
tracted In my name by anyone with
out my signature.
Dated Jnly 6, 1907. r - rajj
7-13 St MRS. M. J. JOHN ;
It is a fact well known among
newsnappor men that It is much
, easier to detect errors after the last
paper of any issue has btwu printed
: than it is to detect then, in the
! proofs. As soon as the pap r this off
KELLOGlIAt Grants Pass!" Ore.,
Saturday. July 6, 1007, Edw. Kel
log. aged '18. Interment at Gold
BARTLEY At Galioe, on Saturday.
July 6, 11)07. Jas Hartley, aged about
70. Funeral in charge of the Grants
rasa l u. u. f.
EVANS At Grants Pass. Ore., Mon
day, July 8, James 8. Evans, aged 71
Deceased oauie to Grants Pass la
1893 from Iowa. During the 14 years '
ne made many friends who moara
with the bereaved ones, the loss of a
husband and father. He leaves to
mourn his departure; a wife and five
children : Mrs- W.W. Helms of Grants
Pan, Mrs. Chas. Webb Mrs. Aaron
Thompson, Mrs. Ed Duncan, and John
A. Evans, all of lows. Mr. EvauJ
was a member of the G. A. R., serv
ing full time during tbe Civil War.
He was a faithful member of the
Christian church, and was a loving
husband and father and a kind neigh
bor. Bert Fah i received a shock at the
Fred Gumpert residence Wednesday
morning that gave him a slight Idea
of the power of electricity. In some
manner the iron guttiT pipe from the
eave troughs became charged and Bert
in leaving the house alter making a
delivery of groceries, took hold of the
pire with both hands and swung off
to tbe grouud. He found be could
not'let lose of the pipe nntil he fell
backwards and tbe weight of his body
broke the hold. His hands were con
siderably burned and blistered.
I have been informed that parties
have been soliciting advertisements
from the business men of Grants Pass
for a telephone directory. These
parties are in no manner oonneoted
with our company. "
County Manager Paolflo Tel. Co.
First Rational Bank
Of Southern Oreqon
GRaxTs pass, orbgon
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way o f
keeping your money is by deposit
ing it in a Reliable Bank. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way 'to
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all parts
of the country.
One of the most important func
tions of the Bank. We endeavor
to supply all reasonable needs o f
our customers.
most cordial
invitation is extended the !" eich individual error
stands out with glariug di-tioctness
T 1 i Ami seems to sav " Von di n t ifttch
Ashland Commercial. j nH you AiAu t yBny
Trof. Rituer of the Ashland Coin-, errors are slight and uniuipoi taut,
mercial College was in Grants Pass others fonny or ridiculous, or they
last week looking up students for his j maj be serious as in the case of mis
institution. The commencement ex- qootitig prices in advertising matter,
ercises occurred the prvlous Friday ' one error went through the paper last
in the ssjembly room of the institu-1 we,.i which we have not ss yet
tion. Hun. O. B. Watson delivered decided the class in which it should
an inspiring address and Prof. Ritner 1 be placed. The oopy for the Blan-
Hundrads of New Ediaon Records
cvt the Mualc Stora.
Victora and Columblas uleo.
Several Bargains In Machines
Capital and Surplus $73,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responeiblllty $30,000
L. B. HALL. President
J. C. Campbell, Vice-President
11. L. wiLiiEV, Cuahlet
K. K. HaCkktt, Aut. Cashier
in" the Baptist training schoil. an in
stitution for" tt'e 'trainiug of TynnD!f
women for the mission fields She
will visit her parents for 'a month and
then eater the missionwork, probably
in San Francisco.
then delivered diplomas to tbe 18
graduates as follows: Mabel Gluey,
Kloyd Edgington, Merle Fendall,
Frances Mulit, Betta Shields, Annie
O'Brien, Mina Uetz, Millie Addison,
Donna Pruett, Bonnie Ruble, Roth
VanDyke, Mabel Parsons and Lillian
Jeuseo. Tbe eight first mentined are
located In excellent positions. Every
indication point to a larer'and more
successful year beinniog (September
9, 1907, than ever.
A parting reception wss sriven the
studenti at the home of Prof. Ritner
on Friilay evening, which will be
reinf mbred with (leasure.
;Buy g'od Finhiog Tackle'at'Cramer birth notice, was written with a
"query," witb the expectation of
looking np details later, but in the
rush incidnet to celebration week this
was overlooked and failed to announce
that the new arrival at the Blanobard
home was a little daughter bright
eyed little girl, who, although she
may never follow in the footsteps of
her father, will, without a doubt,
cause bim to walk the floor in tbe
small hours of tbe night.
Attention Women of Woodcraft!
All neighbors are rwi'imted to be j
present at installation m-xt Monday i
evening. July loth. Visiting neluh- I
bors are cordially invited.
;;;M. J. DAVIS, Clerk."
A Few Bargains
At the Big North Side
Furniture and House
Furnishing Store
A few Hammocks to close at your own price, several Refriger
ators at a cut price, some old Rockers to close thera
out. another shipment of Swing Chairs, also
Cots, Lawn Chairs and a big stock of
everything for House Furni
shing at lowest
A. U. Bannafd
Good Sold on Inutaltmtnt plmn