Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 12, 1907, Image 4

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The phenomenal and sudden demand for
Tan Oxfords which has sprung up so sud
denly through the east and west caught
many manufacturers unprepared to servo
their customers. This demand does not ex
ist in New York alone, but prevails through
out the larger cities of both east and west.
Golden Brown is the color.
We have them in stock.
or two that you are a civilized
bnnita being It is to be hoped that
this park is but the beginning of a
ought to be a concerted move on the LOST-Ladies gold watch lost on Six th
par, of onr citizen, to plant some
substantial (bade tree along cor
. thr- .n. .r 1 FOR SALE Organ, Loonge,
hardy and make excellent Bbade. i Jficoi
Tben we ihoald have public spirit bridge.'
enough to have a band concert twice
a week at the park. It is a disgrace
that a city the size of Grants Pass
r.ll nn nr address r . U.
Sootb Sixth street near
7 12 2t
does not bate a well organized baud
for nothing helps a town more than a
well trained band. Bat let as enjoy
the pleasures that we already have
and on your first spare evening wan
der down to the river and see what
yoo think of the city park. -
i WASTED-Oraemzers. either sex, on
salary of 1100 a montu ana epeue
.n Ai-ociation. par
iug weekly sick and accident benefits
and furnishing free medical atteoo
tn all i a members. Liberal
contract will be made with pro
ducers of business.
American Sick & Accident Asso.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
One Year, In advance,
(tlx Months,
'Three Months,
Single Copies,
Every Friday.
Advertising Rates
Farnlxhed on application at the office, or
by maU.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will lie cbargeU for at 6c per line;
card of thanks SOo.
A. E. VOOBHIES, Propr.
Oregon, as second-class niail matter.
FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1907.
If there is anything that will bring
prosperity to a oommnnity, it, is
sorely the matter of good roads. The
Department of Agrioultore is taking
commendable part In an effort to
give the people of this country bet
ter roads. L. W. Page, Director of
Pabllo Roads is preparing to In
augurate aa extensive campaing of
public education in the matter of bet
ter roads. The Courier is making
arrangements to co-operate with blm
in this matter and from time to time
will publish artioes sent out by the
Department that will be of practical
value in road building. It is hoped
that all persons who are In anyways
interested in good roads will take the
matter tip and apply these articles
in a practical effort at home. It la a
self evident fart that Jospehlne
County ueeds good roads in order to
roach that stage of development that
(inn reasonably be expeotej and we
have everything bore that goes to make
np the ingredients of a good road.
All that it needs to make complete
auori'KH is an intelligently directed
effort. An arrangement will lie made
whereby the Department will answer
all questions ami problems that may
arise in 'local conditions. Btatltsioa
show that there are Two million, five
hundred thousand miles of public
rixiils in the I'nited titatett and Kigbty
million dollars a year are spent on
them. Now then Is no doubt but
that an intelligent direction of the
spending of this, money will produce
greater results than ever beforo'sprnd
iug of this money will produce
greater results than ever before.
Josephine County needs a campaign
or good roads and these articles will
be but the beginning of a movement
that will have lasting and far reach
ing results. Do your part in helping
to carry this into effect.
" Wires of smart men, should remind
They can make their'livea secure,
And, depailieg, leave behind them
(Something tolid.'somethiug sure."
The Policyholder Company
A home Institution absolutely Mu
tual to policy holders.
Built on a common aetiso foundation,
keeps your aioiiey in circulation
amoug your owu people in Oregon.
Is tuauaged by men skilled in
Life Insurance busineas, aided by
Oregon's foremost financiers.
Investigate our plan before'yon buy.
Home Office : Portland. Ore.
A. U Mills, Presideut.
L. Samuel, General Mgr.
In diplomatic parlance, a demon
stration is the same as what the
mall boy calls putting up a bluff.
At the prnseut time the United States
is preparing to make demonstration
by sending the cream of her navy
from Atlantic to the Pacific and as
sembling in the harbor of San Fran
cisco, the largest fleet of battleships
ever gathered In' front of that oity.
All this is for the purpose of putting
up a bluff to Japan who, on account
of a few broken windows and smashed
soap plates has been acting the part of
a sulky boy. Like many an Indivi
dual, Japan baa lost her bead by rea
son of her recent s access over the
Russian Nation and is inclined to be
overbearing and ready to take offense
where none is Intended. Sudden
friendships often turn oat this way
and if any Nation has been the friend
of Japan it is surely the United
States. Everything is pointing the
way to possible trouble. The Japa
nese coolie is crowding in over onr
borders in perfect horde. The
Hawaiian Islands are practically
overrun with them. Many of theses
Hawaiian Japanese are old veterans
from Port Arthur and Manchuria and
at the first signal from home, they
are ready to sieze the Hawaiian
Islands. Gravest of all is the atti
tude of Japan in regard to trade with
China. The tendency now seems to
lie for her to wish to grab'everything
in sight and use ny method to crowd
ont nor white competitors. Afterlthe
attitude onr nation took with Rus
sia, we cannot be expected to idly
look on and see our Eastern markets
slip out of our hands without making
vigorous protest That is ons of
the reasons fur assembling a large
fleet in the Pacific' Ocean. To be
prepared for any emergency. The
diplomatic game is like a game of
chess and the next move is up to
Japan. The all interesting question
is to what spot she will move. She
has it in her power to cause the Yel
low Journals of our land to com
mence to run scare heads six inches
wide across their front page but the
probabilities are that she will do
nothing for heavily burdened with
debt and a discontented populace she
Is ill fitted for another fierce struggle.
A corporation has no soul; that is
undispntable. Any one who has
bought coal oil,gasoline,caoned beef or
rode on the railroads is willing to tes
tify to the troth of the statement bnt
even if they do not have a soul tbey
surely have a man behind the whole
thing who takes the profits and he is
the fellow that the American people
are after. There has been too long
a tendency to excuse the men behind
the corporations and to claim that
tbey are'not responsible aa individuals
for the acts of the company that
they represent but that day has gone
by. The' American public has
awakened to its rights and means to
exert them in the future. Prof.
Woodrow Wilson iu. a recent address
has advocated this draitio treatment
to some our of trust magnates and the
suggestion has met with a surprising
approval. Fining a trust mangate is
not an adequate remedy. What does
a man with au income up Aa the mil
lions care for a few hundreds or even
a few thousand dollars but when it
oomes to a term in the? penitentiary,
the individual no matter how rich,
may well pause and hesitate. Thus
we bave a remedy right at hand if
we will only get the habit and have
the sand to stand np for our lights.
Tbe (proper control of corporations is
without a doubt a great public prob
lem bnt it is plainly apparent that
all of our past methods have been far
too slow and that they bae been as
piaer weos under a lion's paw.
The remedy has got to equal tbe di
sease and severe diseases require severe
remedies. A trost magnate in jail
along side of some of onr timber and
municipal grafters will be one of
tbe most satisfying sights that has
been witnessed in along time. May
the day hasten when it will come
true and so we say with Woodiow
Wilson "jail them" whenever they
violate the law!
Tbe vacation bng is abroad and a
bite in time will save a large doctor's
bill later.
LARGE Refrigerator for sale cheap,
.Hantil for Hotel or Restaurant
White House Grocery. 7-" f-
T.TTMPER Several thousand feet of
finishing and rough lumber for sale
chain. Innnire of Wm Boog.
713 It
HAY PRESS New, O. K. hay press
for sale or rent, in nee only six
weeks, just long enough' to test all
pa'ts well. Time given on part
rintment it desired. Call on or
address L. H. Yorker, Merlin.
7-8 2t
VERMONT Maple sugar, pure, gov
ernment inspected, in 10-lb cans
for sale by W. Chase, Phone 1038.
Delivered free 7-5 tf.
A. F. PIERCE Registered 'Angoras,
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of the ''King Arthur" also
other bucks of different strains of
bleeding. Does of the noted
strains: bn:ks for sale. Merlin., Ore.
7-5 tf
40 ACRE FARM for sale or trade for
city property. Mostly bottom laud,
15 acres under fence, seven acres in
cultivation, plenty of running water
for irrigation, 5-room cottage, barn,
small orchard, one half mile fron
school bouse, post office and rail
road station. Price right easy
terms Inquire of W. C Henry,
Hugo. , . 6-28 tf
PHAETON for sale.
P. H
6-21 tt
GIHL to do housework in small
family. Mrs. W. 8. Murray, North
Sixth St, Grants Pass.
TIMBER WANTED I will pay cash
for timber land. L. G. Brown,
Eugene, Oregon. 5 24-7t
WANTED Salesmen. Many Make
f 100 to $150 per month ; some even
more. Stock clean; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Wsshintgon .Nursery
Company, Toppenish, Washington.
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-hand goods. Harrison
Bros., Second hand-store, corner
Sixth and J streets. 2-U tf
FRANK BURNKTT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
Fairbanks is in the (hero class. He
has just res3ued a girl from drowning I Aug. 9, Friday Dance at the Savage
in ono of the Yellowstone lakes. i Creek hall. Dance and supper 1.
Ik-Bet Ao. ou. Held by Minerva
Medford and Grant. Pa" PV
Fe-.t Game-A. A. C. Win.
the Pennant.
The ball game last Sunday at Med
ford betwaen the Local A. A. C and
Medford teams was undoubtedly the
fastest game ever played in Southern
Oregon as it took the Medford team,
with their imported professional bat
tery and a few otheis, just 14 innings
of good, hard playing to defeat the
bunch of "kids" from Grants Pass,
with the score of 2 to 1. And then
they didn't earn a single ron as tbe
two they made were both on errors.
Pernoll made the one run for Grants
Pass and the only earned run of the
game, in the seventh, and he did it
all alone too by putting one over the
left field fence. Medford made their
first run in the 3d when the first base
man let one go through and Pernoll's
run in the seventh tied the score and
from that time till the 14th, there
was nothing doing for eitheV side.
It heoan to look like a tie game as
they were going to call it off after the
14th on account of the electric storm
which was coming up, bnt in the last
Levi Strauss & Co.
In the County Court for Josephim
In the matter of the!
Estate of Alpheus
E. Holloway
t- a
Notice is hereby given that the ng.
derslgned administrator of the abort
estate, with the will annexed bit
filed in said court and cause hit fimj
account and that Saturday, Augait j
at 10 o'clock a. m. at tbe court lionn
at Grants Pass, Josephine countv. rw.
egon, has been fixed by the above court
as the time and place for settling nil
account and all persons interested
fhavnin nrji hprnhv nntiflpfl fn fll 1
of the inning, after two men were preBent their objection thereto, on
down and two strikes on the tnira,
Grant Pass made another error,
which let in the run that won the
game for Medford. 1
This is tbe lat game of the season
for Grants Pass and, although losing
this gaine, they get the pennant,
thereby retaining the championship
for the second successive year. This
was what one might call a pitchers'
battle, as Pernoll ttrack oat 23 men
and allowed only ' two hits, while
Cooper, who two yean ago was pitch
ing for Oakland in the Pacifio Coast
League, struck out 19 and allowed 8
hits, five of which were made by
Pernoll "
The regular meeting of tbe "Y"
was held July 10 on the banks of
Rogue River at White Rocks. It was
something out of the ordinary, being
a moonlight picnio (minus the moon).
At 7 o'clock the young people were
all there and tbe lunch was spread.
It certainly was a credit to the girls.
After supper the party built a bonfire
and sat on the river bank. Mr. Cor
nell giving them some practical bints
6o matrimony, which were greatly
appreciated. The next meeting of
the "Y" in Aogost,.will probably be
something similar, ' so all young
people plan to come. '.
Press Reporter pro tem.
before that time.
Dated July 1, 1907t
Notice is hereby given that I will,
on Saturday, the 2d day of Augntt,
1907 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. a,
at the front door , of the Comity
Court House, in the city of Grand
Pass, said County and State, sell, tt
poblio sale for United States gold
coin, cash in hand, all of the righ',
title and interest which the County
of Josephine has acquired to lands
through the non-payment of taxes.
Will do your cement work in good
shape Give him a chance
Photr- 744. Cor. B and 5th.
Junk Dealer
Highest price: paid for hides, wool,
pelts, rubber, iron, metals, grain
sacks, and all kinds of junk. 1
Red Front, 6tb st. bet. I and J.
It does not fmake it any cooler to
watch the thermometer and it is liable
to make you loose your temper. g
i Cooper drew the quilt.
12 4t.
R ettident
Grants !'.
The city of Grants Pass has a park
but how many of ns realize, the fae.
IH-ated on the South bank of Rogue
Kivirand at tbe foot of the Sixth
street bridge, it has jau'idcal location.
There are some magmllcent oaks on
the grounds ami the natural tree
growth will no doubt prrve more at
tractive to the general puMic I linn the
artificial. With ita own water plant
in operation, the lawn is getting in
good condition and the green clover
will prove a great relief to tbe eves
after gazing ou the brown ilnst of the
streets. One thing that is great'y
needed to add the comfort and enjoy
ment of tbe public is to have some
benches placed along the rier bank I
where ouecau sit and watch the river
ruu by. There is nothing more attrac
tive to the average humau beiug than
running water and it has a sur
prising fascination to most of minds.
Like everything else in the world, the
Park shold be used in order to fulfill
its tuisaiou and it is most enjoyable
on inese summer evenings after the
heat of the day wheu a cool breei
blows op tbe river. If you hare a
bugkV ride ont 'to it or take tour bi
cycle an.l i( you t-aunot do any Wtter.
walk. a it is but a Micrt distance
from the center of the town ami the
exercise will tie better th .n any tonic
bought at a drug store T.tku a lunch
and eat supper and forot for an hour
The newspapers have not to the
stage of figuring out the comparative
efficiency of the navies of Japan and
the United States.
Joint installation of Rebekahs and
Odd Fellows next Saturday evening,
July 18tb. Visiting members are in
N. G. pro tem.
and CURE the i iiiunal
" Dr. King's
Now Discovorv
OUGHSand EOc 411.00
OLDS Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Complete and thorough training.
Commercial". Shorthand and Eng
lish courses.
Individual instruction at about
one-half the usual expence.
Note Our Special Offer.
Students who enter at the beginnlnf
of the school year, Sept. 9, 1907, and
secure a 9 months' scholarship forttf
will be entitled to initructiou in an;
and all the departments to July 1, '08.
This is your opportunity to complet
the oombined course. Ask for information.
Amerirao naval officers are only
comjietent to dance and diiuk piuk
tea. That is according to a Jaauese
tiavil expert. Important if true.
We migbt have known that it
would come. I'liaucJllor Day 'of
Syracuse University is going to write
a book on the trusts. Now look out
for some more free advertising.
The troubles of the house holder
are never ending; in the summer
time he is lookina for the
in the Winter he is wondering if
that tier of wood will r come.
Standard Oil pays forty per cent ou
lU investment and the uVar eonsouier
pays it without a murmur. Yon
think that you 'aro doing extremelv
well if yon em'get ten; per ceut ou au
investment but yon have got another
think a coming.
A Hi lo go professor has dug up
ome relics of au Egyptiau Tliaroah
that are over three thousand years
old. Just think what Chicago
will lock like at that same hence.
There will W nothing left but the
smell of the stockyards.
fll I If aV. l.U MlLsT
till La M l 1
Th School that Places
tov m A good PosmoN.
WASH. A TIlyry.T...
PVERY 'person who earns money should have a reg
ular banking, day. On this day they should not fail
to deposit a certain proportion of their earnings.
N our savings department seores of people carry ac
4 counts and deposit their savings regularly.
A7E invite, accounts of $1.00 and up, on which we pay
. L , 4 Pe.r cent interest Wouldn't you like to estab
lish a banking day?
Call and see us.