VOL. XXIII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 12. 1907. No. IS. IMPORTANT MEETING WORLD'S RECORD PRICE JULY MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICERS FRUIT GROWERS A SHORT TERM FOUR RUNAWAYS OF COMMERCIAL CLUB FOR CAR OF CHERRIES ASSOCIATION MEET OF CIRCUIT COURT FOR THIS WEEK . 9 May Build Exhibit' Buildina exnd will Aid Irrigation Conven tion and Fir. The regular meeting for July of the Commercial Club was held Tuesday evening at the Club room. There was ' an attendance of about 40 and a strong working interest was niani- . tested. The quarterly election of officers was held and so well were the mem bers pleased with the efficient manner in which the officers bad condSoted the affairs of the Clab for the past ' three months that a motion carried unanimously made by Judge Durham that the rules be suspended and that the secretary cast the baUot of the Club for the re-election of the entire list of officers, as follows : President, L. B. Hall, treasurer, A. E. . Churchill, vice-presidents, and execu tive committee, R. W. Clarke, H. L. Qilkey, F. D Eismana, S Blan chard, E V Smith, Frank South, George Calhoun. The secretary is chosen by the executive oommittee and as he has made an efficient officer , be will likely be reappointed. On repeated oalls for a speech President Hall thanked the members for the honor they had shown him and while pledging that he should do bis ut most to aid in the upbuilding of Grants Pass and of Josephine county yet he should expect that the mem berg give the officers the .heartiest co-operation and that each be willing to do bis full part in carrying out the various undertakings that the Club may take up in carrying out the purpose of its organisation. ' Relative to the Club's invitation to Secretary of the Interior Garfield that be visit Grants Pass while on bis Pacific Coast ttip, Secretary -Andrews read a message from Mr. Garfield stating that his time . was so limited that he could not stop here. R. W. Clark, chairman of the ad 'ertisiug committee, ' reported that in regard to aiding Miss George in her pioposed trip East to advertise Jose phine oounty that the majority of the committee favored an appropriation of 50 to her and . the minority $25. On motion the report was laid on the table Riohardson reported that bis com mittee had had a oonferenoe with M. J. Anderson, supervisor of the Sitki-1 you forest reserve, and with Mr. Cox, of the National forest service, rela tive to tbe opeuing of a wagon road through the forest reserve dowu Rogue river to connect the settlements in Josephine county with those iu Curry county, and that they had been assured that an appropriation of foQOO had been made by the Forestry Dc-' partment for the work and thntthey are confident of securing an addi tional if 15,000 for he same work. Supervisor' Audersou had Bunt his as sistant, Mr. Guthrie, with a crew of men to make - a prelioiiary survey of the route autl on their return a survey for the road would he made and work at once begun on it. Charles Mes-rve, chairman of the joiut com mittee of the Commercial Club and Fruit Growers Association to arrange for the meeting of the Oregon Irriga tion Convention and for the holding of a fair in Grants Pats, made a full report as to plans that the committee had formulated. Mr. Meserve stated that the outlook was iuot encourag ing f r the bisget-t attendanre ever had at an Oregon irrigation couveu Continued on last page. 35 Acre Farm 3000 3." a pros adjoining tlie city limits of Grants I'ass, nearly all in cultavation, good orchard and berries runtiins: wiiior thru place, electric motor snd pump l.irjje r noirfrom which nearly all of plae can be ;rrijx t il Fair b'lildings. This place is a snap at only $3(700. Will accept $1000 CASH paymeut, and give easy terms on the balance. THE REAL ESTATE MAN Ground Floor, Opera House Block $5,100 Is the Amount The-t a California. Grower Got i For One Car. It is not possible to say in what fruit or other farm prod not Rogue River Valley willexcell v. hen this most favored seotion beoomes fully developed for we can equal Hood River on Spitzenburg apples and beat them oo Newtowns, far and beyond beat all the world "on pears, beatCali fornia on Tokay grapes and New York on Couoords, excell Willamette Valley on cherries, equal Georgia on peaches and France on walunts, Rocky Ford on cantelonpes. South Carolina on watermelons, East Indies on casabas, California on alfalfa. Florid on to matoes, Connecticut on tobacco, Virignia on peanuts, Germany on hops, Holland on butter, England on fins Btock and Turkey on mohair. And then there are a score more of products that Rogue River Vallley can produce to perfection, for this most wonnderful Valley can grow Jevery thing that can be grown in any state of, the Union except the oranges, lemons and other tropicaffroits of California and Flordia - and oar climate'is mild 'and nearly like those states that we can successfully raise apricots, almonds, figs and other sub tropical fruits and nuts." In prioes realized for our farm products we are well to the front, but we will do better when the farmers adopt co operation and through their fruit growers associations and other organi zations ship in oar lots and direct to the biggest and best markets of the world. California has been making some re markable fruit sales this Spring and on a oar of cherries has broken the world's record for price. The follow ing is from San Francisco Examiner of July and will be interesting read ing to all who are alive to tbe possi bilities of he fruit indastry in Rogue Rim Valley: On carload of cherries t 6,100 GOOj cars of cherries, apri- oots, plums and peaches. 1,200,000 Freight and icing charges on BOO cars 80,000 Net 10 orohardists, except auotion commissions 930,000 This is the remarkable rerord of the California green fruit shipping seasou up to last Saturday night. California shipments up to lat Saturday 'night were 10 per cent be-' low the record for the same period of last year. Increased prices, however, are Riving the orohardists a far greater aggregate return than was the case last year. The highest price received was 15100 for a carload of cherries shipped from Sn Jo-ie and sold in New York. This is the banner pricefor aoy r ar loal of gre 'O fruit ever sent from California or any other state in the a i) ion to any umrk-t in this country. In fact it is the world's record for a car of deoiduous fruit. For the first time in the biftory of th California green fruit shirping indastry the railroals are making both the icing and freight charges, thus eliminating the Armour Car Llue's separate ioing charges. Averaging these charges to Chicago, N?w York aud Boston, the roads are getting H00 a car. So the difference between the latter sum aud the aver age pric of f-'OOO per car of fruit represents the profit for the orchard-i-ts les i he eastern auction comiuis aii;u and con of production. Contract .With Ceo. Hansen to Re-Timber the 'Rogue River Bridge. Following are the proceedings of the County Court Commissioners for Mosephine oounty which met on Fri day, July 6th, in the Court House, Grants Pass : Bids for construction of new bridge over Rogue river were opened. There were four bids and all were rejected, because of being considerably higher than the Commissioners anticipated. They were as follows: Portland Bridge Co f 86,975 Poget Sound Bridge Co 87,795 International Contract Co 88,983 P. 8. Easterday & Co 87,184 Petition of Geo. Strong for liquor license at Leland was granted. Liquor license of Colvin Busby, at Placer, was renewed for three months. The resignation of Dr. J. O. Smith as county coroner was accepted, and Dr. F. D. Strieker was appointed in his stead. Petition of W. C. Sparks and others for county road ,ln sections 23, 26 and 86, tp. 89, range 5 west, was denied. Petition of Alonzo Jones aud others for county roads in sections 81 and 83, tp. 86, range 5 was granted. Petition of J. W. Turvey for pubilo easement road, was granted as per re port of viewers. All real property acquired by the coonty by reason of tax sales, was ordered to be sold to the highest bid der without reserve, after legal notice is given. Date of sale to be August 2d, 1907. It was orderd that part of the old territorial road beginning at the point of intersection with the present county road near the residence of C. N. Hathaway and. continuing 'sonth easterly through the lands of J. L. McColm in the NE, Seo. 14, tp. b7, range 6 W, to where it interseccs with the oounty ;road running north and south on line between seo. 13 and 14, tp. 37, range 6 W, be vacated. John Brown was appointed super visor of road district iio. 12, in place of J. T. McCaun resigned, to serve for balance ef 1907. Contract for retimbering Rogue river bridge was let to Geo. Hansen for 6i)00. . The following accounts were ordered paid : Win. Jewell, work rd . 4 00 Merlin Mero Co, indfte paupers ' 30 00 Eiuil Gebers, wrk rds t! 40 Geo Gehers, wrk rds 30 40 H Yetier, wrk rds 4 80 J K Yetter, Co hospital 119 (l.i K Davl. wrk rds ' 2 3 Wm Ight, wik rds 8 7o A. E Knerbacli, plans bridge. . . M) 00 0 ftynant, wrk rds 9 Mi H S Wwyuant. wrk rds. 3 20 C Snimleu, wrk roe HI 00 J L McColm, wrk rds . tl 40 G Walter, wrk rds 19 80 f E Mayes, wrk rds 13 80 B Burrow, wrk rds 12 Ml V Danit U, wrk rds 4 80 C F Gentner, wrk rds 19 73 C Morris, wrk rds 2 t8 NThornpsou, wrk rds 9 80 B J Ayddlott, 11 Htl K H Gilfillau ... lrt Oil Geo Sparin, wrk rds ;s 00 V Stevenson, 2 days view rds 8 00 (J F Oeniner, transp rds J C Runle, countable, bta'e vs Doe 1 90 Valley Record, pi luting Slate vs Jennings 44 20 Mr. Km ma Ilea caie Lanier.. 10 (Hi C F Dixon, iinte paupers.... 63 90 & F Cheshire, exp, Htainps, phone. 13 TO Knox & AniH, lumuer rds.... H'.i liS G P Lauudry, laundry jail. ... 2 92 A Leonard, hoard pauper.. ' li On II U Andertou, board pauper.. 2 00 Joe Howell, brd pauptr . 2 on Lee Sowill, brd pauptr 2 00 Arthur Morey, brd pauper.... 2 00 (,'has. liervey, brd pauper.... 2 O.i C'bas Hart, brd pauper 13 ,"0 J E Hoogdon, bra pauper 13 O) Hackett & r.gerton, loru rds . 111! 49 K K Water Co., watr, lay pipe 22 Hi Condor W & P Co, light. . . . .W4 Cora Lemon, med aseist paup 10 00 S P Hospital, care paupers.... 42 10 J E Richarxon, survey Tur,- vey rd 8 00 N B Meade viewer Turvey rd 4 00 r V hteveuson, viewer lir- vey rd an plune 4 60 W L Tbompton, cbaiumiu Turvey rd 3 00 Wm. L. Jewell, chaiuman Tnrvey rd 3 00 J H Kincai, ruarkr Torvey rd 3 00 J C Kincaid, markr Tnivey rd 2 00 John F Richardson, survey Bparxs ru s w N B Meade, viewer Sparks rd 4 00 F V Steveoson, view Sparks rd 4 00 N L Thompson, cbainman Sparks rd 2 00 Wm L Jewell, cbainman, Sparks rd 2 00 Rogue River Courier, ;priut 92 10 Market Fruit and Supply Po.per to All Growers-Enthuel- astio for Fair. A meeting of the directors of the Grants Pass Fruit Growers Associa tion was held last Tuesday week at tbe office of tbe secretary, Charles Meserve. There were present Presi dent John H. Robinson, Wilderville; Diretors R. A. N. Remers, J. T. Morrison, J. H. Colby, C. W. Trlplett, T. J. Mackin and Charles Meserve, secretary and manager. The manager was authorized to make a contract for fruit boxes on the best terms obtainable and to'order paper. As there is such a Urge diff erence between the freight rate by car and small shipment Manager Me setve was authorized to arrange to lake advantage of the car rates by ordering paper for fruit growers not members who desired to Day through the Association. The manager was authorized to make sales of fruit, melons and other farm products for persons not mem bers of the association and to charge a commission on such sales of 10 per oent for tbe Association. The secretary was authorized to pre pare three amendments to the con stitution to be submitted in writing at (he next meeting of the Associa tion. That three shall oootsltute a quorum at a directors meeting. That an officer absent two consecutive times from a meeting of the board of directors without a reasonable cause shall have bis position declared va cant by the president and the board shall at once elect a person to fill the vacancy. That the name of the or ganisation shall be changed from nnion to association. Manager Meseve submitted bids for lithographed labels from Portland firms. As the engTavlng for each plate vi ould loost $75 it was decided to not have for this year separate labels for Spitzenberg and Newtown apples and pear, but to get a com posite labelth&t would do for both ap ple and pear boxes. The directors were enthusiastic in their support of the irrigation conven tion and fair for the display of Rogue River Valley products in Grants Pass the st-ooud week in September and au thorized President Robinson to appoint a committee to gather up exhibits, one member for each noighborhood in the conuty, SeoretaryMeterve was au thorized to co-operate in the selection of committeemen who will work to have published in the papers their names so that the public would know who to turn over articlt s tor tne ex hibit It having been decided that the fruit Growfrs A'soclatiou and the (Juuimercia Cluh should Hrrange for thn iriigation convention Jitud fair and that an executive committee from the two organizations should have the matter in haud it was voted that Charles Meaerve, J. .11. Hobinsou aud Lynn IJ. Allei should act lor the Association. Ihe committeemen for the Commercial Club are Charles Me serve, J. h. Hair and 31. J. An dtirsrn. A resolution was paused asking that every Irnit grower In JoHehine comity mtke 1 a point to attend the meeting In Medford on August 8, V, 10 of i he Htate Horticultural Societv and that the Corrmnroial Club be rrque-t'd to send a lariie delegation ol buMoeni ui n to Mud fur to boot for the irriya'ion convention and the K ijtue River Fair. Mr. Angus' Got ttst-he returmd M'lidiv licin l'ortlaud, where she has nput everal week- visiting. M ss Dorothea Wit-ken, who haa s(i-nl the (at teveral mouths in this city, lift Tlinrday morning on her return to her home in the East. A fire lias been raging on the bill nonhweet of town for the rmt few dajs filling the atuiopbern with smoke md sialiei iug ashes over the city. As we are going to press it ia reported that the house on the Payne Ia-e has been destroyed, together with a barn aud outbuildiugs. , J F Richardson, survey Jones rd ,. N B Meade, viewing Jones rd F V Stoveowon, view Jo. es rd N L Thompson, chainman, Jones rd. Wm. L Jewell, chaiuman Jones rd aud work R R bridge .. Alo to Jones markr Jones rd. , W J Rums-11, brd prisoners. . , Kinney & Troax, fertilizer court yrd L R Lain pti ear, painting rrt house J T Logan, cash advan paupr J T Lilian, corns sal and mlg M A Wertz, coma sal and mlg Glaas & Prod nomine, sup Court sdjourned on Saturday. 19 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 S 00 4 (X) 89 81 75 IV) 00 i 10 (Mi 16 00 ! 14 W 23 25 few Cases Disposed of and Others Held Over to Next Term. The July term of cironit court for Jospehine oonuty convened Monday ittl Judne H. K. Haona on thn bench. The docket was light, and after disposing of a number of cases the court was adjourned Tuesday uight. W N Normn vs Southern Pacific Confirmation. Gold Company. Grant Mays vs fit mat ion. James Farley Gustav Stein. Con- vs American Gold Fields Company, suit for money. Judgment for plaintiff. Condor Water & Power Co, vs R A Booth, trustee, and American Gold Fields Company, aotiou for money. By conseut of parties it was ordered that the case be continued un til the next regular term of oourt. W. J. VanSouyyer & ComrjanT vs. 0 D Burnett, suit for money. Judg ment in favor of plaintiff. George R Riddleas guardian of the persou and estate of Matbew Casey Riddle, a minor, vs Order of Pendo, salt for money. Hold over until the next term of court. State vs James MoOumber, larceny of a watch. Pit ad guilty aud sen tenced to 30 days in jail. State vs George Fay and'E Spauld- ing, assault, with dangerous weapon. Held over till next term of court by consent of attorneys. State ti William Light, 'adultery. Held over till next term of court. John Robertson vs. F. N. Mitchell and J O Mattison, suit for injunction. Referred to F M Calkins, official oourt reporter, to take evidence, for submittal at next term of oourt. WO Benjamin vs Ida A Bnjamln. divoroe. Decree granted. H C Bobslen aud R Thomas vs. Alice H Oulver et al action for money. Referred to oourt reporter for additional testimony. O D Sturgess vs Mary B Sturgess, divorce. Decree 'grauted, defendant getting the children. Otis Dieuer vs Joseph Diener, di vorce. Deoree by dufaolt. Anna D Moou vs Willis T. Moon, divorce. Decree granted ; defunduut gets child. Three Pines Timber Oo vs Frank Montague, Charles Ladd, justice of peace for Merlin, and H W Colby, constable for Merlin, Order granted for writ of review. Court adjourned on Tuesday, July 9. Over 1000 new Ellison Records will arrive at the Music Store this week. KEEP OTHERS WILL BE This summer by means of the many PLANS mid nice GOODS we are' showing. Why not at least Jtnow what thoes goods and plans are YOU CAN BE CmA andConifortahic This summer by fitting your porch with the jr0Wjrtjn porch cquipm- V UUUM can hIiow what they ore A Few July and Aug. Coolers Tents, Ice Cream Freezers, Lemon Squeezers, Vudor porch shades, Camp Stools-Chairs, Folding Camp Tables, Refregerators; Adj. Screen Windows, Cots for Tents, Porch Rockers, Vou Need our Coolers this Summer Furniture and Car- eU, I.lnol tuiiin, !. Curtains, Por tieres, MsltrMM, Pillow. Cob., Wall l'r, Clocks, Mirrors, Window Shades, l'iituret,, Picture Moulding. R H. O'Neill THE HOUSEFURNISHEK front St., Autos Responsible for Two of ) Them Hot ses Must Get Used to Gasoline Buggies, An exciting runaway which for tunately did not end seriously occur red Monday forenoon. Mrs. Lee Parker, baby and mother, who live about two miles this side of Merlin. drove to Grauts Pass and in front of the Josephine the horse became frightened at twcN automobiles and rau at high speed down Sixth Street. At the corner of Front street, George Wooldridge miule as pretty a catch of a runaway horse as has ever been witnessed. Mrs. Parker's mother was overcome and taken to a drug store where she received atten tion, while Mrs. Parker drove on. It was the first time the hone bad ever been hitched slugle and on the first of the trip he bucked and kicked for several miles. Mrs. Parker says she bad the horse nnder control and won Id have bad the aulmal stopped within another block. G. O. Oluiu aud a driver for the Gilmore stables oame near being annihilated Monday while driving to Merlin on a phone line repair trip. They were ascending the hill between here and Merlin when they saw a team attached to a heavy wagon running down the hill. The Gilmore rig was turned luto the brash to give the run away plenty of room, bnt the team, although there was a man In the wagon, trying to guide them, orossed the road ard followed the Gilmore rig, striking it and completely wrecking tbe outfit. Tbe two men were thrown out but not hurt, except for a few bruises. Mr. Gilmore Is looking for tbe man who owns the runaway team. The horse attached to the loe wagon in charge of Max , Toffs, became frightened at an anto Wednesday afternoon and ran down Front street, turning Into, the alley bark of the depot, Where a wheel was lost, the spokes nying in ( all directions. The horse continued with a three-wheeled wagon nutil the cold storage was reached. Fortunately no one was hurt The four horse team belouglog to Wm. Knox became frightened and rau down Sixth street Monday. They turned down the alley at the Southern Oregon Supply Co. store, where Clerk Palmer ruahod out and caught the loaders aud turned them into tho Gil more livery stable, whrre they were stopped without damage. Prussian .Stock and .Poultry Tonlo and roiuedits at Cramer ISros. COOL Cool and Comfortable ent we Screen Doors, Lawn Setters, Hammocks, (Built for Two) Hammock Chairs WHAT? We Have Told You ! Htoves and IUnges, Oranltewsre, Agteware, Tinware, Woodenware, Willoware, Cutlery, Crockery, Lamps, Olasswsra, fancy China, Uo-('arU, Haby Camas;. bet. 6 and 7 1