Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 05, 1907, Image 5

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    CWd, veigh and meamrs cmrytAin yo
tug America Grocery.
Such an
Sliced Boiled Ham,
Sliced Tongue,
Fresh Sliced Dried Beet,
Dutch Cheese,
Fried Spring Chicken, etc.,
it where they are prepared to koip it
Ould and under the beet lanPary con
ditions. We have our new refrigerator,
built especially for that purpose, in
stalled. Largest and finest grocer's re
frigerator la Southern Oregon.
Why you should try our Canned
1st The price is right.
2d The quality is as represented.
3d They are the new seasons pack
Eajlc Cove Oysters 10c
S cms little neck Clami, not minced,
1 Can Clam Juice, 15c.
I cans, Campblea Soups, Ka.
1 can Booth's Broiled Mackerel, Sfio.
1 can Alaska Salmon 10c
Finest Columbia River red salmon,
15, 80, 860. "
Lobsters and Fresh canned orab, 860.
Genuine Blue-Point Oysters 1 and I
pound cans.
Rojuc River Salt Salmon per lb, JOc
Lake Superior White Fisb, 9 for Mo.
Salt Mackerel, 18 to 15o.
Imported bloaters, 8 oents each. j
t Bars (5c size) Tine toilet soap 23c
Oar regular Oregon full cream Cheese,
can't be beat, per pound, 80a
Good comb Honey, white, 15c.
New Persian Dates, per pound, 12
. We keep tbem under glass nuf
Olives and Olive Oil
We are sole agents for The Amer
ican Red Cross Olive Oil, reoom
mended by physicians used lu oor
hospitals .
JuHt arrived in stock American
' Olive Co., finest Ripe Olives in pint
' and quart cans.
Finest Ripe Olives in cans fu II, pint 35c
Olive Oil full pint 65c
Teas and Coffee
; We can give you the best value in
roait ooffee from 30 cents per pound
to the finest Mocba A Java at 40 cents
to be had in the City,
i Oranges now at their best Navels,
M and 8O0 dozen.
White House
8 Items of Personal A
o Interest. i
Mrs. D. E. Dotson spent Sunday in
Central Point.
Miss Iva Mc Arthur came down from
Ashland Saturday night, she is at
tending college in Afhland.
Forest fires are appearing again
this year. The woods on the hill be
hind the reservoir are on fire now.
The Teal res tan runt 00 Sixth street
has been closed and a confectionery
store takes its place.
Mrs. Rose Gravelin lefton Wednes
day for San Francisco, called there
by the illness of her sister-in-law.
A.Shively and wife of Medford passed
through here in tbeir automobile on
their way home from Roseburg.
O. O. Land returned from Klamath
Falls Tuesday night, where he had
been on business for the last few days.
D. Grlffis; son-in-law of Mr&Woold-
ridge, came from Roseburg and spent
the 4th were, returniging Thursday
evening for his home.
Will Moore arrived in Grants Pass
Friday night to stay for a week or
two. He has been working in Ari
zona for some time.
Charlie Day, who is bookkeeper for
SImond's works in Portland, came In
Sunday's train to visit with his
parents for about two weeks.
Mrs. Mary Fetsob and Mrs. David
Stearns and chidren arrived In Grants
Pass Monday morning from Portland
to attend the funeral of their brother,
Willie Burns.
Bess McColm made a business trip
to town Saturday. She baa been
teaching near Lelaod for the last five
Tbe Methodist ice cream social
on Friday evening was quite well at
tended. Tber oleared about $15.
Mrs. Bert Miller returned to
Grants Pass Friday after spending
two weeks with her mother at Chlco,
Miss Marjorie Kinney returned
home from Pomona college, of which
lnstitntion, she has been a student
the pat year.
Mrs. Ray, who has been visiting
for about three weeks with Mrs. L
M. Davis of this oity.'and Mrs. Jen
nings of Waldo, left on Wednesday
for ber home in Medford.
Mrs. Dora Hackeny and two child-
ran of Applegate left on Wednesday
for Rod Bluffs, CaL She will also
visit Ban. Franoisco before returning
Roy Harper, who is attsnding tbe
Behnke Walker business college of
Portland came home Sunday to make
a visit of a few weeks with his rela
tives. He will finish at the college
in a short time.
Charlie Gliddeo, traveling superin
tendent of tbe Williams factory ar
rived 'here Saturday oigbt and re
turned to Upton., Cal., Monday
Bert Barnes spent Sunday in Ash
land with his parents and. Mrs.
Barnes, who baa been visiting there
for the"past1 twoweeks. They re
turned Monday.
The Grants Pans Hardware has
another clever display in their win
dow, being a representation of an
antomobile made 11 p of articles of
Claud Cheshire arrived in Grants
Pass Sunday morning to stay for a
short time. He has been working at
Marshall Wells hardware Co. in Port
land. He says he likes the city very
J. C. Knoll of Kearney, Neb. ar
rived last week to visit his daughter,
Mrs. W. C Bears. Mr. Knoll has
bought a place at Salem where he and
Mrs. Bears, who will shortly arrive
from Nebraska, will live.
Mrs. L. B. Hall and Miss Helen
and son Andrew, left Thursday for a
visit at the old family home at Me-
chanictiburg. 111. Mrs. Hall will be
gone" two months and will also visit
friends at Spokane, Chicago and other
places in the East
James Mackie returned to San
Francisco Monday after having spoof
a week or more visiting bis daughter,
Mrs. Claud Hockett. Mr. Mackie is
proprietor of the Hotel Martinet at
the corner of VanXess and Geary
Tom Harvey arrived bere Monday
from Coos Bay for a few days visit
with friends and relatives. He is
well pleased with bis present loca
tion and informs ns that Eric Bolta
former Grants Paas boy is working in
their store. He rretorned jto Marsh
Bald Friday evening. ;..
Mrs. Josephine Mowers returned
Tuesday from Roaeborg where she
had stopped several dava on her re- j
turn from the State G. A. R. Kn-1
campment at Newoerg to visit her
daughter, ' Mn. G. O. Goodenougb. :
jThe latter expects
Pass in Aoguxt.
to visit Grants
Trains carrying pas.engera leave Grants
Pass depot as follows :
So. 12 8hasi Express for Port
land and intermediate
stations 6:23 a. ru.
No. 16 OreKon Express, Port
land and wiv stations.. 6:211 p.m.
So. 14 Portland Express, flyer. 11 .35 a. ni.
No. 11 Shasta Express, Sacra
mento San Krancisco 10:15p.m.
No, 15 California Express. Sac
ramento and San Fran
cisco 9 05 a. ru.
So. 15- Pan Francisco Express,
flyer 11:00 a. m.
Mr. Lace and Sterling Rotbermal of
Medford were on our streets the 4tb.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer returned Tues
day from a trip to California.
Wilson Rothermal of Medford and
MissKinday of Ashland spent tbe 4th
in our town.
Dr. Roy Kremer left Tuedsay for
San Francicso. He expects to return
In a short time.
Donald Calvert came in from, Aut
horise Tuesday to spend tbe 4th with
his mother.
Fritz Dean came home from West
Fork Tuesday and will remain until
Herbert Gilkey came in town from
Evans creek Wednesday night to sr. end
a few days with bis parerts.
Claude Davis came home on a visit
Wednesday night. He will remian for
a short time. He is now running his
launch on the Lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gardner and
danghter, Mrs. A. ' Woods of Saginaw
spent several days visiting relatives
in Grants Pass this week.
Frank Masbburn left Friday ofr an
Eastern buying trip of five or six
weeks. He will go as far east as New
A. L. Lawler, leasee of tbe Vindi
cator mine on Grave creek was in the
town this week. He expects to spend
the Summer prospecting on tbe Feather
river in Caifornla.
Mrs. R. O. MoOroskey and mother,
Mrs. Hutchison left Tuesday for
Portland, where they will live.
Mr. McCroskey, having preceded
some months. - .....
Mrs. E. J. Hottenroth of Lenta,
better known by ber maiden name
Opal White, arrived Saturday to visit
friends and relatives. She will re
main until tbe last of Aogut
A. M. Lively and wife aad W.
J. Livey of Kennett, Cal.; came to
Grants Pass last Saturday to spend
a week with Mrs. Lively 'a parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Springstead.
Miss Nora Sydow, formerly a
teacher in tbe Grants Pass schools,
but for the past few years a resident
of Ventura, Cal., was married "at
Ventura, June 2? to Ernest Everett
of that place.
Alvin Wheeler came down from
Medford the Sd to spend a week visit
ing friends. He was accompanied by
Katharine and Dorothy Gilfillan, who
have been visiting the Wheelers.
Miss Helen Gilkey of Corvallis is
visiting at the home of ber 'cousin,
Miss Wilna Gilkey of this city. She
expects to remain about two weeks
longer. She is collecting bugs and
flowers while here. '
Miss Clare Kremer left on Sunday
for Rosebnrg, after visiting for about
two weeks with Miss Bemne D.ivls
and Miss Sylvia Anderson. Miss Care
expoets to live with her aunt, Mrs.
Aiken, aud attend school in Rosebnrg
this Winter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jewell left
Tuesday for an Eastern trip. Mrs.
Jewell will visit her old home at
Hartford, Conn., while Mr. Jewell
makrs a business trip to London and
Paris. At one point in Europe he
will be within two hours ride of the
Cramer family and will probably call
on them. I
Mrs. A. C,
PAula ft nrl tit rut i.i Mrbn ;
of Klamath Falls
arrived last week to .
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mts.
John Pairics. Mrs. Real went di
rect to Portland from Klamalu and
was joined at Drain by Mr. Beals ; with the urgent buslne-H of ' e office,
who is at present working and J This move will be of great value to
were-present at the Rose Festival. the publio who may have relatives or
Owing to the sickness of her father, friends traveling on t he lines and it
Mrs. Beals will probably remain ' may have a tendency toward the exer
in Grants Pass several weeks. Joiae of a greater amount of carefulness
A.R Crn-ll nttn P,.rtUnrt Tn. 00 the Prt of the 'Hiployes and what
day to attend the Funeral of Mrs.
Mary E. Stillwell, '.the mother of
Mrs. Cornell and J. D. Myers,
who died Monday night. Mrs. Still
well was a pioneer who crossed tbe
plains in 152 and is associated with :
early Oregon history. She oame to 1
Oregon from Keokuk, Iowa, and there
witeased the arrival of troops the
buroiag of the Mormon temple and
tbe.departure of Brigham Young
and his wives to Utah. Mrs. A. B.
Cornell has been witb ber mother
for the past two mouths.
Chas. Duffleld, wife and son, wbo
own one of the gco 1 ranches about four
uTi In this side of God Hill, were in
(irauU Pass a few days this week.
i A Brief Record ofP
1 1 LocalEvents
B. O. McCulloch has sold his auto
to Lincoln Savage and will buy a lar
ger car.
Dr. Dixon's new auto, a 40 H. P.
Ford arrived Friday and will soon
be in commission. This is the lar
gest machine owned in towo.
Tlie Baraca Male Quartette cave
a concert at the Presbvterian church
Sunday night which was a farily
creditable performance.
The Grant Pass library will be
open on Tuesday and Saturday even
ings from 7:30 to 9 o'clock during
the warm weather, instead of after
noons as heretofore.
The first ripe peaches of the crop of
1907, were Eaily Alexanders from the
Brooks farm west of Ashland Satur
day. The general ripening of peaches
in the Ashland district usually com
mences about July 10.
MoWililams & Powell f Ashland
closed a deal on 480 acres of land near
the Gillette Springs to a party of four
Albland citizens wbo have plenty of
means and will commence tbe de
velopment on the coal prospects on
the land. It is understood .that the
price paid was about 110 per acre.
Miss Mervena Kinney of Jackson
ville was Goddess of Liberty at the
Fourth of July celebration at the
Jackson connty seat, having received
the highest number of votes. Miss
Colvig of Ashland was second in the
contest, nearly 8000 votes being oast,
the proceeds of which, amounting to
about t275, went to the celebration
S. Cbase who came "to Grants Pass
from Vermont in the heart ot the
maple sugar district has received a
great number of 10 pound cans of
maple sugar from bis old neighbors
and oan supply Grants Pass people
with toe genuine article. Aa every
oan shipped from Vermont la govern
ment inspected and oomes under the
pare food law people are sure of get
ting only the pure product.
Tbe Kingi Daughters of the Baptist
church gave a pionlo Friday night.
They in vited tbe " Victors" end Rev.
Lovett, Mr. and Mrs. Patillo, Mrs.
Johnnston and Mrs. Cheshire Chap
eroned the orowd. They went np to
the White Rocks and bo lit a bonfire.
Out of doors sports were engaged in
until loe cream and oak were ready.
Tbey returned about 11, all reporting
a fine time.
A gentleman from Kennett, CaL,
saved himself nearly 8 by stepping
into the Photo and Mualc.honse.Mon-
day. He had ordered an Edison
Vhonograph from a Chicago mall
order house, who gives a free trial of
tbe machine. Nothing is said, how
ever, of the express charges amount
ing to about 8 whioh, of coarse has
to be paid by the customer. This
gentleman telegraphed to Chicago to
cancel order and took a machine borne
witb him from Grants Pass.
Assistant Postmaster W. A. Newell
returned Friday from Illinois Valley
where he had been to Inspect the
road and other matters that are con
moled with the establishment of a
rural mail route, he doii g this work
on tbe order of the Postofllce Depart
ment. Mr. Newell Mutes that he
found the roads in good enoughoon
dition to meet the requirements of
the Department and as the other mat
ters are a'l satisfactory tbe service
will be Inaugurated August 1. This
roote will supply the settlers lu
Sucker Creek Valley and will be sup
plied from Kerby. The service will
be extended as far as Browntown,
bnt Holland and Althouse poet officas
will be discontinued.
Station agent Mahonry lias been In
structed by the Southern Pacific ofB
cials to make known to the press of
tlii. v .' .tuil. r.f kit u. i.i.ii. . - .. u.l. i
may happen on their Ihim.
Tl is in
formation in to be given out aa soon
after the accident as au'l rrt'- reports
can bo secured without inii rfering '
is more will hasten tbe time when
tracks and rolling stock will be pnt in
the best condition in order to avoid
as much as passible tbe great number
of accidents which are occurring.
Abe A i tell of Vancouver, for many
years a resident of Grants Pass, at one
time mayor of theViity and later coun
ty judge, has been spending the past
vb fir ln In th crinntv' Inrttrlnff
J lhgkIng bMjdll wjth
-fi-,-,- , w mn., ,A ,
his son, Abe, Pisjer Hilitrom a mer-!
cbant of Vancouver and Mr. Carlon
aud son of Chicago.
T. P. Jndson and wife andRoyel
Whit more started this weekfor Hills-1
liro, 111., their former home, for sev-!
era! weeks visit. !
News Notes From the Business
Men to Readers.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physioian and Dentist.
Goto Coron for Plumbing,
M. Clement, Prescription Druggist
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 't
Placer blanks at the Courier office.
Sei the big line of watches and
chains at Letcher's. 8-22 tf
Kodaks and Films at Music Store.
For a o'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Fisher, the Junk man buys any old
thing. 8-21 tf
The Illinois Creamery Butter gives
best satisfaction insist on getting It
Ask your grocer for Illinos
Creamery Batter it is always good.
Considering the recent leduction in
electric rates, every home in Grants
Pass, be it big or little, can afford to
enjoy its benefits. 7 5 It
Illinois Creamery Batter is for sale
at the Southern Oregon Supply Co.,
Kinney & Truax, Grants Pass Grocery
and J. R. Hyde. Patronize a local
Merlln-Gallce stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Galioe 13, ret am
1 ; arrive Merlin 8 p. m. 25 pounds
baggage free.
All persons
ig tnemseives to
be indue ted
to the John R. Hyde
Grocery are hereby notified to settle
the same immediately to the under
signed duly appointed receiver in
Electricity is only expensive to
people who are wasteful aud careless.
To you who are careful, the ooet is
very little. Economical because it
oan be turned off when not in u e.
7-5 It
SOOVILL At Merlin, Ore., Wednes
day, ) one 3d, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs.
Kay Scot ill, a son.
DT 1 VT7 I Dn A 19--. Am
, vre..
Monday, July 1, 1907, to, Mr. (lab
Mrs. O. & Blanobard, aty ,
Falls, Monday. July 1, 1907, Geo.
Grizzle and Miss Minnie Slater.
Tbe groom la a brother of Mrs. J.
D. Fry and Mrs. Eolos Pollock .and is
quite well known here.
residence of the bride's parents in
Grants Pass Thursday. July 4, 1907.
William Gardner and Miss Fossle
Letcher, Rev. W, J. Gardner,
father of the groom officiating. I
The bride was a well known and I
hlghy respeoted young lady of this
plaoe and the groom is a bookkeeper
at Jefferson, aad they left Thursday
for that pace, wbere tbey will make
their future borne.
BURNS At : Grants Pass, Oregon,
Monday, July, 1 1U07, Willie Hums,
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Burns,
aged 18 years, of appendicitis.
Tbe deoeaaed arrived in Grants
Pass from Klauistli Falls only about
a week ago aud was taken sick imme
diately. Last week he had an opera
tion but was unable to recover. This
is the second death In the Barns
family since February, when the
youugrst son was itrlckeu.
St. Luke'a Church.
Tbe next regulsr service will be
held Monday evening, July 8, at 8 p.
m. The Rev. F. f. Williams will
preach on tbe "Parable of the
Sower." You are cordially invited
to attend this service.'
Mr. and Mrs. Allfred Letcher and
four children eiw-cts to leav M,,
. . . . ... . ..
on an overland trip to Tillamook the
j entire trip occupying about four
weeks. Tbey will so by team and
camp along tbe route wherever night
overtakes them
Big' Furniture Store
Another 50-foot car of furniture received.
The largest stock to select from. Prices the
lowest. All goods marked in plain figures.
Everything you need in furniture and house
Goods Sold on Installment Plan
Excelsior Sewing Machine Oil, best in tho
world. Sewing t. -chine supplies aud White
Sewing Machines.
Sixth and D Streets GRANTS PASS, ORE.
Are taking the
Buy them, as well as
Pocket Knives,
Scissors, and
Shears of
Cramer Bros.
Millinery Sal evt Coat.
Mrs. M. P. Anderson and daughter
will now close out their entire line of
millinery at cost This sale will last
for two weeki. After a short vaca
tion we will open np our millinery
parlors the first of September witb
most complete line of Fall and Winter
millinery that ever came to this town.
-2t 2t
Miss Geneva Mller of Leland spent
several days In town this week.
Mrs. Alios Mallory and Mrs. Ins
Mallory arrived Wednesday from Port
land to remain in Grants Pass.
Mark Barns of Klamath Falls was
her this week to attend his brother
funeral he will return soon.
A. H. Mock and family for a
number of years residents of theis
plaos bot for tbe past two years
residents of Colorado aud Kansas
arrived Monday to spend soma time
bera. i
irst Rational Bank
Of Southern Oredon
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest and safest way o f
keeping your money is by deposit
iriK it in a Reliable Bank. This
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way to
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all pnrts
of the country. "'
One of the most important func
tions of the Bank. W endeavor
to supply all reasonable needs of
our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. B. Hall. President
J. C. Campbell, Vice-President
11. L. Gilkey, Cashier
P- K. liACkKTv, Aunt. Cashier